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The King holds court...

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Printed on: 03/11/2025


Topic author: frnck blck
Subject: The King holds court...
Posted on: 09/15/2003 12:48:09

Hi, there patrons.

Thought I'd hang out for a bit and take a few questions or whatever. I'm feeling chatty. Plus I get a kick out of this site. Not to mention the fact that it saves me the trouble of having to set up one of these things. Mr. Noisy will confirm that it is actually me I imagine; or maybe not. Maybe I'll just have to convince you . That could be fun. News item. Scott Boutier will miss the first 15 shows of our European tour as he has recently become A DADDY! We all wish he and his family the absolute best, of course. I'm very excited for Scott.



Frank Black

What do these smiley faces mean? Does this mean that I am cool? I hope so. I've always wanted to be cool. Not too cool for school, no, just cool, man.


Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/15/2003 12:52:26

i have a question....
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Reply author: deadlydoctor
Replied on: 09/15/2003 13:06:47

I love the new album, it's a beauty!

Do you plan on releasing any more compilations along the lines of Oddballs, to get more of the hard-to-find stuff out to us hungry fans? Or what about a live album?

he’s tripping over graves • as rain begins to fall • and finally they escape when the shuttle bus is called

Reply author: Atheist4Catholics
Replied on: 09/15/2003 13:12:00

They just aren't even trying these days, are they?

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/15/2003 13:12:12

Yeah, you're really Frank Black...uh huh... *rolls eyes* Cause we all know, you'd need 2 different accounts to post from.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I don't post every 5 fucking minutes"

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 09/15/2003 13:18:22

If you're really Frank, you will know the answer to this question...

Last week you visited my medical boutique to be fitted for a hernia truss. What was the size and pattern of the device you bought?

"I joined the Cult of Abe / I grew a beard with no mustache"

Reply author: Ebb Vicious
Replied on: 09/15/2003 14:21:20

yeah frank posts a lot like a semi-retarded adolescent.

Reply author: Wowee_Zowee
Replied on: 09/15/2003 14:24:29

Wow, dude, you're, like, so funny and stuff.

Even if you're Michael or Janet: it's a sad, sad planet.

Reply author: Ebb Vicious
Replied on: 09/15/2003 15:03:45

you're not even trying any more. lame.

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 09/15/2003 15:03:46

hi frank (dutch spelling)

who will replace scott on the first euro dates?
and did this news came all of a sudden?
like scott hadn't noticed that his wife/girlfriend was pregnant
otherwise it wouldn't been really news to you or what?

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 09/15/2003 15:12:40

Well, if I am fooled, I guess I am a fool, but Hi Frank. I love SMYT and think it's great as usual.

Please come back to Nashville. People are still talking about the show you guys did here.

"Winter blows through my coat"

the what four

Reply author: IceCream
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:07:46

Really unsure about if this is Charles Thompson, despite that most of his statements are accurate. Anyway, one question, or request: Please tell me the reason that there is such a very very small number of times that the following songs were played live (I'm pretty sure they were never played live at all):

Surf Epic
Pray for the Girls
The Adventure and the Resolution

Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:18:56

Franck Lack...

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the freaks

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:22:03

OK, "Frank Black", if that is your real name...if you want to win the rest of the forum over, you can start with me. If you can convince me, then you're set. Let's play a game. There are questions that anyone could answer with a little research, but here's one that I've come up with that Charles Thompson would know:

Who is Jeremy Dubs, and what is his phone number? Bonus question, is it a home phone (landline) or cell phone?

You don't have to answer publicly, you can privately contact me. In fact, I'd prefer you don't give out his phone number publicly.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I don't post every 5 fucking minutes"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:24:51

Alright, so being the leader of the illustrious cult that operates in your honour, I do have a question or two up my sleeve that should prove one way or the other who you are. Or at least how much you know about His Excellency. Let's start with a couple easy ones:

1) What's the name of your CURRENT girlfriend?

And then, just to go along with the fun of having you pretend to be Frank Black, I'll ask you a fan question:

Are you planning to bring back some old favourites from your earlier career (Teenager of the Year, orange album, etc) back? If so, which songs have you been considering.

Don't worry, folks. All bets have been successfully hedged. :)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:28:44

That's the whole thing about this internet stuff...anonymity..we'll never know. But what the hell, if it can keep us away from the lure of evil corporate TV giants, even just for a while, and keep conversation alive I say it's all good.

So If that was really Frank, all I can say is thanks for enriching my life for the past 15 years or so, and see ya in October... if not what the hell? It's not like the writtings of someone pretending to be something they're not can have such grave consequences. Well ok, maybe thats not entirely true, there is the bible and we know what that collection of stories has caused. But hey we're all enlightened... aren't we?

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:49:10

Ding-dangit, I take one sick day from the forum and look what happens! I don't know what to make of these goings-on, but I'll be on my best behavior (just in case). Here are my questions:

1. Why is everyone moving to Portland? (Just lost my sister to Vancouver, WA across the river.)

2. Didja ever get to look at the book I gave you in Little Rock? I enjoyed our brief chat about Scherezade and Rimsky-Korsakov.

Off to take some antibiotics. Thanks for the tunes.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:51:49

Oh hey, and that's great news for the family Boutier. Babies are the best.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: peter radiator
Replied on: 09/15/2003 16:55:21

If it is you - thanks for the great new record.

I dig the "Ballad of Thin Man" vibe on "New House of The Pope", and as far as I'm concerned, the squeaky piano bench makes the whole record (and I'm not kidding).

I went out and bought a bottle of that the other day just to give it a try, and was very pleasantly surprised. I imagine it was much cheaper while you were in France...

I'm most curious to know what you and the rest of your musical associates made of the MP3 tribute album some of us worked on a while back. I appreciate the fact that you let us do it gratis, and hope the boys in the band dug it as well as yourself.

Take care, and don't let the bastards get you down.

~ Peter Radiator

"Real music is out there and real people are making it." ~ Webb Wilder

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/15/2003 17:00:37

[quote]Originally posted by mereubu
Babies are the best.

Kittens are alot easier though!

Reply author: NimrodsSon
Replied on: 09/15/2003 17:29:19

I don't know, it seems like he was kind-of avoiding Jim's question, but I don't think anyone who is cool enough to like the music of his excellency would be lame enough to fake all of this. So, just in case... I don't have any questions, but the new record kicks ass. Oh actually I do have a question that many of us want to know. Who plays what on each track of the new album?

Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 09/15/2003 18:36:21

I thought you were born on March 4 1964, which would make you 39, not 38? Am I wrong? Is it 1965?

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/15/2003 18:42:04

It's all in the songs, Cartland. "Wish I could go back to '55/Ten before I was burned alive." 1965 is the year of The Snake.

Still love your version of Superabound, BTW.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 09/15/2003 18:49:32

Ok, so much for my groundbreaking detective work. Thanks m.

Based on this new information, I'm convinced. It's the King.

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/15/2003 19:27:43

can't someone check his IP he is posting with and compare to someone else here...i don't think frank would ever call himself the king or use tags like "TOTY".....

Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 09/15/2003 19:37:38

Hey there Frnk Blck...since you're a fellow Umass student, a way to prove it's really you would be to give one funny detail about Umass that you'd only know from going here. I know you did some lyrical research in our library for Teenager or the Year, so you've at least swung by here in the last 10 years, most likely more often than that given your penchant for touring in the area.

That said, I'm very very skeptical. You've posted nearly as much in the last 5 hours as you'd previously posted in the last year.

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/15/2003 19:49:47

I can't believe there are people actually defending this guy and thanking him as if he were the real Frank Black. I guess some of you are relatively new to the internet...

He obviously has some sort of inside info. Of all things, he's posting from AOL, so there you go.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I don't post every 5 fucking minutes"

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/15/2003 19:59:51

i like to eat

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/15/2003 20:11:39

Here are some questions that only the real Frank Black would know:

Finish the sentence:
"On a wave of __________."
"Where is my _______?" (HINT: begins with "M")

What band prior to your solo career did you play in?
Who was the lead guitarist for that group?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I got tired of hovering."

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/15/2003 20:14:06

ahhh, i guess the best thing for us is to just not post here anymore. but when someone ont he forum replies to this guy as though he is telling the truth it makes you cringe.

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/15/2003 20:32:50

Aw, it's fun to play. Don't y'all have a sense of whimsy?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/15/2003 21:18:50

Well, I figured I'd play along ala the Dr. Bill, asking him questions just to hear his answers even though he clearly wasn't FB, but I've decided that he was actually trying to fool us instead of just playing make-believe, which is much less cool. I'd have been far more convinced or at least impressed if he'd been able to answer my question above. I don't think that's a well-known fact.

Let's compare the writing styles of the two Frank Blacks... below is an actual post written by Frank Black concerning people taping his concerts.

To Whom It May Concern:

As long as we don't know about it we don't care. For example, a walkman in your jacket? Cool. Stereo mics taped to the back wall of the club? Not cool. Mainly because people with sophisticated recording equipment tend to get in the way of other patrons trying to enjoy the show. And don't bother the soundperson with requests for channels to tie into. He/she has other stuff to do (like mix our show) and while it may all be friendly, we just don't have time for that kind of accomodation. But bootleg away and have fun. I mean, don't start your own record company or something like that. We have a very good attorney. And give me a copy if you have a chance (my brother likes to collect that kind of stuff).

Now here's the would-be-king:

OK. The airconditioning guys have left. i tried to nap. let's see.....who has a question for the king?...I'm sorry, just being goofy. I still seem to be leaving Ebbee with wanting for more. Sorry, friend, i'm just not that good. OK. On to the next. Billgoodman (not THE bill goodman, but good one...); Joe Kidd, a friend of Scott's (drummer for M.M. Bosstones) will be drumming. I guess the news is for you all, yes, we here in Catholic Land have known about it, oh, for about 9 months! Just fresh in my mind as the newbie just arrived the other night. Thank you Swimmer. And Icecream...Surf Epic...dunno, long instrumental, DOG IN THE SAND is part one of EPIC, so it did sorta get played. PRAY FOR THE GIRLS...gosh, lotta kids request that one...wrote the words at like 3am, recorded it at 10am (in the middle of a record...had to get there early that day) many verses... yeah...we have never played it. It's in that i forgot it before I knew it category. ADVENTURE AND THE RESOLUTION...that came out great i think. A lot of jamming and me saying stupid stuff like "ok now play it for 20 seconds!"...then many days editing this nonsense into something with a razorblade. Pretty fun. It came out real nice, though...McCaffrey's bass is pretty tough..Lyle played was just a riff that got fooled around with...never played it...Scott always asks if we can re-learn that one...maybe we will.


I won't do the analysis for you, I think you're all capable of thinking for yourselves. That said, I'd have been far more convinced if "the king" could have answered my question.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/15/2003 22:52:20

Has Frank EVER been on this forum? I've seen the profile for "frankusblackus," and I wouldn't expect him to post often, but has he ever?

" can see here by my grin I don't give a fuck..."

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/15/2003 22:58:56

Yeah, he used to pop in every now and again, but he hasn't been on in awhile. You've got the post above (which was on this forum), you've got the post in the SMYT art section, and there were a few more as well. I imagine he's been busy with the touring/moving and probably isn't going to frequent his fan site lots at the moment. Though maybe we'll hear from him soon, I'm sure I'd pop in if I had just released a new album.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Chris Knight
Replied on: 09/15/2003 23:56:34

Ouch. If the real Frank Black did come on here under a different user name just to chat up the place, I'm sure he'd never return rather than deal with such a blunt display of incredulity again. I mean, if this isn't Frank Black, who cares? Just wait for Dave's say-so before giving the imposter a verbal pounding, okay people?

When the hell is CBS gonna do a Murphy Brown reunion?

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 00:16:04

don't worry....this isn't him

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/16/2003 00:51:32

Chris Knight,

If I were a musician, and I had the fan base of Frank, I'd probably be a little bit understanding of people on an unofficial forum who doubted my identity. I wouldn't think Frank would be pissed off. I'd assume that he would've taken the incredulity into account.

Quit trying to be Dave's yes-man.

" can see here by my grin I don't give a fuck..."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/16/2003 02:05:09

Ha ha ha. This is great! I'm sorry. But it really is me. I'm trying to figure out how to prove it while not stooping to giving out personal info or have to get into behind the scenes emailing with someone...let's see...I did mention Scott's temporary replacement on the upcoming UK part of the tour...Joe Kidd...not too many people should know about that...what else?...I guess we could do a question and answer about my songs; that would eventually be revealing I suppose. Well, anyway, I'm not trying to waste anyone's time here, just having a little fun. I think ProverbealCereal was pretty funny. It's actually kinda hard to "prove" this without getting into something I don't want color are Dave Philips' boxers? And even then, that doesn't prove does it. Something we can all confirm...I'll check the next page here for any ideas...

Fra Bla

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 02:29:45

how many fingers am i holding up? frank would know this one....

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/16/2003 02:32:04

Oh, and by the way CultofFrank, the name of my "current" girlfriend was printed in a recent issue of the NME, so that really wouldn't prove anything. But not a bad way to try and get confirmation. Let's think of something else. OK. Here's some trivia. What songs does Joey S. play on the new album? It's not listed in the credits. Or. What does Van Dyke Parks play on Manitoba? Kind of a trick question. Not iron-clad proof....but more of a slow converting kind of thing. What do SPACE IS GONNA DO ME GOOD, BIG RED, JET BLACK RIVER and CAN I GET A WITNESS have in common? If someone actually gets that one I'll buy them tacos and beer. And what's wrong with posting from aol? I'm on the road, man. I don't have time to set up proper accounts at the moment. i need quick and easy. I don't even have a cable modem right now. Too busy. I just do shit, listen to the classical and jazz stations, and check my email. Oh. And I DO come here now and them. I guess i like to see what the gang has to say about the gigs mostly, or at the moment, scan a few reviews that are posted. Normally I wouldn't even read reviews, but it's so convenient and cozy here that I can't help but check it out. Well, enough of ME blabbing on...


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/16/2003 02:33:42

are you flipping me the bird, noexx?

Reply author: benwin
Replied on: 09/16/2003 02:48:35

Okay, Frankie boy. I may not have a question that would prove to everyone who you are, but, if you can answer it, it would prove to me that you are who you say you are.

Here you go : give me the first name of the former light man for the Pixies who now has a recording studio in New England. And what is the name of the recording studio?


Reply author: benwin
Replied on: 09/16/2003 03:01:43

Okay, Frankie boy. I may not have a question that would prove to everyone who you are, but, if you can answer it, it would prove to me that you are who you say you are.

Here you go : give me the first name of the former light man for the Pixies who now has a recording studio in New England. And what is the name of the recording studio?


Reply author: Retch
Replied on: 09/16/2003 03:03:45

Okay, i'm gonna join in this one.......Frank, when you last played Dublin, in June you went to dinner with some musicians from a band that were playing here that week..............

tell the forum what the first initial of each of their first names are ?

or if you are feeling playful, make an anagram of the frontman's surname ?

riddle me this........

This ain't no holiday.

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 03:05:52

Originally posted by frnck blck


well, according to this website your name is charles johnson, though i guess this proves nothing since it is wrong.

Reply author: kempes
Replied on: 09/16/2003 03:53:34

hello all,

I dunno, maybe this dude is Frank or not.

Myself and my friend sneaked back stage to see Frank do some interviews before a gig in Vicar St,Dublin 2 years ago. We then got our pic taken, and quickly gave him a present of a t-shirt.

Who was on the t-shirt? Ok, he probably gets loads of freebies from fans and doesnt remember but maybe he does, if he gets that one right i'd believe it is him for definite!

I am still waiting to get my copy of the new album from the spinart site. I love DW & BLD from last year, listen to them all the time again and again. These 2 and TOTY I have probably listened to the most. I am going to miss the upcoming Dublin gig coz I have to go to a wedding which is a bummer for me! Frank, dont suppose an extra Dublin date is going to get added?

best of luck with the album + tour


Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:23:59

There's a very easy was to prove this, if you are the real Frank then just take a pic of yourself in front of your computer screen while posting a message as frnck blck, and upload it. That would prove you right for sure.

Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:26:04

Where's Daves input on this anyway?

Reply author: kempes
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:38:45

ya big eijet ya!

sure he's only just moved apt and prob wont have his webcam set up yet!



Reply author: oddball
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:40:16

Hey Frank, I am an American living in Germany, real close to Ludwigshafen...what is the inspiration for Ludwigshafen on the Everything is New single? Is it about the town in Germany or something else? Looking forward to seeing you in Heidelberg.


Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:45:26

ok well here's another method then. It only takes about 5 seconds to plug a mic into a pc or mac right? Well if you are the real Mr Black meet all us unbelievers in an MSN chat and give us an acoustic session or something. :)

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:55:15

If you ain't he that's ok, but if you are, one question please.
The Session you did with Glen Hansard... rather than going it alone, why he? Are you a fan, a friend, or just happen to share the same PR people here in Ireland? Believe it or not there could be a lot riding on your reply

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/16/2003 04:59:31

Oh, one other thing. How serious are you about Jainism? Does this extend to a karma free diet?

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:10:51


Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:12:16

O.K. Frankie, here is the question:

Who's the black private dick whose a sex machine to all the chicks?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:12:22

SHAFT! I couldn't resist

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:13:19

Fuck that was quick, and the wrong person to answer the question!

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:19:22

"We did three days in a row, working twenty-four hours a day to save money. We recorded seventeen songs (eighteen if one counts the secret one I have stashed away!" Gary Smith of Fort Apache

Shed some light please!!

Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:22:22

Originally posted by Stuart

Fuck that was quick, and the wrong person to answer the question!

Sorry Stuart, like I said, just couldn't resist

Reply author: Jettison
Replied on: 09/16/2003 05:30:29

get some sleep and then go walk down burnside.

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/16/2003 06:51:48

I think that even if it is Frank then he's gonna get some people giving it 'this is bullshit' due to the anonimity of the internet. For all you guys know I could be Burt Reynolds!

But if this is Frank I'd just like to say a congratulations on the new album, it's a breath of fresh air and is some of your best work in my opinion. Keep up the album a year regime as I'll always buy your albums, even if I do have to get them sent to Beijing (which you could always play seeing as your bestest fan is here).

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: deadlydoctor
Replied on: 09/16/2003 07:11:16

Unless he had been drinking all afternoon, I'm fairly certain it isn't the real FB. Check out and compare the writing styles.

he’s tripping over graves • as rain begins to fall • and finally they escape when the shuttle bus is called

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/16/2003 07:56:51

Heh, I already made a post similar to this earlier, doc.
Stuart, welcome aboard! It's always good to have someone like Burt Reynolds. You may want to start your own thread.
Chris Knight, don't worry, according to 'frnk blck' he was looking forward to trying to convince us, so this sort of thing isn't a problem whoever it might be. Dave, Jim, and myself are looking into it, though.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:16:17

Hey guys, fyi this really is FB. (Sorry for taking so long to respond.)

Reply author: Jettison
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:19:30


Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:24:45

This is hilarious.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:34:28

FB, I believe you've posted under other usernames just to fuck with people.

PS-I don't even own a medical boutique.

"I joined the Cult of Abe / I grew a beard with no mustache"

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:39:36

FB - welcome back! love the new record - i think its the best yet. any news on the next US tour?


Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:42:56

And you guys were checking out writing styles....
How does Dave know?

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:45:53

i dunno, but he officially changed his title the "the man" so i assume dave knows for certain


Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:47:22

Originally posted by frnck blck

are you flipping me the bird, noexx?

nope i had four fingers i had to hold them there a long time.

Reply author: Chroneos
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:49:17

Hey Frank, I was hesitant to post initially, but now that it's more or less 'confirmed', I guess I'll go ahead and post.

I noticed your style is different than it was months ago, just in a more relaxed mode since the album is done, I guess? Anyways... I've wondered how you got the "core" Catholics together initially, I know they were on The Cult of Ray, but Dave M. told me in Louisville in March that Miracle Legion used to open for you in the late 80s/early 90s. Curious because the ML sound is different from anything you've done so far.

Also, the top forum graphic, it'd be cool to know what the man himself thinks of it. ;-)

Anyway, I should get back to taking notes, I'm online from a classroom at U of Louisville during a class lecture.


"I jumped on the signature bandwagon / But I'll get bored with it soon"

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:53:38

Hey Frank, our picture together in Edmonton did not develop well or at all, please send autographed posters ;) Just kidding but I was heartbroken.

I know, I'm pathetic.

Reply author: kromkamp
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:54:52

Hi Frank, welcome to the frustratingly anonymous world of the internet :)

My question to you is: What happened to the love for the first 3 solo albums live? I'm dying to hear Ramona, or Brackish, or Pong or Kicked in the Taco again......

Cant wait for your 21-day residency at the Horseshoe in Toronto next year :)

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:56:47

my pic of me and FB from the New York Fez solo show came out alright - cept my gut looks HUGE - i'm really not photogenic at all...

so send me autographed posters too!

(just kidding - btw, carolynanna, i remember when you first starting posting here, now you've doubled my posts...damn my lazy summer of no computer!)


Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:59:46


er, so, tell us all about the recent pixies rumour, frank.

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/16/2003 08:59:50

Ya work is not very fulfilling, but I'd take a lazy summer of no computers in a snap! Stupid student loans to pay off......

And yes FB please fill us in on the Pixies rumours once and for all!

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:07:24

frank can u please comment on my theory that u broek up the pixies cos kim wudnt shag u. (its a very complex theory, but that is the gist!)

new abum rocks too.

have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: deadite_99
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:09:20
Message: people are harsh!! ,allthough I can't blame ya, the anonymity of the internet definately makes you doubt something like this..

Well, so it's really the man!
I'd like to echo all of the praise for SMYT (it's brilliant!), and thanks for being you, and doing what you do. Rail against the tide of mediocrity!!!

Quick instrument question for you....I know you are a fan of Fender Tele's, have you ever tried a G&L Asat ????

Just curious...I'm a big fan of those, think you might dig 'em

Again,, thanks for being a bright shining beacon in a see of crap.

Hope to see you here in Louisiana soon....


Reply author: johnny
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:10:42

Originally posted by frnck blck

What do SPACE IS GONNA DO ME GOOD, BIG RED, JET BLACK RIVER and CAN I GET A WITNESS have in common? If someone actually gets that one I'll buy them tacos and beer.

Um, you play Kurt Kobain's Jag-stang in all four songs? Just a wild guess. Great new album, you guys sound UNBELIEVABLY tight. Get your ass to Santa Cruz soon please.

Reply author: Dallas
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:11:11

Hey FB, after your last Dallas gig, some chick interrupted your work breaking down the set with "my boyfriend is your biggest fan! I will LOAD all of this stuff for you if you would just talk to him! I will do this work, it would mean everything! pant, pant". I then noticed that you indulged the lad for a moment or two, but, the girl, in fact, never actually did any lifting or work at all. What appeared to happen was that you ended up having to spend more time breaking down the set because you were delayed by her false promises. There were cases all over the place, and miles of cord and wire to be rolled up. Yet, she never actually made a move towards any of it.

Which leads me to my question, what the hell is wrong with people?

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:11:25

This is all very odd. Why the mystery, Frank?

Anyway, thanks for playing Valentine for me at Zuzu in March, if it tis really you (*twirling my little handle bar moustache*) - see you in London in a month! Yahooo......

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:12:38

Originally posted by frnck blck

What does Van Dyke Parks play on Manitoba? Kind of a trick question. Not iron-clad proof....but more of a slow converting kind of thing. What do SPACE IS GONNA DO ME GOOD, BIG RED, JET BLACK RIVER and CAN I GET A WITNESS have in common? If someone actually gets that one I'll buy them tacos and beer.

doesn't van dyke do the sax?
and as for the songs...i thought maybe it had to do with moris tepper but he isn't on space is gonna do me good. then i thought they all say "black" in them but the same thing there....
give me a hint, i could use some tacos and a beer in portland when i am there.

Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:14:27

Originally posted by ramona

This is all very odd. Why the mystery, Frank?

Anyway, thanks for playing Valentine for me at Zuzu in March, if it tis really you (*twirling my little handle bar moustache*) - see you in London in a month! Yahooo......

There really is no mystery. He stated he was FB from the beginning. Obviously, we were somewhat apprehensive.

But if Dave says it's him AND gives him -The Man- moniker, it has to be true.

Just ignore the idiots....or don't as they make for good posts to laugh at.

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:18:08

As Fox Mulder might say, I WANT TO BELIEVE! The way he was first posting just struck me as weird is all...but I will slowly be converted.

Viva Frank!

In a world full of caterpillars, it takes balls to be a butterfly.

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:21:33

o and frank, cud u play debaser at the asotia on october the 15 th please?

have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: Johnny Yen
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:25:10

mmm, portland has some good taquerias. hungry dog burrito off of trendy third is good, but Ensenada's is the best. 3962 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 249-7378. I wonder if they've changed their flypaper yet...

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:26:46

Frank, if it is you - are you coming to Edinburgh for a week's rehearsal before the opening gig? You said so to my question on the Steve Lamacq show!

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:48:11

Originally posted by frnck blck

Oh, and by the way CultofFrank, the name of my "current" girlfriend was printed in a recent issue of the NME, so that really wouldn't prove anything. But not a bad way to try and get confirmation. Let's think of something else. OK. Here's some trivia. What songs does Joey S. play on the new album? It's not listed in the credits. Or. What does Van Dyke Parks play on Manitoba? Kind of a trick question. Not iron-clad proof....but more of a slow converting kind of thing. What do SPACE IS GONNA DO ME GOOD, BIG RED, JET BLACK RIVER and CAN I GET A WITNESS have in common? If someone actually gets that one I'll buy them tacos and beer. And what's wrong with posting from aol? I'm on the road, man. I don't have time to set up proper accounts at the moment. i need quick and easy. I don't even have a cable modem right now. Too busy. I just do shit, listen to the classical and jazz stations, and check my email. Oh. And I DO come here now and them. I guess i like to see what the gang has to say about the gigs mostly, or at the moment, scan a few reviews that are posted. Normally I wouldn't even read reviews, but it's so convenient and cozy here that I can't help but check it out. Well, enough of ME blabbing on...


Well, it is definitely confirmed that this is Frank Black, and don't I feel like an idiot for doubting, however playful it might have been. Still, I blame Dave for taking all the fun out of him trying to prove he was FB. :)

So, now that we know, we're going to bombard him with questions. The poor guy'll never know what hit him. And I'm no more able to restrain myself than the rest.

From what I've heard, Van Dyke Parks plays the piano AND the accordion on Manitoba, switching back and forth between verse/chorus. Which is pretty awesome. Not a clue which songs Joey plays on, nor what anyone plays on the individual tracks, but we're all very curious to find out as that was one thing missing from the gem you just released. If you want to continue challenging yourself as a songwriter, try writing a song with the words "Saskatchewan" or "Saskatoon" instead of Manitoba. :) Which reminds me, thanks for bringing the tour out this way. We lost a car last time we went to see you all the way in Portland, so going down the street to Louis' was very appreciated.

As for what Space Is Gonna' Do Me Good, Big Red, Jet Black River, and Can I Get A Witness have in common, my guess is going to be that they're all about space travel/colonization. Either that or they were all written by one Frank Black. Now about those tacos and beer... I'll settle for a beer and a return to Saskatoon next year. In fact, if you return to Saskatoon, I'll buy you AND the boys one.

Alright, so I've answered your quiz, right or wrong, now I'm going to fall prey to curiosity and ask a few more of my own.

1) Did you receive the tribute album from Ken and what did you think of it? And highlight tracks? Do you plan to bring So. Bay back based on Eric & Cynthia's version of it? :)

2) True or False: Pixies to reunite? Answer in a riddle if you can't answer straight up.

3) Has Scott named his son/daughter yet? I'm revising the bios for the page, and I think that would be a nice little nugget in there. If he'd prefer not to share that, I understand.

4) How would you like to write a bio for yourself? :) Alright, alright, too far...

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: guy_nolan
Replied on: 09/16/2003 09:54:47

Spidey sense going berserk!! This thread is a serious mind fuck, I'm about --- this far from belief. If you are -= The Man =- then I apologise for the doubt. If you can forgive please answer these questions...
1. Do you know what songs Josh Frank has licensed for the 'Teenager of the Year' musical?
2. What type of strings do you use on your Takamine? (The one with the hole)
3. Any chance you could ressurrect 'Oh My Golly' for the next Dublin gig?
4. My dad is still very enthused about the possibility of playing golf with the catholics in October... Yay or Nay?

Thanks in advance.

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 09/16/2003 10:00:46

i think all those songs were produced or co-written or summin by van dyke parks, cos wasnt can i get a witness done by like the rolling stones in the sixties (on album englands newest hit-makers) therefore its unlikely frank wrote it.

but wot do i no? lol

have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: switchy
Replied on: 09/16/2003 10:15:48

i don't really have anything to say, i just want to stick my head in this historic thread.
well ok, here're some questions..
¬ What's Billy Radcliffe about?
¬ What song did you play on that VH1 show in March '02 that never aired, Late World With Zach?
¬ What are the chances of more unearthed Pixies stuff being released (such as the Pixie versions of Brackish Boy and Surf Epic)?
¬ Do you have any comment regarding the pre-pixies dorm room demos that are available online? (Draw Attention, Fight With Honor, Just Keeping In Time, Silhouette)
¬ Do you like the Gigography of this site? spiffy, huh?

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/16/2003 10:25:33

Welp, I feel like an idiot...then again, not really, cause all evidence pointed to him NOT being him. It's too easy to fake someone on the internet. Check it out:


"I joined the Cult of Frank / And uh...the swimmer sucks dick for busfair"

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/16/2003 10:36:06

[quote]Originally posted by switchy
¬ Do you have any comment regarding the pre-pixies dorm room demos that are available online? (Draw Attention, Fight With Honor, Just Keeping In Time, Silhouette)
Please say you don't 'cause i uploaded them and i would hate myself if you had objections on this.

-I suppose that an official word on the rumoured Pixies reunion is asking too much...Or no?

-The oddballs 2 is a great idea.Here in Italy it's kind of difficult finding your singles so i hope we'll see all those b-sides soon.

-A collectionist question:have you ever done a song with Stephen Malkmus named "hello David Carlsberg"(or something similar)and one with Bono "Bullet the Blue Sky"?

Thanks,see you at Milan(though i would prefer that Placebo opened for you and not vice-versa)

"Protect me from what i want"

Reply author: deadlydoctor
Replied on: 09/16/2003 10:45:00

Originally posted by El Barto


LOL! That's great

he’s tripping over graves • as rain begins to fall • and finally they escape when the shuttle bus is called

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:00:13

wasnt elvis the king?

have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:10:56

My stab at the JET BLACK RIVER, SPACE IS GONNA..., CAN I GET A WITNESS, BIG RED question... all are played with a capo.


"I joined the Cult of Abe / I grew a beard with no mustache"

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:21:32

they are all typed in caps

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:28:02

I was thinking something about tunings as well, BLT

Maybe Frank [you] can tell us about different tunings for other songs. (hey I am the tabmaster, just doing my job people)

-the Adventure and the Resolution?
-Jaina Blues?

Any of those use different tunings? I thought maybe Adventure tunes down 1/2 step but I haven't really tried to figure that out yet. And I'm not gonna try to figure out Lyle's handywork, though I think he uses delay to get alot of those cool riffs.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I got tired of hovering."

Reply author: Steak n Sabre
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:33:45

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Hey guys, fyi this really is FB. (Sorry for taking so long to respond.)

I dunno Dave, this confirmation seems a bit under-whelming if you ask me. I would think you would have been a little more convincing if this indeed is 'The Man'
Sorry about being so stubborn, but that's just me being me....
Either way, welcome aboard FB...

The Cult of Frank: "More than you think, for less than you thought"

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:34:01

The mare and the man. They have sent a little bit of heaven down in the form of a horse for us to chain down and whip. Flogging might be a better choice of words.

Franke Blacke!

I had me a vision!

What is your fascination with my secret closet of mystery?

Reply author: JamesM
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:42:39

Frank -

What have you been drinking lately? Due to the allusions you make in SMYT, I'd assume that you've been consuming wine of all sorts of scents and textures, but who knows; maybe you're after a nice bourbon or just a cheap beer. Also, not to sound all buddy-buddy and fanboyish, but how's Portland treating you?

-Jimmy M.

Reply author: Chip Away Boy
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:44:01

F - R - A - N - K

The new album is excellent! I love the mellow vibe. I was just wondering, do you think you'd put out another CD that has majority Rocking songs like the FB&C's Self-Titled CD?????

thanks for all the music

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:48:43

no.1: it would be nice to know who plays what on what song sometimes but that's a
definite nitpick. -(a little more detail in liner notes)
no.2: I and an associate would like to do some form of documentary/time capsule footage
of you and your band -compeletely non-invasive as possible and you and yours could own
the rights -we just want to DO IT for cryin' out loud...go ahead and burst my bubble, do what
you gotta do...but let me know.
my associate is a trained filmographer in Asheland NC -(his brother is copyright crusader Lawrence Lessig)and i am the fanboy with 'blargomatic eye vision'(labor of love with a lynchian twist mentality).
no.3: if this is you -thanks for kicking ass and keep it up!

P.S. i was trying to figure out what cut has who on guitar
and i think this time around i can really only peg R.Gilbert
(Massif Centrale?) but everyone seems to be doing so well at
playing that the TM of the player is masked.
't's what it seems like to me anyway

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:53:51

Hey Frank. How did you do on the quiz?,12161,1042554,00.html

Might be tougher than the Driver's never know!

I had me a vision!

What is your fascination with my secret closet of mystery?

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:55:24

You guys are totally plugging up this thread so that FB will never read the whole damn thing, damnit.
The whole reason I found this web was b/c I was so distressed re: my picture not turning out and that the only thing I could think of to say when asking for the picture was come on pilgrim.
Anyways in my dream,
FB sees my post and feels so bad that he says
Hey Carolynanna, I bet you can sing like a mofo and would you like to take Kim's place on our upcoming Pixies reunion tour?
And then I squeal with delight and say yes yes yes!

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:56:59

He's not coming back is he ;(

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/16/2003 11:58:41

boy, i jumped ahead and didn't really read what goes on here yet
-but i know it's you if'n it sez 'the man' under your name how is Portland? my mothers side is all from there
and i kinda wanted to emigrate that way but she was insistant that
'there is nothing up jobs, etc...'
(that was in '79) i bet it's cool though.


Reply author: Willyzen
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:00:50

Hey Frank
I just recently send an e-mail to the band through the Sonic Unyon web site( canadian distributor). It's about rights to a few "teenager of the year" songs. It's for non-profit use in my animation demo reel.I'm an animation student at NBCC Miramich.

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:03:28

Do the Catholics play any Johnny Cash songs? Will you in the future?

I had me a vision!

What is your fascination with my secret closet of mystery?

Reply author: hawken
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:04:56

Hi Frank...I'm a big fan.

I was wondering if you were going to play any gigs with the Catholics in the USA (Washington DC area) before the Pixies reunion?

Also I was wondering what kind of acoustic you used when you recorded "Farewell Bend"?

Thanks for all the great music.

Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:10:18

You guys asked a lot of questions. Sorry for doubting ya Frank.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:25:50

if ever in Chicago and feel the need for absolute top notch Iyengar Yoga
i can set you up.
actually one of the teachers(who is a Babe)who does stunning poses and
is an excellent teacher is moving to France this week so i suppose the
offer can extend there also, her name is Alexis.
(I'm no hotshot yogi - i just know from what i've experienced that it
helps anyone, especially with energy -it's excellente for that.)


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/16/2003 12:26:40

Yup, I don't think we'll be seeing him again now that he doesn't get to reveal himself and this thread grew from 40-some posts to 140 in a matter of hours. Maybe I'll try to do some unclogging via some new topics...

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:08:49

... and maybe we'll keep this thread for general chat with the man. However he'd like to do it is fine with me.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:10:53

If I were him I would be scared. Poor guy, we bombarded him!

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:13:32

the guy was probbaly feeling fun one day and came by, then everyone went crazy. maybe he had a bit too much of that wine he talks about. either way it was fun.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:22:01

Originally posted by ramona

If I were him I would be scared. Poor guy, we bombarded him!

Just like we did with frankusblackus. After a while it starts sounding like a bad fanzine interview.

"I joined the Cult of Abe / I grew a beard with no mustache"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:46:35

Yeah, I know, I kept coming back and it kept getting worse. I was probably too late to stem the tide. Oh well, it was cool for him to pop by and confirm that he does indeed lurk in the shadows from time to time.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/16/2003 13:50:09

So does this mean frnck blck probably won't be getting 1000 posts?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I got tired of hovering."

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/16/2003 14:02:21

Hope to God he doesn't read the "general chat" section of the forum. I doubt he'd ever come back after that.

" can see here by my grin I don't give a fuck..."

Reply author: mdisanto
Replied on: 09/16/2003 14:18:40

Frank do you ever play at Colleges. I saw some thing on ticketmaster websites that had the "price" it would take to get x band to play at a college, and it had you guys at a relatively low price. I was wondering if that was true or not because eventhough the folks at Virginia Tech may not know it yet, they really want to come play for us. Great job the new album.

oh yah and did you ever hear that tribute album?

man this thread is getting out of control fast hah. well time to do laundry


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/16/2003 14:50:33

Gosh! So many queries! Where to begin? Well. Actually, I have a lot to do today as I am headed to Edinburgh tomorrow for our rehearsals. I'll be there for a week or so, so maybe when I get set up I'll get online and answer a few questions. Actually, i really like this one cyber cafe there in Edinburgh. Good espresso. Maybe I'll go there. OK. Back to doing my laundry and stuff.


Reply author: kromkamp
Replied on: 09/16/2003 15:13:14

Dont worry, we'll still be here whenever you get around to it :)

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 15:29:10

Originally posted by frnck blck

are you flipping me the bird, noexx?

i love that he assumed i was flipping him the bird....
now if i were el barto or the swimmer i bet i would have been....
but as you all know i am pretty mellow. hehe.

Reply author: Ebb Vicious
Replied on: 09/16/2003 15:42:27

lol. whooops. at least i'm not the only jackass who insulted chuck.

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/16/2003 15:45:19

i thought the real frank black would know how many fingers i had up but he didn't.
he did seem to like you ebb.....that seems a rare thing on here from what i have seen other members write about you. i don't get why they dislike you so?

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/16/2003 16:06:16

Vaya con dios, El Capitan. Happy laundering and a safe trip to you. (Happy laundering to you too, miked : )

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/16/2003 16:57:27

Hey moderators the "the man" signature was a good thing but i think that frnck blck should get some coloured cats "honoris causae".You don't expect him to hit 2000 posts,do you?

"Protect me from what i want"

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 09/16/2003 17:01:18

Sorry Steak n Sabre..once more with gusto:



Please....without further ado...i'm pleased to announce the visitation and postation of none other than....


B L A C K!!!

Franky, with one "F" - Frank-ee!!

<tears off cheering like Kermit the Frog> was that?? ;)

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 09/16/2003 17:49:54

Frank, the world needs Oddballs II. Some of us have lost our Dog Gone single and miss "Do Nothing" and "The Big Hurt".

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/16/2003 18:42:21

Cool...... but I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't post a oneliner of 'Shaft!' beck to me when I asked him 'Who the black private dick whose a sex machine to all the chicks?'

On the other hand it's great to know he is up for a chat with us, welcome Frank!

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: blackpurse
Replied on: 09/16/2003 18:46:52

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Sorry Steak n Sabre..once more with gusto:



Please....without further ado...i'm pleased to announce the visitation and postation of none other than....


B L A C K!!!

Franky, with one "F" - Frank-ee!!

<tears off cheering like Kermit the Frog> was that?? ;)

Well, in defense of my cynically suspicious and stubborn old man, even Thomas had to stick his fingers in Christ's wounds before he was convinced, and they still made him a saint!

Veronica Michelle Anastasia Rusnak
St Emeric's First Communion Class of '67
Recovering Catholic

"Sacred cows make the best burgers!"

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 09/16/2003 18:52:19

Frank, I'm not sure how the afore mentioned TOTY songs are completely connected, but I always read into BIG RED not as Mars being atmosphered, but Earth gettin' a jump start by martians many many years ago...and then themselves going the way of the dodo. Even if I'm wrong, can we still get a taco? Or a beer? Love the tears you showed us, by the way!

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown


Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 09/16/2003 19:13:26

frnck blck- i would say the 4 songs are all about leaving to start something new. that's the best that i can do for now. my english teacher would be disappointed. how about a six pack for trying.

really like the game. do you have any other cool questions about your songs that we can try to figure out? or better yet, where can we get the coles notes version to your lyrics?

i still haven't heard the answer to the question you asked last tour in a record store appearance "does anyone know the meaning to the song dog in the sand?"

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/16/2003 19:16:38

Hey there Frank,

Thanks to you and the Catholics, and your back up band before them, and even back further to the days of the Pixies for making some of the most kick-ass, memorable music I've heard. (I hate sounding like an overzealous fan, but that is coming from the heart.) It was my older brother in law who intro'd me to the singles to "Dig for Fire," and "Alec Eiffel" all those many years ago and started the craze. (Well, started the craze for the Pixies, which later became for FB&TC...)

Wish I had a question for ya, but I would like it to be one you'd bother answering, not like "would you please come play in my back yard," or something. Will try back later.

" can see here by my grin I don't give a fuck..."

Reply author: NimrodsSon
Replied on: 09/16/2003 19:27:24

For the Joey question, I'm gonna guess Manitoba, Everything Is New, and I would be very surprised if that's not him on This Old Heartache (my favorite).

I would also desperately like to know which songs feature Dave on lead guitar and which songs have Rich.

Other questions...everyone wants to know if the Pixies rumors are true.

The new record is truly incredible. Almost perfect. Perfect song placement, perfect length. You've outdone yourself and you beat the unbeatable Devils Workshop. Congratulations, and I'm hoping for many many more.

"Who the Hell is Frank Black? / I'm just in it for the free beer"

Reply author: Mike Rutherford
Replied on: 09/16/2003 19:47:03

So Frankie finally decided to come and visit us here on the good ole forum.

I've got a question for you; Which Catholics record are you the most proud of? I personally would have to go with Black Letter Days. I could never get tired of that album. That's a road trip album for sure.

Also, when you gonna come down to KY. and record an album with me? I'm ready to go...............

Reply author: cvanepps
Replied on: 09/16/2003 20:06:06

Hey there, FB. Do you still like distortion when you bar chord? Your live shows still rock plenty and I'll keep going to them (Cat's Cradle in Carrboro NC).

I love you and all but any chance of injecting more of a rock & roll sound back into your studio recordings? Hope I'm not being a dickhead (and sorry for the colored text). Thanks man.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-

Reply author: Atheist4Catholics
Replied on: 09/16/2003 20:17:33


Have you heard the tribute album yet? Any thoughts?

Reply author: cvanepps
Replied on: 09/16/2003 20:27:34

Originally posted by Atheist4Catholics

Have you heard the tribute album yet? Any thoughts?

Oh shit! Can you believe I forgot to ask about the tribute CD? Atheist did all the mastering on those tracks so give it up, won't you? A4C gets mad props, as the kids say.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-

Reply author: Kirk
Replied on: 09/16/2003 21:18:12


Musicians inspired by the classical composers, etc. Have you imagined how many active/sleeping musicians are actually inspired by you?

Seriously, there are people who take your songs apart in attempt to figure out the formula you got going there.

By the way, don't reform the Pixies. I really like what you're doing now.


Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 09/16/2003 22:05:16

hehe - thanks Mike. =)

"We've got Dean to thank / For this Cult of Frank"

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/17/2003 01:29:22

Which cyber cafe in Edinburgh, Frank? I won't plague you, honestly. However, I could take you around some good folk/roots music bars!

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/17/2003 01:52:02

Does this mean that Stuart is Burt Reynolds? Do you think his experiences during the making of Deliverance turned him into a serial clopser?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 09/17/2003 01:55:37

Uh... Am I the only one who still thinks it's not him? I feel stupid.


"I'm in the Cult of Frank/Now how the hell do I get out?"

Reply author: Wowee_Zowee
Replied on: 09/17/2003 02:38:42

Originally posted by Ebb Vicious

lol. whooops. at least i'm not the only jackass who insulted chuck.

So much for cynicism!

Even if you're Michael or Janet: it's a sad, sad planet.

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/17/2003 07:49:53

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Does this mean that Stuart is Burt Reynolds? Do you think his experiences during the making of Deliverance turned him into a serial clopser?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Ha ha ha..... so you live in Edinburgh do you?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/17/2003 07:56:53

Originally posted by Mike Rutherford

So Frankie finally decided to come and visit us here on the good ole forum.

I've got a question for you; Which Catholics record are you the most proud of? I personally would have to go with Black Letter Days. I could never get tired of that album. That's a road trip album for sure.

Also, when you gonna come down to KY. and record an album with me? I'm ready to go...............

So, first Frank posts.... and now a Mike Rutherford. Are you really the guitarist from Genesis?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/17/2003 10:22:13

I couldn't be bothered going through all the questions so apologies if this has been asked. I was planning to come see you on 2 or 3 dates in England (probably still will) but seeing as Scott won't be joining does this mean you'll work with a setlist or is it business as usual?

Reply author: leokearse
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:11:26

Originally posted by Stuart

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Does this mean that Stuart is Burt Reynolds? Do you think his experiences during the making of Deliverance turned him into a serial clopser?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Ha ha ha..... so you live in Edinburgh do you?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Stuart, if you really are Burt Reynolds then you'll know the answer to this. How many monkeys did you get through during the filming of "Every Which Way But Loose"?

- Leo

Reply author: Steak n Sabre
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:22:42

Originally posted by vilainde

Uh... Am I the only one who still thinks it's not him? I feel stupid.


"I'm in the Cult of Frank/Now how the hell do I get out?"

Damn, I thought I would be the last survivor on Skeptical Island :(
This just comes up at a time when there has been plenty of speculation and rumour-mongering concerning FB's old band. I don't see anything wrong with being hard to convince.

And, thank you Dave, for your decidedly upbeat confirmation....

The Cult of Frank: "More than you think, for less than you thought"

Reply author: harris
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:29:19

Originally posted by El Barto

I can't believe there are people actually defending this guy and thanking him as if he were the real Frank Black. I guess some of you are relatively new to the internet...

He obviously has some sort of inside info. Of all things, he's posting from AOL, so there you go.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I don't post every 5 fucking minutes"

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:31:12

Originally posted by leokearse

Originally posted by Stuart

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Does this mean that Stuart is Burt Reynolds? Do you think his experiences during the making of Deliverance turned him into a serial clopser?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Ha ha ha..... so you live in Edinburgh do you?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Stuart, if you really are Burt Reynolds then you'll know the answer to this. How many monkeys did you get through during the filming of "Every Which Way But Loose"?

- Leo

Two problems:
1) was Burt Reynolds even in "Every Which Way But Loose"? Clint Eastwood was.

2) orangutans aren't monkeys (they're apes), so the answer may be 0

Mr Reynolds here are some questions. Given that you're a Florida State football fan what is the name of the horse ridden onto the field before every home game and what color pants do you buy for the team?

Reply author: harris
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:33:07

Originally posted by El Barto

I can't believe there are people actually defending this guy and thanking him as if he were the real Frank Black. I guess some of you are relatively new to the internet...

He obviously has some sort of inside info. Of all things, he's posting from AOL, so there you go.
i can't be bothered to read through all five pages, so i hope that down the line you realized that it is c.t.
chuck- thanks for posting about the little guy- i was gonna do it, but i figured you would let the good folks know. family is well, see you at the astoria. maybe junior will make a few of the euro gigs. i think he might like french food.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I don't post every 5 fucking minutes"

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 09/17/2003 11:38:46

Silent protest of sorts. Kudos, Mr. Harris. And thanks again for Regina. We are eternally grateful.

He's the Cult of Frank / Fear me, the boy ass-pirate

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/17/2003 12:09:05

I already realized the errors of my ways! Thanks harris!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Did anyone else have to give up their first born?"

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/17/2003 12:25:10

Congrats on the new addition Harris - had any sleep lately?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/17/2003 12:25:32

Indeed, congrats Monsieur Harris! What did you name the little gaffer? And echoing Mike, yes, thanks again for Regina. We figure we owe 'ya a beer at the very least. Next time you're through we'll have cigars, even if we're a year too late.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: brick_is_red
Replied on: 09/17/2003 12:34:06

Howdy folks... first time poster here, longtime scavenger.

As difficult as it may be to show restraint and not bust out with a laundry list of questions for Frank, can we all agree that it would be nice if Frank just popped in once in a while just to give us news updates on whats going on with the Catholics recording/practices/new albums/tour wise (and Pixies reuinion info to be divulged as he saw fit)? I feel like an ass trying to converse with my rock heroes anyway, and I have major problems finding up-to-date FB info on the net, outside of this forum.
So Frank, if all these questions are too much for ya, just let us know whats going on from time to time, will ya?

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/17/2003 12:55:41

so he named the kid scott

Reply author: kromkamp
Replied on: 09/17/2003 13:30:30

I agree completely, brick_is_red.

Also, along the same lines, can a moderator go through this thread and get rid of all the 'noise' (for example, the last 10-15 responses). I'm afraid FB will come back a few days from now and see a 20-page thread with 2-pages of interesting questions or comments scattered throughout.

Reply author: Chroneos
Replied on: 09/17/2003 13:54:21

Originally posted by noexx

so he named the kid scott

I wonder if his nickname will be Spot .. heh heh .. I guess I'll never know why it says "Spot" on Drenched.

"I jumped on the signature bandwagon / But I'll get bored with it soon"

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 09/17/2003 13:57:03


Ever seen this picture? It is related to the mentioned song.

Just wondering, dougit

P.S. what did you mean when you said "When the clouds are turned to isles"
and "Life can be an awful plan." (Solid Gold)

(I know what you ment)

Have you ever heard the song, and especially read the lyrics of "Striped White Jets" by Guided By Voices?

(I bet you are done with this thread, hope I'm wrong)

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:38:01

[quote]Originally posted by dougit


P.S. what did you mean when you said "When the clouds are turned to isles"
and "Life can be an awful plan." (Solid Gold)

Ever look at the clouds at night? Especially a bright sky?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:39:39

[quote]Originally posted by Mike Rutherford

So Frankie finally decided to come and visit us here on the good ole forum.

I've got a question for you; Which Catholics record are you the most proud of? I personally would have to go with Black Letter Days. I could never get tired of that album. That's a road trip album for sure.

Hmmm...more proud of songs than records....records artificial format.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:41:29

Originally posted by Atheist4Catholics


Have you heard the tribute album yet? Any thoughts?

Sorry. I have not. I believe I have a copy, but as I just moved, CD's are not in the most organized state. It's on the list.

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:41:58

Hey! Aren't you supposed to be in Scotland?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:44:09

Originally posted by Malax

I couldn't be bothered going through all the questions so apologies if this has been asked. I was planning to come see you on 2 or 3 dates in England (probably still will) but seeing as Scott won't be joining does this mean you'll work with a setlist or is it business as usual?

Godd question. We'll see how rehearsals go. It might be fun to do a setlist as we haven't done one since Cult Of Ray, I think. Except one time when Lyle stepped back in for a night. Nos vemos.

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:48:26

well i thought i should say hi seeing as you're around at the moment.. i don't really have any questions... see you at london on the 15th october i suppose!

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:52:15

Just copied and pasted this but i can't stand the guilt...
-Do you have any comment regarding the pre-pixies dorm room demos that are available online? (Draw Attention, Fight With Honor, Just Keeping In Time, Silhouette)
Please say you don't 'cause i uploaded them and i would hate myself if you had objections on this.

"Protect me from what i want"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:53:19

Originally posted by harris

i can't be bothered to read through all five pages, so i hope that down the line you realized that it is c.t.
chuck- thanks for posting about the little guy- i was gonna do it, but i figured you would let the good folks know. family is well, see you at the astoria. maybe junior will make a few of the euro gigs. i think he might like french food.

Hiya, Harry. How's the fam? Sittin' in SFO Club Lounge, "holding court". Have you seen that thread about Scott Boutier: drumming genius? or something like that. It's pretty funny. Funny like that Rush tribute band we went to see...Hope you didn't mind my putting out the scoop on Junior. That'd be great if he came to Europe. You see that we got that other gig in Turin? OK. Time to get back to the queries, queries, queries. I think on this tour we should only watch Mr. Show (again).


[EDITED - Fixed the quote!]

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:55:00

nice try with the green font cvanepps, shoulda used red.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:57:38

Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

Just copied and pasted this but i can't stand the guilt...
-Do you have any comment regarding the pre-pixies dorm room demos that are available online? (Draw Attention, Fight With Honor, Just Keeping In Time, Silhouette)
Please say you don't 'cause i uploaded them and i would hate myself if you had objections on this.

"Protect me from what i want"

no comment

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:58:48

that's just gonna eat him up inside, frank!

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 14:59:25

I wonder if he feels as though he's throwing scraps to a pack of dogs. (Don't get me wrong--we love the scraps! I'm just laughing at us all sitting here waiting to see what will happen next.)

Dean, you sneaky deleter, I saw that!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:00:32

Originally posted by blarg007

boy, i jumped ahead and didn't really read what goes on here yet
-but i know it's you if'n it sez 'the man' under your name how is Portland? my mothers side is all from there
and i kinda wanted to emigrate that way but she was insistant that
'there is nothing up jobs, etc...'
(that was in '79) i bet it's cool though.


Portland is cooool. Especially us yups livin' the LL (loftlifestyle).

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:01:58

i can't believe you guys were so crappy towards the man(dave said he was, right? i'm a little confused).well, i've never had the chance to talk to him before, so hey! and frank, if you see a very nervous teenager walking towards you at some point after the vicar street gig in dublin, don't let her change her mind and run away!
and smyt is officially now my favourite kiss(i mean record) ever. thank you sir.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:02:19

Do you prefer to be called Frank, Charles, or Chuck here? Or something else?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Did anyone else have to give up their first born?"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:02:57

Originally posted by hawken

Hi Frank...I'm a big fan.

I was wondering if you were going to play any gigs with the Catholics in the USA (Washington DC area) before the Pixies reunion?

Also I was wondering what kind of acoustic you used when you recorded "Farewell Bend"?

Thanks for all the great music.

A very specific question...will FB&THECs play D.C. BEFORE the Pixies reunion? Huh.

I think I played my 1956 Martin (ees ay good wun...)

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:05:08

Originally posted by mdisanto

Frank do you ever play at Colleges. I saw some thing on ticketmaster websites that had the "price" it would take to get x band to play at a college, and it had you guys at a relatively low price. I was wondering if that was true or not because eventhough the folks at Virginia Tech may not know it yet, they really want to come play for us. Great job the new album.

oh yah and did you ever hear that tribute album?

man this thread is getting out of control fast hah. well time to do laundry


Make us an offer....a GOOD offer! See you at the gig.

Reply author: vlad drac
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:06:10

So is all the pixies reunion articles we've seen online true, or is some of it exaggerated?

Glad to see someone else is enjoying the mr. show dvd's.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:07:42

Alright, well sorry for asking for another scrap, but since you seem to be kicking around I do have one more question that I didn't ask a few pages ago:

We had your express permission to do the Frank Black tribute (please be sure to pop by with comments after you hear it, we'd love that). We're about to start a Pixies tribute album as the 'next step' and just wanted to receive your OK on going ahead with it and covering those songs. It will be the same thing as before, no money changing hands, just a fun project from some of your most devoted/obsessed fans. :)


"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:09:51

Ooh, I finally thought of a question for the theatre lady to ask: Did you enjoy your Disastodrome experience? Do you have any plans to do anything similarly theatrical in the future? The set/light designer is my boss/friend & he spoke very highly of your performance.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:11:19

Originally posted by El Barto

Do you prefer to be called Frank, Charles, or Chuck here? Or something else?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Did anyone else have to give up their first born?"

As long as one makes themselves understood to me, all is good. Thanks for fixing my responses; I'm new at this. I get how to leave the quote in now...

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:13:37

Not a problem! Just wanted to throw some ass kissing in: sorry for doubting you in the beginning! You know how easy it is for people to fake other people on the net...welcome back to the forum :)

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Did anyone else have to give up their first born?"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:14:32

Frank Black, sir,*bows*(come on guys, be respectful!) couldya maybe play the snake or coastline in dublin cos i'd love to hear those live. you played new house of the pope and nadine if i remember correctly and they rocked on just the semi-accoustic so...yeah.
and i like the term 'uber-fans' though if anybody else said that i'd probably hate it.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:16:43

Originally posted by switchy

i don't really have anything to say, i just want to stick my head in this historic thread.
well ok, here're some questions..
¬ What's Billy Radcliffe about?
¬ What song did you play on that VH1 show in March '02 that never aired, Late World With Zach?
¬ What are the chances of more unearthed Pixies stuff being released (such as the Pixie versions of Brackish Boy and Surf Epic)?
¬ Do you have any comment regarding the pre-pixies dorm room demos that are available online? (Draw Attention, Fight With Honor, Just Keeping In Time, Silhouette)
¬ Do you like the Gigography of this site? spiffy, huh?

the answers are almost always in the lyrics...oh yeah, forgot about that Pixies version of BB...huh...I DO like the gigography. I just noticed it the other day. It made me feel...tired...did I play all those gigs? Well, thanks for it if you had anything to do with it...never did that VH1 show...those old What are ya gonna do? Gotta start somewhere.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:17:26

Hello Frank,

Looks like you are currently holding court. Thanks for sharing your time. Love your music- especially your lyrics. I find the song "All my Ghosts" very interesting with the references to the fallen angels and henry the eighth. Can you give us any hints or insights into the song?


Reply author: remig
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:18:04

Frank, I wanted to thank you for the Paris solo show you did at The Batofar this summer, and specially for the Shrimp Song translated in French.

Do you know who will open for you in Paris in November?

"Possession of anything new or expensive only reflected a person's lack of theology and geometry"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:19:53

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

I was thinking something about tunings as well, BLT

Maybe Frank [you] can tell us about different tunings for other songs. (hey I am the tabmaster, just doing my job people)

-the Adventure and the Resolution?
-Jaina Blues?

Any of those use different tunings? I thought maybe Adventure tunes down 1/2 step but I haven't really tried to figure that out yet. And I'm not gonna try to figure out Lyle's handywork, though I think he uses delay to get alot of those cool riffs.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / But I got tired of hovering."

I think that Adventure is DADADE; Jim Jones from Pere Ubu showed me that...Jaina is one of those Keith Richards tunings...Dave Philips showed me...can't remember right now. Actually I gotta learn it again if we're gonna do the song...guess I could play it differently.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:22:49

Originally posted by guy_nolan

Spidey sense going berserk!! This thread is a serious mind fuck, I'm about --- this far from belief. If you are -= The Man =- then I apologise for the doubt. If you can forgive please answer these questions...
1. Do you know what songs Josh Frank has licensed for the 'Teenager of the Year' musical?
2. What type of strings do you use on your Takamine? (The one with the hole)
3. Any chance you could ressurrect 'Oh My Golly' for the next Dublin gig?
4. My dad is still very enthused about the possibility of playing golf with the catholics in October... Yay or Nay?

Thanks in advance.

1. no idea
2. d'addario..fancy ones...coated
3. always a chance
4. Yay!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:24:51

Originally posted by oddball

Hey Frank, I am an American living in Germany, real close to Ludwigshafen...what is the inspiration for Ludwigshafen on the Everything is New single? Is it about the town in Germany or something else? Looking forward to seeing you in Heidelberg.


The answer is almost always in the lyrics...

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:25:56

hey frank, could i be friends with dave p. or rich gilbert? i'm friends with richard presley of the breeders( why oh why did i mention them) and i'm trying to collect 'the extra guitarist' friends.
the next victim i'm going after is ed o'brien(could he and rich talk about tanya donnelly?(i didn't know rich liked her(maybe he doesnt) til i read that livejournal thing.)

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:27:27

and yes i realise its a fake! don't make fum of me *glares at mike to make sure*

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:28:48

i mean fun. not fum.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:29:05

Jessie, we would never make fum of you, dear.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:31:41

Originally posted by Foucaults Dog

Oh, one other thing. How serious are you about Jainism? Does this extend to a karma free diet?

Well, how serious are YOU about Jainism? Now, karma free that like free-range? Sorry. A little dark humor. I dig the Jains. Ever see the monastery with the bug chutes? Gently sweep 'em in and send 'em on their way! Amazing. The Jain grain sellers, too...with the food bowls for the rats! Great. No. I do dig 'em. I like that one site. real peaceful-like. I guess philosophy is something that you can dicuss all night. But I like to read the Jain stuff on that site from time to time. Dunno why. Just do.

Reply author: PsychicTwin
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:32:10

Hey Frank, just wanted to say a quick hello. I think I speak for many of us here when I say that it's awesome to have you stop by the board. Harris, you too.

I guess my question for you is two part:

What music have you been listening to these days, and have you read any good books lately?

I'm ashamed to say I haven't picked up SMYT yet, but I plan on doing so with the utmost quickness.
Anyway, safe travels and I'll be looking forward to the next Catholics show here in DC.


~Our children are all released, since the river flushed them clean~ --->

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:32:24

Frank, do you guys ever play ANGST live? Would you consider it in London?

Also, what is your favorite book? If you have one.

Thanks for visiting us, we (obviously) appreciate it.

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:33:03

Hey! Book question overlap. Nerds.

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:33:12

haw haw. beat you mere. i repeat, haw haw.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:34:24

Originally posted by Foucaults Dog

If you ain't he that's ok, but if you are, one question please.
The Session you did with Glen Hansard... rather than going it alone, why he? Are you a fan, a friend, or just happen to share the same PR people here in Ireland? Believe it or not there could be a lot riding on your reply

Explain. Is some guy gonna lose his pinkie if I give the wrong answer?

"Non-possessiveness controls the senses

in the same way as a hook controls the elephant. "

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:35:33

Originally posted by Broken Face

FB - welcome back! love the new record - i think its the best yet. any news on the next US tour?


Thanks. No U.S. dates yet. We'll do some for sure.

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:36:16

...glen ain't that popular.
well, amongst me.
i think it means your credibility hangs in the balance.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:37:47

franks at 25 posts!! get the man some cats by his name.

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:39:42

dave, let frank show his true colours. i think some rainbow cats are in order.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:41:58

OK, one last feeble attempt. People are going to start gnawing my shins if I don't go cook dinner soon.

I maintain the FAQ section for the website. Is there any question/answer combo that you'd like me to add to that section so that you can quit answering it? Anything you're just sick to death of answering for the patrons? (Besides my questions? :-)

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: remig
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:41:58

Frank, a stupid question, but what is your favorite french food?

"Possession of anything new or expensive only reflected a person's lack of theology and geometry"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:42:37

Oh, they should be black cats. All the way.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: Robert Onion
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:43:17

greetings frank

i have two questions. my first one forgive me if this has been answered since i didn't check all the pages in this topic

1 - is all the hoopla the media has about a pixies 'reunion' true or false?

2 - do you know when is the release date for the film Low Budget Time Machine?

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:44:21

well, goodnight all. its 11.43 here and i'm up at 7.oo tomorrow(later than usual).and thank you Frank for humouring us. even though you ignored my stupid questions(i don't blame you, especially the akward last one). have fun, and don't forget to brush your teeth.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:46:18

okay 7.00 i mean. don't make FUM of me mere! i'm just too tired.

"In the Cult of Frank/it pays off to be an 'Irish Chick'"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:47:18

Sleep tight, you crazy kid.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 09/17/2003 15:51:34

Hello Frank,

Can you tell us about your Teenager of the Year Award? What did you do to get it? (Please don't be modest.)

Reply author: cvanepps
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:10:29

Originally posted by Carolynanna

nice try with the green font cvanepps, shoulda used red.

I thought red was too pushy. FB has right of first refusal on any question posed so, no biggie.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-

Reply author: harringk
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:15:57

Hi Frank! (grinning uncontrollably)

There is a striking difference between the musical styles of the first 2 live-to-2-track CDs and the last 3 or 4.

Is that due to a conscious effort on your part to take your music in a different direction, or does music just pour out of your soul and you do your best to record it without regard to style or genre?



Reply author: gary13th
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:17:15

crikey, the man himself is here ?
Hi Frank,
the wife and myself are coming to the edinburgh gig and i'll be heading to the Sheffield gig...though it would have been lovely to have had a date in wonderful newcastle (lots of lovely, friendly people here !)
to also let you know - i was a Frank Black fan before hearing any Pixies songs ! I didnt own a Pixies album until after I bought TOTY.
i'll ask a couple of questions and hope for a reply (sorry if things have been asked before)
1- will there be any FB&TC merchandise available at the gigs ?
2- any chance of a video for Nadine ? would be great seeing it on the music channels, spreading the gospel to the masses !
3- not really a question - i hope these songs can be incorporated somewhere into a (non)setlist: Living on soul, Do Nothing, Velvety, Ole Mullholland (i think it'd sound great with pedal steel...) and Man of Steel (my wifes favourite FB&TC song !)

thanks for visiting the forum, thanks for the great music now and in previous years.

~you will get used to me, welcome to your new joy
Heloise by FB&TC

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:22:07

Im the only person to ask a godd question thats so cool I may uh...screen. woo woo! Early Warnings

Reply author: misleadtheworld
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:23:13

Hey Frank,

dare i ask anything of this pixies reunion? also, whatever happened to that fender mustang you played in the video to allison? and one last question....what is your opinion of a mr zane lowe? i believe you met him on an mtv channel in the uk recently....*ahem*

Reply author: Don Eduardo
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:27:55

Frank - why the cancellation of the aussie tour?? You've gotta come here!!!

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:30:54

night, day...all the time. i think you were talking about parsistant contra--s, also known as ch-----ils...GBV "Striped White Jets"...

Striped White Jets
(R. Pollard)

Send in the striped white jets
In through stained glass ceilings, ah-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh
Color them white or red

Don't let anyone find out
Or expose your feelings, ah-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh
Cover your head instead

And penetrate this dark heart
And as the wound is healing, ah-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh
Crawl to the other side

Where things are new in brilliant blue
And striped white jets come speeding through, ah-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh

And we must not forget
The sudden pain of birth and greed
And what's expected of this superbreed

And those who dream to touch the sun
And those who run
Who always run

Perfect striped white jets
In their hangars bleeding, ah-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh
Cover them all in black....

have you ever seen that pict i have the link to? really do tell me, if it on your computer and study it, here is a hint...abe & melchezedik...

later frank...

p.s. seen you a few times in ole' tucson. including the ten guitars over the soldier night...
I'm sorta short, just like you.

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:35:03

frank, one more thing.

i now live in flagstaff, Arizona.

God's country.

please come play here.


when NAU is in sesson (larger fan base here in Flag when the university is in session)

and advertise in Pheonix....



Reply author: leokearse
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:38:03

Originally posted by darwin

Originally posted by leokearse

Originally posted by Stuart

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Does this mean that Stuart is Burt Reynolds? Do you think his experiences during the making of Deliverance turned him into a serial clopser?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Ha ha ha..... so you live in Edinburgh do you?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Stuart, if you really are Burt Reynolds then you'll know the answer to this. How many monkeys did you get through during the filming of "Every Which Way But Loose"?

- Leo

Two problems:
1) was Burt Reynolds even in "Every Which Way But Loose"? Clint Eastwood was.

2) orangutans aren't monkeys (they're apes), so the answer may be 0

Mr Reynolds here are some questions. Given that you're a Florida State football fan what is the name of the horse ridden onto the field before every home game and what color pants do you buy for the team?

A pedant writes:

Orangutang may or may not be French for orange monkey. Burt Reynolds may or may not have been in Bedtime for Bonzo. But Stuart lives in China, and is unlikely to be an octogenarian movie star.

Under the old studio system, orangutangs in films are given amphetamines, PG Tips and monkey porn to keep them going during long days of filming, just like Judy Garland was. If they droop or flake out they are burnt with cigarettes. Oooh ya fucker! If they are burnt too much, they die from pain.

As Burt Reynolds smokes cigars the size of a childs leg, I think the question is a fair one. And I bet you thought the Lion King was a family movie. Oh yeah hakuna mattatta!

So yeah, if you really are Burt Reynolds, which ones are orangutangs? The ones with big noses and bright red arses?

- Leo

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 09/17/2003 16:47:41

Just in case Frank isn't sick of the board yet - I'm curious how Jon Tiven ended up working on the "Headache" b-sides. He's an interesting fella. (I've never met him, though.)

And do you have any favorite truck stops in Texas?

Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:11:30

Wow Frank, this is amazing. I just wanted to let you know what a big source of pride you are up at U-Mass. The class that shows Un Chien Andalou has actually worked you into the curriculum! The day it was shown we listened to Frank Black (the orange album) and Debaser/U-mass (we watched the movie with your music playing over it, ha). Anyhow, great to see you in the forum.

Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:12:28

Hi Charles,

I was wondering if you could record more solo-accoustic stuff.
I really like the versions of Abstract plain, Freedom Rock, or the Late Late Night Cold heart of stone (ok, the last one isn't quite solo) played solo that are anchored in my iTunes.
Just the accoustic guitar and the voice, it's just so pure.
Any chance to see anything of that in , for example, a B-side form?
I'd love to hear more of that.

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the freaks

Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:13:24

Not that I'm tired of Frank Black AND the Catholics...


I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the freaks

Reply author: monkey40258
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:24:50

Hey Frank,
I just recently discovered your music through a friend and have fallen in love with your style.
I was just wondering if you are going to stop in Louisville, KY when you do the US leg of your tour

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:40:27

Next time you happen to pop around if you see this I would like to know if you mind that I run a server for some members of this forum where they can download and upload live shows of yours? I have quite a few on there. Everything on there has never been officially released and/or sold anywhere. If you want to see what's on there sometime, when you get a cable modem, let me know and you can tell me if there is anything you would or wouldn't want on there. It sure beats postage/trading.

Reply author: Ebb Vicious
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:41:17

well i'd like to contribute more than negativity;

hey frank the first time i saw you live was when you were opening for TMBG. i still think it's probably the most fun show i've ever been to. just last night i heard mono puff's cover of 'oddball' and enjoyed it greatly, and it made me want to let it be known that frank and the johns go together like blood and chocolate.

and one question, how do you feel about people up close to the stage singing along (possibly loudly) to every single song? does it get on your nerves? if so i won't do it next time you come to SE mich.

Reply author: Chip Away Boy
Replied on: 09/17/2003 17:50:58

F - R - A - N - K

The new album is excellent! I love the mellow vibe. I was just wondering, do you think you'd put out another CD that has majority Rocking songs like the FB&C's Self-Titled CD?????

thanks for all the music

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 09/17/2003 18:01:39

Frank, I'm not sure how the afore mentioned TOTY songs are completely connected, but I always read into BIG RED not as Mars being atmosphered, but Earth gettin' a jump start by martians many many years ago...and then themselves going the way of the dodo. Even if I'm wrong, can we still get a taco? Or a beer? Love the tears you showed us, by the way!

Sorry I duplicated this...just was wonderin' what you thinks.

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown


Reply author: big_galoof
Replied on: 09/17/2003 20:13:15

hey frank - i'm a narcissist, so my only question is: do you remember me?

i know there have been a lot of gigs, but i'm a guy who might have made an impression on you.

outside the iron horse in northampton you let me take a photo with you:

also - i've given you a couple of discs - mostly illicit recordings of FB & the Cs with custom layout by me. here's some links to maybe jog your memory:

well, i love ya even if you don't remember me. see you when you swing back through the northeast (in 2001 i caught five shows in a matter of weeks: northampton, syracuse, albany, wilmington and boston!)

i'm THE BIG GALOOF, dammit!

PS: it was gray and rainy the whole time i was in edinburgh - the only bad weather on my whole scotland trip.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/17/2003 21:00:48

Aw man, Frank got right up to the message after mine on page 3 before he left, now I'll never know if I was right about my guesses. That's what I get for not knowing the meaning or brevity. Nor the spelling.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Merdre
Replied on: 09/17/2003 21:12:39

Fra Bla,

what's the status of the Australian Catholics tour in 2004?

I sent Tony Maimone and Jeremy Dubs a cee dee to give you from a prospective support band, which may contain me...

Nice b sides on 'Everything Is New', too.


Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/17/2003 21:20:02

Hey Frank, do you like Burt Reynolds?

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: soundofataris
Replied on: 09/17/2003 23:35:57

Frank, your appearance motivated me to stop lurking and actually join the forum.
I love your stuff, especially pistorelo and BLD, and I've been really enjoying SMYT.

Anyway, quick question: will any more shows be available from hear it again?
also, is the pixies regrouping legit?

thanks etc.

