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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2024 :  06:15:27  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Good ear, Stevio!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
251 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2024 :  07:25:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A reference to 'You're So Impatient' in the band's latest tweet...

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> Teenager of the Year <

3231 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2024 :  08:59:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sounds good
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= Cult of Ray =

895 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2024 :  22:41:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Stevio10

Believe this is 'You're So Impatient' - one of the new songs previewed when they were doing the dressing room rehearsals / reels on last tour.


Dang, hadn’t heard that either but now it sounds so obvious knowing the title. Nice one.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  01:39:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Band socials now sharing a short clip with the caption 'Impatient. Tomorrow'.
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- FB Fan -

187 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  09:20:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Like the sample of the song from the dressing room, like the little snippet of Charles' voice in the clip they've released -- but can already tell the Dalgety of all is going to kill it for me per usual lol
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* Dog in the Sand *

1355 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  11:19:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tempo is up a bit for once :)
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= Cult of Ray =

895 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  15:48:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sprite

Tempo is up a bit for once :)

Sounds like a similar tempo to Graveyard Hill, eh? They should probably speed things up a bit more to make these newer songs more interesting.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1301 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  16:27:12  Show Profile  Visit johnnyribcage's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ribcage, clocking back in for the 2024 shift. How's it going, gang? Looks like the rubber starts meeting the road tomorrow. So far I have Doggerel 2: Dog Harder vibes, which is fine by me.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  22:57:19  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by natenate101

Originally posted by Sprite

Tempo is up a bit for once :)

Sounds like a similar tempo to Graveyard Hill, eh? They should probably speed things up a bit more to make these newer songs more interesting.

It's a little bit faster, I believe but the whole riff and sound is totally Graveyard Hill. Which was a good song I guess, but BTE deserved a better lead single. Just listened to Graveyard because the snippet sounds a lot like it.

I'm afraid this song is another "meat and potatoes"-Pixies. Will probably enjoy it

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2024 :  22:59:20  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TheScooper

Like the sample of the song from the dressing room, like the little snippet of Charles' voice in the clip they've released -- but can already tell the Dalgety of all is going to kill it for me per usual lol

That tone of the guitar has Dalgety-fingerprints all over it.

To be honest, I do think Dalgety was spot on with BTE, I've got only minor complaints with that record ;). Parts of HC and Doggerel too.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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= Cult of Ray =

637 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  02:25:51  Show Profile  Visit yarbles's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Look's like the new song will premiere today at 4pm BST on Steve Lamacq's BBC6 Music show. I'm assuming album title and release date will be revealed as well, and Pixies merch page will have a preorder up. Hopefully there's a cool deluxe version like we got with BTE, but I'll settle for just a good cover/font. Doggerel missed the mark in those areas for me. https://x.com/PIXIES/status/1797542851477426482

Edited by - yarbles on 06/03/2024 02:26:14
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= Cult of Ray =

895 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  04:25:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by yarbles

Look's like the new song will premiere today at 4pm BST on Steve Lamacq's BBC6 Music show. I'm assuming album title and release date will be revealed as well, and Pixies merch page will have a preorder up. Hopefully there's a cool deluxe version like we got with BTE, but I'll settle for just a good cover/font. Doggerel missed the mark in those areas for me. https://x.com/PIXIES/status/1797542851477426482

The Doggerel cover was ok, but yeah the font was goofy. “FIXIES”, lol.

There’s a Moon On was released early June before Doggerel’s September album date so it makes sense for the rollout to begin. Wouldn’t be surprised though if it’s just a Human Crime type one-off for now if they need to get more songs with Emma in the can.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  06:33:06  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I liked the cover and the font. But most of the fonts have been awful since IC

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1030 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  07:03:08  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Watched that Impatient clip again.

What's interesting (concerning?) to me is Emma's vocal tone is so wildly different from Kim and Paz's that it will fundamentally change the sound of the band. That may be a good thing at this point. But it's kind of weird.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  07:45:05  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Listening now, what a messy middle eight!
Very short too, 2 minutes!
Like the vocals and the rhyhtm, the song is kind of bland

Double A side released next month!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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= Cult of Ray =

637 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  08:08:52  Show Profile  Visit yarbles's Homepage  Reply with Quote
B side is Que Sera Sera! Will Paz's parts still be on it? https://pixiesmerch.com/products/youre-so-impatient-que-sera-sera-7inch-vinyl-ltd-edition-exclusive
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- FB Fan -

242 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  08:11:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So I take it no announcement of an album, and the second A side is Que Sera, Sera? I was really hoping for an album announcement.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  08:17:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by billgoodman

Listening now, what a messy middle eight!
Very short too, 2 minutes!
Like the vocals and the rhyhtm, the song is kind of bland

Double A side released next month!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

There's an unsettling volume jump when it reaches the chorus, much like 'Classic Masher' and 'Vault of Heaven'.
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= Cult of Ray =

637 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  08:18:43  Show Profile  Visit yarbles's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by oddball

So I take it no announcement of an album, and the second A side is Que Sera, Sera? I was really hoping for an album announcement.

