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 Intelligence - Squirrels vs. Chipmunks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
floop Posted - 08/27/2005 : 17:51:54
they have many similarities: climbing trees, gathering nuts, building nests

but then they do show evidence of varying talents..

where squirrels have shown a strong capacity for waterskiing

it is a little known fact that chipmunks are adept at riding miniature atv's.

is it fair to say that one requires more intelligence than the other? and if so, do you think this has more to do with genetic predisposition, or cognitive learning?
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 09/08/2005 : 14:16:16
Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey

And maybe it's the chipmunks that run over the squirrels. After all they do drive. That would make them smarter still.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place

now that is a good point. would you like to be on my research team homers?

I certainly would. The squirel has evoloved greatly to allow it to attack roosters from the air.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Visiting Sasquatch Posted - 09/03/2005 : 10:57:27

Squirrels have balls!
therewererumours Posted - 09/02/2005 : 21:39:39
Wow that evil flying squirrel is launching off a painting from my Grandparents house!

Join the Cult of
Carl Posted - 09/02/2005 : 19:29:39
Shit. I think if I saw that flying squirrel in my house, I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life about it. And hang garlic on the doors! ;D
floop Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:50:43
chipmunks can do that, they just don't want to
PixieSteve Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:49:37
fortunately for you, they can't do kung fu fighting

floop Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:45:28
i think if i woke up to the sight of that i might be a little bit frightened
PixieSteve Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:43:16
can a chipmunk do this

floop Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:40:00
could a squirrel do this?

VoVat Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:16:37
They were also awfully big for chipmunks.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Carl Posted - 09/02/2005 : 17:19:44
The Chipmunks could actually speak english and make records.
VoVat Posted - 09/02/2005 : 16:19:53
What about Squirrel Nutkin? He was pretty good with the riddles.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
50 Pence Posted - 09/01/2005 : 16:16:48
Squirrels are smart and suprisingly pellet proof. I try and kill them when i see them because they invade my loft and rip and the wires up and stuff.

P.S Their tails come off suprisingly easily when pulled upon.

darwin Posted - 09/01/2005 : 14:46:50
The guy with the wool socks and Tevas is the most obvious loser.
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 09/01/2005 : 14:22:13
Drugs are for losers, hence squirrels are smarter.

How's that for a slice of fried gold?
floop Posted - 09/01/2005 : 12:31:56
Carl Posted - 08/30/2005 : 16:46:25
fbc Posted - 08/30/2005 : 15:38:47
no way! the work of a taxidermist.
floop Posted - 08/30/2005 : 15:36:32
Originally posted by fbc

The squirrel strikes back.

that photo is so obviously doctored
fbc Posted - 08/30/2005 : 15:19:54

The squirrel strikes back.
One Who Hath Swum Posted - 08/30/2005 : 13:17:28
I think they're both nuts.

http://www.fournineproductions.com/musicpage.html I joined the cult of me.
Frog in the Sand Posted - 08/30/2005 : 11:37:01

