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= Cult of Ray =

799 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  06:16:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No.12 = very good! Nadine III excellent, FB interview was great stuff also.
Thanks again guys!

(( I'm a Snake... ))
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- FB Fan -

35 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  08:27:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just finished listening to podcast #12.Wow, it`s great!!!Especially Frank Black interview!tnx guys!
Oh, and Into the white sounded great also...
Looking forward to the next one!!
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  08:33:54  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sounds like those of you lucky enough to have FB coming to town are in for a treat...

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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a guy in a rover
= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
535 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  11:22:19  Show Profile  Click to see a guy in a rover's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Glad to hear Ian Beale is tuning into our beloved podcast.

Kiss my ring...I am the greatest

Edited by - a guy in a rover on 08/01/2006 11:24:00
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beckett trance
- FB Fan -

170 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  11:46:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't believe anybody got the question about what the crowd was cheering in Podcast 9. I still can't figure it out and I know the answer.

Great contest. Flying crows get great mileage.

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **
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= Cult of Ray =

777 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  12:38:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bravo for number 12.
Too much editing on Frank's interview though. Why didn't you let his silences
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  12:38:53  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Brian's taken over the interview edits, he's still getting the hang of it. :)

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  13:51:13  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
And because someone is a stickler for keeping things tight...

And because we want to pack as much punch as we can into each podcast, and i think most people would agree that the 3 plus minutes of awkwardness on the part of the interviewers/silence on the part of the interviewee is worth an extra song on the podcast, don't you agree?

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  13:56:03  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Heh, guilty as charged. However, I did notice with the program you're using (it's that open source one whose name I can't remember no matter how hard I try, right?) that when you chop something it doesn't smooth it. Which means a lot of clips and stuff. I don't know why they wouldn't have addressed that or added that as an option. I tried to smooth over most of the clicks (the result of a rapid change in level) that I could find but alas.

As for the tightness, it was good in most parts I think, just a few places where sentences were blended together that it was really noticeable. I thought you did a pretty good job in spite of the what-the-bloody-hell-is-it-called program. Audigy. Aud... ACK!

And yes, there are things you definitely want filtered. Like the little singalong we all did...

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  14:02:25  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Audacity is the program. And a lot of the pops and glitches were already there, which i am beginning to suspect happened when the files were transfered, because on my recording of the interview and the one that you edited for the initial Podcast 10 broadcast sound quite different in spots.

And i just am new at this, too. And it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.77777 Celsius) here and i'm cranky. So, i apologize.

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com

Edited by - Broken Face on 08/01/2006 14:04:16
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  14:16:35  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
AudACITY! Thank you. That's interesting on the interviews, I wonder if they did accrue some clicks somehow...

I do edit the interviews more than just taking them and clearing silent parts. They get a dosage of compression so we all sound roughly the same volume and a consistent one, and also some FFT noise reduction that is at best hit and miss for that type of noise. So that could also be part of the different sound. But I suppose we could discuss this by email and not bother the poor folks here.

And no need to apologize, you've said nothing wrong. If anything, me saying "he's still getting the hang of it" was rude though not meant to be mean.

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  14:17:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Heh heh, you guys are great, airing the dirty podcast details in the Forum. It keeps it real.

But I think you've got it backwards -- you ought to be airing more about the Forum in the podcasts. I've been listening to the podcasts since #1, but only got into the Forum recently (a month or two ago). Reading the Forum religiously, and posting occasionally, has really enhanced my enjoyment of the podcasts, and I think there should be more encouragement for listeners to flock here. As you know, there is so much good information on the Forum, and I think many listeners of the podcasts would take to it like I have. They just don't know it's here.

Maybe I'm full of crap. Maybe you've been plugging the Forum all along, and I just never noticed. If that's the case, well, I'm sorry for the love, I'm sorry for the pain, I'll say I'm sorry, Brian and Dean, again and again.


