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Posted - 06/09/2004 : 20:43:34
it seems plausible, most of the charges would be things that many people have pointed to for a while now. i am not so certain that even if it is true and then it is succesful, which both are distinct long shots imo, that it is a good thing. i think best case scenerio is that dubya gets voted out in nov. and takes all his fascist colonizer friends w/ him. then we pray that 4 years from nov. we have a real leader to vote for. who would be willing to begin fixing our countries problems.
i brushed over j. kerry/heinz because i believe that he is a which-way-is-the-wind-blowing-today-type, who will do anything for attention. i will take him over the no exit strategy, open ended warmongers anytime. at least when we say do not be a fascist , he will not be a fascist.
i just have i really bad feeling that for things to get better they need to get much worse first.