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= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2003 : 10:40:17
Ta-Da! Here is the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section! Thanks for all the great suggestions. If you have additional questions (with or without answers) that you would like to see addressed here, email your QuizMistress and I will add them to the FAQs (provided that they have been Asked with Frequency).
Please note that questions about lyrics, discography and song meanings will not be answered at length here. El Barto has constructed a very comprehensive Song Database that you can access here.
Here's what we got so far:
What is SUNDAY SUNNY MILL VALLEY GROOVE DAY (SSMVGD)? How can I get a copy? Is it true that there is going to be a TEENAGER OF THE YEAR musical? What is that song that plays as the band takes the stage? In which songs has Frank employed acrostics? What is live to 2 track recording and why does Frank use it? How did Frank get involved with the Powerpuff Girls CD? What is ODDBALLS? Where can I get a copy? What are THE KITCHEN TAPES and what are they doing with THE BLACK SESSIONS? Has any of FB&TC's stolen gear been recovered? What do the kitties & titles under forum members' names mean? How do I get The Cult of Frank(tm) Signature? What do I do if someone on the Forum is bothering me? I found a Pixies song online that I've never seen before. How can I know if it's an actual unreleased rarity or a fake? I'm new to Frank Black or only have a few albums, which album should I get? Will the Pixies' 4AD Re-masters [2004] ever be released?
A: SUNDAY SUNNY MILL VALLEY GROOVE DAY (SSMVGD) refers to an unreleased set of ten tracks that Frank recorded with the Catholics in San Francisco in 2000. Frank wasn't completely happy with how the sessions sounded and decided against a commercial release. He handed a few copies out at shows and they were eventually posted to the Internet by fans. There was no cover art; the original CDs were white with a track listing on the back of the case. Track listing is as follows:
01 - Constant Sorrow Man 02 - Pan American Highway 03 - Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Day (Doug Sahm) 04 - Humboldt County Massacre 05 - Angst 06 - Sleep (Donovan) 07 - Sister Isabel (Del Shannon) 08 - Le Cigre Volant 09 - I Will Run After You 10 - His Kingly Cave
All songs were released at some point, some previous to the San Francisco sessions and some subsequent, mostly as b-sides. Three songs are covers, as indicated above.
At present, SSMVGD has not been uploaded to's FTP site because Frank's permission is still pending. The best bet for obtaining a copy of SSMVGD is to make contact some kind CD-trading soul on the message board who is willing to either trade or do a B&P (blanks and postage) deal.
A few quotes from the man himself on SSMVGD:
"I don't think 'Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Day' sounds very good. And there were some mistakes on a couple of the takes, and some of the songs needed a lyric re-write, so there were a few things we weren't happy with. It doesn't really sound like a record; it's just a session, I think . . . Most of it actually is coming out in some form or another, like on b-sides and compilations." (Sam Worrad, Shutdown Fanzine, Issue May 2001)
"DOG IN THE SAND is our third record. We attempted a fourth in San Francisco a few months ago, but maybe I was getting cocky. We did get some good b-sides for the single release of 'Robert Onion'." (Frank's press release for DITS, 9-21-2000)
=Thanks to El Barto and Holzgrafe for particularly informative posts on this subject.=
Q: Is it true that there is going to be a TEENAGER OF THE YEAR musical?
A: Yes, at least so far as we know.
Q: What is that song that plays as the band takes the stage?
A: “All the Tired Horses” by Bob Dylan. It’s on the album SELF PORTRAIT (1970).
Q: In which songs has Frank employed acrostics?
A: “Ana,” “Speedy Marie,” “Valley of Our Hope,” and “Robert Onion.” There has been a forum discussion thread on this topic; click here to view it.
Q: What is live to 2 track recording and why does Frank use it?
