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frank black conspiracy
~ Abstract Brain ~
1126 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2005 : 03:23:28
i got some images i've pulled from the web that can be used and played with to make a splash, work in progress I have just got my hands on the FBF scans (sorry wasn't yesterday, i was waiting on someones kindness) so will be sending to both you and apl with the other visuals to let you know what i've come up with.
i just got to mail you both for your Eddress which am doing asap
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2005 : 06:14:52
I'd really love to help here too, but I think I would be pretty useless. |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 09:42:04
Daisy Girl has volunteered to help oversee/organize this graphical upgrade, so FBC, Apl, Active Duck, and any others interested in working on our graphical makeover should send her an email. Here's a link to her profile so it's easy for you:
I'm very excited about these changes, I think they're long overdue and I really think that they'll help freshen things up on the site.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
~ Abstract Brain ~
4800 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 10:08:02
I'm still waiting for those scans of FBF so I can get started. Things are picking up right now so I hope I'll still have time to contribute something.
Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos
4496 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 12:53:15
Glad to see this is still rolling, keep on 'er!
"Live life like you're gonna die...because you are." - William Shatner, You'll Have Time / Has Been |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 20:24:21
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' keep them doggies Rollin' :)
Hey guys Dean filled me in on what he is lookin' for. He pointed out that Apl, and Active Duck if we can talk him into it will be the brains and the talent behind these things A HUGE and UPFRONT THANK YOU in advance for all your help!!!
I really dig the graphics we have on the site now… but it’s going to be cool to have a change of pace.
Me (having no visual artistic talent at all), I am going to help in any way possible to make the jobs of Apl, FBC and Active Duck any easier. If you have any suggestions, let me know don’t hesitate to ask… Also you can run things by me and I can run them by Dean to see what he thinks too! I am pretty laid back to work with so just give me a heads up if I can help out in any way!
Right now I am thinking the easiest way is to post ideas/thoughts/final/rough drafts or anything you feel comfortable out here on this thread. If its something you feel more comfortable passing around via email before posting that’s great too!!!
The two rules are keep it simple and get it done by the last week in April.
Here’s a mini creative brief to get us on the same page:
Objective: Update the graphics on the page. Incorporating the Honeycomb theme is a good idea. Keep it simple!! To appeal to both loyal Forum members/FB fans as well as to new listeners that have come to discover the wonderful music of FB recently. Knock FB’s socks off when he sees the updated site for the first time!
Overall Feel: Graphics should relate to Honeycomb. Colors should be golden/sepia/and/or honey colored. In terms of color we want to be different enough from the color/feel of It’s a wonderful site, but we just need to have its own identity. Definitely have a FB vibe! Other things that come to mind, cool, easy to use.
Suggested way to approach things (please let me know if you have a more efficient approach my thought is to start big and then focus on the small): 1. Come up with a background page—this will be the theme that connects the other graphics 2. Design graphics for the portal page 3. Design graphics for header to bio, music, images, links and web team pages. This consists primarily of one main graphic in the top center of the page. 4. Design graphics for the forum pages. This consists primarily in the top left corner of the page. Do we want to update the Log Out/Log In box in the top right corner? 5. Identify if we want to change the font across the whole site. Is there a font that is used in the Honeycomb graphics that would work with this new design? Or do we want to keep with the existing font.
6. Other more nit-pickey stuff: (Secondary focus to items listed above) a. Do we want to update the tiny dog and star graphics that are used as bullets on the main page with a more Honeycomb inspired version? b. Do we want to update the FB poll colors to fit with this new graphic look? c. As far as the tour dates section on the right hand part of the main page d. I almost forgot, but do we want to do anything with the post Kitties???
Please let me know what you guys think on this one.
For now, I am thinking seeing if by the beginning of next week we can have decided on the background and by the end of next week we could have decided on the graphics for the portal page. I will develop a more specific timeline once I get your inital reaction.