Look, a pony!
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  14:23:17  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the suggestion Coastline. The reason that i, personally, don't plug the forum too much is that i don't want there to be a feeling of those non-forumers who listen to feel like they are out of the loop (which, duh, they are!). We try to be as inclusive as possible, and i fear that being too forum-centric could turn some listeners off. But don't worry, we still love you.

No worries too, Deaner.

I'm looking forward to some beer and baseball and sleep tonight. Hopefully that'll put me in a better mindset.

As as for airing podcast business on the forum, to paraphrase Banky Edwards, what is the internet for if not slandering others?

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2006 :  14:43:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Certainly you shouldn't alienate your listeners, but there's a way to tell them there's great information out there without saying they're not part of the club. Then again, I'm just sniping from the sidelines, and couldn't do one-tenth as good a job as you guys do. You guys have done a hell of a job, and get better with every single episode, and many of us are grateful for your blood, sweat and tears -- and time. So I'm shutting up now.


Look, a pony!
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* Dog in the Sand *

1729 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2006 :  08:50:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Broken Face

Audacity is the program. And a lot of the pops and glitches were already there, which i am beginning to suspect happened when the files were transfered, because on my recording of the interview and the one that you edited for the initial Podcast 10 broadcast sound quite different in spots.

And i just am new at this, too. And it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.77777 Celsius) here and i'm cranky. So, i apologize.

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com

I've noticed little pops before when I was recording with Audacity.

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= Cult of Ray =

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
388 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2006 :  12:29:20  Show Profile  Visit edbanky's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Broken Face
As as for airing podcast business on the forum, to paraphrase Banky Edwards, what is the internet for if not slandering others?

I just found out about this Banky Edwards character this weekend. It somehow makes my nickname seems less original than it once was. :(

A really obscure prize that I suppose you couldn't really arrange to offer would be a soundboard patch at one of these acoustic shows. All it would really take on Frank's side is a call ahead with "we need an open patch on the board for our own use."

Having misread a post by CoF elsewhere, I thought--for a second--that Frank was having the shows recorded himself. That got me daydreaming about a few soundboard recordings emerging from this (heretofore) rare solo acoustic tour. Oh well.

Due to my present condition and predicaments of being a crippled as a result of the fatal accident that I had, I am not able to carry out this contract because I can only walk on a wheel chair.
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= Cult of Ray =

777 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2006 :  08:02:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey why wouldn't he take his ukulélé on tour? It's really fine to travel, it's light and solid.
And we had just a "taste" of Frank playing it on the album...
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2476 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2006 :  09:26:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Love the Nadine demo. Frank's tour sounds exceptionally promising too.

Edited by - Ziggy on 08/04/2006 09:36:18
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= Cult of Ray =

353 Posts

Posted - 08/06/2006 :  21:25:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Sounds like those of you lucky enough to have FB coming to town are in for a treat...

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."

Anyone know who the 2 Nashville guys are that are joining him on this tour? Any guesses?

Boy, you sure can holler.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7443 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2006 :  00:16:11  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Tiven said it somewhere. Duane Jarvis and Billy Block I think.
If we had it right, Billy Block is the drummer on If Yr Poison and Dog Sleep (and more), and Duane Jarvis plays the guitar on Raider Man and In The Time of My Ruin. So, good choice I say...


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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2006 :  11:48:29  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I just burned my first FB.net podcast compilation. Awesome! 22 tracks (just like TOTY by the way), including the Nadine, Coastline and St. Francis demos, and the NJ and SK accents as bonuses. Now I know I'll die a happy man.

blackolero le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2006 :  12:12:55  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Heh, you're too kind or else there is something else in life giving you pleasure. :)

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2006 :  14:01:50  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

or else there is something else in life giving you pleasure. :)

http://forum.frankblack.net/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16681 ;)

blackolero le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français
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= Cult of Ray =

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
388 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2006 :  12:25:15  Show Profile  Visit edbanky's Homepage  Reply with Quote
How's this next one comin' guys?

