Hey we are part of the Skandinavia too. You can't just skip us off. Pixies are going to play a show in Sweden, Norway and Denmark but I haven't heard any news wheter they're coming to Finland. Guys, you can't skip Finland off. Otherwise I and many more have to travel far away to Roskilde or somewhere else and that's risky business. So please come to play at Provinssirock or Ilosaarirock or Ruisrock. Olette tervetulleita Suomeen!
I'll propably see Pixies somewhere in the Europe if they aren't coming to Finland. I assume they are not but still checking pages of Finnish festivals daily. Ilosaarirock will announce first bands on Friday I think. But anyway, it's worth travelling to see Pixies, and it's not that expensive to fly. Heippa.
Hei Treo, tietkö muita eurooppalaisia festivaaleja kun Roskilden tai Hultsfredin missä Pixies on lupautunut soittaan? Oon menossa reilaan ja ois kiva nähä ne jossain keski/itäeuroopassa, kun oon sinnepäin menossa. Jossain vaiheessa ajattelin kyllä että menisin Roskildeen, mutta eipä siellä paljon muuta nähtävää oo kun pix...