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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carl Posted - 01/27/2006 : 15:02:34

27 January 2006


GROUPS trying to get a record deal will now be able to release their music online for just £10, following the launch of a new service.

Tunecore allows unsigned artists to upload their songs and artwork on to the iTunes music store.

As the service cuts out the need for a record label, it means acts can sell their music online and receive 100 per cent of sales revenue.

Artists also retain rights and ownership of their music.

Frank Black of The Pixies has signed up to the service which costs £10 an album. His manager Ken Goes said: "There's no need for record companies any more."

Danny Black, of agents Normal, disagreed. He said: "It'll be tough for artists to reach the public eye."
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carl Posted - 08/16/2007 : 16:56:54
BostonHerald.com - the Edge - Broadbands: TuneCore puts artists’ songs on shelves of online stores.

But TuneCore isn’t only for fledgling bands. The Pixies’ Frank Black was the first client.
billgoodman Posted - 01/28/2006 : 04:03:39
this is so cool
I think I'm gonna do that too!

God save the Noisies
fumanbru Posted - 01/27/2006 : 18:01:40
Originally posted by Carl
Frank Black of The Pixies has signed up to the service which costs £10 an album. His manager Ken Goes said: "There's no need for record companies any more."

Danny Black, of agents Normal, disagreed. He said: "It'll be tough for artists to reach the public eye."[/font=Arial]

he obviously isn't aware of frank. record companies schmecord companies.

....i think this is fantastic! i don't think record companies have been able to earn their cut promoting his albums. toty is a perfect example. frank's got such a solid core of fans that i'm sure this venue would be profitable for him. plus it enables him to release non stop material! just think- a new frank album coming out each week!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
Daisy Girl Posted - 01/27/2006 : 15:37:13
I think that's really cool. More power to them 10 quid seems high for electronic versions of songs though. I also hope they have real cd's, I just like those better than MP3's. But I want them to do what makes the most sense for them as a band.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 01/27/2006 : 15:22:23
Very interesting, though I guess FB's been on record saying that for a few years now. Still, I wonder if the next album will be sans label. Or if maybe part of the experiment is that one of the discs will be download only?

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

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