Has anyone else ever listened to/heard of Prick? They were on Trent Reznor's Nothing label back like 10 years ago. Really interesting industrial type stuff. I usually am not a fan at all of that type of music, but their s/t album is considered a masterpiece among my circle of friends.
Yeah, I've got Prick's cd...the one with "Animal" on it. It's pretty decent stuff. I really liked NIN a few years ago...Prick was the same industrial style but not nearly as depressing and evil-sounding as Trent Reznor.
Apparently the lead singer of Filter (Richard Patrick) used to be in NIN's live group. Chris Vrenna, another live band member, has done lots of solo stuff and worked with other artists over the past few years as well.
Take me, break me, tell me a good one and maybe I'll cry
Kevin McMahon, who for all purposes is Prick, put out a new album last year that's only available over the internet (no distributor). It's pretty good stuff, too. A bunch of friends and I saw them in Chicago on their first tour in 5 or 6 years and had a good time.