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-= Forum Pistolera =-

United Kingdom
6370 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  06:41:34  Show Profile  Visit starmekitten's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Darwin commented a couple of weeks ago about my poor luck and I'm not sure many people realise how bad it really is but I think I have to be a contender for the unluckiest person alive. No? Seriously, I should start writing all this stuff down.

The comment was due to a neighbour burning down our back fence just after we'd cleared the garden, she managed to melt the compost bin which was just starting to compost, and all but kill the tomato, bay, corn and spring onions.

My living situation is a good one too, I moved to London in October, had an illegal eviction a week before christmas causing the loss of 70% of my belongings, moved back to London in february was resident for one month before the new agents told us we had to move out because of terrible damp, found out they were lying and had to move anyway. Jobs, I apply for hundreds, I get nothing. I've been waiting to hear about a housing claim for five months now (the average time it takes to settle is four weeks..)

Yesterday I went to look for a store that sells filled pasta for less than most supermarkets. I copied the map from the internet and set off. the map was pretty misleading so I ended up walking two miles in the wrong direction in the middle of a thunderstorm before finding out the store was in the opposite direction than that stated on the map. Seriously.

and today? TODAY? I went to the bathroom and as I locked the door the entire locking mechanism fell out onto the other side locking me in. I had no smokes, no book, no phone, nothing. The only window is so small I can't even get my head out of it. I tried to fashion some sort of screwdriver out of razors but the last screw wouldn't budge and my make shift tool fell apart. With one housemate on holiday and with the other one not keeping anything like regular hours I could have been locked in there overnight. At minumum it would have been the next four hours.

I kicked the door in.

So where do you stand on luck? Do you have bad luck? good luck? does it come in cycles? is it a load of nonsense?

forum ebook: end of miles

Edited by - starmekitten on 07/06/2006 07:39:50

cassandra is
> Teenager of the Year <

4233 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  06:44:54  Show Profile  Visit cassandra is's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Don't know about luck, but you've just created the 10000th topic of this forum! congratulations Tre!

pas de bras pas de chocolat
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2543 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  06:53:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm slightly superstitious.....I throw salt over my left shoulder if I spill it, and don't walk under ladders (that's just commonsense).

As for luck, I think I'm pretty lucky really. I remember getting a weeks notice from a job, but already had an interview lined up, and even though there was more pressure, got the new job. That despite there being a difference of opinion between the people who interviewed me. Maybe it wasn't luck, dunno.

Isn't there a study that shows people kind of make their own luck by being more aware and positive (sorry Tre)

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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= Cult of Ray =

729 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  06:54:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by cassandra is

Don't know about luck, but you've just created the 10000th topic of this forum!
How do you know?
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-= Forum Pistolera =-

United Kingdom
6370 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  06:59:42  Show Profile  Visit starmekitten's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Llamadance

Isn't there a study that shows people kind of make their own luck by being more aware and positive (sorry Tre)

Nonsense. I live with the most positive person in the world ever, some of his positivity has rubbed off on me and some of my bad luck is affecting him! I've been looking on the bright side for months now and still everything falls apart around my ears. I had one really cheerful great day and the next day I got bitten by insects which ended up in bites so bad I had to go to hospital and take antibiotics. I got one financial thing sorted this week and found out I have an interview next week and managed to find the best sale ever which put me in the greatest mood, got my sleep patterns normal and what happens? The two computer programes I need to work have been crashing my system all day, I got locked in a bathroom and there's a spider in my bedroom.

I'm going with cycles, as soon as I get a run of good luck something figures the balance is off and sends me a ton of crap.

forum ebook: end of miles
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7443 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:05:44  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ah, sorry Tre, I... I laughed.


Your team sucks
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2543 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:09:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So you're dragging him down!


What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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cassandra is
> Teenager of the Year <

4233 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:13:35  Show Profile  Visit cassandra is's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kelladwella

Originally posted by cassandra is

Don't know about luck, but you've just created the 10000th topic of this forum!
How do you know?

because I'm GOD, then I have to know everything about everything (well except luck I guess...):

"You last visited on 07/06/2006 04:27:50
4055 of 8470 Members have made 269913 posts in 14 forums, with the last post on 07/06/2006 07:09:59 by: Wulstan.
There are currently 10000 topics and there are active topics since you last visited.
Please welcome our newest member: regret."

pas de bras pas de chocolat
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= Cult of Ray =

729 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:18:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Aah, o.k. Thanks.

