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 I Was Thinking About Getting An IPOD
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- FB Fan -

37 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2003 :  22:11:09  Show Profile
what are the good things and the bad things about them?????

~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2003 :  22:17:06  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
Wow. You must have some mooola! Me so jealous! They are perfect. No bones about it. If you've got the cash, I would get one.

"I partied with the Cult of Frank / Bob ate all the dip"
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blue cadet3
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146 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2003 :  22:41:10  Show Profile  Visit blue cadet3's Homepage
get one now. I have a 15 GB IPOD and it has almost 2600 songs on it and I still have about 5 GB left. Good things about it is that it is awesome. Bad things are that it doesn't suck at all. Just sit back and let the good times roll. You can store so much music in it and don't have to carry around all your cd's. Do you have a Mac? If so it would be great if not they just made a version of itunes for windows. If you have any questions let me know.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2003 :  23:02:54  Show Profile
at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, what's an IPOD?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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- The Clopser -

2291 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2003 :  23:17:13  Show Profile  Visit Stuart's Homepage
How much are they.... and do you need to have a decent computer before you get one as I might buy one myself.

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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  02:20:33  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Originally posted by realmeanmotorscutor

at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, what's an IPOD?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Yeah, you do look like a complete idiot, but then take a look at me...
Its an insanely cool gadget, whereby you can store around 1000 mp3's on it and take it round with you to listen at your pleasure. Its true, there literally is no bad points about it, if I had any money at all, thats what I'd buy.
If all you boarders wanna club together and buy me one for Christmas I'll be eternally grateful...

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  05:26:58  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Stuart

How much are they.... and do you need to have a decent computer before you get one as I might buy one myself.

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

i don't know exactly how much does it cost but the computer is not important(as long as it's not a 486 or a spectrum).you only need a usb.even if you don't have much space on your hd you can transfer mp3's on the ipod and then erase them.then you will need a mp3 ripping program but i suppose that they give one with the ipod software.

this one is great too:Creative Jukebox Zen NX.it has a 30g hd!

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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- FB Fan -

75 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  07:22:27  Show Profile
as a recent ipod buyer, i can only say, yes, buy one. this thing is great. it is small, light, and simple to use. i got the 10g because it was the cheapest. so far i have 500 songs on it and still have 6.8g left (everything ripped at AAC 192). i also use it as a firewire drive to keep backups of my work, e-mail, etc., or just to transfer stuff to friends.

details: http://www.apple.com/ipod/
prices: http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/70602/wo/nj7looIHVm193X0BiXw12Jh1xYV/
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the swimmer
* Dog in the Sand *

1602 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  07:45:39  Show Profile  Visit the swimmer's Homepage
Actually my wife and I discussed this last night.

We were wondering when we would have time to have headphones in our ears.

The point being, I just can't justify buying one (although I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE ONE) because I don't have a lot of that time necessary to stick headphones in my ear and close myself off. Lord knows I wish I did.

If I walked a lot or commuted by subway I would. If I needed alot of tunes all the time, say I was a song plugger or worked in "the biz" as a producer or engineer I would think it'd be handy.

So who can give me a justifiable argument to say i NEED one?

It would be appreciated come xmas time.

(Besides being able to fit everything FB has ever recorded in one place)
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blue cadet3
- FB Fan -

146 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  10:39:30  Show Profile  Visit blue cadet3's Homepage
Originally posted by the swimmer

Actually my wife and I discussed this last night.

We were wondering when we would have time to have headphones in our ears.

The point being, I just can't justify buying one (although I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE ONE) because I don't have a lot of that time necessary to stick headphones in my ear and close myself off. Lord knows I wish I did.

If I walked a lot or commuted by subway I would. If I needed alot of tunes all the time, say I was a song plugger or worked in "the biz" as a producer or engineer I would think it'd be handy.

So who can give me a justifiable argument to say i NEED one?

It would be appreciated come xmas time.

(Besides being able to fit everything FB has ever recorded in one place)

I don't know how much you are in the car but, I'm in the car a lot. you can buy a car adapter and put it in your tape player if you have a tape player. That is what I do and I listen to my IPod all the time. It is one of the best things I have.
IPods are pricey though. They range from $299 to $499 I believe but check out ebay they might have some for cheaper. You might need to do a bit of research on the older models because I heard they only work with mac's. the older models are cheaper though.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

9168 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  16:11:50  Show Profile  Visit VoVat's Homepage  Click to see VoVat's MSN Messenger address
Good: They're chock full of applicious goodness!
Bad: To get one, you have to sell your soul to SATAN!