I want to be a singer like Lou Reed

Reply author: GarlicSoul
Replied on: 09/18/2003 00:07:21


One thing that I was wondering about, was if the character in Chip Away Boy is supposed to be an Indian. Like in Calistan, when you purposefully pronounced Nava-Joe, instead of it actually a Chippewa boy?? The references in the song would be a stretch, but they can be there, nonetheless.

I even did a search that cross referenced "Chippewa" and "Sluiceway" and found a story about The Mississsippi River's Winnibigoshish Lake Dam that was constructed in 1881. The project employed 300 skilled and unskilled laborers, including local Chippewa Indians.
The present concrete structure was constructed between 1899 and 1900. Stop logs divide 5 13-foot sluiceways into 3 sections. A 12-foot log sluice and a 5-foot fishway.


Reply author: Blackolyte
Replied on: 09/18/2003 01:06:59


Thanks for stopping by and enlightening us.

You rocked at McCabes! I can't wait 'til you and the Catholics come back state side.

Reply author: bazza
Replied on: 09/18/2003 01:41:16

hey charles. new album is fantastic and just wanted to say - ireland loves you!

what are the chances of getting to say hi to you guys backstage at the vicar street gig?

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/18/2003 01:49:37

Hi Frank - great new album, and some very good reviews this time (ignore those fuckers who work at Q magazine). On the offchance that you hold court in Edinburgh, some more scraps for you:

1. Is Snake Oil a cover of the Steve Earle song?
2. Is the person commemorated in Ed is Dead and Adda Lee the same person? In fact, does this person appear in SMYT - Nadine, perhaps?
3. You said that Blood on the Tracks was not your favourite Dylan album, which is your favourite Dylan record - Blonde on Blonde perchance?
4. You have great taste by choosing Edinburgh to rehearse in! Any warm-up gigs planned - Charlie Thompson's Rush tribute band maybe?

Great new album - cannot wait until the 26th!

PS - Jonathan Ross said that he wanted you to appear on his radio show again after playing My Favorite Kiss last Saturday...

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: cuntman
Replied on: 09/18/2003 01:58:43

hi frank
no one seems to like my name on hear...........anyway
great new album any chance of playing adda lee at the astoria???


Reply author: TOTIPOTENT
Replied on: 09/18/2003 03:21:54

Mr. Thompson,

I am a GI and have been station in Baghdad, Iraq for the last six months and I was wondering why you are not on the USO (United Service Organizations) bandwagon (you know, when famous people go to military sites and put on shows to show them support). That was more or less a joke; I actually have a pretty funny story about a Kid Rock appearance. What are your opinions/views of 'The Happening' (World Events)?

I spend the rest of my days being a scholar of Botany and Entomology. In your lyrics, you have a lot of common references to such subject matter. Where do your interests lie within these subjects?

Very respectfully,

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 'Cause Dean promised me World Domination"

Reply author: spunXtain
Replied on: 09/18/2003 04:06:04

Hi Frank. This is Dustin from Kentucky and I met you at the Louisville show. My friend had the kick ass Bossanova album cover tattoo. Anyways yeah you don't remember every single fan! Just wanted to say that the night I seen your show was the best night of my life EVER and I hope you guys stop by Kentucky again next year (and the year after, and the year after, etc). One more thing, bring back BIG RED! Great song.

Take care!

Got coffee, got donuts, got wasted..

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 09/18/2003 04:40:31

Hi Frank. I noticed the intro of Goodbye Lorraine (the drums kicks) sound exactly like the intro of Bowie's Sound & Vision. Was it on purpose?


"I'm in the Cult of Frank/Now how the hell do I get out?"

Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 09/18/2003 05:18:39

Hi Charles,
Any chance of you putting an appearance at next year's Isle of Wight festival? When last we spoke (2001 DITS tour), I told you that gigwise, the IOW was like "a one horse town after the horse had died". Since then, the legendary IOW festival has been successfully resurrected, and the only way to top this year's blistering set by Iggy Pop, would be to get FB & The Cs (or even The P****s) on in 2004.

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 09/18/2003 05:39:13


The scene: Dundee Doghouse, Feb 11, 2001.
The crime: Nicking of 1 x Stella Artois.

Frank, you kicked over your bottle of lager right at the start of the show and placed it directly in front of me. It taunted me all throughout the show, and when you left the stage (exiting through the frenzied crowd), you left the bottle sitting there in front of me. It mocked and teased me; I gave in and nicked it. God, it was good!

I kept the bottle (it's a shrine in our little rehearsal room out back) and have been RACKED with guilt ever since; do you forgive me?

Also, didja know you could have visited John Linnell's father-in-law, only a 10-minute drive away from that gig? I used to work with him at the hospital in Dundee; pretty funny as he didn't realise anyone had heard of TMBG until I told him. He was really surprised when I said I listened to this guy called Frank Black whose record JL had played on.

See you next Friday, Saturday 'n' Sunday, Frank -- rock us hard!

(I just realised, when nobody believed it was FB at the start, someone shoulda said "You ain't he". Remember that one for next time, kids, as it'll be really funny.)

Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 09/18/2003 07:02:07

Um, why are you all still writing in this.

He's not coming back to it.

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/18/2003 07:05:44

Yeah, the swimmer has inside sources so he knows.

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Reply author: nekom
Replied on: 09/18/2003 07:22:05

I wonder what the man thinks of illicit distribution of his work in mp3, through peer-to-peer filesharing software. Everyone else has given their opinion on the matter...

Also, did anyone guess what those four songs (SPACE IS GONNA DO ME GOOD, BIG RED, JET BLACK RIVER, CAN I GET A WITNESS) have in common? Is it related to the themes or explicit lyrics (are they all about space travel?) or something with nothing to do with lyrics at all like arrangement or number of times played live?

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:03:17

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Foucaults Dog

Oh, one other thing. How serious are you about Jainism? Does this extend to a karma free diet?

Well, how serious are YOU about Jainism? Now, karma free that like free-range? Sorry. A little dark humor. I dig the Jains. Ever see the monastery with the bug chutes? Gently sweep 'em in and send 'em on their way! Amazing. The Jain grain sellers, too...with the food bowls for the rats! Great. No. I do dig 'em. I like that one site. real peaceful-like. I guess philosophy is something that you can dicuss all night. But I like to read the Jain stuff on that site from time to time. Dunno why. Just do.

To be honest I can't think of any group of people that I admire quite as much as Jain monks (they way surpass any of my comparatively feeble attempts at peaceful coexistence with my fellow earthlings). I've done the veggie thing for more than half my life, and happily sacrifice the contents of my garden to the bugs and weeds, but at the same time I still worm my cats and dogs on a regular basis...the whole concept is fraught with ambivalence and tryin to work it all out can tie one up in knots. I suppose that even just being able to appreciate their ahimsa, and trying a wee bit to thread lightly, is going some way towards a better existence.

Thanks, You're a Good Guy

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:10:25

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Foucaults Dog

If you ain't he that's ok, but if you are, one question please.
The Session you did with Glen Hansard... rather than going it alone, why he? Are you a fan, a friend, or just happen to share the same PR people here in Ireland? Believe it or not there could be a lot riding on your reply

Explain. Is some guy gonna lose his pinkie if I give the wrong answer?

"Non-possessiveness controls the senses

in the same way as a hook controls the elephant. "

Sorry, I must explain; "alot riding on your reply" refers purely to a bit of a wager some friends and I had on the session. No one here in Dublin's goin to lose any digits either way. It's just that I know the guy who does PR for the Frames, and I reckoned that was where the connection was made.

Reply author: johnny
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:27:04

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by harris

I think on this tour we should only watch Mr. Show (again).


[EDITED - Fixed the quote!]

Are you trying to shampoo us? I mean, what kind of a shampoo show are you talking about here? Shampoo?

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:37:43

oh king,
knowest ye that i do trumpet the cause with the local AIR mavens(radio):
this is a quote of my own (from elsewhere in the forum: P****s reunion) maybe I should figure out the proper quote procedure..
<...getting paid well to find out can't hurt anyone involved -i don't think
the high road of non sell out notoriety is exactly doing anything for any
of those involved right now -except charles in regards to his own self image he has done quite well for himself -but for crying outloud i pestered
XRT 'chicago's finest rock' mucho in the past months on why no frank black
-pretty much all the way to the top and they have actually said yes they
should be playing frank black and do and have played pixies,
but they get real vague as to why they are basically ignoring him
-and beleive me if you heard this stations playlists you would automatically see FB&C right in amongst 'em (j. hyatt as well as iggy, replacements, steve earle and every other americana geetar slingin' band)
it's actually wretched how they of course play the same cuts from bands
-relentlessly, even the Clash -when Joe Strummer died they played
'train in vain' (mick jones sings that one)after giving the memorium announcement that he had past -i've been going off on them ever since
-they can play ALL the beatles cuts and any stones cut -even the one
where they have to repeatedly bleep the word shit (from exile on main street).
-which is just stupid if you ask me -this is the kind of crap that staid,
moronic decision making panels corporate or otherwise do with radio and it is just so damn sad to watch -er hear.
i picked on them because they are a throwback station to the early seventies and still have the same DJ's for cripes sake and i figured they might actually have taste but the corporate polling machine is in place somehow and they (DJ's) seem to want to play stuff like FB but don't.
for me personally since the Pixies have that 'track record'
it would simply mean a little crack can begin because stations like this
would be actually playing it for the masses and being one to WANT to just
turn on a radio sometimes that would make it a little less painful.>
..XRT had a banner up at double door last time you guys were there
right where you sell your CD's and such -i guess this is better than sucking
but when i hear 'everything is new' i just absolutely cannot understand why
that song is not on that station -i guess i am simply pissed off that radio
has become this 'thing' based on a formula which somehow guarantees income
to all parties involved-oh well . . crap formula=.....'have you heard about
that new radio station? apparantly a country station has joined with a rap station
for maximum profit, it's called 'CRAP radio'...sorry, couldn't resist.
i just don't think that these formulaic, panel driven ways work for radio
-i think they drive people crazy thus making awareness of how bad it is a forgotten
-.-.-...oh, and by the way -you are by far a better song writer and performer than 99.9% of the others (can't think of one but i figure
there may be someone/thing as eloquent and talented and i didn't want to piss them off..)

Did your therapist actually say 'show me your tears?'
-i picture more of a Sopranos type thing...
the Sopranos is a therapeutic show i found as it is always good
to know how messed up other people can be..
mine is a sweet old lady -she's cool though.
-i thought of this because i would think the satisfaction you
get in your work and the catharsis involved in performing
would pretty much do the trick.

lofts are cool -i live in an old bra factory
-which type is it that you are in?
..allright , allright i'm outta here.

Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:43:22

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

Yeah, the swimmer has inside sources so he knows.

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Funny, smart ass.

Oh fuck...why should I explain. I didn' mean he's not coming back to the site. I meant, he's not gonna waste is time reading 8 pages when all he posted on were the first ones.

Fine. Don't believe me.

Just don't be a smart asshole about it.

Reply author: chucksfan
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:44:08


I know the Pixies gigs are way way behind you, bit my pals and I have been working on a gigography of all your shows.

Did you, Ken Goes, etc. keep records of the shows to help us complete this project?



Reply author: The Holiday Son
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:50:12

I say Charles don't you ever crave
to appear on the front of the Daily Mail
dressed in your Mother's bridal veil?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/18/2003 08:54:12

Originally posted by the swimmer

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

Yeah, the swimmer has inside sources so he knows.

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Funny, smart ass.

Oh fuck...why should I explain. I didn' mean he's not coming back to the site. I meant, he's not gonna waste is time reading 8 pages when all he posted on were the first ones.

Fine. Don't believe me.

Just don't be a smart asshole about it.

It's getting pretty clogged here, but I guess that's what happens. But he has come back and posted on, I believe, pgs. 5 & 6. We may see him in here again once he's settled in over in the UK.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 09/18/2003 09:06:03

Originally posted by The Holiday Son

I say Charles don't you ever crave
to appear on the front of the Daily Mail
dressed in your Mother's bridal veil?

wicked, the smiths quote.

is it from "the queen is dead" i ve forgotten!

when i first heard morrissey sing that i thought he sed mollesting ur mothers bridal veil.


have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: St. Francis
Replied on: 09/18/2003 09:18:31

Hmmm...more proud of songs than records....records artificial format.

Excellent Quote.... good to see you back on the site Frank you certainly shocked me! Good luck in Europe.

When you make it back to Toronto, I hope you'll be playing another five night stretch... have tickets for the Astoria gig but I don't know if I can make it.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/18/2003 09:21:30

hey frnk,
wouldja do some covers that are more off the beaten path sometime?
maybe a song by Magazine (Barry Adamson, Howard Devoto, John McGeogh and Dave Formula )
'Model Worker' is what i am thinking -NOONE has covered that one and it could be a great
Catholics Rave-up.
..or..a Jam song -specifically 'in the crowd' -that would kick ass


Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 09/18/2003 09:51:02

hey frank

what about those demo's you re-recorded with the pale boys?

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/18/2003 10:11:00

how did you meet Stan Ridgeway?


Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/18/2003 10:13:22

Originally posted by the swimmer

Funny, smart ass.

Oh fuck...why should I explain. I didn' mean he's not coming back to the site. I meant, he's not gonna waste is time reading 8 pages when all he posted on were the first ones.

Fine. Don't believe me.

Just don't be a smart asshole about it.

I can't help it if my ass has a high IQ.

I just found it amusing that you said "He's not coming back to it" and Frank posted in this topic YESTERDAY for poop's sake. It's not like he hasn't posted in this topic for months and people are still posting questions.

Sure he may not post here again, but there's no harm in asking questions in case he does. (Granted some people are asking too many questions in their posts, and it's probably a pain to sift thru it all. I think one-liners would be more convenient)

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Reply author: blackpurse
Replied on: 09/18/2003 11:01:33

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal
Granted some people are asking too many questions in their posts, and it's probably a pain to sift thru it all. I think one-liners would be more convenient

I work in IT, (information technology) and I know I HATE it when somebody crams 20 issues in one trouble ticket. As tedious as it is, I BEG end users to please open up a seperate ticket/call for each issue. It's otherwise impossible to track what you've solved/answered and what you haven't. PC, you are sooooo right. I don't know one person on any help desk or ombudsmans office who disagrees. (And before IT, I worked in, that's right, a univeristy ombudsman's office!)

I think it would be nice if we followed a similar policy for FB. Keep a question/post to him to one topic. Its easier to sift through, it's easier to track, and easier to cross off DONE when he's done. FB seems to be a busy man, and while we are bombarding him with queires, we are more likely to get answers to our questions and strike up a good dialouge if we go through the courtesy of making it easy for him to do so.

"Sacred cows make the best burgers!"

Reply author: neilefc
Replied on: 09/18/2003 11:54:21

frank, looking forward to liverpool.
do you know who’s supporting you there?

you fuckin straight off or enjoying my fine city?

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/18/2003 12:21:56

Originally posted by blackpurse

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal
Granted some people are asking too many questions in their posts, and it's probably a pain to sift thru it all. I think one-liners would be more convenient

I work in IT, (information technology) and I know I HATE it when somebody crams 20 issues in one trouble ticket. As tedious as it is, I BEG end users to please open up a seperate ticket/call for each issue. It's otherwise impossible to track what you've solved/answered and what you haven't. PC, you are sooooo right. I don't know one person on any help desk or ombudsmans office who disagrees. (And before IT, I worked in, that's right, a univeristy ombudsman's office!)

I think it would be nice if we followed a similar policy for FB. Keep a question/post to him to one topic. Its easier to sift through, it's easier to track, and easier to cross off DONE when he's done. FB seems to be a busy man, and while we are bombarding him with queires, we are more likely to get answers to our questions and strike up a good dialouge if we go through the courtesy of making it easy for him to do so.

"Sacred cows make the best burgers!"

sounds all nicen everything and i would agree
-but the parameters of this thread started very willy nilly
as far as i can tell -he probably got a new computer up and was
hanging out with coffee or green tea and started checking FBNET
out and decided to go for it and gave a call to dave noisy
etc. without much thought to the run-on effect.
mind you all the crap 'are you who you say you are' questions
were a real bother as it says 'the man' underneath his name
-maybe Dave could run down how it went down but as far as i can tell
you can't get a special tag underneath like that without inside
help-they are automated based on number of posts remember?
now that it's going who cares? -define 'clogged'
-is the main complaint that there is a lot to read here?
or clogged with the clueless
-O.K. let's make it easy -how? he started a thread and ALL his posts so far are there.
i can deal with it so why don't we have somebody who may know somebody
who at least maybe knows him ASK HIM how he wants to do it.

in his first post he says noisy could confirm it or that it might be fun for us to figure it out -but the tagline is a dead giveaway -or am i wrong here?

Reply author: Blank Frack
Replied on: 09/18/2003 12:33:34

Frank: Thanks for the Tempe show you did some months ago. What underappreciated artists have you listened to recently that really impress you? There's this guy named William Topley that I dig. Did you like the final Del Shannon album and/or "Drop Down and Get Me" or do you stick to the purely pre-1970 stuff?

--Sam Hill, Tucson.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/18/2003 12:42:22

Originally posted by blackpurse

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal
Granted some people are asking too many questions in their posts, and it's probably a pain to sift thru it all. I think one-liners would be more convenient

I work in IT, (information technology) and I know I HATE it when somebody crams 20 issues in one trouble ticket. As tedious as it is, I BEG end users to please open up a seperate ticket/call for each issue. It's otherwise impossible to track what you've solved/answered and what you haven't. PC, you are sooooo right. I don't know one person on any help desk or ombudsmans office who disagrees. (And before IT, I worked in, that's right, a univeristy ombudsman's office!)

I think it would be nice if we followed a similar policy for FB. Keep a question/post to him to one topic. Its easier to sift through, it's easier to track, and easier to cross off DONE when he's done. FB seems to be a busy man, and while we are bombarding him with queires, we are more likely to get answers to our questions and strike up a good dialouge if we go through the courtesy of making it easy for him to do so.

"Sacred cows make the best burgers!"

Well, I thought it might be easier for him if, at least, we had separate threads where he could see questions/requests/comments and keep it to Q& A without the chat and replies, but I think that's pretty much impossible even if he were to start checking those threads.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/18/2003 12:56:56

Originally posted by Blank Frack

Frank: Thanks for the Tempe show you did some months ago. What underappreciated artists have you listened to recently that really impress you? There's this guy named William Topley that I dig. Did you like the final Del Shannon album and/or "Drop Down and Get Me" or do you stick to the purely pre-1970 stuff?

--Sam Hill, Tucson.

so, is the location Sam Hill -or is that your name...
'what in the sam hill?'


Reply author: JamesM
Replied on: 09/18/2003 13:11:27

Oh, Frank, I forgot to ask. Someone here asked if you were going to be playing "Angst" on the upcoming tour. Since you're the only person besides me that's even really ever heard of the band Angst, I must ask: have you ever had the pleasure of meeting up with Jon E. Risk or Joe Pope? Are they cool cats or what? And how about a studio recording of "Some Things (I Can't Get Used To)" (or even "Love Dissolves," my second favorite Angst tune)?

-Jimmy M.

Reply author: astro monkey
Replied on: 09/18/2003 15:57:16

Frank, can you please put these Pixies reunion rumors to rest one way or the other? PLEEEEEEEASE?

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/18/2003 18:40:13

Hey! David Bowie is covering a Jonathan Richman song. Pablo Picasso. What a trend setter Frank! Looks good on ya! Cover a Link Wray song next. You be soooo hippppp!

I had me a vision!

It's step, hip, step, pivot! Are you trying to piss-off the volcano?!

Reply author: Zsolt G.
Replied on: 09/18/2003 19:14:20

I heard that you had originally planned to do "Apache" as popularized by The Shadows instead of "Cecilia Ann" to start off Bossa Nova. I think I'm one of the few Yankees to really dig the Shads, and was curious if it was ever played live or otherwise. Why was it nixed?

New album is really nice. For some great country music, You ought to check out the Glazer Bros CD compilation. Tompall Glazer wrote "Streets of Baltimore", probably best know by Gram Parsons. Thanks again.

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/18/2003 19:20:53

Hey. The shadows are actually coming to play in Toronto during the month of October. Not with Mr. Marvin though! Shitty!

I had me a vision!

It's step, hip, step, pivot! Are you trying to piss-off the volcano?!

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/18/2003 19:22:44

Ya. You are posting in his topic and thread!

I had me a vision!

It's step, hip, step, pivot! Are you trying to piss-off the volcano?!

Reply author: Zsolt G.
Replied on: 09/18/2003 23:49:54

Really? The Shadows in Toronto? Thats crazy. I don't think anybody in the USA has ever heard of these dudes, but in Europe (perhaps Canada?) they were (are?) huge. I didn't know they still toured at all. Last album I heard they were making horrible easy listening stuff, but in their prime they were pretty cool. I assume people just want them to play the classics nowdays. Who still plays with them, if not Marvin? Welch? We may as well talk about this, because I don't think Frank is coming back soon...who can blame him.

Reply author: leokearse
Replied on: 09/19/2003 03:28:41

The line up they're touring with is without Jet Harris, the original bass player, who was the only one with any real rock'n'roll charisma in the Shadows. He was booted out of the band in the early 60s after he was in a car crash with a girl in his car who wasn't his wife. I was totally shocked to hear that Cliff Richard had an affair with Jet's wife! I thought Cliff was asexual? I mean he's a hardcore Christian, and they're usually sex criminals or asexual, and I'm sure Cliff's not a sex criminal.

- Leo

Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 09/19/2003 04:40:24

Jet Harris (ex-Shadows) lives here on the Isle of Wight. He's a recovering alcoholic, and is still gigging with his own band. I think he owns a record shop as well.

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 09/19/2003 05:13:14

Originally posted by DruggedBunny


(I just realised, when nobody believed it was FB at the start, someone shoulda said "You ain't he". Remember that one for next time, kids, as it'll be really funny.)

Not to be pedantic, but with the addition of an 'if' I did ... must've been freudian, no pun was intended

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 09/19/2003 05:36:16

Not following that, to be honest...?

Reply author: Sheamus
Replied on: 09/19/2003 05:57:31

Well, I have a couple of humble questions to ask Frank. In a lame attempt to make them stand out I'm going to douse this post with pretty colours.

1) Are there any plans to come to AUSTRALIA any time soon? Either with the Pixies (they never toured here ) or The Catholics? Last time you were here was 1994, as I'm sure you recall. I was too young to see you, and would love to have the live experience some time, either with the Pixies (dream come true) or solo/with Catholics (Still an mind shatteringly awesome prospect) .

2) If you are going to come here soon, will it be a bit more comprehensive than the cancelled August tour? You were only going to play 2 cities then - it would be cool if you could get to a few more major state capitals, as you fan base here is quite large.

Thanks for your time!

- Sheamus


Reply author: Zsolt G.
Replied on: 09/20/2003 10:15:48

I forgot that there's so many limeys on this board. When you mention the Shadows here in the States, it's like "who?" I mean we had the Ventures, but even they were bigger in Japan than they ever got here. The Shadows were certainly a bunch of dorks throughout their various line-ups, I mean Marvin always looked like a library attendant, but I think they rocked in their own dorky way. You got to kind of give them credit for inventing the "rock-combo" concept of rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar and drums. Their success was hampered a great deal I imagine by their lack of "hipness" when "longhairs" like the Beatles came along. Their recordings are absolutely pristine however, and really show what you can do with primitive equipment and excellent musicians. This style of clean, beautiful recording, which I definately identify as a British sound, (as opposed to the more "raw" American records of the same time) I think carried over to even things like "Dark Side of the Moon" I'd love to hear Frank & the Catholics to do an album with Norrie Paramour....if he's still alive, or even George Martin. Kind of like the Ramones and Phil Spector. Good to hear about Jet as well...he was definately a bit more "with it" than the rest of those guys. He even had his "Jet Black" theme song. I would imagine the Isle of Wight might be a tough place to stay on the wagon.

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 09/20/2003 12:00:01

Frank, you and I both know....

"When one stares into the abyss, the abyss stares back."

Sure, it is difficult to keep staring. and I understand your position these days, as you make it perfectly clear in the lyrics of "Southbound Bevy."

I have always appreciated your courage to have lyrics with teeth.

But, I understand that we all get a bit older, and we all need some peace. I need peace, that is for sure.

However, please don't stop thinking about the "deep" stuff, even if your lyrics do not reflect that deep thinking.

You are a spiritual being, I am a spiritual being, we are all spiritual beings (even the evil demons are spiritual being)....and there will be a brighter day (although, hopefully not too bright, that sun is about as steely-bright-white as i can handle, these days)

later Frank, dougit

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 09/20/2003 12:26:40

What kind of shoes were you wearing at the Saratoga Winners, NY show last Nov? They were a grey styling pair and I simply must find some.

Reply author: Kingmob999
Replied on: 09/21/2003 14:01:23

wow. Frank Black has got some f@#ked up fans.

Reply author: Doryphore
Replied on: 09/21/2003 14:49:15

Dear Mr. Frank Black,

What would you think of recording something with Mr. Ry Cooder?
I think you'd fit together very well, musically of course.
It would surely be my dream record!

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 09/21/2003 16:38:25

Originally posted by Kingmob999

wow. Frank Black has got some f@#ked up fans.

Hey, that's a worthwhile question! If you had seen them there shoesies you too would have become a weird fan. Those shoes have got into my soul.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:18:19

Originally posted by remig

Frank, a stupid question, but what is your favorite french food?

"Possession of anything new or expensive only reflected a person's lack of theology and geometry"

salade lyonnaise

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:19:23

Originally posted by Robert Onion

greetings frank

i have two questions. my first one forgive me if this has been answered since i didn't check all the pages in this topic

1 - is all the hoopla the media has about a pixies 'reunion' true or false?

2 - do you know when is the release date for the film Low Budget Time Machine?


release date...dunno...just a mutant

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:21:48

Originally posted by gary13th

crikey, the man himself is here ?
Hi Frank,
the wife and myself are coming to the edinburgh gig and i'll be heading to the Sheffield gig...though it would have been lovely to have had a date in wonderful newcastle (lots of lovely, friendly people here !)
to also let you know - i was a Frank Black fan before hearing any Pixies songs ! I didnt own a Pixies album until after I bought TOTY.
i'll ask a couple of questions and hope for a reply (sorry if things have been asked before)
1- will there be any FB&TC merchandise available at the gigs ?
2- any chance of a video for Nadine ? would be great seeing it on the music channels, spreading the gospel to the masses !
3- not really a question - i hope these songs can be incorporated somewhere into a (non)setlist: Living on soul, Do Nothing, Velvety, Ole Mullholland (i think it'd sound great with pedal steel...) and Man of Steel (my wifes favourite FB&TC song !)

thanks for visiting the forum, thanks for the great music now and in previous years.

~you will get used to me, welcome to your new joy
Heloise by FB&TC

cooking v will be selling stuff. good requests...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:24:53

Originally posted by Itchload

Wow Frank, this is amazing. I just wanted to let you know what a big source of pride you are up at U-Mass. The class that shows Un Chien Andalou has actually worked you into the curriculum! The day it was shown we listened to Frank Black (the orange album) and Debaser/U-mass (we watched the movie with your music playing over it, ha). Anyhow, great to see you in the forum.

wow. that is truly great. i loved that class. who is teaching it now? is it levine? love that class. saved my sanity that class. saved me and sent me on my way. great prof. into the subject matter. inspired me.


Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:25:24

It's a pleasant morning in Edinburgh Frank, is it not? It is so dark I can barely see

PS - which is the best cyber cafe in town?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:27:51

Originally posted by soundofataris

Frank, your appearance motivated me to stop lurking and actually join the forum.
I love your stuff, especially pistorelo and BLD, and I've been really enjoying SMYT.

Anyway, quick question: will any more shows be available from hear it again?
also, is the pixies regrouping legit?

thanks etc.

I want to be a singer like Lou Reed

dunno about that hear it again site...maybe we'll do one...pixies reunion? is that happening?
dunno about that hear it again site...maybe we'll do one...pixies reunion? is that happening?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:29:54

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Hi Frank - great new album, and some very good reviews this time (ignore those fuckers who work at Q magazine). On the offchance that you hold court in Edinburgh, some more scraps for you:

1. Is Snake Oil a cover of the Steve Earle song?
2. Is the person commemorated in Ed is Dead and Adda Lee the same person? In fact, does this person appear in SMYT - Nadine, perhaps?
3. You said that Blood on the Tracks was not your favourite Dylan album, which is your favourite Dylan record - Blonde on Blonde perchance?
4. You have great taste by choosing Edinburgh to rehearse in! Any warm-up gigs planned - Charlie Thompson's Rush tribute band maybe?

Great new album - cannot wait until the 26th!

PS - Jonathan Ross said that he wanted you to appear on his radio show again after playing My Favorite Kiss last Saturday...

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

snake is fb. no warm-up.. maybe open mic somewhere...
b on b

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:32:52

Originally posted by TOTIPOTENT

Mr. Thompson,

I am a GI and have been station in Baghdad, Iraq for the last six months and I was wondering why you are not on the USO (United Service Organizations) bandwagon (you know, when famous people go to military sites and put on shows to show them support). That was more or less a joke; I actually have a pretty funny story about a Kid Rock appearance. What are your opinions/views of 'The Happening' (World Events)?

I spend the rest of my days being a scholar of Botany and Entomology. In your lyrics, you have a lot of common references to such subject matter. Where do your interests lie within these subjects?

Very respectfully,

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 'Cause Dean promised me World Domination"

man that would be wild to do a uso show. just like bob hope. world events? well. as an entertainer i let my views out in the voting booth. bugs are great. i like bees. jane the queen of love.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:37:14

Originally posted by chucksfan


I know the Pixies gigs are way way behind you, bit my pals and I have been working on a gigography of all your shows.

Did you, Ken Goes, etc. keep records of the shows to help us complete this project?



goes knows all.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:38:56

Originally posted by JamesM

Oh, Frank, I forgot to ask. Someone here asked if you were going to be playing "Angst" on the upcoming tour. Since you're the only person besides me that's even really ever heard of the band Angst, I must ask: have you ever had the pleasure of meeting up with Jon E. Risk or Joe Pope? Are they cool cats or what? And how about a studio recording of "Some Things (I Can't Get Used To)" (or even "Love Dissolves," my second favorite Angst tune)?

-Jimmy M.

i know the angst boys. very nice chaps. in fact, we did record SOME THINGS during WORKSHOP, but haven't decided if is good enough.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:41:12

Originally posted by Sheamus

Well, I have a couple of humble questions to ask Frank. In a lame attempt to make them stand out I'm going to douse this post with pretty colours.

1) Are there any plans to come to AUSTRALIA any time soon? Either with the Pixies (they never toured here ) or The Catholics? Last time you were here was 1994, as I'm sure you recall. I was too young to see you, and would love to have the live experience some time, either with the Pixies (dream come true) or solo/with Catholics (Still an mind shatteringly awesome prospect) .

2) If you are going to come here soon, will it be a bit more comprehensive than the cancelled August tour? You were only going to play 2 cities then - it would be cool if you could get to a few more major state capitals, as you fan base here is quite large.

Thanks for your time!

- Sheamus


we would love to play aus. we shall see. sorry to cancel shows. couldn't be helped. pixies never played aus. hmmm.

Reply author: The Holiday Son
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:43:18

Hi Frank.
Any good films you saw lately?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:44:07

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

It's a pleasant morning in Edinburgh Frank, is it not? It is so dark I can barely see

PS - which is the best cyber cafe in town?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

lovely morning. belly full of poached haddock and eggs. life is good. dunno the name of this place (jus kiddin). well. we're off to practice. what a sweet town. love it. i'm moving here if i get the chance.

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:45:31

Do that! You are a tease, Mr Thompson.

They told me that Snake Oil on the Nadine Single was a cover!

Thanks for answering the qs.

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Chroneos
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:48:37

Hey Frank, I read once that you mainly do your album artwork on your computer (Mac, right?) at home nowadays, when you were with 4AD on FB and TOTY did you make use of their art department because you figured you might as well use it, or is that something you're wanting to get back to as indicated by SMYT's artwork?

Also, the fact that it's 5:40 AM where I'm posting, I was wondering how you handle the weird time shifts you get from going from Pacific to British and back, then to Eastern back to Pacific and so on...kind of a mundane question, I guess, but I've always wondered how you and other musicians do it...

Reply author: Sheamus
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:49:49

This is excellent. Thanks for answering my questions Frank, greatly appreciated. While you're here and this place seems rather unbusy, I might as well see if I can get a grab for my upcoming Dr Who website.

Frank, are you a fan of Dr Who, and if so, why? Do you have any favourite episodes?


Reply author: brank flack
Replied on: 09/22/2003 02:58:49

hey frank,
i've seen you live about 25 times.....
i was wondering what your live set up will be this next tour
and i just want to say i love every album from the s/t to show me your tears.
will you ever do a frank black dvd of videos and/or live footage?

Reply author: brank flack
Replied on: 09/22/2003 03:01:56

of course i am 10 minutes too late.......

Reply author: kempes
Replied on: 09/22/2003 03:07:04

hi Frank,

Great to see you droping in again.
I got the new album and Oddballs from SpinArt over the weekend. SMYT is excellent. Massif is probably my fav song. I also totally love Jumping Beans on Oddballs. Very addictive to listen too.

What do you think of cooking vinyls "Nadine" video?



Reply author: Sheamus
Replied on: 09/22/2003 03:09:08

What a wonderful, albeit fleeting experience! When will Frank next log on to the forum? Only time will tell!


Reply author: gary13th
Replied on: 09/22/2003 04:20:11

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by gary13th

crikey, the man himself is here ?
Hi Frank,
the wife and myself are coming to the edinburgh gig and i'll be heading to the Sheffield gig...though it would have been lovely to have had a date in wonderful newcastle (lots of lovely, friendly people here !)
to also let you know - i was a Frank Black fan before hearing any Pixies songs ! I didnt own a Pixies album until after I bought TOTY.
i'll ask a couple of questions and hope for a reply (sorry if things have been asked before)
1- will there be any FB&TC merchandise available at the gigs ?
2- any chance of a video for Nadine ? would be great seeing it on the music channels, spreading the gospel to the masses !
3- not really a question - i hope these songs can be incorporated somewhere into a (non)setlist: Living on soul, Do Nothing, Velvety, Ole Mullholland (i think it'd sound great with pedal steel...) and Man of Steel (my wifes favourite FB&TC song !)

thanks for visiting the forum, thanks for the great music now and in previous years.

~you will get used to me, welcome to your new joy
Heloise by FB&TC

cooking v will be selling stuff. good requests...

thanks for the reply, Frank, i appreciate it ! see you in edinburgh & sheffield !

They are about, dressed to deceive, architect David Vincent

Reply author: Sheamus
Replied on: 09/22/2003 04:24:31

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:13:15


Have you ever visited China?? Pixies albums are available here, and I picked up a copy of your first solo album in a dodgy little record store..... In fact a couple of my students said they knew of the Pixies when I told them who my favorite band were.... You know, Suede, and Morcheeba (and The Stones if it weren't for SARS) played here this year, and they aren't anything compared to the Catholics.... so would you ever consider paying a visit to China to play a one off gig in Beijing???

Stupid questions I know, but I am gutted that I am missing your shows in England this autumn!

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: kromkamp
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:24:01

Hey Frank,

Let me approach the Pixies thing from another direction :)

Was the statement that you have been getting together and jamming with the other members of the band true? Does that mean everyone else? Are you jamming on old songs, new songs, FB&C songs, favorite cover songs? Would you consider releasing a few snippets on the internet?

Secondly, I know you have been doing one-off solo shows recently, any chance of a whole solo tour anytime soon? I loved when you opened up for TMBG and you were wearing half a dozen guitars behind your back by the time it was over....

Speaking of which, why havent you ever done something together with the Johns?

Finally, the song request :) Please play Ramona again!

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:27:38

hey frnk,
they say it rains a lot in Portland eh?,
as it concerns me and i thinks maybe you
-what's your take on the no radio play in the U.S.?
i have heard 'Olympus Mons' from Trompe Le Monde
and then 'Los Angeles' from yer first solo on the adult
(over the hill?)rock station here in Chicago but that was years ago
-headache used to get air on the 'alternative'station
(so why bother with promo copies at this point...?).
it is this snubbing which makes me hesitant to even bother with
radio other than news, but basically it erks me because when i do
tune in i start getting headaches from repeated poundings of dave matthews
et all.
your path in this business is a template for all i believe and i
would like to interview/document/maybe film you and your band some time
...but o.k. thats another story.
if you have a publicist you should have them contact NPR(national public radio)
i could see them doing a review of your latest and maybe a little feature,
they recently had some shows that featured the pedal steel guitar and some
of the people who play it believe it or not.
-i just realized my semi/x girlfriend who teaches yoga has a fellow yoga teacher
friend who is dating Ira Glass and i have talked to him a couple times so maybe i can feel
out the idea of a little feature on your band and your DIY ways.
- they are pretty open minded over there at NPR -actually when i was up in Minn.
near the boundary waters i heard an NPR station that played kickass music all day
from hillbilly stompers to the Blasters!
i come back to the big city and i get beat over the head with endless rotations
of ..blarghhh... -go figure.

your take on why it is...
keep it long please.



Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:45:52

i know, my name should be blahblahblah007
-so HOW DID you hook up with Stan Ridgeway?
-i have a 'Mosquitos' tour shirt in perfect condition
(the ink is so thick on the front it rubs the nips raw)
when W.O.V. went out without Stan it was hilarious
it would be like David lee Roth replacing you with the catholics...
inquiring minds want to know...


Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:53:32

the really cool thing about you getting on here
and actually communicating with us worker bees is
that some of us can whilst slaving away at the factory
(a factory like in 'Brazil' where they all have the little
computer/video stations and they are all watching a western
-and when the boss opens the door they all simultaneously
go back to work -hilarious)chat to some degree to someone
who is bringing some inspiration into our lives.
thanks frank!


Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 07:57:02

speaking of Terry Gilliam,
did you see 'Lost In LaMoncha'
about his failed attempt to do the Don Quixote film??
-you should have HIM do the Frank Black and the Catholics
world tour film -there's a guy who needs a straight-forward
cash project!


Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 08:07:39

one last blag:
have you read any Philip K. Dick?
my guess is yes but i could be wrong.
-if you have what is your fave? and which ones have you read?
side note: John Lennon apparantly owned the rights to 'the three stigmata
of palmer eldritch' -he wanted to get that one made into a film
-i think De Laurentis got the rights after that but i am not sure
-my fave is a draw between that one and 'the man in the high castle'
(written with the i-ching!)
that book rocks -'the zap gun' is another fun one...


Reply author: jason_tsh
Replied on: 09/22/2003 08:10:21

Hey Frank,
I see that there's only one support band for the UK tour?
I've put on Serafin before when I used to promote and do sound at the Boatrace in Cambridge.
Any chance you could fit another band first on for the Norwich and Cambridge shows?
The Norwich soundman does sound for my band at all of our gigs anyway, which would make things easy.
I know everyone on here will hate me for even asking you, but, you don't ask you don't get, hehe...
I'm serious by the way.
We could actually pull in quite a few people to both shows, cos we have a following in both Cities, but that's not really relevant seeing as you won't have any trouble filling any of the shows on the tour....
Damn, I can't really think of any other selling points to clinch this (non-existant, all in my mind) deal, hehe.
This last bit is for Franks eyes only, so no moaning at me for doing a "check out my band" post: (you can email me from there)

tootle pip,
Jason TSH

PS - I am genuinely sorry for being so brazen, but it would make my life, or at least my year, if we got to support Franck.

Reply author: Superrobotboxheadman
Replied on: 09/22/2003 08:59:59

Mr. Francis,
Let's pretend that we are all existing in the same parallel universe. In this universe the Pixies have re-united and are planning a tour and possibly a new album. Do you think the Pixies would show some love to They Might Be Giants and consider them as an opening act?

Reply author: Whiskeyshoes
Replied on: 09/22/2003 09:02:44


You and Paul Westerberg are my fav songwriters/performers. Ever meet Paul or consider collaborating?

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 09/22/2003 09:57:33

Hey Frank,

If the Pixies play shows again. When will the show on the moon or on the space station take place? Just curious?

I had me a vision!

It's step, hip, step, pivot! Are you trying to piss-off the volcano?!

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/22/2003 10:21:42

Originally posted by the swimmer

Um, why are you all still writing in this.

He's not coming back to it.

Am I allowed to quote just for the sake of quoting?

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 10:38:47

right on brother broheim!


Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/22/2003 10:47:37

hey monseur blk:
are the sirens in the background of '1826' for real?

maybe a 4 alarm fire down the street?
or achemical spill from a train wreck??
..inquiring minds...
..P.S. definitely 'nuff said

Reply author: nomaduzzu
Replied on: 09/22/2003 12:10:44

hello Frank!

my name is Miron Ghiu-Caia and I'm a music writer for one of the biggest publishing houses in Romania. I know all this may sound ordinary, but I must say it: you're a great inspiration for me. almost all the parties I've thrown and at least one hour/day are dedicated to your work. thanks for that, plain and simple. thanks for being such a musical genius.

second of all I must say that the song "all my ghosts" made me decide to visit my grandfather whom I haven't been seeing for about two years at that time. the coincidence is that he was just recovering from a serious surgery (i hadn't ANY idea) and that meeting was, to say so, his last moment of mental clarity. it's painful for me to say that, but here it is. i just woke one morning, recorded a compilation of your songs and went to the train for a 300km journey, although i worked that day. just like that.

I must say i totally love your music and i'm promoting your work the best i can.

i know it's probably just my imagination but i'd love to see you live in romania or near.

hope to hear from you. "show me your tears" is awesome - i love "massife centrale" and "the snake"

just a "hi" will do the trick ("then god is seven")

love you,


Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 09/22/2003 14:04:05

Frank as a matter of fact, good ole Don Levine is still teaching narrative avant garde film. The TA's of the class are all in their mid to late 20s and are crazy about your music so they play it in the discussion sections. Don Levine is humbled and I guess someone made him a tape of some of your songs and he enjoyed it a lot..there was some concern that he was the "debaser" in question for always giving away the endings to the movies, but I guess he went on the internet to look at the lyrics and was relieved that they mostly focused on the film (in his own perverse way I don't think he would have minded either way).

On another note...and this might be a stretch, but could the somnabulist in 85 Weeks be inspired by the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari?

(p.s. SMYT is primo)

Reply author: FranknWeezer
Replied on: 09/22/2003 15:25:47


You may vaguely recall meeting me in Oxford, MS in Jan. of 1999 at Proud Larry's. You remarked about the picture of MOSE ALLISON by the stage and played Superabound per my request. I gave you a 40 SONG SETLIST and you guys had fun with me about it. Also, I told you how I first saw you on your Hovercraft on Beavis and Butthead. Saw you again this March in New Orleans but only got to talk to you for a sec.

Anyhow, I had a couple of questions I'd appreciate you answering if you don't mind:

1. Why don't you guys ever play "Cult of Ray" live (please don't say the answer lies in the lyrics...)? It would sound incredible with slide steel ( even better remake than "Fiddle Riddle"). If it's lyrics (i.e. St. Francis), I volunteer to hold cue cards if that will get the job done.

2. I gave you a package w/ a cd in New Orleans suggesting you collaborate with (or cover) some artists like John Prine, Steve Earle, and Weezer (i.e. my id's 'FranknWeezer'). Did you even open it and give it short shrift consideration? What do you think of those folks specifically?

3. The lyrics "Don't worry hey, no need for you to hide among the trees..." from 'California Bound' helped me get through a really rough time in my life last fall. Many thanks. Please feel good about yourself b/c you have a tremendous positive impact on lots of people. That's not a question.

You're the man.

Reply author: hilljack
Replied on: 09/22/2003 15:42:06

Frank -

Thanks for the great music.

One question - what do you think of Will Oldham (Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Palace, etc.)?

Reply author: Kozaru
Replied on: 09/22/2003 17:33:18

'This Old Heartache' just SCREAMS Leonard Cohen. I love it.


Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 09/23/2003 00:11:27

Dear Frank,

What about :

1. an OFFICIAL live album ?
2. a best-of including the favorite songs of your fans and some rarities (Duke of Earl, Valley of Our Hope, Don't Clip Your Wings...) ?

I'll be the happiest man on Earth if you play these 3 songs in Strasbourg on Nov. 6 : Speedy Marie, His Kingly Cave & Pan American Highway.

Greetings from Massif Central.

A long-time FrankBlackologist.

Reply author: Chroneos
Replied on: 09/23/2003 01:00:24

Originally posted by hilljack

One question - what do you think of Will Oldham (Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Palace, etc.)?

Wasn't he in Slint?

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 09/23/2003 01:48:00

Will Oldham in Slint? That would be crazy. He wasn't really, was he? They have such different sounds.


Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/23/2003 01:56:03

Just in case you post again after another breakfast of haddock and poached eggs, a few more scraps for you:

1. Is is true that the song you like best on SMYT is Everything is New? (Logo magazine interview)
2. Why did Don't Clip Your Wings make it onto SMYT - did you want there to be 13 tracks, no more and no less?
3. Are you a fan of the late, lamented Green on Red, or Chuck Prophet's solo work? I hear a Green on Red influence on Black Letter Days and SMYT at times.
4. You once said that the Pixies were a bit like Bill Forsyth's film "That Sinking Feeling". Which film most resembles FB and the Catholics?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/23/2003 09:08:21


*ccccccriinnggeeee* yack

Reply author: cuntman
Replied on: 09/23/2003 10:01:13

dear mr frank
can we have a live album please please please please


Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 09/23/2003 11:25:11

They're all been live albums recently, haven't they? ;)

Reply author: bazza
Replied on: 09/23/2003 12:28:04

whats your favourite tom waits album? (i guess bone machine - expect rain dogs).
also - favourite bowie album? (ill guess scary monsters).

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 09/23/2003 13:20:25

And continuing with the Tom Waits question by bazza...

Do you get to talk to Tom Waits often? I think a collaboration between you two would be interesting.

"I joined the Incredible Cult of Frank / Then I got pissed and turned green"

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 09/23/2003 13:35:32

Originally posted by speedy_m

Will Oldham in Slint? That would be crazy. He wasn't really, was he? They have such different sounds.


Hey speedy -I'll be brief, but AFAIK, the band consisted of:

David Pajo (now in Papa M, and Zwan)
Brian McMahon
Britt Walford (as you are probably aware, aka Mike Hunt, or "Shannon Daughton" as drummer w/the Breeders)
Todd Brashear
Ethan Bucker

Sir Frank,

When you speak of a full belly of poached haddock and eggs, and the "sweet town" of Edinburgh, it evokes for me a scene from the Wim Wenders film, "Wings of Desire":

...'"Bruno Ganz has a good face for an angel. It is an ordinary, pleasant, open face, not improbably handsome. Like a creature who has been observing since the dawn of time, he doesn't react a lot. He has seen it all. Now he wants to feel. "I'm taking the plunge," his angel tells the other one. He will descend into time, disease, pain and death, because at the same time he can touch, smell and be a part of things. All that he desires is summed up in the early dawn at an outdoor coffee stand when Peter Falk tells him: "To smoke, and have coffee--and if you do it together, it's fantastic. To draw, and when your hands are cold you rub them together ... "'

(from R. Ebert review)

You rock, sir!

"Toynbee ideas in Kubrick's 2001 resurrect dead on planet Jupiter"

Reply author: lofiscifi
Replied on: 09/23/2003 14:50:17


i can’t believe that you’d forsake the sunny, smoggy skies of the sfv for the ever dreary days of portland! if only the valley had been successful in its secession, maybe you’d have kept your “court” here in "camelot".

anyhoo, just had a quick question regarding your relationship to both ridgway and watt and how the collaborations w/ both came about. are you friends/acquaintances? admirers of one another’s work? i know watt and ridgway worked together in the past on stan’s the big heat. just curious.


- lofiscifi

Reply author: hilljack
Replied on: 09/23/2003 15:55:22

Originally posted by Chroneos

Wasn't he in Slint?

He wasn't in Slint, but he took the photograph that's on the cover of Spiderland. He's pretty incredible in any of his incarnations (the aforementioned Palace, Bonnie "prince" Billy). Johnny Cash recorded his song I See a Darkness on American 3. Outside of FB, he's my favorite musician. Check out the album Lost Blues by Palace Music if you're interested.

Reply author: monkey40258
Replied on: 09/23/2003 16:13:59

Hey Frank i was wondering if you were having fun in Europe. The only question i really have is when can we expect the next album?

Hope you stop back in Louisville

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 09/23/2003 18:56:13

ah, this is so great. I've just recently got into Oldham. I have "I See A Darkness" and "Master and Everyone." I didn't know anyone on this forum was into him. I've wanted to check out Lost Blues; any other recommendations on where to go from here are welcome.

Reply author: hilljack
Replied on: 09/23/2003 22:19:23

Originally posted by realmeanmotorscutor

ah, this is so great. I've just recently got into Oldham. I have "I See A Darkness" and "Master and Everyone." I didn't know anyone on this forum was into him. I've wanted to check out Lost Blues; any other recommendations on where to go from here are welcome.

Sorry for the derailment folks - other Oldham stuff to check out would be Ease Down the Road (by Bonnie Billy), Days in the Wake, Viva Last Blues, Guarapero, Arise Therefore - most of his stuff is great, but those are all superb (some people are turned off by the drum machine on Arise Therefore, but there are some incredible songs on that one). You should be able to get most of these on Amazon or more cheaply on

Also, if you ever get a chance to see him live it's well worth it.

Reply author: moofah
Replied on: 09/23/2003 23:43:56

Dear Frank,
Welcome to Portland! Please play many shows here. Maybe open mic night at The Green Room for a surprise. Or an early afternoon show at Laurelthirst. Portland is an amazing town and it is an honor to have you. May I ask what struck you about Puddletown?
Thanks for posting on this board. Very kind of you.

Reply author: brank flack
Replied on: 09/24/2003 02:02:00

hey frank,
i've seen you live about 25 times.....
i was wondering what your live set up will be this next feldman i assume since the magic band is playing in long beach (your hometown and my moms) this winter.
and i just want to say i love every album from the s/t to show me your tears.
will you ever do a frank black dvd of videos and/or live footage? we would all buy it......
thanks for doing what you do.

Reply author: Doryphore
Replied on: 09/24/2003 03:56:42

I'll rephrase my question a bit.

Frank, do you like Ry Cooder? Know him even? What are the odds of you & the Catholics ever recording anything with him??

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/24/2003 04:26:31

Originally posted by Stuart


Have you ever visited China?? Pixies albums are available here, and I picked up a copy of your first solo album in a dodgy little record store..... In fact a couple of my students said they knew of the Pixies when I told them who my favorite band were.... You know, Suede, and Morcheeba (and The Stones if it weren't for SARS) played here this year, and they aren't anything compared to the Catholics.... so would you ever consider paying a visit to China to play a one off gig in Beijing???

Stupid questions I know, but I am gutted that I am missing your shows in England this autumn!

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

never been to China. yeah. you gotta get to England or someplace if you wanna see a show.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/24/2003 04:28:28

Originally posted by blarg007

hey frnk,
they say it rains a lot in Portland eh?,
as it concerns me and i thinks maybe you
-what's your take on the no radio play in the U.S.?
i have heard 'Olympus Mons' from Trompe Le Monde
and then 'Los Angeles' from yer first solo on the adult
(over the hill?)rock station here in Chicago but that was years ago
-headache used to get air on the 'alternative'station
(so why bother with promo copies at this point...?).
it is this snubbing which makes me hesitant to even bother with
radio other than news, but basically it erks me because when i do
tune in i start getting headaches from repeated poundings of dave matthews
et all.
your path in this business is a template for all i believe and i
would like to interview/document/maybe film you and your band some time
...but o.k. thats another story.
if you have a publicist you should have them contact NPR(national public radio)
i could see them doing a review of your latest and maybe a little feature,
they recently had some shows that featured the pedal steel guitar and some
of the people who play it believe it or not.
-i just realized my semi/x girlfriend who teaches yoga has a fellow yoga teacher
friend who is dating Ira Glass and i have talked to him a couple times so maybe i can feel
out the idea of a little feature on your band and your DIY ways.
- they are pretty open minded over there at NPR -actually when i was up in Minn.
near the boundary waters i heard an NPR station that played kickass music all day
from hillbilly stompers to the Blasters!
i come back to the big city and i get beat over the head with endless rotations
of ..blarghhh... -go figure.

your take on why it is...
keep it long please.



radio: owned by clearchannel and the like. it's a very business oriented world. plus a lot of payola. radio is strictly business. has nothing to do with "art".

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 09/24/2003 04:35:37

dear frank

how about those session with the two pale boys (of David Thomas fame)

what's your favourite Pere Ubu song?

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/24/2003 05:10:13

Hmmm, either Frank has spilled an espresso over his keyboard, or after reading the qs on page 10 he has run for the hills. Edinburgh, for those who are interested, is built on 7 hills - so he has quite a choice.

Hope to see you back here soon, Frank.

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 09/24/2003 05:10:52

Have you ever contemplated coming to Iceland? It's a swell place, Dave Grohl says so.

Reply author: Hatchetman
Replied on: 09/24/2003 05:21:05

Hi Frank, hope your rehearsals are going well. I'm really looking forward to seeing you and the band in London, Portsmouth and Bristol.

One question; Why don't you play in Wales? You've played in Scotland, England, Ireland, but never Wales. We have some great venues in Cardiff, Swansea, Newport etc. Please consider this for next tour. Oh and you should play on Easter Island for all the Moai statues, I'm sure that they would like it.

Keep up the good work.

Ps, I recently read a review of guitars that you did for Jack magazine. I found it funny that you mention expensive and vintage guitars (Martins, pre CBS Fender Telecasters and Takamine acoustics etc.) and the magazine people put a big photograph of a Squire Telecaster next to the review! A guitar that's worth about £125.00, the silly people.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Pps, I like the Martin guitar you have, it sounds fantastic.


Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 09/24/2003 10:02:04

Hey Charles,


Did you make a recording appearance with Taz Bentley and Todd Lewis' band the Burden Brothers earlier this year?

If so what song(s) did you work on?



Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/24/2003 10:28:15

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Hmmm, either Frank has spilled an espresso over his keyboard, or after reading the qs on page 10 he has run for the hills. Edinburgh, for those who are interested, is built on 7 hills - so he has quite a choice.

Hope to see you back here soon, Frank.

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

it's starnge how many important cities are built on 7 hills,Rome and Constantinopole among others...

Presented In Mind Control/Where Available

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/24/2003 10:43:38

Heh... love the new sig, mun chien. I didn't know that about Ediburgh or Constantinople, that is pretty cool. Most likely he realized that there were 11 pages of questions and decided their wasn't enough espresso in the whole of Europe for him to go through all of it. I wonder if he has time to look at the rest of the forum ever or if this is the only thread he can go through.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/24/2003 10:43:43

hi Frank
i was wondering about your collaboration with Gordon Gano,how did it come out?A record label project or appreciation for Gano's music?Any chance of covering a violent femmes song?("never tell"for example?)


Presented In Mind Control/Where Available

Reply author: Pete Egress
Replied on: 09/24/2003 11:48:44

Hi Frank

Your music has pretty much been the soundtrack of my life for at least a decade now. :)

I have 2 short questions.

What happenned to your fascination with the other worldy and mysterious that was once so prevalent in your work? Have you "moved on" in terms of philosophic beliefs (you know, the old wide-eyed to the stars, UFO thing that I always found fascinating). Just curious.

Also, I was wondering if you would ever entertain doing any video work for the sheer creative thrill of it. I am an animator and opening a studio with a few other artists. We just finished a fully stop motion animated video for a band using the Fritz Lang/ Metropolis theme. Would you be interested in creating a video in such a style possibly using either 3d or 2d animation (perhaps with us :) ? Its a big download but I'd be interested in your take. (you might want to dis-regard the misic :)

Also what should we call our studio?

Thanks! (looking forward to another Philadelphia tour some time soon)

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/24/2003 13:02:50

Hey Frank,

For next time you grace us with your presence, are you gonna be around Knoxville Tennessee anytime soon? Nashville, Memphis, maybe..? I've never been to one of your shows, and you're one of the few people I'd drive a piece for.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams

Reply author: anazgnos
Replied on: 09/24/2003 13:47:10

I get the idea that rather than abolishing payola, Radio as a format is now ALL payola. What with those independent promoters.

"Join the Cult of Frank / it's more fun than a trip to the Black Lodge"

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 09/24/2003 15:45:30

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Heh... love the new sig, mun chien. I didn't know that about Ediburgh or Constantinople, that is pretty cool. Most likely he realized that there were 11 pages of questions and decided their wasn't enough espresso in the whole of Europe for him to go through all of it. I wonder if he has time to look at the rest of the forum ever or if this is the only thread he can go through.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

yeah and we're not making it any easier by replying to each other here...

Presented In Mind Control/Where Available

Reply author: Chip Away Boy
Replied on: 09/24/2003 19:26:11

DO you see Pan-Am Highway being released on any upcoming CD in the near future, it's such a great song.

Reply author: brank flack
Replied on: 09/24/2003 19:34:43

it is on the robert onion single from dog in the sand

Reply author: Perhaps
Replied on: 09/24/2003 20:11:56

Hey Frank -

Any chance of you doing a Lou Rawls cover? When a saw you in Providence you sang Duke of Earl apparently impromptu (broken front mic). It strikes me that you could rock the shit out of (or maybe into) "Groovy People".

Reply author: cvanepps
Replied on: 09/24/2003 21:56:43

Hey FB,

Did you ever get to meet/talk to Joe Strummer? Those Mescaleros records are good but Earthquake Weather is the best. His death was truly shocking; an apt yet very sad example of the good dying young.

-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =-

Reply author: dicebourbon
Replied on: 09/25/2003 08:35:14

it's strange how many important cities are built on 7 hills,Rome and Constantinopole among others...

Cincinnati as well (sorry to add to an already crowded space).

Reply author: bumblebeeboy2
Replied on: 09/25/2003 10:27:21

hey frank, i'm willing to believe it's you for the purpose of this post, very cool thread! been trying to get through it all, very funny!

anyway going to the gig next wednesday in Manchester, was wondering if you have 'tossed - with lyrics' in your collection of do-able songs at the moment? i downloaded it a few months ago (a live version, obviously) and it's fantastic. In fact if you do do (do do do do...) a Oddballs 2 then I reckon you should do a studio version of it, heck just do one anyway as a b-side!

Keep on rocking! Was talking to your mates (and mine!) The Wannadies on Monday after their gig, can you name which country you last saw Pär in?

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/25/2003 12:20:39

"and its always yooooou, and meeee, alwaaaays..."
never knew frank was friends with them!

"In the Cult of Frank / i will eat you soul...heh."

Reply author: Bartholomew
Replied on: 09/25/2003 14:22:55

HUGE Bradbury fan here, Frank. Thanks for turning me on to him. What's your favorite book of his?

Also, is Manitoba going to be on a soundtrack to a Kevin Spacey movie? (old rumor I heard)

Call me Bart.

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 09/25/2003 14:33:11


I posted this on another question thread that's lurking out in the boonies somewhere here:

I have a ton but I'll be brief...alledgedly!

1. The places you name in songs - are those the ones you've visited at the time or just random locations that spring to mind during the process or writing? Also have you ever thought about putting together a Pixies tour bus like the one the Beatles have in Liverpool?
(I ask this as I was close to buying a pennent with UMASS written on it during the famous blackout)

2. Do you currently hold any beliefe that we'll ever know the truth about outer space and live harmoniously with other nations on earth?

3. What was the worst tour & why? - did you ever recover any of the stolen bits & pieces?

4. Which albumn was the most gratifying to make/write/record?

5. In a ideal world if you could have your choice of musicians and venues and crowd to play to; which ones and why?

6. Numerology figures alot in your music - have you researched this or are you intrigued by patterns and have a set theory on their significance?

7. Is there a chance of you playing I will run to you in Edinburgh?
(its my birthday and I'm trekking up from the wilds of Kent nr. Dover so I figure its worth the asking)

8. The talking intro's are very much a part of some records to my view - is this going to feature in future recordings or is it more incidental?

9. Do you ever think it will ever be possible to see you & David Bowie/ Teenage Fanclub on the same stage? Have you talked about this at any time?

10. I'm curious as to why you played into the white at the underworld - threw me for 6 tell the truth - was it something you'd been doing a while or just a whim?

11. What's better: random or conscious logic?

12. What's the one thing is this life you'd not be without?

13. Have you ever stopped and analysed the lyrics to your songs or do you merely give them air and leave them alone?

There we go!

Thirteen toothsome questions!

Thanking you for your time sir!

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: davidvincent
Replied on: 09/25/2003 15:45:12

FB- What are your favourite songs from each album- ?- mine are-
czar, pong, mib, ghosts, billy r, robert o, san antonio, end of miles, coastline.........THO' ON A DIFFERENT DAY......?

I know that seems square- but hey !- its a square world, flat earth, there are aliens all around, area 51, we never visited the moon, elvis lives, i once met a sasquatch, there is a yeti, there gonna put it down -right on the strip, i'm watching my back, 'space travels in my head', d = r x t, give me a blip......../, COUNTIN HELICOPTERS on a saturday nite....., she tried to colonise space, ....sorry,

HGWELLS- lives............

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 09/25/2003 19:07:09

hey Frank,
what's your favorite Taqueria in LA? have you been to La Tequiza on 30th and Fig? i think you'd like it.

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 09/25/2003 20:40:15

Hey Frank, why don't you just write one big long essay that answers each and every one of our questions, as the amount of queries we're presenting you with would fill a short book?

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/26/2003 01:29:59

Originally posted by nomaduzzu

hello Frank!

my name is Miron Ghiu-Caia and I'm a music writer for one of the biggest publishing houses in Romania. I know all this may sound ordinary, but I must say it: you're a great inspiration for me. almost all the parties I've thrown and at least one hour/day are dedicated to your work. thanks for that, plain and simple. thanks for being such a musical genius.

second of all I must say that the song "all my ghosts" made me decide to visit my grandfather whom I haven't been seeing for about two years at that time. the coincidence is that he was just recovering from a serious surgery (i hadn't ANY idea) and that meeting was, to say so, his last moment of mental clarity. it's painful for me to say that, but here it is. i just woke one morning, recorded a compilation of your songs and went to the train for a 300km journey, although i worked that day. just like that.

I must say i totally love your music and i'm promoting your work the best i can.

i know it's probably just my imagination but i'd love to see you live in romania or near.

hope to hear from you. "show me your tears" is awesome - i love "massife centrale" and "the snake"

just a "hi" will do the trick ("then god is seven")

love you,


thanks miron. hope to see you in ROMANIA one day.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/26/2003 01:32:05

Originally posted by bazza

whats your favourite tom waits album? (i guess bone machine - expect rain dogs).
also - favourite bowie album? (ill guess scary monsters).

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

frank's wild years

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/26/2003 01:33:45

Originally posted by Doryphore

I'll rephrase my question a bit.

Frank, do you like Ry Cooder? Know him even? What are the odds of you & the Catholics ever recording anything with him??

paradise and lunch

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 09/26/2003 01:34:57

Originally posted by Cartland

Have you ever contemplated coming to Iceland? It's a swell place, Dave Grohl says so.

wanna go...wanna go blue lagoon....wanna rent a 4 wheel drive....yeah...iceland

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 09/26/2003 01:41:14

Frank, I won't go to see you opening for Placebo in Paris, mainly because tickets are a bit expensive, but are there any chances of an in-store appearance in the afternoon that same day?


"I'm in the Cult of Frank/Now how the hell do I get out?"

Reply author: Blackolyte
Replied on: 09/26/2003 02:41:43

Hey Frank,

Do you have time to read while on tour? If so what books/authors do you read?

Reply author: supermikewins
Replied on: 09/26/2003 03:16:10

Dear Frank,
Welcome to Edinburgh, Capital of Scotland and indeed a lovely country to reside. It gets cold sometimes. Anyway I've never met a famous person in real life (Except Daniel O Donnel), but nevertheless I have tickets to see you tonight. It would be nice to get backstage. But I know I won't because security are nobs.
MY question is: How are you?
Yours Sincerely,
Michael Gunn

Reply author: bazza
Replied on: 09/26/2003 03:45:40

daniel o donnell :o) he is quite a hit with the ladies over here! whats got 80 legs and no teeth? the front row of a DOD concert! heh ;o) im sorry michael i shouldnt be laughing - enjoy the gig tonight you lucky fella. cheers

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 09/26/2003 04:03:27

On Sunday October 12th, as you have no gig, there are much worse places to cool your kingly heels than in Cowes on the Isle of Wight (just over the water from Portsmouth and Southampton). Shitloads of cracking harbourside bars & restaurants, more sailin' and shorin' than you could wave a stick at, and the chance to chill without ever hearing the words "P****s" and "reunion" in the same sentence.
We've already had Iggy Pop here this year (playing the festival), and Glen Matlock lives here, so mayhaps you could get together and resurrect the Stax Pistols for an afternoon.
Don't hang out in Ryde's awash with po' folk on holiday.

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/26/2003 05:26:01

..iceland cold fever
..silly post:

Posted - 09/25/2003 : 11:39:59

i know! lets all meet in iceland and each bring a boombox and we'll
each crank one of these songs simultaneously!
next thing you know dead animals are flying all around
and then frank black and the catholics will pull up in the catholics mobile
and jump out and beg us to stop...we crank 'em up a notch and then they offer to play
for us 'IF WE WOULD JUST TURN IT OFF' then frank sez 'O.K.,O.K. how about free admission
to all our gigs for one year AND an indian burn?!
THEN we shut it down, find a hotspring and a beer and all have a good laugh!

dunno man...indian burn from frank black would probably nip...although I suppose there would be glaciers nearby to douse the sting with

- Leo

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/26/2003 06:02:48

Originally posted by vilainde

Frank, I won't go to see you opening for Placebo in Paris, mainly because tickets are a bit expensive, but are there any chances of an in-store appearance in the afternoon that same day?

Ha I love this part of the msgboard

Originally posted by vilainde

Frank, I really really want to see you open for placebo. Oh wait no I don't or else I'd pay. Any chance you comin round to my house so I don't have to put any effort at all in?

Think what your typing people

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 09/26/2003 06:20:18

Fuck you, Malax. I already have my tickets for Paris & Evreux, so it's not like I'm asking for free passes or anything. I'm just saying that Frank often does in-store solo shows, and that he'll be in Paris on Oct. 18th because the Catholics open for Placebo that night, so he COULD play in the afternoon at some record store.


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/26/2003 06:25:03

I could see something like that was coming. Read some of the things people are asking then read what you wrote originally. Sorry for assuming your were just being a skinflint but....well read your first post.

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 09/26/2003 06:44:05

Well yeah, thinking of it, you could imagine I was being stingy, but that was not my intention. Put the blame on my inability to build proper sentences in english...

(Wow... That was the fastest fight ever)


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/26/2003 06:48:29

I just enjoy reading this section of the board its so amusing how star struck people get and some of the posts are so laughable I can't help being a bit of a cunt from time to time. Apologies.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/26/2003 07:02:20

starstruck! thats the ticket.
yeah this must be a fairly unique msg forum thread as i wouldn't
even begin to guess what a subscription starstruck forum
would be like (david bowies' site for example)
-IT IS WHAT IT IS, laughable is good right?

ciao now, brown cow

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/26/2003 07:46:09

I can't work out if you are trying to be funny or not.

Reply author: gracie
Replied on: 09/26/2003 12:23:17

Hey Frank, would you be interested in a ladies of Frank calander? Remember, it's not soft porn, it's art!

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/26/2003 12:29:30

now we're cookin' with Crisco!

strange hair 'n pair o' dice

Reply author: badronald
Replied on: 09/26/2003 15:05:25

Frank - let me extend a virtual outstretched hand. I'm experiencing a personal FB renaissance which led me to this board & into the lap of jesus. I missed your last Portland show but now that it seems you live here - I look forward to some local gigs.

bad ronald

Reply author: babsy
Replied on: 09/26/2003 17:58:13

blah blah blah i like stuff and r are are poems and hash browns

Reply author: Kingmob999
Replied on: 09/26/2003 18:21:21

Frank-- Are you taking applications for guitarists. Im tired of construction work.

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 09/26/2003 18:27:51

Frank, do you recall playing a gig in Pomona, CA at The Glass House with Mike Watt as your opener? It was June I believe of 2002. Well, this was one of your most rockin' shows I have ever brother and I were very near the front, and we couldn't believe the energy you guys had that night (the night before you played at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, and for some reason Scott was absent and David Lovering filled in on drums).

I have two questions for you:
1) Why (if you can recall of course) did they switch you from the main stage that night at The Glass House to the smaller room? (actually I'm glad they did because it was much more intimate and felt like a high school party!) Have wondered this since the show 'cause it all seemed so last second...


2) Where was Scott the night before at San Juan Cap? You had joked he was in jail...also that night you regaled us with a whimsical tale of the doomsday beehive in your backyard which you and Dave P. were frightened of!

Anyhow, take care and cant wait to see you in Cali again! OHH!!! Could you slip I SWITCHED YOU in there somewhere?

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown


Reply author: Larry Norman Jr
Replied on: 09/26/2003 18:34:39

Hi Frank, love yr work!!

cooking v. suggested they maybe will release a 3rd single from smyt to coincide w/ FB+C euro tour.. if so, can you please include "don't clip your wings" as one of the b-sides.. it seems such a waste for such a great song to be sitting on the shelf.. please please please, or you will see my tears...

Reply author: babsy
Replied on: 09/26/2003 18:58:10

i was wondering if you like hash browns....

Reply author: grandsonofsemiramis
Replied on: 09/26/2003 19:44:29

Hash browns are tasty.

Reply author: Windom Earle
Replied on: 09/26/2003 20:09:06

Frank Black = Kingpin sans balls and criminal intelligence. Discuss...

Reply author: Blackolyte
Replied on: 09/26/2003 21:26:56

Windom Earle. Twin Peaks. Nice.

Reply author: miguel
Replied on: 09/27/2003 01:47:10

What the hell is going on here?

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 09/27/2003 04:39:46

gracie, could we send frank a free copy?

"In the Cult of Frank / i will eat you soul...heh."

Reply author: Atheist4Catholics
Replied on: 09/27/2003 08:06:09


If you don't mind me asking, what have you done to lose so much weight? You're looking mean and lean these days. - A4C

"Join the Cult of Clootie / and you'll get more booty!"

Reply author: Radcliffe
Replied on: 09/27/2003 08:21:49

Hey Mr Black,
I just want to say thank you for making such wonderful pieces of art. On another note, don't know if your familiar with this book or not, but I thought that you might want to check it out. It's called Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon and it’s by Chuck Palahniuk, the wonderful author that brought us Fight Club. Just thought it might be suiting with you moving to Portland and all. Once again, thank you so much for your annual gifts that you give to us, and for being such a down to earth guy to take time and come talk to your fans like this.

Reply author: anazgnos
Replied on: 09/27/2003 11:07:02

Mr Black, I was wondering how, as a recent LA transplantee to Portland, you feel about the whole you can't pump your own gas thing in Oregon. I just don't understand the logic, are they afraid people will like, take too much?!?

"Join the Cult of Frank / it's more fun than a trip to the Black Lodge"

Reply author: chud
Replied on: 09/27/2003 13:01:23

Hey Frank Black! Im a quabalist, look that word up mother fucker!

Reply author: Chris Knight
Replied on: 09/27/2003 16:41:25

This thread is more weird than a trip to the black lodge.

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 09/27/2003 18:28:42

Yup, weirdness abounds.

Dear Frank,

I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about your involvement in the Wig In A Box project to benefit the Harvey Milk School/Hetrick Martin Institute. My husband & I are really excited to see so many of our favorite artists (and everyone is so perfectly matched to his/her/their song--it's as if someone rounded up my personal "dream cast" of performers for this!) contributing their talents to the making of this CD, and I'm particularly eager to hear your rendition of "Sugar Daddy". So did you have a good time? Do you think you might ever throw it into the Catholics' live repertoire? I can't wait to hear it.

Hope you guys swing back through Arkansas next year!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 09/27/2003 19:27:22

Frank, who's the stern looking 'older' gentleman that's been sitting at the back of the Scottish gigs? (At both Edinburgh and Aberdeen so far -- both nights rocked, though the Aberdeen audience did take a while to perk up!). I'm guessing Ken Goes? See ya tomorrow @ Glasgow!

(And if any of the Catholics noticed the stupid fight breaking out @ Aberdeen and some clumsy nerdy guy break it up, that was me!)

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 09/28/2003 09:31:10

Originally posted by Atheist4Catholics


If you don't mind me asking, what have you done to lose so much weight? You're looking mean and lean these days. - A4C

Didn't he say somewhere he had been going to the gym alot lately?

Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 09/28/2003 10:50:50

Originally posted by Malax

Originally posted by Atheist4Catholics


If you don't mind me asking, what have you done to lose so much weight? You're looking mean and lean these days. - A4C

Didn't he say somewhere he had been going to the gym alot lately?

And hiking?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Did anyone else have to give up their first born?"

Reply author: fbforever
Replied on: 09/28/2003 21:27:48

Question for "The King" : Black Francis is credited on Pigface's
Welcome to Mexico A**hole release, what was your role on that if
indeed were involved.
(From the jerk who had you sign a baseball after not one show
but 2 differant shows)
Thanks for the muse....

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 09/29/2003 04:49:26

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the Edinburgh gig and for giving me time after you had shifted all your gear up a 1 in 2 incline. It was a great gig. One question, I was intrigued by your choice of "Fare Thee Well" as the final song - how long have you been listeneing to Burl Ives?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: Manta Ray
Replied on: 09/29/2003 07:44:56

hello mister frank, i'm from paris, will be seeing you soon, here are my little questions:

1- why dont you say if the pixies reunion rumor is true or false?
2- was the badspelling of massif central(e) intentional?
3- when you get to paris, where do you hang around?
4- what is your favourite pixies, frank black, catholics album?
5- are you a good pong player?

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/29/2003 10:50:29

Originally posted by Windom Earle

Frank Black = Kingpin sans balls and criminal intelligence. Discuss...

pay no attention to the (cajoneless) man behind the .jpg link,
it's only windom earle that loser who is now a hershey bar in
BOB's back pocket.


Reply author: DrBone
Replied on: 09/29/2003 11:25:34

Say Frank...

When you guys record live to TT, is it like all of you in the room with headphones on getting your levels down or is there a dude at the mixing desk taking care of all that while you guys rock the devil out of his hole?

The new material is amazing BTW.

-Dr. Bone

Reply author: neilefc
Replied on: 09/29/2003 12:01:10


i won’t pretend to have a clue what some of your records are about, but love them all the same. to me, that’s part of the attraction, making your own interpretations.
but “horrible day”, fan-fuckin’-tastic, hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
can’t wait for liverpool on thursday

Reply author: Elvisisme
Replied on: 09/29/2003 15:25:12

a few announcements from oldenburg,

- remember me? i've seen a concert of yours in bochum few years ago and when you were signing autographs after the show i asked you if you were selling drugs there - i was just kidding man ;-)

- my appreciation for you helping your crew packing the p.a. and stuff there after the show (never seen that before by someone who's been shown on one of our beloved music-channels)

- about 2 months ago i saw ya at the "oh-so-great" breminale in bremen performing solo in a tent. and boy - you seemed pissed by all means. to let that poor man come up the stage and have him translate your next song before you would sing it appeared to me - mh, let's say - at least a little bit strange.

- i found a band that somehow sounds related to the way you've been making music for the last 2 decades. it's a french band called dionysos. catch 'em if you get to.

- next tour to europe, especially germany is already settled as i read. see you there man

"Ya best piece is like Che Guevara - quickly throws a blow, draws back fast."

Reply author: babsy
Replied on: 09/29/2003 16:13:47

is frank a no show anymore? how will i know about the matter of the so called hashed browns that are all the rage these days?

Reply author: edward897
Replied on: 09/29/2003 17:45:55

Frank, next time you're in Florida look me up for the best fried catfish in the state.


Reply author: obmeZ
Replied on: 10/01/2003 03:53:42

ch-chatty Ch-Charles
crap I guess I missed the Q&A boat...huh?
C'mon back again now... Ya-heah!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/13/2003 07:45:38


There seems to be much concern over the fact that I don't say much during my gigs. I have never in 17 years chatted from the stage. It is not my style. Most of the crowd is there to hear music and could care less about what I might have to say as a citizen. If I made pop music and played to thousands of people a night, maybe my demeanor would be a little different. I play arty rock music on the arty rock music circuit. It has never been my expectation that one should be chatty in this arena. That has never been my experience when I am a patron. And if I don't do an encore it isn't because I'm "in a bad mood". It's because the audience didn't really ask for one. Basically, I, the artist, don't deserve to take an encore if it is not demanded. The oft performed encore is a classic example of theatrical tradition becoming watered-down, dumbed-down, and meaningless. It's a real shame. I am a guitar player. I am not a dancing bear....I am a singer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a guy loading a trailer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a cabaret singer. I am not a dancing bear... Sometimes people think that I am rude when I don't switch into that dancing bear routine. I am not complaining. I adore playing music to the people that support my art. But I am not a fucking dancing bear... I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 10/13/2003 07:48:14

Thanks for clearing that up FB! I always wished you would chat more from the stage...I don't know, it makes things a little more interesting and perhaps personable. I've always enjoyed when bands talk to the audience. To each his own.

"I joined the Cult of Clops / If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open."

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 10/13/2003 07:57:41

Someone please add "I am not a fucking dancing bear" to the 'Quote' part of the homepage...


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"

Reply author: gary13th
Replied on: 10/13/2003 08:22:37

thats fair enough
keep the great music coming !

They are about, dressed to deceive, architect David Vincent

Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 10/13/2003 08:39:53

Shit, I thought this was

Looks like I wasted my life AGAIN.

Frank, for real, I think you are doing fine. I go to the shows to get to experience a legendary songwriter and his crack fucking band rip a hole in the sky.

I don't go for Beer, Broads, or Buddies.

Please come and play solo at the Radio Cafe if you are ever near Nashville again. Of course I'd like to see the Catholics as well, but you told me once you like to play smaller places possibly for a short run of nights.

This place would be right up your alley. In fact, it is right next to an alley.

Reply author: Retch
Replied on: 10/13/2003 08:45:06

Hey Frank,
saw a production of the Oliver Goldsmith play " She Stoops to Conquer " quite recently...................the dancing bear didn't say a word..................


This ain't no holiday.

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/13/2003 08:56:42

"blarg007 via uncrippled and kindly fellow FBNetter":
yeah i saw that stuff about the couple shows in england recently where
people seemed to make note of the lack of 'chattiness', i for one have
not seen a show of yours that was like that.
i think i have seen some reviews of your solo shows where they mentioned that you were talking about a song before playing it or
whatnot and obviously that paints a pretty picture in ones' head of
an intimate moment i suppose.
the reality of you in a band seems to be that it's a lot of work i would think: to play and sing along with the band
-dynamically i might add.
i have thought before when nirvana name came up via articles/reviews of influences (for cobain via pixies
)i recall that he hired the new guitar player on their last LP because it was so much work to play
and sing (i suppose he WAS playing ALL the guitar before the new guitarist came along though).
I just thought it was quite the feat for you to do what you do for
the duration that you do it (doo doo de doo) with that as my only reference.
I'm sure the average fanboy(girl) on this web-thingy would be quite
happy to see a show of yours and not have so much as even a goodnight
as it really does come down to enjoying a one-time event.
i for one irregardless of weither it's a pixies song or a catholics
song enjoy seeing you guys smile or aknowledge the audience when we react to the opening of a song..
in Chicago earlier this year you gave a rather comic look to the audience at the opening and wagged your eybrows up and down (i think it was possibly
a mock menacing grimace)and that made my day as you looked like you were having fun and you set the stage for all of us to do so -and we did!
i would think coming off the flu would slow to a crawl any but the
most minimal stage presence, for that matter we should all remember that everybody has bad days (horrible days?) i for one am a master at the bad day and would care to lock horns with anyone about that.
(new thread: what was your most horrible day? -beautiful day?)
whatever -we luv ya frank,chris,frnk!
-oh and yes there was an encore ...

blarg via uncrippled and kindly fellow FBNetter

Posted on NUFORC's website, heard in the background of a ringing phone:
"there is no mourning for a world that is weeping".

Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 10/13/2003 09:23:53

Hey for the record, when I took my friend to see Frank she was impressed by his "all business" attitude. Has anyone ever seen Lou Reed? One of my favorite songwriters of all time, but the guy simply has to realize he's not a stand up comedian. He talks for like half an hour inbetween each song, often stopping a song mid-way to tell a story. Ever listen to "Take No Prisoners"? Man. I like when Frank talks, but it's because he's always funny when he does, and he does it in little short snippets that always leave you wanting more. When he doesn't say anything, c'mon, that's kinda punk right? Eez respectable.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 10/13/2003 09:25:01

>Subject: Please! Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:14:49 -0500
>The below text I tried to post a few minutes ago in the 'kings court
>-damn if the internet guru
>Didn't shut us down practically seconds bofore I clicked 'post reply'
>-could you PLEASE CUT/PASTE the text into a reply on that page as I am
>just frustrated that it isn't
>Being posted now as it seems timely -I put from blarg007 via a fellow
>Fbnetter at the end -thank you so much if you could do this!
apologies for having a post go through someone else.
-that was the second time just as i was about to post that some snafu
garbled the whole process -i appealed and another member came thru
thanks Apl4eris!
as for the content of my post...was it worth the effort?
..well maybe not but i suppose it helped make a horrible day less so...

strangely doo wopped

Reply author: steveplymouthuk
Replied on: 10/13/2003 10:06:46

Look forward to seeing you in Brighton and London Frank!

Reply author: mark t
Replied on: 10/13/2003 10:35:49

yea i met lou reed in 1989 backstage at a festival in belgium while on tour with the pixies we were alone and he was just a regular guy we talked about guitars and the weather to tell you the truth. i think i also met elvis costello and his wife. cuz

Reply author: titi
Replied on: 10/13/2003 11:22:30

hello frank

je suis français et j'habite à Nantes (c'est pas dans le massif centrale )
Je vais au concert à l'Olympic mais est ce le samedi soir (date sur ce site) ou le lundi soir (date sur mon billet) ???
Parce que ça fait bien dix ans que je t'ai vu à l'élysée montmartre

Keep up the good work

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 10/13/2003 11:50:09

it doesn't bother me if Frank doesn't chat during a show.. i'm there to hear the music. but it is always enjoyable when he engages the audience, or tells a story or whatever..

i just find it odd that he says he doesn't like chatting, or isn't good at it, because almose every solo show i've been to (especailly at McCabes Guitar Shop) he's been very funny and talkative. i mean, i've got bootlegs of him talking up a storm..

but hey, to each their own.. that's a much more relaxed atmosphere anyway, then putting on a show for a huge audience.

mijn vriendin kan geen orgasme krijgen

Reply author: Ana Banana
Replied on: 10/13/2003 13:23:59

Mr. Frank Black,
I have a problem. My boyfriend, Thiago, is really,really mad about you. Sometimes I think about the possibility of getting him a serious medicine treatment.
Tomorrow we'll be flying from Brazil to London and we'll run behind you to catch some gigs of the European Tour (starting in Astoria).
A few months ago I saw him trying to hold his tears in front of the computer. I asked him why and he only asked me about the possibility of traveling to Europe on october.
Since then I've been listening to your music every day to get very well prepared, and now I can say he´s not that crazy. He´s a very smart guy.
He was at Reading Festival in 2001 and he can´t forget the way you ended the gig: with the right hand up,"like a god" as he said, joking.
Well, I have to pack my things, I´m late. He always write in here, but he can´t deal with the possibility of writing strict to you. So I did.
Two wishes Mr.:
Mine: Once my dear... let me tell you about Jane.
His: St.Francis, His Kingly Cave and Gouge Away.
I don´t know if you are going to see us, but we certainly will...
See you wednesday!!!
Ana Banana - BRASIL

Reply author: steveplymouthuk
Replied on: 10/13/2003 13:50:49

Wow.. an understanding girlfriend!

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/13/2003 13:58:05

hey frank, maybe you're right about that most people don't like artist to be chatty
I do actually
But I was at this Guided By Voices concert, (and if you know Robert Pollard people you know what I'm saying), and Robert Pollard had chat bits of 4 minutes between songs. Most of the crowd started yelling things like ''Get on with it Bob'' and ''Play!'' and the dumb people ''Spelen!'' (like Robert Pollard will understand that one)

So maybe you are right

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/13/2003 14:06:28

ohh and frank,

what about those two covers for Cult of Ray? There's a thread about it in this section, maybe you can reply there...maybe....if you ever read

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 10/13/2003 14:20:35

heh - Frank isn't Robyn Hitchcock. Good stand on the encore as well - i *hate* how it's expected, it really does diminish it. For most bands, it's just a brief 'break'..sad.

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 10/13/2003 14:24:53

you want to talk chatty, go to a Flaming Lips show sometime..

not so much this last tour, but when i saw them for Soft Bulletin, Wayne Coyne would not shut the fuck up. people (myself included) started yelling "JUST PLAY!!!"

mijn vriendin kan geen orgasme krijgen

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 10/13/2003 15:49:15

I like it when musicians talk to the audience. At some shows, I think that's a large part of the fun, but it really depends on the artist, I guess. It's fair if they don't want to, but I've never understood the "SHUT UP AND PLAY!" attitude that some audience members seem to have. Maybe it's because I've never seen Lou Reed, GBV, the Flaming Lips, or some of the other bands mentioned here as big talkers, but I think the talking can sometimes be as interesting as the songs.

I'm certainly not criticizing Frank for not talking much, mind you, just saying that I wouldn't mind it if he did.

And how does lemur's skin reflect the sea?

Reply author: MikeW
Replied on: 10/13/2003 18:33:22

The best show I have ever seen with Frank Black/Black Francis was in december of 1990 at the Universal Amphitheater. Francis did not say a word all night and I thought that was excellent. The Pixies must have played 30-33 songs. Sometime in the middle of the set he said "brand new acoustic guitar" and after they did their encore Wave of Mutilation(fast) he said "thanks, see ya later". That was it! It was non stop. Oh yeah and at the Mint in LA in 1999? That was excellent as well, he didnt say much there either. Then one time at the Roxy, I think he had the flu during that show though. Oh and then at Gibsons in Tempe, AZ. Frank played this rockin' version of Sir Rockaby, I have never heard them play it like that since......

Reply author: frankblacktaper
Replied on: 10/13/2003 19:05:46

im with mike, hell the best frank shows i saw were the old pixies gigs with the surf set at the beggining where he didnt even sing there first 6-7 songs (velvety, brick is red, something against you without vocals, ana, cecilia ann)...heck there wasnt even like 2 seconds between songs...And i could care a less about some stories, although frank was cool at a show at the starry plough in berkeley where they showed up about 3 hours late due to his truck blowing up in oregon or something, and he explained that situation in rather humorous terms. Even though he showed up three hours late it was a great show, one of the best ones I ever saw the catholics perform. Do what you want frank, as long as the musics good who cares..I admit autographs do absolutely nothing for me whatsoever

Reply author: humpy-wheeler
Replied on: 10/13/2003 19:51:48

Personally, one of my favorite things about the "Death to the Pixies" live disc is how your only spoken words are "EdIsDead". Sounds like your saying "ItIsDead" (hmm). + Frank what's your favorite Mr. Show sketch? Mine is the Hunger Strike in season 3.

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 10/13/2003 20:50:22

Originally posted by frnck blck
We don't like pauses between songs. Just a style thing. Good enough for the Ramones.

good enough for me too...

Presented In Mind Control/Where Available

Reply author: Zsolt G.
Replied on: 10/13/2003 21:32:28

See my old topic: Encores Suck a Mean Dick

Glad to see frank agrees.

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 10/14/2003 04:59:12

A new song in the works?

Originally posted by frnck blck

I am a guitar player.
I am not a dancing bear....
I am a singer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a guy loading a trailer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a cabaret singer.
I am not a dancing bear...

I am not complaining.
But I am not a fucking dancing bear...

I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


"Our love is rice and beans and horses lard"

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/14/2003 06:18:38

Originally posted by frnck blck

But I am not a fucking dancing bear...

Gee, all these bad words, can somebody please block this guy!

''it's not a box, it's a submarine''

Reply author: Perhaps
Replied on: 10/14/2003 06:24:47

Yeah this is complete bullshit. I think the watered-down encore is growing in the same era of the badgered or disrespected artist.

People sound like complete idiots when they buy something and then complain about it; tickets to concerts form a rule to this, not in any way an exception.

My brother's band plays a pretty decent version of Pray A Little Faster. But I could give a shit how I regard him in his musical endeavors. A guy who wrote and conceived the song should get more respect, indeed. And then, as everyone should know, there are volumes of such songs. All of which - to my mind - will put him in the annals of rock music.

And you want the guy to talk a little more? what do you want to hear; How he likes your town, or has ageda from dinner? Do you just wnat him to confirm your suspicions? Just listen to what the guy IS doing.

Reply author: MikeW
Replied on: 10/14/2003 13:21:54

Frank, someone asked me to ask you if you have looked up Andrew Ballard since moving up to Portland? Also, out of all of the studios you have ever worked at, which was your favorite?

Reply author: DrBone
Replied on: 10/14/2003 18:25:18

I like Frank's banter patterns just fine. He'll talk it up during accoustic shows if he's comfortable or has something to say. Everything I've heard him say at a show has always been a completely genuine and honest thought that he's thought up right on the spot or on the way to the gig or something... Never anything generic or homogenized like your average arena rock star.

I actually enjoy the way that the Catholics and him just take the stage and rock the shit out of it for two hours and then stand behind their guitars like rock and roll conquerors surveying the land that they have just claimed.

Their music is such that it needs no explanation or commentary. Those of us who are touched by it understand.

-Dr. Bone

Reply author: Scarla O
Replied on: 10/15/2003 01:45:14

Originally posted by Thomas

A new song in the works?

Originally posted by frnck blck

I am a guitar player.
I am not a dancing bear....
I am a singer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a guy loading a trailer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a cabaret singer.
I am not a dancing bear...

I am not complaining.
But I am not a fucking dancing bear...

I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


"Our love is rice and beans and horses lard"

I like it...i think it would be an Iggy-style song.

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/15/2003 01:59:12

Hi Frank,

The Edinburgh gig was great! I think you should relocate here with the band, you could become Edinburgh's resident house band.

One question though, why did you decide to make the UK Nadine release a limited edition of c 1000 copies?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: MiscellaneousFiles
Replied on: 10/15/2003 05:46:11

I would just like to thank Frank for churning out such great music. After the Britpop boom of the mid 90s, I'd kind of given up on going to gigs, and buying a lot of new CDs. But since getting into FB and the Cs, I've really started to appreciate music again.

I've even started a band and we've recorded an album of our own So thank-you to Frank who has been nothing short of an inspiration.

Oh and I had a question...

Can you recommend any music for me to listen to?

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 10/15/2003 07:12:33

Dear Charles,
I am glad you are not a dancing Bear.


Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 10/15/2003 07:16:35

I must say though, your banter in interviews is incredibly entertaining. Perhaps it is more valuable to us patrons as it is limited to appropriate occassions.

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 10/15/2003 07:18:05

One other thing. Did you play in Whelans after the Dublin show or are my friends lying to me again?

Reply author: Doog
Replied on: 10/15/2003 12:15:23


Do we have your blessing? Can we be Charles Thompson approved? Maybe we can do all those Pixies reunion shows to save you the work, eh? We make little money, so don't try to sue us.

If you happen to be at a loss for something to do in London next week..

Heh-heh-heh. You rule.
Take care.

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 10/15/2003 13:22:19

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Cartland

Have you ever contemplated coming to Iceland? It's a swell place, Dave Grohl says so.

wanna go...wanna go blue lagoon....wanna rent a 4 wheel drive....yeah...iceland

mommy, is frank crazy?


Reply author: Ziggy
Replied on: 10/15/2003 13:54:19

Frank, the solo Camden show... last July... awesome! Thank you.


'Took his plane to Columbia/So I could sell at my school"

Reply author: Jose Jones
Replied on: 10/15/2003 14:18:41

you could do an awesome cover of "don't let me down" by the beatles. that would be heaven.
thanks for the music,

Reply author: Valhalla
Replied on: 10/15/2003 14:24:26

the Jainism is really interesting. Some years ago I read the whole "Pali Kanon", the writings of Buddha. But, who I admire most, is St. Silouan from Mount Athos, who lived in the early 20th Century on the Greek mountain Athos. I have really read a lot of books, but never read anything like this before.
See you in Dusseldorf, Germany, November 11 in the "Zakk", just 300 km north of Ludwigshafen :-)).

P.S. I love "Chip Away Boy". It's my most favourite song ever. It's so nice :-).


Reply author: Sir Rockabye
Replied on: 10/15/2003 17:29:36

Mr. Black, all I can say is, thank you. Thanks for the endless hours of entertainment and all of the inspiration. What I wouldn't give to get over to Europe and see you on your current tour. I guess I'll just have to wait til' you get back to the US.

-Devoted Fan

"How many stars girl, can you both count, and then classify?"

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/15/2003 19:01:41

Hey Frank - check out this great idea!

My friends went to a Billy Idol show a few weeks ago, and Billy has a big truck with a bunch of CD burners on it and they burn the copy of the show and sell them from 20$ after the show. You buy your ticket for the CD before the show, and you wait in line for 15 minutes after the show and you have a copy of it.

I had never heard of this and I thought it was a brilliant idea.

I know fans would eat up those live CDs and you could make money and make many people happy and destroy any reason to illegally bootleg your shows.

I know you guys do it all yourselves, so maybe you could do it on a smaller scale, possibly print 100 copies a gig or something, as opposed to 1000.

Will you seriously consider this idea? Becuase I would be buying them all the time.

Just a thought I thought I would pass on.

btw I love the new album. When I play "When will happiness find me again" I always end up in tears... such a beautiful album.

Okay, thanks for being here. Goodbye.

ain't it funny how the goes

Reply author: noexx
Replied on: 10/15/2003 22:08:50

the problem with that is that if the band has an offnight or something you can't stop the cd's from being sold. they sign a contract before the show saying it will be sold afterwards no matter what. plus, you (the band) don't get to hear the recordings to approve them before they start selling them since they sell them immediately after the shows.....
it is a fun idea though for people to leave with a copy of the show recorded through soundboard and room mics mixed together......but i like trading for free....
it feels weird i would imagine to pay $10 to $15 for a cd-r

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/15/2003 23:32:51

I think the biggest problem, since they almost never have an off night, is the fact that ClearChannel are actually behind this whole thing. Boycott! Boycott!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 10/16/2003 02:45:17

Yeah, considering the show is often around $20, to pay that much for a copy of the show is..well..criminal. That's more than a brand new studio CD in some parts..

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2003 03:54:19

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Hi Frank,

The Edinburgh gig was great! I think you should relocate here with the band, you could become Edinburgh's resident house band.

One question though, why did you decide to make the UK Nadine release a limited edition of c 1000 copies?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Radio was not interested in Nadine.
What neighborhood in Edinburgh should I move to. I like it around Murrayfield.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2003 03:55:43

Originally posted by Scarla O

Originally posted by Thomas

A new song in the works?

Originally posted by frnck blck

I am a guitar player.
I am not a dancing bear....
I am a singer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a guy loading a trailer.
I am not a dancing bear...
I am a cabaret singer.
I am not a dancing bear...

I am not complaining.
But I am not a fucking dancing bear...

I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


"Our love is rice and beans and horses lard"

I like it...i think it would be an Iggy-style song.

Ha ha. It does kind of look like an Iggy song. Not a bad idea. Maybe I should write the next album here in my little court.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2003 03:58:24

Originally posted by Valhalla

the Jainism is really interesting. Some years ago I read the whole "Pali Kanon", the writings of Buddha. But, who I admire most, is St. Silouan from Mount Athos, who lived in the early 20th Century on the Greek mountain Athos. I have really read a lot of books, but never read anything like this before.
See you in Dusseldorf, Germany, November 11 in the "Zakk", just 300 km north of Ludwigshafen :-)).

P.S. I love "Chip Away Boy". It's my most favourite song ever. It's so nice :-).


Thanks for the book tip. Maybe I'll check out this mountain man. I'll try to remember to play Chip Away Boy in Dusseldorf.


[EDIT- Fixed quote]

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2003 04:00:19

Originally posted by Little Black Francis

Hey Frank - check out this great idea!

My friends went to a Billy Idol show a few weeks ago, and Billy has a big truck with a bunch of CD burners on it and they burn the copy of the show and sell them from 20$ after the show. You buy your ticket for the CD before the show, and you wait in line for 15 minutes after the show and you have a copy of it.

I had never heard of this and I thought it was a brilliant idea.

I know fans would eat up those live CDs and you could make money and make many people happy and destroy any reason to illegally bootleg your shows.

I know you guys do it all yourselves, so maybe you could do it on a smaller scale, possibly print 100 copies a gig or something, as opposed to 1000.

Will you seriously consider this idea? Becuase I would be buying them all the time.

Just a thought I thought I would pass on.

btw I love the new album. When I play "When will happiness find me again" I always end up in tears... such a beautiful album.

Okay, thanks for being here. Goodbye.

ain't it funny how the goes

Wow. That is a really good idea. Thanks. I'll have to think about that. Really clever.


Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 10/16/2003 04:03:16

Frank, while you're here...
I saw your show last night, which was fantastic by the way. (No Manitoba, though..)
I want to send you a copy of my degree thesis, which I wrote about the Pixies. I waiting to get a PDF version back, then I was gonna email it to you. Should I go through SpinArt?

"Lets me knife, knife me lets"

Reply author: cirrhitid
Replied on: 10/16/2003 04:07:50

Dear Frank Black-
Do you have any plans to play here in Hawaii? The poi is the best in the central Pacific.
I love the new album. It is fantastic.

Kelly Boyle

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/16/2003 04:10:16

Originally posted by frnck blck


Radio was not interested in Nadine.
What neighborhood in Edinburgh should I move to. I like it around Murrayfield.

I would suggest the southern 'burbs. You could babysit for us - my older daughter sings a mean Horrible Day and Bartholomew. The pubs are hopeless here though - my local is 2 miles into town. Great to hear that there are more FB and the Catholics recordings planned for 2004.

Incidentally, have you changed publishing companies? Snake Oil seems to be published under another company, and you said elsewhere is was a FB song.

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 10/16/2003 04:34:44

Dearest Frank,

Thanks for two lovely shows (Brighton and London) I had a fabulous time and cried last night on the train b/c it was all over. I am wondering if you guys will record Fare Thee Well? Apologies if you answered this already. Also, do you know when you will tour the US? Spring?

Thanks. XXX

Reply author: steveplymouthuk
Replied on: 10/16/2003 05:43:01

Aww don't cry Em!
Brighton and London were amazing. I haven't stopped smiling yet!
and thank you for the encores, i lost my voice from shouting for them.
Come back to england as soon as you can frank!
Many thanks, steve

Reply author: bazza
Replied on: 10/16/2003 08:58:26

hi frank
just want to say thanks for 2 brilliant shows (dublin and london).

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Reply author: interloper
Replied on: 10/16/2003 09:55:05

Frank, I raise my chalace to your refusal to entertain a Pixies reunion. Some people just can't let a brotha grow up and move around.....

By the way, I overheard Kim saying that she was gonna kick your ass in the park behind school after fourth period....

Reply author: Valhalla
Replied on: 10/16/2003 10:02:28

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Valhalla

Thanks for the book tip. Maybe I'll check out this mountain man. I'll try to remember to play Chip Away Boy in Dusseldorf.


That would be great. Thanks alot in advance. You can see an internet-link about the mountain man, St. Silouan from Mount Athos, in my profile, if you like.


Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 10/16/2003 13:19:19

Originally posted by bazza

hi frank
just want to say thanks for 2 brilliant shows (dublin and london).

Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

yes, dublin was great. and your friend dave(p.) signed stuff for me!

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/ but i got no icon cos stupid Dean won't tell me how to make one"

Reply author: chango
Replied on: 10/16/2003 16:03:32

howdy frank, had the pleasure of working with you a couple of times, once on the doolittle tour at "the venue" in deep ellum. i was the lighting guy there and had a good time assisting your lighting guy (milo?), class act all the way 'round on you guy's part. the other was a solo show you did not too long after that at clearview, which was a great show, by the way... one of my favorites i can remember from all the gigs i've worked.
anyways, hadn't seen you play since then (circumstances always worked out wrong), but got to see you and the catholics last spring here in phoenix (my new home town) and was pretty much floored. stayed down in front the whole time and never even went to piss cause i didn't wanna miss a note. really, really good. too bad about the 8 foot tall slamdancing assholes, but i saw you level that one guy with a stare and stop that shit... that was pretty badass.
so my question is more of a beg, really. lots of bands have been skipping phoenix and it's just really frustrating. i've been having to drive to l.a., san diego, and vegas (of all places) to catch good shows. PLEASE play phoenix again when you guys tour the u.s., it's a good town for the shows we do get, honest.
oh, and... if you need a lighting guy when you guys are here, i loudly volunteer.

this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Reply author: mark t
Replied on: 10/16/2003 16:49:27

frnk blck EXP16 hmmmmmm

Reply author: Chris Knight
Replied on: 10/16/2003 20:51:23

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Incidentally, have you changed publishing companies? Snake Oil seems to be published under another company, and you said elsewhere is was a FB song.
I think Frank said "The Snake" (from SMYT) was his. Surely you're thinking of a different song. Every time you mention "Snake Oil" I think of Kristin Hersh. :)

Reply author: stuzzy
Replied on: 10/16/2003 20:53:48

Hey Frank,

Thanks for making music. It is much appreciated.

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 10/16/2003 20:57:35

Andy knows all. Snake Oil is on the UK single for Nadine.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: DrBone
Replied on: 10/16/2003 23:04:43

Hey Frank!

I'm from L.A. and I've met you a coupla times on the street and at signings and stuff. (I once told you my band covered Freedom Rock and you asked if I'd teach you the chords...)

Anyway, thanks for giving us some of the best shows I've ever seen. Seriously, since I saw you for the first time in high school off of Cult of Ray up until the most recent tour, I am continually blown away by your quality rock music. The last show you played at McCabe's might have been the most impressive accoustic performance I've ever seen, and mind you I'm getting old and cynical and don't like a whole lot of stuff unless it really kicks ass these days...

Bottom line: Thanks... and keep the rock and roll train on the rock and roll track.

-Dr Bone

P.S. Listening to Llano Del Rio rolling through Llano, CA with a car full of jokers yelling "Llano, Llano!!!" is nothing short of totally fun!

Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 10/17/2003 03:02:36

Hi Charles,
Just wondered if any of the inspiration for Massif Centrale came from the novel Perfume, by Patrick Suskind? If you've read it, you'll know what I mean. For those of you who are not familiar with this book, it features a section where the main character, driven to insanity by his preternatural sense of smell, elects to isolate himself from the rest of humanity by retreating to the Massif Central. Sounds a bit daft, but I assure you it's a spiffing read.

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/17/2003 03:11:38

didn't nirvana base that one song from in Utero on that book too?

"all babies" something battered butter... I do not recall


nEEd ro rEad that fucking book.

ain't it funny how the goes

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 10/17/2003 05:07:49


What current cover songs are you playing in rehearsal/thinking of playing? I always like the thought of hearing the Catholics playing a Travelling Wilburys tune. I think it came from a dream I had once?!

I had me a vision!

It's step, hip, step, pivot! Are you trying to piss-off the volcano?!

Reply author: pudmeister
Replied on: 10/17/2003 05:15:15

Hey Charlie why no Cult of Ray songs anymore? I dig that album! In other statements youve made you said you're not down with moshing(at your gigs neither am i) but you must get a buzz out of watching the pogoing, I know i do.

"Looking through the eyes of a pig I see it all" - Cypress Hill

Reply author: pudmeister
Replied on: 10/17/2003 05:20:09

didn't nirvana base that one song from in Utero on that book too?

"all babies" something battered butter... I do not recall

"like most babies smell like butter, his smell smelled like no other, he was born scentless and senceless, he was born a Scentless Apprentice"

"Looking through the eyes of a pig I see it all" - Cypress Hill

Reply author: ObfuscateByWill
Replied on: 10/17/2003 05:37:06

Originally posted by BrendanT


What current cover songs are you playing in rehearsal/thinking of playing? I always like the thought of hearing the Catholics playing a Travelling Wilburys tune. I think it came from a dream I had once?!


Tweeter and the Monkey Man!


Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 10/17/2003 05:57:32

You love fine cuisine

We love good music

Welcome to France, Frank !!!

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 10/17/2003 08:49:14

ever do 'strangest dream' 'pray for the girls' from the powerpuff girls soundtrack live?
-if you want to earmark a gig to try it out -next time in Chicago would be fine...

..and what's with this stuff??..

* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
112 Posts
Posted - 10/17/2003 : 05:08:03

Where the hell are Bowie, Bono and Radiohead with their checkbooks. I mean if they really are the Pixies fans they claim to be surely $5 miliion between them wouldn't seem like much.

Give 1000 monkey's 1000 typewriters and you're gonna be reading bullshit for the rest of your life.

* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
184 Posts
Posted - 10/17/2003 : 05:08:58

5 million is realistic - Abba were offered a billion dollars to reform.

I reckon the Pixies would make that sum commercially viable. They might have to go a bit Kiss, but I'd be down at the front waving my oversized foam hand.

- Leo
blargness rules (-at least it sounded good at the time anyway)
at this point i suppose a dancing bear reference on next LP is

angled airlines give you so much yore

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 10/17/2003 08:54:36

honestly, i have arrived at the notion that if a pixies reunion were to
happen and create the least bit of possibility of the catholics end or
change in line-up -then forget it.
-'show me your tears' should not be the last in the catholics catalog
of fine recordings.

BTW-let's get a move on with that Catholics double live CD, eh??!!

kill bill with love

Reply author: Steak n Sabre
Replied on: 10/17/2003 09:14:16

Originally posted by frnck blck

I am a guitar player.

For me, my friends, that says everything about why I enjoy Franks work, none of that singer/songwriter bullshit. The Man is a guitar player that writes great songs.

Can I be a Pint-er instead of a Punter?? Hacker-Schorr Oktoberfest is REALLY good this year...

The Cult of Frank: You've got questions, We've got answers

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 10/17/2003 09:55:39

Originally posted by Steak n Sabre

Originally posted by frnck blck

I am a guitar player.

For me, my friends, that says everything about why I enjoy Franks work, none of that singer/songwriter bullshit. The Man is a guitar player that writes great songs.

Can I be a Pint-er instead of a Punter?? Hacker-Schorr Oktoberfest is REALLY good this year...

The Cult of Frank: You've got questions, We've got answers

and don't forget these:

Posted - 10/13/2003 : 07:45:38

....I am a singer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a guy loading a trailer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a cabaret singer. . . I am not complaining.


-the out of context thing is fun!

strange mice

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 10/17/2003 10:19:48

Posted - 10/17/2003 : 10:05:57

what we should do is all pitch in and rent 2 cameras and make a deal for performance
sound and on the next U.S. tour the cameras follow frank from venue to venue and film
his shows.
-i mean does anyone know if any footage exists for the DVD that we are petitioning for?
-i would love to see them in the studio doin' takes
-in that wilco movie they took forever to finalize a song
-the catholics scenario would be a little more zoot i would think.

the FBnet members film it and shuttle the equipment from one local to the next for the next local members to use.
or rent locally or something like that.
with digital video being all the vogue these days it could work rather cheaply.
and at some point the adept local members get to film them laying down some studio cuts.
-and then at end of tour it gets crammed onto a 5 DVD set.
-if we did it i am sure frank would be supportive.
-just have to get past kengoes saying 'no filming at frank black concerts'
(that is a quote)
i for one could see this working.
otherwise consider me signed.


P.S. oh, and for pete's sake the rights for all content
would of course belong to the brothers catholic.
(who's pete anyway?)
((i know i can't type, but why should that hold me back?))


Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 10/17/2003 11:59:19


That's a great idea!

Reply author: Zubrins Red Ball
Replied on: 10/17/2003 14:45:27

Just found out about this board; I wanted to post a quick "thanks" to FB, if you're reading this. A couple of winters ago some friends and I were in a bar in New Haven, CT, and we noticed a familiar-looking guy at the end of the bar, doing the same thing we were doing (killing time waiting for the FB&C's gig). We had the bartender put the scotch on our tab, and you were good enough to come over and make small talk with a pod of potentially annoying mid-thirties fans. So.... I wanted to throw a quick thanks your way, and let you know that your approachableness (we're allowed to make up words, right?) won you a couple new fans. A buddy and his girlfriend (who didn't know your stuff) said "Hey, nice guy", and decided to come check out the gig. The next day, BANG! Two more albums sold!

Anyway, just wanted to pass on the note, and thanks for not launching bodyguards or rabid dogs on us or anything.

(Oh, and the show kicked ass. And it was a good crowd. Except for some guy who was running in and out of the side door to the dressing room, who, apparently, was stealing water and grub)

Reply author: jediroller
Replied on: 10/17/2003 15:40:20

Frank! I just wanted to say that the band truly rocked us off our socks tonight (10/17) in Lille. A show to remember! Thank you thank you thank you!!! We love you, please come back soon!

And the sun kicks in, like a killer through the curtain

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 10/17/2003 16:51:03

Frnk, do look into gig CD-burning! At the risk of presenting myself as Evil Incarnate, me and my brother taped the Glasgow Garage gig on Minidisc (turned out mostly a little too loud and distorted, but still very listenable); immediately afterwards we were joking about selling it to those leaving the venue; the thing is, we easily could have! You guys, with 'legit' rights to set up some *decent* recording equipment, could make some very nice beer-money selling the gigs-you've-just-heard...

The 3 Scottish gigs ruled, by the way -- rock and roll! Or, as you did solemnly state @ Aberdeen, "A WAH RWWAA NNNG RWAAAAA! RWWAA NNNG RWAAAAA! RWWAANNNGRWAAAAA!"

BTW Who *was* that stern older gentleman seated at the back of the Edinburgh and Aberdeen gigs? Looks like a cross between Goldfinger out of the Bond movies and some Wild West casino owner...?

Reply author: Mike Rutherford
Replied on: 10/18/2003 04:41:21

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Little Black Francis

Hey Frank - check out this great idea!

My friends went to a Billy Idol show a few weeks ago, and Billy has a big truck with a bunch of CD burners on it and they burn the copy of the show and sell them from 20$ after the show. You buy your ticket for the CD before the show, and you wait in line for 15 minutes after the show and you have a copy of it.

I had never heard of this and I thought it was a brilliant idea.

I know fans would eat up those live CDs and you could make money and make many people happy and destroy any reason to illegally bootleg your shows.

I know you guys do it all yourselves, so maybe you could do it on a smaller scale, possibly print 100 copies a gig or something, as opposed to 1000.

Will you seriously consider this idea? Becuase I would be buying them all the time.

Just a thought I thought I would pass on.

btw I love the new album. When I play "When will happiness find me again" I always end up in tears... such a beautiful album.

Okay, thanks for being here. Goodbye.

ain't it funny how the goes

Wow. That is a really good idea. Thanks. I'll have to think about that. Really clever.


Yes it IS a brilliant that you should most definitely think about....I know that the last time I saw you here in my good ole state of KY. I was wondering if there was any merch especially for the concert-goers.....well, this is a way that you could make some merch especially for the concert goers and make some damn good money all the same (hell, next time you come to Louisville, Let's all go for some late night beer and pizza!!!!)....Anyways......great job with the new record Frank....not as good IMO as BLD or DW, but still damned good nonetheless!

Reply author: taco kicker
Replied on: 10/18/2003 14:29:32

Hi Frank- I'm a huge fan... I recently saw you solo at Zuzu- Central Square Cambridge... great time!

Reply author: Purrsia
Replied on: 10/18/2003 14:50:26

Hmmm, I haven't been here long, but I don't think Frank runs this site - just visits. Tis a fan site, me thinks.

Your mentioning him remarking on your shirt at a concert reminded me of the first time I saw him in concert in June of 93 in Pontiac, MI (Frank, I'm sure you remember. Yes, I'm joking. I don't expect you to remember that a day from when it happened, much less over 10 years later ;)
I was wearing a funky little hat and about fell over when between tunes Frank looked right at me and said "I like your hat" O.o Just to be sure, I scoped out the crowd around me and sure as shit I was the only one wearing a hat. <----- This was the hat, actually [if the link gives you an error message, cut and paste it into your browser. Don't ask, it's complicated]. You can even pretend the Sugar shirt is a Frank Black shirt. Sure you can. And yes, that's me as a high school senior - and I'm bald as a cue ball underneath said hat ~geek~ :-B

I still have that damn thing, and whenever it happens to catch my eye, I think of that moment in that concert and have a nice chuckle.


Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 10/18/2003 17:46:21

Yes, this site is totally fan-driven, and not an 'official' site.

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 10/18/2003 23:26:10

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Yes, this site is totally fan-driven, and not an 'official' site.

and i like it like this.

presented in mind control\where available

Reply author: Purrsia
Replied on: 10/19/2003 08:49:54

Ok, that's what I thought :) Fan sites tend to be the best, it's true. But why am I telling you that? You know it already!


Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 10/19/2003 12:57:56

Hey Frank, I've been asking around, to little avail, how one would approach you/Ken Goes/whomever it takes regarding playing in Iceland. If you're reading this, I think I could facilitate things and guide you to the right people. We just had the Iceland Airwaves music festival and it struck me that you'd be a perfect headliner for one of the venues there. I'm absolutely positive that you could win over a lot of people here.

So, drop me a line at ivarjons(at) if you and/or Mr. Goes are interested.

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 10/19/2003 14:52:52




Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/19/2003 15:01:05

Originally posted by Cartland

Hey Frank, I've been asking around, to little avail, how one would approach you/Ken Goes/whomever it takes regarding playing in Iceland. If you're reading this, I think I could facilitate things and guide you to the right people. We just had the Iceland Airwaves music festival and it struck me that you'd be a perfect headliner for one of the venues there. I'm absolutely positive that you could win over a lot of people here.

Cartland, did you see his reply to you earlier. I'm not sure what it means, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't relate to your new question, but it's something. Maybe he'll play there someday. Here it is:

Originally posted by Cartland

Have you ever contemplated coming to Iceland? It's a swell place, Dave Grohl says so.

Originally posted by frnck blck

wanna go...wanna go blue lagoon....wanna rent a 4 wheel drive....yeah...iceland

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Cartland
Replied on: 10/19/2003 15:21:45

Yeah, I saw that; t'was before I had the revelation "I must bring the King to Iceland myself" :)

Maybe people don't know what he's on about in that reply, but renting a jeep in Iceland is a lot of fun and a really good way to experience nature (I'm sounding like the president of the Icelandic tourist board :) Sorry about that).

Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 10/19/2003 20:43:43

Hey Frank,
I was front row at the first McCabe's show last month and gave you back your setlist when it dropped. I have two questions for you.
Have you seen or heard about the great new indie-film Bubba Ho-Tep?
Have you ever listened to Phish?

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/19/2003 21:12:19


Reply author: El Barto
Replied on: 10/19/2003 22:21:05

Originally posted by dougit




Uh, what the hell?

"I joined the Cult of Clops / If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open."

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/19/2003 22:49:57

True that mayn

Assassinate FB... If anyone "john lennon's" fb I'll bounty hunt your ass. So fuck you, you arrogant prick.

I am not an angry person, however, I tend to rage.

ain't it funny how the goes

Reply author: Itchload
Replied on: 10/20/2003 00:39:37

how did this thread suddenly get so creepy?

Reply author: Chip Away Boy
Replied on: 10/20/2003 01:21:10


Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 10/20/2003 01:47:37

Originally posted by dougit




sounds like a threat...what are you up to?are you thinking about putting a tnt belt on and going to a fb gig or something?

presented in mind control\where available

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/20/2003 07:36:31

Anybody know what the Urantia book is? 'cause if this is a joke, it's not funny, and if it's not, well, ummmmm...

Dougit, I think you might want to explain what you meant by that post before this lynch mob that's forming gets a hold of you.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: ObfuscateByWill
Replied on: 10/20/2003 08:09:00

An excerpt (Page 652):

Urantia is of origin in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long, long ago.

At the time of the beginning of this recital, the Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise had long been in full control of the space-energies which were later organized as the Andronover nebula.

987,000,000,000 years ago associate force organizer and then acting inspector number 811,307 of the Orvonton series, traveling out from Uversa, reported to the Ancients of Days that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of materialization phenomena in a certain sector of the, then, easterly segment of Orvonton.

900,000,000,000 years ago the Uversa archives testify, there was recorded a permit issued by the Uversa Council of Equilibrium to the superuniverse government authorizing the dispatch of a force organizer and staff to the region previously designated by inspector number 811,307. The Orvonton authorities commissioned the original discoverer of this potential universe to execute the mandate of the Ancients of Days calling for the organization of a new material creation.

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/20/2003 08:27:01

I think he thinks the end of the world in nigh....just a guess. I'm thinking he respects FB and just wants FB to protect himself with knowledge - I am now off to furiously hunt for this "URANTIA" book. Because, I am gullible.

Edit: oops! missed Obfuscate's post. That explains everything.....ha!ha!ha!ha.ha? -ouch

"Laugha while you can monkey boy"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/20/2003 08:38:59

Thanks, Obfuscate. Sounds about right, apl (what's your name again, is it Alice?). I thought it might be a joke related to the book, though the question of whether it's a joke still remains.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/20/2003 10:23:52

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Thanks, Obfuscate. Sounds about right, apl (what's your name again, is it Alice?). I thought it might be a joke related to the book, though the question of whether it's a joke still remains.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

COF: Alice? Weird, no, but it's my cat's name...kinda freaky -cool!

Dear Frank,
As far as cautionary end-of-the-world books go, it makes me wonder if you've ever read "Critical Path" by Buckminster Fuller ( ). It's more of a hopeful visionary's take on the state of things and how to steer towards an ideal state. Bucky balls, dymaxion car, geodesic domes. Plus a *very* hopeful view of a future United Nations. You're probably already familiar with him, but I still wonder if you think he was more a likeable naive mathematician or a visionary genius with real-world applicable solutions/contemporary worth. Does his work ever come up in your lyrics? I guess I don't really think you'll have a chance or really want to answer this post, as I guess it's a little silly, but hey, it's worth a shot. :)

Where are we going?
Planet ten!
Real soon!!

-The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 10/20/2003 12:50:47

apl, whats the coyness about your name?
you don't have to answer, i was just wondering.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/just pretend that pencil is a joint and the girl has red hair"

Reply author: rockathon
Replied on: 10/20/2003 12:54:37

I'm guessing it's biblical

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/20/2003 12:57:22

coy? wha? I dont understand! Do you mean why won't I give my real name? It's Jennifer... Or do you mean what does my username mean? biblical? Oh man, how did I get in this briar patch! hahaha!

Where are we going?
Planet ten!
Real soon!!

-The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/20/2003 12:59:54

apl4eris is a tip o' the hat to the discordian goddess, Eris. Io pan, io pan pan.

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:07:48

Yep. And for god's sake people, don't go leaving troublesome people off of your guest lists. That's how we end up in messes like the Trojan War.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: rockathon
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:12:30

ahhh, a kali for the white people

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:19:19

okay, its just dean just asked what you name was, and you just denied that it was alice.
yay, jennifer is a much easier name than apl, in so much as i kept thinking of you as a big giant apple typing at a computer and that kinda freaked me out.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/just pretend that pencil is a joint and the girl has red hair"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:23:23

Kali indeed... Kali mah, schaktinay. Or something. I watch too much Indy, what can I say.

Mere, wasn't the Trojan war more about being ON the guestlist and then stealing the host's wife. :) So the lesson is, make sure there's at least one girl prettier than yours in the world or you're going to have all sorts of people trying to claim her. ;)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:44:55

hahaha! I'm a big giant apple. Or was it a quince? ;) I am SO going to have funny dreams tonight - thanks Brackish! err, I mean Jessie?

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:51:46

see, names are fun!

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/just pretend that pencil is a joint and the girl has red hair"

Reply author: rockathon
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:53:03

anyway, I thought eris was the dative case for eros (my latin ain't what it used to be), meaning apple for love, meaning something hazy about original sin and such

Reply author: rockathon
Replied on: 10/20/2003 13:54:30

anyway, I thought eris was the dative case for eros (my latin ain't what it used to be), meaning apple for love, meaning something hazy about original sin and such

Reply author: astrology
Replied on: 10/21/2003 06:42:35

Dear Frank:
If you see a strange guy in a blue overcoat with a russian camera and a saddam moustache photographing you in your santiago de compostela Show it is me, just follow me I will be checking if santiago (not joey, of course) is as it was 20 years ago when i triesd to study physics, justo for your info, at that time the guys a the chemistry faculty made an study on Franco Street wines and found out that many bartenders in this street used positron acelerators to make their wines, these accelerators werent invented by normal sciene at that time so beware with what you drink, but ask for albariño wine for fish and any red wine (barrantes is very dense and usuallly contains some dissolved pork to give some taste). sure you will enjoy your eating, if you want somebody who really likes santiago and knowes it a little contact me, lets have an student raid as when i was 19
best regards
now in vigo ( 100 Km. from santiago)

get me to lemouria
and vaya usted con Dios.
I pay the gas but in euros please

Reply author: banned from china
Replied on: 10/21/2003 07:24:04

Quite simply, id like to know this; if kim joey and dave all agreed and everyone was free and it was no pressure and so on, would u tour and or record again with the pixies?

Best wishes

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 10/21/2003 07:40:35

like your name

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: rockathon
Replied on: 10/21/2003 08:04:52

would you consider getting Bruce Foxton and Rick Butler together and touring as The Jam?

Reply author: Alpha Soixante
Replied on: 10/21/2003 13:59:47

well, if all the pixies are up for a reunion but frank, they could always pull another menudo.

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 10/21/2003 14:48:24

An apple for Eris keeps the doctor away.

And how does lemur's skin reflect the sea?

Reply author: mightyatom13
Replied on: 10/21/2003 17:52:56

Hi Frank! Welcome to Portland!

I have a few questions re: the city of roses
1. What inspired you to move to Portland (you really couldn't have picked a better city)?
2. Will you be gigging around town at all now that you live here? Your last show in Portland was brilliant...

non PDX question:
3. What are your reading, listening to, and watching?

Good Portland things: Storm every Wednesday at Dante's, Higgins restaurant, Wildwood (usually..although noisy sometimes), Pastini (great pasta for a good bottles of Wine), Gino's, Powell's (of course) and the best beer selection around!

My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music.
-- Vladimir Nabokov

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 10/21/2003 21:18:13

Chuck, have you heard of John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats? If yes, tour with him. That wasn't a question.

Semper ubi sub ubi.

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 10/21/2003 21:20:00

hell, even if you haven't you're to meet him and tour with him. glad we understand each other.

Semper ubi sub ubi.

Reply author: Steev
Replied on: 10/22/2003 10:31:15

Hey Frank, do you remember these?

Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 10/22/2003 11:34:34

Hi Charles
I don't know if you're ever gonna read this, but I had a question for you. I know that Rice & Beans Music is because of the Puerto Rican dish, but can you tell me the recipe? I've looked for it on the net, but I've never found a decent version with the garlic and lime juice etc.
I'd appreciate your direction...

"Lets me knife, knife me lets"

Reply author: Elvisisme
Replied on: 10/22/2003 18:39:18

Freaks read scifi.
I do too.
Try out your basics on Asimov or so and learn about politics on Herbert.
Eris indeed would be the dative for eros but not in the Illuminati-books.

The question first of all would be: Is it a hobby or a conviction of the man whom about all this is.

As the romans said: Quod licet iovis non licet bovis!

"Save trees - eat more beavers!"

Reply author: TarTar
Replied on: 10/23/2003 01:10:50

I'm amused by the fact that rather than taking this thread as an opportunity to ask Mr. Black questions that we are dying to know the answer to, many of us forumers tried to call out the poster (who was Mr. Black) as being a fraud, and wasted valueable answering time by doing so. But that's in the past now, and as Joyce Carol Oates wrote for the character Q____ P____ in her novel "Zombie," "anything that is not now is not real" (that may not be ver batim), so it's all good. Regardless of the fact that Frank has not replied to this topic in quite some time, I shall ask my question.

If you can pinpoint your aesthetic as a songwriter, what would you label it, or call it? What do you try to convey when writing? I understand that each time you sit down to write can be circumstance-related, but what overall mood do you try to speak to the listener?

Reply author: cigarinthesky
Replied on: 10/23/2003 13:59:11

Hi Frank,

You asked early on in this thread if we knew which songs Joey played on for SMYT. I can distinctly hear him on This Old Heartache and think he may be on Massif Centrale as well. There's a wonderful solo on Happiness that I DON'T think is him, but whoever it was ... good stuff. It has that big, "pomp" kind of sound like on Fields of Marigold which is so nice ...

Thanks for all the great music.

Reply author: mixedbizz
Replied on: 10/24/2003 03:12:01

Mr. Black,

I really love SMYT. An exquisite record. Thank you for making it.
Don't know if you're still answering questions but I have a couple...

Are you happy with the fame and success you have achieved?
Why don't you work with women more often? It was great to hear some female backup singers on Manitoba (beautiful song).

Good luck on your current tour and we hope to see you in Texas when you make it back this way.

Reply author: Russell
Replied on: 10/24/2003 06:21:25

Hello Frank,

Thank you for the many years of bliss you've brought to me and mine. We desperately hope to see you again on the next American tour, should you happen to swing back through the Syracuse, NY / upstate NY area. Best of luck with everything, and, if you have indeed moved to Portland, might I suggest "Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon" by Chuck Palahniuk? It's a travel guide of sorts, focusing on the . . . mm, eclectic characters at the heart of the city, the legends, the lore. Hope the URL works:

I spin SMYT daily and it's terrific. Thanks again for all of the great music. For my money, you and the C's are the best.

Best wishes,
Russell Richardson

Reply author: crippe
Replied on: 10/24/2003 11:27:19

Is this the general the ´ask frank black about...´ topic? Well, if so, Frank I´m thinking about buying a Fender Telecaster (have a Stratocaster now). I can´t afford the fancy old ones, so I was thought I´d buy: either a Mexico 50´s style one or a Highway 1 Made in the USA one. What do you say Frank, Mexico or cheap USA?

Reply author: supermikewins
Replied on: 10/25/2003 11:24:48

Some things for Frank (and anyone else) to do in Scotland:

1. Go see the National Parks ( beautiful places particularly Loch Lomond.. I'd like to hear Frank Mention some beautiful parts of Scotland in his songs hehe)

2. Eat Haggis Neeps and Tatties
3. Get hammered on good Scotch
4. Both of the above
5. Attend an Old Firm Football (soccer) match. (Thats Celtic Versus Rangers)
6. Buy a Kilt (and wear at next gig )
7. Come and stay at my B&B....

Yes long shot ^^ but come tour this way again sometime, I really enjoyed the Edinburgh show!

Reply author: zephyr
Replied on: 10/25/2003 21:11:39

you are fabulous. your music continues to amaze me. thanks. please hurry back, i need to see you live.


let them go on, in time you'll feel so better.

Reply author: hold_on_to_your_ego
Replied on: 10/26/2003 06:04:35

Just joined this forum this morning and have skimmed all 16 pages. The last 4 were the hardest because the sun is now shining on my monitor causing a horrid glare.
To -The Man-
Never had the chance to type directly to a musician whose work I enjoy and respect so much before. Thank you for the Pixies, thank you for Frank Black, thank you for Show Me Your Tears. I'm 32 now - have been listening to your music since I was 15. Thank you for sharing your music.

Well I apologise for being so dorky etc but I feel better for posting. Have a beautiful day everyone!

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/26/2003 07:53:19

Or a horrible day.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Dustin81783
Replied on: 10/26/2003 09:06:43

or a beautiful

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 10/26/2003 11:25:20

And for the first time in my life, I just don't care.

And how does lemur's skin reflect the sea?

Reply author: Danishboy
Replied on: 10/28/2003 17:04:39

What to say?I saw you at Roskilde festival in 96, the best that year. I just want to say i´m sorry about the singalong and shouting ramona all the time. But i was high on acid so hey. The greatest was when you gave a thumps up, it was a godlike feeling. Keep doing your own thing. Three cheers from the home of the vikings.

Man of steel

Reply author: mark t
Replied on: 10/31/2003 05:34:52

happy halloween frnk, and all you spooks out there!!

feel pain , get gain

Reply author: oceanhunter
Replied on: 11/10/2003 20:37:23

Hi frank

Reply author: jackelope
Replied on: 11/10/2003 23:06:58


I'm curious: What's your fascination with Memphis? It shows up in a bunch of your songs. And as a Memphian myself, I also have to ask what are the chances of you playing there on your next US tour?

And thanks sincerely for all the pleasure your music brings.

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 11/11/2003 06:32:23

Uhm, his ex-wife was in memphis (egypt) for a while...
that's all I know, according to the liner notes of the pixies-b-sides-collection-cd

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know do"

Reply author: Someone
Replied on: 11/11/2003 09:56:44


Why not come to Prague, Czech Republic? You are going all around it but not coming here. Its a nice place.

Reply author: FrankfanL
Replied on: 11/11/2003 13:23:02

Originally posted by blarg007

oh king,
knowest ye that i do trumpet the cause with the local AIR mavens(radio):
this is a quote of my own (from elsewhere in the forum: P****s reunion) maybe I should figure out the proper quote procedure..
<...getting paid well to find out can't hurt anyone involved -i don't think
the high road of non sell out notoriety is exactly doing anything for any
of those involved right now -except charles in regards to his own self image he has done quite well for himself -but for crying outloud i pestered
XRT 'chicago's finest rock' mucho in the past months on why no frank black
-pretty much all the way to the top and they have actually said yes they
should be playing frank black and do and have played pixies,
but they get real vague as to why they are basically ignoring him
-and beleive me if you heard this stations playlists you would automatically see FB&C right in amongst 'em (j. hyatt as well as iggy, replacements, steve earle and every other americana geetar slingin' band)
it's actually wretched how they of course play the same cuts from bands
-relentlessly, even the Clash -when Joe Strummer died they played
'train in vain' (mick jones sings that one)after giving the memorium announcement that he had past -i've been going off on them ever since
-they can play ALL the beatles cuts and any stones cut -even the one
where they have to repeatedly bleep the word shit (from exile on main street).
-which is just stupid if you ask me -this is the kind of crap that staid,
moronic decision making panels corporate or otherwise do with radio and it is just so damn sad to watch -er hear.
i picked on them because they are a throwback station to the early seventies and still have the same DJ's for cripes sake and i figured they might actually have taste but the corporate polling machine is in place somehow and they (DJ's) seem to want to play stuff like FB but don't.
for me personally since the Pixies have that 'track record'
it would simply mean a little crack can begin because stations like this
would be actually playing it for the masses and being one to WANT to just
turn on a radio sometimes that would make it a little less painful.>
..XRT had a banner up at double door last time you guys were there
right where you sell your CD's and such -i guess this is better than sucking
but when i hear 'everything is new' i just absolutely cannot understand why
that song is not on that station -i guess i am simply pissed off that radio
has become this 'thing' based on a formula which somehow guarantees income
to all parties involved-oh well . . crap formula=.....'have you heard about
that new radio station? apparantly a country station has joined with a rap station
for maximum profit, it's called 'CRAP radio'...sorry, couldn't resist.
i just don't think that these formulaic, panel driven ways work for radio
-i think they drive people crazy thus making awareness of how bad it is a forgotten
-.-.-...oh, and by the way -you are by far a better song writer and performer than 99.9% of the others (can't think of one but i figure
there may be someone/thing as eloquent and talented and i didn't want to piss them off..)

Did your therapist actually say 'show me your tears?'
-i picture more of a Sopranos type thing...
the Sopranos is a therapeutic show i found as it is always good
to know how messed up other people can be..
mine is a sweet old lady -she's cool though.
-i thought of this because i would think the satisfaction you
get in your work and the catharsis involved in performing
would pretty much do the trick.

lofts are cool -i live in an old bra factory
-which type is it that you are in?
..allright , allright i'm outta here.

I agree, Randy. I've been pestering WXRT for years to play some FRANK. It's still a great radio station, though. He actually played live on 'XRT back in 1994. Someone must have liked him back then!!!

Reply author: Miss Thing
Replied on: 11/12/2003 13:40:23

Hey, youse guys,

I just wanted to give you all some relief -- YES THE PERSON THAT HAS
BEEN CLAIMING TO BE FRANK BLACK AND POSTING TO THIS FORUM IS ACTUALLY FRANK BLACK!! I know this because I am his girlfriend and I remember him saying that he has begun logging on from time to time after a prolonged absence. I actually am participating in this forum stuff for the first time today - specifically I signed up in order to apologize to his fans in Barcelona for the short gig a couple weeks ago -- my fault (see General FB Chat thread). Anyway, do not waste precious brain cells deliberating and comparing postings, o ye of little faith!! It's the King. That is him being self-mocking, by the way, you guys. He's not that delusional. He's a humble dude. C'mon, people! You're all so uptight!

Violet Grace Clark

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 11/12/2003 14:01:05

Welcome aboard, Miss Thing. :-)

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/12/2003 14:08:01

hey violet! do you really look like minnie driver or is that winne the pooh pic disalussional-ly-ising-thing... i dunno what i'm saying anymore. well, welcome.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 11/12/2003 14:54:33

Originally posted by Miss Thing

Hey, youse guys,

I just wanted to give you all some relief -- YES THE PERSON THAT HAS
BEEN CLAIMING TO BE FRANK BLACK AND POSTING TO THIS FORUM IS ACTUALLY FRANK BLACK!! I know this because I am his girlfriend and I remember him saying that he has begun logging on from time to time after a prolonged absence. I actually am participating in this forum stuff for the first time today - specifically I signed up in order to apologize to his fans in Barcelona for the short gig a couple weeks ago -- my fault (see General FB Chat thread). Anyway, do not waste precious brain cells deliberating and comparing postings, o ye of little faith!! It's the King. That is him being self-mocking, by the way, you guys. He's not that delusional. He's a humble dude. C'mon, people! You're all so uptight!

Violet Grace Clark

i never doubted -but when i re-visited his first post he was sayin'
it might be fun for him to prove it was him so there ya go i guess.
-tell mr. B./T. we ain't so uptight and we send him love and fishes.
we're just patrons but that birds of a feather thing applies and for
what it's worth he does wondors with language and although 'king'
and all that is used (and does fit in context)he exudes all the best
human attributes for some reason and tongue in cheek seemed obvious from where i'm standing (wait, i'm sitting..)
-nice to hear from someone within the kings' court and hope all is well.


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/12/2003 15:20:47

Violet, hope I didn't offend you with that question: "What's the name of your CURRENT girlfriend?" way back when we were all a little skeptical. I kind of figured that not many people would know the answer at the time that was written and the 'current' was emphasised so I didn't get a name from the past. Anyway, I'm happy to hear you're better. And I assure you we have all accepted that this is, indeed, FB, though he has probably been to busy to pop by of late.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 11/12/2003 18:44:12

I find it a little odd you refer to yourself as Franks girlfriend/girl a few times in both posts. Im aware you need to clarify but surely you can put it differently. I don't mean to be pointlessly bitchy (it just happens) but to avoid you needing to post that you are Franks girlfriend a third/fourth time you can assume we all know. Wouldn't want us to think you are the type of person who is like this...:

"Ok Miss, whats your name?"
"O...k but whats your name"
"UH..FRANK BLA...." would we?

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 11/12/2003 18:50:42

Aw, be nice.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: remig
Replied on: 11/13/2003 16:09:29

Originally posted by Malax

I find it a little odd you refer to yourself as Franks girlfriend/girl a few times in both posts. Im aware you need to clarify but surely you can put it differently. I don't mean to be pointlessly bitchy (it just happens) but to avoid you needing to post that you are Franks girlfriend a third/fourth time you can assume we all know. Wouldn't want us to think you are the type of person who is like this...:

"Ok Miss, whats your name?"
"O...k but whats your name"
"UH..FRANK BLA...." would we?

I just can't believe someone typed this...

\ /

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 11/13/2003 16:43:11

Originally posted by remig

Originally posted by Malax

I find it a little odd you refer to yourself as Franks girlfriend/girl a few times in both posts. Im aware you need to clarify but surely you can put it differently. I don't mean to be pointlessly bitchy (it just happens) but to avoid you needing to post that you are Franks girlfriend a third/fourth time you can assume we all know. Wouldn't want us to think you are the type of person who is like this...:

"Ok Miss, whats your name?"
"O...k but whats your name"
"UH..FRANK BLA...." would we?

I just can't believe someone typed this...

\ /

a-hahaha. I agree, this whole thing is very fishy to me. I'm the ever doubting Doubter McGee but this just reads like a very poorly scripted joke. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, maybe FB's gf is a 12 year old lush braggart. Or maybe I've just offended the man and his woman but it's too late now ain't it?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: Hordak
Replied on: 11/13/2003 22:33:02

Hello Frank!

I've read through this whole thread and don't know when you'll post here anymore, but just wanted you to know that your music is really helping me through a difficult time in my life right now -- namely my divorce which is coming up! I'm at risk of losing everything, including my house, my BMW and my furniture but your music really acts as morphine to a troubled mind!!! Thank you and keep it coming!!! I need it!!!

My wife has a split personality, and I hate both of them.
-- Anon

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 11/14/2003 01:52:19
Message: joke was a poorly scripted joke seeing as I wrote it all. As for the rest of your post realmean, I don't understand it. Remig: I found it highly amusing reading both posts just how they were written. I found it hard to believe that a grown women would write such a post. If she is a grown my my my my. Also to address the whole offending people issue. If Frank or his girlfriend (or anyone) are offended by little comments by 'fans' on a msgboard there is something seriously up.

I like Frank Blacks music FULLSTOP

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 11/14/2003 02:53:04

Originally posted by Hordak

Hello Frank!

I've read through this whole thread ...

man,that's what i call dedication...reading 17 pages of crap (including mine)just for 5-6 short posts by the man...if it's true i'm amazed.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 11/14/2003 09:19:22

Originally posted by Malax joke was a poorly scripted joke seeing as I wrote it all. As for the rest of your post realmean, I don't understand it. Remig: I found it highly amusing reading both posts just how they were written. I found it hard to believe that a grown women would write such a post. If she is a grown my my my my. Also to address the whole offending people issue. If Frank or his girlfriend (or anyone) are offended by little comments by 'fans' on a msgboard there is something seriously up.

I like Frank Blacks music FULLSTOP

I didn't mean you Malax. I was agreing with you and thought that the "girlfriend's" posts were poorly scripted. I too find it difficult to believe that any woman with half a brain cell wrote these posts.

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: Miss Thing
Replied on: 11/14/2003 13:03:50

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

Reply author: Miss Thing
Replied on: 11/14/2003 13:08:39

Also, I just realized that I don't even know what you pissy people are referring to, because I only posted the one time and yet you then quickly accused me of, like, milking the girlfriend thing in multiple posts. So I don't get it. Do you take electric koolaid with your cornflakes in the morning? I feel like I've entered the twilight zone. I'm so not into misdirected anger.


Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 11/14/2003 13:20:51

Frank, how are you enjoying the tour? Two more questions: Why did the track "Show me your tears" not make it onto the album? Also, have you and the band decided where you are setting up the studio for the winter sessions?

No man is an island, unless he is in the bath

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 11/14/2003 13:21:28

Originally posted by Miss Thing

Also, I just realized that I don't even know what you pissy people are referring to, because I only posted the one time and yet you then quickly accused me of, like, milking the girlfriend thing in multiple posts. So I don't get it. Do you take electric koolaid with your cornflakes in the morning? I feel like I've entered the twilight zone. I'm so not into misdirected anger.


i don't think that they wanted to be cruel on's more than they don't really believe that you are who you claim to be.don't get pissed off , uncle frank passed through this too.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

Reply author: oddball
Replied on: 11/14/2003 13:52:43

you mean a track called "show me your tears" exists? That`s news to me. A while back, there were talks of Frank covering a (second) Bob Dylan song...might this be a studio version of Fare thee Well?


Reply author: Hordak
Replied on: 11/15/2003 10:48:45

Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

Originally posted by Hordak

Hello Frank!

I've read through this whole thread ...

man,that's what i call dedication...reading 17 pages of crap (including mine)just for 5-6 short posts by the man...if it's true i'm amazed.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

I also read the entire henhouse one day...

...yeah, I have no life.

My wife has a split personality, and I hate both of them.
-- Anon

Reply author: misleadtheworld
Replied on: 11/15/2003 11:24:29

well if frank is still reading this....i just bought tickets to see you and your trusty catholics in the shepherds bush in london, and, do you still play 'hey' nowadays? and if you do....could you on the 1st of december*?* i suppose the replacement drummer guy (i forgot his name now) might not know it.... :/.

anyway i saw you in manchester and i saw you at the solo camden gig, very very very good. keep up the excellent stuff.

all my fucking love....

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"

Reply author: misleadtheworld
Replied on: 11/15/2003 11:26:23

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Also, have you and the band decided where you are setting up the studio for the winter sessions?

stalker!! but a good question .

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 11/15/2003 13:47:39


I also read the entire henhouse one day...

...yeah, I have no life.

Yikes, I haven't even done that. How was it?

In a world full of caterpillars, it takes balls to be a butterfly

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 11/15/2003 19:54:25

Miss Thing, you had posted twice once in here and once in the tours section. I do not doubt that you are wiser than me and I think if you find our posts cruel then you must have led a very sheltered life. It neither took me time to read two short posts or write a short post myself, so taking time out (from posting on this website) to post on this website was no real strain. Anyway apologies...reckon you can get your bloke to refund me on my t-shirt? (see shitty t-shirt thread)

Reply author: Hordak
Replied on: 11/15/2003 20:49:44

Originally posted by ramona


I also read the entire henhouse one day...

...yeah, I have no life.

Yikes, I haven't even done that. How was it?

In a world full of caterpillars, it takes balls to be a butterfly

It was good supplemental reading to the archived posts.

My wife has a split personality, and I hate both of them.
-- Anon

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 11/16/2003 06:29:58

i don't have much to say-
- wasting the frank black moment:
malloxx, brickass girl and carlnanna.

i didn't cul a joint -/- Hale/Bopp had the market squeezed

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/16/2003 09:32:46

Originally posted by Miss Thing

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

That might be the funniest thing I've read all day. Also the first. But still funny.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/16/2003 09:36:06

BTW, can you share with us what you're studying or what type of museum you work at?

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 11/16/2003 10:03:20

Hmmm,blarg I had to read through your post a few times to work out what exactly it is your trying to say as your grasp of English seems weak at best. I will keep this rant short as you quite clearly aren't worth my time. Do you think I care so much about a damn t-shirt! Really? I started a post, fair enough, which turned into a rather amusing thread about washing and other silly things. By - "that is 100% no class to post the crap you did" Im guessing your just refering to the t-shirt thing. Its a god damn joke do you really think she will say "Hey Frank, some dumbass kid who bought one of your t-shirts wants his cash back" and do you think I believe she would or even I'd get my money back. I'd have to be one serious fuck up to think that.

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 11/16/2003 11:30:01

Wow, loadsa people turned really nasty around here lately -- I believe you, Miss Thing! Welcome, and do stick around despite the initial doubters (see the first few pages of this thread for our big uncle Charles's somewhat similar initiation)...

By the way, you might wanna do something about that Nadine chick Mr Black apparently has the hots for...

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 11/16/2003 11:35:36

I had responded really meanly to that last post Miss Thing but then decided to just let your posts speak for themselves.

I don't care if this wise one is who she says or not; I make no apologies for my nastiness. The bottom line is who cares? We never asked for any confirmation beyond Dave.

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/16/2003 13:48:14

Well, she probably wanted to start chatting with us on occassion since Charles had been doing so (though perhaps never to return...) and apparently enjoying his time here, and her 'in' was to confirm something we already knew to be true. She probably read the first page or so and then posted not realizing it was redundant. I certainly couldn't stand to go through much more than that. Just trying to keep an open perspective.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 11/16/2003 14:27:56

Im not nasty I just point out observations. But I'll be sure to post something 'functional' from now on. I think sceptical is the word Im looking for.

Reply author: massif snake
Replied on: 11/17/2003 10:17:46

don't worry miss thing- these fools are probably just jealous cos u get to sleep with frank n stuff

have sex with the nuns at my school.

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 11/17/2003 11:07:07

Uh, maybe we all don't fantasize about sleeping with Frank at all, as you might, Mr. Snake.

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
Carl Sagan

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 11/18/2003 11:04:19

Frank, Morrissey's about to make a 'comeback' next year. Maybe you could help him. And, it's enticing how you artfuly dodge some of the questions here. I would quit the Peace Corps to catch some gigs by my favorite group, young again, dying happy. Be well...
PCV, TFYRO Macedonia

"nie za volkot, volkot na vratot"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/18/2003 13:15:31

Originally posted by Miss Thing

Also, I just realized that I don't even know what you pissy people are referring to, because I only posted the one time and yet you then quickly accused me of, like, milking the girlfriend thing in multiple posts. So I don't get it. Do you take electric koolaid with your cornflakes in the morning? I feel like I've entered the twilight zone. I'm so not into misdirected anger.


wow, she's like, the sass-goddess! this is what i'm working towards people!!(i'm not insulting you, miss thing, i'm being 100% serious. ask carolynanna).

