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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
8201 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 09:40:56
I don't know what everyone else calls it, but I'm referring to the act of throwing yourself around like a loon at gigs to the point where you're concentrating more on staying upright than listening to the music.
I tend to err on the side of watching the band, but then I'm possibly old before my time. I generally stand at the back of gigs to get the best sound, so I manage to stay out of the way of the (generally quite young) types who are moshing. At Brixton last night we were stood reasonably close to get a good view of David Lovering, and were caught up in the crowd once the band started playing. I didn't really mind a bit of jostling, but when you get big groups of big guys with no necks deliberately ramming you, it gets a little irritating. I'm quite a big guy so I was protecting the girl I came with (I'm such a gent), and trying not to give any ground to those around me. However, we just gave up in the end - I didn't have to fake screaming along with people stamping on my half-ingrowing toe.
Then again, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite saying all this, because when Tame was played I was leaping around myself. It was fun, but for some people this seems to be the main attraction for the gig - to get as bruised, sweaty and drunk as possible.
I think I'll go and dig out my pipe and slippers now.
"Join The Cult Of Scientific Phenomenalism/And Receive A Free Vortex Cannon!" |
* Dog in the Sand *
1973 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 09:43:39
As long as you don't pass the guy...
I keep feeling like people are just looking at screens and web sites all the time, but do they ever do anything? Or go out and say anything to anyone? I'm not so sure anymore. |
> Teenager of the Year <
4307 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 10:34:27
quote: Originally posted by Adnan_le_Terrible
As long as you don't pass the guy...
In the late 90's I was first denizen of the anti-mosh; i used to pull the people down who were riding the mosh, it was fun for 5 gigs or so, then i just stopped going to gigs, nobody rides the mosh that much anymore, good thing in my opinion.
Do dyslexic-insomniac-agnostics stay up all night wondering if there really is a dog? |
El Barto
= Song DB Master =
4020 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 11:27:26
I was always anti-mosh. The only time I ever did it was at a Foo Fighters concert. It wasn't necessarily moshing, it was just kinda moving with the crowd. That concert was fucking WILD.
Boycott cults and t's |
"FB Quote Mistress"
3988 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 11:46:19
I don't know - I understand when people want to get into the music but sometimes people are such assholes about it. It's hard when you are a relatively smallish girl and want to be in the front and not get smashed, but you kind of have to expect that may be the case. When I saw Frank in Brighton people went mental during the Pixies songs (which was not surprising) and since I was in the dead center first row I just kind of moved over to the side and hid behind a wall-like large man. It was okay.
I have to say my LEAST FAVORITE thing at a show is when some 6+ foot oaf stands completely still right in the front and blocks my view. I don't understand! You are standing there looking bored and you could see just as clearly from three rows back!
_______________________________________________________ never gonna know you now, but I'm gonna love you anyhow... |
The Holiday Son
= Quote Accumulator =
2023 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 12:02:01
Not to mosh, of course. I can't understand how people can, at a gig of a band they say they love, choose to annoy everybody else instead of listening to the band. I would love to see a band have the balls to stop the gig and yell at those fuckers!
On a side note, a friend of mine went to see Blonde Red Head last week and they asked that nobody smoked inside. I like that. |
Edited by - The Holiday Son on 06/04/2004 12:05:03 |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
8201 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 12:07:00
Without sounding weird, I think there's sort of a line drawn between young peoples music, and old peoples music. Not that distinct obviously, but you know what I mean. You wouldn't really expect to mosh at a Catholics show (where the music is generally more intellectual and mature), whereas you can sort of understand it at a Pixies gig - its still intellectual, but with more splenetic energy and, well, youthful vigour.
"Join The Cult Of Scientific Phenomenalism/And Receive A Free Vortex Cannon!" |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 12:08:18
It depends of what band you're seeing. I loved moshing at the JSBX gig.