And how does lemur's skin reflect the sea?
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* Dog in the Sand *

1738 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  16:22:59  Show Profile
Does Satan offer some sort of layaway plan..?

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= FB QuizMistress =

2677 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  16:47:09  Show Profile  Visit mereubu's Homepage
No, but Apple does offer credit. (For which I do not qualify, natch. Dang ol' Chapter 7.)

I want me an iPod real bad. I walk a lot and my CD walkman is beginning to seem mighty cumbersome. Next teaching or acting gig I get & have some extra cash lying around, I'm getting one. You just strap it to your arm and run away!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / And all I got was this lousy icon"
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Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos

4496 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  17:10:48  Show Profile  Visit Dave Noisy's Homepage
iPods are pretty cool, but they do have a weakness: hard drive.

If you drop that baby, you're prolly gonna be s.o.l.

I think they're a great idea tho, i prefer the RioVolt style players, personally. It's a 'diskman', except it'll read MP3's off CD's, so i get 10-15 albums on a CD. Carrying around extra CD's isn't that much of a pain (in case all those albums aren't enough) and they're around $100.. Same ability to plug into the car, etc..

Upwards of 15hrs of playback, plays regular CD's, i suppose the audio quality isn't as nice as the iPod (which is supposed to be pretty good) but considering where you're using it....

I'm pretty happy with it, 2yrs now. =)
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- The Clopser -

2291 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  17:28:08  Show Profile  Visit Stuart's Homepage
Originally posted by blue cadet3


I don't know how much you are in the car but, I'm in the car a lot. you can buy a car adapter and put it in your tape player if you have a tape player. That is what I do and I listen to my IPod all the time. It is one of the best things I have.
IPods are pricey though. They range from $299 to $499 I believe but check out ebay they might have some for cheaper. You might need to do a bit of research on the older models because I heard they only work with mac's. the older models are cheaper though.

$299.... thats pretty cheap I reckon.

Who's the man that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  17:38:46  Show Profile
CHEAP!!! Well you're from China so I'll forgive you. As for the rest of y'all . . . what the hell is coming of the world!? Sure this Ipod sounds amazingly cool but it's hardly worth hundreds of dollars. People are just getting more and more lazy and greedy. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular and God knows I'm guilty of similar greed and vanity but maybe we should stop induldging our every desire and put our money toward something a bit more worthwhile. Babysteps here people, you don't have to give away half of your annual income but Vovat is right, we're gambling with our souls.

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

Edited by - realmeanmotorscutor on 11/11/2003 18:00:08
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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  17:49:10  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
aren't chinese people supposed to be poor?i read somewhere that the average income of a chinese is like 30$ a month,so i don't think that 299$ is that cheap.anyway i must agree with realmeanmotorscutor.ipod is cool and all but at the end one can do without.a 50-60$ discman does the job and you don't have to get a loan to buy it

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  17:58:43  Show Profile
Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

aren't chinese people supposed to be poor?

I just meant that he might not know the exchange rate. Maybe he thinks that all Americans are rich. And why did that first line stike me as funny?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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* Dog in the Sand *

1738 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  18:45:56  Show Profile
Originally posted by realmeanmotorscutor

Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

aren't chinese people supposed to be poor?

...And why did that first line stike me as funny?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

In that vein, aren't Americans supposed to be fat and greedy? Aren't Irish supposed to depend on potatoes as their sole sustenance? Aren't Canadians supposed to talk funny? Aren't Mexicans supposed to eat lots of beans and ride donkeys?

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
Carl Sagan

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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  18:51:07  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by realmeanmotorscutor

Originally posted by mun chien andalusia

aren't chinese people supposed to be poor?

I just meant that he might not know the exchange rate. Maybe he thinks that all Americans are rich. And why did that first line stike me as funny?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"

i'm quite sure that stuart is in china for business (he's a teacher i think).that line is funny because chinese discovered capitalism and they are rapidly becoming filthy rich (at least some of them,but "some" in china means several millions).no more chinese restaurants with 50 people working for 30 cents an hour.another stereotype gone forever.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  21:37:16  Show Profile
Originally posted by glacial906

In that vein, aren't Americans supposed to be fat and greedy? Aren't Irish supposed to depend on potatoes as their sole sustenance? Aren't Canadians supposed to talk funny? Aren't Mexicans supposed to eat lots of beans and ride donkeys?

but those are all true. I'm Irish American so I can say that . . . and some of my best friends are Canadian and Mexicans.

