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= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 13:55:49
any of you Frenchies (or anyone) see this film?
i have mixed feelings about it. on a filmmaking (stylistic) level it's incredible.. the first scene alone is probably one of the most impressive opening scenes i've seen in a long time. the camerawork is insane. but not just for the sake of being arty.. it fits with the outrageousness of the story..
but i thought they went too far with the violence . which is rare for me to say.. maybe i'm getting old. it was just too much. i was actually covering my eyes at points, and seriously considered just turning it off.
i respect that the filmmakers took the hard way out, but i think they could have expressed the same thing without having to go that far, content-wise.
like it or hate it, this film leaves an impression. anyone see it?
(the main reason i rented it was because Monica Bellucci is in it . had i known i'd have to watch her go through all that horrible shit i may not have chosen it)
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
* Dog in the Sand *
1688 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 14:06:49
I hated this movie. I really hated it. It is so stupid and bad it's fucking dangerous.
The fact that the story goes backwards is not new, but it is very stupid. The opening sequence is not original, just unsustainable.
Their fucking manicheism made me sick. The evil guy from the sm gay back-room where everyone is wearing a leather mask? Give me a break! They don't try to eplore any of the characters. The evil guy is evil, the girl that gets raped is innocent and pure, and beautiful. They don't try to explain or depict anything profoundly, it's so superficial.
What's the point with the naked guy in the beginning?
The actors are really bad.
I found this film violently stupid!
I will show you fear in a handful of dust |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 14:13:57
I found this film violently stupid!
that's how i feel about you actually. hahahahahahaha..
you know, i actually agree with you to a certain extent. i wanted to bring it up to see what people thought of it, not as an "i recommend this film".. i don't think i'd wish this on anyone..
it's true that the told-in-reverse thing isn't new. but the camerawork was amazing. i don't think there were any cuts for the first 10 minutes or so.
the camera goes from the hotel room (yeah, who were those guys?) to the street, into the club, back to the street, inside the ambulence etc.. etc.. i thought it was inspired. i've never seen anything quite like it.
they don't explore the Bellucci character that much, but they do explore the male characters .
anyway, just curious what people thought
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
Edited by - floop on 11/27/2004 14:18:23 |
* Dog in the Sand *
1688 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 14:26:59
Well, I am not able to develop my point right now (I am goin out in about 15 minutes) but I can really write an elaborate exposé about why i found this film deeply stupid.
I will do it another time.
I will show you fear in a handful of dust |
The Holiday Son
= Quote Accumulator =
2023 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 15:05:01
I pretty much agree with Adnan. This is one of the worst film I've ever seen. Not because it's violent, just because there is not one good frame in this film. Plus it's incredibly pretentious. |
= Wannabe Volunteer =
15297 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2004 : 16:20:13
you French always stick together.
like i said, i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, and the violence was over the top. but i think it deserves some props on a technical level at the very least.
it's easy to criticise films but hard to make them. the first shot of the film is on par with the long steadycam shot in GOODFELLAS. there are no cuts and the camera meanders between characters for (i think) at least 10 minutes. pulling something like that off is impressive in itself. i can see how that kind of camerawork can come across as pretentious, but it fit with the story to me.
i've seen films that have crazy steadicam shots and 360 degree spinning etc.. but not films that use it as a device for entire segments of the film.
i like it when films go out on a limb and try to experiment. this film does that. if anything, i give it that.
ist es möglich für ein quesadilla skrotum zu lecken? beim sprechen der quesadillas von LBF, ja. ja in der tatheheheheheheehehee! |
> Teenager of the Year <
2873 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 01:30:48
quote: Originally posted by floop
you French always stick together.
Wrong! Open a Michel Polnareff thread.
the violence was over the top.
I saw Audition yesterday for your recommendation so it's hard for me to read this from you. Definitely I'm not going to see it.
the first shot of the film is on par with the long steadycam shot in GOODFELLAS. there are no cuts and the camera meanders between characters for (i think) at least 10 minutes.
I love long camera shots. And as an amateur director I have to say that it's terribly difficult to make one of them.
Caminar sobre las hojas del otoño es romántico y resbaladizo |
4109 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 02:46:42
Amateur director, you? I must know more about it!
Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.
> Teenager of the Year <
United Kingdom
2638 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 03:08:54
i thought the film was awful. saw it when it first came out at the art-house cinema. i hated the camera work, it was trying to be clever or different and i felt it didn't work at all. the whole film tried to be clever in fact and i feel the whole thing didn't work. they owe me 2 hours of my life!
