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= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 01:09:41
Hi guys. FrankBlack.Net will no longer be on this server as of Oct. 31. My hope is to find a new server by then, at which point we will move the site over and hopefully, after a few days down, it will be back just as you remember it.
I HAVE found a server that will meet the surprisingly extreme demands of FB.Net traffic, or at least I hope so based on estimates and liberal math. But the cost is $300, and so if you guys are interested in keeping it running, I could definitely use a little help in paying it. The Friends Club has contributed its last $100 to the cause.
Normally, I'd pay out of pocket as I have for other expenses of FB.Net, but I'm traveling, had all my things stolen, and am broke besides. I'll try to make something more appealing in the future, but for now, if anybody is interested in helping keep FB.Net going, PayPal donations will be happily accepted to
There's been talk of ads and I don't really want to go there if I can avoid it. It's been a community site forever and I like it that way. Though we do kind of try to get a little revenue over linking to FB stuff online and through the store but always in a way that's helpful to you and relevant.
Thoughts, etc appreciated.
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 04:55:20
I am fine with making donations, personally I'd be happy to.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
= Cult of Ray =

729 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 05:31:01
Same here. |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 06:25:07
Thanks to everyone who have already (with surprising speed) contributed a little or a lot.
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
> Teenager of the Year <
4698 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 09:21:37
would it be crazy to suggest we use this opportunity to start from scratch with decent forum software? (a search that works, ignore user function, able to edit topics, easier user interface that's more customisable, more secure, etc.)
i'll donate some money.
I like to complain |
Edited by - PixieSteve on 10/19/2007 09:24:38 |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 10:29:45
How about an auction, with all proceedes going to the site?
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
* Dog in the Sand *
1851 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:25:55
Are we close to the target yet?
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:36:22
The only problem with that, Steve, is that we lose all our current conversation and themes. However, our new server will also have PHP so we could possibly move to another type of software when there's time to move the themes over.
Right now, FB.Net goes down on Oct. 31.
We're doing pretty well as far as the server goes, almost 2/3 there (thanks again). But it wouldn't hurt to have some for the podcast server (I should have a laptop again soon which will let us resume those) and for next year, so I don't want to discourage people yet. It sucks when it gets to this point and I feel like we have to beg.
As for an auction, what do you have in mind?
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
The Holiday Son
= Quote Accumulator =
2020 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:39:56
Is Paypal the only way ?
I would gladly donate if moneybooker was an option. |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:49:23
I've never heard of moneybooker, do tell?
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:50:01
quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
As for an auction, what do you have in mind?
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
Well I guess everyone who would like to, lists items they are willing to auction off. They don't have to be Frank related, anything really. We could do it through Ebay if it's possible (do they have private auctions?), or more informally in a topic here.
Pictures would need to accompany the lists, as well a brief description.
I don't mind acting as an auctioneer, as well as passing on addresses and Paypal details once the autions have ended etc (probably the best option for paying, but other suggestions would be welcome).
A lot of this would be based on trust if we did it just through this site, meaning people may only want to trade with members they trust (I guess that would be up to each individual).
Then again, if we are nearly there now, perhaps we will have all the cash by the time it is up and running.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
-= Modulator =-
United Kingdom
4903 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:50:06
[ed: oops! a little too late with this one] Which members are you thinking of auctioning off, homers, and what service will they provide the winning bidder? I only ask because you're on to something.
Normally, I'd pay out of pocket as I have for other expenses of FB.Net, but I'm traveling, had all my things stolen, and am broke besides.

Dean, I can't believe you pay for site stuff yourself. All you had to do is ask for some help, like you've done here. I hope you reach the target with plenty to spare for the future.
I bid 20 quid for hWolsky to come serenade me |
Edited by - fbc on 10/19/2007 11:51:08 |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 11:53:14
Perhaps Mad Dawg could auction off some of his insane silver skulls. We'd make a packet then.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
-= Modulator =-
United Kingdom
4903 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 12:02:10
How about blowing up some live photos into posters? Remember the one of the man jediroller captured which itunes "borrowed"? with jedi's permission, it would make a killer poster. I can get you some made for free if there's any interest. I'm sure a few of us have access to printers capable of producing them. |
The Holiday Son
= Quote Accumulator =
2020 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 12:02:53
quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
I've never heard of moneybooker, do tell?
I meant moneybookers :
It's just another "online bank". There is a small fee (paid by the sender) when you transfer money but creating an account is free.
nb: if another forum member had a moneybookers AND a paypal account, I could donate via him/her. |
* Dog in the Sand *
1834 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 12:08:05
When I click on the link provided,, my email software opens to a new message window and then when I try to send my message the software warns me that does not seem to be a valid destination. Is this a Mac/Firefox thing? Thanks CoF.
> Teenager of the Year <
4698 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 13:06:23
make sure it doesn't include the full-stop at the end, because that's what my firefox does.
I like to complain |
Edited by - PixieSteve on 10/19/2007 13:09:41 |
* Dog in the Sand *
1594 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 13:54:02
It's because Shaw sucks so bad, at the office the email server says [SPAM IP DETECTED].
No, actually probably not.