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2003 :  23:56:31  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage
Maybe you guys can help me out because I'm not an expert on the I-Pods. I know they are kick ass, I know every other company is trying to cop off them, but can you tell me why I should spend $300 on a 10GB IPod and not on a 30GB Nomad? What makes the IPod the best? I also sell these things at Best Buy and I have a hard time convincing people that "they are the best" and when they ask me "why?" I'm like "err..."

"I joined the Cult of Clops / If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open."
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- FB Fan -

180 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  00:18:45  Show Profile
I would not buy an i-pod agian, nor would I sell one either. Those things suck!!! I bought one and within the first week it was fucked-up.

My wife has a split personality, and I hate both of them.
-- Anon
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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  05:29:47  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by El Barto

Maybe you guys can help me out because I'm not an expert on the I-Pods. I know they are kick ass, I know every other company is trying to cop off them, but can you tell me why I should spend $300 on a 10GB IPod and not on a 30GB Nomad? What makes the IPod the best? I also sell these things at Best Buy and I have a hard time convincing people that "they are the best" and when they ask me "why?" I'm like "err..."

"I joined the Cult of Clops / If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open."

ipod is not the best.it's just the good old elitism of mac users.whatever apple produces has to be the best.in a certain way that kind of mentality is shared by the media because it's true apple products are esthetically more attractive so they get hyped by trendy music and lifestyle magazines.creative jukebox or others are probably as good (or even better)and they cost the same(or less)

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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- FB Fan -

75 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  05:46:52  Show Profile
here is a recent review of the ipod: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6450_7-5102324-1.html?tag=cnetfd.plug

I think it is a fair review (i have added my responses below). however, all of the players they suggest in place of the ipod have their limitations too.

1) probably right, though i have managed roughly 8-10 hours. battery life is dependent on how often you switch things. if you were to just let it play the battery will go far.
2) this is a debatable issue. while it may be true in some cases, i have a number of friends who jog with their ipods without any issue whatsoever. the idea of the ipod being a hard drive based player is not really an issue for me. i don't want to carry around flash cards.
3) this point has been brought up here already. let me add this: until i got my ipod about a month ago i had gone through a total of 3 portable cd players in the last two years - the 70$ models. i am not a clumsy person, they are just cheap. yeah, i could burn mp3 cds with 300 songs on them, but if i want to play particular songs i either need a list of what is on there or go skipping around till i find it. so much for battery life. i also am relieved not to always have to carry around a pocket of cds every where i go.
4) yeah, and the ipod doesn't make my coffee in the morning. if someone were serious about recording a portable mp3 player would not be the best choice.
5) i really can'[t comment on this since i do not use any of these online music stores. however, the only file format not supported by the ipod is wma, and for good reason, it is a propriety format which will soon have drm written into it. no thanks. i'll stick with the open source aac.

i chose the ipod because it best suited my needs. i wanted something i could dump my music on and could just grab on the way out the door without thinking about it. i also like that all my calendars, addresses and contact info, and backups of important files are always with me. and I just purchased a pair of bose headphones, wow!! the most important thing is to ask what you need in a portable mp3 player and go from there. what is best for me may not be best for the next person. at least the cnet article gives some good alternatives.
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  05:58:23  Show Profile
I am not familiar with ipods or their ilk but how are you able to get 1000's of songs onto a 10Gb disk without losing quality? The average album works out to be about 600mb (say 14 songs). My basic maths suggests that you would therefore only get 230 songs onto a disk. I presume everyone is using mp3 files but obviously the tracks are seriously compressed. Are people not bothered about this? Just interested cos I would not use an ipod even if it was given to me for nothing. Seems a compromise too far. Am I missing something?
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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  06:07:41  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by bedrock_barney

I am not familiar with ipods or their ilk but how are you able to get 1000's of songs onto a 10Gb disk without losing quality? The average album works out to be about 600mb (say 14 songs). My basic maths suggests that you would therefore only get 230 songs onto a disk. I presume everyone is using mp3 files but obviously the tracks are seriously compressed. Are people not bothered about this? Just interested cos I would not use an ipod even if it was given to me for nothing. Seems a compromise too far. Am I missing something?

you can get a pretty decent quality if you encode mp3's at 320 kbps.i can hardly make a difference from the original,and after all you can't have a superior sound in a walkman anyway,even with the original cd.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  06:36:02  Show Profile
Agreed. So the ipod is for music 'on the move' then?
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the swimmer
* Dog in the Sand *

1602 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  07:25:14  Show Profile  Visit the swimmer's Homepage
Originally posted by Dave Noisy

iPods are pretty cool, but they do have a weakness: hard drive.

