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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2003 :  11:56:59  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

Yeah, if his French is bad, mine is ... well... badder.

I gots the baddest French here.

Don't worry Dean. If you know English, you know French in a way (and vice versa) since 50% of English words have French/Latin origins...

I joined the Cult of Frank's Van / My intentions were 666
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= Cult of Ray =

915 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2003 :  12:00:13  Show Profile

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- FB Fan -

21 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2003 :  13:32:30  Show Profile
If the Pixies do get back together, they're probably going to do all kinds of shows, with RHCP and with others, at some festivals and on their own; in England and Europe and the US and probably Australia and Japan. I bet they'll be plenty of opportunities to see them, either on their own or combined with someone else. Doesn't really matter. If you want to see them, then why should it matter who they are playing with? It probably has something to do with money anyway. They wouldn't be playing with RHCP for peanuts. And if they are gonna be paid a lot of money, that's good. Maybe they'll make enough to do a new record. Whatever the case, the Pixies getting back together is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. One thing we can be sure of is : if they get back together, they won't stay together, so we should all go see them while we can because if we don't, we'll never get the chance again.
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Sexi Pi
- FB Fan -

7 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2003 :  19:22:41  Show Profile  Visit Sexi Pi's Homepage
i know i posted my own topic about it before, but has anyone else heard of the Pixies opening for David Bowie in Boston on December 9th?

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= Quote Accumulator =

1850 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2003 :  21:55:13  Show Profile  Visit IceCream's Homepage

C'est sur que d'aller voir les Pixies 40 min, avant un autre groupe pour lequel on aurait jms acheté de place de concert c abusé... Enfin bref, même 40 min, j'en serais heureux et très ému.

If Cousi is saying "It's about that going to see the Pixies 40 minutes before another group for whom one would never buy a ticket sucks. In short, even for 40 minutes, I would be happy and very moved", I agree with him.

Edited by - IceCream on 02/22/2004 00:47:37
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2003 :  00:06:50  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
Originally posted by IceCream


C'est sur que d'aller voir les Pixies 40 min, avant un autre groupe pour lequel on aurait jms acheté de place de concert c abusé... Enfin bref, même 40 min, j'en serais heureux et très ému.

If Cousi is saying "It's about that going to see the Pixies 40 minutes before another group for which one would never buy a ticket for sucks. In short, even for 40 minutes, I would be happy and very moved", I agree with him.

Your translation is almost perfect. In fact Cousi means "Sure that going to see the Pixies..."

I joined the Cult of Frank's Van / My intentions were 666
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2003 :  00:15:21  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
Originally posted by STITCHES


Was just kidding. Next time I'll add a :), a or a ...

I joined the Cult of Frank's Van / My intentions were 666
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2003 :  01:01:03  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
Just found this at http://www.premonition.fr/premor.php3?lien=info/info.php3&ta=3 :

"C'est une rumeur et l'on n'est pas sûr de vraiment souhaiter qu'elle se vérifie. Pixies se reformerait comme prévu en 2004 et devrait entreprendre une tournée Européenne, ça c'est la bonne nouvelle. L'autre nouvelle est qu'ils joueraient à Paris le 16 juin, en première partie des Red Hot Chili Peppers au Parc de Princes... Une prestation aux Eurockéennes début juillet serait aussi prévue."

Quick translation:

"That's a rumor, not sure we really would like it to take shape. As planned, The Pixies would reform in 2004 - this is the good news. The other news is, the band would be opening for the RHCP, at the Parc des Princes in Paris, on June 16. A concert at the Eurockéennes would also be held early July."

No comment.

I joined the Cult of Frank's Van / My intentions were 666
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2003 :  01:12:32  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
I suspect the guy found this info at FB.Net... :)
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- FB Fan -

35 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2003 :  09:47:29  Show Profile  Click to see cousi's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Frog in the Sand

Originally posted by IceCream


C'est sur que d'aller voir les Pixies 40 min, avant un autre groupe pour lequel on aurait jms acheté de place de concert c abusé... Enfin bref, même 40 min, j'en serais heureux et très ému.

If Cousi is saying "It's about that going to see the Pixies 40 minutes before another group for which one would never buy a ticket for sucks. In short, even for 40 minutes, I would be happy and very moved", I agree with him.

Your translation is almost perfect. In fact Cousi means "Sure that going to see the Pixies..."

I joined the Cult of Frank's Van / My intentions were 666

Oui c'est exactement ca !
Yes you're right !

PS : demain je vais voir Frank Black à PARIS ( BATACLAN -> 19H30 ) Ca risque de déchirer :p ( tomorrow I'll see FB in Paris, hell yeah !!! )

Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them.

Edited by - cousi on 11/28/2003 09:55:15
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Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos

4496 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2003 :  22:53:34  Show Profile  Visit Dave Noisy's Homepage
Wouldn't that be funny if we're feeding the rumor mill..heh..

Since this Forum is hosted in Toronto, i suppose it's technically bilingual, and French would take it..