When will Lyle Workman find Frank again?
TRANSMARINE Posted - 08/30/2005 : 11:09:05
I would have to say I find chipmunks to be higher in intelligence...and this in no way negates the glorious talents of the squirrel.
I base this soley on an incident which occured in 1972. In Switzerland (NOT, by the way, known for it's chipmunk population...these are very private, proud creatures that keep to their own) on an exceptionally cloudy morning, a DC-10 tragically lost power and crashed in the Swiss swamps (a geographical oddity NOT linked normally with Switzerland...nevertheless these existed in the late 60's-early 70's) killing all 6 passengers and crew.
On the ground, a small band of 19 chipmunks were affected by thrown debris, divvying up substantial head wounds to the said tender creatures.
The chipmunks were thrown from their Swiss jungle-like plants and they laid unconcious for minutes next to the smoking fuselage. Upon awakening, and recalling nothing (these animals, like doves, are prone instantly to amnesia when traumatized), the chipmunks figured they were airborne casualties who, for whatever reason, survived the plane crash. Taking on the guilt and confusion of human survivors (why did I live? Why was I chosen to survive?) the 17 remaining chipmunks (two didn't make it in transit from jungle tree to ground) wandered into the snowscape of the Swiss Alps which were just outside of the swamps and around the bend.
Slowly they began to freeze and when there was but 6 left, and without nourishment, they decided what must be done in order to survive. Like so many stories spanning the annals of our human history, the chipmunks resorted to cannibalism. But, like so many other stories spanning our annals, the remaining 6 perished. For any living creature to switch from one geographical environment to the next without proper warning or preparation, especially with a head wound and amnesia, death is the only option.
The story of these brave souls was unlocked by an animal communications therapist who tapped this from the memory of a Saint Bernard that happened upon the grisly scene when searching for actual victims of the plane crash. The canine suffered for years from depression, and basically unleashed the tormented memory on the therapist while lounging on it's death bed back in '79. The phenomenal story is documented in a book or something somewhere.
Anyhow, this is how I draw my conclusions on the intelligence of chipmunks over squirrels. I have NEVER heard of a squirrel (or squirrels) having such an experience to grapple with as these honorable chipmunks did in the Swiss jungle...and then Alps.

I was alone...in my BIG BED

floop Posted - 08/30/2005 : 08:59:38
Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey

And maybe it's the chipmunks that run over the squirrels. After all they do drive. That would make them smarter still.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place

now that is a good point. would you like to be on my research team homers?
kathryn Posted - 08/30/2005 : 07:33:38
Score one for the chipmunks!

I just overheard two old ladies complaining that chipmunks destroyed their garden, ate every single last tomato.

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 08/30/2005 : 06:11:23

How's that for a slice of fried gold?
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 08/30/2005 : 01:41:44
And maybe it's the chipmunks that run over the squirrels. After all they do drive. That would make them smarter still.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
floop Posted - 08/29/2005 : 18:28:32
female scorpions often kill and eat the male after he mates with her. i guess that's not the worst way to go.

but getting back to squirrels. i still think chipmonks are smarter. when's the last time you heard of someone running over a chipmunk? never. because they're too smart.

squirrels get run over all the time
Carl Posted - 08/29/2005 : 15:02:21
The preying mantis courtship freaks me out the most. :O
darwin Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:48:09
Nuptial gifts. No, I don't think squirrels do, but nuptial gifts are pretty common. Some male insects give the female another bug to eat while they mate with them. The bigger the bug the longer the male gets to mate, the more sperm he transfers, the more offspring he has. Beautiful, isn't it?

I'm killing this thread. Sorry.
Newo Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:41:11
Do they offer each other nuts when courting like guys do with beer in bars?


If I were a millionaire I'd buy every carthorse in Ireland and wait. The day is coming when a carthorse will be worth more than a Porsche.
darwin Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:37:38
Also it makes it way easier to lose your whole stash when a bigger chipmunk or squirrel steals it from you.
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:37:18
In the UK, grey squirrels have all but wiped out their red cousins. Now how many times do you see the stronger, more vicious side triumph in the movies? Not very often, thats how many. So squirrels must be pretty smart to have triumphed over not just a foe, but a weaker foe, one arguably on the side of good.

How's that for a slice of fried gold?
floop Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:13:18
couldn't one argue that it's smarter to just have a few big piles of nuts than a bunch of little piles all over the place? i mean, that way it's less work during the winter
darwin Posted - 08/29/2005 : 14:11:18
Geek alert: species that hide their food (nuts) in many locations and then find the food later in the winter have larger hippocampuses than those that don't (true for birds and rodents). I think squirrels tend to do that more than chipmunks who have a few big piles of nuts. Also, squirrels that are jumping from limb to limb probably are better at judging distances and finding escape routes.


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