If you drop that baby, you're prolly gonna be s.o.l.

I think they're a great idea tho, i prefer the RioVolt style players, personally. It's a 'diskman', except it'll read MP3's off CD's, so i get 10-15 albums on a CD. Carrying around extra CD's isn't that much of a pain (in case all those albums aren't enough) and they're around $100.. Same ability to plug into the car, etc..

Upwards of 15hrs of playback, plays regular CD's, i suppose the audio quality isn't as nice as the iPod (which is supposed to be pretty good) but considering where you're using it....

I'm pretty happy with it, 2yrs now. =)

Im a going that a way too..thanks for the advice Davey.
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Dave Noisy
Minister of Chaos

4496 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2003 :  22:56:58  Show Profile  Visit Dave Noisy's Homepage
Cool, glad it was helpful Jason.

As for MP3's...on my $2500 sound system, i have a *lot* of trouble telling the dif between 192kb FRAUN encoded MP3's (best setting) and the original WAV.

My system is a 24bit Layla professional-quality recording sound card, going into a $400 Rotel amp, and coming out of $900 B&W speakers. Nothing to sneeze at for the average pro-sumer. (Oh, forgot the $200 worth of cables and plugs conecting it all..)

I still encode at 256kb 'just in case', but i can't really justify it, if asked.

I don't think the LAME or any other codec sounds nearly as good at 192 tho, so for most folks, you'll want a higher encoding.
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- FB Fan -

170 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2003 :  12:30:27  Show Profile
out of those earbuds that apple gives you, it really wouldn't matter after 128 kbps. Personally, I'd get one of those 128 mb USB keys that also plays mp3s for ~$60. Holds around 2 hours, super tiny and simple plug and play. I'm using an old sony sport walkman, It's pretty much waterproof and never skips, traded a $20 cd player for it, its great except that its huge.
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2003 :  14:59:36  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
Saw this on slashdot - thought it was a pretty cool development (kinda reminds me of the movie "Slacker" or "Waking Life" for some reason. I'm sure it's not just an ipod thing, I mean, anybody with a walkman, etc. could do this, but I still like the development, if it's true:

Rick and Roll writes "In a story on Wired (http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,61242,00.html), entitled Feel Free to Jack Into My iPod, an iPod owner shares experiences he has had with other iPod owners, namely the plugging of his headphones into a stranger's jack. It began when a woman in her 30's walked up to him while he was on a walk, unplugged her headphone jack from her iPod, and motioned for him to plug his in. They then listened to each other's music for about 30 seconds. He has then shared with about a dozen iPod listeners, with most of the strangers reciprocating. According to the article, the practice has also cropped up in other communities. Listeners acquire tastes for different kinds of music, just like on internet/LAN file sharing networks. An interesting read."
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

5455 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2003 :  15:08:28  Show Profile
Seems strangely kinky.
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2003 :  15:12:34  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
Yeah, that too! I guess it would be a great way to pick up somebody. How Japanese/"Neuromancer"-ish.

There is something very marketable in there somewhere. Where's floop? Maybe when you're done with the "Thank you" horn?
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= Black Noise Maker =

11690 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2003 :  15:24:16  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Of_Frank's Homepage
Very cool, I love the idea of bluetooth enabling them. Lots of times I talk music with people and it'd be awesome to just give them some stuff. And sometimes they even have good taste and I wouldn't mind grabbing some of their stuff. The other times, right to the trash. :)

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
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= Cult of Ray =

440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2003 :  15:34:57  Show Profile
Speaking of...does anyone know the outcome of the Beatles Apple, and Apple computers debate? If I remember correctly, the Beatles people had an agreement that there would be no conflict as long as Apple computers agreed to never enter any type of business that was musically based. They just recently broke this aggrement, and consequently, Yoko went and bought a new pack of pens. Anyone know?

"Funny material and laughter will be dubbed in later" - Bill Hicks
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