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 Threshold Apprehension 7" ep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vilainde Posted - 04/06/2007 : 01:47:34
Yippy-fucking-yay! Threshold Apprehension 7" ep, out 05/28/07 on Cooking Vinyl!




"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carl Posted - 08/15/2007 : 12:37:49
Get Away, matto! ;)

"I hate how the reptile dreams it's a mammal. Scaley monster: be what you are!!" - Erebus.
matto Posted - 08/15/2007 : 12:30:02
CV promo cd on ebay if anyone would like to buy me it ;) :


sminki pinki
vilainde Posted - 07/02/2007 : 13:38:31
Originally posted by Sam

Ah you have to go Denis, you would nearly be the FB.net honourary guest.

I urge you on behalf of this whole forum. (as long as you guys are cool with it) to go and expierience the new band in all it's glory at it's first outing in Europe.

Christ it's history man, do it for your country and your forum.

I amd going to the gig in Amsteram and can hardly wait.

Go forth Denis and we shall all live vicariously through you for the evening.

For the record, Sam, you convinced me. I'll be eternally grateful for this.

(while you're here... Is "Why I Hate Women" worth buying?)


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
Adam Posted - 06/14/2007 : 17:31:50
Threshold Apprehension arrived in VA today. It is beautiful, and Get Away Oil is a great FB/BF B-side. It could be the answer/responce to Snake Oil, but I just imagine it being slipped into the setlist of an acoustic solo show.

7/27/99 9:30 Club DC
6/18/00 Fletcher's Baltimore
8/14/06 Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA
IceManCometh Posted - 06/13/2007 : 09:39:00
Hm...I'm not digging Get Away Oil. Sounds like a toss-off to me, which it probably is. Murky production too. I can't imagine listening to it again. Of course, Threshold Apprehension is awesome, though.
Sam Posted - 06/13/2007 : 06:34:54
Ah you have to go Denis, you would nearly be the FB.net honourary guest.

I urge you on behalf of this whole forum. (as long as you guys are cool with it) to go and expierience the new band in all it's glory at it's first outing in Europe.

Christ it's history man, do it for your country and your forum.

I amd going to the gig in Amsteram and can hardly wait.

Go forth Denis and we shall all live vicariously through you for the evening.

vilainde Posted - 06/13/2007 : 05:53:41
Well thanks for the kind words. I hope I'll be able to make it, though it won't be easy, with the kids at home and all.


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
Sam Posted - 06/13/2007 : 05:40:33
Originally posted by vilainde

[quote]Originally posted by Skatealex1

so how bout oinking this song

How about fucking yourself? Get it on itunes when it's available.

Like your style as ever Denis. Short and concise, and i always thought that French people tended to over elaborate and be over creative with language. Well that myth has been disproved.

Are you going to make the show tonight?
pixiestu Posted - 06/13/2007 : 04:50:10
I thought it was supposed to be on iTunes weeks ago. Is it ever going to be on?

"The arc of triumph"
Skatealex1 Posted - 06/13/2007 : 04:42:28
if it will ever be up on itunes

The Truth Is Out There
vilainde Posted - 06/13/2007 : 00:18:19
Originally posted by Skatealex1

so how bout oinking this song

How about fucking yourself? Get it on itunes when it's available.


"Can you hear me? I aint got shit to say."
Jason Posted - 06/12/2007 : 21:55:02
A minute long sampling of "Get Away Oil" can be found at http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=35573&ljb=1&tracks=60125:35573,60126:35573&type=music
Jason Posted - 06/12/2007 : 21:22:13
Originally posted by Grotesque

Originally posted by Jason

"Gat Away Oil".

It's not a big deal, but it's not bad. It sounds like a weird blues song. It's just Frank doing a singing-then-growling thing over a sole electric guitar. Parts of the melody remind me of "American Woman" by The Guess Who.

It's definitely a b-side sorta thing.

I dont get it anymore... Didnt somebody said Get Away Oil was the piano-drums song on blackfrancis.net ?

It is DEFINITELY not that song. Or any of the three other songs on blackfrancis.net.
Skatealex1 Posted - 06/12/2007 : 19:52:23
so how bout oinking this song

The Truth Is Out There
Daisy Girl Posted - 06/12/2007 : 18:36:32
I got mine in the mail yeserday. Amazing since I incorrectly put my mailing country as United Kingdom. I am one of those silly people who ordered and no longer has a record player... so I can't wait to hear it.

Grotesque Posted - 06/12/2007 : 18:19:05
Originally posted by Jason

"Gat Away Oil".

It's not a big deal, but it's not bad. It sounds like a weird blues song. It's just Frank doing a singing-then-growling thing over a sole electric guitar. Parts of the melody remind me of "American Woman" by The Guess Who.

It's definitely a b-side sorta thing.

I dont get it anymore... Didnt somebody said Get Away Oil was the piano-drums song on blackfrancis.net ?
Jason Posted - 06/12/2007 : 12:26:12
"Gat Away Oil".

