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* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:04:47
Whats everyones thoughts on cheating on people. I have done it 4 times to one girl. The first time was awful I felt so bad I just kissed the girl but I did it again the week after. This time I had to tell my girlfriend. She let me off then I had sex with a girl and went with another, with not so much as a twang of conscience. The final time I kissed one of my girlfriends friends (who also had a b/f) but I felt bad this time and had to end it. Maybe more due to the fact I didn't want to be caught than anything.
No one has ever done it to me so its kinda weird for me when I go into my next relationship. I feel a fool typing this though.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

936 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:12:33
Well I've been cheated on, so I can never justify it after the feelings it brought me but perhaps I just dwelled on it too much.
"Hey fuck you if you don't like it." -Johnny Thunders |
* Dog in the Sand *
1973 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:12:48
Yep, you're a fool. Not because you're typing it but because you're doing it. I am not very tolerant with cheating : it's such a lack of respect!
It's our tradition to control, Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl, From the Ukraine to the Rhône. Sweet home über alles, Lord, I'm coming home. So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home. |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:24:03
Well yeah. I felt just like that until about 10months into my relationship. Offers came along and I didn't jump at them but when someone offers to *ahem* my *ahem* and Im in a drunken state, its hard to refuse. Literally.
Im not a pro-cheater or anything, its not nice at all.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

936 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:31:19
Yeah, I can understand, don't really have it happen often to me so it's a bit hard to relate maybe but I can understand. Still I keep myself from doing anything with any girl with a guy, and when I was in my last relationship while I had pondered cheating I was far to enamored by the person I was with even when she was treating me like shit.
"Hey fuck you if you don't like it." -Johnny Thunders |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:37:22
Its one of those really weird feelings that I can't describe properly. The first time I did it I knew I loved my girlfriend and I didn't want to hurt her. But I still did. What made it worse was when we first started going out I said I would never do that its awful etc etc.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

258 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 18:55:26
oui, le terrible!
from a frenchman even!
i have heard that among the french, it is almost expected that the husband has a mistress.
is that an out there statement, or is it a stereotype based somewhat on a culteral norm?
did that make sense?
warm wishes and fond regards,
betty |
El Barto
= Song DB Master =
4020 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:02:11
I couldn't cheat. I wouldn't want to cheat. I have a very guilty conscience and I just can't keep something like that bottled up inside. It's not's lame, it's a horribly shitty thing to do to someone else, for such stupid reasons. Sex. Sex is so stupid.
Boycott cults and t's |
= Cult of Ray =

936 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:09:53
Yeah, I think I realized that was pretty much how she felt about it to, I was willing to forgive and forget but she ended the relationship after she cheated on me because she couldn't deal with it, or at least that's what she said, and they say that if you cheat once you'll only cheat again. I still miss her though. Oh well.
"Hey fuck you if you don't like it." -Johnny Thunders |
= Quote Accumulator =
1850 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:18:34
I think cheating is awful. The problem is that there are so many great women in the world, though - to say your spouse is THE ONE just seems kinda narrow-minded, imo. But I can't say - I have little knowledge of relationships. |
* Dog in the Sand *
1973 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:24:32
quote: Originally posted by betty
oui, le terrible!
from a frenchman even!
i have heard that among the french, it is almost expected that the husband has a mistress.
is that an out there statement, or is it a stereotype based somewhat on a culteral norm?
did that make sense?
warm wishes and fond regards,
It is based on litterary characters, mainly (Madame Bovary etc). The French are obsessed with cheating, true! doesn't mean they do it more than elsewhere.
It's our tradition to control, Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl, From the Ukraine to the Rhône. Sweet home über alles, Lord, I'm coming home. So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home. |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:27:31
I keep feeling I need to defend myself. But really there is no way to justify what I did. I only told her about the 2 and we are still good friends which is good. But the statement about do it once blah blah. At the moment it feels like thats what will happen and I don't want it to. As for the sex thing. I had alot of problems with my girlfriends past and im sure some part of me wanted to make up for certain things.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

936 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 19:40:42
Yeah sex is overrated. The alcohol never talks back. Sex is boring, stupid hippy shit.
"Hey fuck you if you don't like it." -Johnny Thunders |
= Cult of Ray =