Then, I am thinking the following week, we can decide on the other items.
We need to get this up by the beginning of May, and so I am hoping we can have all the changes to COF to update on the website a few weeks before then. So if we can target April 15th to have everything decided and done as far as the graphics go, that would be a good thing. But on the other hand, I know you guys are volunteers and so I don’t want to crack the whip too much. So let me know what you think!
I think the key thing is no matter how you feel about an idea or design, get it up here so we can talk about it. It’s going to be a very supportive environment, so don’t feel shy. The sooner we can get ideas up, the sooner we will can all collaborate and brain storm. 
Feel free to let me know about what you think moving forward… if you think I am on crack, tell me. If you have suggestions—get them out there!!! We all can improve and I am open to your feedback on the process!!!
Just remember these key guidelines:
1.) Simplicity is the key! 2.) Yellow/golden/sepia tones 3.) Get your ideas out for the team to see just by roughing things out first 4.) Mid April is our target to get all the main grapics and font (if we decide to change) to Dean
So I know that there’s a lot of creative brain power… show me what ya got!!!!!
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 03/08/2005 20:42:27 |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2005 : 01:25:38
No need to talk me into anything. Things are busy at the moment but I'm more than happy to help where I can. |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2005 : 01:47:10
These won't be any use for the new honeycomb theme but in the interest of getting started, here are the original icons I was playing around with |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2005 : 04:20:25
((active duck, just wanted to say I think your icons and in particular the fb:fb-sunburst-folders are superb!!))
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
~ Abstract Brain ~
4800 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2005 : 16:22:28
I need to tell you all now, I am *not* going to be able to do all of that stuff Daisy is mentioning, which is tantamount to a complete site redesign. I hope someone else has the time and the inkling.
I'll stick to what I signed up to do, which is help out with an icon or banner here or there, and maybe a background.
But I can't do anything without those scans. FBC where are ya??? |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2005 : 18:35:35
Active Duck! I agree you have some very cool stuff there! Let's hold onto the icon stuff until we see what the overall image is like. Thanks for you input and keep it coming.
Apl, thanks so much for steping on the plate. I know you have a lot going on... don't feel like ya gotta do everything!! We just appricate what you are doing.
Yea just to restate, if we can get some of the major images and a the background to be dated for a consitant look and online by the begining of May that's cool. We'll just do out best.
I just wanted to list everything unter the moon too and then priortize what we need to get done.
Does anyone know of anyother forum members here that are graphic artists that might be alble to lend a hand too???
** This just jogged my memory at the volunteer site-- we need to keep the forum subtle enough people can pull it up at work...
Thanks again for everyones' contributions.... just let me know what you think and send me a personal message if you want to chat off line about this!
Take it easy!!
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 03/09/2005 18:47:04 |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2005 : 13:19:10
    Hey everyone just checking in to say hi and see how things are going! Would it help If I roughed out what we need or also came up with a variety of colors we can choose from?? Thanks! |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 09:36:30
I just wanted to say a couple of things from an ideas perspective, practically, I'm no use, not a jot artistic sadly, if I were I'd love to help. But brainstorming is good? yes? aah I'm going to do it anyway hehe
- the bees: I think are a brilliant idea because they are such a recurring theme throughout the songs, links in with the Jainism as well as the "honeycomb" and probably other references that I can't think of at the moment
- The forum-banner: has this already been decided as likely to be the photo from FBF? I gather FBC has a lot on at the moment, I'm just wondering if there's another way to get them.. I can't scan (and I don't have FBF heh heh) so again am no use here but I do love that picture
- Font: Daisy addressed the font of the forum and I quite like the fact that the current font is very easy to read, but apl also mentioned a typewriter intermediate interface, so would something standard like courier be applicable here, it has the typewriter feel but is still very easy to read
- Tones: I pulled this thing up from google, a pretty standard Gif bitmap of colours but are these the right sort of colours your looking for or do they verge too far on the beige-sepia rather than the honey-sepia?