A: All Frank Black and the Catholics albums are recorded live to 2 track. Frank's stated reasons for this include his enjoyment of the discipline and musicality required to make it sound good; the close approximation of a 2 track recording to live sound; and the relative speed, ease, and economy of the method. BLACK LETTER DAYS and DEVIL'S WORKSHOP were recorded with the band’s very own mobile recording studio equipment. Many opinions and theories regarding the specifics of Frank's particular setup abound on the boards and I recommend using the site's search function if you are interested in the nuances and vagaries of these particular conversations. The following is an explanation of the process, courtesy of Atheist4Catholics, a recording engineer.
"Live to 2 track USED to mean using both tracks as a multi track and then mixing that to a (usually mono) master. This is what The Beatles did on their first recordings (funny story, when record companies went to re-release some of The Beatles hits which were originally mono, they took the two track tapes and said "oh, stereo!" and that's why the vocals are on one side and the band on the other).
These days, however, Live to 2 track means "Live to Stereo" the two tracks being the left track and the right track. It's called Live to 2 track because the tape you record to is called a "two track tape" or a "two track master", sort of a throw back to its original use as a multi track. Essentially, this means that FB&C go to the studio and try to isolate themselves from each other as best they can. The engineer has to set up all of the effects and work out all of the mix moves ahead of time. Then when they roll, the whole thing is recorded live and the mix is done live as well. I've done a few live to 2 sessions and let me tell you, you should all be awe of how amazing Frank's records sound, especially DOG IN THE SAND. It's very hard to not screw up, especially when doing complex arrangements with a lot of musicians . . .It's not lo-fi and it doesn't always save you time."
A lovely quote from Frank's press release for DOG IN THE SAND: "DOG was recorded live to 2 track, as has become our artistic commitment, although it has no razor blade edits, unlike FRANK BLACK AND THE CATHOLICS, which has two edits, and PISTOLERO which has one edit. I was very insistent about no editing on DOG. I foresee a time when we will record to wax cylinder, or perhaps a release only on sheet music. Further and further back in time." (September 21, 2000)
Q: How did Frank get involved with the “Powerpuff Girls” CD?
A: Below is a cut and paste quote from Craig McCracken (who is a member of this forum). He is the creator of the “Powerpuff Girls”. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well first off Frank was on the TOP of my list WAY ahead of everyone else I wanted for the album, so I was totally blown away when he said yes. Basically it was pretty simple, I got his phone number, and after nervously pacing around for awhile ( I mean you can understand, I'd been a huge fan of this guy for over 10 years and here I am about to call him at home). So I get up the courage and call him. He answers, we talk about the show and said he was familiar with it but he would set his Tivo to record it anyway. And basically I said the song was to be from the perspective of the citizens of Townsville and the theme was "The City in Danger." I also said I wanted something with a lot of energy and I asked him to think "Bad Wicked World." He took some notes, we talked about Tivo and how it was currently recording Kids in the Hall. He put me on the guest list for that night’s show. I thanked him for his music and what a creative inspiration he was to me. And that was pretty much it. All in all he was a really cool and friendly guy. A few weeks later Frank calls me and tells me they just finished the track and they were all really happy with it and that I'd be getting a tape in a few days. couple a days later I get the tape of "Pray for the Girls" and it just so happened it was my Birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better present, A song by my musical hero about my own show. how cool is that? Craig McCracken
=Muchas gracias to Thomas for finding & sharing the above account!=
Q: What is ODDBALLS? How can I get a copy?
A: ODDBALLS is a commercially-available compilation of B-sides and rarities. It contains 14 tracks, two of which are covers ("Remake/Remodel" & "Just A Little"). I quote Frank's liner notes in their entirety:
"Most of these songs were released in Europe as either B-sides or bonus tracks except 'Jumping Beans,' which was never released, and 'Man of Steel' which was originally released on a compilation record called SONGS IN THE KEY OF X. All the recordings were done between 1994 and 1997 in Los Angeles and New York City.
