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 Bluefinger Survivor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
coastline Posted - 09/20/2007 : 20:37:23
Same rules as always. Vote for the one you want to kick off.

1. Captain Pasty
2. Threshold Apprehension
3. Test Pilot Blues
4. Lolita
5. Tight Black Rubber
6. Angels Come to Comfort You
7. Your Mouth Into Mine
8. Discotheque 36
9. You Can't Break a Heart and Have It
10. She Took All the Money
11. Bluefinger

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mismatched Sasquatch Posted - 10/02/2007 : 19:31:48
Originally posted by coastline

But seriously, it's best not to move forward too quickly. I'm gonna give this first round a couple more days -- mainly because I don't think it's fair to shut it down before everyone (that is, those who are likely to play this game) has had a chance to notice that we're playing and to cast their vote.

Good thinking coasty. I for one felt i needed a good while to let things sink in before I started voting. best not to rush these things, songs do grow on you...
Carl Posted - 09/22/2007 : 16:16:30
Angels to win!

"I hate how the reptile dreams it's a mammal. Scaley monster: be what you are!!" - Erebus.
Llamadance Posted - 09/22/2007 : 15:50:23
Angels Come To Comfort You pisses over those two from a large height. And probably defecates as well.

Easy Easy Easy!! MicknPhil Marathon Lads Sign this petition
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/22/2007 : 15:49:37
Bluefinger is the best song on the album. Did I say TBR to go yet?

I could kill you sure, but I could only make you cry with these words...
PixieSteve Posted - 09/22/2007 : 15:47:40
fucks sake. bluefinger and she took all the money are good. fuck angels come to comfort you.

I like to complain
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/22/2007 : 14:03:41
yeah "shamalama ding dang oh me oh my" has to be one of the worst frank lyrics ever.

I could kill you sure, but I could only make you cry with these words...
Llamadance Posted - 09/22/2007 : 13:48:47
don't draw it out that long coastline, I'll forget to vote (or lose the will to care)

fast, furious and decisive, I think that's the way forward. I agree with kathryn, lose those two, but She Took All The Money should go after that.

Easy Easy Easy!! MicknPhil Marathon Lads Sign this petition
kathryn Posted - 09/21/2007 : 18:37:47
Damnit, Carl, you weren't fast enough.

Oh, hi, Coasty.

the cure make me want to die, but in a good way -- mr.biscuitdoughhead

coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 18:27:56
Ha! You should just cross off your 10 least favorite, Kathryn, and we could be done in a day and a half! Shortest FB Survivor ever!

But seriously, it's best not to move forward too quickly. I'm gonna give this first round a couple more days -- mainly because I don't think it's fair to shut it down before everyone (that is, those who are likely to play this game) has had a chance to notice that we're playing and to cast their vote.

And after this round is over, I'm gonna do a new round each week, starting on Sundays.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
kathryn Posted - 09/21/2007 : 17:57:11
Carl, since when does being informed make one a qualified voter?

Cast your vote and do it soon before coastline returns!

the cure make me want to die, but in a good way -- mr.biscuitdoughhead

PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 17:54:08
motion denied

I like to complain
Carl Posted - 09/21/2007 : 17:49:11
I haven't heard the official release yet, so I kind of don't feel right voting.

"I hate how the reptile dreams it's a mammal. Scaley monster: be what you are!!" - Erebus.
kathryn Posted - 09/21/2007 : 17:37:51
For fuck's sake.

Do we agree that this is where we're at?

1. Captain Pasty
2. Threshold Apprehension
3. Test Pilot Blues
4. Lolita
5. Tight Black Rubber
6. Angels Come to Comfort You
7. Your Mouth Into Mine
8. Discotheque 36
9. You Can't Break a Heart and Have It
10. She Took All the Money
11. Bluefinger

If so, I vote off next Lolita.

the cure make me want to die, but in a good way -- mr.biscuitdoughhead

PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 16:32:33
Originally posted by darwin

First song to 3 is off?

we'll be here all day then if coastline's counting.

I like to complain
darwin Posted - 09/21/2007 : 16:26:26
First song to 3 is off?
PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 16:25:24
Originally posted by coastline

I'm a good counter.

coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 16:19:54
I know how to count, Steve. I'm a good counter. The one I voted for is the that counts.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 15:59:55
no one else is clear though. make sure you don't count those duplicate bluefinger votes. it is, afterall, one of the best songs on the album.

I like to complain
coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 15:53:45
Aye, ye rotten bilge rats and land lubbers. You've got patches on both your eyes, Steve. It's very clear that this round is still going. I already said that a new thread will indicate a new round.

PixieSteve ...... *glares*

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 15:35:56
possibly the worst managed survivor in the history of survivor. now we have another double voter and we're still unsure if you can't break... is out yet or not, or whether we're getting another thread.

coastline...... *shakes head*

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
- Richard Dawkins
darwin Posted - 09/21/2007 : 15:32:58
coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 15:22:06
I'm just following the Denis model of Survivor. He ran the FMRM ones (Disc 1 et Disc 2), and I'm trying to emulate his style. Them's my roots.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
Llamadance Posted - 09/21/2007 : 14:27:21
that's part of the fun, the history. Don't lose your roots man.

Easy Easy Easy!! MicknPhil Marathon Lads Sign this petition
coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 14:12:01
I think the evidence for why is right here in this thread.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
Llamadance Posted - 09/21/2007 : 14:09:17
why make new threads that'll get lost and fragmented? Keep it all in here I say.

Easy Easy Easy!! MicknPhil Marathon Lads Sign this petition
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:42:16
i could ask you the same thing.

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"
coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:40:32
Why are you still posting?

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:35:38
then why isn't "round 1" in the thread title?

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"
PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:35:26
please ignore mine and kathryn's second votes.

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
- Richard Dawkins
coastline Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:34:00
You'll know there's a new round when there's a new thread. This ain't like Geographical Region Du Jour Member Survivor.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:26:31
tight black rubber to go next. don't hurt me.

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:17:27
so we're doing one thread survivors now? i'm confused.

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"
PixieSteve Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:08:57
well, carolyn and kathryn both said to just move on, and kathryn's voted twice. so i presumed it had.

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
- Richard Dawkins
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:08:23
oh never mind. i usually just skip over coasline's posts.

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"
mr.biscuitdoughhead Posted - 09/21/2007 : 13:07:28
wait, what?

"How do you like that, Sir Harold?"

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