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 The Sun reviewed Honeycomb and interviewed Frank

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonathan Posted - 07/16/2005 : 00:33:16
The Sun, for any non-Brits, is Britain's biggest selling daily by a country-mile, a red-top tabloid of the Murdoch stable, usually concerned with David Beckham and celeb-sex.

Not only did they interview Frank (although it does look to have been less than a five minute phone interview, or cobbled together from other interviews) and review Honeycomb, giving it five out of five (equivilent to a champagne supernova in their descriptive rating scale) but they put Frank on the front of their 'Something for the Weekend' Friday entertainment supplement.

Admittedly the intro started with "You may not know who Frank Black is..." but this is quite staggering for the such a paper (most of whose readers will not have heard of the Pixies let alone Frank) with sales of three million and an estimated readership of nine million.

Well done Franks' PR company, Honeycomb might actually sell a few copies in Britain! Unfortunately, The Sun are quite protective of their copyright and do not make full articles available online so I can't link to the review/interview. Left the paper at work but may be able to pick it up and scan it on Monday if anyone is interested, but the interview and review weren't much to read, it was just shocking to see him in The Sun. There was even a taster photo on about page 13.

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fbc Posted - 08/01/2005 : 02:18:58
i don't know how serious to take the interview, wheteher it's just mashed quotes from other sources or a legit chat with the Man.

The Honeycomb Tour news is pretty exciting however false they may be. Think i'm gonna believe them just this once.
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 07/30/2005 : 16:39:34
I spotted that one as well, Ziggy... SWEET!

How's that for a slice of fried gold?
Ziggy Posted - 07/30/2005 : 16:24:34
Surreal hahaha. Of course, the last paragraph ("Hugs and kisses...") kicked off the whole 'Pixies to record new album' fuss, didn't it?

Of interest is Frank's apparent hope to 'bring the Honeycomb band to the UK'.
fbc Posted - 07/30/2005 : 08:15:46
oh, and that's a 5 out of 5 next to his name

You hear England?
5 out of feckin' 5 for the Man!
fbc Posted - 07/30/2005 : 08:09:33
i've lost the original paper but here's the scan i promised a while back
nothing new, just Frank Black in The Sun

Carl Posted - 07/16/2005 : 05:47:09
He'll have his own funny home movies show on ITV, AT 6.00 on Sundays, next!! ;)
fbc Posted - 07/16/2005 : 04:41:19
it was a great surprise, wasn't it jonathan
i couldn't believe my eyes.
Frank Black with such a huge piece in probably the most viewed paper (tabloid) in our country.

Very smart move on frank's part.
Ten Percenter Posted - 07/16/2005 : 04:21:24
Hi Jonathan, thanks for this. FBC posted this in another thread, and scanned the article, plaease see:


"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)
billgoodman Posted - 07/16/2005 : 01:17:38
the same happened to me, I was shocked to see Frank Black on the cover of the dutch Metro 2 years ago.

But the Sun, man that's even more rare. Honeycomb is gonna skyrocket!

God save the Noisies

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