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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  11:24:34  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Last night I did standup and improv comedy in downtown State College at this bar...a friend of mine from work has been doing it every Tuesday and last week the host invited me to come out for rehearsals Sunday and give it a shot. I was always the class clown in school and was always curious to see if I was capable of doing standup or not...and well, I guess I am. It turned out really well...people seemed to really like my set. I don't think any of my jokes really bombed, as in, no laughter at all. It felt really good. I had never done anything like that before. The people I did improv were also really good. It's a college town, so obviously we had a lot of crowd suggestions which revolve around dick, ass, and overall sex jokes, but it was still good. It was a lot of fun.

I'm looking forward to the groupies, but it doesn't really help my situation being socially retarded. My friend had a party at his place afterwards, which I attended. It was a good time, not going home till 4:30AM. I spent most of my time sitting on the couch not talking at all, till the host and his girlfriend (from Norway) showed up. She was really nice and we talked about my lack of social ability and stuff like that. I'm actually getting out of my house!

Has anyone else done standup or improv here?

Boycott cults and t's

Edited by - El Barto on 05/26/2004 11:27:02

= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  11:28:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
WOW!!! I'm impressed and rather shocked. I dunno why really, I just never imagined you doing stand-up. Well done!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
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> Teenager of the Year <

South Sandwich Islands
4204 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  11:55:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You've got big balls. It takes guts to go on the spot like that.
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  13:48:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have. About five years ago.
I did it at different clubs around Massachusetts. In particular Grill 93 in Andover because I lived up that way. I did it for about six month's and had decent material. I was really enjoying it, but it was so hard to get stage time on a regular basis. When I was lined up for a particular night, I got snowed out alot too (no crowd). I had some really great sets but after awhile I got sick of my material. With that, I lost my enthusiasm and had a couple of lame sets. I decided to take a couple of weeks off, and never did it again.
I will probably try it again. I recorded all my stuff and my friends that I've let hear it, think i had some really funny material. My brother called a couple of weeks ago and mentioned that he had let his son listen to one of my tapes they found. He said they were sitting in the car laughing their asses off. Who knows? Maybe I'll do it again.
By all means, keep going Barto. You've already made the first leap. Try carrying a tape recorder with you so if you say something that cracks people up, you can record what it was, and work it into your routine. I used to play my recorded jokes for my friends, then fine tune them, before bringing them to the stage.
Keep us informed!

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11

Edited by - The King Of Karaoke on 05/26/2004 14:02:12
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  13:51:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Now YOU I could see doing stand-up KoK!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  13:59:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey

Now YOU I could see doing stand-up KoK!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!

Thanks Pet monkey boy! That means alot to loser like me. I must admit as I get older i don't seem to come up with as much stuff as I used to. I used to have these stories I could tell about normal day to day goings on, but it would be from my wacked out perspective. People always used to tell me I was one of the funniest guys they knew. Now a days, it seems I'm the only one saying it. Oh well I still say some funny shit from time to time.

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  14:08:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You nearly always make me laugh KoK. You're a funny guy and you try all the time. I am not sure I have ever read a serious post by you. But I like that. I like jokers, the world needs 'em. I also try to make a joke out of most things, laughter is such a great thing.

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2004 :  14:18:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, not so much.
They're going to catch on that I'm paying you.

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
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= Quote Accumulator =

1850 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2004 :  23:49:28  Show Profile  Visit IceCream's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've read serious posts by KoK...he's humorous, but a BUNCH of people on this forum are.
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= Cult of Ray =

693 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  02:24:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Congrats, El Barto. Keep it up. I would love to do something like that, but first I need to conquer my fear of speaking in public. I'm a junior in college and I'm still procrastinating taking a mandatory freshman level speech course and prolly will till my last semester. :(
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Zapped Profile

3575 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  03:03:56  Show Profile  Visit GypsyDeath's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hey Jim. I think its greatyou did this. It will give you so much more confidence. And youre are a funny guy..sometimes...;)

I love you for what I am not,
I did not ask for what I have got.

