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fumanbru Posted - 02/16/2006 : 17:53:28
anyone check out that aussie/canadian freestyle skier yesterday? he's 21, supposedly a self made multimillionaire and won the gold medal. pretty interesting.


and aboot fuckin time, eh! canada finally had a descent day on the podium.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dave Noisy Posted - 03/05/2006 : 22:24:33
I'm all for the speed skating, remarkably similar to track racing too. =)

"Live life like you're gonna die...because you are." - William Shatner, You'll Have Time / Has Been
danjersey Posted - 02/23/2006 : 21:44:22
the getups for ice skating are a bit ridiculous
hows about fatigues
Daisy Girl Posted - 02/23/2006 : 18:04:37
man they make it look so easy. but i know if i tried any one of those for 2 minutes I would fall flat on my you know what!!
BLT Posted - 02/23/2006 : 08:23:45
I've really enjoyed the biathlon events this year. The men's 12.5k pursuit was one of the greatest races I've ever seen in any sport. And it was nice to see the American men finish a respectable 9th in the relay the other day (no sarcasm intended).

Tough time for Norwegians in all sports. I can't believe how badly they're doing.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 02/23/2006 : 07:57:55
Those are Saskatoon curling rocks on the ice, too Fu. Which has led to me somehow enjoying watching bits of curling.

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."
Carolynanna Posted - 02/23/2006 : 07:53:26
Ahahahahahaha, cool!

Don't believe the hype.
fumanbru Posted - 02/23/2006 : 05:06:58
the candian men's team is going to the final!! hurry hard...hard...hard...hurry hard... fuck i get excited watching curling!!

big day yesterday. canadian men get upset in ice hockey. very disappointing of course but i was very impressed hearing wayne in the post game interviews afterwards. wayne is a total class act.

then local winnipeger cindy klassen wins gold in speedskating. her 4th of the olympics- a canadian record! that was super cool. i heard an interview with her former high school principal on the local radio yesterday. he said all the students were gathered in the gym cheering her on. then after she won, all the students broke out into an impromtu of oh canada! i think a few tears may have been shed...

and then how about the cross country skiing story - project maple syrup!

"Project Maple Syrup is the brainchild of a Montreal man who wants to thank Norwegians for helping Renner and Becky Scott recently win a silver medal in the women's team sprint event.

After Renner's ski pole broke in mid-race last week, Norwegian ski coach Bjoernar Haakensmoen jumped in, handed her a new one and then saw her slide past the finish line as his own team ended up in fourth spot."

here's the link. true story!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
BLT Posted - 02/18/2006 : 09:14:57
Originally posted by floop

Originally posted by BLT

I've been watching loads of these Olympics and the main thing I want to say is...SNOWBOARDING SHOULD NOT BE AN OLYMPIC SPORT.

if curling is an olympic sport than snowboarding should get to be an olympic sport

Curling is the Olympic test pattern. The vivid primary colors and lack of motion attest its role as a late-night television time sink.
floop Posted - 02/18/2006 : 08:53:50
Originally posted by BLT

I've been watching loads of these Olympics and the main thing I want to say is...SNOWBOARDING SHOULD NOT BE AN OLYMPIC SPORT.

if curling is an olympic sport than snowboarding should get to be an olympic sport
HeywoodJablome Posted - 02/18/2006 : 07:49:41
I watched the Women's skeleton luge thing the other night, takes some real nerve to do that shit.
BLT Posted - 02/18/2006 : 07:09:23
Originally posted by Superabounder

BLT, if you feel that way about snow-boarding, then you must LOVE what the US snowboarder did today as she was about to cruise in for the gold.

It was hilarious! At first she denied she was hotdogging, but in her evening interview with Bob Costas she said it was "possible" but also said that if she had it to do over again, she'd do the same thing and she is happy with silver. IMO she'd look a lot less stupid if she just came clean and admitted she made a mistake and was disappointed. Her body language in the interview already said that but I guess she's still trying to convince herself otherwise.

