My friend is going to be best man at another friend's wedding in July and he has asked me for help with the speech. So naturally I in turn thought I'd ask all you good good people for some assistance.
Asside from suggestions, does anyone have any interesting best man related stories to share?
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!!
"So I remember this one night a few summers ago when _____ and I were hanging out, pissed off our asses, and know that old saying about 'trying everything once'?"
What my maid of honor did was look at dates in history...which on our wedding Cleopatra killing herself and some other bad news... she then said that this would be one of the best things that had happend on the date...gave an irish blessing and that was that. Short, sweet and two the point. Hope this helps!