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/18/2003 13:25:48

You and your 'people'.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/18/2003 13:31:35

Originally posted by glacial906

Uh, maybe we all don't fantasize about sleeping with Frank at all, as you might, Mr. Snake.

what the fuck? why the hell are we here so? i'm only interested in his hot manly body. i really hope he stops playing guitar and singing so much soon.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/18/2003 13:36:43

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

You and your 'people'.

what're you sayin'?(said in thick limerick accent; which you won't know what that means...well, basically i'm giving you attitude:kay sweetie?)

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 11/19/2003 10:42:26

FRANKLY, i think we're all nuts and victims of
a mass hallucination, we are all just pigments
(mis-spelling intentional)of Frank Blacks' imagination,
who himself is an inverted stage moniker.

i didn't join a cult / Hale Bopp had the market cornered

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/19/2003 11:27:34

Originally posted by Brackish Girl

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

You and your 'people'.

what're you sayin'?(said in thick limerick accent; which you won't know what that means...well, basically i'm giving you attitude:kay sweetie?)

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Would you refer to your tone as feisty/impassioned/hot and agitated?

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/19/2003 11:33:57


"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/19/2003 12:11:24

<ala Grandpa Munster> Oh! Darn, darn, darn!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/19/2003 12:15:17

i don't know who that is dean: explain.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 11/19/2003 12:54:57

<sigh> Young kids these days... there's really no explaining possible. Except that shouldn't have been grandpa, it should've been the dad. Captain whats-his-name? He would say that and stomp and dust and plaster and entire floors would fall down around him.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 11/19/2003 13:03:50

oh, now i understand...:%
i live in munster. its the name of the provence i live in.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 11/19/2003 13:08:32

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
Carl Sagan

Reply author: Elvisisme
Replied on: 11/26/2003 17:19:21

this forum has taken a weird course
the so called "king" seems to be away for long now - due to tour or gibberish announcements.
should i release his mail-adress here?
hey dave noisy, you read my mail to you?
i'm not howling for a king to come, but for any good music that might be there in someones hands and head to pleasure my weirdo live.
astonishment always was what i've sought - didn't find to much in here yet.
btw: "the lord is a monkey"

Reply author: mergzez7
Replied on: 11/26/2003 21:58:04

Originally posted by glacial906

Uh, maybe we all don't fantasize about sleeping with Frank at all, as you might, Mr. Snake.

Well I do.


Reply author: the swimmer
Replied on: 11/30/2003 12:38:14

I think you are all fucking cracked.

Except for Frank and his girlfriend.

Including me for hanging out here.

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 12/01/2003 10:26:10

And for posting 1444 times.

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 12/01/2003 11:05:03

Originally posted by blarg007

i don't have much to say-
- wasting the frank black moment:
malloxx, brickass girl and carlnanna.

i didn't cul a joint -/- Hale/Bopp had the market squeezed

hah, i didn't notice that. what the hell is your problem dude? sorry i didn't ask frank about his chord proggressions or whatever. what an arse.

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Malax
Replied on: 12/01/2003 15:42:10

Quite, his original post was a mess of an insult towards me, for whatever reason he decided to change it. Why can no one spell my name right. Malloxx?! No Malax. 5 letters no god damn o!

Reply author: ThatOneGirl
Replied on: 12/01/2003 15:43:42

--wats w/ all the cults??

"you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me"

Reply author: ThatOneGirl
Replied on: 12/01/2003 15:45:35

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Originally posted by Miss Thing

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

That might be the funniest thing I've read all day. Also the first. But still funny.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

wow. umm how many effin times did she say "frank black's girlfriend" in that paragraph?

"you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me"

Reply author: misleadtheworld
Replied on: 12/01/2003 20:01:02

Originally posted by ThatOneGirl

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Originally posted by Miss Thing

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

That might be the funniest thing I've read all day. Also the first. But still funny.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

wow. umm how many effin times did she say "frank black's girlfriend" in that paragraph?

"you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me"

i think it was the point, my dear

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"

Reply author: Sgt_Hulka
Replied on: 12/03/2003 20:01:51

Hi Frank!

I just found this place. Love your stuff. Keep doing it, there are people out here who appreciate it. ;)
Filmmaker, Writer, Videogame Developer, Terrible Musician

Reply author: Grizwald
Replied on: 12/04/2003 06:28:46

Yes, Ok... I wish Frank Black would come back.

The Cult Of J VISIT IT NOW!!!

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 12/04/2003 11:32:24

Frank, sorry if any of my past posts on this long thread sounded jerkey.

You are still one of my favorites, after all these years.

later man....dougit

Reply author: Kirk
Replied on: 12/04/2003 15:05:46

Frank is done with the tour.. so I figured he'll sit back and read some posts. From me, only, of course.


Reply author: mergzez7
Replied on: 12/05/2003 04:03:49

Don't you think he's got better things to do, like recording the 72 songs he wrote on tour or questionning his conscience why the fuck he cancelled the gig in Geneva?


"quel gros sac ce Frank Black"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/05/2003 06:54:44

Heh heh... or listening to You Ain't Me finally?!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/05/2003 07:33:06

Or logging on the forum and starting a fight with the_swimmer?


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"

Reply author: mereubu
Replied on: 12/05/2003 07:38:30

Now, now, god forbid we should get El Jefe banned from his own forum!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/05/2003 08:26:22

Well, yes, but just for one week.


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/05/2003 08:46:00

Heh, that'd be pretty hilarious, Mere:

Frank Black Banned From His Kingly Website

[Bronson, MI (Reuters - AP)]

In a bizarre series of events yesterday that culminated in a warrant for the arrest of Charles Kitteridge Thompson IV, alias Frank Black and Black Francis, Thompson was banned from his own fan forum, FrankBlack.Net.

Thompson, the indie rock legend who spawned the Pixies and a subsequent 11-year solo career, allegedly made a disparaging remark about one of his songs, I'll Be Blue*. A long time member of the forum, Justin Fargus*, whose alias was derived from this same song, apparently took the comments personally.

Fargus is then said to have attacked Thompson, his music, and his flannel shirts, spilling cyber-blood throughout the forum. The fight raged until the heroic efforts of moderator Dave Noisy (I bet you thought I was going to say myself, didn't you?) led to a cessation of the violence.

Thompson, it is rumoured, then posted a picture of Fargus as Tinky Winky in a compromising position with Po, and relit the powder keg.

"I was reluctant to ban Thompson at first, as he is, after all, the reason we're all here," said Noisy, "but when he took the personal information from Fargus' profile and flew to Bronson to 'Bury his fist in [Fargus'] face' and added a second hole to his Takamine, that was too far."

When pressed on whether the ban would be permanent, Noisy declined comment, though anonymous sources say that Noisy plans to enforce the ban until Thompson is acquitted of assault charges made by Fargus. Noisy would not say whether access would be revoked if Thompson was found guilty of evading arrest but not of assault.

Fargus has refused to comment, but Dean Katsiris, Thompson's lawyer as well as close friend and musical advisor (that's right, I got it in there), claims that Thompson was acting in self-defense in Bronson and that Fargus had instigated the violent encounter which also injured 326 bystanders.

While the question of who started the fight will probably never be answered, it is clear that Thompson and Fargus will not return to FrankBlack.Net until at least next week.

* Names changed to protect the innocent

Alright, it's Friday and I don't want to work. Maybe Frank will be lured back if only to clear his name. :)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: benji
Replied on: 12/05/2003 08:50:36

thats damn fucking funny.

i can't wait to see it crop up on

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 12/05/2003 08:52:23

haha that is funny,
good stuff.

Reply author: bedrock_barney
Replied on: 12/05/2003 08:59:04

very very good. That's why I come here folks!

"I have been enslaved by the Cult of Ming / He is ever so merciless...unlike that nice Mr Black."

Reply author: apl4eris
Replied on: 12/05/2003 09:12:13

Brilliant. hahahahha

Hey, anybody wanna bet this (Frank getting arrested and/or banned) is gonna turn up in an indie zine as a rumor?

Reply author: Deacon Blue
Replied on: 12/05/2003 09:13:08

Good point. I thought it was real.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/05/2003 09:22:47

Heh, maybe I should take out the little giveaways like the comments in parenthesis. :) It'd be funny to see some overanxious news agency take it up.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 12/05/2003 09:37:58

Nothing like starting some rumours to get some exposure. Your next article could be a transcription of your interview with Frank where he gives the low down the Pixies reunion, and comes out of the closet.

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 12/05/2003 09:58:49

hahaha...good one,i was seriously considering to auto-ban me from the forum due to the cat stuff but i'm happy there's always something worth reading.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/05/2003 10:28:37

I have the former half of that archived somewhere, Speedy. Glad you guys are liking it. I think I'm going to dedicate my afternoon to working.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 12/05/2003 10:44:27

wouldn't surprise me. It seems loyalties lie with the swimmer for some reason I've yet to comprehend. Nice article:)

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/05/2003 11:20:31

Loyalties lie with the swimmer? What do you mean?

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: bumblebeeboy2
Replied on: 12/06/2003 09:10:59

that is hilarious! and yes, if it were changed slightly, so it seemed more like a real report, and maybe involved the pixies reunion, and we got rid of this thread that had us planning, we could start to circulate it, MTV would report it as fact, NME would follow suit, before you know it it's being widely reported that Frank Black is banned from his own forum, vows never to write another song again, Dave Lovering takes over lead vocals for the upcoming Pixies reunion, Kim replaces him on the drums, Kelly Deal is drafted in on bass, Joey is out as a sign of loyalty to Frank, Breeders guitarist comes in to replace, Kim announces Cannonball, Gigantic and Into The White will all feature in the new tour, Dave insists on La La Love You and Make Believe...

Ahh, I knew that drink at lunch time was a bad idea. But at least I'm a Dog in the Sand now! Yay!

I'm flat out, you're so beautiful to look at when you cry. Freeze, don't move, you've been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequal to your life. Shady Lane, everybody wants one, Shady Lane, everybody needs one.

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 12/06/2003 13:16:52

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Loyalties lie with the swimmer? What do you mean?

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

I just mean that The Swimmer should haved been booted a long time ago. I recently saw that Dave scolded someone saying that it was "not acceptable to speak to Jason like that." Why then is it acceptable for the swimmer to speak to people however he likes?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 12/06/2003 23:52:55

Mainly because *most* people are mature enough to restrain themselves when confronted....and he seems more likely than most to react with hostility...

That wasn't very recently tho, i don't think...

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 12/07/2003 07:43:12

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Mainly because *most* people are mature enough to restrain themselves when confronted....and he seems more likely than most to react with hostility...

That wasn't very recently tho, i don't think...

He has a history on this board, dating back a year, of hostility. How can anyone that's been here for a year not remember the *'Assholes / Dont ya rile em' and *'USA involved in Sept 11 attacks' threads. His posts are contradicting it makes it impossible to argue. That's why I stopped. He should have been warned and/or banned back then. You let him continue and he almost destroyed the board. Okay, maybe that is a little mellow dramatic.

(* Not the correct name of the topics but close enough)

Peace brothers and sisters.

"Our love is rice and beans and horses lard"

Reply author: Brackish Girl
Replied on: 12/07/2003 13:07:04

hey stop badmouthing my ex!

"I joined the Cult of Trippy/...what was i singing again???"

Reply author: Chris Knight
Replied on: 12/10/2003 16:32:29

*gasp* The cradlerobber!


Reply author: Starla
Replied on: 12/11/2003 11:52:35

Hey brackish! I'm from Ireland too.. yay.. joy of joys! lol @ cult btw .
*clears throat* In mY opinion, (learned) I perceive this fellow to be a befuddled simpleton!, an imposter!, and an excellent candidate for involuntary castration.....bauauaha!

Pulled down the heavens just to please you, to hold the flower I can't keep...

Reply author: Chris Knight
Replied on: 12/11/2003 14:36:52

You talkin bout Frnck Blck or Miss Thing? Frnck Blck was confirmed to be Frank Black by the maintainer of this site.

Reply author: misleadtheworld
Replied on: 12/11/2003 16:14:02

...and a round of applause for that maintainer, for this wonderful website and forum.

which one is he again?

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 12/11/2003 17:51:58

We've been getting way off topic in here. I'm surprised the maintainer of this site, Noisy hasn't closed this topic yet. Besides his comment in the 'Frank Black Live' topic today, I would hope he'd start a new topic the next time he had something to say to us and not use this huge mess.

Join the Cult of Kasso / Say you love Satan

Reply author: renai42
Replied on: 12/12/2003 03:26:33

well, dunno if The Man still reads this thread, but in case he ever does, just a quick message. Dude, your music has changed my life in an overwhelmingly positive way. I can only say thank you for all that you have given us, and may good things come your way.

kind regards,


'take me somewhere cool'

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 12/12/2003 10:29:41

haha - i'm sure FB has met bigger freaks than we've got here. =)

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 12/12/2003 11:05:59

That's a scary thought.

Well, all I want to know in case he does deem to read this mess is: will there be a Spring tour??? Some of us freaks would love to know!


Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 12/15/2003 15:12:43

there better be a spring tour -with the money i saved from not paying taxes and robbing
faux santa clauses i was planning on seeing more thane one concert by FB&C's this season.
I might spring for buying frank a beer with the change.
-hey frank or anyone else out there: ever hear Ken Nordine's 'word jazz'??
-rebel without pause

i didn't join a cult / Hale Bopp had the market cornered
when the clouds have turned to isles...

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 12/15/2003 15:17:40

er, pardon the evil twin up there...
he's just jealous because i ate all the bacon balls and am going on the
Ribwich tour this winter...doh!

bet you didn't know
there was a good blarg...

Reply author: realmeanmotorscutor
Replied on: 12/16/2003 21:25:37

I believe I have a Ken Nordine track titled yellow . . . .

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/17/2003 02:17:35



"I joined the cult of Cult of Frank/Turns out he's the stupidest person on Earth"

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/17/2003 02:18:56

Look! This thread has 666 replies! Now don't anybody ever reply to it!


"I joined the cult of Cult of Frank/Turns out he's the stupidest person on Earth"

Reply author: Cabonga
Replied on: 12/17/2003 02:28:32


Die Harder

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/17/2003 02:50:16

I hate you.


"I joined the cult of Cult of Frank/Turns out he's the stupidest person on Earth"

Reply author: Cabonga
Replied on: 12/18/2003 01:53:15

Die Harder

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 12/18/2003 02:14:54

Now wait till I find something clever to respond, and you'll see!


"I joined the cult of Cult of Frank/Turns out he's the stupidest person on Earth"

Reply author: Cabonga
Replied on: 12/18/2003 02:54:58

Well, you won't beat this: Last night I met Frank and some friends at this place:

Die Harder

Reply author: Stuart
Replied on: 12/18/2003 06:53:58

So has Swimmer actually been banished from the forum??? And is completely gone???? Obvioudly if so he could easily just register as a different user and start again. Wow, since Ive been away it seems as if Dave has gone on a major crackdown.... good on you Dave!

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

Reply author: someguy51
Replied on: 12/23/2003 08:31:16

Well, just in case Frank comes back:

Thank you very, very, very much for playing in Calgary last spring. You've been my favorite musician for about 12 years and it was awesome to finally see you play live. Its a night I'll never forget.

So here's to you returning to Calgary someday!

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 12/23/2003 12:44:33

I just have 2 questions: after having seen you twice this year and twice 2 years ago does this mean I'll have to wait another 2 years - or just get off my arse and go move to massachusetts?
(heck, it'd only be the third move this year.../)

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: Stevio10
Replied on: 12/24/2003 03:31:27

Hello from the Shetland Islands! Just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Just a wee quandary, firstly would like to congratulate you on an amazing show on the 28th September at the Garage in Glasgow, hope you enjoyed playing as much as we enjoyed listening (and getting hit in the head by the crowd surfers boots!). I couldn't help but notice when Rich was doing his showpiece, i think during Nadine, you looked at him in a sort of mystified way!? Is he always showboating? (just kidding) Sorry to be over observant just found it quite amusing! Anyway, I have Viking chores to attend to :) Enjoy the festive season! Cheers to you el Jefe!

Reply author: Jefery With One F
Replied on: 12/27/2003 18:08:24

I'll second that invitation to Calgary. Hope to see you during your next tour (whether it be with the Catholics or the Pixies).

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 01/01/2004 09:10:22


i didn't join a cult / Hale Bopp had the market cornered
when the clouds have turned to isles...

Reply author: Sugar denizen
Replied on: 01/03/2004 11:30:21

Hey frankie, when are you coming to israel? you can't keep me waiting much longer...

also, "Kicked in the taco" - what does "The new Morocco" stand for?

i'm baffled...

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 01/04/2004 11:50:57

what if the swimmer was actually frank under another different name? created to let out aggression and tension? oh dear.

Reply author: bolsak
Replied on: 01/06/2004 23:24:08

Australia is still waiting Franky boy.
You nearly made it, i booked tickets to the other side of Oz to catch you...
I think its been close to 10 years since your last visit. Ouch.

see you when we see you.


Reply author: bolsak
Replied on: 01/07/2004 19:35:18

oh..and since everyone else gets to ask a question i may aswell have a crack.

Ever worked with, or considered work with Izzy Stradlin? (ex-gnr). I was always a fan of his work with guns n roses, a band who were semi-shunned during the nirvana explosion.
It was a relief to see the pioneer of the nirvana explosion (thats you frank) has gone back to the roots of that country/bluesy rock sound, which is very similiar to Izzy's styles. As much as i love the pixies and alt rock...something feels more homely and real about what you are doing now.....thumbs up mate. See you in oz when you make it here again.


Reply author: iMaReaLiveWire
Replied on: 01/08/2004 11:18:53

i cant wait till he hits Deutschland again.

why am i Mr. Pink?

Reply author: rocketmorton
Replied on: 01/11/2004 15:29:08

hey Charles--

when do you think you'll be stopping in Pittsburgh again? if memory serves me i think you had to cancel the last time because of the theft in Philadelphia. although ive been living in a cave for the past year or so and maybe i missed something. and bring that fella Reid Paley with ya! we miss him!


Reply author: Chip Away Boy
Replied on: 01/13/2004 21:33:18

when was the last time Fra Bla actually posted? we have been abandoned.

Reply author: IceCream
Replied on: 01/13/2004 22:59:04

He last posted in December of 2003. He typed exclusively in lowercase letters. I wonder if Mereubu is dissapointed by that...

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 01/14/2004 08:23:00

rocket, you missed FB in pittsburgh last april - i was there - it was great


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"

Reply author: spook
Replied on: 01/21/2004 15:26:02

Hey Frank, do you and the band play any computer or console games? D'you have any favorites, besides Pong? :-)

"Hiding out in the bathroom!!"

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 01/25/2004 05:49:03

Just a stupid post to make this thread stay on the first page...

He says "c'est la vie" and takes another dive.

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 01/25/2004 09:42:13

I think Frank has given up on us. We're a pretty schizophrenic bunch these days. Maybe he'll come on and post a completely new thread - but I feel like this one is o-vah.

"Music does not drag me down. Music lifts me up." - Frank Black

Reply author: IceCream
Replied on: 01/25/2004 09:58:39

Maybe he'll post under a new name, claiming that he forgot his old password or something. We'll all be skeptical at first and have to go through trying to prove whether or not he really is Frank....pretty fun.

Tim, the only one who laughs

Reply author: spook
Replied on: 01/25/2004 16:55:53

Hey Frank,
what's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you on stage?

"Hiding out in the bathroom!!"

Reply author: TheCroutonFuton
Replied on: 02/07/2004 16:36:26

Hmm...I saw this was mentioned in the thread where Charles commented on his being mis-quoted.

Hey Frank...What made you want to record with a session band? I think they're very cool. It takes talent to do what they can do. Anyways...Goodluck with the Pixies reunion and God bless the Catholics...

"Join the Cult of Gunn / And Then You'll Be Destined to be a Rock and Roll Star of Epical Proportions!"

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 02/08/2004 09:13:45

Hey KING....a friend said it was rumoured you stayed at Bono's place the last time you played Ireland...really? Thats almost down the road from me...

Reply author: tab
Replied on: 03/03/2004 17:12:31

Why Winnipeg?

Since you'll be here, make sure to go to Alycia's for some fine food.

look forward to hearing you.

Reply author: airforce
Replied on: 03/03/2004 21:38:16

Originally posted by ThatOneGirl

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Originally posted by Miss Thing

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

That might be the funniest thing I've read all day. Also the first. But still funny.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

wow. umm how many effin times did she say "frank black's girlfriend" in that paragraph?

"you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me"

OMG!!!! FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply author: airforce
Replied on: 03/03/2004 21:51:59

We're all talking to FRANK like he's just waiting to here from us. FUNNY! But anyway (hehe), if you're out there......My husband is SOOOOOOOOO excited to see you at Cochella (i think) in Indio, CA. We are in the airforce (Tucson, AZ) and he is freaking out that he is close enough to make your show. He loved you with the Pixies and LOVED you even more on your own (made it to a few of your concerts and didn't approach you in the crowd at 1st Ave. in Mpls nightclub as he wanted to respect your space) and LOVES the fact that he gets to see you with the Pixies again. He works 12+ hours a day flying the A-10 for our country and thus is not all over these fan chat sites, but I KNOW he is your biggest fan! NO DOUBT!!!!!!

Anyway, I am his biggest fan and I just had to get that out.

-Frank Black's biggest fan's fan.

P.S. If you happen to be in Tucson, AZ anytime soon. Please shoot me an e-mail and we'll get you in a fighter here at the Davis-Montahn Air Force Base! WORD!

Reply author: clemray
Replied on: 03/04/2004 10:36:28

Hey, i just want to say you are AWESOME!!!!! I hope Frank takes you up on that offer!!

God bless you and your husband....and God bless America! yee-haw.

Reply author: The Calistanian
Replied on: 03/05/2004 12:11:13

Mr. Black, you knew I lived near Winnipeg, didn't you? I thought so.

By the way, you and the band can chill at my place.

I'm a fsh with no i's.

Reply author: airforce
Replied on: 03/05/2004 13:34:08

Thanks Clemray! It's just part of our job...we ALL make our sacrafices in some way shape of form. However, we REALLY appreciate your support.


Reply author: anazgnos
Replied on: 05/01/2004 15:14:48

Frank's busy.

Reply author: tytarter
Replied on: 05/02/2004 00:00:58

I have a quesion Frank. I talked to your mom in the bar at the Eugene show just a few days ago. Do you really live in Eugene? Man that is crazy. Do you know how much it rains there in the winter. I'd be heard for Los Angeles, not the one in south California. The other one. No I think that's awesome dude. I've lived in Oregon off and on a lot. Maybe I'll run into you at the store and we can drink beer and cruz for chix.

Reply author: tytarter
Replied on: 05/02/2004 00:05:31

Ok, one more really important question. I've always wondered if you ever slept with Kim Deal? Come on just tell us. I know your not Fleetwood Mac, but I was just curious. If not, how about the other band members?

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 05/02/2004 08:06:44

Is it true that Kurt Cobain sprayed you with a fire extinguisher whilst you were performing your solo set at some show? What do you think of him?

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 05/02/2004 08:18:36

Originally posted by tytarter

Ok, one more really important question. I've always wondered if you ever slept with Kim Deal? Come on just tell us. I know your not Fleetwood Mac, but I was just curious. If not, how about the other band members?

this is by far the stupidest question i've ever seen on this forum. not to be a dick, but stay out of the man's personal business. seriously.


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 05/02/2004 08:37:44

Do you actually hope that he will reply to this kind of crap?

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 05/02/2004 11:04:04

I liked that question, actually. It's so stupid it's excellent.

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 05/02/2004 11:12:45

Originally posted by tytarter

Ok, one more really important question. I've always wondered if you ever slept with Kim Deal? Come on just tell us. I know your not Fleetwood Mac, but I was just curious. If not, how about the other band members?

"Welcome back to the 10th grade!"

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 05/02/2004 11:16:00

There are 21 Reasons (as in 21 pages) why the thread has stopped getting responses. Who's gonna read all this?

But just in case, hey Frank:
What do you think about the online insurance marketplace and the movement into offering services and access to the individual agent? The bottom's falling out of the direct-to-insured market. The agent and broker channel is recognized as an integral part of the distribution process. But what I think they have to realize is that offline support and advice must be considered an imperative supplement to online technology and sales. A lot of these firms that first thought they could do everything online are now realizing that a real-world presence is an undeniable necessity.

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 05/02/2004 11:45:35

An undeniable necessity.

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 05/02/2004 12:00:01

I'd even say, a necessity we can't deny.

"Welcome back to the 10th grade!"

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 05/02/2004 12:03:32

Originally posted by Adnan_le_Terrible

I liked that question, actually. It's so stupid it's excellent.

It's so stupid it's extremely stupid.

Reply author: stardog
Replied on: 05/02/2004 13:59:35

come back to us Frank!

Reply author: therewererumours
Replied on: 05/02/2004 15:20:39

Originally posted by Jason

There are 21 Reasons (as in 21 pages) why the thread has stopped getting responses. Who's gonna read all this?

But just in case, hey Frank:
What do you think about the online insurance marketplace and the movement into offering services and access to the individual agent? The bottom's falling out of the direct-to-insured market. The agent and broker channel is recognized as an integral part of the distribution process. But what I think they have to realize is that offline support and advice must be considered an imperative supplement to online technology and sales. A lot of these firms that first thought they could do everything online are now realizing that a real-world presence is an undeniable necessity.

lol! This is exactly what this forum needs!

He's coming to save your mind and town

Reply author: Douglas
Replied on: 05/02/2004 15:49:00

Originally posted by Suicide_Samurai

Is it true that Kurt Cobain sprayed you with a fire extinguisher whilst you were performing your solo set at some show? What do you think of him?

that was the pukkelpop festival in belgium in '93, right?

Reply author: klikger
Replied on: 05/02/2004 21:10:49

Hey Frank, thanks for bringing the crew to Chicago for 4 days in a row. Let me buy you pizza.

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/03/2004 09:30:02

This is a stupid question for the MAN, but I always wondered it:

Are you a good cooker?

My chance: YES

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 05/10/2004 04:35:23

by the way i thought you was great in school of rock! i saw it 5 times

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 05/10/2004 05:06:34

Me six!

Reply author: charlesthompson
Replied on: 05/10/2004 11:05:26

ands i havent even seen it....have i missunderstood
or did you say that frank black is in school of rock!?!?!?!

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 05/13/2004 05:12:50

sure, he's the main character

Reply author: rockmusic84
Replied on: 05/13/2004 17:16:26

That's JACK, not FRANK! :)

It's an awesome movie, though.

Join The Cult of U-MASS - IT'S EDUCATIONAL!!!

Reply author: betty
Replied on: 05/13/2004 21:48:10

i want to french you.

take me to micky's liquor you cocksucker!

Reply author: stardog
Replied on: 05/15/2004 15:37:15

Reply author: Wade
Replied on: 05/17/2004 16:39:58

And so the degeneration is complete....

Reply author: TONY IN OMAHA
Replied on: 05/18/2004 23:33:11

Hello Charles...
On a snowballs' chance in Hell you see this, I just wanted to Thank You again for adding me to the guest list in Minnesota! It was great to see you again my friend, after all those years. Loved the show in Pomona too!! Hope to hear from you soon........
Tony B. in Omaha

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/21/2004 04:13:54

Frank doesn't feel very chatty lately...

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 05/21/2004 07:26:40

I could be wrong, but he might be a little busy. ;)

"When 5000 posts you reach / Have a life you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/22/2004 12:05:08

I know, I know. May 28 in Barcelona, then 29 in Madrid, and then some...

I think he is in a good shape.

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 05/23/2004 06:43:19

the universe is exactly as it should be.

if you are reading this now then you know this to be true and others also read it and know truth.

now is the time

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/24/2004 08:06:02

Originally posted by blarg007

the universe is exactly as it should be.

if you are reading this now then you know this to be true and others also read it and know truth.

now is the time

This is terrifying, man.

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: stardog
Replied on: 05/25/2004 07:45:05

What are you smokin man? I want some

Reply author: the_vampire1334
Replied on: 05/25/2004 09:24:34

dear fiends----- does anybody know if black is ever coming to mexico??? to play not on vacation???

pixies not death

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 05/25/2004 09:40:47

I can't believe this thread is still alive. I think it is pretty much dead in all the ways that matter (i.e Frank posting here) - but I guess you never know. You're all very tenacious!

never gonna know you now, but I'm gonna love you anyhow...

Reply author: stardog
Replied on: 05/27/2004 03:55:59

I think you just killed it

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/27/2004 03:59:02

Originally posted by ramona

I can't believe this thread is still alive. I think it is pretty much dead in all the ways that matter (i.e Frank posting here) - but I guess you never know. You're all very tenacious!

This thread could be dead, but it's still very funny

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 05/27/2004 14:05:30

This thread will never die! It'll outlive Frank, the forum, and the Internet! When the Universe ends, this thread will remain, sealed inside some kind of temporal force field, like the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

Cattle in Korea / They can really moo.

Reply author: stardog
Replied on: 05/27/2004 14:40:25

does frank ever post on this forum anymore?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 05/27/2004 15:13:59

He hasn't posted since just a few days before the reunion started.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: Antoinette
Replied on: 05/27/2004 15:39:20

This may be a shitty idea but:

Why doesn't everyone submit a relatively simple question (i.e. one that would elicit a relatively short answer) and a Q list can be compiled. THen the next time FB decides to check things out there won't be as much of a mad pile-on as this one, w/ 20-some odd pgs to wade thru for a few choice posts. He can peruse the list right off the bat and answer what he feels like answering.

Well, whatever.

Reply author: Dave Noisy
Replied on: 05/27/2004 18:26:37

I'm going to organize something like this for when the tour is over...

Join the Cult of the Flying Pigxies - I'm A Believer!

Reply author: klikger
Replied on: 05/27/2004 23:42:28

You rule, Dave. Literally. :)

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 05/29/2004 03:50:32

I'm not sure that making a list will be a good idea. This will kill any spontaneity this thread can have.
And, more important, this could seem like forcing Frank to answer us and, in my opinion, having The Man like a member of this forum is the best privilege we could have.

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 06/01/2004 13:08:49

Nicely put whore. It's cool that I can say that and not sound insulting.

In my defense... I'm just sayin'

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 06/01/2004 18:02:30

Yep. Nicely put, Whore!

I keep feeling like people are just looking at screens and web sites all the time, but do they ever do anything? Or go out and say anything to anyone? I'm not so sure anymore.

Reply author: the man who is too loud
Replied on: 06/01/2004 18:58:47

Just some very obvious questions for in case Charles turns up on the site:
Are you considering a new pixies cd (or single)?
Is this the last tour of the pixies?
Will you, Kim, Joey and Dave focus on your solo career again?

To put it short:
What does your musical future looks like?
I could not decide on what I would like most, I cannot choose between pixies and FB+Catholics. My favorite cd is 'Dog in the Sand' however. If you could combine both, that would be great!
greetz from Belgium, see you at Werchter, Paris and Amsterdam.

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 06/02/2004 23:58:05

Originally posted by Adnan_le_Terrible

Yep. Nicely put, Whore!

Thanks, guys!!! I'll make you an special price.

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: BhopalStiff
Replied on: 06/07/2004 20:26:59

Hey, if it is you, Frankie, then what color underwear am I wearing? Ha!!!! You don't know, do you? Well, that just proves it then. It proves that my underwear is my business and not yours. Plus I'm not gay, even for the infamous Frank Black. Too much information? Yeah it is. Sorry. Keep doing the Pixies thing. Big fan. Maybe I'll give you a demo of my band in Chicago. Shameless self promotion, you know? If it's not you, Frank, than you can go fuck yourself and get a damn life.

Catch ya later, Bill and Ted!

Reply author: Adnan_le_Terrible
Replied on: 06/08/2004 05:55:51

Originally posted by BhopalStiff

Hey, if it is you, Frankie, then what color underwear am I wearing? Ha!!!! You don't know, do you? Well, that just proves it then. It proves that my underwear is my business and not yours. Plus I'm not gay, even for the infamous Frank Black. Too much information? Yeah it is. Sorry. Keep doing the Pixies thing. Big fan. Maybe I'll give you a demo of my band in Chicago. Shameless self promotion, you know? If it's not you, Frank, than you can go fuck yourself and get a damn life.

Catch ya later, Bill and Ted!

BhopalStiff, I am your fan.

And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

Reply author: bobob
Replied on: 06/09/2004 06:18:51

Hey Frank. I Was at the last night at Brixton Academy in London last Saturday night. It was a blinding gig, 15 years 2 months and 7 days since I had last seen you and the Pixies live. A few moments stuck in my mind : Wave of mutilation/UK surf and first Joey missing the drum stick and then secondly Dave missing it when Joey threw it back during Vamos! Anyway, what I wanted to ask was, which night was your favourite? I'm guessing one of the first 2 nights rather then the last night. I know you did 3 encores on the Thursday but then the last two nights you did one looong encore - what makes you decide? Hopefully the audience! Keep up the writing. Cheers.

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 08/07/2004 07:55:38

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

He hasn't posted since just a few days before the reunion started.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

So..., now there is a new Frank's post: Is it the right time to resuscitate my fave thread?

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 08/07/2004 09:50:24

It's always the right time! :)

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 08/07/2004 17:37:08

frnck blck is still alive

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the Pixies

Reply author: martha_promise
Replied on: 08/07/2004 17:47:49

Dennis, I needed that a minute or so ago. Instead I went searching...

~~I love the north part, I love your marble ear~~

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 08/07/2004 18:48:42

holy monkey, christian! yet again, you have your finger
on the pulse. thanks for clueing me in.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 08/08/2004 10:26:50

Originally posted by kathryn

holy monkey, christian! yet again, you have your finger
on the pulse. thanks for clueing me in.

haha, you're welcome.

what's strange is that when I click on frnck blck's name no posts are found.
So, was it a ghost-post or what?

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the Pixies

Reply author: twist
Replied on: 08/08/2004 13:21:21

Click on "find all archived posts by frnk blck" Did he used to be Frankus Blackus? Keep the thread alive!Even if it's not really umbelical anymore.

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 08/08/2004 13:57:23

Yeah, he used to be Frankus Blackus, but he forgot his password. Something like that, anyway.

Cattle in Korea / They can really moo.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 08/09/2004 04:18:20

See, he's just like us mere mortals, who forget our

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 08/09/2004 04:49:31

Originally posted by kathryn

See, he's just like us mere mortals, who forget our

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

You're wrong. He's cheating us. He doesn't need to write a password. He remagnetizes hard disks with his mind power. When you have been touched by a Manta Ray, you can do, you know..., certain things.

"Join the Cult of the whore at the door / And You'll find no answers, but real fun"

Reply author: twist
Replied on: 08/09/2004 21:07:06

Is overexamining the creative process destructive unless you don't take it too seriously? Or not? What say you Mr. Infallible? and probably a regular guy too

Reply author: wilsmyth
Replied on: 08/10/2004 23:41:12

days in the sun made her skin brown
and she grew up like a rattan
she got so high,
and I was so down
she wanted a much taller man

you cant save the preachers daughter

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 08/11/2004 16:53:50

JEEEEEEESUS this thread is still here. I was looking for it a while ago and I couldn't find it. It lives, hey Mikey.

~*We lost contact and I hope that you don't mind. I was trying to save us both some time.*~

Reply author: Darkstep
Replied on: 08/21/2004 01:59:33

Come back Frank, come baaaaaack.

She's built for speed.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 08/21/2004 05:31:00


I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: plutron x
Replied on: 08/25/2004 08:11:50

hi Frank-

i love you, first off. and i'm really glad you left school to start a band.

i finally get to see you in november, in Toronto, with the Pixies, and i can't tell you how much i'm looking forward to it. i live right near London, Ontario, and i wonder if you've ever played there? and would you? i'd love to see you there so much.

is it a pain to sign things after the show? i am thinking of bringing my Teenager of the Year cd for you to sign, but i don't want to bring stuff if it's not a good idea. mwah Frank.



(in canada)

buy something or get out

Reply author: twist
Replied on: 09/01/2004 10:10:36

The King has been distracted of late by foriegn campaigns and his imminent heir, soon however he will be back in the great North West (Les Schwab, Bend OR 9/4) In his absence he's left the court with little more than cryptic hints, such as his Cool Links: - Why? Hmmmm.
If his Blackussness does check in from his air conditioned cave - Welcome Back and a Heartfelt Congratulations from the court at large! And may I say personally that you Mr. Thompson sir guy man dude have my complete absolute utmost musical Respect and thanks for never ripping me off. Looking foward with great intrest and anticipation to Honeycomb. And the phantom future Pixies project with Waits & Beefheart(the rumors are growing in your absence) which will be so monumental half of us will not accept it and wail from the balconies like at opening night at The Rites Of Spring. Short version - you're O.K. man.
Hope you're able to get a breather, see you in Amherst.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 09/01/2004 10:57:21


you Mr. Thompson sir guy man dude have my complete absolute utmost musical Respect and thanks for never ripping me off.

Twist, if I may quote Mr. Loaf, you took the words right out of my mouth.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/01/2004 23:55:59

I just reread lots of this thread and relived the excitement of FB/Violet posting. What a great thread this was, even if I feel bad about the whole Violet misunderstanding that happened.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 09/02/2004 03:41:58

You do have alot of time on your hands. Don't you?

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 09/02/2004 06:21:25

Mr. Cult, do you, in your infinite powers, have a clue as to when the King will return so we can relive the excitement anew for real? Can you tell us if he will return at all? Thanks.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: PsychicTwin
Replied on: 09/02/2004 06:40:30

Dean's powers are great indeed...he has been known to whip up a mean augury through the use of chicken bones and children's toenail clippings

Yet I'd be very surprised if he could predict whether Frank will visit this forum again at any point

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/02/2004 07:25:50

Originally posted by Thomas

You do have alot of time on your hands. Don't you?

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"

Well, to be fair, I read the first page, and then subsequently, my posts, fb's posts, Miss Thing's posts, and any posts he responded to... like Andy's suggestion that he do live discs and Cartland's suggestion they visit Icelandia.

But the answer to your question is still yes. :)

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/02/2004 07:35:05

Originally posted by kathryn

Mr. Cult, do you, in your infinite powers, have a clue as to when the King will return so we can relive the excitement anew for real? Can you tell us if he will return at all? Thanks.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Sadly, PsychicTwin AKA Alex AKA Vice-Assistant Augury Overseer is correct in that none of my spells nor voodoo can determine the precise time or date that FB will be back. Frank is like the wind... he whistles here and there they say (often it sounds a little like Abstract Plain), travelling from place to place as with the spinning of the earth and yet everywhere as with the twinkling of Neptune or Pluto. You never know when he's going to come up, but when he does, hold on to your hats.

More accurately, Frank is not like a dancing bear.

"When 5000 posts you reach / Look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 09/02/2004 07:37:31

Well put, gentlemen.

I do have plenty of children's toenail clippings, should you require them. That's one of the benefits of chasing after a kid all day.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: Black_francis_
Replied on: 09/02/2004 08:04:54

Can anyone think of a good name for my band?

Reply author: Erebus
Replied on: 09/02/2004 08:29:37

How 'bout "Off Topic"?

Reply author: PsychicTwin
Replied on: 09/02/2004 09:52:23

Originally posted by Black_francis_

Can anyone think of a good name for my band?

Sorry bro, if I think of one I'll be using it for a new band i'm playing with in DC. You'll have to fend for yourself...

and you should post this question elsewhere, anyway. this is Frank's thread, dammit.

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 09/02/2004 17:08:47

More accurately, Frank is not like a dancing bear.

But is he like a running bear?

Brick is red, and Hitler's dead. Hang me!

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/02/2004 18:11:27

I'm not sure... how would we find out?

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 09/02/2004 19:40:10

Make him run, and see how bearlike he is while doing so?

Brick is red, and Hitler's dead. Hang me!

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 09/20/2004 10:47:50

Originally posted by Black_francis_

Can anyone think of a good name for my band?

Originally posted by Erebus

How 'bout "Off Topic"?



Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/08/2004 12:13:09

let's work out a time. i'll try to answer some questions. 6pm EST today?

Reply author: harringk
Replied on: 10/08/2004 12:19:25

Originally posted by frnck blck

let's work out a time. i'll try to answer some questions. 6pm EST today?

Sir Charles, thanks for stopping by. 1st Question:

Do you plan on making any new music and touring with the Catholics in the future?


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/08/2004 12:26:46

Sounds great! I've set up a thread so it's all nice and organized and doesn't start on page 23. If you'd be so kind as to use this thread:

I'll unlock it shortly before 6 so you don't have 10 pages of questions to go through as soon as you get in.

If you'd prefer to answer them in your court, that's fine too.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: CaptainMaximus
Replied on: 10/08/2004 12:31:54

Going to see you *tonight* in Tampa, a coincidence, considering it's been 13 years since my last Pixies show---in 1991. I was a goofy little kid then and you dedicated "Motorway to Roswell" to me. Wow, 13 years, and here I am reading your post, about to see the Pixies again. Eerie. Never had the chance to see you, so: thanks.

A QUESTION: I'm a big Bob Dylan fan and I hear his influence more and more in these days in your work, especially lyrically. Some of the new stuff reminds me texturally and textually (say that ten times quick) of three albums in particular: New Morning, Blood on the Tracks and, oddly enough, Nashville Skyline (with a little Self Portrait mixed in). Were you listening to any of these records while recording SMYT and penning Honeycomb? If you don't mind, what are your favorite Dylan records?

I love the new stuff myself---dig the ravaged, whiskey-tinged voiced and the apocolyptic imagery.

See you tonight.

Reply author: hammerhands
Replied on: 10/08/2004 12:47:38

Someone ask FB if he's playing Barrie and with whom (assuming he can predict that far in the future!).

Reply author: whoreatthedoor
Replied on: 10/08/2004 13:12:42

So... Now it's about 1:00 p.m. forum time... Isn't it Dean?

"Mmmmm.... Está bien. Normalmente es aquí, pero esta noche..." - Jonathan Richman

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/08/2004 13:16:53

Yes, it is.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: Dallas
Replied on: 10/08/2004 13:17:24

Cant wait to see you in Dallas, and Austin...

Do you feel yourself writing Pixies tunes? Is that how it works? Do you write a song and say thats a 'pixies' song or a FB song or can you make your songs fit any genre? I have said that I dont want a Pixies disc unless FB feels like he is writing pixies songs, but, maybe its irrelevent.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:12:12

Just want to make sure FB sees this:

I've set up a thread so it's all nice and organized and doesn't start on page 23. If you'd be so kind as to use this thread:

I'll unlock it shortly before 6 so you don't have 10 pages of questions to go through as soon as you get in.

If you'd prefer to answer them in your court, that's fine too.

30 Mins left...

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: leica
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:48:20

hi frank!

first the seriously selfish question
how can i get backstage with my camera in irvine on 10/23?

for the more magnanimous question
how the devil can you simultaneously tour and record at once?

and kudos on the show in berkeley with the pixies on sat 9/25 it was great.


Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:50:37

i thought i posted in here... nevermind. sorry if it was deleted, i wouldn't want to annoy anyone again.

Reply author: glacial906
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:51:25

Too late!

What could be better than a swan dive into the asphalt?

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:51:55

Gonna post this on both threads so you can see it, Charles.

Many endless thanks for all you do, Charles. Your music consistently makes me happy. Keep at it and do get the Catholics back!

Finally, if I may be so familiar, best and warmest wishes to you and Violet re: the baby. I hope he or she is here and healthy.

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: leica
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:52:39


Reply author: leica
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:53:56

Oh dear of all days to make all kinds of posts with typos.



Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/08/2004 14:56:22

No more questions here! We're moving it elsewhere and I'm trying to keep the URL last so Frank sees it. If he comes in and starts answering, then we can start with the questions. Dave & I are working fervently to get something a little more organized going down.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: surfincook
Replied on: 10/12/2004 11:53:41

Going to try for one more ... will you ever play Duke of Earl live. Atlanta would be sweet.

damn I got to see Tampa, Orlando and Atlanta..Thank You.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/12/2004 12:06:44

Yeah, feel free to ask questions again. That was just for that day.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/12/2004 14:58:35

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Yeah, feel free to ask questions again. That was just for that day.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Dean, are you saying that we should post here and he might at some point actually view our questions?

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/12/2004 15:05:09

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Yeah, feel free to ask questions again. That was just for that day.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Dean, are you saying that we should post here and he might at some point actually view our questions?

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/12/2004 15:42:44

Yes and maybe.

Yes and maybe.

"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/12/2004 18:23:12

Good to know. Thanks!

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Frank

Reply author: tawd
Replied on: 10/21/2004 00:01:35

Hey Frnk Blck

You seem to enjoy wine & Arizona.... ever try any wine from AZ??? We grow the Rhone stuff pretty well down in here in Southeast AZ (the Spanish varieties too).... maybe it is that US Army blood that Coshise & his friends spilled on our soil?? Terroir?

Coming to see the Pixies show in Phx this weekend... looking forward to it.

Reply author: last_splash
Replied on: 10/22/2004 05:42:37

Hey Frnk
this is embarrasing! you have way more posts than me :'( i shall hang my head in shame. I truely thank you for enlightening me and thanks for showing me that someones voice can have so much depth... I know this has been said and i am sorry but so many people would love to see you in Australia, a radio station started a petition and there was hundreds of pages! It would be so great if u guys could make some kind of appearance down here.

Thankyou for being you!

If YoU gO i WiLl SuReLy DiE

Reply author: Mad Lucas
Replied on: 10/23/2004 05:06:49

I strongly second that. Actually, just come and play at the Cheltenham Community Centre, in Adelaide, and that'll do.

The Organic Anti-Beat Box Boy

Reply author: Mad Lucas
Replied on: 10/23/2004 05:08:56

I strongly second that. Actually, just come and play at the Cheltenham Community Centre, in Adelaide, and that'll do.

The Organic Anti-Beat Box Boy

Reply author: Mad Lucas
Replied on: 10/23/2004 05:32:01


The Organic Anti-Beat Box Boy

Reply author: Monsieur
Replied on: 10/23/2004 09:41:05

Originally posted by tawd

Hey Frnk Blck

You seem to enjoy wine & Arizona.... ever try any wine from AZ??? We grow the Rhone stuff pretty well down in here in Southeast AZ (the Spanish varieties too).... maybe it is that US Army blood that Coshise & his friends spilled on our soil?? Terroir?

Coming to see the Pixies show in Phx this weekend... looking forward to it.

This a great post.

Hey Frank. I heard you like donuts and Kazakhstan. Ever tried donuts from Kazakhstan? They rock, just like you, bro! Keep on rocking baby, yeah! Woooohoooo!

I will show you fear in a handful of dust

Reply author: hammerhands
Replied on: 10/23/2004 11:31:05

Giving him doughnuts is the same as plying him with wine?

Hey, Pixies, if you do give us a ticket, we'll give you donuts, eh?

Reply author: rocknrolldan
Replied on: 11/09/2004 02:09:24

Originally posted by last_splash

Hey Frnk
this is embarrasing! you have way more posts than me :'( i shall hang my head in shame. I truely thank you for enlightening me and thanks for showing me that someones voice can have so much depth... I know this has been said and i am sorry but so many people would love to see you in Australia, a radio station started a petition and there was hundreds of pages! It would be so great if u guys could make some kind of appearance down here.

Thankyou for being you!

If YoU gO i WiLl SuReLy DiE

mmm, yeah folk are going crazy down here with all the Pixies tour rumours and what not. Has any of the Pixies mentioned Australia yet?

"I like Lou Reed" she said...

Reply author: last_splash
Replied on: 11/13/2004 01:51:22

mmm, yeah folk are going crazy down here with all the Pixies tour rumours and what not. Has any of the Pixies mentioned Australia yet?

yeah on JJJ there was an Interview with Joey and he said something about Australia. I think he just said "maybe" but still it gives me some kind of hope. i cant really remember what was said in the interview but i am pretty sure that Mad Lucas made a thread about it if that helps.

If YoU gO i WiLl SuReLy DiE

Reply author: rocknrolldan
Replied on: 11/13/2004 03:45:03

yeah, i was hoping for a Pixies Big Day Out

"I like Lou Reed" she said...

Reply author: last_splash
Replied on: 11/16/2004 03:18:57

yeah me too! im still going but it wont be the same!

If YoU gO i WiLl SuReLy DiE

Reply author: Blaireau Man
Replied on: 12/20/2004 13:33:53

i can't get why people continue to post on this topic although the man doesn't speak on it for a while now..

NH3 OH I LOve YoU So Much

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 12/20/2004 17:18:31

I agree, Blaireu Man.

You won't see me posting to this thread. I'll never do it. I refuse to post to it.

Reply author: Blaireau Man
Replied on: 12/23/2004 03:01:19

it's too late now you did it...
it was a trap mwahahaha

NH3 OH I LOve YoU So Much

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 12/23/2004 16:17:30

What? People are still posting? How ridiculous!

"Signature quotes are so lame." --Nathan

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 03/26/2005 16:23:34

Imagine the hilarity if we ressurected this post again..

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 03/26/2005 16:30:39

Come baaaaaaack, Frank, come baaaaaaaack!

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 03/26/2005 16:32:39

I am Frank Black. ask me anything :|

Reply author: Heliotropic
Replied on: 03/26/2005 19:54:22

I concur, I've a question in particular I'm dying to ask him!

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 03/26/2005 21:17:20

Suicide Samaurai I see you are thinking ressurection on easter eve, "go find your saint". Since you asked to ask, you being Frank and all and with discussions on Bob Mould's ear trouble a recent concern, what does a musician do?
Ear plugs are a bit of a buzz kill, but like condems, they protect.


Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 03/27/2005 06:47:24

Never listen to your boyfriend when he says wearing ear plugs are like wearing socks in the bath.

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 03/27/2005 21:18:59

you're not fraNk(&^$*%^#)

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 03/28/2005 07:13:53


Reply author: Kirk
Replied on: 03/28/2005 22:08:39

Hey professor Black,

I just tabbed "honeycomb"
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Reply author: The Marsist
Replied on: 03/29/2005 09:11:24

hold up frank did i read ur first post rite european tour?????????????? wen????????dont forget ireland we ave good guiness.

A day is really two days

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 03/30/2005 14:56:40

Hey, Samurai, if you're Frank, how come your profile says your name is Aaron?

"Reunion? Shit union!"

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 03/31/2005 11:49:03

Greek Spelling

Reply author: endofmiles
Replied on: 04/06/2005 09:56:04

Hi Frank,

First I hope that everything is ok, and that you're not too busy. I live in Agentina now for more than one year, and must say that I'm missing your giggs a lot. I'm in Mendoza, the state of vine. So I'm not saying that you should come over here to taste all of it, but I want to know if one day you'll made a tour down here.
I've seen the same request during a chat where your was answering questions. He said that Chile has lot of fans. But I must say that here I've don't met one. But they like the Stones a lot, and Rock 'n roll in general. It would be a crusade...the Cult of Frank.
Esperando una repuesta, y mucho suerte
Quizas nos vemos

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 04/06/2005 20:49:49

Hey endofmiles, nice name, great song!

So, you guys down south like the Stones? Have you got Frank's "Everything is New" single CD, with two B-sides, "take what you want" and "down in the hole"? Well, "down in the hole" is a Mick Jaggar/Keith Richards song from the Stones' "Emotional Rescue" album in 1980. The Man delivers another one of his hall of fame vocals on this one, nice falseto, if you could call it that, it's more of a "from the bottom of his gut, cry of pity" for some misguided young woman.

Reply author: heile
Replied on: 04/07/2005 10:29:17

Hey Frank,

I heard you live in Eugene Oregon now. True?


Reply author: chickenwithtwoheads
Replied on: 04/07/2005 14:54:48

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

Hey endofmiles, nice name, great song!

So, you guys down south like the Stones? Have you got Frank's "Everything is New" single CD, with two B-sides, "take what you want" and "down in the hole"? Well, "down in the hole" is a Mick Jaggar/Keith Richards song from the Stones' "Emotional Rescue" album in 1980. The Man delivers another one of his hall of fame vocals on this one, nice falseto, if you could call it that, it's more of a "from the bottom of his gut, cry of pity" for some misguided young woman.

Down in the hole is probably the most 'creative' cover he ever did.
Totally different atmosphere compared to the original.

Both versions are incredible, one of the coolest songs the Stones ever recorded

If you don't know it yet, go get it!

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the Pixies

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 04/07/2005 21:16:29

hey now, howa bout Reid Paley's "take what you want"

i guess thats a shOut oUT.

Reply author: Skatealex1
Replied on: 04/07/2005 23:13:06

I love franks take what you want it reminds me of toy story for some odd reason

The Truth Is Out There

Reply author: funtime_frank
Replied on: 04/13/2005 08:00:47

Hey Frank,

1) What solo album are you most proud of?
2) i loved the pixies gig you played in the phoneix park in dublin last year--best concert ive ver been to
3) a "friend" has told me of an apparent new pixies gig playing in ireland soon which a "friend" of his todl him about it. I guess its probably ******** but can you confirm. disconfirm(?) it?. Any chance of another irish gig of either pixies or fb&tc?

thanks, keep up the music man, rock music is nothing without you

It's [still] educational!

Reply author: Steak n Sabre
Replied on: 04/14/2005 08:55:37

Wow, this topic has 60000 reads. I could'nt just let all those zeroes sit alone..

The Cult of Frank : "5 Stars" - Cults Illustrated

Reply author: funtime_frank
Replied on: 04/22/2005 10:04:14

Originally posted by funtime_frank

Hey Frank,

1) What solo album are you most proud of?
2) i loved the pixies gig you played in the phoneix park in dublin last year--best concert ive ver been to
3) a "friend" has told me of an apparent new pixies gig playing in ireland soon which a "friend" of his todl him about it. I guess its probably ******** but can you confirm. disconfirm(?) it?. Any chance of another irish gig of either pixies or fb&tc?

thanks, keep up the music man, rock music is nothing without you

It's [still] educational!

sorry to quote myself but i jsut hear last night that the gig in Landsdowne was announced. Thank you!

It's [still] educational!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:37:35

Originally posted by funtime_frank

Hey Frank,

1) What solo album are you most proud of?
2) i loved the pixies gig you played in the phoneix park in dublin last year--best concert ive ver been to
3) a "friend" has told me of an apparent new pixies gig playing in ireland soon which a "friend" of his todl him about it. I guess its probably ******** but can you confirm. disconfirm(?) it?. Any chance of another irish gig of either pixies or fb&tc?

thanks, keep up the music man, rock music is nothing without you

It's [still] educational!

I like DW a lot. Pixies in Eire this summer...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:40:20


Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:48:31

eek! i knew there was an upside to being home on a friday night. ahem. ok so frank,

1.) what's up with the tour for honeycomb? we're eager for news
2.) any plans with the catholics?
3.) the upcoming pixies tour: are the gigs with 2 shows in one night going to include b-sides/rarities?
4.) how is parenthood treating you?
5.) lastly and most importantly, were you born in or around long beach, california?

thanks for stopping by!

Larry....can you get me some bananas?

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:50:59

oh and one more! the zodiac killer movie - are you going hollywood big shot on us?

Larry....can you get me some bananas?

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:53:32


Thanks for stopping by (too cool)

don't know if you can answer all of these but..

1. What's next? More Catholics? More Pixies? Something completely new?

2. Have you and PJ Harvey ever considered recording something together?

3. Is the David Fincher movie rumor true?

4. Do you miss LA?

5. What is/was your favorite Taqueria in LA (the most important question)

6. What was your favorite movie of last year?

7. Would you be more inclined to call your first solo album "The Yellow Album" or "The Orange Album"?

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:57:16

Spime Songs.

What's "spime"?

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 22:59:02

ok well since floop and i are apparently the only ones here....

can you share any fun anecdotes from the honeycomb session? i imagine there are many with a lineup like that.

the post-honeycomb release - title, release date? is it similar in style to honeycomb or did you go off in a different direction?

Larry....can you get me some bananas?

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:03:07

ok how about this - would you be interested in touring the new albums with members of the catholics?

Larry....can you get me some bananas?

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:05:37

since i've already asked too many:

What is your favorite beer?

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:11:32

i know there's no chance of a straight answer but i'm asking anyway:

when will the pixies record again? have you recorded anything since the two last year?

(i'd also like to take this opportunity to beg for a solo tour)

lastly and most importantly, were you born in or around long beach, california?
"not even close" - frank black

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:12:51

Originally posted by frnck blck

how do I post a pic?

upload it to a website (ex. and insert the address between [_img_][/_img_] without the spaces

hope that makes sense

lastly and most importantly, were you born in or around long beach, california?
"not even close" - frank black

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:16:08

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by floop

since i've already asked too many:

What is your favorite beer?


ha. in honor of this special occasion i've changed my signature

i'm talking to Frank Black!

Reply author: Someone
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:18:06

plan on playing any solo shows in the northwest? like you did sometimes in LA. pixies is nice too but we miss the new stuff. or is it old again. ya know non pixies stuff.

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:18:09

thanks for visiting, frank

lastly and most importantly, were you born in or around long beach, california?
"not even close" - frank black

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:19:27

any McCabes solo shows in the works? (you know you want to)

i'm talking to Frank Black!

Reply author: Someone
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:21:08

Here is a real nerdy fan question for you. what are the last 3 albums you listened to?

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:25:19

i think i need to go lie down for a little while

lastly and most importantly, were you born in or around long beach, california?
"not even close" - frank black

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/22/2005 23:26:06

i need a drink

i'm talking to Frank Black!

Reply author: Jordo
Replied on: 04/23/2005 00:24:18

!!! This just happened?? Man I was here, I'm sitting here online bored as hell and I missed it, oh man!!

Not even sure what I would ask... man


my music! my music!

Reply author: Surfer Rosa
Replied on: 04/23/2005 00:33:27

I curse my need for sleep - thank you Dayanara and Floop for having the presence of mind to keep it together and ask good questions.

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 04/23/2005 00:40:45

Sure, I'm watching Sideways while Frank's chat on the forum. Thanks for the read. What now happens to the born in Long Beach idea?

Reply author: hammerhands
Replied on: 04/23/2005 00:56:38

My timing is so bad these days...

Reply author: n/a
Replied on: 04/23/2005 01:08:00

Originally posted by frnck blck


Frank, European clock makes us sleep at this maybe that's why only a few where here. I'm cursing the clock.

Anyway, thank you so much for stoping by and for answering to all the questions.

I'm still wondering what was the picture that you wanted to post.

how do I post a pic?
- Frank Black 04/22/2005

Reply author: Surfer Rosa
Replied on: 04/23/2005 02:53:01

Same here Rita - I've been imagining what it was all morning.

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 04/23/2005 03:46:22

Seriously guys, nice questions. Drink well deserved floop.

Reply author: DruggedBunny
Replied on: 04/23/2005 04:15:56

I always wondered about Spime too! Well done, Jason.

"Nothing to do about it..."

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 04/23/2005 05:16:45

This forum rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 04/23/2005 05:21:04

Greenwich Mean Time sucks !!!

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 04/23/2005 05:42:35


HUGE PROPS TO Dayanara, Floop, and Jason!!!!

Exemplary postings!
The Man's Red Telephone Hotline was ringing, you all were there to answer it, and you represented all of us well!!!


Reply author: Ronzilla
Replied on: 04/23/2005 06:12:34

Arg. I was on this site like 20 minutes before this...

Think about world peace...

While you are doing that, I will be over here stealing your stuff.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 04/23/2005 06:52:01

you lucky, lucky bastards - damn my social life!


If you move I shoots!

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/23/2005 07:27:52

I was at home and bored all night, and I still missed Frank. Oh, well. I wouldn't have known what to ask him anyway.

Besides, I might have already been in bed by the time he started, what with that crazy forum clock and all.

I notice Frank didn't answer the orange/yellow question.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 04/23/2005 08:25:48

I went to bed before he logged on, just my luck, although it was pretty late over here. He always sneaks in , just when your not expecting him. Come back, Frank!

I had to check his replies again, it looked like he was just quoting people and not giving an answer!!

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 04/23/2005 10:02:11

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by floop

since i've already asked too many:

What is your favorite beer?


Haha, that's my guy! That made me feel good.

I was a little dissappointed he didn't answer the "yellow" "orange" debate question, I guess he didn't realise how important it really is, maybe because he knows it's orange...

what time was this at EST? Like 2 or 3 am?

Nu Metal Sucks!

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/23/2005 11:19:09

Originally posted by darwin

Sure, I'm watching Sideways while Frank's chat on the forum. Thanks for the read. What now happens to the born in Long Beach idea?

i think that was still pretty vague

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/23/2005 11:26:43

If Frank showed you his birth certificate, you'd still think it was "vague."

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 04/23/2005 12:22:17

"pretty vague"?

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics

Reply author: n/a
Replied on: 04/23/2005 12:56:24

I just like the idea of Frank being pretty vague...the mystery must continue, but on this one he answered "not even close", and that's not vague at all!

I also love the idea of an album being "too shocking for the planet". When will we be able to be shocked?

how do I post a pic?

- Frank Black 04/22/2005

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 04/23/2005 13:08:38

Yeah me too LBF re the orange/yellow thing.
Then we could say floop's wrong with unquestionable certainty. ;)

This is the war and not the warning.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 04/23/2005 13:33:52

Ah, good times. Sounds like the box set it going through, that's nice to hear.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / Wooteenie!"

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/23/2005 13:41:27

That duet with Courtney Love might be "too shocking for the planet." :P

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 04/23/2005 16:00:54

I've been informed that Frank was lurking, in the Courtney Love thread at least, so I thought I'd just say:
I like the fact that you have the CIA factbook in your links. I like that sort of stuff, it's interesting. You might be interested in, the UK version." border="0"> I'm like a lost snail in the night.

Reply author: shineoftheever
Replied on: 04/23/2005 17:24:04

yarrrgh! the one night i go to bed at a decent hour!

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 04/23/2005 17:25:02

"·$"·%%$%/&$&/%$·%$·" Again late!!!!

This are a wonderfull news!!! hear that Pixies will play some B sides and a new box set of catholics.

Super buenas noticias!! Espero el tour por latinoamerica!!!! Please!!!! :D


P.D.: ummmm I couldn´t ask Frank about the meaning of encatuse... :(...I´ve always have that doubt

Reply author: Homers_pet_monkey
Replied on: 04/24/2005 07:29:20

Nice of him to pop by. I wish he wouldn't always do it when I am out though.

I wonder what picture he was gonna post.

I joined the secret forum, and all I got was this lousy secret

Reply author: Southbound Bevy
Replied on: 04/24/2005 08:45:01

Frank, will you ever come to Russia. You have many fans here. And it's not fare after all to ignore such a big chunk of land. Thank you for your music.
And come back to the forum, pleeease.

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 04/24/2005 09:03:45

Thanks D, Floop and Jason for doing us proud.

Thanks Frank for droping in to chat too

Now I just need to figure out how I missed this... I think I was on line at the same time!!

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/24/2005 09:52:27

Nice of him to pop by. I wish he wouldn't always do it when I am out though.

Maybe he does that on purpose.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: Homers_pet_monkey
Replied on: 04/24/2005 11:14:35

You may be on to something there Nathan.

I joined the secret forum, and all I got was this lousy secret

Reply author: Homers_pet_monkey
Replied on: 04/24/2005 11:48:06

Here's another webchat from '98.

I especially like this line:

"I like Manchester. I have some good friends there"

I really need to find the rehearsal studios where they played.

I joined the secret forum, and all I got was this lousy secret

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 04/24/2005 12:20:21


"Music does not drag me down. Music lifs me up."
So THAT'S where that quote comes from. :)

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 04/25/2005 07:26:49

great I missed both the frank and the rich chats
that's the last time I leave for Amsterdam to see 50ft wave!

well no actually, it wasn't

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 04/26/2005 08:02:18

Originally posted by billgoodman

that's the last time I leave for Amsterdam to see 50ft wave...

...of Mutilation?

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown


Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 04/30/2005 17:53:15


my daughter's name is Jacie. will you write a song about her please? she is only 4 months old, but is a big fan of yours. she was even in attendance of the pixies show you played in chicago last fall (in utero, of course).

by the way, was kim sick that day? it was the show that the coctails opened for you. she sounded like she might have been. no offense intended...


Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 04/30/2005 20:56:46

Your Royal Highness, your kindness, as exhibited in your presence here, is as vast as your kingdom, please grant me a comment and a few questions, my Lord. Forgive me in advance for my ignorance, and, please Majesty, enlighten me.

I am enjoying greatly the FB&C's I-tunes exclusive SMYT EP, the "Sugar Daddy" single from Wig in a Box soundtrack from I-tunes, and Oddballs from I-tunes.

Most Serene Highness, why does the I-tunes Oddballs only have 10 tracks and the original Oddballs has 14 tracks?

Royal Majesty, your B-Sides are difficult to obtain, out of print, and the only copies available are 2nd hand. Please tell me why all of your B-sides are not available to purchase via I-tunes or some other host?

Imperial Majesty, may you and the Royal Family be as blessed as you are a blessing.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 04/30/2005 21:23:56


"Joined the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 04/30/2005 22:05:02

King Charles IV, thank you in advance for your patience, I must add another comment and query to my above post. "At the End of the World" has become one of my favorite songs. What are some of your favorite John Candy moments? And your sentiment, "The sun came up less one ray", brilliant! May I borrow that for my epitaph many, many, years from now? You know, it's never too early to consider such things. Thanks.

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/01/2005 21:23:42

All Hail Caesar!!!

FRANK BLACK AND THE STAX PISTOLS...very cool name for a band...who came up with that one, Steve Cropper, Jon Tiven, or Caesar?

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 05/03/2005 11:34:52

Question to the King:

Hey frank, would you like to ask me a question?

I am 1c

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/04/2005 06:22:02

Benevolent Dictator

Your vocals on “BREATHLESS” are genius and mighty powerful stuff. I’ve listened to some samples from Jerry Lee Lewis’ versions of “Breathless”, there are two on I-tunes, and I can’t find that your vocals on this song resemble his in any manner. Jerry Lee does his signature falsetto tremolo throughout the song, and while he exhales prior to singing breathless, he takes another breath before he sings it, so that he’s not breathless at all at the appropriate time.

Yours is so much more genuine. The way you croon “breathless” is the key. You seem to thoroughly exhale and empty your lungs and then, devoid of air, you somehow manage to cry out “Breathless”, as if this woman truly leaves you breathless.

I must tell you, I’ve been trying out your “breathless” as a come-on to Mrs. CoffeeCan, taking all the credit for myself of course. It seems here lately, she has developed a somewhat high tolerance to my tools of seduction. However, the last two nights have been different. Each night I’ve waited until we’re laying in bed, I forego “Sports Center” and the “Weather Channel” and focus my attention on Mrs. CoffeeCan. She’s usually reading a book or working a crossword puzzle. So, I move over next to her and begin to whisper poetry in her ear. The most effective to date has been the lyrics to Breathless. While she laughs during the first few lines, when I get to “You leave me, ahhhhhhhhhhhh, breathless!” and do it just like you do, squeezing out that last bit of air in me to whisper "breathless", she loves it. It seems to have a Svengali affect on her. She melts in my arms and falls under my spell and complete control.

Sovereign, having said all of that, I must, with all due respect, ask you what’s up with that first chorus in Breathless. Instead of singing “you leave me breathless”…. You say “Ah, sorry….I just…”…..Why didn’t you just do another cut of that one and get it correct? Or, am I missing something there? I must be missing the point.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/04/2005 11:58:46

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

Benevolent Dictator

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 05/04/2005 14:24:31

Well, hey, Frank was the one who started calling himself "The King."

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/04/2005 22:18:45

I thought Elvis was "The King."

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 05/05/2005 15:28:35

What? There can only be one king?

Besides, Elvis is dead. Long live Frank!

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/05/2005 17:06:46

"Hail to the king, baby!!"

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/06/2005 07:05:36

Carl, your homage to our King is most appropriate...Love the picture, not only does it display the splendor of His Majesty, it also conveys the King's benevolent persona.

And, VoVat, how right you are (only partially I hope)! There can only be one King, "Long Live Frank"!!!

Concerning the King's death, presumably on August 16, 1977, I, like some many former faithful subjects of King Elvis (I now profess my loyalty to King Charles IV), prefer to view August 16, 1977 as the date King Elvis voluntarily abdicated the throne and retired to a peaceful Royal Retreat far, far away, available to return once again to the Throne if needed (prior to the Coronation of King Charles IV, and during the brief rule of Michael Jackson, King of Pop, King Elvis was ready to take back the Throne and restore legitimacy to the monarchy, however, as we can all attest, the emergence of King Charles IV in 1993 made such extraordinary measures unnecessary.)

Reply author: Shelobe
Replied on: 05/06/2005 08:17:13


3.) the upcoming pixies tour: are the gigs with 2 shows in one night going to include b-sides/rarities?

yeah. some b-sides. haven't decided on meaning of rarites.

For the love of baby jesus, PLEASE play Manta Ray in Atlanta. If you see a girl in the crowd with a red FB&TC shirt on, give her an autograph <(^-^)>

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 05/07/2005 05:54:57

Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by darwin

Sure, I'm watching Sideways while Frank's chat on the forum. Thanks for the read. What now happens to the born in Long Beach idea?

i think that was still pretty vague

Maybe this is a trick question, but if you're just trying to figure out where Frank Black is born isn't it answered inside "frankblackfrancis" where the first sentence on the inside cover says the following:

"Sometime back in 1987 I think, the producer for what would become the Pixies first record, Gary Smith, asked me to drop by his apartment in the Allston section of Boston, just down the street from the building I was born in, to play some songs into his cassette walkman."

see you in San Fran and San Jose. Happy Memorial Day.

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/07/2005 06:31:37

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

Concerning the King's death, presumably on August 16, 1977, I, like some many former faithful subjects of King Elvis (I now profess my loyalty to King Charles IV), prefer to view August 16, 1977 as the date King Elvis voluntarily abdicated the throne and retired to a peaceful Royal Retreat far, far away, available to return once again to the Throne if needed (prior to the Coronation of King Charles IV, and during the brief rule of Michael Jackson, King of Pop, King Elvis was ready to take back the Throne and restore legitimacy to the monarchy, however, as we can all attest, the emergence of King Charles IV in 1993 made such extraordinary measures unnecessary.)

Reply author: Shelobe
Replied on: 05/09/2005 12:08:03

By the way, if you ever come back by here and read the posts again, I just want to thank you for putting out FBF. I'm not super big on the 'treated' disc but I am so in love with the 'demo' disc. I must have listened to it about a million times now, sometimes it staying in my CD player for days. It is truely a work of art. I love every song on it, especially Nimrod's Son and Boom Chickaboom(the guitar on those are beautiful) and all your little voice improvs. It has now become my favorite Frank Black CD of all time.

No disrespect to the rest of the Pixies and although I love the real versions of the songs, the versions from FBF are the best. It's just you, your guitar and your quirky improvs. When I listen to FBF, I feel like a get to see inside your creative proscess and your raw talent. You, sir, are a god amoung men. I'm not just saying this to kiss ass or anything, I truely believe you are the best songwriter ever and I'm in awe of it. Thank you for sharing your great talent with all of us.

Build high, build high(say lalala)..god I love it.


Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/10/2005 16:53:22

Enlightened Despot

Whenever you may be so inclined, check out the "Rich Gilbert at the Bluegrass Inn" thread and the pictures. I bet you're chompin' at the bit to get out and jam aren't you!

Come on down whenever you're ready to warm up the boys in the band for your Honeycomb Tour. There are plenty of Honky-Tonks to go around.

Your Loyal Subject,

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/12/2005 23:04:48

King Charles IV

If I may be so bold as to inquire, what's in the black leather briefcase? (Oct. 6th Pixies show in Nashville and during the time the Sicilian was being recorded)

I have a theory. I believe it (you were carrying two) contains the charts prepared by Sir Lyle Workman for the studio musicians on the Sicilian album. I determined this by induction based upon Sir Jon Tiven's generous stories concerning your Royal Idea to record a second Nashville album when you came to town for the Pixies show at the Ryman on October 6, 2004. I noticed you were carrying two black leather briefcases when you exited your ride to the show in the alley and made your way to the back stage door. And, then when I read about your all-night recording sessions while you were here, I realized what you must have been carrying. Am I correct?

(By the way, that's my son Garrett. He was raised on Frank Black and has recently started listening to the Pixies.)