I got together with Dave Schiffman in Los Angeles in 1997 to review B-sides and outtakes, some to be re-mixed for this compilation, and so this is not a completist collection, just some songs that I liked. I left plenty of songs out, and some I'm even tempted to re-record, but that's another session, and so here they are, some re-mixed oddballs.
01 - Pray A Little Faster (trying to be Dylan) 02 - Oddball (trying to be Stones) 03 - Village of the Sun (trying to be Springsteen and Dylan) 04 - Baby, That's Art (trying to be Bowie) 05 - At the End of the World (trying to be Bowie) 06 - Can I Get a Witness (trying to be Dylan) 07 - Announcement (trying to be Daltrey) 08 - Hate Me (trying to be Strummer) 09 - Remake/Remodel (trying to be Sahm) 10 - Everybody Got the Beat (trying to be Strummer) 11 - Jumping Beans (trying to be Lou) 12 - Just a Little (trying to be me) 13 - You Never Heard About Me (trying to be Strummer) 14 - Man of Steel (trying to be me)
Frank Black Los Angeles, April 2000
Played by Lyle Workman, David McCaffrey, Scott Boutier, Eric Feldman, Nick Vincent and Frank Black."
If you have difficulty finding a copy, you can order one from the spinART records website.
Q: What are THE KITCHEN TAPES and what are they doing with THE BLACK SESSIONS?
A: Here are the liner notes from my copy--it's the UK release and titled "Frank Black: The Black Sessions Live In Paris plus The Kitchen Tapes:"
"Fall 1995, Los Angeles This is a recording of a national French radio show called Les Black Sessions presented by Bernard Lenoir. The shows go out live from an extremely air conditioned Paris soundstage. This performance was during a week long run we did in a club called L'Arapahoe, and includes the touring line-up of Californians Eric Drew Feldman, Nick Vincent, and Lyle Workman. For trivia's sake I should mention that the CD release contains the entire performance as it was heard by the studio audience but not the broadcast's audience, who heard about five songs less because of the length of the radio show. Beside the music you can hear some horrible French being spoken by me, a dedication to the night clerk at our hotel, who made a heck of a Kir Royale.
Brian Guthrie at Anoise Annoys had wanted me to include something special for the U.K. release, and I suggested a boot-leg quality extra track or two. My good friend Joey Santiago came by for a cigar and a little jam in my kitchen and we recorded a song called Jumping Beans, about Mexican jumping beans, and a time travelling tale called Modern Age. Frank Black"
So there you have it--a little something extra for the fans.
Q: Has any of FB&TC's stolen gear been recovered?
A: I contacted the ever-helpful Sarah Flynn at spinART, and she doesn't think that any of the equipment has turned up yet. Here is a list of the gear that was stolen in April 2001 in Philadelphia. At the time of the theft, manager Ken Goes asked that this list be passed on "to anyone you know who may, in the course of business, buy, sell or trade musical instruments or this type of equipment, or anyone who might be able to help." So, keep your eyes peeled.