You will get used to me.
Welcome to your new joy.
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Little Black Francis
> Teenager of the Year <

3648 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  05:16:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fuck yeah.

Dude, you have no idea how many times I have been brought to tears of laughter from reading your posts...

you're fucking funny, I want to see you do stand up
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  06:42:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
He's no Spudboy.

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
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= Cult of Ray =

Equatorial Guinea
649 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  11:57:20  Show Profile  Visit SpudBoy's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Now *that* was _funny_!! Hooo-hah!

Man, if I only had a sidekick who could stuff a pie in my face at this moment, I'd be set.

Speak vaudevillian! Viva el gordo gato!!

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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  16:13:28  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks guys :) Performing and speaking in public are two different worlds to me...I'm about as socially retarded as they get, but I can perform. It's like, the way I see it is that people are there to *see you*. Not necessarily you particularly, but they came out to see a performance, to laugh, to be entertained...and you're just there to fulfill that. I was always the class clown and I love making people laugh because it makes me feel good, so you're up there and you're getting instant feedback and it's really nice. The goal here is not to get cocky and overconfident.

I haven't spent as much time on tommorow night's set as I did last week's set, and that worries me. We'll see how it goes!

Boycott cults and t's
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2004 :  16:17:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good luck Jim.

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  19:13:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay my friend, details. We're not letting you off the hook that easy.
Let me guess, everybody and there step sister wanted to go see you on stage by the next week, right?

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11
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= Cult of Ray =

Equatorial Guinea
649 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  20:13:49  Show Profile  Visit SpudBoy's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Yeah man where's the "discovery" story about the network agent in the crowd who just happened in off the street right as you went on? Do tell!! Remember - don't go off the standards and practices coaching. They'll screw you just like Hicks.

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= Cult of Ray =

895 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  20:50:41  Show Profile  Visit frank_black_francis's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have thought about doing stand-up, except David Cross has stolen my core material....of course I cannot give speeches in class without making the audience ill at ease with how visibly shaky and mumbly I can get, so I dont think I'll ever have the balls to share my irreverent comic genius...But still, EL BARTO....good for you.
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  23:09:12  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hehe. Last week went really well. I was surprised that it worked even though I barely rehearsed my stuff. A couple guys from work thought my set last week was better than the previous week...so that was cool. There were like, 7 standups that night I think...5 in the beginning, 2 in the middle. As far as who got the most laughs, it was between me and this other guy; he's got some good stuff. This guy who does improv with some other group who's friends with the host told me he was really really impressed by my stuff; he said I was the most solid act and my stuff reminded him of Mitch Hedberg (who is fucking hilarious)...so that's cool.

Improv sucked last week...it wasn't that funny. By the second half, the crowd was completely wasted. We're playing at a much bigger venue this week. They moved us cause it was too small and there were too many people. I guess that's pretty cool! Now we actually have a real stage. Should be interesting...I'll let you know how it goes. I'm gonna try a porn and masturbation-free set this week.


Boycott cults and t's
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The King Of Karaoke
> Teenager of the Year <

3759 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2004 :  23:48:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One thing I found strange about regular comedy clubs is that the big name comics can say whatever they want, while the up and comers are chastised if they don't keep it clean.
I think I swore one time and the host that night (in a round about way) told me It was a no no. Some club owners will ban you. Then you'd watch some main act go on and swear every other word.
If you move on to comedy clubs, you may notice this. You may also notice some comedians are quite cocky if they've been at it a while. Even if they suck. Most are cool though.

Confucious say - The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
He also say my lucky numbers are: 16 27 36 23 11

Edited by - The King Of Karaoke on 06/07/2004 23:49:08
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2004 :  09:59:16  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
good job jim - i've been thinking about trying stand up sometime soon just to see how it goes. i have about 3 minutes worth of stuff prepared - i figured 5-10 is what i'll need


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"
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