The most recent topic about luck and the newest member being regret: that is an odd combination.
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-= Forum Pistolera =-

United Kingdom
6370 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:28:33  Show Profile  Visit starmekitten's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you Denis.

I laughed too, it was bitter laughter though..

forum ebook: end of miles
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:30:56  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I tend to have good luck in the grand scheme, but bad luck with minor things - like for instance, it rains at 60% of the baseball games i attend, i usually miss the bus/train by mere seconds, etc.

And Tre, the latest bit of bad luck i can see if that you've caught [edited] syndrome with all that punctuation in the title

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com

Edited by - Broken Face on 07/06/2006 07:35:19
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-= Forum Pistolera =-

United Kingdom
6370 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:32:45  Show Profile  Visit starmekitten's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The next bit of bad luck you'll get Brian is my boot up your arse.

Speaking of punctuation where is this contribution to the ebook I've been promised for so long huh?

forum ebook: end of miles
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:35:54  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I hope you aren't waiting on me...

Anyways, i'll get it to you in about an hour and a half on my lunch break. My internet was down for a bit...yeah, that's the ticket...

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
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* Dog in the Sand *

1485 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:46:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Like my man the "Knopf" says,"Sometime a your the Louisville Slugger baby, sometime a your da ball."

Wait a minute, strike that. Reverse it.
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
431 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:52:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There was this time I bought a fruit and nut bar. I took it home and I was really looking forward to eating it, but when I got home and opened it up...there was no fruit and nut in it.
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2543 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  07:57:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Suicide_Samurai

There was this time I bought a fruit and nut bar. I took it home and I was really looking forward to eating it, but when I got home and opened it up...there was no fruit and nut in it.

you lucky so and so, you got extra chocolate. ;)

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The Holiday Son
= Quote Accumulator =

2023 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  08:06:20  Show Profile  Visit The Holiday Son's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by cassandra is
"There are currently 10000 topics and there are active topics since you last visited."

If you count archived topics this is number 16436.

The Real n° 10000 is there :

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cassandra is
> Teenager of the Year <

4233 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  08:12:43  Show Profile  Visit cassandra is's Homepage  Reply with Quote
so you think you're smarter than GOD uh? my friend you are a real killjoy

pas de bras pas de chocolat
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6556 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  08:15:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm lucky enough to have won tickets to a golf clinic. ;)

(Actually it was fun and our PGA instructor was cute and I'm quitting my dayjob because I can drive like a mofo.)


Edited by - Carolynanna on 07/06/2006 08:15:38
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cassandra is
> Teenager of the Year <

4233 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  08:25:16  Show Profile  Visit cassandra is's Homepage  Reply with Quote
oh yeah! makes me think that I just won a ticket to a fantastic three day festival the other day with: Mogwai, Calexico, Liars, Islands, Islands, Why?, Howling Bells, Cat Power, Belle & Sebastian, TV On The Radio, The Pipettes, You Say Party! We Say Die!, Radio 4, Franz Ferdinand, Katerine, Chloé, The Television Personalities, The Spinto Band, Band Of Horses, etc.

pas de bras pas de chocolat
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- A 'Fifth' Catholic -

11546 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  09:23:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My heartstrings have been tugged here. Chin up, good things usually come out of the blue when you're going through a prolonged bad patch. Maybe having the 10000th is a sign! :)

Join the Cult Of Pob! And don't forget to listen to the Pobcast!
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-= Modulator =-

United Kingdom
4903 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  09:50:05  Show Profile  Visit fbc's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I tend to have more good luck than bad. Ran out of petrol a few times just yards away from a petrol station, spluttered onto the forecourt and filled her up. I used to be super polite on the road, giving way for people, flashing a wave and a smile if someone's given way for me, and all was swell. But all that changed a year or two ago. I'm a bit of selfish git now like the rest and boy do I run into some trouble on the road. Coincidence? I think not.

At the moment, it's the people around me who have mishaps which usually involves me helping out or mopping up the mess. And things come in threes (or more) is so true with my family it's uncanny. Karma kicks me up the ass on a regular basis.
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  10:09:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have rotten luck too Kitty. I got fired from my last two jobs. One was designing maps for internet sites, the other was a locksmith in London.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
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Surfer Rosa
> Teenager of the Year <

4209 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  10:26:52  Show Profile  Visit Surfer Rosa's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I used to have unbelievably good luck but that has run out. I'm hoping these things happen in cycles.

Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2543 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  10:53:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fbc

Ran out of petrol a few times just yards away from a petrol station, spluttered onto the forecourt and filled her up.