Reply author: twist
Replied on: 05/19/2005 18:38:33

Bless you father Frank for ignoring pentameter.

Reply author: AnguilaNegra
Replied on: 05/23/2005 22:06:08

im not sure if this thread is dead, but since Frank is "seven" he always can resurrect it:

Im southamerican, i always enjoy when you speak your taqueria-spanish although i dont understand any of it ;-), and i wanted to ask you if you are aware of your southamerican fans and when you plan to visit us. Southamericans are crazy just like you!

Let me give you a few reasons to visit southamerica and central america for that matter:

you will be eating tacos the way god intended
women here are hot and crazy for gringos locos (that would be you)
I live here

Seriously FB i admire you and even if you never visit southamerica i still love your music. Store this word, its the colombian version of cool: BACANO!!!!!

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 05/23/2005 22:20:29

i want to go to South America

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 05/24/2005 17:31:47

Oldman in a coffee can, that photo is priceless! You're son's a cutie...and I must say Frank, your shades rock.

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 05/24/2005 18:32:43

Hey thanks DaisyGirl, he looks like his mother, but he's got his dad's kickass attitude...

How 'bout that made "Subbacultcha" ring a little truer when they played it that night, if you know what I mean...

And, I'm telling you, I'm pretty sure my theory is correct and those were "The Sicilian (Nashville 2)" charts and other important documents in those 2 leather briefcases The Man was carrying...

Oh yeah, I got a couple of other "priceless" photos with my son and Kelley that I'll post here I guess, as long as His Highness doesn't mind. I don't think he will, after all it was a Pixies show...

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/03/2005 19:40:08

Highest Hospodar,

When looking at these pictures I was reminded
that Kim's family, Kelley and their dad, attended
the show at the Ryman Auditorium, Oct. 6, 2004,
and not only did I want to post these pictures for
DaisyGirl, et al, but I also was wondering if any of
your family will be attending any of your upcoming shows
with any of the bands you'll be playing with in the near future.

Your Servant,

Kelley and Garrett at the Ryman Auditorium's stage backdoor (Oct. 6, 2004)

Garrett with Kelley playing signed guitar in alley behind the Ryman Auditorium (Oct. 6, 2004)

Reply author: Surfer Rosa
Replied on: 06/04/2005 00:25:02

OldMan you do have a most enviable collection of pics.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 06/04/2005 04:29:06

Yeah, how cool is OldMan's kid?

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/04/2005 04:45:33

he's very cool. blame the dad

"No matter how shitty things get, you just have to do a little dance."

Reply author: Surfer Rosa
Replied on: 06/04/2005 05:34:19

Too cool for school. So damn chilled.

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/04/2005 05:37:21

rich, that signed acoustic? how much?

("priceless" i hear the wind say across the pond)

"No matter how shitty things get, you just have to do a little dance."

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/04/2005 05:38:07

i wish Kelley would play my guitar =(

"No matter how shitty things get, you just have to do a little dance."

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/04/2005 07:35:11

Thanks guys, and you're right, he does get an abundance of coolness from his dad,
and he was too cool for school the next day, which was a Thursday,
we both took a musical holiday and slept in!

Guitar Man, no such luck that being my signed guitar, it belonged to a kid (John or Chris)
from Clarksville or somewhere about 1 1/2 hours from here, he had been hanging in the alley
at Jack's BBQ just a few feet from the stage backdoor since 4 p.m. Garrett, my brother, and myself came
up the alley about 1 hour before the warm up band and found Kelley hanging out on the steps,
the guitar playing came later after Frank and the Band signed it.

Hey check it out, I'm getting my girl Heidi to scan a few pictures that I hope to post in a
couple of hours from now. They will be in The Mercy Lounge thread concerning the Cumberland Run and
my '66 Ford Galaxie, that I wanted to take, unfortunately she needs a
lot of work now, maybe next year, and my second trip to Graceland with Mrs. CoffeeCan,
trippin over graves and such...

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/07/2005 08:26:29

Oldman, can I somehow be 'adopted' into your family?! Your too cool!! :)

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/07/2005 10:24:39

Fuckin' Aye Carl, come on, we'll take you in...I mean you've got at least two great things going for you:
1. You're a big fan of The Man... 2. You're Irish!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/07/2005 10:26:56

Oh yeah, being Irish guarantees popularity!

So, when can I come over for dinner, cousin OldManInaCoffeeCan? (hee-hee!)

[*EDIT-Missed a letter out of your name, sacrelidge!]

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/07/2005 10:47:47

Hey Cuz', you come on over for dinner anytime you're hungry,
Mrs. CoffeeCan is a great cook, nothing fancy mind you, just good
'ole southern cooking (not because she's incapable of fancy cooking, it's just that
I prefer southern cooking and she want's to keep her man happy!),
you know lots of animal fats and black iron skillets.

And, hey, I've always enjoyed hanging with my Irish friends.
When I lived in New York and went out with Mikey, or Jimmy,
or Sean, I knew I could count of two things that night,
1. We were going to get very drunk, and 2. We were going to
get into a least one fist fight at the bars (I think those are two important
reasons why I always got along so well with my Irish buddies, that is because getting drunk
and fighting are very "redneck" things to do,
and I've got a lot of redneck in me, and I'm somewhat proud of it...

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/07/2005 10:52:55

I had an alchol-fuelled weekend in Galway, but there were no fist fights. Fortunately for this coward!!

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/07/2005 11:01:54

Yeah, but you saw some fights, didn't you?

I don't really like to fight that much, especially since there are a lot of knuckleheads out there with guns and it's hard to get a regular fist fight nowadays.

But I love the "Fuck you, don't give me any shit" attitude my Irish and redneck buddies have.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/07/2005 11:04:26

No, did'nt see any fights. Saw rowdiness alright, but that dos'nt count! :)

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/07/2005 11:10:17

Anyway, enough of this bullshit bravado on my part, come on down Cuz' and we'll eat, drink, crankup Frank to 11, and catch a couple of Joshua and Rich shows!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/07/2005 12:32:58

That's a date!!

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 06/07/2005 13:10:21

How did you get your "connections" OldMan?

Reply author: adda flea
Replied on: 06/07/2005 17:08:16

my envy overwhelms me. Seen many a show in many a place, have yet to hang out with kelley or any such folks of interest. You're stoked.

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 06/07/2005 17:23:43

Hey guys, thanks for the props....But, it's like The Man sings in "The Scene",
I've got no connections...

However, I do have a lot of balls and luck, and I rather be cocky and lucky
than humble and good any day! (ha!)

Remember, when in doubt, Carpe Diem (Seize the fuckin' day and live a life of no regrets)

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/08/2005 11:55:59

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

I do have a lot of balls and luck, and I rather be cocky and lucky than humble and good any day! (ha!)

Remember, when in doubt, Carpe Diem (Seize the fuckin' day and live a life of no regrets)

Reply author: Mass Pleeze
Replied on: 06/15/2005 17:48:42

Mr. Thompson,

Thanks for this thread.

My daughter and I thank you grandiosely for your June 2nd (late show) at the Wiltern. I hope I don't sound like a smart ass, could you tell that the crowd was asking for at least six more songs? That was one of the best Ovations, person for person, I have heard for any group ever, including: Led Zeppelin. Stones, The Who, Bowie.

Good post from the U Mass student about the Andalusian Dog.

Have you seen "The Somnambulist"? Great noir. Film study rocks.

Originally posted by frnck blck


There seems to be much concern over the fact that I don't say much during my gigs. I have never in 17 years chatted from the stage. It is not my style. Most of the crowd is there to hear music and could care less about what I might have to say as a citizen. If I made pop music and played to thousands of people a night, maybe my demeanor would be a little different. I play arty rock music on the arty rock music circuit. It has never been my expectation that one should be chatty in this arena. That has never been my experience when I am a patron. And if I don't do an encore it isn't because I'm "in a bad mood". It's because the audience didn't really ask for one. Basically, I, the artist, don't deserve to take an encore if it is not demanded. The oft performed encore is a classic example of theatrical tradition becoming watered-down, dumbed-down, and meaningless. It's a real shame. I am a guitar player. I am not a dancing bear....I am a singer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a guy loading a trailer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a cabaret singer. I am not a dancing bear... Sometimes people think that I am rude when I don't switch into that dancing bear routine. I am not complaining. I adore playing music to the people that support my art. But I am not a fucking dancing bear... I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


can you swing from a good rope?

building jumper

Reply author: Mass Pleeze
Replied on: 06/16/2005 11:01:27

Originally posted by Miss Thing

What is the problem, folks? I (being Frank Black's girlfriend, of course) was just clarifying that I am in the position to assure the validity of Charles' postings (as his girlfriend) because, being his girlfriend, I'm kind of privvy to that sort of information, because, well, I'm dating him. As opposed to being a total stranger. Which I'm not. Cuz I'm his girlfriend. Yup.

Malax and Realmean, are you guys THAT bored that you have nothing better to do than to get on
a complete and total stranger's case and be randomly cruel to that person (who happens to be Frank Black's girlfriend...)??? I should be so lucky to have that sort of free time in indulge in random acts of emotional cruelty. But I don't. Because, in addition to being the full-time girlfriend of Frank Black's (did I mention that?!?) I'm a grad student, museum worker and a mother. I'm probably older and wiser than either of you. So have some bloody respect. Drink some chamomile tea or something and chill. My word.

By the way: I'M...TELLING...MY...BOYFRIEND!!

Frank Black's Girlfriend

Please don't tell "The Man" to stay off the thread. Don't let a few idiots wreck it for all of us. I am only to p. 18 and hopefully will learn more from the Blackster.

can you swing from a good rope?

building jumper

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 06/16/2005 11:09:42

that happened almost 2 years ago, mass.

Reply author: Mass Pleeze
Replied on: 06/19/2005 19:21:24

A prisoner of the time space continuum, she'll see it someday, one hopes. I guess.

can you swing from a good rope?
can you Mr. Grieves?,

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 06/20/2005 05:44:10

Iyi YIii!
This is too wierd.
Even Frank Black is too wierd.
but I suppose that is why we all come here
and share.
ART roCK ???????????????????????
gEt OVER it -the Art Rock happened in the '80s
now it is time to just make some art.
and call it music.
you have been doing a great job so far the past years.
To be honest as far as my opinions and perceptions I think
as good a musicians as the Pixis are they better do a new LP
soon or at least some covers to break up the sets.
'Cause some of these teen angst 'art rocck' songs are getting dog-tired
to these ears -especially when I know the perpetrators are capable
of mo' better.


Reply author: JUNO
Replied on: 07/03/2005 06:46:55

man, i'm sooooo behind! i always came on this sight to read tabs and stuff, never really looked in the forums section. i'm kicking myself for it now. i'll keep an eye out for good topics.
and skim over the rude people on here. hey, i'm getting together with some buddys and we're going to play a couple of pixes songs just to get in a rythm for playing together. i picked, caribou, velouria and where is my mind. what do you think? good choices, yay nay. it should be fun.
talk to you laters

you gotta love the pixes!!!

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 07/04/2005 14:44:34

Hey JUNO, yeah, you do have a lot of good reads ahead of ya here at The King's home away from home!

Yay on your song selections...They're all songs from The Man...

And, I'll see your 3 Pixies and raise ya 3 Franks:
"Snake Oil" [NADINE, UK single]
"Down in The Hole" [EVERYTHING IS NEW, single] Rolling Stones cover!
"I'm Going Down" [DOG GONE, single] Covers one from The Boss!

And JUNO, don't forget, you must submit, a question for our Enlightened Despot when you post on this thread. It's the law of the land.

Our Supreme Sovereign,
Happy 4th of July. Did you enjoy Franks, Burgers, or Hogs (BBQ) today, and do you prefer vinegar or mayonnaise slaw?
Your Loyal Subject,

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 07/06/2005 09:33:48

Hey, Franks at exactly 100 posts! It's his centenary on the forum! :)

Reply author: mun chien andalusia
Replied on: 07/06/2005 18:04:01

maybe he'll get banned too for posting offending material such as his dislike of that pixies biography and the guy who wrote it. i mean after all he offends the author's sensibility that could remain traumatized for not being the next hemingway. and as the new master teaches "thou shall not post material that make an average person feel inadeguate".

Zen fascists will control you,100% natural

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 07/07/2005 05:40:24

You spelt inadequate wrong! Account locked!!

(Sorry, could'nt resist that!!)

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 07/18/2005 19:39:27

hey, frank black... it's been a while since you've posted last.
can i take this as a sign that you are currently recording the next pixies album?

to signify yes, do not reply.

thank you.


P.S. See ya at lollapalooza!! Illinois ROCKS!! (occasionally)

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 07/18/2005 20:57:27

wow.. a lot to cetchup on!!! (or is it ketchup?)

very nice pics!!!!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 07/19/2005 06:35:11

He might drop back in since Honeycomb is finally out!

Reply author: twist
Replied on: 07/20/2005 06:38:53

Good work on Honeycomb Frank, You're O.K. Looking foward to a civilized evening in Albany. Is it significant that your first Pixies acoustic concert is at The Egg?

Reply author: spook
Replied on: 07/31/2005 03:14:03

Hey Frank, well done on Honeycomb, it's a cool album. Hope you get the Catholics back together and visit Vicar St, Dublin again soon. Cheers :-)

"I joined the Cult Of Ray / after I read the FAQ"

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 09/02/2005 13:03:07

Originally posted by frnck blck Posted - 04/22/2005 : 23:17:21

ok guys. muchisimas gracias. can't figure out the pic now. thanks for your queries. nos vemos. next time. later. ciao.

Supreme Sovereign,

You must be thoroughly exhausted and satisfied with the reunion tour. Much thanks for giving
us all an opportunity to enjoy you and the old band get back together.

We're all looking forward to a 'Comb Cats residency, you know,
five days in Chicago, New York, London OR NASHVILLE.

See you soon.


I joined the noisy cult of six-sixty-six when I somehow agreed to the Registration Policy

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 09/02/2005 13:11:45

Originally posted by frnck blck some time ago Posted - 04/22/2005 : 22:40:20 Show Profile


King Chuckie IV,

'bout time for another one of these, huh, huh!

You've got plenty of questions to choose from, take your pick.

Your Loyal Subject,

I joined the noisy cult of six-sixty-six when I somehow agreed to the Registration Policy

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 10/02/2005 00:11:31

The end of a great Pixies tour....

What's next? Solo gigs? Studio work? R&R? Babysitting?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 10/02/2005 06:47:20

Does it count as "babysitting" when they're your own kids?

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:47:31

Originally posted by silvereel

hey, frank black... it's been a while since you've posted last.
can i take this as a sign that you are currently recording the next pixies album?

to signify yes, do not reply.

thank you.


P.S. See ya at lollapalooza!! Illinois ROCKS!! (occasionally)

Ha. Sorry. Nothing yet. Has been discussed.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:49:10

Originally posted by Mass Pleeze

Mr. Thompson,

Thanks for this thread.

My daughter and I thank you grandiosely for your June 2nd (late show) at the Wiltern. I hope I don't sound like a smart ass, could you tell that the crowd was asking for at least six more songs? That was one of the best Ovations, person for person, I have heard for any group ever, including: Led Zeppelin. Stones, The Who, Bowie.

Good post from the U Mass student about the Andalusian Dog.

Have you seen "The Somnambulist"? Great noir. Film study rocks.

Originally posted by frnck blck


There seems to be much concern over the fact that I don't say much during my gigs. I have never in 17 years chatted from the stage. It is not my style. Most of the crowd is there to hear music and could care less about what I might have to say as a citizen. If I made pop music and played to thousands of people a night, maybe my demeanor would be a little different. I play arty rock music on the arty rock music circuit. It has never been my expectation that one should be chatty in this arena. That has never been my experience when I am a patron. And if I don't do an encore it isn't because I'm "in a bad mood". It's because the audience didn't really ask for one. Basically, I, the artist, don't deserve to take an encore if it is not demanded. The oft performed encore is a classic example of theatrical tradition becoming watered-down, dumbed-down, and meaningless. It's a real shame. I am a guitar player. I am not a dancing bear....I am a singer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a guy loading a trailer. I am not a dancing bear... I am a cabaret singer. I am not a dancing bear... Sometimes people think that I am rude when I don't switch into that dancing bear routine. I am not complaining. I adore playing music to the people that support my art. But I am not a fucking dancing bear... I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it.


can you swing from a good rope?

building jumper

Yes. The Somnabulist. A good one. Saw it looong ago. Thanks for coming to the show. I was hoarse that week, but I'm glad you like the show. I gave it my best!


Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:51:15

hi charles, brian here (from last week's interview) - it should be transcribed and up here soon! i guess that cat is out of the bag now...

thanks again for your time! and i wish i had better questions...


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:53:52

Originally posted by twist

Good work on Honeycomb Frank, You're O.K. Looking foward to a civilized evening in Albany. Is it significant that your first Pixies acoustic concert is at The Egg?

Why thank you! SO glad you enjoyed the effort. I enjoyed that session a lot. Ah. The Egg was civilized. Great venue. We would have preferred the amps, but hey, we had to give it a go. It was a nice stretch for us. I admire those who can do the acoustic thing night after night. It has it's own unique challenges. Too bad I missed Mark Mulcahy's set. Great voice he has.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:56:24

Originally posted by spook

Hey Frank, well done on Honeycomb, it's a cool album. Hope you get the Catholics back together and visit Vicar St, Dublin again soon. Cheers :-)

"I joined the Cult Of Ray / after I read the FAQ"

Ah the Vicar St. gig with the Catholics! Surely a highlight in my career. A great night. What a crowd. The Irish are such great concert goers. They always get their money's worth! They really know how to celebrate music. They are very tuned in to something.


Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 10/12/2005 20:59:24

tell us about the telecaster.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:01:13

Originally posted by scruvs

The end of a great Pixies tour....

What's next? Solo gigs? Studio work? R&R? Babysitting?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Hmmm...time with my family. They have been waiting for me to get off the road for some time now. I have missed them terribly. Not a lot of touring coming up. Happy about that. Watching jazz documentaries with the little ones. Now that's a good night! Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:04:18

Originally posted by Broken Face

hi charles, brian here (from last week's interview) - it should be transcribed and up here soon! i guess that cat is out of the bag now...

thanks again for your time! and i wish i had better questions...


twas a fine interview. a fine chat. looking forward to the piece. i enjoyed it. i ripped apart some of the questions, no? don't take it personally. just curious. wanna rip 'em open sometimes and see what's inside. it's bigger than both of us.


Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:05:48

nothing personal taken at all. just very grateful.

just watched PIXIES SELL OUT tonight. a little upset there was no NY Hammerstein footage, but a fine DVD altogether. you had a REAL nice vocal performance on Nimrod's Son in Japan it appears.


Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:06:10

Hi Frank! Please drop by more often!

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:08:24

What kind of jazz are you liking now Frank?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:12:05

Originally posted by Broken Face

nothing personal taken at all. just very grateful.

just watched PIXIES SELL OUT tonight. a little upset there was no NY Hammerstein footage, but a fine DVD altogether. you had a REAL nice vocal performance on Nimrod's Son in Japan it appears.


been meaning to check that out. got the dvd right here. maybe tomorrow. have to be in the right mood. have to have the time! ha. no nyc? hmmm. maybe a union thing. nyc is a pricey place to put on a show you see. but hey. what a town. love it there. could love there if i could have my own 25 thousand square foot apartment. and a driver! that'd be great.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:13:50

Originally posted by darwin

What kind of jazz are you liking now Frank?

bit o coltrane. and some django.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:14:52

or you could pay too much for a small apartment in jersey and take the train in.

oh wait, thats just what i do.


Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:15:53

yeah, thats why i still reside in Jersey

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:16:05

Originally posted by danjersey

tell us about the telecaster.

a fine guitar. short sustain. good for the guy who ain't taking a solo. stay outta everyone's way.


Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:20:31

We have a CD exchange going (here on the forum) right now and my current mix has Coltrane's Giant Steps and The Modern Jazz Quartet playing their song Django, but no Django himself.

I want the new Coltrane and Monk CD that came out this week, I believe. It's from a benefit concert that had Monk/Coltrane, Billi Holiday, Ray Charles, and Count Basie (I think). All for $4. Would have been a good time to live in NYC.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:23:18

me too. the guys in the bad plus have been raving about it on their blog. charles, if you don't know them, check out the bad plus for some great piano jazz (but they opened for the pixies, so i'm sure you're aware)

and darwin, if i use a track from ellington's MONEY JUNGLE (also highly recommeneded) will i be stepping on your toes?


Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 10/12/2005 21:25:13

I've got Caravan from Money Jungle on the mix. But, other than that, put it in.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/12/2005 22:03:00

Oh, he was still online!!

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 10/13/2005 01:01:43

Originally posted by frnck blck
Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


Am I the only one who nearly passed out when reading this? Can we all agree on it being the best news ever?


"You know what? You know what? You know what? Shut the fuck up!"

Reply author: jediroller
Replied on: 10/13/2005 01:07:29

I'm with you.

I jumped on the Frank Black Bandwagon/'Cause Pixies are so 2004

Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 10/13/2005 01:12:00

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by danjersey

tell us about the telecaster.

a fine guitar. short sustain. good for the guy who ain't taking a solo. stay outta everyone's way.


It's a soul guitar, no?

Good news with the Feldman, go for it!

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/13/2005 02:51:29

Damn, I missed him. I was wondering if any folk/roots cds had reached Frank from Edinburgh.

Indeed, great news re Feldman and "the Broken Face tapes."

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/13/2005 03:43:58

Originally posted by vilainde

Originally posted by frnck blck
Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


Am I the only one who nearly passed out when reading this? Can we all agree on it being the best news ever?

No, you are not the only one who passed out reading that. Yes, we can agree.

The one night I stay offline and entertain guests, the one fucking night.

This love is a cancer in me, I can feel it advancing in me
This fire it is my light in the world

Reply author: two reelers
Replied on: 10/13/2005 04:22:43

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by scruvs

The end of a great Pixies tour....

What's next? Solo gigs? Studio work? R&R? Babysitting?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Hmmm...time with my family. They have been waiting for me to get off the road for some time now. I have missed them terribly. Not a lot of touring coming up. Happy about that. Watching jazz documentaries with the little ones. Now that's a good night! Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


woah ! a record with e.d.f ! that sounds terrific !!!!

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 10/13/2005 07:55:15

Its cool to think of Frank enjoying hanging out with the little ones.
Nice to see he's happy about that.

I wonder if and what he sings to the baby.

Don't believe the hype.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/13/2005 09:05:16

"The Irish are such great concert goers."

I missed that comment somehow! (Thanks, Kathryn!) Thank you for that lovely compliment to us Eire folks, Frank!

PS, sorry you got soaked at Lansdowne!

Reply author: Monsieur
Replied on: 10/13/2005 10:11:29

Originally posted by two reelers

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by scruvs

The end of a great Pixies tour....

What's next? Solo gigs? Studio work? R&R? Babysitting?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Hmmm...time with my family. They have been waiting for me to get off the road for some time now. I have missed them terribly. Not a lot of touring coming up. Happy about that. Watching jazz documentaries with the little ones. Now that's a good night! Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


woah ! a record with e.d.f ! that sounds terrific !!!!

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

I can't wait.

I will show you fear in a handful of dust

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 10/13/2005 11:28:29

Bring back the good ol' days!

"In the magnificent fierce morning of New Mexico, one sprang awake, a new part of the soul woke up suddenly and the old world gave way to the new." - D. H. Lawrence

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/13/2005 12:45:02

He and EDF could make the record at Frank's home, he apparently has lots of space to build up his mobile recording studio! Frank won't be away from his family, and make a nice (spacey, jazzy) record with the great EDF (loved his production on the last Polyphonic Spree)


God save the Noisies

Reply author: Sprite
Replied on: 10/13/2005 14:10:34

EDF! OK Now I am giddy with excitement.

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/13/2005 21:41:53

Originally posted by Carolynanna

Its cool to think of Frank enjoying hanging out with the little ones.
Nice to see he's happy about that.

I wonder if and what he sings to the baby.

I wonder that, too!

some rock songs are t'riff nitey-nite songs: Monkey's Gone..., In Heaven, Break On Through (to the other side), yellow submarine. stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again. all good blankie songs, them.

What do you like to sing to the young'uns, Señor Charles?

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 10/13/2005 22:08:53

hey frnk blck, thanks for all the tips, on... well you know.. stuff.
i had two minutes to find a book of poems, looking for Leo nard Co hen or something on Alexandria. as time was winding up i saw Ray Bradbury "I live By The Invisible" now i only know something wicked this way comes (the movie) but you interveiwed the man and cult of ray and all so $3.00 later (i love how cheap good things are) any way thanks.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/13/2005 22:19:34

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Damn, I missed him. I was wondering if any folk/roots cds had reached Frank from Edinburgh.

Indeed, great news re Feldman and "the Broken Face tapes."

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

yes. i think so. archie was it? i listen to those...

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/13/2005 22:41:26

exciting news about working with Eric Drew again...I dig his music though i've only seen him live once. At a Frank Black show in Dallas, oddly enough! killer keyboards and one helluva goatee.

perhaps some scifi-cum-rock from this coupling? :)

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 10/13/2005 23:31:15

Hi Charles,

Every time I have recorded in a studio, I am completely uncomfortable. I have tried to prepare many different ways. How do you get comfortable in the studio?

Maybe a stupid question, but you sound so confident and at ease on Honeycomb surrounded by legends, and all of it live to 2. Who better to ask?

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/14/2005 01:11:59

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Ten Percenter

Damn, I missed him. I was wondering if any folk/roots cds had reached Frank from Edinburgh.

Indeed, great news re Feldman and "the Broken Face tapes."

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

yes. i think so. archie was it? i listen to those...

Ah, you've made my day. A late, lamented member of the Percenter family wrote some of those songs - I hope you like them, as well as the others! Great gig at Meadowbank by the way, never have "Blown Away" and "Stormy Weather" sounded so appropriate.

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

Reply author: hWolsky
Replied on: 10/14/2005 01:54:20

Dear frnk,

Do the things you have to do I.E the things you want to do.
As usual.

You are a great source of inspiration for many people. Keep on being worth it.

Many thanks. I went on stage because of you!

J. "a so-called fascist fan spreading little wind"


Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 10/14/2005 06:14:25

Thank you FB for your great work of late: recorded & live.
I have waited many years for a Pixies venture to Australia, but took the plunge in August and went to see P at Lansdowne Rd, Dublin. A beautiful experience! Hopefully you can still make it to Aus sometime soon, maybe 2006. Btw a club tour would be much much better than the Big Day Out/Festival circuit. Looking forward to new FB solo album too.
Many thanks again!

** I’m a snake oh yes I’m very smart **

Reply author: Nemesis
Replied on: 10/14/2005 06:35:05

Frnck, if you were marooned on a tropical island, which would you prefer for company - a dog or a monkey?

Reply author: two reelers
Replied on: 10/14/2005 07:02:57

ah, and before i forget, frnck:

thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music. thank you for the music.....

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Reply author: thefague
Replied on: 10/14/2005 08:45:07


What's your opinion of the "Oral History band called PIXIES" book and it's author?
Reading it at the moment and find it very well written and produced.

Loving the reunion and especially the pixidisks.
Some NEW work in that vain would be nice, but then to quote a wise man -
"Probably nothing in the world arouses more false hopes Than the first four hours of a diet".


Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 10/14/2005 12:12:47

Originally posted by tobafett

Originally posted by Carolynanna

Its cool to think of Frank enjoying hanging out with the little ones.
Nice to see he's happy about that.

I wonder if and what he sings to the baby.

I wonder that, too!

some rock songs are t'riff nitey-nite songs: Monkey's Gone..., In Heaven, Break On Through (to the other side), yellow submarine. stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again. all good blankie songs, them.

What do you like to sing to the young'uns, Señor Charles?

Hehe, Monkey's a good niteynite song???

I'd like to know, because I know I'm the biggest jackass when it comes to singing to the babe. I usually just insert his name somewhere, for instance today I was singing No Jonas no cry...heehee.

Don't believe the hype.

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 10/14/2005 12:33:05

"Pajama, I want to pajama with you" is my favorite bedtime butchering of Marley's lyrics.

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 10/14/2005 13:05:53

I love it darwin!

Don't believe the hype.

Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 10/14/2005 16:49:26


Have you been to Globe, AZ?


Reply author: Stevio10
Replied on: 10/14/2005 16:59:11

Hey Frank, what has been your most enjoyable collaboration with musicians outside of honeycomb? (assuming that is your most enjoyable)

Who would you most like to have a session/make an album with?

One of my favourite collaborations is the recent Calexico/Iron and Wine session. Given the opportunity would you like to do something with Calexico? I would personally love to hear that.


Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 10/14/2005 17:12:44

Hi Charles,

Have you ever made any particularly frivolous purchases over the internet while under the influence of alcohol?

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/14/2005 23:11:28

Originally posted by ScottP

Hi Charles,

Every time I have recorded in a studio, I am completely uncomfortable. I have tried to prepare many different ways. How do you get comfortable in the studio?

Maybe a stupid question, but you sound so confident and at ease on Honeycomb surrounded by legends, and all of it live to 2. Who better to ask?

do it a lot. be prepared to fail. be prepared to suck. and enjoy it. and really enjoy it when it goes great and you sound great!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/14/2005 23:15:59

Originally posted by jtanner


Have you been to Globe, AZ?


ah. the el rey cafe. the original one. that's where I had my first Bohemia. Been there 2 or 3 times. And Miami.

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 10/14/2005 23:25:11

Hi Frank! Thanks for the music!!!

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/14/2005 23:26:18

Read any good sci-fi lately?

(oh yeah--nice interview in MacDirectory--you ever need some mac tech support, holler!) :)

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 10/15/2005 09:21:59

Hi Frank!! please come to Latinoamerica again...and visit Chile, you have thousands of fans here, I swear that you´ll enjoy here a lot . Any plan ??

Saludos y un abrazo

P.D.: Always I have a big doubt in the lyrics of Rock Music...what does it mean "encatuse"...(may be you want say "me conoce"?)

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/15/2005 10:24:54

Sorry you got soaked at Lansdowne! Thank you for moving, inspiring and fullfilling me over the years. You're a unique artist and my hero!

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 10/15/2005 10:35:50

Frank, can you please give us an update on the box set? Is the bonus material determined yet? I am still crossing my fingers for 2 extra cds instead of one..


Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 10/15/2005 11:20:53

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by jtanner


Have you been to Globe, AZ?


ah. the el rey cafe. the original one. that's where I had my first Bohemia. Been there 2 or 3 times. And Miami.

Reply author: klikger
Replied on: 10/15/2005 11:22:29

Frank, please come to Madison, WI and do a set with every song you've ever written. Or at least 25.

Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/15/2005 12:34:16

Hi Frank,

A few questions for you to answer or ignore!:

What attracted you to the myth of the Selkie?

Which version of "Dirty Old Town" did you first hear? Are you a fan of any other Ewan MacColl songs?

How would you describe the difference between the "Honeycomb" cd and the catchily-titled "no longer to be called the Sicilian" sessions/album? Did you get any good Townes van Zandt anecdotes from Cowboy Jack Clement?

All best

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

Reply author: Ronzilla
Replied on: 10/15/2005 13:52:26

I missed him again!

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/15/2005 14:31:20

Frank, what's your favorite snack? It's nighttime, the kids and woman are asleep, you're wandering downstairs, kinda hungry. Me, I'd go for some chips and salsa? You?* Thanks!

*This is an earnest, nay important question, Charles.

Swimming in the heavy water, buried in the sand
Happy hearts fall from my shaking hands

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/15/2005 16:25:06

Hey Pops, how's Jack? I guess he's scooting around the house pretty good now, huh, probably pulling up on things and standing. How 'bout that personalty, are you getting a glimpse of it yet?

Are you and the Mrs. ready for the next one? Sooner rather than later I bet.



"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 10/15/2005 19:05:07

Hello Frank,

thanks for stopping by. a real treat. really looking forward to "not the sicilian/ honeycomb II". i really dig honeycomb! and excited to hear that you're planning on getting together with edf again. would this be material for a frank solo project or possibly for the pixies?

and would you ever consider being involved in a fbnet ping pong tourny?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/15/2005 20:41:34

Hey Boss, I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin', if you can't get the 'Comb Cats together I know some boys
that'll fill in just fine, The Duke (who we understand went in the studio with you
on some of your Nashville stuff), Joshua Black Wilkins (you met him at your Nashville solo electric show),
Steve, and Scott. for a listen, and

You know you can play here in Guitar Town for a week or two and get good and sweaty,
and then set-up residency in Chicago, New York And London.

And next time your here in Nashville don't rent a car, my '66 is your '66!
Good way to get your Poetry MoJo going, top down, open road, huh.
(I'm not so generous with my woman, she don't come with the car)


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/15/2005 21:26:48

Hey Chuck, your Nashville Solo Electric show was incredible. You sang your heart out.
Have you seen the thread over in "Frank Black Live"?

Your set list was posted and it showed that you had thought about playing Atom in my Heart, Selkie Bride, My Life is in Storage, and Violet.

Anyway, helluva show man

Here's two links to two videos from your set, I bet you haven't seen these yet:

Sing for Joy

Goodbye Lorraine

Oh yeah, and some folks were asking about your guitars you had with you. So what's the story with those, if you don't mind sharing it with us.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 10/16/2005 02:32:42

FB, could you enlighten on the origins of SNAKE OIL please. I understand it is a cover, but I do not know by who - as I cannot find any reference to it anywhere.

Also, will your song MY NAME IS GARY [from Low Budget Time Machine] make a commercial release someday? I do not know what it sounds like, but am very curious about this track.


** I’m a snake oh yes I’m very smart **

Reply author: Stevio10
Replied on: 10/16/2005 03:07:06

Dear Frank,

Have you ever been asked to refrain from using expletives during a performance?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/17/2005 20:03:58

What songs are you replaying ad nauseum on your iPod? (or other mp3 player)

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:33:24

Originally posted by tobafett

Read any good sci-fi lately?

(oh yeah--nice interview in MacDirectory--you ever need some mac tech support, holler!) :)

why thanks. i might take you up on that offer. i just got a couple of g4s. that's why i go mac. easy most of the time. but i don't do complicated stuff...yet!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:35:02

Originally posted by tobafett

What songs are you replaying ad nauseum on your iPod? (or other mp3 player)

no ipod yet. i think about it. but i listen so much in the car and on boom boxes. i like those new little ones.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:38:11

Originally posted by ccuadros

Hi Frank!! please come to Latinoamerica again...and visit Chile, you have thousands of fans here, I swear that you´ll enjoy here a lot . Any plan ??

Saludos y un abrazo

P.D.: Always I have a big doubt in the lyrics of Rock Music...what does it mean "encatuse"...(may be you want say "me conoce"?)

hmmm...that might be some special puerto rican word. i can't remember. i think it means "don't mess with me" or something like that. as i recall it was kind of a local"spanglish" word; or it could be that i just mangled the language. i've done a lot of that!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:40:32

Originally posted by 1965

FB, could you enlighten on the origins of SNAKE OIL please. I understand it is a cover, but I do not know by who - as I cannot find any reference to it anywhere.

Also, will your song MY NAME IS GARY [from Low Budget Time Machine] make a commercial release someday? I do not know what it sounds like, but am very curious about this track.


** I’m a snake oh yes I’m very smart **

i wish i knew about the snake oil song. i've tried to find out. i found it on a cassette compilation i found in italy at a gaas station. it doesn't list the performer, and i think i have only the last name of the writer who i can't think of at the moment, but i was never able to figure out who the write was or the performer. I would love to know.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:42:01

Originally posted by Carl

Sorry you got soaked at Lansdowne! Thank you for moving, inspiring and fullfilling me over the years. You're a unique artist and my hero!

oh no. it was refreshing! loved that gig. thanks. love the island.


Reply author: floop
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:45:06

dear frank,

i know you're a big film buff and you've said before that at one point you wanted to be a film director. if you wanted to direct a film, what would it be?

also, who is your favorite contemporary director?

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/17/2005 21:51:36

frank, I was wondering if you ever consdidered covering Needle in the Hay?

I love you man, you play from the heart!

... Tell your mom to save me a plate.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/17/2005 22:01:35

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

Hey Chuck, your Nashville Solo Electric show was incredible. You sang your heart out.
Have you seen the thread over in "Frank Black Live"?

Your set list was posted and it showed that you had thought about playing Atom in my Heart, Selkie Bride, My Life is in Storage, and Violet.

Anyway, helluva show man

Here's two links to two videos from your set, I bet you haven't seen these yet:

Sing for Joy

Goodbye Lorraine

Oh yeah, and some folks were asking about your guitars you had with you. So what's the story with those, if you don't mind sharing it with us.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

well. those telecasters (i have four) are fender 'specials'. they were made in the 80's in japan. kind of a heavy metal tele thing. they had locked tuning, two humbucker pickups (very un-tele. kind of hard rock modern pick up if you will), and a whammy bar. i have gradually modified the guitar ovber the years, and whatever change i do, i do to all four teles. a few years ago a very well known and respected guitar repair guy in L.A. who goes by the name Toru (he is from japan) did the latest mods. i wanted them to sound more vintage, and so i asked Toru if we could dry the wood out somehow (this is how a guitar sounds better with age. the old finish cracks, and moisture is released gradually causing the guitar to become lighter and more resonant. modern guitars don't do thus cuz the finishes are different chemicals, and they don't crack, therefore they don't get resonant. this is one reason why some players like old guitars). So Toru says that he's got a friend back in japan who smokes the guitars to dry them out. so Toru stripped the paint off my teles, took them to japan, smoked them for three days (they smelled like bbq for months), put old style tuning pegs on them, kept the whammy bridge, ut cuz i like to scrape my pick on the old style bridge pieces, cut on of those in half just for this purpose, took out one of the pick ups, put a vintage style single coil pick up closest to the bridge, and i think at one point i had already removed the tone knobs on all the guitars. those are my modded out fender teles. Toru had kidded with me that a logo--which i had suggested---should simply be a red circle a la the japanese flag. i should do that. they don't sound or feel exaclty like a vintage telecaster, but they're pretty close. plus you can whammy around on em!


Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/17/2005 22:09:53

Just wanted to say thanks for dropping's awesome to hear from you!

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 10/17/2005 22:11:07

Frank, I can highly recommend the iPod Nano, the little, new one.
Very handy. You can even program a song selection for the kiddies, so they can keep quiet in the backseat while you and mom talk up in the front.

P.S. I, um, may have named my iPod Nano "Frank" on my Mac hard drive.

Swimming in the heavy water, buried in the sand
Happy hearts fall from my shaking hands

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 10/17/2005 22:15:07

How's it feel to have had your music played on Mars?

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 10/17/2005 22:40:37

There's something I wanted to say that I've been meaning to say for a while now, since the release of Honeycomb, and it's directed to Frank Black himself. Prior to the release of Honeycomb, I was going thru the toughest times of my life, a failed relationship. It was a horrible experience: mind games, attempted suicide, I became bulimic, the works. What I'm trying to get at is when Honeycomb finally came out I bought, like everyone on this forum did. But, unlike the majority of the people here, your songs on that album really helped me manage thru that tough time.

The track in particular was "Strange Goodbye." I had that song on loop for weeks. I still cry when ever I listen to it, I even sang it to my ex and she cried. She then became a psycho bitch and tried to ruin my new relationship with a girl that I'm actually marrying. I felt like I had an allie and I just wanted to thank you. Thanks Frank for helping, I'm sure you didn't know you did but you did. If I could thank you in person I would, but I can't. Seeing how this is the closest I'll ever get I'm saying it now. Sorry for the rant, but I just needed to get it out there. Honeycomb is by far one of your best Frank. Show Me Your Tears also helped. Okay I need to stop it's getting to long. Sorry.

~*I just want attention.*~

Reply author: Ziggy
Replied on: 10/18/2005 00:55:38

Those answers make great reading. Thanks, Frank!

So does the famous 'Black Francis white tele' live on, in another form?

Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 10/18/2005 01:07:14

How about your acoustic of choice Frank? (please excuse my ignorance). I can only afford a cheap one, but I couple of guys I know have extremely nice guitars. One's a '68 Martin and the sound is just phenomenal. What do you play, and do you have a preference acoustic vs. electric?

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 10/18/2005 01:23:32

Nice to know you like to get yer whammy on Frank!

Reply author: Doog
Replied on: 10/18/2005 01:36:09

Hey Frank, did your original Pixies-era white Tele get stolen with all that other gear a while back?

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, morecambe and wise" -

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 10/18/2005 02:38:31

(note: about the stolen gear, did you know Sonic Youth recently recovered ALL their gear that was stolen something like 5 years ago? The gear hadn't been sold. There's hope!)


"You know what? You know what? You know what? Shut the fuck up!"

Reply author: lonely persuader
Replied on: 10/18/2005 03:42:39

I can bet frank is not losing sleep over a bunch of guitars and stuff that can be replaced... eh, mildly annoying but its only stuff (he can still play a great song on a banged out piece of crap guitar, man)... Also, just gotta say that vicar street 2003 touring with catholics for show me your tears was the best gig i have ever seen!!!!!!! better than the reunion pixies gigs which were amazing too.... something in the air that night...

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 10/18/2005 06:27:40


I heard an old Blues song on the radio the other day and I also heard the story about the artist but not the artists name and am wondering if you can help.
He was/is an older musician in Nashville that would play on the street for a living until an RCA employee decided that they should record his music. Anyways, the record company wanted to try and preserve the sound of the street on the recoring so they added the sounds of screeching tires and horns and people yelling with the Doppler effect beneath the guitar and vocals. The music was incredible but I don't know his name?

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 10/18/2005 06:37:26

Look at how spoiled we are. Great tele tech by Charles. This place is unreal.

Reply author: Doog
Replied on: 10/18/2005 06:38:45

Originally posted by BrendanT


I heard an old Blues song on the radio the other day and I also heard the story about the artist but not the artists name and am wondering if you can help.
He was/is an older musician in Nashville that would play on the street for a living until an RCA employee decided that they should record his music. Anyways, the record company wanted to try and preserve the sound of the street on the recoring so they added the sounds of screeching tires and horns and people yelling with the Doppler effect beneath the guitar and vocals. The music was incredible but I don't know his name?

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

You've obviously confused Frank Black with Google.

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, morecambe and wise" -

Reply author: hWolsky
Replied on: 10/18/2005 08:27:59

Hi frnk!

Have you heard "John The Revelator" by Depeche Mode on their latest opus? It pretty rocks.

You're the revelator and just like you I love Violet!
Don't spend too much time in fronta da computa!


Reply author: Ten Percenter
Replied on: 10/18/2005 12:27:36

hi Frank,

Did you see Scorsese's Dylan documentary? If so, what did you think of it?

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)

Reply author: Doog
Replied on: 10/18/2005 13:45:54

Hey Frank, how much is a return to Prague on the 26th, coming back 28th?

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, morecambe and wise" -

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 10/18/2005 14:38:26

If by Google you mean a very intelligent man who has spent more days and nights in Nashville than you or I ever will. Then yes, I suppose I have confused him for this thing you call Google.

Originally posted by Doog

Originally posted by BrendanT


I heard an old Blues song on the radio the other day and I also heard the story about the artist but not the artists name and am wondering if you can help.
He was/is an older musician in Nashville that would play on the street for a living until an RCA employee decided that they should record his music. Anyways, the record company wanted to try and preserve the sound of the street on the recoring so they added the sounds of screeching tires and horns and people yelling with the Doppler effect beneath the guitar and vocals. The music was incredible but I don't know his name?

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

You've obviously confused Frank Black with Google.

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, morecambe and wise" -

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 10/18/2005 15:00:32

Originally posted by hWolsky

Hi frnk!

Have you heard "John The Revelator" by Depeche Mode on their latest opus? It pretty rocks.

You're the revelator and just like you I love Violet!
Don't spend too much time in fronta da computa!


Martin Gore has done a weird spin on the traditional folk version with his John The Revelator. Kinda worth a listen.

I was my BIG BED


Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/18/2005 18:13:55

hey charles - favorite beatles track? kinks? beach boys?


Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 10/18/2005 18:29:48

Hi Charles,

I'm a big supporter of your live to two track material. Knowing the take is live, creates this wonderful tension that is lost on tracked stuff. I was considering taking a chance with my next project and recording the whole damn record in one long take. Aside from concert recordings, have you ever heard of this in-studio approach? And also, besides making sure we take our Zoloft, any tips?

I'm a walkin', talkin' Frank Black commercial

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/18/2005 22:06:45

well. those telecasters (i have four) are fender 'specials'. they were made in the 80's in japan. kind of a heavy metal tele thing. they had locked tuning, two humbucker pickups (very un-tele. kind of hard rock modern pick up if you will), and a whammy bar. i have gradually modified the guitar ovber the years, and whatever change i do, i do to all four teles. a few years ago a very well known and respected guitar repair guy in L.A. who goes by the name Toru (he is from japan) did the latest mods. i wanted them to sound more vintage, and so i asked Toru if we could dry the wood out somehow (this is how a guitar sounds better with age. the old finish cracks, and moisture is released gradually causing the guitar to become lighter and more resonant. modern guitars don't do thus cuz the finishes are different chemicals, and they don't crack, therefore they don't get resonant. this is one reason why some players like old guitars). So Toru says that he's got a friend back in japan who smokes the guitars to dry them out. so Toru stripped the paint off my teles, took them to japan, smoked them for three days (they smelled like bbq for months), put old style tuning pegs on them, kept the whammy bridge, ut cuz i like to scrape my pick on the old style bridge pieces, cut on of those in half just for this purpose, took out one of the pick ups, put a vintage style single coil pick up closest to the bridge, and i think at one point i had already removed the tone knobs on all the guitars. those are my modded out fender teles. Toru had kidded with me that a logo--which i had suggested---should simply be a red circle a la the japanese flag. i should do that. they don't sound or feel exaclty like a vintage telecaster, but they're pretty close. plus you can whammy around on em!



Damn Boss, you're a HardCore Guitar Man

I'm sure you've seen The Duke of Fender's 1957 Fender Double Neck

You know, ya'll's Fenders really make beautiful music together

What songs did Rich join you on during your latest sessions at Jack Clement's
“Cowboy Arms Hotel and Recording Spa”?


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/19/2005 06:05:53

The King Holds Court is back in full effect!! Facinating info from FB on the teles!

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/19/2005 06:18:15

Hey Frank, back before Show Me Your Tears was released and you had just finished recording it, you talked about recording with a symphony and a large number of players as something you were thinking about for the future.

I'm just wondering if you're still thinking about this (it's a very exciting proposition for me) and if perhaps this would be something you'd be working on with EDF. I think you have a bit of an underexplored talent for instrumentation, if songs like Manitoba, Coastline, and, well, most of Teenager are any indication and am crossing my fingers...

And as always, thanks for popping in...

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/19/2005 06:54:58

Yeah, some lovely EDF has done some lovely arrangements for Frank, and also some cool deliberately cheesy synth on TOTY!!

Reply author: ivandivel
Replied on: 10/19/2005 08:36:34

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by scruvs

The end of a great Pixies tour....

What's next? Solo gigs? Studio work? R&R? Babysitting?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Hmmm...time with my family. They have been waiting for me to get off the road for some time now. I have missed them terribly. Not a lot of touring coming up. Happy about that. Watching jazz documentaries with the little ones. Now that's a good night! Write some songs I guess. Been talking to Feldman 'bout making a record. Yeah. Overdue. Feldman.


Feldman - yes! Trompe le monde, FB and Teenager of The Year.

Here´s a quote (

"I think sometimes a great work might involve another person that you’re working with. You mention a record I did called Teenager of the Year and there was a guy named Eric Drew Feldman, producing the record with me. I think we were able to achieve a greater height because there was a little bit of a team thing going on there. I’m not saying it always works like that, but sometimes it does."

Looking forward to any release, but if this "team-work-thing" happens again..... well. Don't think about it. Forget the quote. Just do it.

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 10/19/2005 19:10:59

Hey Frank

Would you be interested in having some of you live performances (namely catholics) be added to ???

It's pretty easy to do, and fans are the ones who do all the work, but it's strictly live performances... I think it would be cool if Frank Black was on that list (since Pixies are on disclive I can see how that might not work)

I love you man, you play from the heart

... Tell your mom to save me a plate.

Reply author: jediroller
Replied on: 10/19/2005 23:20:35

That's a brilliant idea.

"Quit shouting those rerun songs at me! I'm doing what I want to do, and I don't care what you think you need!
—Play that song 'Jesus is the Answer'!
—Come up here on stage and play with my balls."
--Wesley Willis Vs. a Fan

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 10/20/2005 05:55:56


Do you have a live show that has Announcement at the end? I think it was played primarily on a UK tour.

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

Reply author: conl
Replied on: 10/20/2005 11:49:13

Hey, Frank -
Today is Rimbaud's birthday, and I have a hangover.
Know any good cures?
I feel like I'm made out of hamburger.

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/22/2005 21:17:00

Premier Pied Piper,

What are the 5 greatest love songs that you've written to date?

[edit: I don't want to get you in trouble at home or anything so I'll disqualify Speedy Marie and Violet from your selections]


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 10/22/2005 21:44:38

Honeycomb is absolutely perfect, and getting better each overcast Seattle day.

The Vampire Bird

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/22/2005 21:49:44

King Charles IV,

I really dig that quasi-Elvis look you had goin' on back in 2002 when you appeared on
Craig Kilborn's Late, Late Show on CBS and performed COLD HEART OF STONE with Dave Philips
on Pedal Steel. (the video was posted somewhere, if you haven't seen it let me know)

You were dressed in black with your Dog in the Sand era big western belt buckle and
some bad-ass blue suede shoes.

You also snarled your lip throughout the song

If you still got 'em, how 'bout selling me those shoes and that belt buckle?
You could donate the money to the RED CROSS.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 10/23/2005 03:10:24

Have you sent Chad his 'ProCo Rat' back, yet?

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/25/2005 21:19:48

Yo, King Chas,

Did you listen to DaisyGirl and Joshua's FRANK BLACK MUSIC radio show Sunday afternoon on KFAI Radio in Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota

It was great. I've included below a link (thanks to Scruvs for the link) to a recording of the show.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

Reply author: conl
Replied on: 10/26/2005 11:57:23

Hey, Frank -
I feel much better today.
How/Where'd you come up with the chord progression for "The Swimmer"?
They're all over the place on that one.
Actually, you've got a lot of songs that don't seem follow "traditional" chord patterns, but they never sound forced or dissonant.
Do you use a piano to come up with the more far-out ones, or do you write exclusively on guitar?

Reply author: Z_Zoquis
Replied on: 10/28/2005 14:56:34

Hi Frank. I've got an offer you can't refuse. If you come back to winnipeg I'll buy you a chili dog at the whistle pig! No lie pal, I'll do it.

Hey, heres a ? for you - how'd you learn to play? Self taught or any lessons?

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 11/01/2005 20:15:52

Hey Boss,

I was reading your billboard interview again about touring with some alt country guys:

"Whereas with just 'Honeycomb,' that band was such a classic lineup and it was the only record
representing my so-called 'Nashville' period, that I felt under a little pressure to have that
band," Black continues. "I didn't want to go out with some young buck alternative rock guys.
But now that there's a second record with different people, I could find some alt-country guys."

If I may, I would suggest Rich Gilbert, Joshua Black Wilkins, and Steve Latanation


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

"two separate albums released on the same day, thank you"

Reply author: MDGsolo
Replied on: 11/02/2005 08:03:48

Testing. Testing. Am I on?

I think I read somewhere that you had a connection to Oregon somehow. Do you still, and what is it about your personal sense of place that inspires or leeches into songwriting, particularly Oregon, if at all?

Bend, OR

PS I talked to Ken a couple of times several years ago about trying to get a Catholics show together in Bend and got the dust off a few times, but I'd love to help make that a reality some day...

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 11/02/2005 23:33:22


I have a request. Would you consider rerecording "Constant Sorrow Man" and "Pan American Highway" and including them on an officially released album someday?
I think they're both great songs. I can't even imagine how great they'd sound after you work the same magic you worked for some of the other songs on SUNDAY SUNNY MILL VALLEY GROOVE DAY.

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: Don Eduardo
Replied on: 11/03/2005 18:41:46

Hi Frank,

i just have one question, one word....


Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 11/04/2005 21:04:10

Hi Frank!
What is your favorite TMBG song?
Also, I want to share this pic with you. I like the background...

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 11/05/2005 02:13:35

you look like a couple on that picture
which of course is ok
don't mean to offend anyone

God save the Noisies

Reply author: velvety
Replied on: 11/05/2005 07:31:47

Those pictures are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Reply author: endofmiles
Replied on: 11/05/2005 09:40:00

Hi Frank,

I'm amazed by Honeycomb. A great piece of work! Now, i heard that you've recorded it in four days!? Was it stressfull or was it fun from beginning to end? Well, you can say that you are a professional, but I say: "superbe!".


I agree, great pics!

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 11/06/2005 21:47:33

frnk do you or have you in the past used different string gauges?

Reply author: mostasteless
Replied on: 11/07/2005 13:27:11

Frank -
noticed you name dropped Django a couple of pages ago, and he has been an on-and-off again obsession for me for quite some time. Actually, I just gave a report on him for my French class today (story has it that he couldnt read or write, so his first few gigs showed up as Jiango Renard)!
Anyways, I was wondering if you had heard any of his electric work that he did at the end of his career? Like Night and Day, and I forget some of the other ones. All I've been able to hear are the electric tunes at the end of the Verve Jazzmasters set, which is not nearly enough! Have you come across any of his other electric stuff?(or any at all for that matter?)

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 11/07/2005 20:45:18

I can't wait for the new record and when you tour again! Thanks!

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 11/07/2005 21:21:44

Originally posted by frnck blck


BORN JANUARY 7, 2005 AT 3:59 PM.



Hey Pops, How's Junior?

So, what do you think, are you ready for a few more...5's a good number, you already have 3, so you're more than 1/2 way there now...I don't know...just a thought...


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

"two separate albums released on the same day, thank you"

Reply author: Sagacious
Replied on: 11/11/2005 10:34:51

Frank Black---I hope you have time to stop by soon because wow, having the opportunity to touch base with you is borderline surreal. And I thought my seeing The Pixies play in Amsterdam last year was a Midwestern girlie’s impossible dream come true (a great show by the way, the acoustics in the Heineken enhanced your music so impeccably). Not to mention the other perks of attending a show in Holland…
ANYHOW, on to the reason I’m posting---As a fellow fan of the unusual, I wanted to suggest a song to you that might be something you could wrap your mind around on either a lyrical or musical basis. It’s called ‘The Hermit’ and it’s credited to Jonathon Halper. It’s the only song on the soundtrack to a Kenneth Anger mini-movie titled ‘Puce Moment’. Over the years, it stuck in my head as something The Pixies could make an amazing rendition of. (I think a ukulele would even work well in certain parts :)
The interesting part, is that this is the only song in existence that Jonathon Halper wrote/performed and shortly after he completed it, he joined a monastery. Ironic, eh? (at least to those who’ve heard of Kenneth Anger)
Unfortunately, there is no digital recording of this song on the Internet that I can find. However I DO have 95% of the lyrics, and the movie ‘Puce Moment’ was easy to come by on ebay.
Let me know if I should post the lyrics -
And a warm hello to all the other fb fans out there,

P.S. I realize this hat was thrown into the ring over two years ago, but I recently read your challenge to link the 4 songs (posted 9/16/2003) and if the commonality is lyrical, I would have to say each song makes reference to the impending species-splitting caused by the weather control conspiracies from Area 51, possibly drawing a NACH-IO connection to this.
Has the taco offer expired?? Ha ha…

Reply author: Sagacious
Replied on: 11/11/2005 11:20:41

P.P.S. – fb fans - I have some nice Pixies pics from Lollapalooza 2005, as well as 60 seconds worth of ‘U-Mass’ and all of ‘Where is My Mind’ if anyone is interested (shaky, but very cool recording of Where is my mind as it was the encore). I’m not real proficient with posting/trading vids on these forums so just email me if interested.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 11/11/2005 15:54:47

Thanks for posting those pics, douchebag, and hi (I hope your name is tongue-in-cheek, I'm sure your not really racist!!). And hi Sagacious, too!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 11/16/2005 07:26:49

I hope that's a typo and you meant 'specs':

"I seem to have rejoined the cult of FB.Net!"

Reply author: junkmale
Replied on: 11/17/2005 01:25:21

[quote]Originally posted by vilainde

(note: about the stolen gear, did you know Sonic Youth recently recovered ALL their gear that was stolen something like 5 years ago? The gear hadn't been sold. There's hope!)

I don't think they got all of it back (they lost literally dozens of weird customized guitars). They have got some of it, like the (rare and expensive) Travis Beans, that were presumably difficult to sell.

I need peace... turned up so loud

Reply author: Z_Zoquis
Replied on: 12/03/2005 08:51:33

Say Frank, if you happen to eye-ball this thread again I've got a question for you. When you're just hanging around the house doodling on one of those lovely Teles you play, what do you use for an amp? I know you probably have access to a wide array of quality equipment, but for just plinking away in the rec-room (if you ever do that anymore) what do you use for a practice amp? I'm looking for a small (maybe 30-50 watt), inexpensive amp and would value any recommendation you might have. :)

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 12/03/2005 17:43:39

I remember Frank mentioned in an interview that he likes those Fender Piggyback amps. I think they're kind of small, but I'm not sure.

"Join the Honeycult!"

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 12/03/2005 17:50:04

I see Charles as more of an acoustic on the couch type of guy. All of his FB songs play well acoustically. I love turkey.

I'm pretty sure I crapped my pants.... Yep.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 12/03/2005 17:56:49

I'm sure I remember him saying he was messing around on a ukulele sitting at home on the couch, before. Also, I remember him being asked on MTV a few years back if he composed on other instruments, and he said a harmonica!

"Join the Honeycult!"

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 12/03/2005 17:57:52

Did he say he liked turkey?

I'm pretty sure I crapped my pants.... Yep.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 12/03/2005 18:00:50

No, but I'm sure he does. :)

"Join the Honeycult!"

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 12/04/2005 13:23:14

Frank, did you ever make it down the Pan American Highway? maybe you could take Jack.. father son road trip

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 12/06/2005 04:50:48

Originally posted by Broken Face

hi charles, brian here (from last week's interview) - it should be transcribed and up here soon! i guess that cat is out of the bag now...

Brian, is the interview close to being posted? I don't mean to busy you, just really really looking forward to the read.

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 12/06/2005 07:15:43

Hi Charles,
Taking about cats...okay a pretty tenuous link to the last quote and perhaps a dumb wouldn't by chance be related in any way to Dr Joseph C Thompson who brought the first burmese cat to San Francisco in 1930?

We've been pretty lucky seeing you pretty much every year in Ireland in one context or another, but we're missing solo Frank badly. Sunstroke in the early 90s and Temple bar a couple of years back stand out as the most amazing gigs I've ever if a family holiday on the Emerald Isle is on the cards, bring your guitar as a sell out venue undoubtedly awaits :)

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 12/08/2005 03:54:09

I have taken the liberty of removing a member with a racist username and his posts. That garbage isn't welcome here and I have zero tolerance for it, whether in 'jest' or not.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

Reply author: hadjoke
Replied on: 12/28/2005 00:35:21

The king must reply soon. The subjects are restless. I'd like to say that I'm glad that I am a Frank Black fan and also glad for once that America is absent in promoting good music like that of el’ frank bibulous. It’s made for some really cozy venues where for a mere 15 bones I get to worm my way to front row and slam my oversized beverage to “whiskey in your shoes” first you grab it then you lift it then you pour it down. Man what a fitting tune for drinking away a lost relationship.

Frank, as for not addressing the crowd……, Well done. You have never been one to indulge in your lyrical content, nor that of the eyes of your fans. After all that would make you a rock star and then you would have to start humping the speaker system while you play guitar behind your back. I mean what do people expect long glance after your encore and a Chuck Norris thumbs up. Not me. That kind of confidence is born through ignorance and a false notion of self-confidence. From what I’ve seen over the years you’ve refrained from this pop “crap” and its cost you much riches but it didn’t cost you your pride. Way to hang tough buddy. You know Bono really talks you up in the Pixies Dvd. He says that “he knows somewhere deep down you have pop writing capabilities” and eludes that you could make it huge if you tapped into that realm of yourself. No offense if he’s your friend but Bono is indeed a “boner” (like that kid from growing pains) Soooo self indulgent. I like Bowie though. Some times I think Bowie is “the stranger that helped you when you were thirstiest” but he’s no stranger so I have to scratch that thought.

Well anyways I like all your stuff. I’ve listened to you dominate so many forms of music and the new stuff is my favorite to date. Sing for Joy is chronic. I’ve listened to that song over and over and it has a good quality of never getting old. The songs I like least on Honeycomb (this was no surprise to me) were ones that you covered. Violet in particular annoys me and doesn’t fid well with the CD. I think this song is sentimental to you because of your woman though.

Here’s a twist for you, can you please not make another Pixies album. I like the Pixies but I think your too old for that kind of shit right now and people are expecting too much. With the new stuff being so good anyways I say stay on track. Pull on my heartstrings a little more with all the new love in your life. Go with the flow, Pixies is done, do it for the cash if you need it but I’m so sick of every one bugging you about the Pixies. Nobody can seem to let that era go. It takes too much energy to make that kind of stuff and I feel like you’re mentally beyond it anyways. Ever since you guys broke up people have hounded the shit out of you about the Pixies, it bugs me because I like your new stuff better.

I could go on and on and on……….


Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 12/28/2005 06:42:36

I'm pretty sure Frank wrote "Violet."

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 12/28/2005 08:32:02

Originally posted by hadjoke

Go with the flow, Pixies is done, do it for the cash if you need it but I’m so sick of every one bugging you about the Pixies.

Ha ha ha! This is my favorite part. Kinda like when Norman Bates says to Marion Crane, "I wish you could apologize for other people."

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man


Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 01/06/2006 08:33:06

Originally posted by fbc

Originally posted by Broken Face

hi charles, brian here (from last week's interview) - it should be transcribed and up here soon! i guess that cat is out of the bag now...

Brian, is the interview close to being posted? I don't mean to busy you, just really really looking forward to the read.

still am.

Reply author: Sam
Replied on: 01/19/2006 04:01:01

Hello Frank,

Every year myself and 4 of my friends book a few days away and catch a show of yours wherever in Europe you and your band may be, this has brought us to many nice places and of course Dublin is the place where we see you most. However this year no trip on the horizon, yes tragically sad i know.
I have read that you are enjoying your downtime and i hope you enjoy it to the full.
Anyway to cut to the chase, and maybe this is tad forward but we would be forever grateful if could could inform first if and when you might decide to rack up the few next solo dates so my friends and i can catch the show. L.A, Oregon, Nepal not really an issue ( Dublin Temple bar MC preferably), but we need heads up early to get the flights organised.

As Abba once so melodically sung, thank you for the music.

Yours probably clinically optimistic
Brother Sam

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 01/25/2006 19:32:59

Hey Frank!
We appreciate all the hard work you're doing and we're REALLY looking forward to your new music!!!

Reply author: astrosurfer
Replied on: 01/27/2006 19:34:31

para pa pappa pa pa pa

the little thing who does my laundry, speaks no english...

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 01/27/2006 20:01:13

Ummmm... neat!

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 06:27:59

Originally posted by Broken Face

hey charles - favorite beatles track? kinks? beach boys?


you know my name 9look up the number0. well respected man. be true to your school.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 06:29:46

Originally posted by ScottP

Hi Charles,

I'm a big supporter of your live to two track material. Knowing the take is live, creates this wonderful tension that is lost on tracked stuff. I was considering taking a chance with my next project and recording the whole damn record in one long take. Aside from concert recordings, have you ever heard of this in-studio approach? And also, besides making sure we take our Zoloft, any tips?

that's the way they used to to do it. straight to the laquer...

I'm a walkin', talkin' Frank Black commercial

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 01/29/2006 06:56:29

Hey frnck good morning. i was just out driving around town real slow diggin capt. beefheart thanks again for all the music

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 01/29/2006 07:25:26

I read Grey de Lisle recorded straight to the laquer on her last album

God save the Noisies

Reply author: FranknWeezer
Replied on: 01/29/2006 13:59:59

Frankus, good to see you posting today. Can you throw us a bone about your latest release, the compilation cd or the dvd project? Any St. Francis/ End of Miles driving songs on the new album? Anything to seek teeth into would be great.

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 01/29/2006 15:34:59

Have you watched this one yet, Frank?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 19:45:21

Originally posted by FranknWeezer

Frankus, good to see you posting today. Can you throw us a bone about your latest release, the compilation cd or the dvd project? Any St. Francis/ End of Miles driving songs on the new album? Anything to seek teeth into would be great.

thinking about a podcast... maybe real soon... just finished the next record... i think comes out in june... baby coming in april!!!!.... been browsing a lot of mid century modern... dinner was a pretty bit hit with the kids tonight (i rule kitchen)... penne with my quick sauce (touch of balsamic syrup), some veggie protein, lots of romano pecarino, asparagus, romaine salad with homemade mustard vinagrette(olive oil, mustard, lemon, garlic, herbes de provence-our oldest drank rest of vinagrette from salad bowl), and, of course, some type of european sparkling water... lyric booklet or no? can't decide...


Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 01/29/2006 19:49:21

yes luric booklet por favor!

congrats on the new babe!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 19:57:58

Originally posted by danjersey

Hey frnck good morning. i was just out driving around town real slow diggin capt. beefheart thanks again for all the music

sounds fun. frow gins.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:00:18

Originally posted by Foucaults Dog

Hi Charles,
Taking about cats...okay a pretty tenuous link to the last quote and perhaps a dumb wouldn't by chance be related in any way to Dr Joseph C Thompson who brought the first burmese cat to San Francisco in 1930?

We've been pretty lucky seeing you pretty much every year in Ireland in one context or another, but we're missing solo Frank badly. Sunstroke in the early 90s and Temple bar a couple of years back stand out as the most amazing gigs I've ever if a family holiday on the Emerald Isle is on the cards, bring your guitar as a sell out venue undoubtedly awaits :)

ah. a vaca in eire. sounds perfect. we talk about just that actually. maybe when little ones get a bit bigger. heck. maybe we'll just move there.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:02:38

Originally posted by mostasteless

Frank -
noticed you name dropped Django a couple of pages ago, and he has been an on-and-off again obsession for me for quite some time. Actually, I just gave a report on him for my French class today (story has it that he couldnt read or write, so his first few gigs showed up as Jiango Renard)!
Anyways, I was wondering if you had heard any of his electric work that he did at the end of his career? Like Night and Day, and I forget some of the other ones. All I've been able to hear are the electric tunes at the end of the Verve Jazzmasters set, which is not nearly enough! Have you come across any of his other electric stuff?(or any at all for that matter?)

hmmm...don't think i have heard the electric stuff. i'll check it out, thanks. ..just loaded some django into my pod not 5 minutes ago...


Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:03:19

Your an inspiration sir, I'll leave it at that.

Reply author: Levitated
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:04:36

Hey Mr. frnck if you ever come to Chile, don't forget to visit El Valle de la Luna, it's the place that most look like the moon :) I'll try to look for some pictures to share with the forum.

Saludos amigo!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:05:34

Originally posted by BrendanT


I heard an old Blues song on the radio the other day and I also heard the story about the artist but not the artists name and am wondering if you can help.
He was/is an older musician in Nashville that would play on the street for a living until an RCA employee decided that they should record his music. Anyways, the record company wanted to try and preserve the sound of the street on the recoring so they added the sounds of screeching tires and horns and people yelling with the Doppler effect beneath the guitar and vocals. The music was incredible but I don't know his name?

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

i know the feeling, but sorry, no. i had a panic attack like that a few weeks ago over some 80s new wave song. was seriously bummed i would never figure it out. i was googling for hours when i should have been sleeping... would like to know who did "snake oil" myself...can't figure it out. i have it on a comp cassette with very little info.


Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:07:08

Oh wait, one more thing. Your L.A. folk are jonesing for a one off show!

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:45:46

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by FranknWeezer

Frankus, good to see you posting today. Can you throw us a bone about your latest release, the compilation cd or the dvd project? Any St. Francis/ End of Miles driving songs on the new album? Anything to seek teeth into would be great.

thinking about a podcast... maybe real soon... just finished the next record... i think comes out in june... baby coming in april!!!!.... been browsing a lot of mid century modern... dinner was a pretty bit hit with the kids tonight (i rule kitchen)... penne with my quick sauce (touch of balsamic syrup), some veggie protein, lots of romano pecarino, asparagus, romaine salad with homemade mustard vinagrette(olive oil, mustard, lemon, garlic, herbes de provence-our oldest drank rest of vinagrette from salad bowl), and, of course, some type of european sparkling water... lyric booklet or no? can't decide...


Hey Chuck, thanks for the info, tips, and request for input.

Definitely the lyric book.

And how 'bout making the sheet music available for this next one. I saw a booklet with sheet music from your old band, really a nice item, and a nice way to share your music.



"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 01/29/2006 20:55:59

I bet you and Jack will be spending even more time together the closer you get to the new baby coming.

Have you's picked out a name yet for the baby?

I wanted my two to have my same middle name, Garrett Ray and Maggie Ray, ala George Foreman, but the Mrs. refused. So now my daughter is stuck with Rebecca as a middle name.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 01/29/2006 21:01:27

Oh, and by the way, which songs are your favorite so far from your new record(s) that you've been working on.

And, did you bust-out the custom-mod tele's on any of the songs.

And, which ones did Rich Gilbert play with you on.

And, who was working with you in the studio in LA.

And, do you plan on releasing the new record(s) on Back Porch.

And,...thank you...thank you very much....


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 01/30/2006 00:51:23

Frank you rule! I would say definately a lyric booklet
most of your releases had one, and you are a great writer, so why not?

BTW, if it's a decision between either Highway to Lowdown on the record
or a lyric booklet, go for Highway!

Just one more thing, are you familiar with the english guitar player Richard Thompson?
He's on cooking vinyl these days, could be a nifty sessionman for you

God save the Noisies

Reply author: cassandra is
Replied on: 01/30/2006 02:14:02

yep, I vote for a lyric booklet too. I've always enjoyed to have the lyrics going with the music, even if I don't always read it.

pas de bras pas de chocolat

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 01/30/2006 05:29:59

Frank back, yay! Congratulations on the new baby, Frank!

The inclusion of lyrics can spoil the mystery of an album sometimes, it suits some albums to include the words, though. It depends on what you're expressing, maybe!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: Ziggy
Replied on: 01/30/2006 05:53:55

Yes, a lyric booklet would be a great addition.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 01/30/2006 05:58:02

Frank, pls. consider a handwritten lyric thingie, a la Neil Young.

I bet you do rule in the kitchen. The food you mentioned sounds good - veggie protein? Have you gone vegetarian?

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: The Holiday Son
Replied on: 01/30/2006 06:15:15

I'm for a lyric booklet as well.

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 01/30/2006 06:54:22

Originally posted by frnck blck

ah. a vaca in eire. sounds perfect. we talk about just that actually. maybe when little ones get a bit bigger. heck. maybe we'll just move there.


OR...You could move to Tennessee!!!

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 01/30/2006 06:54:33

A lyric booklet and some herbes de Provence from Oregon!

"I want to change the world but it's changing me!"

Reply author: starmekitten
Replied on: 01/30/2006 07:38:54

Lyrics booklet every time, as hilarious as singing the wrong lyrics can be sometimes, it'll make my job a lot easier.

Frnk, is the possibility of a residency tour (as rumoured a while ago) still/actually a possibility?

*keeps fingers crossed*

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 01/30/2006 07:45:12

No, but really... how much is a return to Prague on the 26th, coming back 28th?


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

Reply author: Carolynanna
Replied on: 01/30/2006 08:07:33

Re you rule in the kitchen.
Are you aware that clamato juice makes an excellent marinade? hehe.

Don't believe the hype.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 01/30/2006 08:34:10

Originally posted by Carolynanna

Are you aware that clamato juice makes an excellent marinade? hehe.

...and is an essential ingredient for a Mexican shrimp cocktail.

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 01/30/2006 08:45:29

HA! That's the silliest thing I've heard all day. Last month I saw a guy with a CLAMATO suede jacket, I should've asked him.


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

Reply author: velvety
Replied on: 01/30/2006 09:56:34

I'll go against the majority and vote no lyric booklet. Never-ending discussions about the philosophical meaning behind a bunch of misheard Frank Black lyrics. What could be more fun than that?

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 01/30/2006 10:36:39

I'll have to throw in my vote for a lyric booklet, just in case it makes any difference.

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 01/30/2006 10:59:04

Hi Frank. Seen any movies lately you'd recommend?