Also...the main difference between her and Leon Lett is that Leon still won the game.

Cheeseman1000 Posted - 02/18/2006 : 03:18:18
A chap on the telly made a point the other day that I'm surprised I'd never thought of before.
Why oh why is there no Olympic Snowball Fight?

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid
fumanbru Posted - 02/17/2006 : 23:20:02
Originally posted by Superabounder

BLT, if you feel that way about snow-boarding, then you must LOVE what the US snowboarder did today as she was about to cruise in for the gold. I bet she wishes she could have a do-over. For anyone who missed it, she was way in front and just about to the end, and she did a celebration jump and grabbed her board to look cool, and wiped out right before the end. The swiss racer way behind her caught her and beat her across the line for the gold medal. She still got the silver. Reminds me when the Dallas Cowboy Leon Lett hot-dogged it as he ran back a long fumble for a touchdown. Only problem was, he celebrated too soon and Don Bebe came up behind him and knocked the football out of his hands before he crossed the goal line. Doh!

I tend to think of human beings as huge rubbery test tubes, too, with chemical reactions seething inside

ya that was kind of funny in a sick kind of fucked up way. poor girl.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
misleadtheworld Posted - 02/17/2006 : 17:23:08
I quite enjoyed watching the Luge the other day, and the one where the skiers have to jump really far with ridiculously long skis. That one was today.

PixieSteve Posted - 02/17/2006 : 16:57:40
Originally posted by Scarla O

Skeleton driver rulez.

Scarla O'
Thursday 16th March 2006
The Pleasure Unit
Bethnal Green Road
On stage: 10pm

yeah, to see a band. and also i might have see one of pete doherty's impromptu-type gigs there, but i may be confusing that with another place.

anyway, winter olympics... not watched any tv in ages, this has completely passed me by...

Superabounder Posted - 02/17/2006 : 16:42:55
BLT, if you feel that way about snow-boarding, then you must LOVE what the US snowboarder did today as she was about to cruise in for the gold. I bet she wishes she could have a do-over. For anyone who missed it, she was way in front and just about to the end, and she did a celebration jump and grabbed her board to look cool, and wiped out right before the end. The swiss racer way behind her caught her and beat her across the line for the gold medal. She still got the silver. Reminds me when the Dallas Cowboy Leon Lett hot-dogged it as he ran back a long fumble for a touchdown. Only problem was, he celebrated too soon and Don Bebe came up behind him and knocked the football out of his hands before he crossed the goal line. Doh!

I tend to think of human beings as huge rubbery test tubes, too, with chemical reactions seething inside
BLT Posted - 02/17/2006 : 08:40:03
I've been watching loads of these Olympics and the main thing I want to say is...SNOWBOARDING SHOULD NOT BE AN OLYMPIC SPORT.
Llamadance Posted - 02/17/2006 : 06:42:47
I thought she was amazing. To get back up and skate for a silver was fantastic.

Come on Rhona Martin!!

That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

starmekitten Posted - 02/17/2006 : 06:35:46
But did anyone see that chinese skater woman who took the nasty tumble? that was nasty.
Scarla O Posted - 02/17/2006 : 05:41:02
Originally posted by PixieSteve

DUDE the pleasure unit. my sister used to work there.

Very good!

I really like the place - have you been there?

Scarla O'
Thursday 16th March 2006
The Pleasure Unit
Bethnal Green Road
On stage: 10pm
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 02/17/2006 : 05:22:37
Go Jamaica!

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
PixieSteve Posted - 02/17/2006 : 01:22:35
DUDE the pleasure unit. my sister used to work there.

Scarla O Posted - 02/17/2006 : 01:18:02

Skeleton driver rulez.

Scarla O'
Thursday 16th March 2006
The Pleasure Unit
Bethnal Green Road
On stage: 10pm
Monsieur Posted - 02/17/2006 : 00:42:25
Go France!

I will show you fear in a handful of dust

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