* Dog in the Sand *
1734 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 12:16:44
I usually don't like, you can't listen the music. I did some stage diving and crowded surfing once, at a french hardcore-rap-metal concert (one-eyed Jack). But nobody really cared about the music, it was more about energy. |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 13:08:25
Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!! |
= Cult of Ray =

Equatorial Guinea
649 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 20:08:10
I struggle with this. This is something that came from punk. In that vein it was a very appropriate and good thing, with a culture that supported it - watching out for others, not kidney-punching those nearby, etc. - and was a freaking blast to be in. Everyone stayed at arm length apart, or sometimes leg-length; One of my friends is trying to acquire video of a show in the late 80s in which he loses a converse all-star sneaker to another kid's mouth. I was there that night, and remember the stunned look on the kid's face what with a shoe appearing in his gob. Even with that, it ended well. Anyway, I blame the Seattle/Grunge exploitation for the Death of Mosh. That got the masses into it, and without the context, it became outright violent and silly. Crowd surfing and shoving took over from the lawnmower and skanking proper. I have seen moshing in country music videos while channel surfing. That's fucking stupid. Not to be overly elitist on the adoption of an expressive form, but really - without the culture it just isn't the same. Thus, for the Pixies, Not Mosh for me. Last time I was in a good circle pit near Frank Black was when he opened for the Ramones. Everyone stood and watched Frank, then took the floor apart for Joey R & co. Besides - with this new-fangled (ok the last 10 years or so) style of moshing everyone rubs their ugly ass sweaty selves on you. I'm there for the music, not the hepatitis.
* Dog in the Sand *
1446 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2004 : 21:04:50
quote: Originally posted by The Holiday Son
I would love to see a band have the balls to stop the gig and yell at those fuckers!
I think Fugazi is known for this.
Also, I recall reading a story about Chrissie Hynde stopping a Pretenders show and resuming after the crowd surfers quit being jackasses. This was in the mid-90s when kids would crowd-surf at ANY show.
Slamming and moshing and stuff is okay by me. The first time I was caught up in it (at a Frank Black show, actually - 1996) it pissed me off. But now, most of the time, I know when to expect it and where not to stand at certain shows. At the Cramps show I saw last year, I thought the moshing added to how fun to the show was (though I didn't take part in any of that myself).
Last Fall in America there was the somewhat odd touring bill of The Locust (hardcore screamy band with 20 second songs) and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs audience was VERY high school girly. I only went because my 15 year old sister wanted me to take her. When the Locust opened up, it was the first time my little sister saw a mosh pit. She screamed the first time some guy almost slammed into her. We moved to the back while all this violence went on up front.
And then when the Yeah Yeah Yeahs came on, the audience looked completely different. It was all little Lizzie Macguires holding up cellphones and digital cameras. |
= Cult of Ray =

936 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2004 : 09:14:05
There's definately a time and place for moshing and it's pretty much at a punk show with people that have been to punk shows before and understand the rules of the whole thing. It's fun and a good way to release energy, but it has to be done in a crowd that understands you're not trying to hurt each other, if someone falls they need to be helped up, etc... As far as I'm concerned the crowd surfers can go to hell though, the last thing I want to do is spend an entire show making sure no one falls on my damn head.
"Hey fuck you if you don't like it." -Johnny Thunders |
4894 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2004 : 15:39:59
I love the mosh when it's a good mosh, when it's all friendly and bouncy and full of that special gig scent of sweat and beer, I love the feeling of all those people just being glad to be there and I love that even if I stand still I'm still moving.
Nasty mosh's suck though... being 5 ft tall it's easy to get lost in there and the last thing you need is some aggressive arsohole slamming and pushing and digging into you...
And sometimes the surfing is a necessity.. I've taken a few bad knocks in a mosh and had to be surfed out because my legs have gone from under me, no permanent damage but over the top is the quickest way to go!
So.. I guess... It depends!
The world is not my home I'm just passing through |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
9168 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2004 : 15:58:18
In general, I would say no. I'd never mosh, and I don't want other people trying to do it when I'm trying to stand there and actually pay attention to what's going on on stage. But I guess I can agree with WolfMan, in that, if EVERYONE in a certain area of a crowd wants to mosh, and none of them hurt each other, they can go ahead. Just don't get in anyone else's way. That's the important thing, I think. Do what you want, but be considerate.
Cattle in Korea / They can really moo. |
broken part
- FB Fan -
226 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2004 : 22:28:53
Not to mosh. i hate the fuckers.
At the Astoria show last year with the Catholics the worst bout of moshing and crowd surfing was during I Want to Live on an Abstract Plane. I mean c'mon, get a fuckin life. |
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 02:42:35
Depends on the band I guess. When at Uni in the late 80's and early 90's I went to lots of gigs like Motorhead, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden. People tend to want to move about in a violent way when watching such esteemed artists! There was actually quite a bit of blood being splashed about at the Motorhead gig - must have been the studded bracelet things that some of the lovely audience were wearing.
The heaviest moshing I witnessed was at Nottingham Rock City with The Mission. There was a group of guys who followed the band round from gig to gig (The Eskimos??) who seemed to be pretty intense. Also it got very rowdy (in a totally pissed kind of way) at a Pogues gig at Rock City. I think I drank about 8 pints of beer that night and left the gig stone cold sober - sweated it all out!