Due to my present condition and predicaments of being a crippled as a result of the fatal accident that I had, I am not able to carry out this contract because I can only walk on a wheel chair.
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2006 :  12:29:10  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
To be honest we're behind on it and I think it will be a feat if we get it out in time (aka tomorrow).

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2006 :  21:09:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another fine podcasting effort, sirs. And an easy (one-part) trivia question, though you didn't say where to send the answer.

Look, a pony!
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2006 :  23:53:40  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You're right, I've been getting emails, Brian has, and our podcast email address has, but don't worry, they're all valid addresses. Can't believe how many people have got this wrong, though. :P

BTW, Ben was awesome to talk to and had some really cool insights, it's a shame we (Brian) had to shave it down.

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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- FB Fan -

127 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2006 :  05:36:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any chance of finding out who won, or is that not to be "revealed" until the next episode? (Great podcast as usual by the way)
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2006 :  07:19:08  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We'll reveal next episode...

"No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2006 :  07:24:41  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

BTW, Ben was awesome to talk to and had some really cool insights, it's a shame we (Brian) had to shave it down.

I echo this wholeheartedly. It is somewhat of a shame that an hour and a half of great conversation had to be distilled down to 12 minutes.

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
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Grunty Yodus
- FB Fan -

51 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2006 :  08:01:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lucky No.13!! Great interview with Ben. Any chance of a future Podcast with more of his interview. The 33 1/3 books are excellent and it was great to hear Ben plug "Funhouse." Besides the "Doolittle" book, the one for David Bowie's "Low" is equally excellent and real interesting story of him and Iggy hiding out in Berlin and basically recording 2 albums at once. Great job again you enlightening cats you.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1462 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2006 :  17:40:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
like great podcast, eh!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
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-= Modulator =-

United Kingdom
4903 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2006 :  00:52:04  Show Profile  Visit fbc's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Two thumbs up for playing 'Amnesia'.
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= Cult of Ray =

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
388 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2006 :  11:46:13  Show Profile  Visit edbanky's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Excellent, excellent, good, nice and wondeful job, fellas. I especially (and usually) appreciate the interview and unreleased gem (the DitS demo). You have never failed to provide a nice--never boring--flow. You both have an obvious knack for this.

A little bit of a question/request/suggestion:

I know it's extremely picky of me, but I would love for you to keep the interview segments less "we're conducting this interview right now, really. No, seriously--we mean it." With this I am referring to stuffing apparently not quite representative post-production questions before answers, as if it went down in that way. I'm obviously being presumptuous here. An example seemed to be when you asked something like "What info about a song smacked you in the face?" This, coupled with the "not quite responding to the question" answer came over as distracting to me. Especially since it appears that you guys did tape it "live" beforehand.

Obviously you have to edit these things and make them flow properly, but would you ever consider approaching the snippets that aren't actually "live" more like a bird's eye view of an interview? You could say something like "In one instance, Ben tells us he was particularly taken aback by Frank's candor" then launch the bit about the #13 Baby story.

Yeah, I know. Super nitpickily critical.

Get me not wrong. The content is always solid. It's always beefy, and descends on the ears like manna.

Peace and Love and Recycle and Act Locally and Jesus and Buddha and Jain the Quain of Laive and all that. OK?

Due to my present condition and predicaments of being a crippled as a result of the fatal accident that I had, I am not able to carry out this contract because I can only walk on a wheel chair.
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2006 :  11:52:11  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hmm...interesting suggestion. We will definetely talk about it. For the Ben interview in particular, Ben talked quite a bit - and all of it was good. We didn't re-record any questions, or anything of the sort - we just edited out some of the pauses and whatnot - but the questions and answers are as authentic as good broadcast will allow them to be (does that make sense?). The only time we ever 're-ask' a question is if one of us is particularly stutter-y and/or unintelligable. I know this may sound like bullshit, but there were no re-recordings of questions to suit an answer. Scout's honor.

-Brian - http://bvsrant.blogspot.com
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