715 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 20:28:56
it hurts so fucking much to be cheated on. if you've known that pain, you know enough to never do it to anyone else. unless you're an imcredible asshole. or if your heart is a black dead lump. god, i loath cheaters
warm....warmer.....disco! |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2004 : 20:38:11
Malax, as a 12 year old girl i wouldn't worry about it too much. schoolgirl crushes wear off quickly.. and even though you have feelings towards other girls at this age, and might have had a few "girlfriends," you've got a lot of growing up to do and changes to go through. you may find yourself interested in boys someday.
what feels like "love" now will all seem kind of silly when you're older. just enjoy your youth while it lasts. |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 07:55:16
Thats a point. Never thought of it like that floop.
Im only little theres time for my black dead lump of coal heart to flourish!
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
6556 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 08:58:47
hehe, I love that part of the dvd when Dave gets that 12 year olds #. Takes Kim a minute but... |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 09:34:16
I'm all for "preventive war" tactic in cheating. That means when you are uncertain about your girlfriend, cheating on her is a good idea. If she cheats on you (which is highly probable) you can always say "i cheated first" and save your male ego. It's always worse when you get cheated on and not only you have to think about your sentiments but also at all those women you let go away for being a devoted boyfriend. At least that's my experience.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
* Dog in the Sand *
1973 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 09:40:30
You can also dump her, mca!
It's our tradition to control, Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl, From the Ukraine to the Rhône. Sweet home über alles, Lord, I'm coming home. So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home. |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 09:45:18
I did dump her, but dumping does not prevent your "ass from burning" ("mi bruccia il culo" is an Italian frase that accurately describes the situation). I now prefer an anticipated revenge.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
* Dog in the Sand *
1973 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 09:50:06
"Va far enculo!" or something like that is the only phrase I know in Italian.
Of course, the preventive war tactic is very efficient, but total war is still my favorite.
It's our tradition to control, Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl, From the Ukraine to the Rhône. Sweet home über alles, Lord, I'm coming home. So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home. |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 09:54:59
quote: Originally posted by mun chien andalusia
I did dump her, but dumping does not prevent your "ass from burning" ("mi bruccia il culo" is an Italian frase that accurately describes the situation). I now prefer an anticipated revenge.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
have you been eating a lot of spicy food lately mun chien? |
* Dog in the Sand *
1968 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 12:50:36
Cheating is for dipshits. If you can't control yourself, you have no right being in a relationship. It's not fair to the other person. You're a slut and need to remain single and just hook up with all the cheap-minded people who just fuck for carnal purposes without any respect or love inside of themselves.
"You gotta watch the mota, Thurston. Yr fuckin memory just goes out the window." |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 12:51:18
quote: Originally posted by floop
quote: Originally posted by mun chien andalusia
I did dump her, but dumping does not prevent your "ass from burning" ("mi bruccia il culo" is an Italian frase that accurately describes the situation). I now prefer an anticipated revenge.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
have you been eating a lot of spicy food lately mun chien?
Among other things, yes. Though this is an old story, i still have a flame throwing problem.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
"FB Quote Mistress"
3988 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2004 : 21:05:03
I think cheating is just a sign that something is missing from your relationship and you shouldn't be in any "exclusive" ANYTHING if you can't survive without cheating. I may be naive, but I would rather someone gets what they need elsewhere HONESTLY then feeling like they have to go behind my back to find it.
********************************************************** there's fire if you want it, let me know. I'm sick and tired of letting go... |
Edited by - ramona on 05/17/2004 21:05:58 |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 08:02:40
I feel I must explain, for I have damaged my 'legendary' status on this board. I don't condone cheating I don't like doing it I can live without doing it (I did for 9 months of our 1 year relationship). However we had problems and as it says above things were missing opportunitys came along (I didn't go looking) and a couple of them I took, albeit begrudgingly.
I have a normal heart for a heart, Im not made of feaces, Im not an anus and I have a nice broad shaped mind.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
573 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 10:09:37
Cheating is a terrible, terrible thing to do. It's just a really hurtfull thing to do to another person and if you feel the need to cheat on a regular basis i think there may be something missing from your relationship.
If you're a serial cheater, just spend your life alone so others are not hurt by your inability to keep your hands to yourself!
BTW, this isn't a personal attack on Malax, just general comments. |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 10:19:31
i cheated on a girlfriend once in college. we were trying to conduct a long-distance relationship (never works). i felt realllly shitty about it. was depressed for days. told her about it. we broke up.
i think getting my heart broken this year was payback in a way.
anyway, i would never do it again (unless i had the opportunity to get together with Jennifer Connelly. that, my girlfriend would have to forgive)..
> Teenager of the Year <
4307 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 10:43:19
Darn, I thought this thread was going to be about the position you use when cheating. I myself am not a cheater, but if the opportunity prevented itself and I felt my relationship wasn't worth it at the time I would definitely try to be as dirty as possible, Doggy-style, "the shocker", whatever, no point in trying to impress, who wants to date a cheater anyways?
Stay tuned for signature change at 400 posts. |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 10:44:45
is doggy style dirty?
what's "the shocker"? |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 11:18:43
Is doggy style the dirtiest thing you can think of? It sounds pretty normal to me.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
> Teenager of the Year <
4307 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 11:21:59
quote: Originally posted by floop
is doggy style dirty?
what's "the shocker"?
a) only if you stick your thumb in her buns.
b) two in the pink, one in the stink!
other moves include: "the spocker" (two in each), "the rocker" (index in one hole, pinky in the other) and "the Fonzie" (when in the doggy-style position, guide yourself in to her while giving the thumbs up, do i need to tell you where your thumb goes?)
Stay tuned for signature change at 400 posts. |
> Teenager of the Year <
4307 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 11:36:44
quote: Originally posted by mun chien andalusia
Is doggy style the dirtiest thing you can think of? It sounds pretty normal to me.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
I guess it is a little tame, it depends how hard you are nailing her though, if you break the headboard, it can be dirty, or at the very least "rough". I can think of dirty things like the "dirty sanchez" or "chili dog", but I don't think many people ever do these things.
I do know a guy who puked on a girl as he was passing out drunk, he woke up with a terd on his pillow, I guess she really wanted some. 
Stay tuned for signature change at 400 posts. |
* Dog in the Sand *
1834 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 11:45:43
Cheating by men is not nearly so big a deal as cheating by women. |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
6556 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 11:58:43
Why is that? A kind of Oedipus thing? |
* Dog in the Sand *
1834 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2004 : 12:30:04
Because cheating by men typically involves (merely) lack of emotional commitment to the base relationship, while cheating by women can result in her committed partner rearing a child that is not his own. The cheated male can be "cuckolded" and end up spending his life resources raising children not his own. Conversely, while the cheated female may have reason to doubt the commitment and fidelity of her mate, that doesn't necessarily preclude him from devoting a level of resources to the children similar to that he would have devoted had he never cheated. It's all about the DNA. Many cheated males spend lives involuntarily raising the DNA of other males. This is not possible for cheated females. Hence the asymmetrical cost of cheating, supporting the rationale of greater social condemnation of female cheating. |
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