Haha, that happened to me too, and if I remember rightly, it was on the way back from the interview I mentioned above. The engine cut just as I turned into the petrol station and I freewheeled up to the pump.

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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~ Selkie Bride ~

15320 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  10:55:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nic's back. Must be my lucky day.

I’m the only one who can say that this light is mine
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Surfer Rosa
> Teenager of the Year <

4209 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  11:26:15  Show Profile  Visit Surfer Rosa's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kathryn

Nic's back. Must be my lucky day.

I’m the only one who can say that this light is mine

Your lucky life baby - and it's got nothing to do with me being back

Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1834 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  12:07:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Luck is the residue of design." - Branch Rickey

There is true bad luck. People do sometimes get hit by meteors, but when your car breaks down, more often than not it's a function of inadequate maintenance. It may be luck to run into that special person, but it isn't luck to have lived so as to be able to recognize the special. Luck is in how the cards are dealt, not how they're played.

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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  12:25:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i think it's kind of relative too. it sucks not to get a job you want, but it's better than getting diagnosed with cancer

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
431 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  12:49:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not if it's the good kind of cancer.
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2674 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  13:01:35  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
My socks and shoes always match
Is it luck?
There's a foot at the end of each of my legs
Is it luck?
I can play my bass for you
Is it luck?
Some girls like to kiss my face
Is it luck? Is it luck?
There's food inside your mouth today
Is it luck?
The barber cuts your hair just sooooooo
Is it luck?
When the taste of sex is on your lips
Is it luck? Is it luck? well Ler
These songs always sound so fast
Is it luck?
Polyester makes you sweat
Is it luck?
If a graham cracker gets you off
Is it luck?
Love, love,
Is it luck? well Herb
She said she wanted my body and not my mind so I showed her my dictionary to show the words that I know and from not what I examined I can be how loquacious when I set my mind down to it and she wasn't impressed, no doh doh da dody dody dody doh doh doh da dody dody dody dody dody doh doh doh she wasn't impressed at all.
She whispered in my ear!
She said, You wanna get lucky little boy?
Oh I smiled
I smiled and I said, Is it luck?


Gravy boat! Stay in the now!

Edited by - Newo on 07/06/2006 13:03:08
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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  13:49:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you shine on me wherever you are
I just think of you and I start to glow
And I need your light
And baby you know

Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
Starlight, [starbright] make everything all right
Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
Starlight, [starbright] yeah

You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you make the darkness seem so far
And when I'm lost you'll be my guide
I just turn around and you're by my side

Come on shine your heavenly body tonight
'Cause I know you're gonna make everything all right

You may be my lucky star
But I'm the luckiest by far

Come on shine your heavenly body tonight
'Cause u know your gonna make everything all right

Your may be my lucky star
But im the luckiest by far

Starlight starbright

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur
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a guy in a rover
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
535 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  14:20:25  Show Profile  Click to see a guy in a rover's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I cant decide whether I have really bad luck or if Im just really shit at most things so I end up fucking them up.

Kiss my ring...I am the greatest

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- A 'Fifth' Catholic -

11546 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  14:26:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Surfer!! :)

Join the Cult Of Pob! And don't forget to listen to the Pobcast!
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Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~

5305 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2006 :  15:22:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tre, I am so sorry to hear that someone so sweet and smart and witty is having such bad luck. You totally don't deserve any bad things and it does seem like you're having bad luck.

For some reason, I just think that some people are unlucky and some people are really lucky. Some people have to scrap around for everything and other people it's just easy no matter what.

I think luck is part karma and part just the lessons you wanted to live in this life. Sometimes I think people before entering in this life choose to have a hard go of it because that path was chosen to build character and what not. I know it's kinda hokey but I do think it's true.

Anyway, a lot of people here really like you and hopefully some of our positive thoughts can help even a little in getting your luck to change, because I know you deserve it.
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2006 :  05:55:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by floop

You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you shine on me wherever you are
I just think of you and I start to glow
And I need your light
And baby you know

Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
Starlight, [starbright] make everything all right
Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
Starlight, [starbright] yeah

You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you make the darkness seem so far
And when I'm lost you'll be my guide
I just turn around and you're by my side

Come on shine your heavenly body tonight
'Cause I know you're gonna make everything all right

You may be my lucky star
But I'm the luckiest by far

Come on shine your heavenly body tonight
'Cause u know your gonna make everything all right

Your may be my lucky star
But im the luckiest by far

Starlight starbright

"I don't have any money to buy new clothes and if they paid me to get some I'd probably buy more hoodies." - Mark Wainfur

Keep it real homes!

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
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