Fender Precision Bass Guitar 604578 Fender Precision Bass Guitar 329564 Fender Telecaster Guitar 26673 Fender Telecaster Guitar 166209 Fender Telecaster Guitar 231549 Godin Guitar ? Gibson SG Jr. Guitar 836489 Gibson Les Paul Custom with black w/rose apliqués Guitar ? Sho-bud Pedal Steel Guitar 7655 Guild Guitar FS-46EJ10010 Gibson Les Paul Jr. Guitar ? Gibson SG Guitar 81664524 Mullen Pedal Steel Guitar 2421 Fender Deluxe Amplifier A04088 Fender Deluxe Amplifier 200442 Fender Twin Reverb Amplifier A07555 Vox AC-30 Cabinet N/A Vox AC-30 Amplifier 12812b Vox AC-30 Amplifier 13827 Vox AC-30 Amplifier M-19999-41-1600-B Bag End Cabinet 230027 Trace Elliot Amplifier 6130169 Trace Elliot Cabinet SWR Amplifier 2362725 Alesis QS6 Keyboard S68003978 Drum Claws Whirlwind imp-2 Microphones Sennheiser 409 Microphones Shure SM - 57 Microphones Shure SM - 58 Microphones Shure SM-91 Microphone AKG 451 Microphones AKG D112 Microphone Countryman Direct Boxes Microphone Case Yamaha Kick Drum MBD1122-LM-3720 Yamaha Snare Drum SD455MO587 Yamaha Tom Drum MTT-1116-LM-3723 Yamaha Tom Drum MTT-1112-LM-3710 Yamaha Tom Drum MTT-1105-LM-3744 Yamaha Snare Drum SD20756-ID-3955 Zildjian Cymbal Set N/A Yamaha Drum Hardware N/A Guitar Tuners N/A Guitar String Sets N/A Guitar Bags N/A Aphex Compressor AX1085861 Sentrex Power Supply N/A Guitar Pedals N/A Pedal Steel Guitar Seats N/A 28 Flight Cases
Q: What do the kitties & titles under forum members' names mean?
A: OK, this isn't exactly an FB-related question, but it gets Asked Frequently enough that it needs to be addressed somewhere. The number of stars or kitty heads relates to how many posts one has made, as does the title. Some folks, however, have personalized titles relating to duties that they perform. Like so:
50-99 posts = 1 white kitty head + =Cult of Ray= status 100-499 posts = 2 yellow kitty heads + *Dog in the Sand* status 500-999 posts = 3 orange kitty heads + >Teenager of the Year< status 1000+ posts = 4 green kitty heads + >>Denizen of the Citizens Band<<
Dave Noisy, Cult of Frank, & Broken Face have different colored kitties because, well, they're special.
**PLEASE NOTE: Although Dave has the power to change titles, he can't give folks custom cats. We will all have to suck it up and love the one we're with.**
Q: How do I get The Cult of Frank (tm) Signature?
A: Want to join the Cult of Frank? Who doesn't?! Luckily, membership is easier than ever and that awkward cling-wrap goat dance has been finally been put to rest. Now all you have to do to get in is use the following code for your signature:
[ hr ][ img ][ icon_cof.gif ][ /img ][ i ]"Your message part 1 / part 2"[ /i ]
The [ hr ] gives you a horizontal line and the [ i ] and [ /i ] surround italicized text. The rest is probably pretty obvious. Welcome to the Cult of Frank.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't include the spaces between the bracket & the command; I had to put them in the example to prevent the reproduction of the Cult o' Frank icon. Then you'd all be frustrated w/me and think I was just being an unhelpful ass.
Thanks, Dean!
Q: What do I do if someone on the Forum is bothering me?
A: Just as in "real" life, you will find that some people here have a knack for getting under your skin, pushing your buttons and/or rubbing you the wrong way.
When you meet someone in person and find that you have some conflict, do you hold a screaming match and stick billboards on the City Hall lawn announcing your new-found hatred for them?
Probably not.
So don't do it here.
Please be civil on the Forum. Take it to private email if you really want to have a go at someone. Otherwise you're being a vitriolic exhibitionist. And no one likes vitriolic exhibitionists.
The current policy works like this:
* If a conflict is deemed as "going too far**" the first thing you'll find is a private message from Cult of Frank. That's serious. He doesn't want to send you private messages. And if he sends you a private message, he won't care "who started what." Be warned before being warned.
* If things don't "cool down", he will lock your account for a day. This will be followed by a seven-day lockout if a further infraction occurs.
So there you have it. Please don't make Dean play mean-daddy-spanky-daddy. Best to just ignore the offending party. All that person wants is your attention anyway, so you're really getting him/her in the end by following this advice.
**One indication that a situation has gone too far is an attempt by Derek to calm one or more parties with the creation of a silly image.
Q: I found a Pixies song online that I've never seen before. How can I know if it's an actual unreleased rarity or a fake?
