Floop - I'm out on the horns in the Snake. For some reason it sounds to me like some guy busted into the room with his sax and started playing just long enough for someone to shove him back outside. It just seems a bit out of place and I wonder what Rich would have done with that solo. JMHO, of course.
Good call... It does sound like that! I seem to recall one Rich Gilbert playing a particularly cool guitar solo for that part at the Astoria. Can anyone tell me which track he played the cool detuney bit on?
PS, what does JMHO mean? and IMO? and IMHO etc... Scuse me for being a muppet.
"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"
IMO=in my opinion IMHO=in my humble opinion IMCO=in my chartreuse opinion JMHO=just my humble opinion TNJMOITHTGTAYCRIHIYDAWM=that's not just my opinion, it's the honest-to-God truth, and you can rot in hell if you disagree with me (tends not to be used quite as much as the others)
I just listented TOTY and I still can't figure out what the hoo hoo song is... : (
----------------------- ain't it funny how the "don't fuck with me!" nooch
Big Red! at the end of the song. Whenever it ends they want me to play the Hoo Hoo song again, but now that my daughter likes it too my son insists on hearing the Phoenix song or "Space Is Gonna Do Me Good." When it ends, SIGDMG, he'll say to her "You like it? That's my song. Do you like it?"
cool. makes me want to have kids- for a second, but maybe someday. i prefer toty. that album got me totally hooked on fb. but tuya is pretty solid. my fav is calistan- yippy-iye-yae.
"I joined the Cult of Frank/ and I got a free t-shirt with this dude on it."
TOTY quite easily - i've sought off gone off the 1st album a bit relatively, i just think TOTY is the shit basically - its all good. might listen to it now when i get home actually...
*Disclaimer*This statement was made whilst quite intoxicated.