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man


Reply author: spaceghost11
Replied on: 01/30/2006 12:09:48

Hey Frank,
Any Pixies news?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 01/30/2006 12:45:27

Originally posted by Carl

Frank back, yay!

I got it, even if no one else did, Carl.

Frank Back.


Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 01/30/2006 13:11:03

I meant to say Frank's back, but let's pretend I intended that little pun!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 01/30/2006 13:39:52

what do you want to do with Frank's back, Carl?

God save the Noisies

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 01/30/2006 14:29:06

Originally posted by Carl

I meant to say Frank's back, but let's pretend I intended that little pun!

pas de dutchie!

a pun having someting to do with BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN?

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 01/30/2006 14:46:05

Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by Carl

I meant to say Frank's back, but let's pretend I intended that little pun!

pas de dutchie!

a pun having someting to do with BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN?

"Frank, I can't quit you!"

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man


Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 01/30/2006 19:37:52

Hi Frank! It's great to see you posting!

Congrats on Jack's 1st Bday and the little new one on the way :)

Your recipie sounds really yummy!

Anyway no big questions or anything just wanted to say thanks again for all the super cool music and glad to hear your having a blast cooking for the fam :)

Reply author: badronald
Replied on: 01/30/2006 21:07:00

I say nay to the lyrics. Hell - skip the song titles too; the whole thing up for interpretation.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 01/30/2006 21:13:12

You could always just throw out the whole liner notes ensemble if you feel that way. I'd like lyrics.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: Crispy Water
Replied on: 01/30/2006 22:22:06

Originally posted by badronald

I say nay to the lyrics. Hell - skip the song titles too; the whole thing up for interpretation.

That "no titles or information on the disc" is one of the most annoying trends I can remember. I'm all for people interpreting works their own way, but it can be done with titles in mind. Without it there's no real reference point in discussions - "Oh yeah, I love that Track 3 song, man!"

Nothing is ever something.

Reply author: badronald
Replied on: 01/30/2006 22:57:24

I was actually kidding about the no song titles thing - I guess I've never bought a disc like that, I didn't think that existed or if it did it would be beyond pretentious. BTW - song #3 rules.

Reply author: Foucaults Dog
Replied on: 01/31/2006 06:27:34

Originally posted by badronald

I was actually kidding about the no song titles thing - I guess I've never bought a disc like that, I didn't think that existed or if it did it would be beyond pretentious. BTW - song #3 rules.

Is it just my imagination or did Aphex Twin reelaese an album with a series of colours representing each track instead of a track listing of names ???

Reply author: FranknWeezer
Replied on: 01/31/2006 09:13:05

To answer your question, with all your ballyhoos, tritons, un somnabulists, 'PT said see the egress', (could go on and on), it's tough to sing along or try to follow on guitar if you don't list out the lyrics. If you do your podcast, why not brush on some of the titles you've forgotten the lyrics to and abandoned...St. Francis, Cult of Ray, etc...I don't think you've ever done a live electric of COR, and SFDD, to my knowledge, has never been played in front of a (non-studio) mic.
Thanks for playing along,

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 01/31/2006 09:18:19

what's an ishist?


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

Reply author: matthew
Replied on: 01/31/2006 09:33:35

I know the Butthole Surfers just had little drawings as the song titles on "Hairway to Steven", but the fans ended up naming the songs anyway...

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 01/31/2006 09:37:04

hi frank.

is that you?

i hate anyone who doesn't like me.

Reply author: Cheeseman1000
Replied on: 02/01/2006 02:51:33

Originally posted by badronald

I was actually kidding about the no song titles thing - I guess I've never bought a disc like that, I didn't think that existed or if it did it would be beyond pretentious. BTW - song #3 rules.

Sigur Ros' album '()', but as you say, massively pretentious (which I like), and it does sort of have song titles, apparently.

I vote for notes like you get on the back of old LP's, written by some nutter talking about how this one's a ballad, this one's a rocker.

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid

Reply author: al_most_me
Replied on: 02/01/2006 14:02:33

... no puedo dejar de ver las giras q hacen por alla "arriba" frank, una y otra vez por los mismos sitios y yo aca con mi cinta copiada de los pixies que escucho desde 5to de escuela ...

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 02/01/2006 23:38:50

have you ever heard Carla Bozulich's "Red Headed Stranger"? It's a song-by-song cover of the Willie Nelson record, and everytime I listen to it I think of how Carla and you together would make the greatest music ever.


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/03/2006 16:59:32

hey frank,

how's the great pacific northwest? and how about those SEAHAWKS!! any predictions for the big game on sunday?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 02/04/2006 13:43:06

FOR 10+ YEARS I've been tryin' to figure it out:

FB (as BF) is listed in the credits of Pigface "Welcome to Mexico Asshole". I asked Matt Schultz (who was in Pigface + Lab Report) if FB was really on it... and he said that Martin Atkins was just putting whoever's name on it that he wanted. So, FB, are you on the damn record or not?

For a memory joggin', check this out:


Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/04/2006 18:25:45

Originally posted by vilainde

have you ever heard Carla Bozulich's "Red Headed Stranger"? It's a song-by-song cover of the Willie Nelson record, and everytime I listen to it I think of how Carla and you together would make the greatest music ever.

you know, since the first time I heard it, I thought My Favorite Kiss would be a great FB duet with Willie Nelson. Conversely, i think FB would sound great on Willie's She is Gone.

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 02/04/2006 21:28:14

Originally posted by tobafett

Originally posted by vilainde

have you ever heard Carla Bozulich's "Red Headed Stranger"? It's a song-by-song cover of the Willie Nelson record, and everytime I listen to it I think of how Carla and you together would make the greatest music ever.

you know, since the first time I heard it, I thought My Favorite Kiss would be a great FB duet with Willie Nelson. Conversely, i think FB would sound great on Willie's She is Gone.

Hey tobafett, I concur with your suggested duet of Charlie and Willie
and / or Willie and Charlie...

but, I especially enjoyed your use of the word "conversely"...
well done...


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: a cool dude
Replied on: 02/05/2006 04:58:37

hey frank come to new zealand, alright? ok!

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 02/05/2006 06:14:49

have you ever thought about covering this:
Probably not. But the sheet music's there if you want it.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 02/05/2006 06:18:34

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/09/2006 18:43:00

Hi Charles,

If I'm not mistaken, you take tube amps out with you when you tour. I have alot of trouble getting the same tone out of my tube amps night after night. Is there a secret to storing them overnight? Or maybe electrical differences in each club that may require a conditioner or something? Do you use a conditioner? Shampoo? Do you like turkey? Sorry....

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/12/2006 16:25:03

Hi Frank!
I'm sure this has already been decided but.....
I really hope One More Road for the Hit and Snake Oil are released on CD.
I got both from iTunes yesterday and I'm really enjoying them!

Reply author: IceCream
Replied on: 02/12/2006 20:58:37

Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

Originally posted by badronald

I was actually kidding about the no song titles thing - I guess I've never bought a disc like that, I didn't think that existed or if it did it would be beyond pretentious. BTW - song #3 rules.

Sigur Ros' album '()', but as you say, massively pretentious (which I like), and it does sort of have song titles, apparently.

I vote for notes like you get on the back of old LP's, written by some nutter talking about how this one's a ballad, this one's a rocker.

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid

I second that motion. Notes about songs = good.

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 02/12/2006 21:04:54

includes tabs
and chord diagrams?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/12/2006 22:07:50

FB, have any of your songs come about after a nice drive at night? you have some awfully nice songs to listen to while driving...just curious if that was the inspiration for any of 'em...

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 02/14/2006 04:47:39

Frank, could you please clear up whether or not you're in contention for the England job.


It is perhaps not the wittiest headline in this morning's journals, but it is certainly the most unexpected. Yes, Francis is, according to The Independent a dark horse to succeed Sven Goran Eriksson. Which provokes all sorts of questions in WTPS-land. Francis who, being the first one. Trevor Francis? Black Francis, aka Pixies frontman Frank Black?


Reply author: gary13th
Replied on: 02/14/2006 05:44:04


I joined the Cult of the Catholics, Oh when will they return ?

Reply author: Ziggy
Replied on: 02/14/2006 06:09:02

I guess the Pixies'll be playing stadiums for the next few years then!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:27:40

good evening...(830 pst). bring it on campers, bring it on! come to papa!

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:32:09

I'm very excited about hearing your new music soon. Which song is
your favorite?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:32:16

Originally posted by ScottP

Hi Charles,

If I'm not mistaken, you take tube amps out with you when you tour. I have alot of trouble getting the same tone out of my tube amps night after night. Is there a secret to storing them overnight? Or maybe electrical differences in each club that may require a conditioner or something? Do you use a conditioner? Shampoo? Do you like turkey? Sorry....

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.

find a good tube amp repair person and keep it maintained i would say...conditioner not necessary with crew-cut...shampoo for fun...turkey good but no eat anymore since i became 'fish-a-tarian"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:33:17

Originally posted by vilainde

what's an ishist?


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

on the tip of my tongue...can't remember.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:34:28

Hey FB, good evening to you too. How are you doing and what's been going on?

[EDIT - And, of course, do you have a tracklist for the second half of Fastman Raiderman? Is that new song you listed below from there?]

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:35:15

Originally posted by kfs

I'm very excited about hearing your new music soon. Which song is
your favorite?

a little thing i like to call IN THE TIME OF MY RUIN.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:38:53

Originally posted by starmekitten

Lyrics booklet every time, as hilarious as singing the wrong lyrics can be sometimes, it'll make my job a lot easier.

Frnk, is the possibility of a residency tour (as rumoured a while ago) still/actually a possibility?

*keeps fingers crossed*

I LOVE RESIDENCIES. would love to...we'll see.

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:55:02

You have a LOT of songs that are (or at least appear to be) women's
names. I've always wished there was a song called 'Kelly.' It would
be great if you could do that someday!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:56:47

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Hey FB, good evening to you too. How are you doing and what's been going on?

[EDIT - And, of course, do you have a tracklist for the second half of Fastman Raiderman? Is that new song you listed below from there?]

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

recording demos for barley...changing dapers...trying to figure out if i am addicted to caffeine...looking at roof samples...putting safety locks on everything...cuddling with my little man...volunteering at chess club for the big boy...assessing financial information...napping in car while wife looks at flooring,,,listening to newfoundland folk music mp3s.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:58:33

Originally posted by kfs

You have a LOT of songs that are (or at least appear to be) women's
names. I've always wished there was a song called 'Kelly.' It would
be great if you could do that someday!

oh oh kelly! oh oh kelly! da da da da!

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 02/18/2006 20:59:01


thanks you music frnk

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:00:35

Originally posted by danjersey


thanks you music frnk

i'll buy that.

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:03:24

FB, from what I remember you're user of the iPod (or at least a similar portable MP3 device)... How do you feel about the RIAA's recent claim that ripping CDs to iPods doesn't come under Fair Use?

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:06:47

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by kfs

You have a LOT of songs that are (or at least appear to be) women's
names. I've always wished there was a song called 'Kelly.' It would
be great if you could do that someday!

oh oh kelly! oh oh kelly! da da da da!

ha ha!
That's good enough for me! You're a good sport, thanks for humoring me!
Recording demos for something...? Can we have a tiny hint?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:06:55

[quote]Originally posted by PixieSteve

FB, from what I remember you're user of the iPod (or at least a similar portable MP3 device)... How do you feel about the RIAA's recent claim that ripping CDs to iPods doesn't come under Fair Use?



Reply author: floop
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:08:41

hey Frank,

before one of the shows i saw you at, Grandaddy was playing on the house system. are you a fan?

are in ZODIAC?

would you tell us if you were in ZODIAC?

did you think KING KONG was underrated?

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:13:07

whats your next cover frnk?

Reply author: Perk
Replied on: 02/18/2006 21:25:23

Frank, love the song Dog Sleep.
what is the song about ? homeless ?

Don't sweat the petty things
and don't pet the sweaty things

Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 02/18/2006 22:21:05

Hey Frank,

Have you seen the Bruce Campbell movie "Bubba Ho-Tep" about Elvis being alive and well and living in an East Texas rest home?

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/18/2006 23:53:20

Originally posted by EvilDeadHead

Hey Frank,

Have you seen the Bruce Campbell movie "Bubba Ho-Tep" about Elvis being alive and well and living in an East Texas rest home?

I've seen it. That is a great movie!

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 02/19/2006 04:05:42

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by kfs

You have a LOT of songs that are (or at least appear to be) women's
names. I've always wished there was a song called 'Kelly.' It would
be great if you could do that someday!

oh oh kelly! oh oh kelly! da da da da!

Everytime I sing this to myself, I screw up the words and start singing "Oh Sherry."

Frank, get back on the road, please. I can't wait. You, a guitar, and a mic is sufficient. Any more than that is icing.

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: Suicide_Samurai
Replied on: 02/19/2006 04:44:57

Pssh. That is such a rip-off of Lola.

Ice cream, ice cream for all

Reply author: TheScooper
Replied on: 02/19/2006 08:06:46

Bubba Ho Tep rules! you would love it, frank.

and yes...what are them demos for??

(pixies please pixies please pixies please)

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/19/2006 08:52:18

How about this in a country march beat 70 bpm:

O' the (G)cow kicked Kelly in the (C)belly in the barn,

O' the (G)cow kicked Kelly in the (D)belly in the barn,

O' the (G)cow kicked Kelly in the (C)belly in the barn,

O' the (D)cow kicked (C)Kelly in the (G)barn. (C G)

(Then, big rock show Van Halen ending w/ pyro and confetti....)

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/19/2006 10:03:25

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Hey FB, good evening to you too. How are you doing and what's been going on?

[EDIT - And, of course, do you have a tracklist for the second half of Fastman Raiderman? Is that new song you listed below from there?]

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

recording demos for barley...changing dapers...trying to figure out if i am addicted to caffeine...looking at roof samples...putting safety locks on everything...cuddling with my little man...volunteering at chess club for the big boy...assessing financial information...napping in car while wife looks at flooring,,,listening to newfoundland folk music mp3s.

Newfoundland folk mp3s, cool! I was trying to trace down Belle Isle and I take it this is where you first came across it? Really enjoy that song, actually both b-side compilations are terrific. I've already heard most of the songs, but hearing them together like that is great, and some different versions of existing songs, too. Thanks.

You must be getting excited for the upcoming addition to the home? April, I think? The little guy must be getting not-so-little by now, too. Congrats and good luck with your brewing and look forward to hearing these demos somewhere down the road.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 02/19/2006 13:05:25

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by vilainde

what's an ishist?


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

on the tip of my tongue...can't remember.

Damn! I was so close to getting an aswer to the question that's been bugging me for the last 10 years... :(


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/19/2006 15:47:32

Originally posted by frnck blck
...napping in car while wife looks at flooring....

If I walked up to a car in front of a flooring store and noticed that Frank was sleeping inside, I would really have to be cool, y'know, really get it together, and just walk away. I would REALLY want to knock on that window and say, "HEY CHARLES! HEY DUDE, YOU ROCK!" But the guy answers every question I have for him on this forum. Why the hell bug him when he's sleeping?

I would, however, wake O.J. Simpson up. Just to flip him off through the glass or whatever. Same with the guy from Nickelback. That's just me...

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.

Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 02/19/2006 18:13:30

Originally posted by kfs

Originally posted by EvilDeadHead

Hey Frank,

Have you seen the Bruce Campbell movie "Bubba Ho-Tep" about Elvis being alive and well and living in an East Texas rest home?

I've seen it. That is a great movie!

Yeah I know Frank is an Elvis fan and a movie fan so I have always been curious. Plus the song "Kiss the Ring" lol

Reply author: Apesy
Replied on: 02/19/2006 19:27:37

Mr. Frank: Can you give us any info regarding your upcoming appearance with Moris Tepper on the Henry Rollins Show? What can we expect? Your stuff? Tepper's stuff? A mix?

Also, "St. Francis" deserves a live workout one of these days.


Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 02/20/2006 14:32:29

According to a Google search, "ishist" is the number six in Ukrainian. I doubt that's relevant, though.

It really sounds from context like it would be something from science fiction.

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 02/20/2006 14:43:50

Hey Frank
did you know
that Richard Thompson's youngest son is also called Jack
so that makes two Jack Thompson's with a daddy who is a singer/songwriter

(Yes I had to bring RT up again)

God save the Noisies

Reply author: TAMAL
Replied on: 02/21/2006 03:06:02

Hi Frank.

Will Pixies ever play Australia?

I LOVE dog sleep by the way.


Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 02/21/2006 10:54:09

Originally posted by Apesy

Mr. Frank: Can you give us any info regarding your upcoming appearance with Moris Tepper on the Henry Rollins Show? What can we expect? Your stuff? Tepper's stuff? A mix?

Also, "St. Francis" deserves a live workout one of these days.


When is this supposed to air?

Reply author: FranknWeezer
Replied on: 02/21/2006 12:43:44

Ah for gah dah don!!! [Fletch voice] Can't believe I missed FB the other night.
Frankus, if you return and read this, please clue us in on whether you'd make some copies of Snake Oil/OMRFTH available on cd in limited quantities so your biggest fans don't get all worked up about having gaps in our cd collections.
Must-have-hard-copy. And all the laces on my rug must be straight.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 02/21/2006 17:06:41

Originally posted by ScottP

Originally posted by frnck blck
...napping in car while wife looks at flooring....

If I walked up to a car in front of a flooring store and noticed that Frank was sleeping inside, I would really have to be cool, y'know, really get it together, and just walk away. I would REALLY want to knock on that window and say, "HEY CHARLES! HEY DUDE, YOU ROCK!" But the guy answers every question I have for him on this forum. Why the hell bug him when he's sleeping?

I would, however, wake O.J. Simpson up. Just to flip him off through the glass or whatever. Same with the guy from Nickelback. That's just me...

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.

Now I got this great image in my head of FB napping
on some tongue in groove faux wood flooring in a display
window...a lot of funny things could be said at this point but I'll move on...

people who leave out city of origin on their profiles are weenies.

Reply author: blarg007
Replied on: 02/21/2006 17:15:03

I haven't posted in over a year and yet I have averaged .46
posts a day... I love math!
FRANK a question or two fer ya: What Phil Dick books have you read?
Which one is your fave and did you know that John Lennon
once owned the film rights to 'The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch"


Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/22/2006 01:45:28

any thoughts on the pluto express mission or the planned trips to luna and mars, FB?

Reply author: Nova
Replied on: 02/22/2006 08:26:10

hey Charles, I hope you get back on the road with the catholics or solo in the near future as that would be ace.

I was wondering what scales you play around the most with when you are writing songs and if you take into mind musical concepts when putting together a song, say if you think of the key signature before you bash out the chords?

Do you play video games by the way? I ask this becuase im studying to be a sound desinger in the industry after being inspired in my childhood by composers such as Nobuo Uematsu and I know you are familiar with Pong..Wondering if you still give them a go.

laters, Nova aka Jamie

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:33:01

hey good evening...

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:37:29

good evening, how're ya sir?

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:37:34

what's up, Frank?

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:38:30

hi kathryn, how are you as well?

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:39:37

hey good evening sir!

i'm really digging dog sleep! and really looking forward to fastman raiderman. do you think you may be going on tour for this album? (I REALLY HOPE SO!!)

and also any favorite cities or venues you like playing at?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:40:35

I'm fine, heywood. I'm wondering what Frank has to say about the new album. Frank what do you have to say about the new album? Any plans to tour what with the new baby due soon? How's Violet doing? What's with Schwarma? Was that a clever quote for Rolling Stone or also an actual plan of yours?

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:44:04

lets hear it for the winter games.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:48:16

yes, let's hear it for the winter games!

have you been watching any events frank?

canada lost in hockey 2-0 to the russians and are out. i was very distraught. but local winnipeger (and frank black fan) cindy klassen won a gold today in speedskating! her 5th overall in the olympics, tying a canadian record!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:48:22

Originally posted by kathryn

what's up, Frank?

I got some heaven in my head

cooking dinner.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:49:53

care to share this recipe? the last one sounded delish.

while your food cooks, care to explain what "fastman raiderman" means? you know, like, the deep meaning, man, what it meeeeans.

thank you. bon appetit.

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:50:27

Originally posted by kathryn

I'm fine, heywood. I'm wondering what Frank has to say about the new album. Frank what do you have to say about the new album? Any plans to tour what with the new baby due soon? How's Violet doing? What's with Schwarma? Was that a clever quote for Rolling Stone or also an actual plan of yours?

I got some heaven in my head

hmmm...what can i say about fsrm? it's 134 minutes long!
touring...maybe west coast summer....
violet BIG.
is that like chawerma?
we see...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:51:08

Originally posted by fumanbru

hey good evening sir!

i'm really digging dog sleep! and really looking forward to fastman raiderman. do you think you may be going on tour for this album? (I REALLY HOPE SO!!)

and also any favorite cities or venues you like playing at?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

will tour as much as is possible...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:52:38

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

hi kathryn, how are you as well?

doing well...thanks. bulk dry goods and doors today...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:53:35

Originally posted by fumanbru

yes, let's hear it for the winter games!

have you been watching any events frank?

canada lost in hockey 2-0 to the russians and are out. i was very distraught. but local winnipeger (and frank black fan) cindy klassen won a gold today in speedskating! her 5th overall in the olympics, tying a canadian record!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

unfortunately tv cable here. just dvds. depend on rumours, internet and sunday ny times...

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:53:55

I just finished a Subway, truly five star! When they get the mayo/mustard balance just right. And the Costco bought gabagool. 'Tis like a slice of heaven.

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:54:48

Frank, not to keep firing questions at you, but what advice do you have for someone going thru a divorce?

(And thanks for writing "How you went so far" -- some days it's what gets me thru.)

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:55:25

Originally posted by kathryn

care to share this recipe? the last one sounded delish.

while your food cooks, care to explain what "fastman raiderman" means? you know, like, the deep meaning, man, what it meeeeans.

thank you. bon appetit.

I got some heaven in my head

no need recipe for lentil soup. basically lentils and water. plus olive oil, cumin, salt, pepper, shallot, celery, carrot, garlic.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:56:26

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by kathryn

what's up, Frank?

I got some heaven in my head

cooking dinner.

how is jack's appetite? my little girl (born on the same date as jack btw , is a very good eater.) tonight i gave her whole wheat pizza with ham and cheese. Then 2nd course was pickles, yogurt, and whole milk.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:56:32

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

I just finished a Subway, truly five star! When they get the mayo/mustard balance just right. And the Costco bought gabagool. 'Tis like a slice of heaven.

ha ha. had to rely on subway once or twice on the road... it is...affordable.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 18:58:15

Originally posted by kathryn

Frank, not to keep firing questions at you, but what advice do you have for someone going thru a divorce?

(And thanks for writing "How you went so far" -- some days it's what gets me thru.)

I got some heaven in my head

hmmm...go to therapy and at least answer questions knowing full well there is a divorce at the end. at least you'll know some of the whys...the real whys...of course...don't know your situation...maybe you found out he was a bank robber.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:00:33

Originally posted by fumanbru

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by kathryn

what's up, Frank?

I got some heaven in my head

cooking dinner.

how is jack's appetite? my little girl (born on the same date as jack btw , is a very good eater.) tonight i gave her whole wheat pizza with ham and cheese. Then 2nd course was pickles, yogurt, and whole milk.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

jack's appetite is very good. he eats a lot of yogurt.

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:00:54

Sounds like you need some kind of meat in that soup. The main course is it?

Reply author: kathryn
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:01:05

Thanks, Frank. Your answer put the Clash's "Bankrobber" in my head and compells me to ask you if you like the Clash or were, you know, influenced by them?

I got some heaven in my head

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:03:13

I been makin' my own marinara sauces lately. Can't believe I ever bought it in jars!

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:03:16

enjoy the grub ya'll.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:04:06

hey frank,

thanks for taking the time to chat it up with your fans. you really are a CLASS ACT... and a very funny person. i had the chance to meet you in winnipeg and you took the time to chat it up, sign some cd covers, and pose for a few pics. made my year! i listen to a lot of music but i have been listening to your music non stop since 1992. and i love how you keep changing it up. you are an amazing musician and i hope great things keep continuing on for you and your family!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:07:05

I always thought it y'all. Not ya'll.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:24:40

Originally posted by frnck blck

ha ha. had to rely on subway once or twice on the road... it is...affordable.

Best... post... ever.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:25:08

Hi Frank!! any plan for a southamerican tour....alone or with Pixies?? (or just CHILE!!!!! )

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:25:44

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

I been makin' my own marinara sauces lately. Can't believe I ever bought it in jars!

i know what u mean. i make a lot cast iron quickies. muir glen tomatoes has a fire roasted tomate product which works quite nicely if you don't have time to simmer all day.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:26:37

Originally posted by fumanbru

hey frank,

thanks for taking the time to chat it up with your fans. you really are a CLASS ACT... and a very funny person. i had the chance to meet you in winnipeg and you took the time to chat it up, sign some cd covers, and pose for a few pics. made my year! i listen to a lot of music but i have been listening to your music non stop since 1992. and i love how you keep changing it up. you are an amazing musician and i hope great things keep continuing on for you and your family!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

i tip my hat to you.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:27:35

Originally posted by ccuadros

Hi Frank!! any plan for a southamerican tour....alone or with Pixies?? (or just CHILE!!!!! )

sorry. not yet...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:38:22

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

Sounds like you need some kind of meat in that soup. The main course is it?

hmmm...not in a lentil soup. the simpler the better i'd say with lentil soup. meat with room temp you might get in quite nice.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:39:10

Hey Frank, as always thanks for stopping in. I've had the b-side collection for sometime but buying the tunecore compilations caused me to go back to a lot of them and I've rediscovered my love for those songs. They sometimes get left by the wayside because they're not on albums and I forget.

One thing I really enjoy are the moments of enlightenment that hit when the meaning of a song shifts completely from what I once thought it was. I had an epiphany with Living On Soul when I looked up ragnarok.

Anyway, no questions (unless you have a favourite or something from one of your newer albums that you think we may have missed - then I'll ask for a hint about which song(s) I should look at but), just wanted to say thanks for stopping in and of course for the music.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:39:33

Originally posted by fumanbru

yes, let's hear it for the winter games!

have you been watching any events frank?

canada lost in hockey 2-0 to the russians and are out. i was very distraught. but local winnipeger (and frank black fan) cindy klassen won a gold today in speedskating! her 5th overall in the olympics, tying a canadian record!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

i like winnipeg.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:39:54

hey frank,

ever consider doing a cooking show?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:42:30

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by fumanbru

yes, let's hear it for the winter games!

have you been watching any events frank?

canada lost in hockey 2-0 to the russians and are out. i was very distraught. but local winnipeger (and frank black fan) cindy klassen won a gold today in speedskating! her 5th overall in the olympics, tying a canadian record!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

i like winnipeg.

i've lived in winnipeg for the last 23 years and absolutely love it! the people are great and lots of culture. some people say i'm fucked cause it can get pretty cold in the winter. but you just put on more clothes! you really have to check out manitoba in the summer! lot of fun.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:44:17

Originally posted by fumanbru

hey frank,

ever consider doing a cooking show?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

HA. no. hard to type now. jack here...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:45:38

Originally posted by fumanbru

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by fumanbru

yes, let's hear it for the winter games!

have you been watching any events frank?

canada lost in hockey 2-0 to the russians and are out. i was very distraught. but local winnipeger (and frank black fan) cindy klassen won a gold today in speedskating! her 5th overall in the olympics, tying a canadian record!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

i like winnipeg.

i've lived in winnipeg for the last 23 years and absolutely love it! the people are great and lots of culture. some people say i'm fucked cause it can get pretty cold in the winter. but you just put on more clothes! you really have to check out manitoba in the summer! lot of fun.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

love touring canada

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:47:53

Yeah, I think, Frank, the last two times you've been up here it was in that awful transitional time between winter and spring. In fact, when you were here (I say 'here' meaning the Canadian prairies) with the Catholics you got caught in a freak April blizzard (very sorry still about that!). Then with the Pixies the weather was fine but everything still had dirt from the roads. Hope we get to see you up in Manitoba/Saskatchewan again sometime, and heck, maybe in May which is probably the best time to see it. Or harvest time, I guess, has a certain charm.

You could host your cooking show in the fields here, emphasising fresh ingredients and the importance of not grating cheese on your guitar's headstock.

I see the career move now!

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: Frequency31
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:49:06

Hi Frank!

I had a question for you. I'm a U.S. History teacher and have always incorporated songs into a lot of my lessons. I'm currently developing a "History of the West" unit and am planning on using both "Ole Mulholland" and "St. Francis Dam Disaster" as parts of lessons. Anyway, my question is: do you have any thoughts (or objections) to your songs being used as a teaching method?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:49:48

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Hey Frank, as always thanks for stopping in. I've had the b-side collection for sometime but buying the tunecore compilations caused me to go back to a lot of them and I've rediscovered my love for those songs. They sometimes get left by the wayside because they're not on albums and I forget.

One thing I really enjoy are the moments of enlightenment that hit when the meaning of a song shifts completely from what I once thought it was. I had an epiphany with Living On Soul when I looked up ragnarok.

Anyway, no questions (unless you have a favourite or something from one of your newer albums that you think we may have missed - then I'll ask for a hint about which song(s) I should look at but), just wanted to say thanks for stopping in and of course for the music.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

i actually like these comps a lot. love that belle isle. the dylan version so great. ours pretty good. i t was loud when we did that. m tepper was there. i think he contributed a wall of feedback as he was wandering around near amps while recording. he played, too, but a lot of feedback. love recording with that cat. great guy. totally wild player.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:50:55

Originally posted by Frequency31

Hi Frank!

I had a question for you. I'm a U.S. History teacher and have always incorporated songs into a lot of my lessons. I'm currently developing a "History of the West" unit and am planning on using both "Ole Mulholland" and "St. Francis Dam Disaster" as parts of lessons. Anyway, my question is: do you have any thoughts (or objections) to your songs being used as a teaching method?

i'm flattered. thanks!

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:52:19

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

I been makin' my own marinara sauces lately. Can't believe I ever bought it in jars!

i know what u mean. i make a lot cast iron quickies. muir glen tomatoes has a fire roasted tomate product which works quite nicely if you don't have time to simmer all day.

Yeah, I do about a two hour simmer with the ones I've done and they've been very tasty. Thanks for the tip on the muir glen and the cast iron quicky. I'm always up for a quickie!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:52:34

back in 20. jack tired,,,

and he wants to type something...

   ?v   v b

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:52:34

hey jack! baby fu here! what do you think? the picture is a bit out of date. i've got more hair now.

you've got a great dad! do you like honeycomb? i love honeycomb!

baby fu

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:55:49

Haha, that pic is priceless Fu. I guess Frank's gonna' have to start putting those warnings on the discs. You know:

Warning! To be taken aurally. Do not ingest. Children should not be left alone with CD unless soggy liner notes desired and CD is safely playing.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: The Holiday Son
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:58:41

Frank, if you owned a label or a record company, would you release more of your own stuff or are you happy with one album released every year ?

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/22/2006 19:59:24

Ah, I got a question. I'd put a link to the topic if I knew how to do that but sadly I don't. Anyway, there was some mention of you and Morris T. appearing on Henry's Film Corner (IFC) for a performance. Just a rumor er what?

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/22/2006 20:03:49

Originally posted by frnck blck
hmmm...what can i say about fsrm? it's 134 minutes long!
touring...maybe west coast summer....

great to hear! the more music the better!

if the tour happens i'll try to convince the mrs to do a summer trip to seattle, portland, or san fran to see you play. i've never been there and that's one of our top spots for our next holiday. we were further north last year- in tofino bc on vancouver island and it was absolutely beautiful.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: TheScooper
Replied on: 02/22/2006 20:39:03

hey frank

can't wait for the new record.

question: when's the next time you're going to make something loud. And by loud I mean really LOUD. You know, with screaming and stuff. I hope soon!

But in any case. Can't wait for the new record.


Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/22/2006 20:56:26

Originally posted by frnck blck

back in 20. jack tired,,,

and he wants to type something...

   ?v   v b

I guess that qualifies as Jack's first post...welcome Sir Jack!

(we'll have him fixin' macs before you know it!)

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/22/2006 20:59:00

Did you see Walk the Line, FB? any Cash songs in yer repertowar? :)

what about "hello mary lou" by ricky nelson? I betcha it'd be a good cover...

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 20:59:13

I like that his first character was the question mark. Inquisitive already. Not to mention coordinated since you need the shift key for that one. :)

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:02:17

sign him up, Dean...he gets the family discount, right?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:05:33

It's waiting in his email.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:25:57

Frank…You do realize that if you played shows in Texas once a week, especially in Austin or Houston the venue would be packed every time you played!!! Your style is very mocked down here by a lot of bands and solo artists whom praise your style and influence. What are some of your favorite things to do in Texas!! I don’t know if you come down here often. But you should more frequently! - Cramer

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:28:00

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

hi kathryn, how are you as well?

doing well...thanks. bulk dry goods and doors today...

doors, huh? what'd ya pick out? I just got through a major ordeal getting french doors installed...but they're groovy!

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:31:52

Good evening sir! As always, i'm curious as to what you've been listening to lately.

A few unwarranted suggestions:

If you're in an organic singer/songwriter mood, I strongly suggest David Thomas Broughton's THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO INSUFFICIENCY. He recorded it live in a church, just voice, acoustic guitar and a few loop pedals. Really unique and quite thrilling.

If you're in a Jazz mood, you can't go wrong with Charles Mingus - MINGUS AH UM. It has my all time favorite Mingus piece "Self Portrait in 3 Colors" and is really fantastic from start to finish (plus the CD has some nice alternate takes).


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:41:20

Originally posted by Broken Face

Good evening sir! As always, i'm curious as to what you've been listening to lately.

A few unwarranted suggestions:

If you're in an organic singer/songwriter mood, I strongly suggest David Thomas Broughton's THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO INSUFFICIENCY. He recorded it live in a church, just voice, acoustic guitar and a few loop pedals. Really unique and quite thrilling.

If you're in a Jazz mood, you can't go wrong with Charles Mingus - MINGUS AH UM. It has my all time favorite Mingus piece "Self Portrait in 3 Colors" and is really fantastic from start to finish (plus the CD has some nice alternate takes).


yeah. i got a lot of mingus around here.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:55:39

Frank, read any good books of late? I'm reading a book called Cloud Atlas right now and am quite enjoying it. Nothing better than a good book, except that it is hard to find the time sometimes.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: Frequency31
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:55:41

Frank -

This may have been asked before, but have you ever thought about writing an autobiography?

Reply author: Apesy
Replied on: 02/22/2006 21:57:58

Daddy Frank: I've always wondered why you've never done "St. Francis" live before, but I guess I've come to the conclusion that, as a musician, the song must be pretty dang hard to pull off on stage and really do it justice. Is this basically the gist of it, or...uh...did William Mulholland drown one of your relatives and the song is too painful to linger on or something?


Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 02/22/2006 22:06:22

Hey Frank have you listened to any Wilco?

Reply author: EvilDeadHead
Replied on: 02/22/2006 22:10:44

dang did we miss him?

Reply author: q172
Replied on: 02/22/2006 22:31:26

hey frank,
i think this may be my first post. im more of just an observer to the boards rather than a participater after all. my bday just passed and a friend got me 'show me your tears'. i am currently loving it. anyway just wondering how those "demos" are working out. thanks and keep up the good work.

Reply author: spunXtain
Replied on: 02/22/2006 23:38:40

Frank, if i personally sent you a check for 100 dollars, could i get FastmanRaiderman now? :D


Reply author: tylerj_davis
Replied on: 02/23/2006 00:50:39

MR. Black.
vI was just wondering what your favorite RAy Bradbury stories were. Also, what else are you reading these days. You know my name is the best beatles song, you are right on that, especially the last verse.

Reply author: artgarfunkel
Replied on: 02/23/2006 01:36:57

heya..... little late, but i like t...o say....... that i like the art for your albums... some people think it's ugly but it's some of my favrotite stuff..... my favorite painters right now? albert oehlen, francis bacon, alejandra and aeron, and lynch.... what about you? hope whatever you do next.... rocks.....

i'll be screaming the sad punk, when i'm drunk.......

Reply author: Conrad
Replied on: 02/23/2006 02:23:32

Hey, Frank, love your music, but I have to ask, how did you like Iceland? Ever consider coming back, maybe solo?

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 02/23/2006 03:47:36

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by kathryn

I'm fine, heywood. I'm wondering what Frank has to say about the new album. Frank what do you have to say about the new album? Any plans to tour what with the new baby due soon? How's Violet doing? What's with Schwarma? Was that a clever quote for Rolling Stone or also an actual plan of yours?

I got some heaven in my head

hmmm...what can i say about fsrm? it's 134 minutes long!
touring...maybe west coast summer....
violet BIG.
is that like chawerma?
we see...

yes. west coast summer. yes.

It's only a matter of time before the right side of the main page of begins to look like it should:

Portland, OR
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: two reelers
Replied on: 02/23/2006 05:44:51

hi frank

thank you for the music !

just to let you know that i will use a part of your song "village of the sun" as the introductionary quote of my phd. it deals with global geophysics & tectonics, so the "opinion of the rocks..." - part fits quite well.

hope you will be touring soon in europe.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Reply author: oddball
Replied on: 02/23/2006 06:11:51

Hi Frank,

ditto on that..I used your "the sky in very bright and the sun is very clear" line from Massif Central in my phd dissertation dealing with collocations and language acquisition.

I also teach a course focusing on Music and Cultural Identity in the US and hope to center the course around "Americana" this upcoming semester. Any recommendations of songs that define "Americana" in your opinion? Either your songs or others of course.


Reply author: Nova
Replied on: 02/23/2006 10:05:52

hey Frank, hope everythings cool.

would love to see you live solo some time in the near future.


Lone Child,Born Wild

Reply author: evilive1213
Replied on: 02/23/2006 10:07:42

Hi Frank,

I wanted to ask if you have a favorite Mr. Show sketch. I'd have to go with the Wycked Sceptre party tape myself.

I meant to tell you in L.A. at Amoeba Records (Black Letter Days and Devil's Workshop release) that you're making the finest albums of your career (and they've only gotten better since) and how much they've meant to my wife and I. All I could say was "It's great stuff" and run. An understatement if there ever was one.

Congratulations on your growing family

I was gonna say that I needed the Bunnymen like I need toilet roll, but I don’t need toilet roll because I never go to the toilet.

Reply author: xallblues
Replied on: 02/23/2006 13:01:14

Frank, I've always wondered. How does your voice survive the constant thrashing it receives on the road (i.e. all that screaming)? I saw you in Toronto (11/2004) and I was astonished at how well you pulled off your very demanding vocals.

When/how did you begin singing? Have you ever taken lessons? Did you sing in a choir as a young tot? Are their any special tricks or techniques employed? Do you just let it come out and not think about that stuff at all?

I'd be very interested to read your reply to this. Thanks :).


Reply author: pixie punk
Replied on: 02/23/2006 13:10:28

Hola Charles!!! Your fans in Puerto Rico would like to see a show down here in La Isla Del Encanto!!!(I already traveled and saw the reunion in Tampa).Hopefully one day one of the promoters will see the light.Gracias for all the great records you have released on your own and with the Pixies.I have bought all the albums on release date,tu musica es excelente and inspiring!!!All the best and blessings to you and the family!!! Sincerely,Carlos Lopez and your friends from

Reply author: P-BassPimp
Replied on: 02/23/2006 17:37:40

Hey Charles! Since Jazz is frequently a topic in here, I was wondering if you've checked out any of the heavy contemporary cats like Brad Mehldau(pn), Josh Redman(ten.sax), and especially Kurt Rosenwinkel(gtr). These guys are improvisers of the highest order,the real MF'ing lie,run don't walk!!! what about Metheny? Ween? P.S. Toru Re-fretted A '62 P-bass of mine,very gracious and cool cat, neat to hear he does your shit too!!! Whats your Fav sushi spot in the 818?
Kind of all over the map here but thanks for never disapointing,truly an inspiration!!!

the way God & Leo Fender
intended it

Reply author: P-BassPimp
Replied on: 02/23/2006 17:49:47

Didn't Woody on " Cheers" already do the Kelly Song... Ha Ha

the way God & Leo Fender
intended it

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 02/23/2006 17:50:14

Dear Mr. Thompson, IV:

Any rare jazz you'd like to get your hands on?

Thanks for all the art you share with the world!

:) Daisy

Reply author: The Marsist
Replied on: 02/23/2006 18:54:38

frank, as you yourself are probaly fully aware of you have released several thing on i-tunes only

bam thwok
i-tune exclusive ep
one more road for the hit
snake oil

do you not think this is a bit unfair to people who dont subscribe to i-tunes?

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

Reply author: Supererin
Replied on: 02/23/2006 19:32:21

Hi! Do you have a favorite Greek myth? It seems as if you are interested in it from some of the songs. Thanks.

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 02/23/2006 20:22:19

Did the Catholics ever dress up in cowboy outfits?

Reply author: Solid Gold
Replied on: 02/23/2006 21:51:48

Mr. B.,

I've been inspired by your recording method - live to 2-track. So much so I made a record the same way... live to 2-track, 1/2", for the genuine rocking and rolling-ness of it. (Vocals were recorded later; my voice gave out in the studio.)

Seems some folks think that means "less cash in the studio," which I don't believe it is... I think it's for the immediacy, the genuine art, the discipline of it... at least for the musicians in the crowd, like me.

Care to comment on why you choose to record this way? Is it for simple commitment to tape of a song, less computer-machine-aid, like so many bands today, or ...?

Thank you!

Take a look:

Or on iTunes:

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 02/24/2006 03:56:56

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by ccuadros

Hi Frank!! any plan for a southamerican tour....alone or with Pixies?? (or just CHILE!!!!! )

sorry. not yet...

try to include us in the next tour, you'll have here one of the most amazaning audiences that you've ever been .

On the other hand, why did you choose the title of Fast Raiderman on your last work?


Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/24/2006 06:41:35

Originally posted by P-BassPimp

Didn't Woody on " Cheers" already do the Kelly Song... Ha Ha

Okay, I knew about that one but it doesn't count, it's not a real song.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:15:00

Originally posted by oddball

Hi Frank,

ditto on that..I used your "the sky in very bright and the sun is very clear" line from Massif Central in my phd dissertation dealing with collocations and language acquisition.

I also teach a course focusing on Music and Cultural Identity in the US and hope to center the course around "Americana" this upcoming semester. Any recommendations of songs that define "Americana" in your opinion? Either your songs or others of course.


ha. funny. i just sang it that way. the lyric of course was sky/clear, sun/bright, but in the swing of take after take i just swapped them one time, and that was the "best' take, which i was happy about because the line was much better. kind of like that dylan line: smoked my eyebrows and punched my cigarette" or something like that...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:16:02

Originally posted by Frequency31

Frank -

This may have been asked before, but have you ever thought about writing an autobiography?

i feel like i can't remember anything. you ever feel like that?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:17:05

Originally posted by q172

hey frank,
i think this may be my first post. im more of just an observer to the boards rather than a participater after all. my bday just passed and a friend got me 'show me your tears'. i am currently loving it. anyway just wondering how those "demos" are working out. thanks and keep up the good work.

ah. the demos. must get back down there. songs. more songs. i must have more songs...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:18:47

Originally posted by artgarfunkel

heya..... little late, but i like t...o say....... that i like the art for your albums... some people think it's ugly but it's some of my favrotite stuff..... my favorite painters right now? albert oehlen, francis bacon, alejandra and aeron, and lynch.... what about you? hope whatever you do next.... rocks.....

i'll be screaming the sad punk, when i'm drunk.......

thanks man...thank you.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:19:56

Originally posted by two reelers

hi frank

thank you for the music !

just to let you know that i will use a part of your song "village of the sun" as the introductionary quote of my phd. it deals with global geophysics & tectonics, so the "opinion of the rocks..." - part fits quite well.

hope you will be touring soon in europe.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

awesome. thanks. i kinda like how that song came out...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:22:39

Originally posted by evilive1213

Hi Frank,

I wanted to ask if you have a favorite Mr. Show sketch. I'd have to go with the Wycked Sceptre party tape myself.

I meant to tell you in L.A. at Amoeba Records (Black Letter Days and Devil's Workshop release) that you're making the finest albums of your career (and they've only gotten better since) and how much they've meant to my wife and I. All I could say was "It's great stuff" and run. An understatement if there ever was one.

Congratulations on your growing family

I was gonna say that I needed the Bunnymen like I need toilet roll, but I don’t need toilet roll because I never go to the toilet.

oh man. so many good ones. the nostradamus and the designer one is pretty great.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:25:05

Originally posted by P-BassPimp

Hey Charles! Since Jazz is frequently a topic in here, I was wondering if you've checked out any of the heavy contemporary cats like Brad Mehldau(pn), Josh Redman(ten.sax), and especially Kurt Rosenwinkel(gtr). These guys are improvisers of the highest order,the real MF'ing lie,run don't walk!!! what about Metheny? Ween? P.S. Toru Re-fretted A '62 P-bass of mine,very gracious and cool cat, neat to hear he does your shit too!!! Whats your Fav sushi spot in the 818?
Kind of all over the map here but thanks for never disapointing,truly an inspiration!!!

the way God & Leo Fender
intended it

yeah. i gotta check out something contemporary. thanks for the tip. get me outta my bad jazz habits..

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:27:06

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

Dear Mr. Thompson, IV:

Any rare jazz you'd like to get your hands on?

Thanks for all the art you share with the world!

:) Daisy

hmmm...don't know how rare it is, but i'd like to get a copy of that chet baker stuff recorded by some guy on the street when chet was sitting in his jail cell just playing away the hours. might be kinda interesting...i'm sure it must be on a cd somewhere. haven't looked too hard i guess.

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:28:41

Hmm, I guess I'm lucky. I'm here when the man is here again. Wish I had a profound question.

Till then, how you feelin tonight Frank?


"And that's when Abe Lincoln said ..'Don't diss my homies'."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:30:18

Originally posted by The Marsist

frank, as you yourself are probaly fully aware of you have released several thing on i-tunes only

bam thwok
i-tune exclusive ep
one more road for the hit
snake oil

do you not think this is a bit unfair to people who dont subscribe to i-tunes?

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

well, hmmm....maybe unfair i don't know. they are the number 3 distributor of music in the u.s.a. right now, so it's knida hard to say no to something like that especially when the companied putting out real cds always kinda wince when you give them too many releases too soon. it's a matter of spreading it out a bit...

Reply author: spunXtain
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:30:18

Charles you are a God among men. Loved seeing you in Louisville in '03 and Nashville with the Pixies. Tell the Catholics hello for me please and please tour with them again someday!! Oh and please never retire, thank you.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:31:12

Originally posted by matto

Did the Catholics ever dress up in cowboy outfits?

cept for dave mac. he rooted for the indian. didn't wanna give it up for no cowboy. fair enough.

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:31:44

Originally posted by frnck blck

[quote]Originally posted by kathryn

...maybe west coast summer....

Till then I like the sound of this.


"And that's when Abe Lincoln said ..'Don't diss my homies'."

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:34:20

hi heywood! hi frank!

hmmm. me too. i just got back from a hockey game and just turned on the computer while eating a ham sandwich. about 2 years and never been online the same time as frank and now twice in one week! no shit!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:34:31

Is there anything that you pine for in Oregon that you could only get or do in Los Angeles?


"And that's when Abe Lincoln said ..'Don't diss my homies'."

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:35:16

How you doin' fu. Good to see yu.


"And that's when Abe Lincoln said ..'Don't diss my homies'."

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 02/24/2006 22:37:17

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

How you doin' fu. Good to see yu.


"And that's when Abe Lincoln said ..'Don't diss my homies'."

fu's doing pretty good! don't want to be a question hog so i'll just let frank keep on going. looks like he's on a roll!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: sonic III
Replied on: 02/25/2006 00:01:20

hey frank,

this is off topic perhaps but what do you think of my bloody valentine?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 02/25/2006 00:05:09

howdy Mr. Frank...

2 questions fer ya...

*why isn't the theremin more popular?

*you have a few songs on film soundtracks...ever watch a film and think 'an FB tune would be perfect here'? or if not a hollywood blockbuster maybe an artsy piece or indie/cult film or maybe an onion ring commercial or somthing? :)

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 02/25/2006 02:26:48

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by q172

hey frank,
i think this may be my first post. im more of just an observer to the boards rather than a participater after all. my bday just passed and a friend got me 'show me your tears'. i am currently loving it. anyway just wondering how those "demos" are working out. thanks and keep up the good work.

ah. the demos. must get back down there. songs. more songs. i must have more songs...

kinda like Robert Pollard's publishing title 'Needmore Songs' (he is also from Needmore). What's your opinion on writers like him who release 6 records every year and put out boxsets frequently?
You once said, that if you had a recording studio, you could make records all day. And you seem very prolific.

I completely understand your iTunes-thing, but you could set up your own private record company, internet only. If Robert Pollard can do it, you can do it too. I'm sure you have more fans than he has. Take a look at I'll buy every release straight from you. 13 dollars excl. shipping. pretty great deal.

God save the Noisies

Reply author: Devils Islander
Replied on: 02/25/2006 05:45:22

Hi Charles,
Are you familiar with any of the art/poetry/punk rock n roll music music of Wild Billy Childish?

...where the Ballyhoos and the Tritons are.

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 02/25/2006 06:30:12

Some cigares volants for you, Frnck! Enjoy!

Reply author: Tombo
Replied on: 02/25/2006 07:43:42

Hello there, Mr Black. I hope you're well and happy and that. Went down Ally Pally to see ya with that band and it was super. I teach and all the kids love you. How does this strike you - that you're popular with middle-class 16 year old English types? I think it's great. Oh and isn't London great? You like London? I like London. I like the grey buildings.

Reply author: buymeasoda
Replied on: 02/25/2006 09:05:55

Hi Frank, any chance of returning to the UK this year for solo dates?

Reply author: Fazereyes
Replied on: 02/25/2006 13:17:48

Thanks for all of the great music. You're my favorite all-time songwriter, but I also look forward to songs you cover on ech album.

I'm wondering if you can give us an idea of bands or songs you'd like to cover down the road?

I'd love to hear your take on any Simon and Garfunkel or Nirvana's "Lounge Act."

You rock!

Reply author: The Marsist
Replied on: 02/25/2006 13:26:11

good question

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 02/25/2006 13:29:33

Originally posted by Fazereyes

Thanks for all of the great music. You're my favorite all-time songwriter, but I also look forward to songs you cover on ech album.

I'm wondering if you can give us an idea of bands or songs you'd like to cover down the road?

I'd love to hear your take on any Simon and Garfunkel or Nirvana's "Lounge Act."

You rock!

I've had a similar conundrum... Frank Black is an amazing songwriter, but covers like "Hang on to Your Ego" make me want to hear others. Frank, if you're entertaining any cover requests, I'd like to suggest "The Book I Read" on the Talking Head's first album, '77. I think you could do an awesome rendition of that tune.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: The Marsist
Replied on: 02/25/2006 13:46:29

mr black could you please help me out with the big bang theroy lyrics. its for the website song data base:

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/25/2006 15:42:21

Yep, his covers are sweet. In fact, I started a fun side-project group that did nothing but obscure songs that WE loved. It was basically designed for us, the band members, to have some fun. But, it caught on quick and the next thing you know we were playing them everywhere. One strange dynamic about covering an obscure song is that when somebody recognizes it, you've instantly and unintentionally created this weird-assed connection with that person. This can be uncomfortable. Also, they seem to want to pick out songs for you to learn. I have no idea why, or how Charles tackles a cover song and pushes it to the final cut of a record, but it would be cool to hear it from the man himself. And Charles, if you come up with a great cover idea and the band absolutely won't get behind it, what then? New band, or next song?

p.s. I caught my non-fan wife singin Calistan the other day. Girls singin FB songs are like girl bartenders- it just makes 'em hotter for some reason. Thanks for all your wonderful art.

Ohhhh, my hair is getting good in the back.

Reply author: The Holiday Son
Replied on: 02/25/2006 16:07:21

Originally posted by frnck blck
...especially when the companies putting out real cds always kinda wince when you give them too many releases too soon.

hence my question :
if you owned a label or a record company, would you release more of your own stuff or are you happy with one album released every year ?

Reply author: MMD
Replied on: 02/25/2006 18:02:27

Hey Frank, if it might not be that easy to get the B sides compilations released on CD have you considered getting someone like disclive or pixiesdiscs to do a small run or something for that fans who want a real CD to sit on the shelf with the rest of their collection because that would be neat. Anyway I hope those new demos come out good. Thanks.

“Not since Orson Welles had one man so many fingers in so many pies, and been the chef as well. And then looked like he went and ate them all. The guy was out of control.”

Reply author: Citizen Insane
Replied on: 02/25/2006 19:37:51

I believe I'm a bit late for all this, but what the hell, might as well give it a go.

First off, this is my first time posting; I've been a lurker for a good long while, but it's taken me a bit of time to finally get up the nerve to post anything, With that said:

Frank, dude, you rock. This cannot be stated enough. If you had any idea how many major key points in my life have been accompanied by your musics ... yeah. Thank you. You are awesome, and stuff.

THERE! With that sycophantic stuff out of the way, I've got an actual question. You play many video games? Theme from NARC never fails to put a smile on my face, and considering my friends and I are huge gaming nerds (we used to call our flat Chase HQ; kudos if you get the reference), I was just curious how much of a gamer you are yerself.

... And that is my huge important question for the awesome musical dude. I've already embarassed myself once this year by asking Neil Gaiman if he'd ever played ICO, I might as well tally up the score.

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 02/25/2006 23:29:42

Originally posted by beckett trance

Originally posted by Fazereyes

Thanks for all of the great music. You're my favorite all-time songwriter, but I also look forward to songs you cover on ech album.

I'm wondering if you can give us an idea of bands or songs you'd like to cover down the road?

I'd love to hear your take on any Simon and Garfunkel or Nirvana's "Lounge Act."

You rock!

I've had a similar conundrum... Frank Black is an amazing songwriter, but covers like "Hang on to Your Ego" make me want to hear others. Frank, if you're entertaining any cover requests, I'd like to suggest "The Book I Read" on the Talking Head's first album, '77. I think you could do an awesome rendition of that tune.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

How about something by Van Morrison? Sometimes when I'm listening to his music I think you could do an even better job!

Reply author: alstar
Replied on: 02/26/2006 02:20:05

How you going Frank,

You cancelled your solo tour of Australia in 2004, for personal reasons I believe. Had a ticket and no show.

Im just wondering if you or the pixies are thinking of touring Australia. I was lead to believe it was on the cards and then didn't happen.

Thankyou for replying


Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 02/26/2006 10:59:44


Are you watching American Idol? Don't lie Who do you like? Also, would you consider being a guest judge on the show? Kenny Loggins did it


Reply author: floop
Replied on: 02/26/2006 11:24:09

Originally posted by Citizen Insane
I've already embarassed myself once this year by asking Neil Gaiman if he'd ever played ICO, I might as well tally up the score.

that's an unfortuante last name

Reply author: therewererumours
Replied on: 02/26/2006 11:39:49

'Cyrano De Berger's Back' would be a particularly awesome cover Mr. Black.

Reply author: edbanky
Replied on: 02/26/2006 14:12:14

Howdy Frankner. Been a fan for 1989 years, running down ATMs and scalpers on Market Street and the like.

Must say, thanks for being so prolific (musically) to make rabbits seem sterile.

Listen to some Don Byron for some spantastic modern-type jazz. He's clarinet, with Bill Frisell sometimes, but I heard him first playing on a Mandy Patinkin record. Now you know!

Question(ish) part:
You're obviously obsessed with France/French culture, so perhaps you can suggest one or two must-go-tos in/around Paris and/or the Loire Valley. My wife and I have a week to kill out there (first timers) in March.

I signed up for the forums and all I got was this lousy signature.

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/26/2006 14:31:39

Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by Citizen Insane
I've already embarassed myself once this year by asking Neil Gaiman if he'd ever played ICO, I might as well tally up the score.

that's an unfortuante last name

I was thinking the same. Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Ohhhh, my hair is getting good in the back.

Reply author: Otherfellers
Replied on: 02/26/2006 18:25:10

Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by Citizen Insane
I've already embarassed myself once this year by asking Neil Gaiman if he'd ever played ICO, I might as well tally up the score.

that's an unfortuante last name

Read Good Omens (with Pratchett) or any of his books. Or see Mirrormask. Or read Sandman, or any of his graphic novels (comic books is what I call them if anyone else wrote them, his are actually graphic novels).

You'll get over the name.

A little bit of fire never hurt anyone.

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 02/26/2006 19:00:53

Too bad he doesn't write a book called, "My Poopy Mustache". That would be really super funny. Sorry....

Ohhhh, my hair is getting good in the back.

Reply author: Someone
Replied on: 02/28/2006 08:04:12

FRANK. Are you a member of the Mars Society? Have you read any good books about mars since Red, Green, and Blue? And lastly would you go to Mars as one of the "First Hundred" if you have the chance?

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 02/28/2006 18:53:54

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

Dear Mr. Thompson, IV:

Any rare jazz you'd like to get your hands on?

Thanks for all the art you share with the world!

:) Daisy

hmmm...don't know how rare it is, but i'd like to get a copy of that chet baker stuff recorded by some guy on the street when chet was sitting in his jail cell just playing away the hours. might be kinda interesting...i'm sure it must be on a cd somewhere. haven't looked too hard i guess.

I have a connection to some pretty good jazz stuff and even some rare stuff. He just laughed when I asked him and said he wishes he had that recording too!! If there's anything less obscure, I might be able to hook you up. Anyway hope you find that recording and if you do, maybe I can get a copy of that. LOL.

Reply author: Margin Walker
Replied on: 02/28/2006 19:12:09

frank, what's your favorite pere ubu album?

Reply author: BrendanT
Replied on: 03/01/2006 07:59:32


How do you feel being the highest grosssing attendance for a five night stand at Toronto's Legendary Horseshoe Tavern? Any other accolades such as this in any other cities around the world?
And finally, why Winnipeg, Manitoba? Any particular reasons for your admiration for the Prairie city?

Countercultivating Midnights
This world's a fuckin' stripmall!

Reply author: sunburst
Replied on: 03/01/2006 16:40:52

Oh sh*t. Just realised it's 12.45pm. Been reading this ages. I'm off to bed

Reply author: FrankfanL
Replied on: 03/02/2006 18:43:49

Hello Frank ! Thanks for coming back to to talk to us. Like everyone here, I want to tell you your music has been a source of joy and inspiration. Lyric book, PLEASE sir. Your lyrics are fascinating, understanding the words you are singing is desired,important. Hope you are well and happy. See you in Chicago soon??????? Respectfully, Linda

Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 03/03/2006 01:59:35


Just want to say thanks for going the extra mile and giving the OK for FASTMAN.RAIDERMAN to be a double-album. I am very happy to see that happen. Cannot wait until June. Cheers!

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))

Reply author: Nova
Replied on: 03/03/2006 02:34:46

hey charles,

1.The demos that your working on, are they pixies/solo?
2.Can we expect more Frank Black solo gigs?
3.What direction musically do you want to pursue after Fastman Radierman?
4.If you were to do another pixies album would it be same old,same old or would you try to add new ideas into the mix?
Hope everythings cool at the moment,cant wait till Fastman Radierman.
p.s please come and play Birmingham sometime as I know its been a while now!


D-a-wg Sleep (Buh-Buh)

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 03/03/2006 20:26:59

Yo, Chuckie, how’s your Poetry MOJO mojoin’?

Listen’ to WHISKEY IN YOUR SHOES, live Catholics at Shepherd’s Bush, right on into JANE, THE QUEEN OF LOVE...and then, eventually, right on into BULLET...fade to COLD HEART OF STONE...


(to hell with Yoko, and, please, take a brief respite from the old band, and get the Catholics back together, huh...)


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 03/03/2006 20:35:20

Oh yeah, so glad to see you doing the 2 San Fran shows. My boy Scruvs will be there loud and proud, I'm sure.

Can't wait to see you again in a town near me...



"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 03/04/2006 12:31:46


I live in just north of Seattle in a cozy little community called Lake Stevens. When you come through town this summer, I want you and The Catholics to be our overnight guests. Lots of rooms with big beds and my wife will cook a lovely breakfast for each of you. OK, done deal. See you this summer!

Ohhhh, my hair is getting good in the back.

Reply author: MissMaceo
Replied on: 03/05/2006 11:58:44

Thank you, FB...
for consistently having words to amuse, soothe, and enlighten.
for being relevant and interesting and important across more than half the years of my life.
for doing that awesome cover of Zevon's 'Ain't That Pretty' and ingratiating yourself to my music snob of a boyfriend in the process.
for remaining innovative and creative and exciting across an ever-growing array of genres.

and as for questions, I wonder things like:
See 'Heart of Gold' yet?
Do you listen to Townes VanZandt and, if so, isn't Rearview Mirror the best record ever made somehow?
Do you ever just wanna sit around and get loaded on a Sunday night and watch Family Guy and The Simpsons?
Read any Chuck Palahniuk? 'Choke' made me stay up all night giggling in bed, but I've enjoyed them all. Except diary, for some reason...
Does Jack come up and clap along and try to 'help' you play your guitar and, if so, can we expect to see a co-writers credit coming his way in the future?

Hey, thanks for taking the time to read and answer all this stuff here so far - very cool.


"I find that on the internet, everyone's very tough in an anonymous, pussy sort of way'" - Josh Homme. March '05

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 03/05/2006 12:20:51

Hey I just wanted to say welcome to all the new members!! Doesn't this forum rock?? You're coming on at a very cool time.

Frank, which parts of the forum to you read? Is it just this thread? :)

Also what do you think your chances are of playing a show in Minny? Looks like you're pretty much doing the West-Coast thing, but I know there are a ton of people that would love to see you live in Minny (including little ol' me) thanks again!!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/06/2006 20:03:01

I hope Minny's a big girl. It'd be hard to fit a stage, audience and sound rig into one person. ;)

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 03/07/2006 17:25:36

If Randy Moss's head could fit in Minny, then she should have no problem hosting a concert.

Ohhhh, my hair is getting good in the back.

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 03/07/2006 17:51:04

That and her twin sister Pauley

Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 03/08/2006 16:25:11


There is a track titled The Real El Rey on Fastman Raiderman; is this the El Rey in Globe, AZ? If so, you are the coolest. If not, you're still the coolest.


Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 03/08/2006 23:04:34

Hi Frank,

Speaking of covers... I know you contributed to a few Graham Parker renditions way back when [1996 maybe?] also with Jon Tiven. If you're still into the Parkerilla, I think PROTECTION would sound very nice with an FB slant to it. Hope you can consider it as a future cover, maybe... Thanks again for the music!

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))

Reply author: el_bastardo
Replied on: 03/10/2006 01:58:18

hello frnk

aaaarrgghh.. i am sick, but it's too boring to stay in my bed.

ok, but i just remember, i believe it was you who interviewed ray bradbury. right? i read his book "fahrenheit 451" some months ago. and it was really great. story was good and it was written very well. it was very fresh to me.

so and in one of your song you sing: "h.g. wells" (do you know which song i mean? erm..)

so, i just thought, maybe you know the books of these two writers. and maybe you are so nice (and lovely) and give me a tip which books are great to read too by bradbury and wells.

i dont know where to start with wells. but i heard that -(sorry, i just know the german title which is:) die mars-chroniken by bradbury should be very good...

my english is not perfect. so please have mercy upon me...

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 03/10/2006 15:02:18

Not being Frank, I can't answer most of your questions, but I can say that the song that mentions Wells is "Whatever Happened To Pong."

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: prozacrat
Replied on: 03/11/2006 03:20:26

And the other book you're thinking of, I believe, is The Martian Chronicles. Excellent literature. I'm sure Mr. Black could tell you much more on those books.


Reply author: candle
Replied on: 03/11/2006 14:39:22

First post and this is a cool forum (and a great thread). But I just wanted to show off.

I realize this hat was thrown into the ring over two years ago, but I recently read your challenge to link the 4 songs (posted 9/16/2003) and if the commonality is lyrical...

I think it's in the lyrics, but maybe we aren't thinking like a real songwriter. It's the inverted rhymes, right?

big red / [bee]bread rig
call Sal / [ca]nal wall[s]

phoen-ix / six-teen
[a]dult matter[s] / catapult

[take] me on / [waiting] on me
home blow / [mon]o-chrome

so lame / game show

Yes, I have spent far too long thinking about Frank Black lyrics. But I love the writing! And I'm in Salem OR if the tacos and (root) beer are still on offer...

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 03/13/2006 21:20:50

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by OldManInaCoffeeCan

Hey Chuck, your Nashville Solo Electric show was incredible. You sang your heart out.
Have you seen the thread over in "Frank Black Live"?

Your set list was posted and it showed that you had thought about playing Atom in my Heart, Selkie Bride, My Life is in Storage, and Violet.

Anyway, helluva show man

Here's two links to two videos from your set, I bet you haven't seen these yet:

Sing for Joy

Goodbye Lorraine

Oh yeah, and some folks were asking about your guitars you had with you. So what's the story with those, if you don't mind sharing it with us.


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

well. those telecasters (i have four) are fender 'specials'. they were made in the 80's in japan. kind of a heavy metal tele thing. they had locked tuning, two humbucker pickups (very un-tele. kind of hard rock modern pick up if you will), and a whammy bar. i have gradually modified the guitar ovber the years, and whatever change i do, i do to all four teles. a few years ago a very well known and respected guitar repair guy in L.A. who goes by the name Toru (he is from japan) did the latest mods. i wanted them to sound more vintage, and so i asked Toru if we could dry the wood out somehow (this is how a guitar sounds better with age. the old finish cracks, and moisture is released gradually causing the guitar to become lighter and more resonant. modern guitars don't do thus cuz the finishes are different chemicals, and they don't crack, therefore they don't get resonant. this is one reason why some players like old guitars). So Toru says that he's got a friend back in japan who smokes the guitars to dry them out. so Toru stripped the paint off my teles, took them to japan, smoked them for three days (they smelled like bbq for months), put old style tuning pegs on them, kept the whammy bridge, ut cuz i like to scrape my pick on the old style bridge pieces, cut on of those in half just for this purpose, took out one of the pick ups, put a vintage style single coil pick up closest to the bridge, and i think at one point i had already removed the tone knobs on all the guitars. those are my modded out fender teles. Toru had kidded with me that a logo--which i had suggested---should simply be a red circle a la the japanese flag. i should do that. they don't sound or feel exaclty like a vintage telecaster, but they're pretty close. plus you can whammy around on em!


Hey Boss,

I guess you'll be strumming your fender 'specials' at your San Francisco shows, huh.

How 'bout your song selection?

Loved the hell out of these from your GuitarTown solo electric show last September.

Originally posted by thedude

Yep, your setlist from your show, I'm guessing you came up with that at your hotel an hour or two before the show, huh.

Rock On, Man!


"I'm more of a self-indulgent epic kind of guy." King Charles IV

OMIACC - PostMaster of's Zenith threads

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/15/2006 15:13:34

Originally posted by el_bastardo

so, i just thought, maybe you know the books of these two writers. and maybe you are so nice (and lovely) and give me a tip which books are great to read too by bradbury and wells.

In a chat Frank did, someone asked him about Bradbury:

Franny: What's your favorite Bradbury story? "Colonel Stonesteel's Genuine Home-made Truly Egyptian Mummy" is probably my fave.

Frank Black: The one about making a wish on a falling star.

I think he's talking about "The Kaleidoscope," a short story in Bradbury's "Illustrated Man."

There's a old radio play of that story online (27MB MP3) here: SciFi Friday Episode 27.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 03/15/2006 16:28:43

Hi Frank,

What's your fav amusement park (if any), and ride?

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man


Reply author: toeknee
Replied on: 03/15/2006 18:52:32

Originally posted by beckett trance

Originally posted by el_bastardo

so, i just thought, maybe you know the books of these two writers. and maybe you are so nice (and lovely) and give me a tip which books are great to read too by bradbury and wells.

In a chat Frank did, someone asked him about Bradbury:

Franny: What's your favorite Bradbury story? "Colonel Stonesteel's Genuine Home-made Truly Egyptian Mummy" is probably my fave.

Frank Black: The one about making a wish on a falling star.

I think he's talking about "The Kaleidoscope," a short story in Bradbury's "Illustrated Man."

There's a old radio play of that story online (27MB MP3) here: SciFi Friday Episode 27.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

This is great, but I can't seem to download it, I get an error message.

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/15/2006 19:47:14

Originally posted by toeknee

This is great, but I can't seem to download it, I get an error message.

Weird... they seem to be having a problem. In the meantime, here:

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 03/16/2006 01:14:04

wow, good job candle. i think you've done it!

Reply author: Sam
Replied on: 03/16/2006 11:42:04

Hello Frank,

Hope you are as well as you look in the San Fran clips. Thanks be to the internet!

I have just one question that i would be truly grateful to you for an answer. Firstly thank you for constantly re-affirming my faith in ROCK. I am forever in your debt.

So here's the question.

When playing solo or with a band, when you are heckled and interupted mid song, how do you keep your concentration? And does it ever make you want to put the guitar down and walk?

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 03/16/2006 12:37:05

Originally posted by Sam

When playing solo or with a band, when you are heckled and interupted mid song, how do you keep your concentration? And does it ever make you want to put the guitar down and walk?

I almost saw him do that once!

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man


Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 03/16/2006 13:03:20

So, was candle right?

It's the inverted rhymes, right?

big red / [bee]bread rig
call Sal / [ca]nal wall[s]

phoen-ix / six-teen
[a]dult matter[s] / catapult

[take] me on / [waiting] on me
home blow / [mon]o-chrome

so lame / game show

it sounds right to me. all of those songs are written with inverted rhyme. i think candle just won some tacos and beer.

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 03/17/2006 21:01:16

Surf epic plus time minus bullshit times one leg is both the same equals sand in the dog

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 19:41:20



Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 03/20/2006 19:53:07

frank hi,
thanks for taking time
i'm boppin around my guitar and thinking "write that down, write this down"
i don't know it's a bit much.
whats new with you?

Reply author: martha_promise
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:28:12

Hey Charles,

Have you ever considered doing a children's album? With a 6 day old son, my thoughts in the last few months has turned to music intended for young ears. (of course I already have my FB lullabye mix ready!) I just figured with the likes of Leadbelly, They Might Be Giants, Dan Zanes (and all the great guest musicians he has play on them such as Lou Reed, Amie Mann, etc.) and countless outher brilliant artists having done it, a Frank Black kids album would be perfect.

Anyways, looking foward to FM/RM and everything else... Thanks so Much!

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:29:58

I have but one question for you, Frank:

Molly Hatchet or Skynyrd?

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:32:16


What's your favorite place to play in Los Angeles and can you please play there as soon as possible?

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: Spartacus
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:58:22

Hi Frank,

Along with a couple of other forum members, I had tickets to your solo shows here in Australia that were cancelled. Then there were rumours of a pixies tour down under, but so far no luck.

Any plans to head our way in the near future?

'I thought that I would stay just for a while'

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:59:26

Dinner time in SF: Little Italy, Chinatown, or other?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 20:59:38

Hey Frank, can you tell us about Dead Man's Curve, what we're for now calling "The Rabbit Song", and "The Water"? They're not on Fastman Raiderman as far as we know, and, well, they're all pretty exciting sounding! Are these the demos you were working on? Are these tracks from an upcoming album with Schwarma or that other band that starts with a P? Solo stuff for work with EDF? Covers from songs received via Seti@Home?

Anyway, thanks for stopping in, it truly is appreciated more than you'll probably ever know, and I hope that you're getting some time at home before you go abroad with your guitar and 'wandering soles' once again.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:13:24

have you heard the bad plus do "velouria"
sorry i was loud at the shows

Reply author: Blackhead
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:15:18

Would you ever be willing to play Hedwig?

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:22:21

I'm doing a short film for a school project about a guy who becomes addicted to fortune cookies. It's based off a Hubert Selby short story.

Anyway, do you actually eat the cookie part of the fortune cookie, or do you just read the fortune and giggle?

I discard the actual cookie.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:24:06

Not that you're asking me, but I eat it. Can't throw food away, after all, and they are tasty in a newspaper-clipping-with-sugar sort of way...

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:28:16

I was too shy to ask you, Dean. Ya know, since you seem so popular on this forum from your podcasts.

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:34:28

Hahaha, yeah, fine, leave the questions for the man. :) Just killing time 'till he gets here.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: Apesy
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:37:29


Got a favorite Lead Belly song? Beefheart?


Reply author: Visiting Sasquatch
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:40:01

Will you release "ONE MORE ROAD FOR THE HIT" and "SNAKE OIL" on CDs? Please?

