Dunno if this is old news or not but that liam lynch fellow released an album a while back with a song called fake pixies song on it. I decided to download it to see if it was any good, the likeness in style of song and his voice are uncanny. Its a rather amusing song.
Please Mr malax could you tell me where you downloaded it for free? I cant find anywhere that gives it to me for free?(I'm sad, I don't know any of the free mp3 sites)
"We're off to Button Moon, we've followed Mr Spoon......"
It is a great mp3 sharing program. I've downloaded no less 15 live Pixies/Frank Black bootlegs from there. Great stuff. I'm going ot check out this fake Pixies song as soon as I get home.
I've heard about this Liam Lynch guy and this "fake Pixies song" he made. I really want to hear it...I guess I'll have to re-install Kazaa Lite and get it off of there.
Malax- Kazaa LITE is the way to go. screw Kazaa regular. SCREW SPYWARE!
I really dig Soul Seek...especially when you can find someone with LOTS of bandwith and a NICE collection. It would be better if you were able to download from multiple sources like kazaa.
Someone else started a topic weeks ago exactly like this one. I even posted in it and downloaded the song becaus of that thread. I don't really mind, but, Jim, man, I thought you didn't like repeat threads? lol.
(for some reason i can't find the first thread like this. heh.. but i think mdisanto started it if I'm not mistaken)