(I have the link but it does stupid things to the page)
- Other icons: If it's going to be a site wide change is it worth doing these as well? maybe little beehives instead of bullets? I've ripped a couple of things out of google just for ideas y'know... again I don't know how practical this is
 - cartoon style
 - Gothicy style
- Folder icons: Ok, I may be waaaay off here but if were theming properly how about having the standard yellow for the old threads still, maybe a browny-yellow with black stripes for the active topics and for the flaming topics (I don't even know if this can be done) it could now be a "buzzing" topic (hehe) with wings (hahahah I crack me up!) But being serious for a second, I was pretty impressed with activeducks fb:fb-sunburst folders, they were the cutest
- Overall theme: whilst the colour scheme and honeycomb theme is pretty much a given, within these parameters are you going for the full colour cartoon style theme or a grown up theme or a gothic olde style... Do you see what I mean? if people go and make there respective icons and you then get one or two full colour cartoon style ones, then a couple of dark masterpieces it'll be confusing.
I have more to add to this but I need a coffee and a smoke. What do you think? If I am way of base TELL ME and I'll shut up
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/17/2005 18:41:58 |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 10:17:47
ok more randomness: Fb. Net: taking the original one and browning it up, what do you think? Too brown? too bright? too boring? FBF cover: keeping the frankblackfrancis? cutting it off above the font? using a different picture all together?
whole site colour palette: Ripping off KSR's picture and aplying the colour palette above yielded this, which I don't like, I think there's something too sickly about it, it'd have to be more subtle imo, but I post it because I'm just messing around with things here. I think the dark brown of the box borders looks fabulous though
again, these are not actual suggestions for how things should be as maybe discussion points and ideas references.
I hope it's been halfway helpful and someone way more talented at graphical jiggery-pokery than I am comes up with something beautiful!
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/17/2005 18:42:57 |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 11:19:03
Man, there are a lot of amazing ideas in here. I don't know where to begin. Without offending anybody (or the collective forum!) can we really do a wholesale redesign? Do we need to?
For what it's worth, I like the bee/beehive idea ... so very forward-looking, post-SMYT's kittie = honeycomb. Oh, we are so clever and on top of things, yay! And I prefer the gothic beehive over the cartoony one.
Whatever we do, it would be best to keep things simple, visually, graphically, etc. Let's not clutter the site.
I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 11:42:21
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 11:43:19
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 11:56:06
I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 13:06:23
more thoughts:
Post count kitties: it is my personal opinion they should go and be replaced, I also think it would be a good idea to add new titlatures as people are posting more, one at 5,000 and maybe one at 10,000, not sure what, I'll try to come up with something as a suggestion (if no one else does) when my head is less cold-fuzzy
bye bye kitty?: No no no! I think maybe for the live section or the bullets on the main page the kittys should be moved to, looking at active ducks original icons there are some lovely golden-hunny ones that could be used as bullets. Or, for the live section something like a gold one for FB solo gig? Maybe the bees/beehives if they are incorporated could be used as kitty-post replacements, like moving on but not dissing the past.
First page: I think until we know what the honeycomb cover is or FBC makes his beautiful montage for it the FBF-Fb.Net would look superb there! Just gorgeous!
Forum splash: some suggestions (i love you google) for a new one with only the man...that would require the sepia touch and the FB.Net Forum addition... or do we want to keep the catholics...? either way this was just a blatant excuse for me to look at the pretty pictures hehehe

Changing poll colour: if the sepia tone will be site wide to keep it all nicely tied then I think so
Forum wide changes: I think it would be good to add a colour palette to the whole forum and jigger with the icons. I can't say anything about the layout as I imagne that would be a lot harder (although ---don't hit me--- the lay out is a little random imo. So is it feasible? the theme of the whole place to be touched up?
right, more coffee and cigarettes and a brisk walk in the fresh air I think. Sorry for cluttering the thread.
