if anybody would like one extra ticket to winnipeg please email me. i'll be coming in from the chicago area so we would most likely have to exchange on the morning of the show. the ticket is second balcony section t row g. i am just looking to get face value for this ticket because somebody in my group isn't going to be able to make the trip. so, if anybody is interested please email at benjamin_slavin@hotmail.com
and now i'm living in the cold but i'm looking for the sign
Sorry man. Already got two off of you, and thank you so much! Hope you can find another buyer. And I'll see you at the show, (though I probably won't recognise you.).
if you don't get any takers come to the King's Head before the show, there are likely to be some takers there. I know of a couple of people looking for tickets who may show up hoping to find some extras.