A: Fear ye not! Forum member mun chien andalusia has been so good as to compile a little list of "Pixies' rare, not-so-rare and fake songs found on p2p networks." Quoth he:
"There are more of them since people mislabel mp3s all the time but I included the more popular ones. I'll try to keep you updated with new titles.
Rare 1 - Boom Chick A Boom. Never released officially. It can be found only on two bootlegs: THE FALLOUT SHELTER and W.E.R.S STUDIOS, both recorded radio shows.
2 - Keeping In Time 3 - Draw Attention 4 - Silhouette 5 - Gemini Known as THE PRE-PIXIES COLLEGE DEMOS. Not Pixies songs. Recorded by Charles Thompson (not yet Black Francis) before forming Pixies. Available on the ftp site.
6 Rock A My Soul. Before THE PURPLE TAPES were officially released it could be found only on bootlegs.
Known Pixies Fakes 1 - Sandy's Bathroom 2 - Rocketship ( taken from the Breeders Subluecollar Bootleg) 3 - Long Ten Years 4 - Specify Gravity 5 - Video Killed The Radio Star 6 - Al Sonata (rare instrumental) 7 - Photo Booth 8 - Radiohead & Pixies - Blowout (it is a radiohead song recorded from a radio session with the Posies drummer. Some versions of this mp3 include the speaker outro that explains it) 9 - Pixies & Stephen Malkmus - Title Unknown 10 - Motherbanger - It's a Liam Lynch parody of Pixies.
Mislabeled Songs On Factory Pressed Bootlegs 1 THE RETURN ON THE FAT MAN I Bleed (listed as 'Chains') Bone Machine (listed as 'Speed'); Holiday Song (listed as 'Really Should Know') Where Is My Mind? (listed as 'Fat Man Swimming')
2 LIVE IN LIVERPOOL 03-05-1989 Into the White (listed as into the doubt)
3 PLANET OF SOUND rock music (listed as miles away)
4 LE MOURIA Manta Ray (Listed as "Mental Reign") All Over The World (The Ending of this song is listed as a separate Track "The Ranger") Something Against You (Listed as "Can I Get You")"
Thanks again, Donnie!
I'm new to Frank Black or only have a few albums, which album should I get?
Of course, any answer to this question is going to be subjective, but over the years, the following recommendations have been given more frequently than others:
- Most common and quite unanimous suggestion: GET TOTY (Teenager of the Year)
- Get the all
- Go in chronological order
- For Frank Black solo: TOTY
- For FB&C's: Dog in the Sand
Will the Pixies' 4AD Re-masters [2004] ever be released? The short answer is no. When the Pixies reunion became a reality in late 2003, 4AD remastered the discs for a reissue. However, the remasters were rejected by the band and 4AD has since claimed they no longer exist. No copies were sold, leaked, or otherwise kept that we are aware of.
Edited by - mereubu on 12/04/2003 17:23:31 |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2003 : 18:38:30
UPDATES TO FAQ: 04 December 03 - added section on identification of real Pixies rarities & fakes
"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon" |
Edited by - mereubu on 12/04/2003 17:25:08 |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 12:26:45
LOL - the Derek picto-warning comment is mui funny. :)
"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened" |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 13:16:19
Well, much as I would like to take credit for it, that's pure Dave. I just messed with the wording a little.
"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon" |
"FB Quote Mistress"
3988 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 13:37:23
Could we also add the question I suggested yesterday? Something along the lines of "I am a Pixies fan but have never heard any Frank Black - what CD should I start with?" This seems frequently asked to me, but I don't know if the answer is too much a matter of OPINION. Thoughts? |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 13:40:19
Well, it's been discussed so many times that I could at least give folks a link to a thread containing folks' opinion about it. I'll get that up in the next couple of days. Thanks, Em.