Anyway, I'm now officially old and just lean on my zimmer frame and nod along to the music. Rock on.
"I've rejoined the Cult of Ming / Star of favourite childhood movie of 1980" |
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
573 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 05:37:47
I like having a jump around but actually pushing other people for no good reason and throwing your arms about (usually holding a fag) and headbaging just really annoys me.
It sad to say but men are the worst culprits for this and some don't seem to have a good time unless they are making others uncomfortable.
Crowd surfers are the worst, its just so antisocial and i've lost count of the amount of times tht 've got kicked or kneed in the head.
On Wednesday night i was at the front and spent most of the time trying to keep upright and fending off arseholes. Needless to say on Friday and Saturday i stood further back.
The moral of the story? If you want to watch the band and not get your legs broken don't stand at the front. |
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
573 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 05:46:31
In the early 90's i seem to remeber reading that may riot grrl bands had female only mosh pits. I would have liked to have seen that, i bet it was a whole different experience.
I'm about 5'8 so i'm ok in most pits but i see other women who are fairly small and they have a really hard time and usually have to be pulled out.
I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeah's a few months ago (With the Locusts in support, but they just got bottled, no mosh pit for them) and a crowd surfer kicked this girl in the head and knocked her out. She just collapsed and had to be pulled out. No one goes to see a band for that.
* Dog in the Sand *
1446 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 11:03:45
Do people still crowd surf? In my college days, I saw about one show a week and now I go to about 4 shows a year.
One memorable crowd surfer admonishment I've seen was at a Blur gig in early 1996 (a small 200-person club show in Texas, while they were playing stadiums in Europe!). Some yahoo was crowd surfing while the band did "To the End" (slow song). In the middle of the song, Damon Albarn said something like "What's the matter with you? Why don't you just listen to the music?" and half the room clapped. |
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
417 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 11:06:55
I couldn't help myself on Friday, sore neck the next day but it really enhanced the night for me so I agree with vovat. Mosh with consideration.
For ten thousand years he slept, his mind feeding on the nightmares of the weak. Now he has awakened. As the night turned crimson, the fire-blade shattered and his power died. Then, the slaughter began... |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 12:40:55
Friday I sort of half moshed. I enjoyed the show and everytime I was pushed forward I went with the flow. I enjoy moshing but I only do it in the crowd of people who are also doing it (generally at the front) rather than starting my own craziness behind a bunch of guys/girls standing watching.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 15:46:11
Yeah exactly, if everyone around you is doing it then I don't see the problem. If you are going to see a lively band, then you have to expect some moshing, so place youself accordingly. It's pretty simple really. Crowd surfing is pretty annoying. I had a couple of people fall on my head last night at the Ash gig I attended. That was the closest I have ever come to leaving a moshpit, it was sooo damn hot!!! I nearly passed out.
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
1340 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2004 : 16:32:07
I think I saw some really huge guy being dragged out of the 'pit' by about 25 bouncers the other night, shortly afterwards I was hit on the back of the head by a crowd surfer which jerked my head forward into the guys infront now I have a nsaty bump just above my eye. Fucker. I've been to gigs were people punch and rip clothes of crowd surfers. I'd never do it at a busy gig, but I have been known to do it at smaller more punky gigs, were people are much friendlier.
I May've Joined The Cult Of Frank If I Knew What The Balls Was Going On.
*Adapted By Carolynanna* |
= Cult of Ray =

299 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 05:27:27
quote: Originally posted by SpudBoy
I struggle with this. This is something that came from punk. In that vein it was a very appropriate and good thing, with a culture that supported it - watching out for others, not kidney-punching those nearby, etc. - and was a freaking blast to be in. Everyone stayed at arm length apart, or sometimes leg-length; One of my friends is trying to acquire video of a show in the late 80s in which he loses a converse all-star sneaker to another kid's mouth. I was there that night, and remember the stunned look on the kid's face what with a shoe appearing in his gob. Even with that, it ended well. Anyway, I blame the Seattle/Grunge exploitation for the Death of Mosh. That got the masses into it, and without the context, it became outright violent and silly. Crowd surfing and shoving took over from the lawnmower and skanking proper. I have seen moshing in country music videos while channel surfing. That's fucking stupid. Not to be overly elitist on the adoption of an expressive form, but really - without the culture it just isn't the same. Thus, for the Pixies, Not Mosh for me. Last time I was in a good circle pit near Frank Black was when he opened for the Ramones. Everyone stood and watched Frank, then took the floor apart for Joey R & co. Besides - with this new-fangled (ok the last 10 years or so) style of moshing everyone rubs their ugly ass sweaty selves on you. I'm there for the music, not the hepatitis.