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 14:38:43
Nice one, Damien! Where were you thinking of using that?
I like that first banner of yours too, Tre, just with the browned palette. As for the forum, that I am going to be very careful with, I don't really want it to look coloured, while at the same time having a very subtle brownish tint to it, you know? I'll be playing with that on this side since alot of those parameters are adjustable in software.
To address other points: - I don't think we can add new levels. I can change the values, and I may spread them out a bit more (more enticing to advanced users, not intimidating to beginners). I could change the titles that go along with it, though.
- I think we're fairly decided on kitties moving to bees?
- Poll: I'm pestering Dave to appoint someone in charge of creating a new poll every now and again. We might just axe it, I was hoping to integrate it more. As it is, I almost never see it.
I think Kathleen/Daisy Girl was suggesting that we put together some sort of rough drawing of different pages on a retouched site might look. Sort of like your recoloured forum, Tre. To be fair, I think I asked her for this in the first place, and now I realize that this is probably too daunting. Maybe we could do one thing at a time. The splash screen might be a good place to start... should be roughly the same size, I guess.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
451 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 15:19:40
Should the splash screen contain the same info as it does now? |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 15:27:25
I would imagine so.. where's the boss when you need them :P
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 15:43:12
Don't worry about the news text, that's dynamically added through a database on top of the background image. I'd say the only constraints are still having "Enter the Site" / "Forum" buttons and something akin to "Welcome to FrankBlack.Net". And of course not being too busy in the area where the text will be placed over top.
If you need to use a different font for whatever you may have in mind, go ahead. I think Noisy likes that one quite a bit, but I'd rather you approached this however you think will look best/fit with whatever you may be doing.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Seriously." |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 17:40:37
Wow there is so much to check out!! Thanks for all your help guys!
Here's what I came up with today... inspired by Tre... it looks like we have a lot of great ideas, we just need to narrow them down.
I know FBC is also working on getting some files to Jen... so why don't we just keep discussing and coming up with ideas....
Here's the link... here I was helping to spur some discussion as far as colors, textures (if any) and fonts
Please right click and save and open as a power point file. If you jsut click and download, you will get Garbage...
I am going to go back over everything posted today... and check it out.
If we could come up with a concrete direction of some of the images, colors, ect that we want to use by the end of this week, I think we will be right on schedule.
Thanks again everyone for all your help! |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 18:08:24
Everyone thanks a million, especially Kitty and Active Duck for all your help so far.
Ok... we have a lot of great ideas and I think we will have a ton of more ideas that will come up with.
From here, lets focus on getting the background done. Let's focus on this for now, because this is the common element that ties the site together, because it's on every page. It kinda also sets the theme for now.
Please feel free to post other thoughts and ideas here that we can go back to when we get to that point, but let's focus the discussion on the background.
Please let me know what your thoughts are...
Here is what I was thinking. Right now the background is white with light blue cartoonish Cult of Ray, Star and Frank Black Forum images.
What I am thinking is having somethig that is very similar and subtle. Cartoonish images of a beehive, similar to the one Kitty posted. In addition, we could have cartoonish bees, and an outline of a bee Honeycomb.
If we can have this roughed out by this Thursday/Friday, it will be great.
Just picture what we have now, with those new images and done in a sepia tone.
Thought I would throw that out to get that rolling....
The next items that we will be deciding on are the photos/graphic images: 1. Design graphics for the portal page 2. Design graphics for header to bio, music, images, links and web team pages. This consists primarily of one main graphic in the top center of the page. 3. Design graphics for the forum pages. This consists primarily in the top left corner of the page.
So please keep that in the back of your mind!!!