"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon" |
Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos
4496 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 13:44:46
Hey Sarah, lemme know if it's cool to delete the older messages in this thread...try to keep this tidy. =) |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 13:48:47
Knock yerself out. :-)
(Not literally, of course!)
"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon" |
Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos
4496 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 14:26:49
- The Clopser -
2291 Posts |
Posted - 09/19/2003 : 17:37:28
Hey Dave, happy 2000!
Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about? |
- FB Fan -
81 Posts |
Posted - 09/29/2003 : 11:40:57
newest member of COF!
"Mister, would you please help my pony? / I think it's his lung" |
"FB Quote Mistress"
3988 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2003 : 18:41:09
Okay, I am back with another suggestion. How bout posting something about LOW BUDGET TIME MACHINE? Is that frequently asked enough? Maybe just posting that link to the site about the movie with the photos...which I can't find right now. Please delete this if it has already been discussed or is deemed unessential!  |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 13:27:55
how about posting the list of real rare pixies songs along with a list of the more frequently asked fakes?i have a list of those and seems that a lot of people keep asking about things like "radiohead and the pixies-blowout"(fake).i would be happy to post such a list if you want.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking |
- FB Fan -
22 Posts |
Posted - 12/03/2003 : 13:23:12
Ah..extremely helpful for losers like meself!
Pulled down the heavens just to please you, to hold the flower I can't keep... |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 12/03/2003 : 13:44:48
quote: Originally posted by mun chien andalusia
how about posting the list of real rare pixies songs along with a list of the more frequently asked fakes?i have a list of those and seems that a lot of people keep asking about things like "radiohead and the pixies-blowout"(fake).i would be happy to post such a list if you want.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
If you would be so kind as to email it to me, I'll add it to the FAQ (giving you full credit of course.)
Folks, please note above, if you want something added, email me (just click on my forum ID). That way I'll be sure to get it.
"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon" |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2003 : 16:26:05
you have mail :)
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking |
= Quote Accumulator =
1850 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2004 : 15:10:35
quote: What do the kitties & titles under forum members' names mean? How do I get The Cult of Frank(tm) Signature? What do I do if someone on the Forum is bothering me?
What do you all think of having these questions on the FORUM faq instead of this Frank Black FAQ?
I know that Sarah asked for us to e-mail Sarah if we have suggestions, but this suggestion would have to be considered by other people.
Join the Cult of Pi - It's just 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.... |
Edited by - IceCream on 02/21/2004 15:13:07 |
Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos
4496 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2004 : 16:07:49
Sarah can't edit that page, so we'll leave it here.
Maybe there should be a link to that too tho, in case the link at the top isn't enough..hehe..
Join the Cult of the Flying Pigxies - I'm A Believer! |
- FB Fan -
23 Posts |
Posted - 03/23/2004 : 04:35:02
hello, i´m from of argentina, and excusme my english, i´wish contact with music friend´s frank black. The music of frank black is very great, i´was know the name and influence of Pixies in Nirvana in long time ago, but last year i´was can know the frank black music and all discography and too pixies music. In my country, the history of rock and roll music is long time (38 years) and have excelent musician( almendra, sumo, soda stereo, redonditos are some bands)spinetta, garcia, pappo, cerati, luca prodan are some name. But frank black is so great, is sensible, creative and very power. I´ wish to the pixies visit my country is will fine. finally , again, excusme my english. thankyou for yuor time. my email is best wishes. |
the thing
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
313 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2004 : 13:28:15
On the subject of fakes - not really a fake, but when I added my copy of "The Dream is Over" to my iTunes, gracenotes rather helpfully labelled it "The Black Stool Acoustic", which sounds like an awfully bad pun - has anyone come across and actual version of this release of the gig - or is this just a quirk?
My head was feeling scared, but my heart was feeling free |
- FB Fan -
25 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 07:36:33
can anybody tell me if franck likes mexican food???
pixies not death |
Foucaults Dog
- FB Fan -
124 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2004 : 01:57:19
FB fans really are (mostly) wonderful :) |
- FB Fan -
3 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2004 : 06:46:57
"Known Pixies Fakes 10 - Motherbanger - It's a Liam Lynch parody of Pixies."