Reply author: Superabounder
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:50:39

Hi Frank. I echo Dean's appreciation of your visits to the forum. Very cool of you to do that: thanks!

First thing that ever drew me to your music was the unusual and unique interplay between your guitar and Joey's / Lyle's / Rich's / Dave's. I haven't heard FM/RM, but will there be more of that kind of thing on the horizon with your new work?(please) Your guitar sounds have always been where it's at in my book.

Also, what kind of stuff are you listening to and enjoying/being inspired by these days? Any good thai meals lately? (Sorry-just thinking about the little siam line)

I tend to think of human beings as huge rubbery test tubes, too, with chemical reactions seething inside

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:53:06

Hey Frank, two for ya:

did ya have a good St. Patrick's day?

do you have a fave sing-along-in-the-car song?

Reply author: ProverbialCereal
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:53:49

Are there going to be any unusual guitar tunings on Fastman Raiderman that I, the tab nerd, should know about?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:54:49

Have you found any time to read much lately, Frank? Probably not, but if so, what have you been reading? Any recommendations? I just finished a book (Cloud Atlas) and am in the market for another...

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 21:58:00

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Have you found any time to read much lately, Frank? Probably not, but if so, what have you been reading? Any recommendations? I just finished a book (Cloud Atlas) and am in the market for another...

I'm reading "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil and highly recommend it.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: mattb
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:00:36

Hey Charles,

Why don't the pixies allow cameras at shows? I'm really into photogrpahy and love taking pictures of bands. It's kinda shitty I can't bring my camera in to pixies shows unless I sneak it in. Here's some photos I took of you guys I took in Winnipeg on the 2nd date of the reunion tour .


P.S. Just wanted to thank you as well for letting me in for the Cleveland shows last year. I'm a friend of Ed's who was one of his plus 3 that went with him.

Reply author: MaxExactly
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:01:23


What interesting gifts have you spoiled yourself with since raking in some pixies dough the past couple years? cool new car perhaps? gold teeth?

And do tell what album you havn't been able to stop listening to lately?

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you play NYC soon...

Reply author: Tainted
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:01:52

Hey Charles,

Ever have a go at the visual arts?

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:15:44

frank, wondering if you listen to much african music. the "ethiopiques" volumes have some awesome stuff. some of it sounds like memphis soul, some of it's pretty jazzy. jim jarmusch used some of the instrumentals from the series on his last movie. also johnny dyani, from south africa, a bass player who has some incredible stuff. also , the black disciples, who were jack ruby's house band in the seventies, have some really great jazzy sounding reggae instrumentals. robbie shakespeare was on bass, horsemouth wallace played drums. good stuff. i'd post a "you send it" but i'm computer illiterate, thank you so much for coming on the forum, that's a really sweet thing to do for your fans. peace.

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:22:36


Any plans to record with Lyle, Nick and EDF again?

Thanks for the music, we're lucky to have such a prolific idol :)

I joined the Cult of Le Cigaw Volanttt

Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:25:45

Let's go to the lobby and get ourselves a snack while we're waiting for the man...

Reply author: lackflag
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:27:53

Hey Chuck,

I don't have any specific questions for you, but I happened upon when this was going down and I felt compelled to say hello. I'm going to watch Rocky now. I've never seen it before.


Reply author: edbanky
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:37:04

It's a mucking firacle.

$26 in my hand.

So can you please recommend a French dish for me (catching a plane in 36 hours or so--first time in zees country). Since I'm a big beef fan, I actually plan on the chateaubriand thing. Which reminds me,

Have you ever gotten a courtesy blink from a big rig? It happens sometimes.


Oh, and duh. Thanks so much for the 20 years of life fuel.

I signed up for the forums and all I got was this lousy signature.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:37:57


Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:38:56

Alright! Thanks for doing this.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:40:14

did you hear dirty old town from the pogues, or some older irish group like the clancy's

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:40:37


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:41:37

Originally posted by Tainted

Hey Charles,

Ever have a go at the visual arts?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:42:44

Originally posted by bonedry

frank, wondering if you listen to much african music. the "ethiopiques" volumes have some awesome stuff. some of it sounds like memphis soul, some of it's pretty jazzy. jim jarmusch used some of the instrumentals from the series on his last movie. also johnny dyani, from south africa, a bass player who has some incredible stuff. also , the black disciples, who were jack ruby's house band in the seventies, have some really great jazzy sounding reggae instrumentals. robbie shakespeare was on bass, horsemouth wallace played drums. good stuff. i'd post a "you send it" but i'm computer illiterate, thank you so much for coming on the forum, that's a really sweet thing to do for your fans. peace.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:43:56

Originally posted by Frog in the Sand


Any plans to record with Lyle, Nick and EDF again?

Thanks for the music, we're lucky to have such a prolific idol :)

I joined the Cult of Le Cigaw Volanttt


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:44:23

Originally posted by frnck blck


Don't worry about it, thanks for coming!

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:44:36

Frank, are you a fan of baseball?

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:44:51

Originally posted by lackflag

Hey Chuck,

I don't have any specific questions for you, but I happened upon when this was going down and I felt compelled to say hello. I'm going to watch Rocky now. I've never seen it before.



Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:45:53

Originally posted by bonedry

did you hear dirty old town from the pogues, or some older irish group like the clancy's


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:46:45

eric was very nice at the show, maybe i'm funny looking, but he had a pleasant grin.

Reply author: TheScooper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:46:58


any recording plans with the pixies and/or any other project that involves you yelling a lot?


--obsessive fan guy

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:47:45

Originally posted by danjersey

frank hi,
thanks for taking time
i'm boppin around my guitar and thinking "write that down, write this down"
i don't know it's a bit much.
whats new with you?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:49:27

Originally posted by TRANSMARINE

Hi Frank,

What's your fav amusement park (if any), and ride?

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man



Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:51:00


Do you ever stop at Stuckey's while traveling on the road?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:51:02

Originally posted by frnck blck

when's yer disco album comin' out?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:51:15

Originally posted by MaxExactly


What interesting gifts have you spoiled yourself with since raking in some pixies dough the past couple years? cool new car perhaps? gold teeth?

And do tell what album you havn't been able to stop listening to lately?

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you play NYC soon...


Reply author: cornholio
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:51:53

Frank, have you heard the Supersuckers album Must've been High? Kelly Deal sings a great duet on it.

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:52:54

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by TRANSMARINE

Hi Frank,

What's your fav amusement park (if any), and ride?

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man



I hate to be the bearer (ha ha) of bad news (more ha ha), but I believe the Bear Land Jamboree is gone. But, there's always Chuckee Cheese for automoton fun.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:53:17

Originally posted by mattb

Hey Charles,

Why don't the pixies allow cameras at shows? I'm really into photogrpahy and love taking pictures of bands. It's kinda shitty I can't bring my camera in to pixies shows unless I sneak it in. Here's some photos I took of you guys I took in Winnipeg on the 2nd date of the reunion tour .


P.S. Just wanted to thank you as well for letting me in for the Cleveland shows last year. I'm a friend of Ed's who was one of his plus 3 that went with him.


Reply author: Tainted
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:54:05


Any tonewoods you're particularly fond of in your guitars?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:54:16

Originally posted by beckett trance

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Have you found any time to read much lately, Frank? Probably not, but if so, what have you been reading? Any recommendations? I just finished a book (Cloud Atlas) and am in the market for another...

I'm reading "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil and highly recommend it.


Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:55:05

Do you like vinyl records?

Also, do you like the state of Texas? Your tours never seem to come through here often enough. Any favorite truck stops or sights in Texas?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:55:16

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

Are there going to be any unusual guitar tunings on Fastman Raiderman that I, the tab nerd, should know about?


Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:56:34

Hey Charles - any idea when we can see ya on the road doing solo stuff? we miss it!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:56:44

Originally posted by tobafett

Hey Frank, two for ya:

did ya have a good St. Patrick's day?

do you have a fave sing-along-in-the-car song?


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:57:11

do you own a drum set/ever play drums?

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:57:43

concur...rockaway beach is a fave in my auto voiture!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:58:34

Originally posted by Superabounder

Hi Frank. I echo Dean's appreciation of your visits to the forum. Very cool of you to do that: thanks!

First thing that ever drew me to your music was the unusual and unique interplay between your guitar and Joey's / Lyle's / Rich's / Dave's. I haven't heard FM/RM, but will there be more of that kind of thing on the horizon with your new work?(please) Your guitar sounds have always been where it's at in my book.

Also, what kind of stuff are you listening to and enjoying/being inspired by these days? Any good thai meals lately? (Sorry-just thinking about the little siam line)

I tend to think of human beings as huge rubbery test tubes, too, with chemical reactions seething inside


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 22:59:19

Originally posted by Visiting Sasquatch

Will you release "ONE MORE ROAD FOR THE HIT" and "SNAKE OIL" on CDs? Please?


Reply author: teh sharkie
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:00:13

will there ever be a frank black video game? or religion?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:01:55

Originally posted by martha_promise

Hey Charles,

Have you ever considered doing a children's album? With a 6 day old son, my thoughts in the last few months has turned to music intended for young ears. (of course I already have my FB lullabye mix ready!) I just figured with the likes of Leadbelly, They Might Be Giants, Dan Zanes (and all the great guest musicians he has play on them such as Lou Reed, Amie Mann, etc.) and countless outher brilliant artists having done it, a Frank Black kids album would be perfect.

Anyways, looking foward to FM/RM and everything else... Thanks so Much!


Reply author: bengrbm
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:01:57

Hi Frank,

I am writing my PhD dissertation (physics) at the moment and your music is the best I own at getting through the long allnighters. Even better than the Stooges! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the help - you'll be in the acknowledgements...


Reply author: edbanky
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:02:04


Have you read any of the Antarctic early 1900s expedition journal things? Like of Scott or Amundsen? Scott was writing little gushing obituaries and seeing to the care of the families of his fellow dying people, as he waited to freeze and starve to death.

I forgot to say before, THANKS for the whole proliferation. It's like one, huge, good musical score for the last 20 years for us baby-boomees.

I signed up for the forums and all I got was this lousy signature.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:03:01

Originally posted by martha_promise

Hey Charles,

Have you ever considered doing a children's album? With a 6 day old son, my thoughts in the last few months has turned to music intended for young ears. (of course I already have my FB lullabye mix ready!) I just figured with the likes of Leadbelly, They Might Be Giants, Dan Zanes (and all the great guest musicians he has play on them such as Lou Reed, Amie Mann, etc.) and countless outher brilliant artists having done it, a Frank Black kids album would be perfect.

Anyways, looking foward to FM/RM and everything else... Thanks so Much!


Reply author: MaxExactly
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:03:26


I figure you'd be into good comedy. Who are some of your favorite comic minds?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:03:41

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

Are there going to be any unusual guitar tunings on Fastman Raiderman that I, the tab nerd, should know about?


That song must have an interesting story behind it's writing if you can't play it! :)

Incidentally, from what I've heard of Fastman Raiderman, it sounds like your singing has really improved (didn't think it possible, but here we are). Are you still taking some vocal training, is it just from maybe being more relaxed with the Nashville guys, or what's the story? Really looking forward to having the whole album in my hands this summer in any case.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:03:50

Originally posted by BLT

I have but one question for you, Frank:

Molly Hatchet or Skynyrd?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:05:42

Originally posted by beckett trance


What's your favorite place to play in Los Angeles and can you please play there as soon as possible?

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **


Reply author: anI-Gav
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:06:24

What did you think about the book "Gigantic"? I just finished it and I thought it was such an attack against you. Not to creep you out or anything but I love you. Thank you for existing. Or Rather, I should thank your parents, lol.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:07:09

Originally posted by Spartacus

Hi Frank,

Along with a couple of other forum members, I had tickets to your solo shows here in Australia that were cancelled. Then there were rumours of a pixies tour down under, but so far no luck.

Any plans to head our way in the near future?

'I thought that I would stay just for a while'


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:08:16

Originally posted by Apesy


Got a favorite Lead Belly song? Beefheart?



Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:08:29

Hi Frank! Isn't always the way that you have a million questions to ask, then when you get the chance you can't think of anything?! Ah well. Congratulations on the new baby and good luck with the house-move!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:09:37

Originally posted by darwin

Dinner time in SF: Little Italy, Chinatown, or other?


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:10:21

frank, i still have vhs copy of when you were on 120 minutes with matt pinfield. you played crazy train from blizzard of ozz and said what a great song it was, then shazeb. awesome, pinfield was a jackass though. seaweed salad! underwater hotel

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:11:02

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Hey Frank, can you tell us about Dead Man's Curve, what we're for now calling "The Rabbit Song", and "The Water"? They're not on Fastman Raiderman as far as we know, and, well, they're all pretty exciting sounding! Are these the demos you were working on? Are these tracks from an upcoming album with Schwarma or that other band that starts with a P? Solo stuff for work with EDF? Covers from songs received via Seti@Home?

Anyway, thanks for stopping in, it truly is appreciated more than you'll probably ever know, and I hope that you're getting some time at home before you go abroad with your guitar and 'wandering soles' once again.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:13:03

Originally posted by bonedry

have you heard the bad plus do "velouria"
sorry i was loud at the shows


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:14:25

Originally posted by Blackhead

Would you ever be willing to play Hedwig?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:16:08

Originally posted by beckett trance

Frank, are you a fan of baseball?

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:18:41

Originally posted by TheScooper


any recording plans with the pixies and/or any other project that involves you yelling a lot?


--obsessive fan guy


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:20:22

Originally posted by jtanner


Do you ever stop at Stuckey's while traveling on the road?


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:20:31

bad plus-velouria-drum bass piano jazz cover!
i thought you would have heard it. so pretty, the type of shit that makes you cry.
they also do heart of glass. "alternative covers" are their schtick, but they have
serious chops. check back in a couple days if you have time, i'll try to make a yousendit file.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:20:32

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by TheScooper


any recording plans with the pixies and/or any other project that involves you yelling a lot?


--obsessive fan guy


wow. the press be damned!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:21:03

Originally posted by tobafett

Originally posted by frnck blck

when's yer disco album comin' out?



Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:21:18

Originally posted by bonedry

bad plus-velouria-drum bass piano jazz cover!
i thought you would have heard it. so pretty, the type of shit that makes you cry.
they also do heart of glass. "alternative covers" are their schtick, but they have
serious chops. check back in a couple days if you have time, i'll try to make a yousendit file.

and their originals are great. nice guys too. i caught their whole nyc stand in january - 5 sets in 3 days. fantastic


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:21:58

Originally posted by cornholio

Frank, have you heard the Supersuckers album Must've been High? Kelly Deal sings a great duet on it.


Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:22:00

Earlier in this thread, I said that I'd love to hear you cover "Book I Read" on Talking Heads '77. I've been spoiled since you answered two of my questions tonight, but I'm going to push this as far as I can and throw that request out there again.

That's it for me. Thanks again for the visit!

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:22:14

unlikely?? AHHH What am i going to do with my life then? Answer that Mr King of All good music from the late 80's Till now! Hmmmm ??

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:23:57

Originally posted by darwin

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by TRANSMARINE

Hi Frank,

What's your fav amusement park (if any), and ride?

Hank the 8th was a duplicated man



I hate to be the bearer (ha ha) of bad news (more ha ha), but I believe the Bear Land Jamboree is gone. But, there's always Chuckee Cheese for automoton fun.


Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:24:24

think new jersey will ever be in your cards?
a firehouse gig or the like?
loud and cheap.

Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:24:41

have you read any Neal Stephenson? what did you think?

have you visited the scifi museum in Seattle?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:25:09

Originally posted by Tainted


Any tonewoods you're particularly fond of in your guitars?


Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:25:41

Sorry I was out of line up there...For a Legit Question. What other instrument besides the guitar do you feel most comfortable and creative with. Also seen any good flicks lately?

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:26:54

Frank, I've asked this before but just as you left the last chat...

You talked back in the Show Me Your Tears era about recording something with an orchestra... is that still something you'd like to do, or have your tastes changed? Recording with Eric is kind of like recording with a one-man orchestra anyway, I suppose. I really can't wait to hear this, nor can I believe that we're getting a double album in a few months and you're already slaving away on the next one.

Meanwhilst, do you ever listen to movie soundtracks? Any favourites? Favourite composers? I love John Williams. He and you share the slot for greatest musical inspiration.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:27:23

Originally posted by Jason

Do you like vinyl records?

Also, do you like the state of Texas? Your tours never seem to come through here often enough. Any favorite truck stops or sights in Texas?


Reply author: anI-Gav
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:27:38

Hey, in "Velvety" you mention Weed and on "Selkie Bride" you mention Cresent City. These are places that I grew up. Did you ever stop at the Hi Lo restaurant?

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:28:04

i just watched A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE - excellent - you should check it out Charles


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:28:27

Originally posted by bonedry

eric was very nice at the show, maybe i'm funny looking, but he had a pleasant grin.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:30:07

Originally posted by Broken Face

Hey Charles - any idea when we can see ya on the road doing solo stuff? we miss it!



Reply author: Apesy
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:30:35

Originally posted by frnck blck


If you do, the Smithsonian Folkways releases are primo.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:30:53

Originally posted by bonedry

do you own a drum set/ever play drums?


Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:31:25

Hi Frank,

As your touring to Australia as Pixies or solo is on hold for the moment, any chance Aus could maybe have an extra track for Fastman.Raiderman as a sweetener please... maybe I Don't Live Here Anymore? Thanks. Good luck with FMRM and your new EDF project.

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:31:45

Originally posted by Broken Face

i just watched A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE - excellent - you should check it out Charles


David Cronenberg knows how to make some good movies..

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:31:59

Originally posted by teh sharkie

will there ever be a frank black video game? or religion?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:33:14

Originally posted by bengrbm

Hi Frank,

I am writing my PhD dissertation (physics) at the moment and your music is the best I own at getting through the long allnighters. Even better than the Stooges! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the help - you'll be in the acknowledgements...



Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:34:24

Originally posted by edbanky


Have you read any of the Antarctic early 1900s expedition journal things? Like of Scott or Amundsen? Scott was writing little gushing obituaries and seeing to the care of the families of his fellow dying people, as he waited to freeze and starve to death.

I forgot to say before, THANKS for the whole proliferation. It's like one, huge, good musical score for the last 20 years for us baby-boomees.

I signed up for the forums and all I got was this lousy signature.


Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:35:19

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by bengrbm

Hi Frank,

I am writing my PhD dissertation (physics) at the moment and your music is the best I own at getting through the long allnighters. Even better than the Stooges! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the help - you'll be in the acknowledgements...



There is this guy in my Sociology class that looks almost exactly like you Charles...if you want I can take a picture of him and spread that you are getting your masters or something nifty like that.

Reply author: bengrbm
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:36:54

You're quite popular in the physics department. Any plans to play in NYC to support the new album?

Thanks for the response - Ben

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:38:12

Originally posted by MaxExactly


I figure you'd be into good comedy. Who are some of your favorite comic minds?


Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:38:16

Do you get to Powell's often? That's an amazing bookstore. And in my brief time in Portland it seems like it shapes the town (or maybe it's the other way around) with so many people reading and learning.

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:40:05

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by MaxExactly


I figure you'd be into good comedy. Who are some of your favorite comic minds?


I saw Dana Gould performing in Hollywood right when Honeycomb came out and during his act he said "I don't have to be here. I could be off buying that new Frank Black record!"

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:40:46

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

Are there going to be any unusual guitar tunings on Fastman Raiderman that I, the tab nerd, should know about?


That song must have an interesting story behind it's writing if you can't play it! :)

Incidentally, from what I've heard of Fastman Raiderman, it sounds like your singing has really improved (didn't think it possible, but here we are). Are you still taking some vocal training, is it just from maybe being more relaxed with the Nashville guys, or what's the story? Really looking forward to having the whole album in my hands this summer in any case.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."


Reply author: marcusb
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:42:14

I saw you in Columbus a few years back at a place called Little Brother's.. you surprised us all by entering through the front door past the waiting line.. nudging me a little bit out of the way and politely excusing yourself.. do you do this often? Just to see reactions or was this a one time thing? (John Linnell also did a similar thing to me in Columbus too come to think of it.. odd)

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:42:51

Originally posted by anI-Gav

What did you think about the book "Gigantic"? I just finished it and I thought it was such an attack against you. Not to creep you out or anything but I love you. Thank you for existing. Or Rather, I should thank your parents, lol.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:44:53

Originally posted by bonedry

frank, i still have vhs copy of when you were on 120 minutes with matt pinfield. you played crazy train from blizzard of ozz and said what a great song it was, then shazeb. awesome, pinfield was a jackass though. seaweed salad! underwater hotel


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:46:01

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by anI-Gav

What did you think about the book "Gigantic"? I just finished it and I thought it was such an attack against you. Not to creep you out or anything but I love you. Thank you for existing. Or Rather, I should thank your parents, lol.


Yup, that's the one. The newer one, Fool The World, by Josh Frank, appears to be much better.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:46:53

Originally posted by beckett trance

Earlier in this thread, I said that I'd love to hear you cover "Book I Read" on Talking Heads '77. I've been spoiled since you answered two of my questions tonight, but I'm going to push this as far as I can and throw that request out there again.

That's it for me. Thanks again for the visit!

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:48:41

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

unlikely?? AHHH What am i going to do with my life then? Answer that Mr King of All good music from the late 80's Till now! Hmmmm ??


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:50:38

Originally posted by danjersey

think new jersey will ever be in your cards?
a firehouse gig or the like?
loud and cheap.


Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:51:01

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

unlikely?? AHHH What am i going to do with my life then? Answer that Mr King of All good music from the late 80's Till now! Hmmmm ??


I will check him are still the king. Stop blushing....I know, i know..

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:51:49

Originally posted by tobafett

have you read any Neal Stephenson? what did you think?

have you visited the scifi museum in Seattle?


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:53:45

we are the eggmen! apologies to matt. i had to convince my parents to let me stay up and watch it.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:53:59

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

Sorry I was out of line up there...For a Legit Question. What other instrument besides the guitar do you feel most comfortable and creative with. Also seen any good flicks lately?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:56:41

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Frank, I've asked this before but just as you left the last chat...

You talked back in the Show Me Your Tears era about recording something with an orchestra... is that still something you'd like to do, or have your tastes changed? Recording with Eric is kind of like recording with a one-man orchestra anyway, I suppose. I really can't wait to hear this, nor can I believe that we're getting a double album in a few months and you're already slaving away on the next one.

Meanwhilst, do you ever listen to movie soundtracks? Any favourites? Favourite composers? I love John Williams. He and you share the slot for greatest musical inspiration.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:57:18

Originally posted by anI-Gav

Hey, in "Velvety" you mention Weed and on "Selkie Bride" you mention Cresent City. These are places that I grew up. Did you ever stop at the Hi Lo restaurant?


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:57:52

last post, thank you thank you thank and god bless
next b-side-"abandoned love" by bob dylan?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/20/2006 23:58:36

Originally posted by 1965

Hi Frank,

As your touring to Australia as Pixies or solo is on hold for the moment, any chance Aus could maybe have an extra track for Fastman.Raiderman as a sweetener please... maybe I Don't Live Here Anymore? Thanks. Good luck with FMRM and your new EDF project.

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:00:13

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by bengrbm

Hi Frank,

I am writing my PhD dissertation (physics) at the moment and your music is the best I own at getting through the long allnighters. Even better than the Stooges! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the help - you'll be in the acknowledgements...



There is this guy in my Sociology class that looks almost exactly like you Charles...if you want I can take a picture of him and spread that you are getting your masters or something nifty like that.


Reply author: tobafett
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:00:40

Thanks for taking questions, FB. One last one from me (and I'll shaddap):

*i'm watching lots of 1950s/60s 'what the future will be like' movies/shorts lately...what new technology would you like to see? Mars/flying autos/self-cookin' kitchen?

cheers...thanks again!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:01:15

Originally posted by bengrbm

You're quite popular in the physics department. Any plans to play in NYC to support the new album?

Thanks for the response - Ben


Reply author: anI-Gav
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:01:50

One last question. I'm in a band and I were wondering if I were to somehow send you a C.D. of ours if you would actually listen to it? Not to try and get us on a label or anything but more of a "what do you think?" type of thing.

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:02:08

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

Sorry I was out of line up there...For a Legit Question. What other instrument besides the guitar do you feel most comfortable and creative with. Also seen any good flicks lately?


In a few years have your kid watch Spy Kids...Good little action kid movie made by Robert Rodriguez. And then 10 years after that have him watch El Mariachi or Sin city also done by Robert Rodriguez...Lives right by my city. Im sure youve seen El Mariachi, if not, you are the king and thats what kings do.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:02:30

Originally posted by darwin

Do you get to Powell's often? That's an amazing bookstore. And in my brief time in Portland it seems like it shapes the town (or maybe it's the other way around) with so many people reading and learning.


Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:03:14

oh now you got me studderin.
tmbg is unknown to me, sorry i know they're your favorite band.
as far as a place to play in new jersey?
maxwells got a brick walled room with money at the door
and there are the VF halls that pay nothing at all
but you would be priceless.
take the kids to school frank.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:03:32

Originally posted by beckett trance

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by MaxExactly


I figure you'd be into good comedy. Who are some of your favorite comic minds?


I saw Dana Gould performing in Hollywood right when Honeycomb came out and during his act he said "I don't have to be here. I could be off buying that new Frank Black record!"

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:04:28

Originally posted by marcusb

I saw you in Columbus a few years back at a place called Little Brother's.. you surprised us all by entering through the front door past the waiting line.. nudging me a little bit out of the way and politely excusing yourself.. do you do this often? Just to see reactions or was this a one time thing? (John Linnell also did a similar thing to me in Columbus too come to think of it.. odd)


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:05:26

i said last post, i know, but i've been playing the baritone uke too!

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:05:46

Originally posted by frnck blck

Great, great, great. Remember the, uh, good ol' times?

I joined the Cult of Le Cigaw Volanttt

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:06:25

Originally posted by bonedry

last post, thank you thank you thank and god bless
next b-side-"abandoned love" by bob dylan?


Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:06:36

Originally posted by danjersey

oh now you got me studderin.
tmbg is unknown to me, sorry i know they're your favorite band.
as far as a place to play in new jersey?
maxwells got a brick walled room with money at the door
and there are the VF halls that pay nothing at all
but you would be priceless.
take the kids to school frank.

Me and my friend were cruising around South By Southwest in Austin 3 years ago Interviewing bands for this website we are a part of " Tape op " And I got the chance to eat at Ihop with The two Johns ( they might be giants ) And another John also known as John Vanderslice After the show at " The Parish"...All great guys. Even funnier because the friend I was with was also named John..i felt so left out

Reply author: TAMAL
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:06:38

hello Frank.
whats your fave track from devils workshop? mine is whiskey in your shoes. classic.
also, what do you think of the doors?


my shirt is shitty!

Reply author: marcusb
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:08:01

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by marcusb

I saw you in Columbus a few years back at a place called Little Brother's.. you surprised us all by entering through the front door past the waiting line.. nudging me a little bit out of the way and politely excusing yourself.. do you do this often? Just to see reactions or was this a one time thing? (John Linnell also did a similar thing to me in Columbus too come to think of it.. odd)


Thanks for clearing that up!

Now, another question: Before a show in Cincinnati a friend and I were having a pizza in a restraunt and I saw Rich Gilbert walking by. I told her who he was and said we should say "Hi" or something and ask him he'd like a piece. She told me I couldn't do that. Would it be in Rich's character to have taken the offered pizza? Or how about if I saw you? Would you have come in, said "hello" and had a piece? Is this a weird question? Anyway.. I just nodded to Rich and he nodded back.. and throughout the show he was throwing us crazy looks as he played.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:08:23

Originally posted by tobafett

Thanks for taking questions, FB. One last one from me (and I'll shaddap):

*i'm watching lots of 1950s/60s 'what the future will be like' movies/shorts lately...what new technology would you like to see? Mars/flying autos/self-cookin' kitchen?

cheers...thanks again!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:09:32

Originally posted by anI-Gav

One last question. I'm in a band and I were wondering if I were to somehow send you a C.D. of ours if you would actually listen to it? Not to try and get us on a label or anything but more of a "what do you think?" type of thing.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:10:46

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Subtlepaper

Sorry I was out of line up there...For a Legit Question. What other instrument besides the guitar do you feel most comfortable and creative with. Also seen any good flicks lately?


In a few years have your kid watch Spy Kids...Good little action kid movie made by Robert Rodriguez. And then 10 years after that have him watch El Mariachi or Sin city also done by Robert Rodriguez...Lives right by my city. Im sure youve seen El Mariachi, if not, you are the king and thats what kings do.


Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:11:19

Actaully, Frank, have you ever heard of British satirist Chris Morris? He did a Pixies parody song a few years back called 'Motherhumper'. I was just wondering if you'd heard it.

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:11:54

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by anI-Gav

One last question. I'm in a band and I were wondering if I were to somehow send you a C.D. of ours if you would actually listen to it? Not to try and get us on a label or anything but more of a "what do you think?" type of thing.


Will you file my taxes if I hand that off to you at a gig ? haha just kidding...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:13:21

Originally posted by TAMAL

hello Frank.
whats your fave track from devils workshop? mine is whiskey in your shoes. classic.
also, what do you think of the doors?


my shirt is shitty!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:15:57

Originally posted by marcusb

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by marcusb

I saw you in Columbus a few years back at a place called Little Brother's.. you surprised us all by entering through the front door past the waiting line.. nudging me a little bit out of the way and politely excusing yourself.. do you do this often? Just to see reactions or was this a one time thing? (John Linnell also did a similar thing to me in Columbus too come to think of it.. odd)


Thanks for clearing that up!

Now, another question: Before a show in Cincinnati a friend and I were having a pizza in a restraunt and I saw Rich Gilbert walking by. I told her who he was and said we should say "Hi" or something and ask him he'd like a piece. She told me I couldn't do that. Would it be in Rich's character to have taken the offered pizza? Or how about if I saw you? Would you have come in, said "hello" and had a piece? Is this a weird question? Anyway.. I just nodded to Rich and he nodded back.. and throughout the show he was throwing us crazy looks as he played.


Reply author: bengrbm
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:16:08


Actually, a lot of my research is on limits of miniaturization. I'm writing about it right now...

Any favorite science magazines for learning about new research?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:16:43

Originally posted by Carl

Actaully, Frank, have you ever heard of British satirist Chris Morris? He did a Pixies parody song a few years back called 'Motherhumper'. I was just wondering if you'd heard it.

pas de dutchie!


Reply author: MaxExactly
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:17:19


What is the extent of your music theory knowledge?

Reply author: marcusb
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:19:54

Ok, one more question: You say you've been listening to Tom Waits on your iPod, and I have been too. A lot. What are your favorite tracks? I've been listening to Downtown Train, Hang Down Your Head, and A Little Rain a lot..

I should also thank you and the Ramones for your covers of his songs.. thats how I got into him!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:20:05

Originally posted by bengrbm


Actually, a lot of my research is on limits of miniaturization. I'm writing about it right now...

Any favorite science magazines for learning about new research?


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:22:08



Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:23:31

Originally posted by frnck blck



You rule! Thanks for the visit. Have a great trip overseas!

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:24:36

i know i keep posting when i have already bid the forum adieu...
dana gould, mentioned above, was jim morrison for a skit on the ben stiller show.
i remember a interview awhile back where you were saying morrison gets slagged on too much

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:25:30

Thank you so much, FB!!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:26:22

thank you thank you.!!!!!!!!!. and thanks to all the people who run the forum for making it possible!!!!!!!!!

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:26:36

Thanks, health and long life to El Rey!

I joined the Cult of Le Cigaw Volanttt

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:26:55

Frank: Drinking good polish beer is the best.. true?

Reply author: Subtlepaper
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:27:00

Well its been great talking to ya Charles but I must get going, I think everyone here agrees that you are the king not only for making some of the most influential music but also for talking one on one with fans. Down to earth famous musicians are a rarity.
Speaking of influence. Check out my bands music if you wish ( myspace, lame i know) but we use a Thermin on “ The Drifter “ You need to use the Thermin more often!! Such a neat little instrument/space alien machine

Reply author: beckett trance
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:27:37

Originally posted by bonedry

i know i keep posting when i have already bid the forum adieu...
dana gould, mentioned above, was jim morrison for a skit on the ben stiller show.
i remember a interview awhile back where you were saying morrison gets slagged on too much

Gould is obscenely funny. I used to work in a place where all those Mr. Show guys performed live all the time, and Gould was consistently making my stomach hurt.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **

Reply author: bengrbm
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:29:08


Thanks for the vibes. Your heart certainly is in the right place - no doubt. Lots of people working on interesting topics would really enjoy talking to you if you ever wanted to know about various cutting edge fields. The various sci references (and of course the great music) gave you a strong following in the sciences. If your ever in NYC there are all sorts of people at Columbia (where I'm at) would be honored to chew your ear off about far out shit. You could eat free for weeks!

Reply author: TAMAL
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:29:55

that was too cool.

my shirt is shitty!

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:32:56


One word: GIG

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 03/21/2006 00:58:38

Originally posted by frnck blck



Did you ever listen to the 2 tribute albums? or anyone know the answer to this?

George Patton once said "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 03/21/2006 01:08:38

rock and roll forever:

I am drunked up: word.

1c out of comish

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 03/21/2006 01:15:56

Originally posted by Little Black Francis

Originally posted by frnck blck



Did you ever listen to the 2 tribute albums? or anyone know the answer to this?

George Patton once said "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."

Dig the original music? He may be talking about my own 'Destination Home'! This makes up for the fact that I missed the chat. Did anyone asked about Trompe le Monde? Somebody should next time!

God save the Noisies

Reply author: Ziggy
Replied on: 03/21/2006 03:06:05

Woah, this thread makes interesting reading. Nice of Frank to pop buy. And some good questions and answers too.

Reply author: Doog
Replied on: 03/21/2006 03:18:48

You'd think the man who invented alt rock could get his head round the CAPS LOCK.. = music = emo

Reply author: Newo
Replied on: 03/21/2006 03:35:23

Yeah say it don´t spray it dude.


Gravy boat! Stay in the now!

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 03/21/2006 04:15:08

Originally posted by Doog

You'd think the man who invented alt rock could get his head round the CAPS LOCK.. = music = emo

yeah, other people get bashed for using caps lock, but in this situation it's usefull, cause you can scroll down and not miss any FB-reply

God save the Noisies

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 03/21/2006 04:30:05

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Visiting Sasquatch

Will you release "ONE MORE ROAD FOR THE HIT" and "SNAKE OIL" on CDs? Please?


yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! itunes sucks Frank, as soon as you can please!!

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 03/21/2006 05:24:59

he loves Jersey. he loves our podcasts. swoon!


Reply author: backtorome
Replied on: 03/21/2006 06:12:58

Hi Frank

I wanna mail you something! Could you email me a fan mail address or something?


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 03/21/2006 06:28:57

I had to work in four hours and decided sleep was necessary, but really honoured to have FB come by and to somewhat indirectly work for him however I may. The site, podcasts, covers, and original music shall continue!

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 03/21/2006 07:14:00

Frank Black is a really nice guy.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 03/21/2006 08:03:47

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by BLT

I have but one question for you, Frank:

Molly Hatchet or Skynyrd?


Heh heh. Rock on, Frank.

Reply author: astrosurfer
Replied on: 03/21/2006 14:02:02

Originally posted by frnck blck



thank to you

the little thing who does my laundry, speaks no english...

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 03/21/2006 15:35:39

thanks cult of frank. i figured you probably were like fuck, i have to hit the hay!
i know that fmrm isn't out, but i'm getting stoked for the new new one with feldman. thanks again!

Reply author: al_most_me
Replied on: 03/21/2006 15:58:08

... no puedo dejar de ver las giras q hacen por alla "arriba" frank, una y otra vez por los mismos sitios y yo aca en Uruguay con mi "cinta" copiada de los pixies que escucho desde 5to de escuela ...
Cuando vas a venir? por aca sos un referente de la escena under!



Reply author: al_most_me
Replied on: 03/21/2006 16:02:35

and again....

We need Pixies here in South America, i´m from Uruguay where pixies are a very importante band, a crucial band in our rock scene, we miss them, we all wish to see them live, we need more chances to see them, come on guys give as another opportunity!! pleeeeasee...
who is with me?



Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 03/21/2006 17:42:54

I missed the whole thing on purpose. I'm too cool to talk to my hero. (damn, fuck, shit!)

I have LeeAnn Tweeden's poop in my freezer.

Reply author: Someone
Replied on: 03/21/2006 19:16:22

dont know if you addressed this but are you a member of the mars society? and what oher mars books can you recomend? still interested in the big man?

Reply author: The New Bolero
Replied on: 03/22/2006 02:57:32

To what El Rey does the song on the upcoming album refer? The coffee shop in Globe, AZ I've heard you mention on Jonathan L's radio show a few times??? Very curious.

Reply author: NSpannaus
Replied on: 03/22/2006 19:23:35

this isn't really a question, but I hope frank gets a chance to read this:


Reply author: pixie punk
Replied on: 03/23/2006 06:32:39
Message: Hey Frank if you have time check out this site about the "Coelacanth" the living fossil fish.Maybe you can write a song about it and help the conservation efforts for the species.

Reply author: backtorome
Replied on: 03/23/2006 08:34:06

Hi Frank,

Did i hear correctly that your mother was "very religious"?
Because if she prayed to God that He would bless your music and use it somehow to glorify Him. Then He has done it! Your music has blessed me more then any other, christian or non-christian.

Praise God for your talent!


Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/23/2006 10:46:14

Originally posted by Ziggy

Nice of Frank to pop buy.

Don't you mean to buy pop?

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 03/24/2006 10:55:20

Hey Frank!
I just found out that there is a Charles Thompson Bridge in
Hickman County in Tennessee (where I work). Just thought I'd
share that with you!

Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 03/24/2006 11:23:22

Originally posted by The New Bolero

To what El Rey does the song on the upcoming album refer? The coffee shop in Globe, AZ I've heard you mention on Jonathan L's radio show a few times??? Very curious.

I don't purport to be frnck blck, but it's definitely referring to the Globe, AZ place. See frnck's lyrics link

Perhaps my inquiry helped inspire him to write the song. See link, top of the page...

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 03/25/2006 10:12:06

Thanks for stopping in Frank, it's always a treat!!! Glad to hear you and the fam are doing well.

Reply author: Team Zissou
Replied on: 03/25/2006 11:08:30

Unbelievable. Frank posts here?

jtanner, that's pretty cool that you got Frank to write a song!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/25/2006 18:18:16

Hi, dude!! Go Team Zissou!!

Yes, Frank does indeed post here.

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: cassandra is
Replied on: 03/27/2006 04:50:38

Originally posted by frnck blck



Holy shit! I must be dreaming!
*fell down in a faint*

pas de bras pas de chocolat

Reply author: Team Zissou
Replied on: 03/27/2006 06:19:20

Hi Carl. Go Team Zissou!

I still can't believe that is Frank!

Reply author: remig
Replied on: 03/28/2006 07:08:45

Question for Frank: have you seen the video I made for Brackish Boy?
it's here:
I hope you don't mind I've made it public on this site.

Reply author: MMD
Replied on: 03/28/2006 08:19:00

Originally posted by backtorome

Hi Frank,

Did i hear correctly that your mother was "very religious"?
Because if she prayed to God that He would bless your music and use it somehow to glorify Him. Then He has done it! Your music has blessed me more then any other, christian or non-christian.

Praise God for your talent!


I find this attitude a little bit patronising, maybe Frank rocks because he works hard at it not because it's some god given gift, its fine if you choose to be religious but don't you think that approaching things from this angle takes away credit from and belittles humanity? But anyway at the end of the day it's great that people enjoy his music regardless, I'm not trying to start a debate here.

“Not since Orson Welles had one man so many fingers in so many pies, and been the chef as well. And then looked like he went and ate them all. The guy was out of control.”

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/28/2006 11:01:21

Stop trying to start a debate here, MMD!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: jenoxies
Replied on: 04/01/2006 00:23:18

Hi, it's my birthday today (the 1st of April) I don't know in USA but in France it's the joke's day. But it's really my birthday. And my mother who only knows where is my mind (thanks to AOL) offered me honeycomb. I'm quite surprised. I'm actually listening this and I think to myself is it possible to see you in France in solo or anywhere else in France. I have seen the pixies twice but never you alone. I have another question. What do you use in concert for acoustic guitar please?

Thanks for your music
Thanks for all
Thanks for reading me
Prenez soin de vous
And have a nice day


Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/01/2006 10:17:01

We call it April Fool's Day here.

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: pixiestu
Replied on: 04/01/2006 10:23:11

Last year on April Fools Day my French teacher told me that in France they call it 'Avril poisson' day (or something like that). Now I know (or at least think) that poisson means fish. So, is there any truth in the French calling it 'April fish day', or was she just trying to fool me?

"The arc of triumph"

Reply author: jediroller
Replied on: 04/01/2006 10:49:47

We have no special name for the day - we call it the 1st of April -, but pranks you play on that day are indeed called "poisson d'avril" (April fish). I have no idea why this day is associated to fish here. A popular gag among kids involves sticking a paper fish to the back of unsuspecting people.

The experts they file in by the roomful / Watching him dying young

free music

Reply author: pixiestu
Replied on: 04/01/2006 11:06:13

Yeah, my teacher was walking round the class sticking paper fish to pupils backs without them knowing, which I thought was rather strange at the time.

Y'know what? I've just realised that I actually miss doing French lessons at school!

"The arc of triumph"

Reply author: cassandra is
Replied on: 04/01/2006 11:22:54

I always wondered about that: why do some english kids chose to learn French at school? I mean, instead of Spanish or German for instance. Are they many?

pas de bras pas de chocolat

Reply author: pixiestu
Replied on: 04/01/2006 11:43:12

At my old school you would learn either French or German (but didn't have a choice in which one). But I know some people at my college who did Spanish when they were at school, so I guess it just depends entirely on what the school chooses to teach.
But I suppose I would rather have done Spanish had it been an option.

"The arc of triumph"

Reply author: MMD
Replied on: 04/01/2006 12:37:52

Hmm I seem to remember being told a long time ago that the way April fools day (Avril trompe jour?) started was that people would stick actual fish to each others backs.

“Not since Orson Welles had one man so many fingers in so many pies, and been the chef as well. And then looked like he went and ate them all. The guy was out of control.”

Reply author: pixiestu
Replied on: 04/01/2006 13:05:17

Well, that would be alot more fun!

"The arc of triumph"

Reply author: candle
Replied on: 04/01/2006 16:53:15

I always wondered about that: why do some english kids chose to learn French at school? I mean, instead of Spanish or German for instance. Are they many?

I think the usual thing (back when a language was compulsory) was for everyone to do French until 10th grade, and then to choose to continue and/or to do another language (at my school, German or Italian - no Spanish). French for English kids is like Spanish for American kids, so most people learn it. Why? Geographical reasons, I guess. And it's not like French is this obscure unimportant language.

On topic, anyway: hey Frank, was I wrong about the links between the songs (on page 40)? If not - well, I may not be in Oregon for much longer...!

And I remember that someone here is an Evil Superstars fan, but (hey Frank, again) do you know dEUS? I know there's an Eric Drew Feldman connection, at least.

I just love being able to write "hey, Frank".

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/02/2006 10:06:58

Most of the kids in my school took Spanish, but I took German. I always have to be different.

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 04/02/2006 15:39:50

Same story with me, VoVat. Our german teacher was the real deal too. She was all pointy and cold and mechanical. Kind of scary at first- but we were able to dig the warm, kind, person out of her after two years. Sprockets! Now Dance!

Oh, cheese. Wonderful cheese. I love you.

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 04/02/2006 19:55:52

i wrote a frank black acrostic cause i was bored:

Flying down the highway in his car
rocketting so very far
a man and his guitar
never got much closer to the stars.
knowledge of another race

But chained by the laws of space
left him in a dark, dark place.
and prophecy will come to be
creatures of evil will be set free.
kill them all with freedom rock.

I'm not claiming that its very good, like i said- i was bored

oh here are some FRANK BLACK AND THE CATHOLICS anagrams:







"I'm done with adult matters. I'm doin the catapult."

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 04/02/2006 20:24:48

You're missing the obvious:

Uhh.. yeah. So, made supper? Chik. Made idiot of myself? Chik. Swapped letter 'i' for 'ec'? Chik!

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 04/02/2006 20:47:25

i taste a spray paint can in my mouth

Reply author: Shelobe
Replied on: 04/02/2006 21:52:35

Wow, I always miss Frank stopping by, and right around my birthday too. Ah well, I don't get to stop by here as much as I would like but doesn't mean I don't love you and your music any less =P Looking foward to your next album and a future gig around Atlanta(hint,hint).

Much <3

Reply author: brackishboy
Replied on: 04/03/2006 05:22:49

hi guys - i just wanted to say hi as this is my 1st post. ive been listening to the podcasts and am loving it. let me introduce myself:

my name is Stu and im from South Africa. im pretty sure im SA's biggest Frank Black fan - by a long shot! im currently living and working in London. I would love to see Frank live.

I started out on the pixies - but when i heard frank's solo stuff i was amazed. and now hooked. i have so many good driving memories to franks catalog. to sum up Franks music in one word: "refreshing". My fave song 3 in franks catalogue? hard... but ill have to just be ruthless and give my fave 3 that come to mind:
pan american hiway, st francis dam disaster, whispering weeds.

anyway enough blabbering. im glad i can get a chance to speak to like minded FB fans. im sending in a song to try and win the "oddballs" album coz thats the only one i cant get hold of.

maybe the song will make it onto the show.maybe not ! it would be the biggest compliment to be called a pixies ripoff !

cheers guys

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 04/03/2006 06:56:32

Hello Frank!
Just want to say...I hope the missus is doing well!
Can't wait to hear about the new baby! I'm very happy for you!

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 04/03/2006 17:40:18

Hi Charles,

Say "hi" to us soon, please. I need a little love right now. Chatting with you makes me feel good for at least a month.

Dig it, babies. Tell 'em more cow bell!

Oh, cheese. Wonderful cheese. I love you.

Reply author: The New Bolero
Replied on: 04/03/2006 23:18:27

Thoughts on the Freddie Mercury-less Queen now on tour please.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 04/04/2006 06:35:55

Hi brackishboy. There's a Brackish Girl on here, a Brackish Heart and a Brackish!

pas de dutchie!

Reply author: velvety
Replied on: 04/04/2006 09:56:25

Happy birthday Frank!! (it's today isn't it?)

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 04/04/2006 10:37:42

I think it's April 7

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 04/04/2006 10:38:22

either 4th or 6th i think. i seem to remember it being one day out from my dad;'s

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 04/04/2006 18:04:41

Hey Frank-

First I hope your birthday was or is super cool and happy!!!

Here are two dumb questions you don't have to answer.

1. Would you ever guest star on South Park and if you did what kind of plot would you want it to have?

2. Do you have a favorite easter candy? If so what?

(this forum puts me in a silly mood. I can't help it.)

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 04/06/2006 06:23:16

Happy Birthday!

Reply author: Steak n Sabre
Replied on: 04/06/2006 16:24:40

A little birthday present here...

The Cult of Frank : Gimme Gimme Gimme...I Need Some More

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 04/06/2006 16:58:07

Originally posted by Steak n Sabre

A little birthday present here...

The Cult of Frank : Gimme Gimme Gimme...I Need Some More

That is a beautiful thing. That represents everything for me about fandom and digging good music and rocking out. Those two put Madonna and Cocorosie and American Idol to shame. Long live simple, elegant, charmingly stupid shit like that. Huzzah!

Reply author: VoVat
Replied on: 04/08/2006 13:24:20

Maybe I should change my name to "Brackish VoVat."

"If you doze much longer, then life turns to dreaming. If you doze much longer, then dreams turn to nightmares."

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 04/13/2006 13:17:33

Hey Frank;
Here is a belated birthday present for you - album art for SSMVGD
(I made it myself)


This is my 100th post!! finally!
I joined the Cult of Something Not Right/Just out of mind and memory

Reply author: Johnny Yen
Replied on: 04/13/2006 16:06:51

Jeff- That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Good job. That's a good best of album, though. It's a roadtrip must.

Reply author: silvereel
Replied on: 04/14/2006 00:46:42

c'mon... frank blcks head on doug sahm's body

sorry 2 much insomnia

I joined the Cult of Something Not Right/Just out of mind and memory

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 04/18/2006 18:24:21

Hi Charles,

When you are happy with, and decide to put a cover song on a record, is there a little bit of you that wishes to promote the artist who wrote or originally recorded the song? I ask because artists of your caliber are in a pretty powerful position to do so if they choose. I mean, if I was at your level of marketability, shit yes, I would throw one of my buddies band's songs on there and credit the hell out of it. But that's just me.

Just wondering what you think about during the process.

Reply author: Holy Fingers
Replied on: 04/21/2006 06:03:54

Hey Frank. Just a simple hello.

"When you've done something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 04/21/2006 07:58:39

Nice sig, that's one of my favourite episodes. :)

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 04/21/2006 13:54:51

Mr Black. Like you did with the song 'Dog in the Sand', have you ever expanded on any of the other riffs in 'Surf Epic' ?

Reply author: Holy Fingers
Replied on: 04/22/2006 04:59:18

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Nice sig, that's one of my favourite episodes. :)

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

Thanks Dean. I noticed your sig on my first visit to this forum. I also love the 'hold on, i'm getting a call' gag from the podcast. My wife and I have shared it with many, since then. BTW, great site, great podcasts. Thanks.

"When you've done something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

Reply author: dougit
Replied on: 04/23/2006 02:17:02

Frank, happy late B-day.

I always know when your B-day is because my wife was born on 4/6/64....(damn I'm getting old!)

I have two young children, too.....Ray, age 4 and Claire, age 1 and a half.

i hope my old posts on this thead (years ago now), didn't get you too down.

were all still here, alive and kicking.........hope you still believe, how could you not after looking into your childrens' eyes.

take it light, take it bright......

P.S. recently bought a home in Albuquerque......come play in Duke City some time

thanks, Doug

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 05/02/2006 11:51:34

Mr FB, sir...
I just wanted to say hello. I hope the baby stuff is going well.

ALSO....When you do hit the road again, please don't forget to come back to Nashville!

Reply author: jtjcp88
Replied on: 05/03/2006 09:36:18

Hi Frank. Just wanted to remind you beer bellys are out of fashion. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/03/2006 09:39:49

Originally posted by jtjcp88

Just wanted to remind you beer bellys are out of fashion.

That's a bit uncalled for.

BTW, didn't realise that was your sig...

Reply author: jtjcp88
Replied on: 05/03/2006 09:43:01

Im sure he'll survive. Yer I thought I should pay my respects to Joey.

Reply author: jtjcp88
Replied on: 05/03/2006 09:52:28

Mayby it is (was) a bit too big.

"Dance at my party."

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 05/04/2006 18:32:12

hey frank,

congrats on the newest addition to the family! hope you're getting a bit of sleep. really looking forward to fm/rm. i have a feeling i'm really gonna like it! and thanks for the dog sleep preview. anyways the mrs and i are heading to the sasquatch festival at the gorge in washington at the end of the month to check out some great music. i've never been there but the pics of the venue look pretty cool. how did you enjoy playing there last year with the pixies? ever think about returning to the gorge? say in a few weeks for a solo show!! anyways take care.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 05/10/2006 17:05:28

Hey Charles, Hi.

What's that little ping into Ramona about one minute? Mysterious. Sounds like a hearing test beep.

BTW- How's your ears holding up? Mine are shot. We're about the same age, but I have nowhere near the stage time that you have had. Ringing a little? I worry about my hearing. I think I'd rather be blind than deaf.

Reply author: backtorome
Replied on: 05/11/2006 00:46:28

Hey Frank, im looking forward to Fastman raiderman, i hope its harder then honecomb (ive heard it is). Cuz Frank, honestly, you gotta make hard abstract rock music, because your the only one who can do the style that you do. your one of a kind. and your kind is my favorite kind. and if you go off and do all this other stuff that you call "cliche" then who is left to fill you place? Im sure ill love your stuff no matter if its polka or whatever, but please frank, im only gonna be young and crank up the volume loud once. so please, continue to rock.

thank you.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:26:26

Originally posted by fbc

Mr Black. Like you did with the song 'Dog in the Sand', have you ever expanded on any of the other riffs in 'Surf Epic' ?

no...maybe i should. i'll have to talk about this with edf. thanks for the reminder.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:29:34

Originally posted by fumanbru

hey frank,

congrats on the newest addition to the family! hope you're getting a bit of sleep. really looking forward to fm/rm. i have a feeling i'm really gonna like it! and thanks for the dog sleep preview. anyways the mrs and i are heading to the sasquatch festival at the gorge in washington at the end of the month to check out some great music. i've never been there but the pics of the venue look pretty cool. how did you enjoy playing there last year with the pixies? ever think about returning to the gorge? say in a few weeks for a solo show!! anyways take care.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

t is actually a great place for a concert or whatever. i enjoyed it, but i did have some kind of sinus thing going on that week as i recall, so i think i was a bit preoccupied with preserving what voice i did have. but yes...a very nice spot. enjoy.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:30:37

Originally posted by jtjcp88

Hi Frank. Just wanted to remind you beer bellys are out of fashion. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

damn! really? i thought everyone ou there was still going for the fat thing! damn. ok. back to the skinny me!


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:34:13

Originally posted by ScottP

Hey Charles, Hi.

What's that little ping into Ramona about one minute? Mysterious. Sounds like a hearing test beep.

BTW- How's your ears holding up? Mine are shot. We're about the same age, but I have nowhere near the stage time that you have had. Ringing a little? I worry about my hearing. I think I'd rather be blind than deaf.

i think it's just joey getting ready to play the first note. he might have had the guitar way up while recording, and so there was a momentary feedback beep before he started to play.

i think my ears are ok. not perfect. i have heard that singers fare better because the mouth is always open and singing and that position blocks out a lot of volume. don't know if it's true, but it feels like it might be possible. there's a big difference between just standing there and taking the volume and standing there creating your own internal sound.


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:40:10

Originally posted by backtorome

Hey Frank, im looking forward to Fastman raiderman, i hope its harder then honecomb (ive heard it is). Cuz Frank, honestly, you gotta make hard abstract rock music, because your the only one who can do the style that you do. your one of a kind. and your kind is my favorite kind. and if you go off and do all this other stuff that you call "cliche" then who is left to fill you place? Im sure ill love your stuff no matter if its polka or whatever, but please frank, im only gonna be young and crank up the volume loud once. so please, continue to rock.

thank you.

well, i hope you like fmrm, i suppose it "rocks" a bit more than honeycomb; i'm not sure. i think the NEXT one is gonna rock hard. not cuz i pan it out that way. i don't plan any of this stuff. i just write. it comes out the way that it comes out. if you try to force it a particular way it kind of loses the spirit. i think thought the newest stuff i've been working on rocks.


Reply author: Angry Elvis
Replied on: 05/19/2006 23:42:17


thanks for all the great music, i really admire your work

i think thought the newest stuff i've been working on rocks.


***i'm just a hunka hunka burnin love***

Reply author: Don Eduardo
Replied on: 05/20/2006 00:56:32


Reply author: s_wrenn
Replied on: 05/20/2006 04:41:06

Hey Frank.
I'm not too sure if you've been asked this already, but, when the whole Virgin Galactic thing starts up and there are regular flights going into space, would you go?
I heard somewhere that you're not too keen on flying. But surely the call of space is irresistible.

Reply author: crippe
Replied on: 05/20/2006 04:53:33

Hello Frank, what do you think of the new Vox AC30CC's? They're made in China now and a lot of people bash them because of that but me likes them a lot.


Reply author: Grotesque
Replied on: 05/20/2006 05:37:15

About "to rock or not to be" I'd like to say that songs like "Dog in the Sand" or "Wave Of Mutilation Surf UK" really rock my heart more than the dead kennedys.

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/20/2006 05:56:12

Hi Frank, and congratulations on the newest addition to the family!! Just wondering, was the acoustic you used in the early Pixies days a blue Washburn?! 'Cos that's what I read somewhere! Electric guitar-wise, I have a cheapo Squire Tele at the moment, and I have a Vox Pathfinder amp that's not very powerful. I'll have to invest in one of them AC30s one day!

Reply author: teh sharkie
Replied on: 05/20/2006 14:32:15

Originally posted by s_wrenn
But surely the call of space is irresistible.

suborbital "space"flight has to be teh lamest thing ever

Reply author: s_wrenn
Replied on: 05/20/2006 14:42:07

Well, it's a start...A bit pricey i will admit ($20,000 deposit for a $200,000 trip)

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 05/20/2006 19:36:37

Hey, Charles

What kind of gear/set-up do you have at home for recording?

It's a beautiful time of year to be living in the NW USA, huh?

thanks later

Reply author: Skatealex1
Replied on: 05/21/2006 09:11:43

hey frank do you plan on the releasing the other pixie song the pixies recorded for shrek 2?

The Truth Is Out There

Reply author: Gino
Replied on: 05/21/2006 11:29:14

i think thought the newest stuff i've been working on rocks.

It rocks like "Rock Me, joe"?

Reply author: pod
Replied on: 05/21/2006 12:23:47

Originally posted by Gino

i think thought the newest stuff i've been working on rocks.

It rocks like "Rock Me, joe"?

And are you perhaps scheduled to tour this July as a warm up to going in the studio to record this NEXT album?

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 05/21/2006 13:24:26

yeah, frank, that was a good call whoever asked you about finishing up surf epic, writing lyrics to velveeta was a good call. i think the melodies that come after the dog in the sand melody are some of the best i've ever heard, and i've heard 'em all baby!!!!! that song has a very sad sound. it sounds futuristic but in a senitmental for the past out in the industrial desert sort of way. finish that up though! ps. eric drew feldman looks just like a librarian at my school's libarary, and do you need me to play any guitar or drums or anything on the new album, let me know, i'll play for liquor and food.

Reply author: Sam
Replied on: 05/22/2006 05:32:09

Hello Frank,

thanks for stopping by.Can i just say that your music continues to captivate myself and my friends 16 years after first hearing it. It really has brought us through your musical phases and our life phases and always been relevant and totally natural. Thanks for the tunes, and we hope to see you in Dublin soon.

Reply author: Frog in the Sand
Replied on: 05/22/2006 11:22:59

Originally posted by frnck blck
i think the NEXT one is gonna rock hard. not cuz i pan it out that way. i don't plan any of this stuff. i just write. it comes out the way that it comes out. if you try to force it a particular way it kind of loses the spirit. i think thought the newest stuff i've been working on rocks.

What about a "Quadragenarian of the Year" with Ricky, Lyle and Nick?

blackolero le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français

Reply author: pixie punk
Replied on: 05/24/2006 05:58:15

Hola Charles.During your stay in Puerto Rico did you bring a guitar with you or borrowed one by any chance? I would like to know if you wrote Isla De Encanta and some of the other songs where you talk about your experiences down here in the hospedaje or maybe under a palm tree at one of our beaches.Or did you wrote them right after returning to Mass.I'm anxiously awaiting the release of FMRM down here,thanks again for the truly inspiring and uplifting music you make.


Reply author: Grotesque
Replied on: 05/24/2006 09:16:11

Hello Mr Black, I was wondering if you consider weak the songs "Show me your tears" and "Jumping Beans", as you didn't put on Teenager Of The Year and Show me your Tears.
Personaly, I put them in my favourites.
The most funny is that the song "Show me your tears" actually makes me cry !!!

Reply author: Coralray
Replied on: 05/25/2006 12:11:12


Thank you for all of the great music over the years. I joined in with Teenager of the Year and have since gone through the back catalog with the Pixies and have followed everything since. Thanks too for your frequent visits to Omaha...I remember well the Cult of Ray tour, you played the Ranch Bowl, where Warren Zevon once claimed he had hit a new low, playing a bowling alley, I was stage left smoking cuban cigars, drinking lots of Meyers' rum and singing full volume to all the words, to the great annoyance of the teens in the all ages section in front of me. I miss Lyle Workman, that was a great era in your music.

I also appreciate your references to Omaha/Nebraska, notably in Pan American Highway, which I am delighted is included in One More Road for the Hit and, I presume, End of Miles,"For some the end of miles is Denver Colorado," I am sure you have spent too many hours on I-90, moving west. Thanks for stopping, although I can't imagine you someday making Omaha home.

I introduced my brother to Dog in the Sand, a xmas present, and more recently to Honeycomb when I visited him in Florence, OR, where I noted your veiled reference to the WOW hall in Eugene, "the Hall of the Felled Tree," an old haunt of his when he lived there. Oddly, WOW, Woodmen of the World, is an insurance company....based in Omaha! I'll be seeing ya. Thanks again.


Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 05/27/2006 12:59:30

frank, if you ever want to get rid of a tele-style guitar you may have, let me know. preferrablyy something cheap!

Reply author: bonedry
Replied on: 05/27/2006 13:04:37

p.s. announcement is the greatest song of all time.

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 05/29/2006 05:12:13

There is one small flaw to Announcement*. FADE! I wish they worked on it till they had a proper ending. Who cares if it would have made it 20 minutes long. Songs with fade just don't seem complete. It’s the greatest song of all time with an asterisk.

Originally posted by bonedry

p.s. announcement is the greatest song of all time.

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/29/2006 09:35:24

Originally posted by Thomas

It’s the greatest song of all time with an asterisk.

I don't recall any mention of him!

Reply author: Thomas
Replied on: 05/29/2006 09:42:11

Originally posted by Carl

Originally posted by Thomas

It’s the greatest song of all time with an asterisk.

I don't recall any mention of him!

That would be asterisk not Asterix or even Vercingetorix

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 05/29/2006 09:47:47

Oh, right. I shouldn't take risks with my spelling! ;)

Reply author: jtjcp88
Replied on: 05/30/2006 14:10:55

Bludy French

"Dance at my party."

Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 06/20/2006 18:01:25


Thank You for FMRM ~ five stars!

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/20/2006 18:59:22

thanks Frank!!! Fastman/Raiderman is another wonderful musical journey and another musical triumph. I am not sure how you got all those sounds in there but every single track sounds amazing. thanks for all the awesome music and hope to see it live if you come to town.

Reply author: vanishing_spy
Replied on: 06/21/2006 13:43:33


What can I say, I've been a fan since high school. I spent most of my junior and senior years driving around listening to Bossanova and Trompe le Monde. Speaking of Trompe le Monde...I remember in the documentary that was on the 2004 DVD you said you regretted not rewriting some of those songs. This struck me because I have never heard you play any of those songs live. My wife and I flew to California from Virginia to see the Pixies at Coachella and then I saw you later that summer in DC at Constitution Hall. You guys were playing almost exclusively tracks from Pilgrim, Surfer Rosa, and Doolittle. Those are good songs but I loved the music on Trompe. Motorway to Roswell and Letter to Memphis were my mainstays. I want you to know that despite what a lot of magazines say, the last two Pixies albums were powerhouses at the time and I was right with you when you started moving in the surfy, spacy direction. I wouldn't have gotten into Man or Astro-Man if not for later Pixies.

I wanted to say two other things. First, if I ever meet Steve Albini i'm going to kick him in his balls. Second, you have never gotten enough credit for your singing voice. So many people touted Kim's voice and I always thought she was so one-dimensional. Your range and style are unmatched. I just want you to know that there are lots of people out there who consider you their favorite vocalist.

Thanks for making the soundtrack to my life.



Reply author: mixedbizz
Replied on: 06/21/2006 14:50:28

See ya in Brooklyn in august Frank! Southpaw's a pretty decent venue. Saw The Fall there a couple weeks ago.

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 06/22/2006 05:40:21

hi frank. we're all reallyreallyreally looking forward to the forthcoming EDF collaboration.

a) what are your thoughts on tiven's persistent presence on this (your) forum?
b) should we expect more "bawdy sax" on future albums?

i hate anyone who doesn't like me.

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 06/22/2006 06:00:16

(what does "bawdy" mean? I just want to be sure before posting my rant)


Your team sucks

Reply author: dayanara
Replied on: 06/22/2006 06:18:15

bawdy: adjective; offensive to accepted standards of decency.

i hate anyone who doesn't like me.

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/22/2006 19:40:55

now d, there's only that kind of stuff if it involves miss violet.

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 06/22/2006 21:14:28

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

now d, there's only that kind of stuff if it involves miss violet.

I think you're thinking kinky daisy, or are you saying Violet is bawdy?

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 06/22/2006 21:53:02


did you used to skateboard? you have a few skating references in your songs (and another one on Elijah).. i was just curious

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 06/23/2006 07:35:52

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

now d, there's only that kind of stuff if it involves miss violet.

I think I know what you mean, but I have a feeling it comes across in an unintended way...

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."

Reply author: edbanky
Replied on: 06/23/2006 10:48:08

Frank, how is it to have the hearts of the children turn to their father?

"Within us are the seeds for life or death depending on the environment we create for the Symprotit."
- Stephen Heuer

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/23/2006 15:39:33

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

now d, there's only that kind of stuff if it involves miss violet.

I think I know what you mean, but I have a feeling it comes across in an unintended way...

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."

thanks d, and sorry frank, i was meaning it in a sweet and innocent way and i was trying to stand up for violet. not like she needs standing up for because she doesn't. just being friendly not stupid like the way it came across.

i'm sorry

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 06/23/2006 23:17:24

Hey Charles,

I'm listening to your new record 2-3 times a day. The songs are slowly coming to me. It's cool when they hit- kinda like those early 90's "magic 3-D pictures" that were so popular. You stare at the damn things long enough, and finally you get it (minus the headache, of course). Another great bunch of songs and more great songwriting. Thank you.

So, I'm liking the new record more and more, and I'm so thankful you take the time to chat with us about stuff now and then, so I don't want this question to sound too pushy or anything like that because it just popped into my head. But, what kind of approach are you considering for the next (EDF?) record- as in live to 2, or more of a tracked production like your earlier solo efforts? Or, ?.

Reply author: mr.biscuitdoughhead
Replied on: 06/24/2006 10:41:32

Originally posted by bonedry

p.s. announcement is the greatest song of all time.

For a second there I thought you meant Public Service Announcement by The Bravery, instead of
"p.s, Announcement is the greatest song..." I was thinking "What does that have to do with anything?"
PSA is a good song though.

"It's like the earth is shaking, and what can you do? Nothing" -FB

Reply author: see you in tea
Replied on: 06/25/2006 08:01:14


Do you own any guns?

Why did you make Portland your home after you left LA?

I know you're a Mr. Show fan. Have you seen Arrested Development? If not, did you know that David Cross played a major character on the show, and Bob Odenkirk, John Ennis, Jerry Minor, and Jay Johnston all played small roles? By the way, if you haven't seen Arrested Development, I highly recommend getting the DVDs and watching them when you have time to kill on the tour bus. You'll be hooked after the first couple of episodes.

Reply author: jtanner
Replied on: 06/25/2006 19:54:21

frnck, i love this album! thank you.

Reply author: joeyrsl
Replied on: 06/26/2006 14:54:00

Yo Frank and friends,

Always a pleasure hearing a new FB album. Been a fan for nearly 20 years now--time flies, eh? Anyway I dig what the dude was saying about the songs "coming to him." Frank Black albums seem to take form in the heart of the listener over time. At least for me, they slowly infect the brain and heart, like a very complicated virus oozing in with a sublime affect. Totally awesome. My current faves are "When your Poison Gets you," "Fare Thee Well," "Can't Crucify Yourself," "Sad Old World," "Don't Cry that way," man about five more beyond that but I don't need to babble. Ya'll know the man kicks ass, that's why you're here. I don't need to prove how damn good these new songs are, you know all about it. Anyway, thanks Frank, and thanks for moving to Eugene! (fellow citizen). How's dadhood goin?


Reply author: MissMaceo
Replied on: 06/26/2006 20:04:43

you started what Greg Dulli, QOTSA and others came along and finished a little while later and I can't imagine anything more exciting than a collaboration on a Twilight Singers or Desert Sessions recording. Any chance/interest/comment? The closest I've seen is the Pixies bio/radio program Homme narrated.

except maybe you and david gilmour together heh

thanks for coming and holding court

This species has amused itself to death.

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 06/27/2006 20:19:26

fastman raiderman love to listen another frank black album double album at that.
great good stuff.

Reply author: backtorome
Replied on: 07/05/2006 07:11:23


Thanks for putting out Fastman Raiderman. I didn't really like Honeycomb last year. Too different from what i am used to. But I love Fastman Raiderman and it has helped me to appreciate Honeycomb. And Now I really like Honeycomb! I was afraid of the musical direction you might go into, and now I'm not. You have helped me to appreciate other music. Thanks


Reply author: ATBNG
Replied on: 07/10/2006 21:10:22

FB - I think Fastman Raiderman is outstanding and appreciate its breadth and depth. I'm really digging all the Massachusetts references as a lifelong Bostonian. Unfortunately, I won't get to see you at the Ratskeller, but the Beachcomber will do just fine.

Reply author: pearl
Replied on: 07/24/2006 11:31:40

Hi there Mr.Black!!
I just wanted to say tnx for all the music you have done with the Pixies and the Catholics.I just love it!

I`ve just been to your Pixies gig here in Zagreb,Croatia and it was wonderful!
And I was wondering if you have considered doing a FB&The Catholics gig here in Croatia?

no sig...:-(

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 07/24/2006 19:59:41

Stay where you are for a couple weeks, Frank. It's hot as the blazes back in the NW and all the popsicles are sold out.

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 07/25/2006 11:32:43


did you get to meet MORRISSEY yet ???

sminki pinki

Reply author: mergzez7
Replied on: 07/25/2006 16:10:21

Dear Mr Black

De do do do do de da da da
that's all i want to say to you


Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 07/25/2006 20:33:45

hey frank,

fmrm is really growing on me. thanks for all the songs! and enjoy the family vacation this summer! sounds like it will be a blast.

so, like many others, i think you're a truly amazing songwriter. i really enjoyed broken face’s comments about st. francis dam disaster on one of the podcasts. i have a new found appreciation for that song after listening to brian's take on it. absolutely beautiful and well crafted song. it flows real nicely! so then I was reading the lyrics to the swimmer. another song that i really admire. i had read on the that someone had suggested that maybe the song is about the folk singer gamble rogers who drowned off the coast of florida in 1991 trying to save a drowning man. a really tragic and sad story. any comments? if it is not about gamble, can you provide any info on the song? thanks.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: rickbob
Replied on: 07/26/2006 19:37:40

so Frank,
any chance you could prove the doubts wrong (its listed you will be there on this site but nowhere else) about the Atlanta show at our humble drive-in September 2nd? Dave Thomas and Reid Paley will be there along with (cough) Blue Oyster Cult and burlesque girls and herses...movies...and much more...see for yourself....

it will be fun!
please? you asked for requests.

Reply author: Heliotropic
Replied on: 07/27/2006 13:25:45

Hey Frank,

What are your favorite books written by Ray Bradbury?

Reply author: johnnyribcage
Replied on: 08/03/2006 20:53:53

Hi Frank, off the wall question here, but I saw a random weird video of you and a couple of fake british cops that went through your cd collection and questioned you about it. I don't know how long ago that video was recorded, but in one of the first shots, your cd case is open to the Beach Boys album Smiley Smile. I've always dug that album. Did you get a chance to hear Brian Wilson's Smile? It's crazy how he went back to it after so many years and just wrapped it up. By the way, I'm loving the new album.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 08/07/2006 18:56:43

hello frank,

thanks for making winnipeg part of the tour stop!

happy touring.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 08/10/2006 15:12:32

on a similar note... thanks for playing minny!!!! you're going to make a lot of people happy by playing the town. thanks again!!!

Reply author: mikaelp75
Replied on: 08/10/2006 19:11:59

Hey Frank.

Thanks for the excellent FMRM. I can't think of a song I like more than Raider Man.

Any chance of a European tour? If not, how about a non-Pixies dvd?

Ever thought of covering (Roky Erickson's) If You Have Ghosts?

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 08/10/2006 19:28:58

love the new dbl cd frank, there are so many great songs.

Reply author: ScottP
Replied on: 08/20/2006 19:17:06

Hi Charles,

Just wondering how you think things are going so far out on your flattop tour. That, and any other stuff you want to talk about. I'm pretty sure all of us would like to hear your personal take on the experience so far with the fam and all.

Loving that new record. I popped it in during a party we had at my house last night and everybody really liked it. One guy even called me today to remind him of it's title so he could go buy it. Great songs.

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 08/28/2006 19:21:58

hey frank,

how's the family vacation? you've probably arrived in california by now. any plans to check out wally world?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 09/18/2006 17:32:49

Hi Frank:

Just out of curiosity, did you name your first born after "Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts"?

"My name is Doug and I'm outta hhhhheeeere."