I am also going to post now in the General Chat section to see if we can get more help/imput!! Thanks again for all your help! |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 18:28:49
well the more I think about it personally I'm in love with the black and white sketchy beehive, I think with the sepia tint Dean will be adding something like that would look very grown up and like a victorian print, like this sort of a feel:
although them 'toons are pretty cute! I don't know, just me late night thinking
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/17/2005 18:40:19 |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2005 : 19:52:01
Ohh... I do agree that would be a beautiful theme.
The only thing that I wonder about is that it is more of a change from what we have now vs. if we went to a similar cartoon like background.
We want a change, but would that be too much of a change? Or is the background so subtle anyway that it would be more subliminal?? What do you think Kitty?
I am definately open to both ideas and would like to hear more about what other members think too :) So if you're lurking out there, please post!
Just a thought. |
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 03/13/2005 20:03:07 |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 01:41:28
Well because I didn't get a lot of sleep (wisdom tooth pain + cold = grumpy no sleep)I was thinking a bubbly cartoon behive would be a less dramatic change than a gothicka botany sketch, if the icons and the font stay in the cartoony vein as well (I keep saying cartoony I can't think of a better word)than keeping it all tied in would be best.
It would have to be just the outline of a beehive though, not filled in, like how the stars are, also if we're adding sepia tones do we want to keep the frank black net/beehive outline grey or add a subtle shade of brown to them, or is this venturing too far on havng a coloured page?
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/14/2005 01:42:43 |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 02:51:35
ok, me dicking around in paint.. I don't know how to get the type on there and I don't know how to make them more sketchy and the banner got a bit fucked up but you get the idea... (I really suck at this...)
[edit... I'll mail you it if you want it
I only put so many of the bees/hives on there for idea, I'm sure the end result witht he proper bees and beehives will be less intense, but is something like this along the right idea? I know it's not very impressive but like I say graphics retard messing in paint.
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/14/2005 10:00:30 |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 04:14:55
ok, with a "sample" over the top and the border changed brown...
seriously, is this the right sort of mock-up?
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Edited by - starmekitten on 03/17/2005 18:40:58 |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 10:35:18
sepia and brown just slay me...what do others think?
I like what it's looking like, especially for its simplicity (which is key in design, imho) and especially the wee bee on the right!
I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 12:38:06
Here are my most subjective comments: - I really like the idea of a graphic makeover, but I hope someone is concentrating on the content makeover as well. - I like the honeycomb theme but I agree with the rest: keep it simple! - I like the sample that kitten made, thought instead of the beehives I was thinking maybe an actual honeycomb on the background? Very subtle, very pale and in a very large scale? Hope you can imagine what I have in mind. - I like the icons that we have now. Please don't over-do it by scattering bees and beehives all over the place. - I like the bees instead of the kittens idea. - I LOVE the frank black francis cover with on it. I'm very fond of that picture as it is so IMO it has to be used somewhere. - I LOVE EVEN MORE the "top left" picture (the forum banner?), with the stretched-out arm and the wee bee. Just love it. - I'm not too fond of the colours though. That sepia looks too pink-ish and too flesh-y for me. Reminds me of raw meat. But looks like everybody else loves it, so oh well. So that was me being a smart-ass. You may now proceed.
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 13:44:48
thanks lady!
this is what the frank-point-bee picture was *supposed* to look like,

which is still not visually neat but being a bad workman i blame my tools
I totally agree on the FBF-Fb.Net picture of Active Ducks, I love that!
I looked at a couple of websites that had the honeycomb affect backgrounds I'll see if I have time to pull some out to compare later (or if no one else does)
Yeah, the colours aren't perfect I also agree there but I was trying to be quick with it (lectures to go to, presentations to bore me)
thanks so much for the feedback :)
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 14:00:00
I know I'm just adding spam, but I have to say it again: Me Loves This:
 I know nothing about graphic design, but this is what I like. This is the picture I want to see on top of my screen every time I log on. |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 03/14/2005 : 14:18:05
i think "the bearded thread" should have some kind of beard icon
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
Topic  |