The Monkey Helper has arrived (that is my band) |
> Teenager of the Year <
2873 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 03:54:12
quote: Originally posted by rita
Amateur director, you? I must know more about it!
No, you mustn't. I've only made some crappy short movies with family and friends, ussually with an almost improvised script. But it was extremely funny, so if you have a lost weekend, you must give it a chance.
My sister and me get involved in a serious project once (The Coen brothers ). A 300 euros budget fairy tale movie ("The ugly prince") with my 7 years old cousins and their friends as actors. We spend 1 week making the script and the storyboard, and 4 weeks for the footage. Then, it has been in post production for a year, and it's still in it. That's why we don't want to make another 'serious' movie.
Caminar sobre las hojas del otoño es romántico y resbaladizo |
Edited by - whoreatthedoor on 11/28/2004 04:32:29 |
Alpha Soixante
- FB Fan -
129 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 06:40:32
quote: Their fucking manicheism made me sick.
Monsieur, that line was a pleasure. Not many forum posts bring up manicheism. And those that do don't have the good taste to be sickened by it. Fucking manicheism. |
4109 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2004 : 11:04:43
That´s great Xavier, I still want to know..."The Coen Brothers" que miedo!
Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.
* Dog in the Sand *
1968 Posts |
Posted - 06/16/2005 : 19:37:37
Research reveals that the director isn't exactly trying to get the audience to like the film.
imdb trivia: "The first 30 minutes of the film has a background noise with a frequency of 28Hz (low frequency, almost inaudible), similar to the noise produced by an earthquake. In humans, it causes nausea, sickness and vertigo. It was the main cause of people walking out of the theaters during the first part of the film in places like Cannes and San Sebastian. In fact, it was added with the purpose of getting this reaction."
I've heard director Gaspar Noe is proud of the fact that it was the most walked out of film of the year.
I felt it was, more than anything, simply trying to be a cinematic experience and experiment, super-stylized and fucked up, just trying to put viewers through some painful shit and then paying them off with some of the most amazing camerawork at the ending. The finale was absolutely stunning, the fantastic spinning camerawork with the music and then flashing flashing flashing DONE. Superb.
Let 'em riot. We're Sonic-fuckin'-Death Monkey. |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 08/30/2005 : 01:48:57
I agree with floop entirely on this one.
I wouldn't want to recommend it to anyone either. I will just tell people what I thought and let them make up their own minds on it. You will certainly not see a more violent film though. Not legally anyway.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
> Teenager of the Year <
United Kingdom
2638 Posts |
Posted - 08/30/2005 : 01:58:29
quote: Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey
I agree with floop entirely on this one.
I wouldn't want to recommend it to anyone either. I will just tell people what I thought and let them make up their own minds on it. You will certainly not see a more violent film though. Not legally anyway.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
the guy getting his head smashed in was disgusting, right at the start too!
The Monkey Helper has had a make-over! (that is my band) |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 08/30/2005 : 02:16:54
I found that to be the most difficult part to watch. Even more than the rape scene, and that was extremely uncomfortable to watch. I guess the guy deserved it. Evil bastard.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
One Who Hath Swum
- FB Fan -
78 Posts |
* Dog in the Sand *
1968 Posts |
Posted - 08/30/2005 : 13:12:38
Actually, the rapist is NOT the man that they kill in the Rectum club. They got the wrong guy.
Let 'em riot. We're Sonic-fuckin'-Death Monkey. |
One Who Hath Swum
- FB Fan -
78 Posts |
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2005 : 13:24:17
quote: Originally posted by TarTar
Actually, the rapist is NOT the man that they kill in the Rectum club. They got the wrong guy.
Let 'em riot. We're Sonic-fuckin'-Death Monkey.
I did wonder about that at first but then I thought it did look like him.
Another reason to be glad it's not based on a true story now I guess.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
= Official forum monkey =
United Kingdom
17125 Posts |
Posted - 09/20/2005 : 14:35:22
quote: Originally posted by Monsieur
What's the point with the naked guy in the beginning?
I will show you fear in a handful of dust
I found out. It refers back to his previous film, Seul contre Tous. If you read up on that, you will understand. I am sure it won't make you like it any more though.
I was just reading some of the reviews from viewers of this film on Screenselect and I have never seen a reaction like it. It doesn't surprise me though, it does make you talk.
Nearly everyone gave it 4 or 5 out of 5, despite finding it so difficult to watch and nearly turning it off.
I would have to agre with what many of them say. It has to be the most disturbing film of all time. Even if you hate it, you have to agree with that.
I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
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