T O P I C R E V I E W |
Coldheartofstone |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 01:53:29 Well...what a great fucking year it's been so far. I haven't been on in a while...cause i've been going through some shit. And to top it all of with a bright fucking juicy cherry, I just got out of the hospital. Well early Friday morning while i was waking up, this sharp pain began in my lower abdomen...I had no idea what it was. So i flew down to he couch to take it easy in hopes that the pain would subside. But to no avail, I decided to go get it checked out...for fuck sakes it could have been my appendix for all i know, and you DON'T fuck with that. So I take a cab to the clinic down the road to find out it doesn't open for another hour...i guess doctors have to eat too. So I stood outside with my mother waiting, in pain...for the damn physicians. About 15mins to 6:00 a line starts to form, and gradually over the hour my pain has gotten worse. So almost time to go inside, my vision starts to blur and I faint on my mother in a cold sweat. So the nice strangers called 911 as fast as they could. I come to and the strangly cheery paramedics rush me to the emergency room where I wait for another 2 hours for some sort of explination. They only took me in when I fainted again and started to dry heave...that was the fun part. i get in the room...and they hook me up to an I.V. and(my favorite part) gave me some morphine. Then they started with the tests... Bloodwork...every fucking 2 hours...x-rays, and how fun, a catscan...with additional enema. Finally they figure out whats wrong... I had some sort of syst(however you spell it) and it had burst, releasing about a litre and a half of blood into my body...that's where most of the pain came from. So I spent two nights in the hospital, not able to walk, fall asleep without someone coming in to take blood or poke me, eat without puking or peeing without having to buzz the nurse and letting everyone in the waiting room know that the girl in room 1252 had urinated. Well, I'm home now, and I am as weak as ever... and I just realised the person I'm going out with would rather and go party with his friends than stay with me or even stay in the hospital until he knew what was wrong.
what else i ask.
I've tried knockin on wood but that ain't working so far.
19 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
cvanepps |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 21:32:41 Wait a second. I thought Canada's socialized medicine was supposed to be the best system in the world. Based on your story, it doesn't seem that way (unless you were in an American hospital). What gives?
-= It's not easy to kidnap a fat man =- http://www.cvanepps.com |
rockmusic84 |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 17:58:14 Dry heaving is a sick joke to a sick person!!! I was hospitalized twice in the same month last year. I just got real sick, started throwing up (and yeah, dry heaving). I was real fucked up. I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I was throwing up so much that I was started to vomit this yellowish-brownish-green stuff (bile, I assume). It was like that Richard Pryor joke about a drunk guy throwing up ("Please Lord! I got nothin' left to throw up but my nuts!!!"), and that was really how I felt.
It turns out that I may have had a virus of some sort (they never did find out what was wrong), and they told me to stay hydrated and keep a close watch on my blood sugar (I'm a diabetic, which makes it ten times worse when you're sick). I've been O.K. since (knock on wood), and I hope the next time I have to see a hospital, is when I'm on the slab in the morgue!!! ;)
And I think we all know what it's like to be waiting to be taken care of and you're in an extreme amount of pain. "I've been suffering..." (sorry, had to put a Frank reference in here somewhere) :) I wonder if he's ever been in the hospital. I imagine it must be hard for him when he's sick, being so busy and all.
I wish you a speedy recovery as well, Coldheartofstone. Stay hydrated!!!
Join The Cult of U-MASS - IT'S EDUCATIONAL!!! |
VoVat |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 17:34:02 Only if you're Mr. Burns.
Oh, and get better soon, Alicia!
Cattle in Korea / They can really moo. |
Cheeseman1000 |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 15:06:39 The Mayo Clinic... Haha, they didn't diagnose that all the things you had wrong with you balanced each other out perfectly, like diseasd trying to get through the door but being stuck by the crush?
(Answers on a postcard)
"It's a far cry from small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts. Isn't it? Mmmmm. Marvellous." |
The Calistanian |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 14:26:14 Sounds like your year is a little worse than mine. I just spent two weeks at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (the place to go for health problems), and after being degraded by tests in ways I don't even want to describe, they told me I have Irritated Bowel Syndrome. I've gotten nauseated and achey every night for the past six months, and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it...just hope it goes away. I haven't had any dry heaving or fainting though, so that's a bonus. The worst part: I haven't had a beer in six months.
So, you're not alone in digestive system problems. I hope you make a quick recovery.
1. I am a fsh with no i's. 2. You must be wearing Zubaz, 'cause you're daring to be different. 3. I am a man with 3 fingers...but that doesn't count my index finger nor my thumb. |
Little Black Francis |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 01:04:19 Don't be hitting on my g/f |
Ziggy |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 00:31:42 Yeh, best wishes
"Me and the chickens running in the street" |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 13:06:18 Don't we all.
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
Coldheartofstone |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 13:04:03 Thanks for the good words everyone. I'm feelin much better, and I think it was a good thing that this happened... after being given a second chance, you face a lot of the things that you otherwise just suppress with alcohol. :P
I realise I've got to make quite a few changes...
Her life was saved by Rock & Roll. |
ramona |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 11:21:06 Yuck, that is awful. Good that you went to the hospital though (despite all the shitty waiting) b/c it could have been much worse.
I wish you a speedy recovery!
_______________________________________________________ So if you're lonely you know i'm here waiting for you I'm just a crosshair I'm just a shot away from you...
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/08/2004 : 10:42:23 Do tears transfer to text Adnan?
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
Adnan_le_Terrible |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 16:28:29 Yep, I was talking with Mike on msn earlier, and he was crying because he thought something awful might have happened to you.
Best wishes again.
And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there. |
Cheeseman1000 |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 16:16:05 Ach, sorry to hear bout your troubles Alicia. Best wishes, get well soon eh? Sounds grim...
Plus, Mike has missed you!
"It's a far cry from small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts. Isn't it? Mmmmm. Marvellous." |
TheCroutonFuton |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 16:14:36 "Dry Heaving" has to be one of the worst feelings ever...especially knowing that there's nothing left to throw up in your stomach. Horrible, horrible. I hope you start feeling better.
"Freedom is a state of mind and the condition and position of your ass. Free your mind and your ass will follow." - Funkadelic |
El Barto |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 16:08:02 Get well soon! Dump the dumbshit while you're at it.
Boycott cults and t's |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 11:32:47 quote: Originally posted by Coldheartofstone
the person I'm going out with would rather and go party with his friends than stay with me or even stay in the hospital until he knew what was wrong.
I've tried knockin on wood but that ain't working so far.
And you thought your year was going bad.
Seriously though, I really hope you are OK.
Pixies!?!? Pixies!?!? Don't talk to me about the Pixies!!!.........OK, talk to me about the Pixies!!! |
apl4eris |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 09:10:53 Get well quickly, ColdHeart!

(I assume you dropped the dipshit.) If you have a dvd player, this rocks:
If the only tool you have is an elbow macaroni, all your problems look like Schroedinger's cat. |
Adnan_le_Terrible |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 02:04:53 I hope you get better very soon!
And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there. |
klikger |
Posted - 06/07/2004 : 01:56:51 I pray that you get better quicklike, baby. And your boyfriend sounds like an inconsiderate fool. Hang in there and get well soon. |