I would type the address in, it could be .ca domain. |
Edited by - hammerhands on 10/19/2007 13:55:58 |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 14:04:23
New server = Noisy is out. I'll gladly pay for this.
"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say." |
- A 'Fifth' Catholic -
11546 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 15:18:01
Shit, sorry to here your stuff got nicked, Dean. Looking forward to a brand spanking-new site, and will try and contribute with PayPal. |
Edited by - Carl on 10/19/2007 15:18:23 |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 18:26:59
FBC - it's always little things, the big things are usually covered mostly or entirely by Friends Club. 5 bucks here, 10 there, nothing huge.
Holiday Son - I don't have a moneybookers account but I'll look at it.
Erebus - The link isn't really meant to be a link, you go to Paypal, log in, and then type in that email address as the payee.
Thanks again for the help guys. We're almost halfway to our 2-year goal.
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 18:57:29
I just contributed a little bit. Sorry to hear about your stuff, too Dean. Thanks for organizing this and looking forward to getting the new server.
We're all obscure fans.- trobrianders
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 10/19/2007 20:44:18 |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 21:01:18
Dean, may I ask some questions that will betray my ignorance of all things internets? With the new server, will the forum look and function as it does now? And will we have access to these same threads?
It's like, we are moving to a new house with all our stuff and the new house will look just like the old house because all the houses are on the same cookie-cutter development? Or are we taking our stuff and moving it to a new house in a different neighborhood? Or are we not taking our stuff at all? Are we getting new stuff? Thanks.
And for the record I am perfectly sober and haven't smoked dope in months.
Happy hearts fall from my shaking hands
Edited by - kathryn on 10/19/2007 21:02:30 |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 22:34:45
i would like to contribute $501 so that i'll be sole executor of all decisions
i think that would be best for all of us |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 22:58:43
With the new server, the forum and site will (hopefully) function as they do now. Ideally to the point that you guys would have no idea we even moved except that disappeared from the internet for a couple days while the switch was made. We could move to new forum software and upgrade some things, and certainly it'll be easier to do that now that our server will be our own and we won't have to go through a very busy Mr. Noisy to make significant changes, but for now, as far as everyday use is concerned, exactly the same. Especially given the fact that our current server goes down on Oct. 31, even if I had my laptop to do site work and wasn't here in Australia and had nothing but time, I don't think I could crank out a better forum configuration than we've got that quickly.
Floop, that is a tantalizing option, I may take you up on it. :)
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
> Teenager of the Year <
New Zealand
3429 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2007 : 23:10:46
if we change servers and upgrade software does that mean i can change my username?
all i can say, thank god for polio! brian |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 04:02:48
Can I contribute $502 and change my username to "Queen of All Frank"?
Thanks for the idiot-proof answer, Dean.
Happy hearts fall from my shaking hands
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 09:16:13
i would consider donating money but i've always considered my presence here a gift |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 10:12:09
quote: Originally posted by floop
i would consider donating money but i've always considered my presence here a gift
That's what I always tell your mom.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 14:45:15
Heh. That was a good one, Mike.
"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say." |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 18:38:48
Don't stop now guys!! Still a way to go (though those who have donated have been way more generous than expected or necessary). If everyone was to put in a fiver even we'd have enough to run the site forever and even look into at least one gold-plated bathrobe. Obviously that won't happen, but if you do just want to put in a little it still goes a long way.
All that said, we have enough for our new server for this year, which I just purchased! But since we're in fundraising mode now, we might as well rebuild the site's fund. The move will take place sometime in the next week and a half so if FB.Net suddenly disappears, you'll know why. It will probably take two days to move.
I'm liking the idea of the poster, because that is such a wicked shot I'd certainly love a copy of it. We'd need Jedi's permission as well as FB's.
The auction idea is good too, actually, it's great: even just for the sake of having it, I love the idea of an "FB Garage Sale" or yard sale or whathave. People trading and selling their FB stuff - we could probably see some really cool and rare things in that. But then what would happen? The money would go to FB.Net or part of it? And yeah, trust is a definite issue.
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
~ Selkie Bride ~
15320 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 18:59:56
Wanna post info about how we would go about auctioning stuff?
Someone here has a towel with McDave's sweat on it and I have not washed my right hand since Rich Gilbert shook it --- I could sell some of his handshake DNA. Seriously, how would we got about putting stuff up for auction and, likewise, bidding, etc.?
Happy hearts fall from my shaking hands
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 19:08:23
I'll let Mike handle it if he's interested.
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2007 : 19:30:53
who's Mike? |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 10/21/2007 : 02:39:58
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you." |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 10/21/2007 : 04:41:48
quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
(though those who have donated have been way more generous than expected or necessary).
"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
I know but my kids have already eaten for the week ahead, so I was happy to contribute all the money.
OK, so with regards the auction idea, I personally think it's best to have all proceeds go to, if only because then people are even less likely to rip people off. I don't see a problem there anyway, but this should pretty much put everyone's minds at rest. If the money isn't going to the person who is donating the item, they have no reason to not send it, or send something that is broken etc. And the winning bidder will not receive the item until the money is received by the site.
What does everyone think?
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
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