T O P I C R E V I E W |
BunsenH |
Posted - 03/03/2020 : 12:02:03 Some of you may recall that shortly after 'Head Carrier' was released, I put together a game of Pixies "survivor". Now that we've had a chance to digest BtE and its bonus material, I thought it might be worth revisiting, if folks are up for playing.
Just vote for your least favorite Pixies 2.0 song and every few days I will remove the song with the most votes. In the end, we'll hopefully have a trim, punchy 2.0 collection of 12 songs (continuing in the 2.0 format).
Here's the list (46 songs!!):
All I Think About Now All the Saints
Andro Queen
Another Toe in the Ocean
Baal's Back Bagboy
Bel Esprit Bird of Prey
Blue Eyed Hexe Catfish Kate Caught in a Dream
Chapel Hill Classic Masher Daniel Boone Death Horizon Greens and Blues Head Carrier Hey, Debussy
How I Learned to Earn Rewards
I Just Can't Break It to You
In the Arms of Mrs. Mark of Cain Indie Cindy
Jaime Bravo
Long Rider
Los Surfers Muertos Magdalena 318 Mal De Mer
Might as Well Be Gone
On Graveyard Hill
Oona Plaster of Paris
Please Don't Go
Ready for Love
Ring the Bell Silver Bullet
Silver Snail
Snakes St. Nazaire
Tenement Song The Good Works of Cyrus This Is My Fate
Um Chagga Lagga
Under the Marigold What Goes Boom
Women of War
I also put together a 2.0 Survivor playlist for those that have Spotify (includes everything except 'Women of War'):
Let the slaughter begin.
35 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
sdon |
Posted - 02/05/2021 : 04:22:51 +1
I don't like this being suspended for ever :)
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
Brank_Flack |
Posted - 01/30/2021 : 10:39:53 I'd keep going - maybe once the album survivor ends? |
Sprite |
Posted - 01/29/2021 : 04:35:36 I'm up for it. I have been listening to the BTE+demos a lot in the past year. Not getting bored at all, demos really grown on me now. |
Discoking |
Posted - 01/26/2021 : 05:25:54 not me! :D
it's educational |
BunsenH |
Posted - 01/25/2021 : 14:18:28 Yeah - it just seemed like interest waned. I'm happy to host, but how many are still interested?
quote: Originally posted by Bedbug
quote: Originally posted by sdon
Was this Survivor suspended?
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
I think interest may have waned. I'm game to keep playing if someone wants to host.
Bedbug |
Posted - 01/25/2021 : 10:51:20 quote: Originally posted by sdon
Was this Survivor suspended?
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
I think interest may have waned. I'm game to keep playing if someone wants to host. |
sdon |
Posted - 01/19/2021 : 09:33:51 Was this Survivor suspended?
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
tamefan |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 05:23:27 quote: Originally posted by two reelers BTE, which by now is - possibly - my 3rd favorite Pixies album (after Trompe and Bossanova).
ain't it great?  |
sdon |
Posted - 06/12/2020 : 09:26:37 not sure if the list on page 1 is up to date, but if so my vote goes to Magdalena 318
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
two reelers |
Posted - 06/07/2020 : 15:21:00 AT least UCL is gone, makes my day.
For this round: This is my fate.
I think the song fits perfectly on BTE, which by now is - possibly - my 3rd favorite Pixies album (after Trompe and Bossanova). But taken outside the album, it does not work for me. I mean, when I want to listen to Tom Waits, then I listen to ... Tom Waits.
I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band |
Bedbug |
Posted - 06/05/2020 : 10:29:35 I do not really have a strong feeling toward the remaining songs. I like them all to varying degrees.
Since my favorites are voted off, I would like to offer my votes to the highest bidder, or even the lowest bidder. Let me know how you would like me to vote and I'll double your voting power just like that. |
BunsenH |
Posted - 06/05/2020 : 06:17:52 I partially fell off, but it seemed like things slowed (a lot). There were only six votes this round. Maybe I should set a minimum threshold!!??!
If we keep this going anyway, my vote goes to "Caught in a Dream", which isn't enough to save "Los Surfers Meurtos" -- not that it should have been save, IMO.
Los Surfers Muertos 3 Caught in a Dream 2 Greens and Blues 1
New round. Cast your vote. |
tamefan |
Posted - 06/04/2020 : 23:36:37 Is this still running? If so, I vote for Greens and Blues.
Howwwww did it out-last Oona, Graveyard, and Lone Rider?
