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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Superabounder Posted - 08/24/2005 : 20:23:14
...if you help me paint my bedroom." That was my friend's girlfriend's proposal to him. He, not being much of a handyman, declined the offer, and she subsequently broke up with him.

I had to laugh, because he said that he had no idea that her question was the hinge upon which their relationship was going to turn. Nor was he subconsciously looking for a way out of the relationship by answering no.

Her friend helped her paint the bedroom instead (I asked if SHE got his sex and beer but he didn't know).

Was it right of him not to compromise and help her paint the bedroom? Sounds to me like they had expectations of one another that would never quite mesh. I think it's good that he answered "no" if he didn't really want to help.

Any thoughts?

All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 09/08/2005 : 14:26:22
Well that was some great sex guys. Can someone please pass the terpentine now though. I'm covered (in paint).

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
VoVat Posted - 09/04/2005 : 14:25:50
That's true. In fact, I'd be too lazy to have the sex or drink the beer, let alone paint the room.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 09/04/2005 : 13:52:17
Look at it from the man's point of view. Despite the offer of sex and beer, painting's still a lot of hassle and men are lazy at heart, not neccessarily, um, tools.

Not that I ever have had that offer, or are ever likely to.

How's that for a slice of fried gold?
martian-honey Posted - 09/04/2005 : 13:23:19
i asked my boyfriend last week if he would help me paint my bedroom! he refused too, and i just thought "what a tool!" we're still together though, thats just from a girls point of view.
50 Pence Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:50:10
The intellect????

whoreatthedoor Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:44:40
The intellect is necessary to lie and to remind every lie you've told.

El amor es la distancia más larga entre un punto y otro
50 Pence Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:43:33
maybe i should have said their lack of intellect then.

starmekitten Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:42:20
I haven't seen any evidence of an intellect here yet
50 Pence Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:39:40
thats hard to answer, maybe using it for useful stuff, like traffic light timings?

VoVat Posted - 09/03/2005 : 14:24:52
Well, what good is having an intellect if you can't show it off?

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
50 Pence Posted - 09/03/2005 : 13:58:49
This is a pointless dicussion, i swear people just like showing off their intellect here.

Monsieur Posted - 09/03/2005 : 12:38:00
Originally posted by floop

sex and beer should be a given in any healthy relationship. once painting rooms becomes a requirement it's time to terminate the relationship

Once painting rooms becomes a requirement it becomes an objectifying relationship.

I will show you fear in a handful of dust
VoVat Posted - 09/03/2005 : 09:43:55
Oh, come on! You blame the bearded sex monkeys for EVERYTHING!

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Carl Posted - 09/02/2005 : 23:06:13
Don't blame me. Blame the bearded sex monkeys!
Superabounder Posted - 09/02/2005 : 22:56:50
New Update:
She extended her offer to the bearded sex monkeys who promptly painted her bedroom, in a drunken fashion.

This degeneration is all your fault Carl.

All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies
Carl Posted - 09/02/2005 : 19:33:28
I was thinking of the bearded lady! ;)
VoVat Posted - 09/02/2005 : 18:19:16
I think you have the wrong thread. You WERE trying to describe Floop in two words, right? :P

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Carl Posted - 09/02/2005 : 17:50:22
Sex and beard.
Superabounder Posted - 09/01/2005 : 17:54:11
Originally posted by VoVat

Was their relationship already on shaky ground? That really doesn't sound like anything worth breaking up over.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

From what I gathered it was a so-so relationship that didn't seem to me to be extremely long-term. They were having sex up until the paint thing came up. Then none.

All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies
VoVat Posted - 09/01/2005 : 16:58:34
If you paint a picture of Homer in beer, you can have hot monkey sex.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
One Who Hath Swum Posted - 08/30/2005 : 12:57:58
If you paint Homer's Monkey having sex he'll share his beer.

http://www.fournineproductions.com/musicpage.html I joined the cult of me.
VoVat Posted - 08/30/2005 : 12:54:49
Was their relationship already on shaky ground? That really doesn't sound like anything worth breaking up over.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 08/29/2005 : 10:04:24
I'll give anyone free paint if they help me have sex and drink beer.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Newo Posted - 08/26/2005 : 06:40:54
The shrewd ones have a whole economy worked out like If you clean the leaves out of the gutters we'll have sex but get any muddy leaves on the windows I just washed and you only get blown.


If I were a millionaire I'd buy every carthorse in Ireland and wait. The day is coming when a carthorse will be worth more than a Porsche.
Carolynanna Posted - 08/26/2005 : 06:21:30
Oh xavi, after marriage it still goes back to sex for chores...;)

Don't believe the hype.
whoreatthedoor Posted - 08/26/2005 : 00:52:31
You're right. Actually, free sex is one of the main reasons to date a girl. For some guys it's the only reason. I even have a friend married only for it.

El amor es la distancia más larga entre un punto y otro
scruvs Posted - 08/26/2005 : 00:41:01
yea this is really a proposition that should come from a friend or stranger, not a girlfriend.

if the girlfriend really must proposition her boyfriend it should be "sex with my friend and beer."

let this be a lesson.

Boy, you sure can holler.
whoreatthedoor Posted - 08/26/2005 : 00:17:08
I'll paint rooms only for sex.

I don't like beer.

El amor es la distancia más larga entre un punto y otro
silvereel Posted - 08/25/2005 : 20:36:26
i'll paint rooms for sex and beer
Carl Posted - 08/25/2005 : 10:05:56
Maybe he did'nt want to use the paint, because he drinks paint, not beer.

:) I'm just trying to help.
GypsyDeath Posted - 08/25/2005 : 08:49:43
she broke up with him because he wouldnt paint her room?????

Ive never considered helping out painting a room is that big a deal - nor worthy of sex and beer (should really make em work for it,) heh.

Ive painted, and had people paint my room...hmm. strange.

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Carl Posted - 08/25/2005 : 08:40:53
Yeah, she should have just said 'I won't break up with you if you paint the bedroom'!
Newo Posted - 08/25/2005 : 04:19:25
You don't have to be a handyman to paint a bedroom, you just need hands. That said, I would have said no too, if my girlfriend asked me to help her paint her bedroom I'd do it, just holding sex and beer up as a condition feels a bit off to me.


If I were a millionaire I'd buy every carthorse in Ireland and wait. The day is coming when a carthorse will be worth more than a Porsche.
Carl Posted - 08/24/2005 : 21:53:28
Maybe he dos'nt like beer.
Sir Rockabye Posted - 08/24/2005 : 21:14:52
I think she should have asked me.

You run all kinds of red lights except the ones on the street.
When you run out of exits you can always count sheep.

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