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 US tour in Fall

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
otto_jr Posted - 03/20/2004 : 10:05:32
Sorry if this has been posted before. Anyway, sounds promising.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
prozacrat Posted - 03/23/2004 : 07:48:48
I think we can all safely assume that this Geiger guy is somewhat... Fuck tact. The guy comes across as a jack ass. I think the Fine Line show in Minneapolis is going to be infinately more meaningful than Coachella. He's probably only thinking $$$$. And is he aware that the Pixies never really had any hits? Couple of tunes that skimmed the surface of the mainstream, yeah, but "all the hits?" Yeah, I agree these are "out of the way" places, but "nowhere places?" I also think that the warm up tour will be the LEAST low pressure dates they play. All the hardcore fans will be at these. All the toughest critics. Are we sure this guy is even talking about the Pixies?! Sheesh. Whatever. Regardless, he's a means to an end.

"And her head has no room."
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 03/23/2004 : 06:59:29
Yeah... "All the hits" and "nowhere places" really rubbed me the wrong way.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
TheCroutonFuton Posted - 03/22/2004 : 21:00:06

"Join the Cult of Gunn / And Then You'll Be Destined to be a Rock and Roll Star of Epical Proportions!"
El Barto Posted - 03/22/2004 : 20:59:32
Who is this Geiger wanker? He seems like such a tool. All these corporate jerk-offs making this sound so...mechanical. Like "this is just another band, another job." Exploiting the value of the whole reunion thing. Shitty.

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."
billgoodman Posted - 03/22/2004 : 15:50:53
Originally posted by TheCroutonFuton

They're going to play all the hits."


"Join the Cult of Gunn / And Then You'll Be Destined to be a Rock and Roll Star of Epical Proportions!"

Which one of there hits should they play first? Monkey gone to heaven or Here Comes Your Man?
A 2 song show, now that would be great!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
darwin Posted - 03/22/2004 : 11:53:53
"They wanted to do warm-up dates," says Geiger, who is senior VP at William Morris Agency. "In order to allow Coachella to be the first meaningful U.S. play, we're playing out-of-the-way, nowhere places on purpose. This is a low pressure, warm-up tour."

Nowhere places? I suppose LA and NYC are somewhere places. Geiger needs a lesson in not insulting fans.
Dr Gonzo Posted - 03/22/2004 : 10:51:09
That's just brilliant. "into December"!! I move from Ireland to Boston (Boston for fu<ks sake) for 6 months. When I'm gone the Pixies play Ireland, then when I leave the states, in September, they come back and play there. That's just fu<kin peachy!
Please let the first date of this Fall tour be in Boston in early September! If there is any justice!

Noooooo, my child, this is not my desire......
gk128 Posted - 03/22/2004 : 08:46:06
I pray to god that one of those 10,000 seat arenas will be the Mohegan Sun Arena in CT. Not only will it save me time to get there, but I can also get my ticket early and with a discount because my brother works there.

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TheCroutonFuton Posted - 03/20/2004 : 10:11:48
Asked what fans can expect from the shows, for which the Pixies have been rehearsing in secret in southern California, Geiger says, "It's huge -- bigger than I thought. The band is playing well together. They're going to play all the hits."


"Join the Cult of Gunn / And Then You'll Be Destined to be a Rock and Roll Star of Epical Proportions!"

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