Classic Masher, Bagboy, Head Carrier, Cindy, Cain, and Nazaire have gotta go. To the gallows. Drawn and quartered. Strapped to a rocket pointed at the heart of the Sun. These songs must be slaughtered to vindicate the terrible crimes that were committed against Oona.
yall have made a real mess with your votes, clearly you've all been driven mad by the lockdown.
As my 97 year old Russian grandmother would say: oy yoy yoy yoy....
Bedbug |
Posted - 05/18/2020 : 13:36:42 I am going to vote off my favorite 2.0 song, Los Surfers Muertos.
We don’t deserve it anyway.
Goodbye surfers. Sorry you weren’t appreciated. Sorry that Greens and Blues will out live you. Life is not fair. |
Active Duck |
Posted - 05/18/2020 : 05:42:59 Los Surfers Muertos |
Brank_Flack |
Posted - 05/17/2020 : 08:15:00 Caught in a Dream |
The Maharal |
Posted - 05/15/2020 : 12:27:30 Los Surfers Muertos |
BunsenH |
Posted - 05/15/2020 : 07:00:55 Sorry to fall off! My votes go to St. Nazaire and Blue-Eyed Hexe, makin the totals:
St. Nazaire 2 Caught in a Dream 1 UCL 3 Catfish 1 Indie Cindy 1 Blue Eyed Hexe 3 Hey, Debussy 1 Greens and Blues 1 Los Surfers 1
UCL and Hexe are gone. New round. Let's switch to 1 vote per player per round. 23 songs remain -- exactly half-way through...
BunsenH |
Posted - 05/04/2020 : 07:58:35 quote: Originally posted by Brank_Flack
Can we end the ability to vote for a song twice now that the song list has been narrowed?
Good idea. I'll switch us back after this round. |
The Maharal |
Posted - 05/02/2020 : 05:12:24 Chagga and Los Surfers |
Bedbug |
Posted - 05/02/2020 : 04:18:10 Blue Eyes Hexe Greens and Blues |
Fitzy |
Posted - 05/02/2020 : 02:37:32 Blue Eyed Hexe Hey, Debussy |
Active Duck |
Posted - 04/30/2020 : 02:59:03 Indie Cindy & Um Chagga Lagga - I feel like I should like this one more than I do. Kind of falls flat for me by the time it is over. Would it be better if it ended at the 2min mark? I'm not too interested after that.
two reelers |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 21:11:12 UCL Catfish
I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band |
Brank_Flack |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 10:58:14 St. Nazaire Caught in a Dream
Can we end the ability to vote for a song twice now that the song list has been narrowed? |
BunsenH |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 10:09:03 Welcome Two Reelers!
Oh, this stings... I would have at least liked to see AQ stick around until a later round.
St. Nazaire 1 Caught in a Dream 2 Oona 3 Um Chagga Lagga 2 Indie Cindy 1 Andro Queen 4 Hey Debussy 1
Killing Oona and Andro. New round! |
BunsenH |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 10:06:16 Two votes UCL recorded
quote: Originally posted by two reelers
Just joining here...
Baal's Back is not going to win? And Um Chagga Lagga did not fly out the first round?? What is wrong with all of you???
Um Chagga Lagga (can I vote twice for that?) If not, I will add Catfish Kate.
I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
BunsenH |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 09:59:57 Switch recorded.
quote: Originally posted by Active Duck
Can I switch my votes? To this...
Andro Queen Oona
BunsenH |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 09:58:48 The game may make you rethink all that you know....
quote: Originally posted by two reelers
Just joining here...
Baal's Back is not going to win? And Um Chagga Lagga did not fly out the first round?? What is wrong with all of you???
Um Chagga Lagga (can I vote twice for that?) If not, I will add Catfish Kate.
I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
Active Duck |
Posted - 04/29/2020 : 02:47:06 Can I switch my votes? To this...
Andro Queen Oona
Jamie |
Posted - 04/28/2020 : 19:21:15 We can still double up?
Andro Queen x2 |
sdon |
Posted - 04/27/2020 : 07:45:32 Oona is one my preferred HC tracks :(
my votes Andro Queen Hey Debussy
-- "Aristophanes! (gong sounds)" "Fucking up my devotion!"
Bedbug |
Posted - 04/27/2020 : 07:11:31 Casting both my votes for Oona |
Active Duck |
Posted - 04/27/2020 : 06:17:12 Indie Cindy Oona |
two reelers |
Posted - 04/26/2020 : 18:08:52 Just joining here...
Baal's Back is not going to win? And Um Chagga Lagga did not fly out the first round?? What is wrong with all of you???
Um Chagga Lagga (can I vote twice for that?) If not, I will add Catfish Kate.
I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band |