Doesn't *every* English word have a Greek root? =P
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- FB Fan -

35 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  01:58:08  Show Profile  Click to see cousi's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Wouldn't that be funny if we're feeding the rumor mill..heh..

Since this Forum is hosted in Toronto, i suppose it's technically bilingual, and French would take it..

Doesn't *every* English word have a Greek root? =P

isai kala ?
( I speak greek a little, lol )

Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  02:01:37  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
i thought it was all latin based....*?*
(every western language that is)

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"

Edited by - misleadtheworld on 11/29/2003 02:02:10
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mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =

2139 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  02:37:23  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by cousi

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Wouldn't that be funny if we're feeding the rumor mill..heh..

Since this Forum is hosted in Toronto, i suppose it's technically bilingual, and French would take it..

Doesn't *every* English word have a Greek root? =P

isai kala ?
( I speak greek a little, lol )

mia hara,esy ti leei kana neo?

Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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- FB Fan -

35 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  03:01:36  Show Profile  Click to see cousi's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

Originally posted by cousi

Originally posted by Dave Noisy

Wouldn't that be funny if we're feeding the rumor mill..heh..

Since this Forum is hosted in Toronto, i suppose it's technically bilingual, and French would take it..

Doesn't *every* English word have a Greek root? =P

isai kala ?
( I speak greek a little, lol )

mia hara,esy ti leei kana neo?

Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

-> "mia hara,esy ti leei kana neo?" lol... well... "esy ti leei" mean : "you what you are saying" ; no ? It seems I lost my greek , I lived 4 years in greece but was 5 years ago !

Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them.
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Frog in the Sand
-+ Le premiere frog +-

2715 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  03:06:42  Show Profile  Visit Frog in the Sand's Homepage
Originally posted by misleadtheworld

i thought it was all latin based....*?*
(every western language that is)

Nope. Many western languages (German, Dutch, scandinavian languages for example) have non-Latin origins, though they include a certain number of Latin-based words.

I'm not a specialist but as far as I know, English was progressively "latinized" after the defeat of the Saxons by the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, at the famous battle of Hastings in 1066. I read somewhere that modern English is a "blend" of two languages, Anglo-Saxon and Norman French, and many dialects (Celtic dialects for example).

But again, I'm not an expert...
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  03:09:03  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
yeh i heard something like that, apparently there are only a hand full of actual *english* (as in 'ye olde englishe') words used in english today.

damn those normans!

oh, i think 'shit' was an ancient english word.

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"
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= Cult of Ray =

308 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  03:16:22  Show Profile
About a thousand years ago you spoke the same language (basically) in England as in Sweden. But then the English started getting words from French and Swedish from German... uh. yeah.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6247 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2003 :  03:45:18  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address
Hey this benwin has had more inside info, about the new FB album etc.
I think his info about this subject is highly true

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know what...to do"
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* Dog in the Sand *

1938 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2003 :  17:48:41  Show Profile
Originally posted by Useyourname

I'm really tired of this whole pixies reunion. No, I don't want it to happen. Yes, if it happens I'll go see it. I'm so tired of all this speculation and stuff. I'm scared too, scared that it's for real. I keep imagining big shows in big venues, sold out tickets, and emo hipster shits walking around all the time saying how great the pixies are.

I went out twice last week two different girls.

This happend both times:

Me: What music do you like?
Girl: Cursive, bright eyes, anything saddle creek, thursday. What do you listen to?
Me: I'm a huge frank black fan.
Girl: I never heard him
Me: He was the lead singer of the pixies.
Girl: Oh, Yeah! Pixies Rock! I love them. You know they're touring in april? I have to see the pixies before I die.
Me: It's not really confirmed yet whether they will tour.
Girl: I'm pretty sure they are I have to see the pixies before I die.

I hate this, it drives me nuts that these indie rock hipsters are going to jump all over the pixies but don't give a fuck about Frank Black. How are people like us on these board supposed to feel. I like being able to see a two hour catholic show and being able to stand right there in front of frank. Should I be happy that a band I love is getting back together so I can pay high prices to be jammed inside the big tweeter center with a bunch hipster shits who all of a sudden have taken a big interest in the pixies, yet don't give a ratts ass about frank black and the catholics?

I've been tired, that's my rant and I'm done.

I wrote this while under the influence. It might not make sense.


It would be absolutely impossle for you to have said something any closer to my exact thoughts about this issue. I'm glad to see someone else feels the same as me

"I joined the cult of Frank / and...umm..."
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- FB Fan -

38 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2003 :  11:31:44  Show Profile
Originally posted by Useyourname

I'm really tired of this whole pixies reunion. No, I don't want it to happen. Yes, if it happens I'll go see it. I'm so tired of all this speculation and stuff. I'm scared too, scared that it's for real. I keep imagining big shows in big venues, sold out tickets, and emo hipster shits walking around all the time saying how great the pixies are...


--i think its harsh to judge ppl because of opinion-based "hip-ness"... if people like The Pixies; great. its not like the band is selling out; just our mundane society..