Reply author: sonicyoungster
Replied on: 09/22/2006 13:43:36

Wouldn't it be real easy for him to prove he's actually Frank Black?
I mean, he could take a picture of himself holding up something random, like pack of coffee or something?
Pretty easy to place a link to it on the forum.
That would work, right?
Or, even better, send one to me!

By the way, I saw the Pixies at Lowlands festival and it was the best show I ever been to. I fully intended to scream along with every little line, but me and my friends've been singing the Pixies all weekend so when the show began my throat was as raw as...uhm... something else that's really really raw. I did manage to squeek along for a bit though.

Reply author: sonicyoungster
Replied on: 09/22/2006 13:45:56

Oh, and one question. Is Into the white going to get tabbed soon?
All I can find are either incomplete or faulty ones. I know the song is real easy, but I'm not much of a guitar player (yet!).

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 09/22/2006 13:54:10

There's no question (not since page 2) that this is FB. It has been verified many times since then as well.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 09/22/2006 16:53:48

Originally posted by sonicyoungster

Wouldn't it be real easy for him to prove he's actually Frank Black?
I mean, he could take a picture of himself holding up something random, like pack of coffee or something?

..Or a beer bottle if he's in Nashville (see other thread)!

It's definitely FB, sonic (and hello!)!

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 10/02/2006 13:41:02

Hi guys, its been a while since I was last around here, so I thought I'd start making trouble with the font and see how it goes from there.

Usual ramblings from me: when are Frank and the Catholics heading UK way?

Hell, I don't care if it does involve another schlepp up to Edinburgh in the worlds smallest skirt!

...Actually, that was kinda fun...(bad wicked Leah!)

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:02:54

Originally posted by Heliotropic

Hey Frank,

What are your favorite books written by Ray Bradbury?

the first collection of shorts: the martian chronicles

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:05:29

Originally posted by johnnyribcage

Hi Frank, off the wall question here, but I saw a random weird video of you and a couple of fake british cops that went through your cd collection and questioned you about it. I don't know how long ago that video was recorded, but in one of the first shots, your cd case is open to the Beach Boys album Smiley Smile. I've always dug that album. Did you get a chance to hear Brian Wilson's Smile? It's crazy how he went back to it after so many years and just wrapped it up. By the way, I'm loving the new album.

i have an old cassette version that was given to me by tony bennet's son of all people, danny. years ago. the differences between the various versions are lost on me in that i LOVE brian wilson, but i am not a true wilson expert like so many.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:07:07

Hey Charles - how goes the tour?

-Brian -

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:09:02

Originally posted by mikaelp75

Hey Frank.

Thanks for the excellent FMRM. I can't think of a song I like more than Raider Man.

Any chance of a European tour? If not, how about a non-Pixies dvd?

Ever thought of covering (Roky Erickson's) If You Have Ghosts?

i wish tere would be a euro tour, but unfortunately the record has not done so well over there, and so i can't imagine there is much demand from the promoters at this time. that's show biz. i don't know the roky track. i'll put it on the list...

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:10:54

Originally posted by HeywoodJablome

Hi Frank:

Just out of curiosity, did you name your first born after "Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts"?

"My name is Doug and I'm outta hhhhheeeere."

no, actually Jack is named after, well, HIMSELF!

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:21:06

Hello Frank, long time poster first time questioner,

firstly, a compliment: I love Deadman's Curve. It scratches me right where I itch. Secondly, as my nom de plume suggests, I am enamoured with the song Speedy Marie. I realize that perhaps this song's personal meaning to you may make it unpleasant to do so, but if you played it live (in Saskatoon), it would mean a lot to me and my girlfriend. It was the first song of yours she really loved (I've converted her to the occult of Frank), and in some ways it is "our" song. Notwithstanding any personal issue you may have with it, I imagine your band doesn't know it. Again, I sympathize, but my desire to see it played live is clearly more important than these petty issues. If Mr. Feldman would be happy to oblige and tickle the ivories, I will play the bass and I'm sure together we can walk Mr. Block and Mr. Jarvis through the changes.

All joking aside, thank you for the music, it has meant a lot. Enjoy the rest of the tour and see you in November.

maybe I'll kick it

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:22:36

Ahem...bass player who will be in SK too...

-Brian -

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:27:41

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by mikaelp75

Any chance of a European tour? If not, how about a non-Pixies dvd?

i wish there would be a euro tour, but unfortunately the record has not done so well over there, and so i can't imagine there is much demand from the promoters at this time.

this is sad to hear. not so much the tour, more so the record.

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:28:12

That'd be ideal Brian, because then I could watch the performance with my lady friend. We could do the front-to-back stand-n-sway and stare dreamily at you.

maybe I'll kick it

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:31:31

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Heliotropic

Hey Frank,

What are your favorite books written by Ray Bradbury?

the first collection of shorts: the martian chronicles

Yeah! I read that collection and it brought a tear to my eye. It was pretty cool to be reading it on a train in the south of Spain - red landscapes and a tall, lonely, arid mountain were whizzing by at 200km/h as I closed the book. Of course I've read Fahrenheit 9/11, but I'm not sure which Bradbury to tackle next...

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:35:51

Originally posted by dayanara

hi frank. we're all reallyreallyreally looking forward to the forthcoming EDF collaboration.

a) what are your thoughts on tiven's persistent presence on this (your) forum?
b) should we expect more "bawdy sax" on future albums?

i hate anyone who doesn't like me.

a) the internet is the largest bathroom wall in the universe, right? and this is actually not MY forum. it's a forum about my music but it is not affiliated with me directly. i participate occasionally because the guys that run it seem to have a light hearted attitude about me, music, etc. they do such a great job with dispensing info that i see no need to do my own site. back to your question: i come on this site, you come on this site, people associated with me come on this site, and so i don't really have a problem with it. if i have a problem with anything on this site, i'll just change the channel so to speak. you gotta realize, that even record producers want to check out this thing called the internet and interact with it, especially if one's work is being commented upon; sure, i sometimes wish tiven would be a bit more mysterious about his involvement with the music biz, but, hey, he ain't that kind of guy. and i suppose i ain't that kind of guy either, or else i wouldn't have my own damn thread here. tiven is just having some fun. people who get all riled up by him are simply taking him way too seriously. having the chance to blog or participate in a blog brings out the nerd in all of us. i mean, just how big of a nerd am i?

b) if by bawdy you mean vulgar, well, i guess sax does have a kind of lewdness to it, hence, it's over usage in film and television And popular music. i suppose it's that over usage that turns some people off from being able to deal with it at all, and so i understand if it is not your cup of tea. i try to not over use it, and i try to get sax on my records that has some personality. i think that sax is really a big part of the true rock and roll sound, and i wish it was used more often in the "good" way! so. i'm trying. and i'm afraid you may have to endure more saxuality on future frank black recordings, but i'll try to keep it real.

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:36:24

Originally posted by speedy_m

That'd be ideal Brian, because then I could watch the performance with my lady friend. We could do the front-to-back stand-n-sway and stare dreamily at you.

maybe I'll kick it

Just call me Davy Jones, Marsha.

-Brian -

Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:41:51

While I'd love to tinkle the keys with Eric on bass, I'd so much rather see Eric on keys that I'd be happier with Brian up there, tired though he will be from his travel here and our day-prior trip to the queen city.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Reply author: Broken Face
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:44:01

Never too tired to rock. Never.

-Brian -

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:49:38

Originally posted by floop


did you used to skateboard? you have a few skating references in your songs (and another one on Elijah).. i was just curious

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur

truckee trucks as i recall. sims snakes. just point a to point b. transportation. nothing fancy. but we really got around l.a. aok on those things.

Reply author: FranknWeezer
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:50:49

Great to see you added All My Ghosts to your setlists this tour. Sorry to see you waited until after I saw you in Memphis to do so.
Your dusting off AMG got me thinking...back in 2001 you and your previous band did an incredible rendition of Fiddle Riddle w/ slide steel, etc. If you're up to it, alot of us would love to hear you rework more of your lesser-played solo works. Say, St. Francis Dam Disaster, the Cult of Ray, Pie in the Sky, etc. Whad'ya say?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 08:56:16

Originally posted by see you in tea


Do you own any guns?

Why did you make Portland your home after you left LA?

I know you're a Mr. Show fan. Have you seen Arrested Development? If not, did you know that David Cross played a major character on the show, and Bob Odenkirk, John Ennis, Jerry Minor, and Jay Johnston all played small roles? By the way, if you haven't seen Arrested Development, I highly recommend getting the DVDs and watching them when you have time to kill on the tour bus. You'll be hooked after the first couple of episodes.

I do own an antiique rifle that I inherited. it has the hammer removed, so you can't shoot it. i don't know arrested devepment so much but it is on my list and i'm lucky to have recieved "insider" material from both mr. cross and mr. odenkirk. i am a huge fan of both comedians. it's a crime they don't have their own show(s) on prime time tv, but hey, i guess that's show biz. after i left l.a. i went to portland to be closer to a woman i had met. now we live together and are married in another part of the state. we have 4 children.

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:00:03

Why did you start wearing eyeliner on stage?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:00:43

Originally posted by fbc

Mr Black. Like you did with the song 'Dog in the Sand', have you ever expanded on any of the other riffs in 'Surf Epic' ?

not yet

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:05:45

Originally posted by Jason

Why did you start wearing eyeliner on stage?

to be pretty?

Reply author: ramona
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:14:30

Hi Frank,

Are you taking any requests on the tour? You played Valentine and Garuda at my request at Zuzu in Cambridge in 2003. Any chance you'll play it in Boston next week?

Can't wait to see you.

"I’m not ashamed to say I want rock & roll..."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Reply author: Skatealex1
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:33:14

Hey Frank I think you should tour israel I know there alot of fans up there.
Also is there truth to the rumor that the bands getting together in January?

The Truth Is Out There

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 10/16/2006 09:51:59

Hi Frank,

I don't know if you recall, but way back when Dog In The Sand was released, W.A.R.? did a promotional contest for retailers to create a store display. I made one (managed an indie store) and wound up winning 2nd place (prizes included some autographed one-sheet posters of DITS, and $50.00!). It was a wall that had a 3-D rocketship (you and the Catholics peering out the window) soaring over the desert with a dog in the sand howling up at your ship. Anyway, thanks for picking it!

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/16/2006 13:40:18

hey Frank, any chance of a homerecording album or a personal record label
(just like Robert Pollard's Fading Captain Series). Just for the fans,
no big thing, 2 or 3 releases every year. You seem prolific enough

God save the Noisies

Reply author: Born to Lose
Replied on: 10/16/2006 19:00:42

Hey, going to your show in Asheville tomorrow. I'm actually missing one of the dress rehearsals for the play I'm in to come see you. This will be my first time I've seen you sans Pixies and I'm actually more excited. Anyhoo, break a leg tomorrow night and take it easy.

Reply author: Erebus
Replied on: 10/17/2006 01:45:49

Originally posted by billgoodman

hey Frank, any chance of a homerecording album or a personal record label
(just like Robert Pollard's Fading Captain Series). Just for the fans,
no big thing, 2 or 3 releases every year. You seem prolific enough

This made me smile when I first read it. Still smiling. "no big thing".

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 10/17/2006 07:17:42

Originally posted by speedy_m

Hello Frank, long time poster first time questioner,

firstly, a compliment: I love Deadman's Curve. It scratches me right where I itch. Secondly, as my nom de plume suggests, I am enamoured with the song Speedy Marie. I realize that perhaps this song's personal meaning to you may make it unpleasant to do so, but if you played it live (in Saskatoon), it would mean a lot to me and my girlfriend. It was the first song of yours she really loved (I've converted her to the occult of Frank), and in some ways it is "our" song. Notwithstanding any personal issue you may have with it, I imagine your band doesn't know it. Again, I sympathize, but my desire to see it played live is clearly more important than these petty issues. If Mr. Feldman would be happy to oblige and tickle the ivories, I will play the bass and I'm sure together we can walk Mr. Block and Mr. Jarvis through the changes.

All joking aside, thank you for the music, it has meant a lot. Enjoy the rest of the tour and see you in November.

maybe I'll kick it

ditto!! well said speedy!

like speedy’s girlfriend, my special lady also turned the franck black corner after falling in love with the beauty of speedy marie!! thank you again for this amazing song! maybe you could try it out in winnipeg ;) that way the band is ready to go for speedy’s girlfriend!

i’m really loving the setlists you’ve got going on right now….as well as seeing the youtube videoclips. but since we’re on the topic of requests i’ll shout out a few right now rather than annoying you and the fans when i see you in concert!

…..speedy marie, every time i go around here (loved the 2001 live version that I heard on podcast 17!! wow!), adda lee, atom in my heart, in the time of my ruin, so bay, village of the sun, whispering weeds, massif centrale, the marsist, thalasocracy……

really looking forward to seeing you and the band in winnipeg, saskatoon (fbnet meet and greet!), and calgary!!

enjoy the rest of the tour and thanks again for going on tour. it must be tough being away from the family. all the best.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"

Reply author: Sam
Replied on: 10/17/2006 13:22:49

Hi Frank,

Please come to Europe, i would imagine you could sell out the temple bar music centre in Dublin with your following here, we would love to see/hear you this year, plus you could take the family on a nice sight seeing tour of the emerald isle. Please consider a trip. If not a huge sprawling euro trip then just a few well chosen dates perhaps?

I'm begging now amn't i?

PS - good luck on Conan, can't wait to see it.

Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/17/2006 13:51:01

Originally posted by Erebus

Originally posted by billgoodman

hey Frank, any chance of a homerecording album or a personal record label
(just like Robert Pollard's Fading Captain Series). Just for the fans,
no big thing, 2 or 3 releases every year. You seem prolific enough

This made me smile when I first read it. Still smiling. "no big thing".

it's no big thing, if Pollard can do this (and make some nice extra money) Frank can do this as well. You don't have to press ten thousand records of all the releases, maybe half of it, maybe less. Get yourself a webpage to take orders, make some beautiful homerecording music and go for it. Kristin Hersh has her own Work In Progress-releases, it's great!

God save the Noisies

Reply author: OldManInaCoffeeCan
Replied on: 10/19/2006 06:49:49

Great quotes, not related, but both words of wisdom that I'm chewing on today.

Theodore Roosevelt
"The Man In The Arena"
Speech at the Sorbonne
Paris, France
April 23, 1910

"...It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

(Frank Black - Frank
"I am a guitar player. I am not a dancing bear....I am a singer...I am a guy loading a trailer... I am a cabaret singer. I am not a dancing bear... Sometimes people think that I am rude when I don't switch into that dancing bear routine. I am not complaining. I adore playing music to the people that support my art. But I am not a fucking dancing bear... I may look like a dancing bear! Sure. I admit it."

I guess I better ask a question, huh..."Any current favorite quotes?"

Reply author: cassandra is
Replied on: 10/20/2006 03:16:39

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by mikaelp75

Hey Frank.

Thanks for the excellent FMRM. I can't think of a song I like more than Raider Man.

Any chance of a European tour? If not, how about a non-Pixies dvd?

Ever thought of covering (Roky Erickson's) If You Have Ghosts?

i wish tere would be a euro tour, but unfortunately the record has not done so well over there, and so i can't imagine there is much demand from the promoters at this time. that's show biz. i don't know the roky track. i'll put it on the list...

hope the next record will sell a lot round here

pas de bras pas de chocolat

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 10/20/2006 03:26:33

How come I missed Frank's last Q&A session in this thread?
Sad news about the Euro tour. I knew I should've bought the album twice!


Reply author: billgoodman
Replied on: 10/20/2006 04:19:48

I knew I shouldn't have imported it from the USA

God save the Noisies

Reply author: scruvs
Replied on: 10/26/2006 14:49:45


What do you teach your kids about music?

Boy, you sure can holler.

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 10/26/2006 20:58:57

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by floop


did you used to skateboard? you have a few skating references in your songs (and another one on Elijah).. i was just curious

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur

truckee trucks as i recall. sims snakes. just point a to point b. transportation. nothing fancy. but we really got around l.a. aok on those things.

truckee trucks. wow, old school.

so, do you want to go skateboarding sometime?

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 10/26/2006 23:54:23

Ah, I'm too late.

But if you do happen to drop by again Mr.B, could you confirm that the Best Of due next year is indeed an FB rather than a Pixies one?

Reply author: houstonguthrie
Replied on: 11/03/2006 18:52:44

Hey Charles -

I was just curious what your inspiration was behind the all Burl Ives playlist you put up on Itunes some time ago. I read somewhere that Woody Guthrie said "Burl Ives sings like he was born in lace drawers" - and that was all I ever knew about him before stumbling on your list. You might say that there is more to know about him than just that - what do you hear from Burl that might have escaped the rest of us?

Reply author: The Happening
Replied on: 11/07/2006 11:37:47

Frank, I would just like to thank you for the amazing show in Minneapolis. Thanks a bunch; California Bound in the acustic set was a nice surprise.

Reply author: HeroJuan
Replied on: 11/10/2006 06:39:58

Originally posted by The Happening

Frank, I would just like to thank you for the amazing show in Minneapolis. Thanks a bunch; California Bound in the acustic set was a nice surprise.

Yeah, the show at First Ave was amazing! I was gleeful when he covered Re-Make/Re-model by Roxy Music. I took my Mother to the show and she loved it. How about that man's vocal stamina? I think the singing lessons he took to polish up his voice have paid off.

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 11/11/2006 00:29:42

I read on the Morrissey fan forum a poll of what covers Mozz should sing... one of them was "Sing For Joy". Likewise, should FB wanna do a version of "Rubber Ring".........

sminki pinki

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 11/11/2006 15:10:23

Hi, I just wanted to ditto what The Happening & Hero Juan said about the Minneapolis show. It was the best concert I have ever seen by far.

Also wanted to say thank you for the Christmass project and everything else you do for the fans.

Reply author: Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
Replied on: 11/11/2006 16:50:38

Letter from a fan (not a windy one)

Dear Frank, or should I say Charles. I bought and will buy so many of your records that I think I have the right to call you by your real name. Am I right?

I am a grand grand fan of yours. The proof in the puding! Here am I , on this forum! Can you believe that people including some you would never want to deal with are spending quite a lot of time writing about you (your work, but some think they can write about you actually). They even chat with each others and blush with excitment when you post a comment or a reply. Intrusive in a way?

Gosh, there was a time when I used to live in a very very small town lost in a very very little island attached to a former former influent country and where I though and still believe in the fact that I was the only, genuine and true Frank Black fan. However, one day a guy I haven't particularly noticed before came and talked to me after a French lesson.
"I saw the cover of your classeur (a primitive big scale note book with removable pages not particularly practical you use at school) there is this album with the eyes (a A4 xerox and pencil coloured copy of the Trompe le Monde cover), you must be a Pixies fan?!"
There where no need to reply to this though I did it.
"Yes I do, but I instantly added, I am also a Frank Black fan!"
"Me too, he said".
From those words and the boring common fans discussions and statements that followed arised a mutual and sincere feeling of respect for one another . But it did not lead to a true friendship. Simply because in the end I didn't think that he was fond of MY Frank Black and i wasn't fond of HIS Frank Black. All we had in common was the appreciation of the Frank Black's songs. It was just as simple as that. And today, with a bit of shame I must admit, I don't remember the name of this guy.

These days on this forum it's much better! We don't even know our real name and we already don't care much!

That's what I call Modern Age!

[to be continued]


Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 11/21/2006 11:44:31

HEY GUESS WHAT!! I entered the ISC. I hope you like the song I entered Frank. In Love With Madness is the name of the tune. Oh and great set on Sunday, you spit in my water apparently and my fiance gave it to me to see if I'd drink it. I did, and found out later what was in it. You taste yummy haha. Hope to see you live again soon.

P.S. - You're drummer this time 'round was amazing! We kept telling each other he looked like our pet ferret Molly. When she gets revved up and hyper she hopes around with her mouth open. I say you should call him "Dook!"(the sound a ferret makes when it plays).

~*I just want attention.*~

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 11/21/2006 12:05:38

Originally posted by darkoutsider

you spit in my water apparently and my fiance gave it to me to see if I'd drink it. I did, and found out later what was in it. You taste yummy haha.

~*I just want attention.*~

I'm hoping just spit. This is a shocking story...shocking.

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 11/21/2006 12:08:00

Originally posted by TRANSMARINE

Originally posted by darkoutsider

you spit in my water apparently and my fiance gave it to me to see if I'd drink it. I did, and found out later what was in it. You taste yummy haha.

~*I just want attention.*~

I'm hoping just spit. This is a shocking story...shocking.

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.

He was singing and a drop of spit I guess came flying out of his mouth and went "splash" into my water and I want gulp and yum. He also spit in my eye, a price to pay for standing up front.

~*I just want attention.*~

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 11/22/2006 00:32:26

I thought Frank was here. Drats.

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 11/22/2006 09:01:53

Not yet, but we'll be here waiting like the nerds we are. Sad...

~*The first one's always free.*~

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 11/22/2006 09:16:44

Originally posted by darkoutsider

Not yet, but we'll be here waiting like the nerds we are. Sad...

~*The first one's always free.*~

Haha.. It's true. At least it's better than waiting for the director of Bad Boys to show up on the transformers forum.

Reply author: two reelers
Replied on: 11/22/2006 09:33:58

hi frank,

have you ever considered to write a song about hermann soergel, the german engineer who spent his life to realize his plan to build an giant dam at the street of gibraltar to lower the mediterrean sea ? this was his dream, and he called the project "atlantropa". if you haven't heard about, check out wikipedia. an epic theme for an epic song.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Reply author: darkoutsider
Replied on: 11/22/2006 09:51:25

Originally posted by theonecontender

Originally posted by darkoutsider

Not yet, but we'll be here waiting like the nerds we are. Sad...

~*The first one's always free.*~

Haha.. It's true. At least it's better than waiting for the director of Bad Boys to show up on the transformers forum.

Transformers? Robots in disguise? More then meets the eye?

~*The first one's always free.*~

Reply author: pirate
Replied on: 12/03/2006 12:19:51

hey frank!

are the pixies going to do any other shows in Australia, or is it just the v festival?

cheers mate

Reply author: klocke
Replied on: 12/17/2006 22:35:41

Black Francis(excuse my retro-ness),

In all your years touring (17 now...18??), have you dealt much with any equipment thievery? If so...what?

Also, did you take any formal "training" on guitar? Or was everything 'self-learned,' so to speak?

Anyways...Happy Holidays, Sir Charles!!!!

Reply author: Douglas
Replied on: 12/18/2006 06:46:37

Originally posted by klocke

Black Francis(excuse my retro-ness),

In all your years touring (17 now...18??), have you dealt much with any equipment thievery? If so...what?

There's talk about that here ->

and word has it it's a sensitive subject

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 12/18/2006 08:01:46

Originally posted by Douglas

Originally posted by klocke

Black Francis(excuse my retro-ness),

In all your years touring (17 now...18??), have you dealt much with any equipment thievery? If so...what?

There's talk about that here ->

and word has it it's a sensitive subject

Whatever happened with this?

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.

Reply author: jackelope
Replied on: 12/25/2006 00:41:28


Who are you listening to these days? As much as I love your music, for the last few weeks I can't seem to get Vince Guaraldi (pre-Peanuts) out of my CD player.

Oh, and Merry Christmas!



Reply author: Kees
Replied on: 01/15/2007 16:37:52


(Been trying to meet you.)

Charles, or should I say Mr. Thompson (or Frank or Mr. Black for that matter),

There is something that has had me wondering for a while. Having read through as much material as I could, it seems to me that you often talk dismissively of your work with the Pixies. I fully understand your frustration as said by yourself: “everything I ever do as a solo artist seems to be overshadowed by this other band called the Pixies”.

The point is this, you wrote nearly all the Pixies material yourself, and in my book certainly all truly great material. In spite of the insufficient recognition you have been getting as a solo artist, can you genuinely say that you are not proud of the songs that you wrote as frontman of the Pixies?

I had typed a whole lot of text here with me rambling on about how great your music is; for the sake of brevity I decided to summarize it as follows:

To me and doubtlessly countless others, you are one of the greatest songwriters and performers of all time. Should you ever feel somewhat down about the lack of recognition you get as a solo artist, I beg of you to remember the thousands upon thousands who do realize that the Pixies were merely another group of people fortunate enough to play in a band with you, Charles Thompson…

(I must sound like a 14 year old girl, when in fact I am a 32 year old guy, how sad is that...)

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 01/15/2007 16:43:09

You're in the right place, Kees. He makes us all act like that.

And aren't you havin' fun?

Reply author: theonecontender
Replied on: 01/16/2007 21:22:33

Hey Frank, I just bought the Pixies Boston DVD and I totally dug the early video you guys released. Such amazing talent from such a young bunch of people.

I was wondering if you think you'd still have ended up as some kind of musician (country?) even if you had never heard of Iggy or Husker Du, or were you bound to lead the indie rock scene? Just a thought.. And Cheers for the tunes and for turning me onto David Thomas. That shit is awesome!


Reply author: Karissa551
Replied on: 01/20/2007 00:26:23

Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Pretty fun.

Saying "pretty" is a piece of cake when no one is around to kick your butt..

Ogden florists
- Scuba Diving South pacific

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 01/24/2007 18:48:44

Frank, I don't know if you've ever checked out the threads on covers and collaborations you have worked on but if you have a chance to check 'em out and let me know if there's anything that i can change to those lists, please let me know and I can make the changes. Thank you and have a nice day!

Reply author: ded13
Replied on: 01/26/2007 05:38:42

There are best sites for searching..... [REMOVED]

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 01/26/2007 15:48:25

Originally posted by ded13

There are best sites for searching.....[REMOVED]


sminki pinki

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 03/01/2007 23:19:04

hey frank,
i'm hopefully going to be taking an extended camping/road trip through Oregon / Washington and Montana. you got any good suggestions for places to see? drinking establishments, restaurants etc.. ?

lost in the grain. you know what i'm sayin?

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 03/10/2007 11:31:24

(To FB)
Do you ever read the "Your Frank Black Cover Song Wishlist" thread?
Some interesting suggestions in there!
Just curious.

Reply author: awestruck
Replied on: 03/10/2007 19:19:41

Hey Frank,
I am a recent convert and I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I have not heard all of your songs, but I will. kfs converted me and I am eternally grateful to her. -awestruck

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 03/13/2007 21:35:36

don't forget "Suffering" on your genius "what's it all about?" list.... Man that song has ment different things to me at different times, but lately I just get so inspired by it especially after I've turned one of those dog gone corners when I really need peace. Its just got such the ring of life experience, and the upbeat accepting attitude on it is so great, just makes me cry.

beautiful post, in any case.

Reply author: Don Eduardo
Replied on: 03/21/2007 03:33:19

Hi Frank. Loveyour stuff and can't wait for "Bluefinger" and the Grand Duchy albums. And wahtever else you've got in the wings. It's a great time to be a Frank Black fan. Anyway, I've got a minor request if you could checkout

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 03/21/2007 16:29:51

Charles, made a list
1. You're the top, you're Mahatma Gandhi
2. Please keep on at Tom to produce the Pixies album. I'm sure Kim'll flip too.
3. Record more acoustic
4. Favourite song - Dead. Heard it a million times, Fresh as ever. An extraordinary song locked in ambergris. Still can't get how it came to you.
5. Cash in more, it's ok. We're all grown ups.
6. Play London more often, obviously
7. The latest albums are as good as anything you've done in case you don't hear that enough (but I especially loved the early funny ones)
8. Cover a Bjork song. She's kindered, or Nirvana just to keep 'em guessing. Or else Cole Porter but it doesn't have to be Don't Fence Me In.
9. Running out of steam
10. You're a Shakespeare sonnet, you're Mickey Mouse.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: wwgt
Replied on: 03/22/2007 14:18:05

Charles , I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks for blessing us with your recordings.
You know the world has evolved thru many " periods"
triassic, cretacious, jurassic and what not.............
all I can say is thank GOD I was alive in the time of FB !!!
let us think on a name for this period in the history of the world...
Many thousands of years great philosophers and musicans may be reflecting on the "CKT " period of ROCK ...
Or " FB , the man whom started the new enlightened age of music !!! "

Space is gonna do me good

Reply author: gapu
Replied on: 03/22/2007 14:47:21

hey Charles, i'm new here!
but i listen to your stuff since i discovered the pixies with the age of 13, no my late 13's, i believe. wow, is it really that long? almost 7 years ago!

anyway, i don't know if this has been answered before (since i do not have the time to read threw about 50 pages), but i'd like to know if you will ever record with the catholics again? cause this was rock at it's best, you really seem to be the true rolling stones, not that cheap imitation with mick jagger ;)
more frank black dvd's would be great too, a catholics concert, then one with the new band, what do you think?

although i listen pretty much to your fast man raider man lately. i am still amazed you worked with steve cropper (from the one and only "good ole blues brothers boys band". Hehe, that what a movie. i'd like to watch it but i have to study for tomorrow's test. being a pupil is the worst thing of all... but your music helps me through! today i've been listening to 8 fb records, while studying. what a freak!


Reply author: lackflag
Replied on: 03/25/2007 09:02:22

Originally posted by trobrianders

8. Cover a Bjork song.
Ed is the hoo hoo

Not a bad idea at all. (Especially since Chuck seems to be acting a bit loco lately.)

Reply author: hadjoke
Replied on: 03/27/2007 03:35:21

Hay Frank, Saw you in Chicago twice last few times you went. One with the Foo Fighters, I paid 50 beans for the ticket and you played a rushed set and kept on telling everybody not to worry and you would be done soon, (I wish you wouldn't of had that attitude because I was only there to see you, although all the other guys probably just thought of you as the guy with the Fight Club song, gotta respect the group who did pony up the inflated price just to see you) Some guy was in the front rocking out to you and you kept on telling him to chill out, pretty funny shit. The Foo show was alright, I think I like them better on the radio though, I left half way into it. The other was with one of your bands and Reid Paley opened up. Missed Reid, came 45 mins late and you guys actually started on time. The show was awesome, probably best one ever! Keep up the good work. If I was rich I would have you come play at my wedding some day and you wouldn't do it.

I'm glad you're not Uber popular. If you were then we would probably get less albums to listen to. Right now I have the Christmas DvD in, Just bought it today, I really like Dead Man's Curve. As far as FMRM, I really like Highway to Lowdown. Lots of talk about running away and being free, maybe its worth it, maybe not. I actually just moved to Santa Barbara, Ca from Traverse City, MI. I packed up the van and went with the winds and ended up here. So here I am 25 years old no commitments, any advice? My buddy was having panic attacks and he asked me my opinion about them. I said, when you feel one coming on just say to yourself, "this is just a game, and Thanks for the invite, but I really don't feel like playing." It helped him so if you did have some advice just say it! After all you've been giving me advice for half my life like it or not!

I'll take off with my worries, and I'll even let death drive, sure to get there dead or alive.

Reply author: vilainde
Replied on: 03/27/2007 04:10:56

Originally posted by hadjoke
I actually just moved to Santa Barbara, Ca from Traverse City, MI. I packed up the van and went with the winds and ended up here. So here I am 25 years old no commitments, any advice?

Maybe join a karate school?


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."

Reply author: hadjoke
Replied on: 03/28/2007 01:08:00

get this I was looking in the credits on the Christmas CD and the "Rushed" show I went to actually has two tracks on the CD. The Nadine and Manitoba versions with the Accordion player who plays keys for the Foo. Maybe not such a bad show after all....

Martial Arts is an excellent idea, thank you Vilainde.

Man "All Around The World" is a real emotional. Lovely song, probably best on the CD. WOW!!!!

Reply author: kfs
Replied on: 03/28/2007 01:59:35

Black Francis,

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 03/28/2007 02:26:20

Maybe he should temporally name himself Blue Francis!

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 03/28/2007 04:39:28

Maybe it should be Brooding Francis.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: awestruck
Replied on: 04/01/2007 21:28:26

In the wild craziness of my life recently, I have depended on your music in the last few weeks. I listen to you at night before bed to wind down. I listen to you while I write my papers for school (and you help me stay awake). And now that I have you on a mp3 player, I can enjoy peace while chaos is happening all around.
Thank you!!!

P.S. I even listen to you while I am grocery shopping. I look forward to my time alone with you!(promise I am not a stalker) oh I do want to see you live somewhere before I die. So it would be great if you could come to Tennessee soon.

Favorite Quote: awestruck is a she, she's a she. -trobrianders

Reply author: tworeeler
Replied on: 04/02/2007 19:38:07

Frank, you mentioned being a fan of Bob Odenkirk...have you seen Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job? He's very involved in the show, even appearing (along with other Mr. Show cast members) in some sketches. Just thought I'd give you a heads up if you hadn''s on Adult Swim (Cartoon Network).

Reply author: endofmiles
Replied on: 04/10/2007 15:46:12

Mr. Black,
I was just wondering about a acoustic guitar of yours. There's a hole under the strings. I've seen you on some pics playing with it. Is this guitar something special? Are you too busy to fix it? Is it still alive?
I bought a guitar in Argentina and it still has some dust from the desert..
See you this sommer in Interlaken..

Reply author: Jefrey
Replied on: 04/10/2007 23:01:15

Originally posted by endofmiles

Mr. Black,
I was just wondering about a acoustic guitar of yours. There's a hole under the strings. I've seen you on some pics playing with it. Is this guitar something special? Are you too busy to fix it? Is it still alive?
I bought a guitar in Argentina and it still has some dust from the desert..
See you this sommer in Interlaken..

The guitar with the hole finally died, pretty sure. He said so in an interview or live show recently.

== jeffamerica ==

Reply author: endofmiles
Replied on: 04/11/2007 06:15:26

This is very sad Jefrey,

Do you know where the guitar remains now? So I can buy some flowers..;-)


Reply author: floop
Replied on: 04/11/2007 08:02:38

Originally posted by hadjoke
I actually just moved to Santa Barbara, Ca from Traverse City, MI. I packed up the van and went with the winds and ended up here. So here I am 25 years old no commitments, any advice?

there's a free outdoor skatepark down by the beach.. south of State street

jamming good with Weird and Gilly

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 04/11/2007 08:24:46

HAs aneone heard aboot new album lol?

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 04/13/2007 10:23:18

Charles, will the european tour this summer be a best of 93-03 tour or a bluefinger tour ??? see you in Rotterdam !!!!

Reply author: HeywoodJablome
Replied on: 04/15/2007 23:57:57

Originally posted by Kees


(Been trying to meet you.)

Charles, or should I say Mr. Thompson (or Frank or Mr. Black for that matter),

There is something that has had me wondering for a while. Having read through as much material as I could, it seems to me that you often talk dismissively of your work with the Pixies. I fully understand your frustration as said by yourself: “everything I ever do as a solo artist seems to be overshadowed by this other band called the Pixies”.

The point is this, you wrote nearly all the Pixies material yourself, and in my book certainly all truly great material. In spite of the insufficient recognition you have been getting as a solo artist, can you genuinely say that you are not proud of the songs that you wrote as frontman of the Pixies?

I had typed a whole lot of text here with me rambling on about how great your music is; for the sake of brevity I decided to summarize it as follows:

To me and doubtlessly countless others, you are one of the greatest songwriters and performers of all time. Should you ever feel somewhat down about the lack of recognition you get as a solo artist, I beg of you to remember the thousands upon thousands who do realize that the Pixies were merely another group of people fortunate enough to play in a band with you, Charles Thompson…

(I must sound like a 14 year old girl, when in fact I am a 32 year old guy, how sad is that...)

Are you by any chance the guy who runs the Tom Waits website at keeslau? If so, kudos young man! A scarily in depth site on a great artist but amazing nonetheless!


Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 04/22/2007 04:52:55

Violet's vocals on Bluefinger are perfect. A perfect compliment. Yes, give her a Queen Holds Court thread immediately.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: turk99
Replied on: 04/23/2007 18:49:38

I view TLM as a rock opera. It starts w/ a record, the song reaches outer space, the alien comes to earth, and is destroy. it's really one big story, i'm assuming it was done on purpose...oui? non?

Reply author: mitzrael
Replied on: 04/24/2007 13:07:17

Charles, I´m a big fan, and i really enjoyed A LOT the opportunity of seem you guys on Curitiba, Brazil. Thanx for coming down here. Me and my wife travelled a lot just to see you guys, we also have a lots of kids, 3... You know how it is. They stayed with my mom so we could make a trip and see your gig. Anyway, thanx, that meant a lot for me. Next time you guys should try São Paulo, instead of Curitiba, much more fans here, big city, but im afraid you would have to play in a stadium, or else, it wont fit the crowd.

I was wondering if by any chance you will be back to Brazil someday, with the Pixies or solo. I mean, im sure you guys liked the gig and the brazilian reception, but, does a gig here is worth the trip for you the musicians and the crew? I mean, im trying to understand that so i know exactly if by any chances i WILL see you again.

Your fan

PS: My wife recently bought me as a birthday gift FMRM... the economy of my country is really hard on us, so, sometimes i gotta wait a lot in order to get your material. Anyway, its a BLAST!!! We have been listening to "In the time of my ruin" many times, over and over... the same happened to "fast man" last week... thanx again, sorry for my rusty english... cant wait to be able to buy the new album.

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 04/24/2007 13:50:04

What a lovely post.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 05/19/2007 09:55:42

What is Frank's favorite song written in the nineties, not written by himself?

Reply author: Surfer Rosarita
Replied on: 05/19/2007 20:37:50

Dear Frnck,

How did you come up with the title "The Real El Rey"? It is a wonderful song and I can't wait to hear back from you at your convenience.

Surfer Rosarita

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:27:06

I am here for a bit...

feel free if you are here, too.


Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:28:07

What's up with the EDF project?

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:29:41

(Don Francis. I hope Europe is treating you well.)

oh yeah. i've always wondered why the keys solo was cut form Kiss My Ring but i'm happy to keep wondering.

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:31:42

also, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Bluefinger being so widely dispersed at this time. And what exactly is the nature of Grand Dutchy? Ft. Wayne has been on constant repeat for me, which again, I wonder how you feel about - ie the fact that we all have it.

Needless to say, I personally have bought every one of your albums and many even the Japanese versions and I intend to do the same for Bluefinger and Grand Duchy, as I assume for most of those on this board.

Thanks for whatever you can say!

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:33:14

hey Frank,

i'm going to be going camping through Oregon this summer (and Washington & Montana).. any must-see places you can recommend?

ps. how about a McCabes gig in old Los Angeeleze this Fall? for old times sake?

i'll buy you a burrito

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:36:43

Today is Saturday. I am in Austria. It is evening. The wine is gone. The buses wait as they always have. On to the next. On to the next. Next to Switzerland. Switzerland again. The wine is gone.

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:37:50

but the music it remains.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:38:22

[quote]Originally posted by frnck blck

I am here for a bit...

feel free if you are here, too.


Today is Saturday. I am in Austria. It is evening. The wine is gone. The buses wait as they always have. On to the next. On to the next. Next to Switzerland. Switzerland again. The wine is gone.

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:40:00

Some pain is good - sometimes its good to be blind!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:40:57

Originally posted by langdonboom

What's up with the EDF project?

i suppose on hold. logistics more than anything.

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:43:19

charles, interested in a herman brood towel ?? see you in rotterdam muahhhh!!!!!

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:43:37

Originally posted by fbc

(Don Francis. I hope Europe is treating you well.)

oh yeah. i've always wondered why the keys solo was cut form Kiss My Ring but i'm happy to keep wondering.

hmmm...i wish i could remember myself. probably thinking too much. yes. it was a good solo. apologies.

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:44:35

no apologies needed. atom in my heart made up for it's disappearance.

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:46:20

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by langdonboom

What's up with the EDF project?

i suppose on hold. logistics more than anything.

Well, its nice that you're busy! Thanks for the update, and definitely keep that thing alive if you can, I think you guys are great together.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:52:19

Originally posted by langdonboom

also, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Bluefinger being so widely dispersed at this time. And what exactly is the nature of Grand Dutchy? Ft. Wayne has been on constant repeat for me, which again, I wonder how you feel about - ie the fact that we all have it.

Needless to say, I personally have bought every one of your albums and many even the Japanese versions and I intend to do the same for Bluefinger and Grand Duchy, as I assume for most of those on this board.

Thanks for whatever you can say!

well thank you for all the purchases past and present!

i usually email a few copies out there to a small circle, but usually nothing comes of it. perhaps a BIT of chatter here, but certainly nothing like the recent bluefinger discussion and downloading that has been going on. i'm fine with all of it. i appreciate the interest!

grand duchy is about halfway through an "album". we have certain delightful little people who require our attention which means violet and i move at a slow pace on the project. we hope to finish this summer while on vacation in france. who knows when we will have live gigs; WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE PERSON ON THE WAY! we are truly blessed.

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:52:45

one more question about our dutch hero herman brood, what's your fave song from him?

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:53:50

congrats with the new one on the way !!!

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:55:11


Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:56:45

Originally posted by fbc

but the music it remains.

and the spirit is lifted. thank you.

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:57:09

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by langdonboom

also, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Bluefinger being so widely dispersed at this time. And what exactly is the nature of Grand Dutchy? Ft. Wayne has been on constant repeat for me, which again, I wonder how you feel about - ie the fact that we all have it.

Needless to say, I personally have bought every one of your albums and many even the Japanese versions and I intend to do the same for Bluefinger and Grand Duchy, as I assume for most of those on this board.

Thanks for whatever you can say!

well thank you for all the purchases past and present!

i usually email a few copies out there to a small circle, but usually nothing comes of it. perhaps a BIT of chatter here, but certainly nothing like the recent bluefinger discussion and downloading that has been going on. i'm fine with all of it. i appreciate the interest!

grand duchy is about halfway through an "album". we have certain delightful little people who require our attention which means violet and i move at a slow pace on the project. we hope to finish this summer while on vacation in france. who knows when we will have live gigs; WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE PERSON ON THE WAY! we are truly blessed.

First of all, you are quite quite welcome for the purchases, because I am beyond grateful for yours music ever since I was 14.

Secondly, that is exciting news about Grand Dutchy. I can't listen to Ft. Wayne enough. Ready for more, but I definitely respect your domestic responsibilites and mazel tov on the new little one. Not surprising to see your prolificness extneding to more than rock music!

Thanks again for the updates.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 14:58:17

Originally posted by langdonboom

Some pain is good - sometimes its good to be blind!

yes. yes. you are right. a snake lies in the darkness.

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:00:54

I'll be thrilled if you do eventually move to France. More gigs in Europe for one. Aix-en-Provence's lovely. I spent a study year there.

Congrats on the new one on the way by the way.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: velvety
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:01:03

Hey Frank,

Bluefinger's artwork, is it going to have something to do with Herman Brood, one of his paintings perhaps?

Congrats on all the good fortune you're experiencing.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:02:17

Originally posted by Ernesto

one more question about our dutch hero herman brood, what's your fave song from him?

hmmm...probably YOU CAN'T BREAK A HEART AND HAVE IT, but i found also on the internet a great dutch language version of MY WAY which is really fabulous.

Reply author: Little Black Francis
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:03:07

hey frank, I saw some video of your show the other night, it was awesome. it's wierd youre not playin guitar for the first time i've ever seen. i think it's great. anyways, did you hear about that creation museum they built in ohio or something, what do you think about that?

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe.

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:05:58

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by Ernesto

one more question about our dutch hero herman brood, what's your fave song from him?

hmmm...probably YOU CAN'T BREAK A HEART AND HAVE IT, but i found also on the internet a great dutch language version of MY WAY which is really fabulous.

it's a great song indeed, wonder what that dutch song is hahaha. i hope you'll play it in rotterdam

Reply author: benji
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:07:35

yes, why the decision to not play guitar at these recent shows?
is it a new 'phase' you're entering or is it solely cause bluefinger only had one guitar and you didn't want to change that in a live setting?

and have you ever performed sans guitar before?
my favourite pixies moment is the encore of tame during the 1991 brixton academy gig which is the only other time i've seen you sing without does it feel?

all i can say, thank god for polio! brian

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:10:26

Originally posted by velvety

Hey Frank,

Bluefinger's artwork, is it going to have something to do with Herman Brood, one of his paintings perhaps?

Congrats on all the good fortune you're experiencing.

i am not sure yet. it seems obvious we should include something of brood's work, but at the same time since the record is all about him it might be too much. i love his paintings, though. it's simply a matter of what makes the coolest album cover for the project as opposed to earnestly "educating' everyone on brood. does that make any sense? having said that, our oldest boy, the great JULIAN CLARK, has completed 3 canvases inspired by some of the songs to be included in a lyric booklet. my favorite is the one he did inspired by the herman brood cover YOU CAN'T BREAK A HEART AND HAVE IT.

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:11:09

Yeah, I wanna know that too. How does it feel? Though I'm really gonna miss your guitar pickings. They were always one of the main attractions, amongst many.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:13:15

iTunes displays cover art for Bluefinger. I was thinking a cover had already been chosen?

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:15:10

how was the show in austria ?

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:15:13

Originally posted by benji

yes, why the decision to not play guitar at these recent shows?
is it a new 'phase' you're entering or is it solely cause bluefinger only had one guitar and you didn't want to change that in a live setting?

and have you ever performed sans guitar before?
my favourite pixies moment is the encore of tame during the 1991 brixton academy gig which is the only other time i've seen you sing without does it feel?

all i can say, thank god for polio! brian

it is difficult to explain, but i do feel a strong urge to remove the guitar from my shoulder for the moment. it's just something i feel. i love to play the guitar, but at the same time it is a barrier and i need to feel the barrier removed. i need to feel the songs on a deeper level. i need to concentrate on something that i cannot identify just yet. i have known that i needed to try this for a long time, and so here i am without a guitar.

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:17:27

Originally posted by Ernesto

how was the show in austria ?

i have never been comfortable in the open air concert, shall we say. as mark e. smith said "we are a cabaret act"

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:18:06

Originally posted by Ernesto

how was the show in austria ?

i have never been comfortable in the open air concert, shall we say. as mark e. smith said "we are a cabaret act"

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:19:02

We've seen some very recent footage of you in action sans guitar so I think we know what you mean but it is difficult to put into words.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:20:32

Originally posted by trobrianders

I'll be thrilled if you do eventually move to France. More gigs in Europe for one. Aix-en-Provence's lovely. I spent a study year there.

Congrats on the new one on the way by the way.

Ed is the hoo hoo

maybe after the vacation we'll just stay!

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:21:27

Frank -- two things. One's a suggestion and one's a question:

1. I'd love to see this be the album cover art:

2. What was your Brood research process? Some have speculated that it was done 99% with Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. Throw in a little record-shop research, and you have an album? Is that far off?

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:21:34

could you reveal please who's playing with you on that awesome track you have over at The one that mentions a girl from Washington.

(sorry, cohen, didn't mean to post over you ;)

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:23:25

Originally posted by frnck blck

Originally posted by trobrianders

I'll be thrilled if you do eventually move to France. More gigs in Europe for one. Aix-en-Provence's lovely. I spent a study year there.

Congrats on the new one on the way by the way.

Ed is the hoo hoo

maybe after the vacation we'll just stay!

In that case I know this excellent little boulangerie.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:24:33

Hi Co. Good to see you.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: Ernesto
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:24:47

will the men in black also play the song ??? i love that one

Reply author: frnck blck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:27:30

Originally posted by fbc

could you reveal please who's playing with you on that awesome track you have over at The one that mentions a girl from Washington.

(sorry, cohen, didn't mean to post over you ;)

the lovely, lucious VIOLET CLARK (bass and vocals)

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:29:28

i/we can't wait for your tour!

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:35:32

Violet's vocals on Bluefinger are a perfect compliment. You got me thinking of Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan. Something like that? And has anything developed on that score? Anything at all. The thought of Mr Waits involved in your music is more than I could hope for. Oh, and him titling his record 'Bone Machine' back in the 90s, was that in anyway related to Surfer Rosa's opener? Damn, I've just realised it would be immodest for you to say yes. I'm guessing that it was, that he loves your work.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: DrBone
Replied on: 06/16/2007 15:37:56

Hey Frank!

So... no guitar for a while... does that mean you won't be gracing McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica with your amazing accoustic shows?

Reply author: Bohemoth
Replied on: 06/16/2007 16:19:07

I Really Did that demo Skip this Part (something about crusin along down in west Virginia). All these songs with locations In them finally My Home Makes it into one of your Songs!

Reply author: langdonboom
Replied on: 06/16/2007 16:45:15

well, that was awesome.

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/16/2007 16:51:21

I really dig where he's at right now.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: awestruck
Replied on: 06/16/2007 17:05:57

Hi Charles!

I only became aware of your music this year and I haven't been able to hear all of your music yet, but I am working on it. Bluefinger is awesome and Violet is a wonderful compliment to your music on the album. I hope we hear more from her.

Congratulations on the little one you have on the way.

Thanks for all the great music!

It's not you I don't like

Reply author: remig
Replied on: 06/16/2007 18:43:34

Hi charles,

Thank you for the Paris Show, it was awesome.
See you in Clermont ferrand,massif central, hope you'll play that song.

"un jour tu connaitra cette detresse de pres ou de loin, je peux te le jurer" - Ofabsis

Reply author: Jefrey
Replied on: 06/16/2007 19:04:27

Nice pitch on the cover, coastline. Maybe you've planted a seed...

Glad to hear more Grand Duchy and more Thompsons are on the way!

== jeffamerica ==

Reply author: danjersey
Replied on: 06/16/2007 19:59:33

i got my 7" of thresh today.
thanks for cooking vinyl.
the cover shot is steel like don't get me wrong.
i'll put the needle down at some point.

thank frank

Reply author: ccuadros
Replied on: 06/16/2007 21:39:34

Frank, felicitaciones!!! bluefinger es un album excelente!!!! Excellent bass!!

Wich bass did you use?, great sound

Come to Chile my friend, you´ll be amazed of the crowd.

Thanks for exist. Because of you I´ll married with my future wife, I meet her because I meet her when I flew to brazil to see the Pixies.

Un abrazo


Reply author: gary13th
Replied on: 06/17/2007 04:35:09

hey Frank, Congrats firstly, though can i ask, why only 1 UK date????
Thanks ! Looking forward to Bluefinger release!

I joined the Cult of the Catholics, Oh when will they return ?

Reply author: two reelers
Replied on: 06/17/2007 12:08:39

hi frank

come to austria again with your own show, please. i still feel the 2003 show in my bones. i didn't go to this novarock festival since such festivals piss me off. you have some fans, but you won't meet them at such festivals.
any future collaboration with lyle workman? what about a song about hermann soergel? why don't you reactivative souled american for your backup band?


I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Reply author: Levitated
Replied on: 06/17/2007 12:53:57

Hey Christian, that's a lovely story! Congratulations my friend!! :D

Reply author: Hatchetman
Replied on: 06/17/2007 15:09:46

Congratulations to all of the Thompson/Clark family on the great news!


As the air conditioner hummed....

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 06/18/2007 13:17:55

Congratulations on the forthcoming arrival, Frank! Bluefinger is incredible.

"Aw yeah, that's the good stuff!"

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 06/19/2007 21:45:17

Have a beer for us in the U.S. I was just thinking about it and I doubt I would have ever heard of Captain Beef Heart if it were not for you. It is a good name. I was thinking about enyoyable names using using Captain Beef Heart as a foundation. Like Captain Pig Heart, Captain Dog Heart, Captain Milk Heart, Captain Fart Heart, Captain Coffee Heart, Captain don't mess with me Heart, Captain stuck in my Heart, Captain Hard Heart, Captain Smelly Heart. Anyway, I don't know what the point of this is but enjoy Europe.

Reply author: The King of Siam
Replied on: 06/21/2007 07:14:59

It´s BEEFHEART in one word, not Beef Heart.

Give some respect to the old man! (Don Van Vliet)

Read more:

"Turn my f..king headphones up!"

Reply author: Blank_Frackis
Replied on: 06/21/2007 08:44:36

hey Frank, Congrats firstly, though can i ask, why only 1 UK date????
Thanks ! Looking forward to Bluefinger release!

If I was going to Europe for the summer just as a vacation I'd concentrate on the continent, maybe that's the rationale for his tour. I don't think there's any obligation to play in a particular place, though I'd love if the man made it to Glasgow. We have a tower that's supposed to spin 360 degrees but never works, if that helps... It's the antithesis of the London Eye which spins, but isn't a tower.

If time's a drug then Big Ben's a giant needle injecting it into the sky.

Reply author: Llano-del-Rio
Replied on: 06/21/2007 08:54:45

Hello Frank,

I can't really understand why some fans like you just singing without
playing guitar. You once said "I am guitar player, no dancing bear...". Hope
this will be true forever.
I like your music most when you are playing with guitar solo.
I hope you will have enough of just singing very very soon and return
to your Telecaster. I think many of other FB fans think the same without
posting it here. Anyway, thank you for your great music and see you
in Nijmegen, July 5!

You take the moon, I'll take the sun

Reply author: trobrianders
Replied on: 06/21/2007 14:09:56

Originally posted by frnck blck

it is difficult to explain, but i do feel a strong urge to remove the guitar from my shoulder for the moment. it's just something i feel. i love to play the guitar, but at the same time it is a barrier and i need to feel the barrier removed. i need to feel the songs on a deeper level. i need to concentrate on something that i cannot identify just yet. i have known that i needed to try this for a long time, and so here i am without a guitar.

Ed is the hoo hoo

Reply author: raasclaat
Replied on: 06/22/2007 06:02:14


well thank you for all the purchases past and present!

i usually email a few copies out there to a small circle, but usually nothing comes of it. perhaps a BIT of chatter here, but certainly nothing like the recent bluefinger discussion and downloading that has been going on. i'm fine with all of it. i appreciate the interest!

grand duchy is about halfway through an "album". we have certain delightful little people who require our attention which means violet and i move at a slow pace on the project. we hope to finish this summer while on vacation in france. who knows when we will have live gigs; WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE PERSON ON THE WAY! we are truly blessed.

Frank...are you with us? Somewhere in France judging by the date.

Well Im heading to the Amsterdam/Rotterdam shows from Australia, so save your breath, don't sing too loud for the French! It took some heavy planning to catch a non-festival euro show whilst in transit to Israel. Maybe see you in the Dead Sea..maybe the Red?

Thanks for the music and Kol Ha'Kavod on your upcoming bub!

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 06/24/2007 14:29:39

My apologies to those who respect the spelling of BEEFHEART.

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 06/24/2007 21:18:10

Originally posted by coastline

Frank -- two things. One's a suggestion and one's a question:

1. I'd love to see this be the album cover art:

2. What was your Brood research process? Some have speculated that it was done 99% with Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. Throw in a little record-shop research, and you have an album? Is that far off?

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

And if you don't use the Brood painting for the cover, Frank, you could use this great shot by Jediroller:

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: raasclaat
Replied on: 06/25/2007 00:36:00

classic shot...he didnt sing in that position all night did he?


Reply author: Cult_Of_Frank
Replied on: 06/26/2007 16:51:31

Wow. That is a terrific shot indeed.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/26/2007 20:23:42

What song was he singing when you took it?


Reply author: jediroller
Replied on: 06/26/2007 23:50:29

Sorry, can't remember!

You can confirm the genuineness of the deceased death by clicking on this website

free music | Blackolero | Frank Black & Pixies Tributes

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 06/27/2007 04:44:35

Here's a clue, from another forum member's review of the Lille show:

Originally posted by Atertus Coveni

Frank didn't play guitar (execpt on the last song, the Albarn cover I think) but offered us an amazing frontman performance, with some incredible highlights. On Treeshold for example, he sung main part of the song on his knees, and then lying on the scene (sorry if I don't explain very well, but I have some linguistic limits...).
Someone will soon have a fantastic photo to show (I think it was you, Jediroller)!!

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 06/27/2007 05:50:11

I have a question; back in the the mists of time when this here site was in the beginning of its evolution, I posted a message about the cover of Teenager of the Year and I'm curious if it was ever confirmed that you responded with an answer involving the costs associated with producing artwork etc etc...

I only ask because I got into an argument with my ex about this - thankfully I have hobbies and other interests, but it would be good to add to finish yet another conversation with "right there in black and white and THAT is why I never married you..."

Sounds twisted but trust me; its' really really funny ;-)

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: The King of Siam
Replied on: 06/27/2007 10:20:28

Originally posted by treetime

My apologies to those who respect the spelling of BEEFHEART.

It was written with a twist of humor...but i forgot to put in the humor in the text,sorry.

So here it is:

"Turn my f..king headphones up!"

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 06/27/2007 11:01:29

Originally posted by The King of Siam

"Turn my f..king headphones up!"


Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/28/2007 19:39:20

Originally posted by jediroller

Sorry, can't remember!

You can confirm the genuineness of the deceased death by clicking on this website

free music | Blackolero | Frank Black & Pixies Tributes

Very cool- one of my fave all time FB/BF pics.


Reply author: Jefrey
Replied on: 06/28/2007 22:20:44

Wow, if not the album cover, it should be the promo poster or something! That is an unbelievably cool shot!

It's also kind of an evolution of the Death To The Pixies pose.

== jeffamerica ==

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 06/30/2007 22:19:03

I agree the photo needs to find a special home.


Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 07/01/2007 10:07:09

I took the liberty of posting it on Pixiesmusic (crediting Jedi, of course), also on another non-music forum, and it has been praised indeed!!

"Aw yeah, that's the good stuff!"

Reply author: PixieSteve
Replied on: 07/01/2007 10:18:27

Originally posted by Jefrey

It's also kind of an evolution of the Death To The Pixies pose.

== jeffamerica ==

hah yeah, if the photo was taken just a little more to the left...

"Idiot" is just her sig.

Reply author: Atertus Coveni
Replied on: 07/01/2007 23:38:12

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

What song was he singing when you took it?


I'm almost sure that it was on the end of Treeshold (I was in the front row something like 50 cm behind you Jediroller, and it was like if Frank had decided to offer you this shot, he spent a lot of time in this position just in front of your camera. It was awesome!)


"La morte non è nel non poter comunicare ma nel non poter più essere compresi" Pier Paolo PASOLINI
"Death is not when you can not communicate, but when you can no longer be understood"

Reply author: killerpeas
Replied on: 07/04/2007 19:27:49

why is everyone questioning him?? i mean jesus even if it isnt we can still have a little fun and act like he is right?

congrats scott thats really cool

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 07/16/2007 00:45:56

I have a question; Why the Sheps. Bush Empire on a Sunday?

And please; not ever again - makes it a real beee-atch to get home from for those who are sad enough to live outside London and I'd hate to have to miss the show...esp. if it was anything like last night was wholly awesome.

Also; is there any chance of Threashold Apprehension being released on 7" vinyl?

There seems to be a spate of other artists doing this and I have a healthy collection of various FB/PXE music; it would be fabulous to have something as catchy as this to play when I'm DJing.

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: kelladwella
Replied on: 07/16/2007 00:53:58

Originally posted by Leah

Also; is there any chance of Threashold Apprehension being released on 7" vinyl?
It's a beauty. Don't know if it's still available.

Check for more info.

Reply author: benji
Replied on: 07/16/2007 00:57:15

leah, threshold apprehension has been released on 7" vinyl.

all i can say, thank god for polio! brian

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 07/16/2007 18:05:59

Originally posted by Atertus Coveni

Originally posted by Daisy Girl

What song was he singing when you took it?


I'm almost sure that it was on the end of Treeshold (I was in the front row something like 50 cm behind you Jediroller, and it was like if Frank had decided to offer you this shot, he spent a lot of time in this position just in front of your camera. It was awesome!)


"La morte non è nel non poter comunicare ma nel non poter più essere compresi" Pier Paolo PASOLINI
"Death is not when you can not communicate, but when you can no longer be understood"

Cool story! Thanks!


Reply author: someguy51
Replied on: 07/17/2007 11:22:52

that photo is incredible!

Reply author: matto
Replied on: 07/17/2007 22:42:21


sminki pinki

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 07/18/2007 11:21:40

I didn't think bluefinger came out until this fall. Anyone know where I can get a sample?

Reply author: fbc
Replied on: 07/18/2007 11:55:00

youtube! type in FRANK BLACK, then "captain pasty", or "threshold apprehension", or "tight black rubber"..

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 07/18/2007 16:19:06

Question for Frank, have you ever played the Alladin in Portland, and any chance you could play a date this year?

Reply author: Leah
Replied on: 07/25/2007 15:06:21

Posted - 07/16/2007 : 00:57:15
leah, threshold apprehension has been released on 7" vinyl.


Another item on the "should have been paying attention" list.

Time for another question then;

Love that you bought the Kinkster to the masses, will there be any kind of literary output any time soon?

I ask cos I'm listening to the BBC6 music session and it seems like a relatively short step to something like a lyric/poetry/short fiction anthology - for some reason I have this image in my head of a cross between Tim Burtons The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy: and Other Stories and Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers - but that could be the Gin talking...

I'm sure this has been asked before and its probably in the FAQ somewhere but hey; times they do a'change...

Every choice human being strives instinctively for a citadel and a secrecy where he is saved from the crowd -

Reply author: wolperdevelop
Replied on: 07/27/2007 03:12:53

SONG OF THE SHRIMP: I've read all the interviews where Frank/Charles says he's never heard the original Elvis version. I was playing it earlier (my kids are bizarrely into Elvis, thanks to LILO AND STITCH, luckily for them, I'm as obsessive about Elvis as I am about FB).

Anyway, if there's a way to email Frank/Charles the file without posting it (and thus incurring Lisa Marie's eternal wrath), I'd be happy to.

(For sampling purposes only, of course, to be immediately deleted, etc.)

It's faux calypso and pretty hysterical.

Reply author: TRANSMARINE
Replied on: 07/27/2007 11:00:16

Frank...if you like theater and you happen to be in Orange County, CA between Aug 17th and Sept 16th, come see me in my show! It's called BOOK OF DAYS, and it's at STAGES in Fullerton.

Anyone else is welcome too! Fred Willard will be there Sept. 29th doing improv. Good times!

His name is Dalton. He's got a degree in philosophy.

Reply author: raasclaat
Replied on: 07/31/2007 01:25:54

Frank: your help has been requested.

Reply author: DarkBride
Replied on: 08/06/2007 23:31:51

So, yeah, this is a shot in the dark but I have to try!

Mr Black, Frank, Charles, Black Francis: =)
Hi! I am marrying one of your biggest fans in early November. Casey owns at least one copy of all your records as well as the singles and live discs (as well as your work with the Pixies of course) and the few rarities he doesn't have, he is desperatley seeking! He also introduced me to your music and has thus forth given you another big fan. You have no idea how psyched he was when I told him that our daughter was born (4/25/6) quite closey to one of your children -- by the way, congrats on the new one on the way!! Anyways, my point is that I would love to give him some amazing gift on our wedding day, like an autograph or something seeing as how it would totally make the day extremely awesome for him. Originally I had delusions that somehow I could talk you into surprising him during the wedding ceremony by playing a live interlude - but dont worry, I've gotten over that pipe dream! (Unless you'll be in TX on Nov 3rd! haha!) We are actually playing your cover of 'Duke of Earl' as the prelude and many of your tunes during the reception. Anyways, if there is anything at all you could do - that would be truly awesome. I know this is a shot in the dark and you are a super busy man. I just would regret it if I didn't at least try. Thanks for at least reading and for rockin our world with great music! --Jessica

Reply author: tisasawath
Replied on: 08/07/2007 02:26:15

congratulations, and great choice for the prelude


Reply author: DarkBride
Replied on: 08/07/2007 07:55:35

Thank you tisasawath!

Reply author: Carl
Replied on: 08/07/2007 13:24:58

Hi and congrats, Jessica, good luck with the wedding!

"I hate how the reptile dreams it's a mammal. Scaley monster: be what you are!!" - Erebus.

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 08/07/2007 19:13:19

Hi DarkBride, Duke of Earl will make such a cool prelude. Congrats on your wedding and your cool new Frank fandom.


Reply author: DarkBride
Replied on: 08/07/2007 21:26:33

Aww ya'll are so sweet! Thanks so much Carl & Daisy Girl! Frank's version of Duke of Earl is perfect for the prelude (when the mothers and grandmothers are seated FYI), as our wedding isn't exactly normal. The decor is a fall wonderland but the guests will get a shock when the wedding party and I walk down the aisle to The Smashing Pumpkins - Ava Adore and then at the reception when its garter time and my black fishnet's get shown off. Rockin good times are expected -- especially with music from Frank, the Catholics and the Pixies!

Reply author: Superabounder
Replied on: 08/07/2007 22:01:00

Ummm , I live in Texas and don't have plans 11/3...hint...hint! (sounds like a fun wedding!)

Seriously though, congratulations and good luck. Hope Mr. Thompson shows up and does an impromptu bluefinger show for you guys.

I'd rather be anywhere or doing anything

Reply author: Daisy Girl
Replied on: 08/08/2007 16:38:12

Killer, DarkBride!! Rock out at your wedding and stick around here for awhile.


Reply author: myshutup
Replied on: 08/10/2007 17:41:00

frank play my wedding too! better yet come drink/ jam with me!

Reply author: Ronwell Quincy Dobbs
Replied on: 08/13/2007 09:12:19

Originally posted by FranknWeezer

Great to see you added All My Ghosts to your setlists this tour. Sorry to see you waited until after I saw you in Memphis to do so.
Your dusting off AMG got me thinking...back in 2001 you and your previous band did an incredible rendition of Fiddle Riddle w/ slide steel, etc. If you're up to it, alot of us would love to hear you rework more of your lesser-played solo works. Say, St. Francis Dam Disaster, the Cult of Ray, Pie in the Sky, etc. Whad'ya say?

I have to agree, I went to the two Troubador shows in L.A. and heard the reworked version of Fiddle Riddle and have been desperate to hear it ever since.

I count the second Troubador show as the single best concert I've been to

It's crack. It's great. It gets you really high.

Reply author: wolperdevelop
Replied on: 08/29/2007 00:11:45

SONG OF THE SHRIMP: I've read all the interviews where Frank/Charles says he's never heard the original Elvis version. I was playing it earlier (my kids are bizarrely into Elvis, thanks to LILO AND STITCH, luckily for them, I'm as obsessive about Elvis as I am about FB).

Anyway, if there's a way to email Frank/Charles the file without posting it (and thus incurring Lisa Marie's eternal wrath), I'd be happy to.

(For sampling purposes only, of course, to be immediately deleted, etc.)

It's faux calypso and pretty hysterical.

UPDATE: Somebody wanted it, but I lost their email, so, for the record:

On a personal note, I date back to 1988 on the whole ride, have bought everything in a timely fashion and greatly appreciate everything. However, I must say that there is a part of my brain that is being tampered with by the tracks of BLUEFINGER I've grabbed off the net... in a good way. Seriously amazing, amazing work. But then, I listened to Cult of Ray, incessantly, too, so shows what I know, right?? It's as if the throbbing power chords of IGGY & the STOOGES and British art punk like WIRE got blended. Some powerful rock mojo at work. Violet is a secret weapon, too. I know what a stone freak you are for the latter-day Leonard Cohen records (me, too) and his growl and menace always sounded better with an angelic female vocal floating above all his acerbic, apocalyptic misanthropy.

BLUEFINGER DESERVES TO BE A BIG ASS HIT. You got a little army here. Who's cage do we need to rattle? Maybe you should send Zach Braff a copy. He seemed to be a one man "street team" for the Shins (who I don't get). Seriously, I add my name to the chorus of people thanking you for your tremendous work, thanking you mostly for your continued commitment to exploring and creating new sonic landscapes, unexpected hooks and lyrics that stick in the gray matter for weeks on end.

Reply author: coastline
Replied on: 08/29/2007 04:55:10

Thanks, wolperdevelop. I've been looking for that song for a couple years. Ironically, I see now that it's available on iTunes too. What a funny little song. Weird how Frank made it into a serious song for "Honeycomb," though he has had fun with it in concert.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.

Reply author: mixedbizz
Replied on: 08/30/2007 18:03:42

Where is our fearless leader aka Charles? He hasn't posted for a while huh? I guess he's busy with the family?

Reply author: pixiestu
Replied on: 08/30/2007 18:28:04

Thanks for that wolperdevelop! I'd never heard it until now.

"The arc of triumph"

Reply author: wolperdevelop
Replied on: 08/30/2007 21:22:26

glad to give back

Reply author: treetime
Replied on: 10/22/2007 11:07:58

Not sure if you are responding to this much anymore, but what's going on man?

Reply author: 1965
Replied on: 07/06/2009 21:11:35

Thread resurrection - attempt 1.0

I have the key to #902

Reply author: Skatealex1
Replied on: 07/07/2009 09:10:20

Frank if you are ever in New York and want to make a live record you should come over - I got a drum set, bass, electric guitar that can get lots of distortion, and a music recorder!

That would be amazing!!!! ether way- looking forward to see what new music you come up ith!!

All of the things that go to make heaven and earth are here-New Pornographers

Reply author: darwin
Replied on: 07/07/2009 11:03:30

Originally posted by Skatealex1

Frank if you are ever in New York and want to make a live record you should come over - I got a drum set, bass, electric guitar that can get lots of distortion, and a music recorder!

Do you have a clue?

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 07/07/2009 12:35:03

Originally posted by darwin

Originally posted by Skatealex1

Frank if you are ever in New York and want to make a live record you should come over - I got a drum set, bass, electric guitar that can get lots of distortion, and a music recorder!

Do you have a clue?

I think he's 8 years old.

Reply author: speedy_m
Replied on: 07/07/2009 12:35:08

Originally posted by darwin

Originally posted by Skatealex1

Frank if you are ever in New York and want to make a live record you should come over - I got a drum set, bass, electric guitar that can get lots of distortion, and a music recorder!

Do you have a clue?

I think he's 8 years old.

Reply author: BLT
Replied on: 07/07/2009 12:40:02

If Skatealex has an E-Z Bake oven, maybe he and Frank can make cookies.

The lowest forms of socializing:
3) Message boards
2) Mustard gas
1) Twitter

Reply author: fumanbru
Replied on: 07/07/2009 13:51:24

i think there would be greater odds to go with the E-Z bake oven route but you never know

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"...long live snitz!!

Reply author: Skatealex1
Replied on: 07/07/2009 14:52:16

Frank once told me on this forum that he is not into jamming but he like to make records.............................

It likely wont happen to any of us- but doesn't hurt to ask------------making cookies might be a better idea

Reply author: Jose Jones
Replied on: 07/07/2009 15:32:00

frank, frank, frank...
i'm seeing you in milwaukee on sunday, and i can't wait. i haven't seen you since november 1, 2006, in chicago. to hear that frank's playing in my town in a week... what a fucking treat. can i make a request? "don't cry that way."

they were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Reply author: Chroneos
Replied on: 11/17/2010 02:10:36

Oh boy, I can't believe this thread was active as recently as mid-last-year (alas, forgive me for bumping it!). I just spent some time skimming through the earlier pages and had memories brought back of tethering my cellphone while in class during my sophomore year of college to post in this exact thread (yes, tethering in 2003, no, my school didn't have wifi at the time, yes, I'm a nerd). Incidentally, I think it's been more than four years since I've posted on this forum.


"I forgot what to put here / So I'll wing it"

Reply author: IceCream
Replied on: 11/23/2010 04:51:32

Ben, you're not the only one for whom it's been 4 years (and counting) since last forum post. I haven't really thought about this forum at all since Erebus died. That was the final nail in the coffin.

It's nice to see you reminiscing. I thought of you not too long ago, actually. It may seem random, but you're responsible for my knowledge of bokeh.

Reply author: floop
Replied on: 09/22/2012 17:24:44

Frank, we all know you're a wine aficionado, but what kind of beer do you like? Are you into beer at all?

Also, random question.. is there beef between you and Henry Rollins? have you guys ever met? just curious because it seems like you guys run in some of the same musical circles, yet I've never heard either of you refer to the other, in an interview or wherever.


Reply author: pot
Replied on: 09/22/2012 22:54:36

He should sample some real ales while he is Wales. Best beer in the world on this Island, but it's not so good for the old waistline as I found out again this summer having started brewing my own.

Reply author: The Maharal
Replied on: 09/23/2012 04:14:54

Originally posted by floop
Also, random question.. is there beef between you and Henry Rollins? have you guys ever met? just curious because it seems like you guys run in some of the same musical circles, yet I've never heard either of you refer to the other, in an interview or wherever.


If it matters anything FB appeared on Rollins' show to play I Burn Today a few years ago

Reply author: Jason
Replied on: 09/23/2012 15:15:50

The first few pages of this thread are great.

Reply author: Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
Replied on: 12/07/2024 02:25:04

Dear Frank Black Francis.
For ChristmaSS, would you consider the possibility to record next year an album by Frank Black & The Teens of The Year ?
Kind regards and see you in London the 6th of February and maybe the following day in Hove at David Thomas' home.


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