It's not a big deal, but it's not bad. It sounds like a weird blues song. It's just Frank doing a singing-then-growling thing over a sole electric guitar. Parts of the melody remind me of "American Woman" by The Guess Who.

It's definitely a b-side sorta thing.

"Threshold Apprehension" sounds really good as a single. It also doesn't seem to be any kind of "radio edit", though I haven't analyzed it next to what leaked.
Jason Posted - 06/12/2007 : 10:48:12
Threshold Apprehension 7" has arrived in Lewisville, TX. According to the customs label, it was sent June 5. Sounds really good. I just put it on. Nice, fat drums on the a-side.

The cover is the same one as 1965 posted on a previous page.

If there's any coupon or code for a free download here, I don't see it. Not that it matters to me. I prefer making my own vinyl rips anyway.
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 06/11/2007 : 07:55:54
They have copies of the single available at Gibert Joseph - St Michel in Paris.
I bought mine today! But as I no longer have a turntable, I can't listen to the B-Side... What a delicious tragic life!


Ideal Copy Posted - 06/08/2007 : 16:23:01
for those still looking to purchase the new 7" in the U.S., please consider The Ideal Copy.

we are also carrying all 3 formats of the new 'best of 93-03'.
Adam Posted - 06/07/2007 : 16:29:51
I got the shipped today, also.

7/27/99 9:30 Club DC
6/18/00 Fletcher's Baltimore
8/14/06 Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA
Frog in the Sand Posted - 06/07/2007 : 11:19:40
You can hear 30 seconds of "Get Away Oil" here:


It really sounds like "Snake Oil" without drums.

BLACKOLERO le only Frank Black / Pixies site 100% in français
jackruby Posted - 06/07/2007 : 10:18:22
Originally posted by Jason

I just got the e-mail, too.

No record, yet, but I live in the US. Middle of next week probably.

I just received an email stating that my records have been shipped. If this is anything like my Christmass experience, I should be receiving them about mid-September, and one week later they will be available absolutely everywhere for around 50 cents a piece or so.
Jason Posted - 06/07/2007 : 08:04:58
I just got the e-mail, too.

No record, yet, but I live in the US. Middle of next week probably.
pixiestu Posted - 06/07/2007 : 05:47:12
Recieved mine this morning. I too haven't had an email though, so it was a suprise.

Oh wait, I did get one, an hour after it arrived.

"The arc of triumph"
Adam Posted - 06/06/2007 : 17:22:36
I have not received the single or an email from cooking vinyl saying it was shipped.

7/27/99 9:30 Club DC
6/18/00 Fletcher's Baltimore
8/14/06 Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA
Daisy Girl Posted - 06/05/2007 : 19:23:28
It's so beautiful...i can't wait. mine hasn't come yet (to the U.S.) yet, pixiestu.

pixiestu Posted - 06/05/2007 : 16:00:11
When did this get sent out? Should people who have ordered it have recieved it by now, or are many still waiting like me? I'm all anxious now!

"The arc of triumph"
coastline Posted - 06/05/2007 : 14:40:39
Originally posted by velvety

As Frank Black work ever had a visual side? I've always got the feeling that Frank had kind of a «Yeah, ok, whatever» attitude towards the artwork of his albums...?

I've often gotten that impression with the post-Pixies albums.

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
velvety Posted - 06/05/2007 : 14:31:19
As Frank Black work ever had a visual side? I've always got the feeling that Frank had kind of a «Yeah, ok, whatever» attitude towards the artwork of his albums...?
Grotesque Posted - 06/05/2007 : 11:40:48
It looks great, a bit like a Jesus And Mary Chain album. It's totaly retro, except it's not video/TV pixel we got there, it's clearly a computer grid of pixels like an internet compression, could this be from a possible youtube black francis homemade video for T A ??!
Between this new artwork, the small but looking great blackfrancis.net, and the possibility of having a Brood painting for the artwork of Bluefinger, I notice the "visual" side of Charles Thompson's work is totaly back in form! It might not be very important for pure music fans, but a LOT of people care about that. I guess I do to, a little. It's good to have good looking artwork along with good sounding music. Now WHAT is a good looking artwork? Well, everybody has different tastes, let's just say if you stay simple, it cant be bad. Photoshop easy effects (the threated FMRM picture) or letter with brown reflects (the first FB and the C's LP) are not my idea of simplicity.
matto Posted - 06/05/2007 : 10:37:52
sweet potato jebuz

sminki pinki
prozacrat Posted - 06/05/2007 : 10:21:17
Awesome. Awesome.

"Wait. Hold on. This is where the Pixies draw the line. We don't do the beach ball thing." - Frank
fbc Posted - 06/05/2007 : 09:24:18
it's available through recordstore.co.uk. it smells great, too!

floop Posted - 06/05/2007 : 08:27:26
where, 1965, did get this you?

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