It is not, no. It is by Chris Morris ( go here for more info on this man. |
= Cult of Ray =

Saint Lucia
252 Posts |
Posted - 07/23/2004 : 01:58:40
please, support anybody knows frank's birthplace and hour, and date of course thanks
true blue Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm nur al din/nur al djinn, depending on... |
4109 Posts |
Posted - 07/23/2004 : 02:13:20
Olá! You could see it in his bio!Don´t knw the hour but here in the site it says this: "April 6, 1965 (despite his desire to have been conceived a decade earlier) in Long Beach, California". Are you going to make his astrologic profile? I think his Aries, and I guess it fits him very well!
... I´m learning!... |
= Cult of Ray =

Saint Lucia
252 Posts |
Posted - 07/23/2004 : 05:12:40
lovely rita, i'd like to take a look to his natal chart, even guess his astral configuration during his tours toi see which are the best date, birth hour is the most important data to have an accurate view of it Aries is not enough since solar sign is not as important as ascendant or planets placed in the 1st house But I am quite sure I will see a little UFo wandering round his natal planets
true blue Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm nur al din/nur al djinn, depending on... |
4109 Posts |
Posted - 07/25/2004 : 06:23:51
Olà, I hope you can find it. And after that let us know all about him! (Que bom encontrar mais um português)
... I´m learning!... |
- FB Fan -
13 Posts |
Posted - 07/28/2004 : 01:39:44
Where can I find a copy of the Kitchen Tapes (?) and Black Session in Paris? |
- FB Fan -
1 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2004 : 08:32:49
How do I actually get to make contact with the stellar MR. Black... A radio transmission?
He's been such a subdued, yet steady influence in my life, I'd like to tell im "thanks"
I WANT TO MEET FRANK BLACK BEFORE I DIE!!! (don't worry, I'm not dying right now or anything like that... we've got plenty of time. It IS on my "things -I -absolutly -MUST-do" List, though) |
* Dog in the Sand *
1615 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2004 : 17:28:05
Sarah, looks like you can update 'Boom chicka boom' from the rare stuff.
"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard" |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2005 : 12:20:43
Anyone interested in taking this over? They'd have to know a lot themselves and have been a member for a while on the forum. Please email me if you're interested.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
= FB QuizMistress =
2677 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2005 : 06:52:00
Um, hello, I'm still in the room! |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2005 : 07:09:29
Heh heh, sorry Sarah - I left you that message and you didn't reply, so I assumed you'd left. Glad you're still around! I'm sending you an email...
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 15:29:18
All right then, here are two of the topics that seem to get resurrected quite often:
1. "What are the lyrics to Where Is My Mind"?
2. "I'm new to Frank Black, which album should I get first?" or "I already have this album or that, which one do you recommend I should get next?"
I realize neither of these have simple answers, but:
1. (I'm quoting myself here): I think the conclusion was that Frank either forgot or wouldn't tell anybody what the original words were. They seem to change through time. For further reading:
2. There is obviously no subjective answer to this one, but I think it's still a very different question from "what is your favourite album". And some answers are given more often than others, for example: - Buy them all. - Get them in chronological order. - Generally the most common and quite unanimous suggestion: GET TOTY - For Frank Black solo: TOTY - For FB & the Catholics: This is a bit more complicated. I think the most common answers are Dog In the Sand and Show Me Your Tears, but there seems to be plenty of disagreement about his one.
Hope that helps!
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2005 : 13:03:04
Mere, in addition to that, could you please include that the 4AD Pixies remasters were turned down by the band and therefore will never be released? Thanks.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2005 : 15:57:04
Also the bloody bleeding Nirvana - Pixies connection or non-connection and the what does Frank say about Kurt and so on. |
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