Maybe it's taking a bit of time to re-record Paz's parts. Maybe this is just to wet appetites until next year.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1301 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  09:06:23  Show Profile  Visit johnnyribcage's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Gonna have a hard time not singing "I'm gonna bust a fart" during the chorus.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6260 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  09:26:36  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ziggy

Originally posted by billgoodman

Listening now, what a messy middle eight!
Very short too, 2 minutes!
Like the vocals and the rhyhtm, the song is kind of bland

Double A side released next month!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

There's an unsettling volume jump when it reaches the chorus, much like 'Classic Masher' and 'Vault of Heaven'.

You would assume that there are some industry standards, like fixing said volume jumps

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
84 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  09:28:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I still want a 'Human Crime' 7"

Nice song, nothing amazing about it though.

Oh my golly!
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* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  09:53:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I presume that's still Paz on Que Sara, Sara? If so, it might suggest that they wouldn't necessarily be opposed to releasing an album cut with Paz... The fact they're doing a double A-side, however, suggests the original album is either scrapped and they're biding time with additional content, or that the release date has been pushed back (perhaps to rework it).

You're So Impatient is fine, if not generic. I agree with the complaints about the production/mixing from verse to chorus.
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
84 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  10:00:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I dont understand why they'd wipe her parts, apart from not wanting to pay her royalties.

If they've done that, it's a bit shitty.

Oh my golly!
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- FB Fan -

242 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  10:50:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If this (another?) album was scrapped, I hope there's something new parallel on the Frank Black side in the works. Why post snippets of multiple songs on social media and go with Vegas Suite live repeatedly unless some sort of album release is close to happening? I just miss hearing large bodies of work from Frank Black, realizing I was spoiled during the FB&theCs era where this would happen once a year. I'm probably also in the minority, though, in saying that I liked "You're so impatient" least out of all of the new snippets.
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= Cult of Ray =

895 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  11:43:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by presley1

I dont understand why they'd wipe her parts, apart from not wanting to pay her royalties.

If they've done that, it's a bit shitty.

Oh my golly!

Imagine you are the band and you release an album with Paz all over it while Emma is with the group. Imagine the amount of questions they’d have to field about the switch and why Paz was good enough for the album but not to continue, etc….

Removing any recorded Paz parts helps keep her out of the conversation in general, and for this notoriously socially awkward group I’d imagine that’s a plus.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1355 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  12:13:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I presume that's still Paz on Que Sara, Sara? If so, it might suggest that they wouldn't necessarily be opposed to releasing an album cut with Paz... The fact they're doing a double A-side, however, suggests the original album is either scrapped and they're biding time with additional content, or that the release date has been pushed back (perhaps to rework it).

You're So Impatient is fine, if not generic. I agree with the complaints about the production/mixing from verse to chorus.

I think that is a new female vocal on Que Sera Sera. I watched the TV series From so clocked the difference straight away.

Original is here


Paz sounds more breathy.

Edited by - Sprite on 06/03/2024 12:14:15
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* Dog in the Sand *

1059 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  12:20:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sprite

Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I presume that's still Paz on Que Sara, Sara? If so, it might suggest that they wouldn't necessarily be opposed to releasing an album cut with Paz... The fact they're doing a double A-side, however, suggests the original album is either scrapped and they're biding time with additional content, or that the release date has been pushed back (perhaps to rework it).

You're So Impatient is fine, if not generic. I agree with the complaints about the production/mixing from verse to chorus.

I think that is a new female vocal on Que Sera Sera. I watched the TV series From so clocked the difference straight away.

Original is here


Paz sounds more breathy.

Thanks! If that is indeed the case, then the theory that the album has been delayed to re-recorded Paz's parts sounds much more likely.

Edited by - Brank_Flack on 06/03/2024 12:21:30
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1128 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  12:21:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by natenate101

Originally posted by presley1

I dont understand why they'd wipe her parts, apart from not wanting to pay her royalties.

If they've done that, it's a bit shitty.

Oh my golly!

Imagine you are the band and you release an album with Paz all over it while Emma is with the group. Imagine the amount of questions they’d have to field about the switch and why Paz was good enough for the album but not to continue, etc….

Removing any recorded Paz parts helps keep her out of the conversation in general, and for this notoriously socially awkward group I’d imagine that’s a plus.

Good point. So is it Emma on You're So Impatient?

Considering she is confirmed until the end of the touring year only at this stage it would seem a bold move to have her cut her teeth on an album while she is classed as temporary.

Maybe see how the rest of the year goes, if all parties are happy then full album next year? Cool song though
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2478 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  13:53:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Production aside (I do like the 'scrunched up' BF guitar sound of late), it's a wonderful 'ditty' as Charles would put it. Scratching my head why Que Sera Sera's getting a rerelease though.
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  14:29:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah didn't think much of it a year ago and don't think much of it now. Weird decision.

You're So Impatient is OK but as said already the volume shift is ridiculous. Immediately brought to mind Classic Masher, which was a fine song ruined by the production.
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- FB Fan -

187 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  15:38:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If I stumbled upon a magic genie, I would absolutely blow one of my wishes asking for the pixies to have never met Tom Dalgety
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- FB Fan -

239 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  17:47:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is grasping at straws, but the new, high-res artwork on https://pixiesmerch.com/ advertising the single is a 3D model that someone meshed, textured, & lighted. That seems like a lot of work for a non-album single.

Yes I am coping because no album announcement.

Edited by - tamefan on 06/03/2024 17:49:55
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- FB Fan -

242 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2024 :  18:31:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Maybe we'll at least get some more of those dressing room snippets of new songs. The thought of having to wait until next year for a full album stinks.
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