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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newo Posted - 11/18/2006 : 06:24:06
is in a crappy condition partly because chicks dig jerks and seem to like spawning with them. sometimes as an experiment I treat my girlfriend like shit and watch her pretend to be scandalised then snuggle closer to me. all you creatures with wombs out there, a little quality control please. that is all.


Gravy boat! Stay in the now!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Newo Posted - 11/18/2006 : 12:16:40
starmekitten Posted - 11/18/2006 : 08:49:55
Getting broody Owen?

if this is what passes for it I hope not.


Gravy boat! Stay in the now!
s_wrenn Posted - 11/18/2006 : 11:38:54
only chav ladies, who would want them to love you?

I was just stereotyping
Hey, i'm sure chav ladies have a lot of brains betweens those two massive hoop earrings, they must see the gentle child within their greasy “beau”

* ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
PixieSteve Posted - 11/18/2006 : 11:26:49
Originally posted by s_wrenn

Nice guys finish last.
If i bought a Honda Civic and a Nike tracksuit the ladies would love me.

* ~ ¦ ¬ . , |

only chav ladies, who would want them to love you?

i read this self help book called "NO MORE MR. NICE GUY" and aside from talking a lot of bollocks, it makes the point that not being a "nice guy" doesn't mean you're a jerk. just don't be a yes man, stand up for yourself, etc...
(this might not be at all relevant to anyone)

Llamadance Posted - 11/18/2006 : 11:24:12
if you stole them from their brother they'd love you more.

Scratching the surface without a purpose won't accomplish anything new

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s_wrenn Posted - 11/18/2006 : 11:22:15
Nice guys finish last.
If i bought a Honda Civic and a Nike tracksuit the ladies would love me.

* ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
Llamadance Posted - 11/18/2006 : 09:48:26
I think it's more of a serpent/apple issue, though I can't be sure.

Scratching the surface without a purpose won't accomplish anything new

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PixieSteve Posted - 11/18/2006 : 09:28:09
i thought it was in a crappy condition because of coca cola, aspartame and evil world leaders??

starmekitten Posted - 11/18/2006 : 08:49:55
Getting broody Owen?
Carolynanna Posted - 11/18/2006 : 08:00:59
Not all chicks Owen.
Just those with low self esteem.
Which is actually the majority of chicks.
Because they've all been brainwashed by the media.

Aw geez, my duodenum's acting up.
Llamadance Posted - 11/18/2006 : 07:12:17
I've been a drunken bum the last two nights and I'm getting nothing but hate from the wife. But then, we've already spawned.

Scratching the surface without a purpose won't accomplish anything new

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