"you're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me"
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- FB Fan -

100 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2003 :  09:27:37  Show Profile  Visit Grizwald's Homepage  Click to see Grizwald's MSN Messenger address
Frank Black himself said its gonna cost 5 millions, I say we start a fund raiser.

The Cult Of J www.The-Cult.vze.com
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= Cult of Ray =

915 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2003 :  09:30:10  Show Profile
is there a topic thread you haven't posted on, griz?

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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7443 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  02:47:14  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage
The RHCP date has been officially announced. No mention of the Pixies though, it says "Red Hot Chili Peppers + guest". Tickets are from 45 to 57 euros, sold on December 16th. Obviously I won't buy any until I get any confirmation of who's this mysterious "guest"...


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"
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Skip 15
- FB Fan -

11 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  03:11:04  Show Profile
I love both of those bands! Its perfect for me!
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  06:58:48  Show Profile
But not for many on this site. Have a read through this particular thread!

I think the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are somewhat over-rated. I have three of their albums but they languish unplayed in my collection. Their last record is actually pretty insipid.

Pixies opening for RHCP would be ridiculous. If the Pixies reform then I would be amazed if they agreed to this kind of appearance. In my opinion they would generate enough excitement to headline all of their own gigs.

"I have been enslaved by the Cult of Ming / He is ever so merciless...unlike that nice Mr Black."
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  07:41:41  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
indeed, maybe they'd do a warm-up gig opening for a current big band or something, maybe even opening for the bowie, but if they were to reform and tour surely it would make sense to headline their own 'come-back' tour... they'd have no problem selling venues out, venues bigger than the venues they used to headline no doubt...

would be a bit of a slap in the face if they did, say, support someone like the crappy chilli peppers, expecting their fans to fork out for expensive chilli pepper tickets only to see the pixies open for them... i mean, man, would we even be allowed into the venue if we were wearing tops and didn't have tatoos? we'd be crucified out there! at least us weedy ones...

The universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight along enough, you'll end up where you were.
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  07:47:52  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Useyourname

I'm really tired of this whole pixies reunion. No, I don't want it to happen. Yes, if it happens I'll go see it. I'm so tired of all this speculation and stuff. I'm scared too, scared that it's for real. I keep imagining big shows in big venues, sold out tickets, and emo hipster shits walking around all the time saying how great the pixies are.

I went out twice last week two different girls.

This happend both times:

Me: What music do you like?
Girl: Cursive, bright eyes, anything saddle creek, thursday. What do you listen to?
Me: I'm a huge frank black fan.
Girl: I never heard him
Me: He was the lead singer of the pixies.
Girl: Oh, Yeah! Pixies Rock! I love them. You know they're touring in april? I have to see the pixies before I die.
Me: It's not really confirmed yet whether they will tour.
Girl: I'm pretty sure they are I have to see the pixies before I die.

I hate this, it drives me nuts that these indie rock hipsters are going to jump all over the pixies but don't give a fuck about Frank Black. How are people like us on these board supposed to feel. I like being able to see a two hour catholic show and being able to stand right there in front of frank. Should I be happy that a band I love is getting back together so I can pay high prices to be jammed inside the big tweeter center with a bunch hipster shits who all of a sudden have taken a big interest in the pixies, yet don't give a ratts ass about frank black and the catholics?

I've been tired, that's my rant and I'm done.

I wrote this while under the influence. It might not make sense.


LOLOL! Sorry for the late replying, but only just seen this! I've had exactly the same thing, loads and loads and loads... It's quite well known in alt indie circles that I'm the big Pixies/Frank fan, thanks to my t-shirts and my excitement everytime a Pixies track comes on in one of the alt indie places...

So I've had countless people coming up to me saying "you know they're reforming" and I'm like "well, nothing is for sure, I've heard it's just a rumour that they're letting run, but I'm not sure myself" then one lad was like "well I interviewed Frank after his gig and he said it was definately happing" so I was like "oh yeah? I don't think so" and he was like "yeah" so I changed the subject "what did you think of the gig" and he was like "wasn't very good" arrgghhh!

The universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight along enough, you'll end up where you were.
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  07:58:25  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
by the way, the guy who said that is on the picture below, he's on the right, closest to the camera. I'm sure that explains a lot. Of course I wouldn't be on that photo, awful photo, it's a crime and I've been getting flaming text messages about it ever since it was uploaded by the indie night venue! And people laughing in my face!!


The universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight along enough, you'll end up where you were.
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- FB Fan -

South Africa
57 Posts

Posted - 12/07/2003 :  03:15:57  Show Profile  Click to see LivER_FisH's MSN Messenger address
i think its all a big conspiracy
perhaps they are planning on realeasing a new cd
and touring for it wordlwide, but there is
some reason why they cant just do it right away, as in
they want to be known better before or they need more money
or they need sponsors or something so they are going
to do all the other stuff like opening and stuff and
everyone will think "well that was a nice reunion"
and then they'll release the album and shock everyone and
everyone will be saying "wow, i didnt expect that"
and the element of suprise will help them make a big
enough impact to make it all worth it anyway

well keep in mind i am a conspiracy theorist...
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