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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2006 :  10:58:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well more like your nipple, but I get your point.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
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* Dog in the Sand *

1594 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2006 :  12:40:58  Show Profile  Visit hammerhands's Homepage  Reply with Quote
On the subject of this documentary...I had the 'pleasure' of watching it over and over.

I told someone who is hard of hearing that I could add subtitles to the DVD but I couldn't find any closed captions on the 'Net so I transcribed the whole thing. I had it memorized, I think I can still recall about a quarter of it. One day when I was synching the subtitles I found a completed set on the 'Net, about 15 hours of work all for not, oh well.

Anyway, the subtitles that had been available were English translations of the original French dialogue (La Marche de l'Empereur). Holy crap they're completely different! The French is in first person (er penguin), "We are alone", it's also very poetic.

My thought was, and my question is, are French wildlife documentaries commonly done in the first person (er penguin)?

If anyone liked this documentary and have conversational French (I get by ok) they should see what they are missing! You can read the subtitle files, sort of, if you google subtitles and DivX.

It is rather odd (headache inducing) to listen to one voice and read another, by the way.

Edited by - hammerhands on 07/11/2006 12:42:43
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= Cult of Ray =

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
388 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2006 :  15:11:29  Show Profile  Visit edbanky's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I appear to be alone in believing this film is nothing special, at all. I see more cinematic, artistic, entertaining or otherwise screenworthy documentary-type stuff on TV all the time. I honestly hope this doesn't set the stage for a more of these so-so documentaries to jump toward the big screen.


(Maybe the French script would've made a difference?)

© 2006 The True Jesus Organization and AIDS Babies
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