Yeah, I heard the Marsist the other day and I almost pee'd my pants.
Then I turned on the news and sucked. Then I looked outside and it was awesome. Then it was awesome that I liked frank black. then I realized it was frank black that made me like him.
that dude is cool
quote:... "Dear Sir Charles Chuck Chuckie King of Rock Ruler of the Guitarmen holiest of holy pied pipers, poppabear daddyo blackus frankus blackus top banana king chicken guy I love in a manly country kinda way y'all" OldManInaCoffeeCan
Here's to hoping that Charles makes enough loot to be extra comfy (because he really deserves to be), but never gets popular enough to screw up this cool secret we all share. Maybe one really big record would be OK. It's just that I would hate to share him with a bunch of idiots.