Nice post. I too remember the late 70s, early 80s, when we didn't even call it moshing, it was "slam dancing." And it was a blast. I was one of the few girls in the pit, I was sure to wear a bodysuit, an athletic bra, and my "gnarly thrash boots". And it was actually somewhat "polite": at the '83 X show in Chicago, somebody fell down. The pit cleared around the person, somebody helped them up, and once the "victim" gave the "I'm OK" thumbs up, we all went back to slamming again. Loved it. I'm really sad that you can't go to a good punk show these days without either being banned from doing it, or stuck with a bunch of assholes who don't get it. And the Pixies never struck me as a moshing band. Slam dancing during songs like "Tame" yes. But you're right, there's people htere who mosh for the sake of moshing.
"Sacred cows make the best burgers!" |
* Dog in the Sand *
United Kingdom
2478 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 06:20:59
I went on Friday, stupidly stood at the front, and it was fucking rough. Should've known better. I would've been fine alone, but my sister was beat up a little and terrifed of the moshers around her. Trying to move out of the crowd, even when the song was finished, was impossible. By all means, have, fun, but don't be so damn selfish!
The evening was ruined by people who were apparently there to get wrecked, shove each other round, and yell tunelessly to 'Where Is My Mind'.
Hey, I'm only 18, but I was kinda hoping to appreciate the music too.
"Me and the chickens running in the street" |
= Cult of Ray =

Equatorial Guinea
649 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 17:14:33
I've been thinking about a Personal Electric Fence for just such an occasion. Might make it hard to hear the music over the screams of "Ow! Fuck!" though...
* Dog in the Sand *
1240 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 18:40:33
For peps with glasses, moshing is a pain in the hole, but I like to bob up and down abit. I think I'm going to be fucked on the 12th (Pixies in the Pheonix Park). When the kids (I mean hyper 15 year olds who have too much to drink), saw Frank at Witness, there was way too much annoying moshing( I got kicked in the head twice), but at his Vicar St. gig it was non-existent becauce it was the fans. With the Pixies the kids are going to start jumping all over the place, especially after an afternoon of drinking. I hate that the Pixies are doing a guest spot they really should have their own gig.
He's coming to save your mind and town |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 18:46:44
depends on the group. you just couldn't sit behind and listen to the music at a Ramones gig.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
* Dog in the Sand *
1240 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 19:02:29
I'm getting up front, but God help anyone who ruins my listening pleasure! The peps in th Pixies DVD did'nt seem to do any crowd surfing. I hope people while try to appreciate the music, but it's a big day out for most people, who will fuck around.
He's coming to save your mind and town |
The Calistanian
* Dog in the Sand *
1342 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:03:11
There's no way that music can make a person mosh. It's just poser action. It shows noninterest in the music itself. If you want to mosh, go to Gwar, where it doesn't really matter what happens. However, any Barry White CD is good for the "horizontal mosh"...
1. I am a fsh with no i's. 2. You must be wearing Zubaz, 'cause you're daring to be different. 3. I am a man with 3 fingers...but that doesn't count my index finger nor my thumb. |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:12:28
Are you saying that music can't make you move? Moshing is just a way of moving. Some music, you just can't dance to, it just makes you jump about. It's a primal urge.
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
The Calistanian
* Dog in the Sand *
1342 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:26:01
No. Of course music can make you move...that's why people dance, tap their toes, or bob their heads. But slamming into people in a crazed fashion for no rhyme, reason, or rhythm has nothing to do with music.
1. I am a fsh with no i's. 2. You must be wearing Zubaz, 'cause you're daring to be different. 3. I am a man with 3 fingers...but that doesn't count my index finger nor my thumb. |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:28:59
That's extreme moshing, and just plain annoying. I consider jumping up and down in a crowd at a gig to be moshing. Am I wrong?
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
The Calistanian
* Dog in the Sand *
1342 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:32:24
I guess I've never considered that moshing. I've always considered where you're in danger of a concussion, that's moshing. It's all too commonplace. That's the kind I was referring to. Jumping up and down, that's fine with me. I guess I have a mistaken view of moshing.
1. I am a fsh with no i's. 2. You must be wearing Zubaz, 'cause you're daring to be different. 3. I am a man with 3 fingers...but that doesn't count my index finger nor my thumb. |
Edited by - The Calistanian on 06/08/2004 14:33:47 |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 14:40:31
Or I do. I'm just glad that people are OK with me jumping up and down. I was begining to worry. I only do it at some gigs though. The louder, faster ones.
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
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