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 Pixies Press Conference at Coachella

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The New Bolero Posted - 05/02/2004 : 09:21:53
The article metions a band press conference before the show. Sounds interesting, does anyone know more about what was covered?--the NME piece doesn't say too much about it.


PIXIES, RADIOHEAD, KRAFTWERK, and DESERT SESSIONS kicked off CALIFORNIA's COACHELLA festival yesterday (May 1) to a star-studded audience.

Jack Black, Alicia Silverstone, The Mars Volta's singer Cedric Bixler, Neve Campbell and Rosanna Arquette were amongst the celebrities who turned out for the first day of the music event.

Temperatures blazed to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the desert location, 130 miles outside of Los Angeles, but tens of thousands including former Hole guitarist Eric Erlandson, No Doubt bassist Tony Kanal, System of a Down guitarist Daron Malakian, and Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs braved the heat.

The day's highlight was the Pixies' evening set, which preceded Radiohead's closing performance. The group played for an hour on the main stage to a swelled crowd with a set list featuring the tracks 'Monkey Gone to Heaven', 'Debaser', and 'Here Comes Your Man'.

Earlier that day, the band held a press conference backstage and frontman Frank Black -otherwise known as Black Francis - spoke on why the band decided to reform.

"I made a joke to someone and then the joke got taken kind of serious. Everyone was asking us "When are you going to do the reunion?", so we were like "Well, I guess we should do it if everyone thinks we should do it anyway," he said.

Newly red-haired Brody Dalle took to the stage to perform with the Desert Sessions ensemble which also featured Queens Of The Stone Age singer Josh Homme, Chris Goss, Gene Troutman and Tim Van Hammel of Millionaire.

The festival continues today (May 2) with performances from The Cure, Bright Eyes, The Flaming Lips, The Cooper Temple Clause and Basement Jaxx.

35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ingersoll Posted - 05/16/2004 : 20:42:16
is it just me, or does frank look a little like Divine in those pictures?
josh homme Posted - 05/15/2004 : 15:21:51
You'll get the Radiohad concert too, but its lower quality

WARNING: No ILLEGAL MP3s are to be posted/linked to here. Thank you.
ShakeyShake Posted - 05/06/2004 : 11:50:31
Originally posted by Dave Noisy

I'm listening to the MP3 right now, he says 'we don't have any new songs, we've learned a new song..' - which to me suggests it's a cover to me..

Join the Cult of the Flying Pigxies - I'm A Believer!

Where'd you get the MP3 from?

"I joined the Cult of this guy / 'cause they took my other picture away
ShakeyShake Posted - 05/06/2004 : 11:45:57
Hah that's so cool.Harry Potter,those guys really know how to RAAAAWWWK

"I joined the Cult of this guy / 'cause they took my other picture away
madtempest Posted - 05/06/2004 : 07:26:16
hehe nice Dean, you rock man!
cvanepps Posted - 05/05/2004 : 11:05:34
Will Dave be electrocuting any pickles on this tour?
bumblebeeboy2 Posted - 05/05/2004 : 04:19:46
cool review! and thanks for the press conference transcipt... some interesting things. obviously the 'new song' - would hardly be surprised, frank seems to write 3 songs a day, probably over breakfast... so maybe he had a particually pixies sounding song in the pipe-line... or a song they may have tried once but never finished, or music they had without lyrics?

anyway the other interesting thing was how they actually decided to get back together... ie it started off as a joke and then they decided they should actually do it, as everyone wanted it. seems to confirm some of the sources some of us had at the time, who were saying it was just a rumour started by a joke or mis-quote...

and nimrod's son, my favourite version so far was the one that started off slow and then for the 2nd half was fast. not heard it done that way before (obviously heard the fast start and slow 2nd half loads), love it that way around!

Is it like today? Oh, oh, oh-oh. Then there followed days with kings, empires and revolutions. blood just looks the same when you open the veins. sometimes it was faith, power or reason as the cornerstone. but the furrowed brow has never left his face. he said, how did it come to this?
gr1bbly Posted - 05/05/2004 : 04:06:20

Quick review post - I was at Coachella at the weekend, and saw the Pixies live for the first time. It was great. At first I was a little disappointed - in comparison to the performances on the Gouge Away film the performance was definitely lower energy and not as tight. There's also no way they could have lived up to my excitement =] But a couple of songs in I really started to get into it as more of a "recital" than a rock concert. Frank was very dignified, and they all took it seriously and did justice to the songs. Frank let Kim do most of the talking, and it was cute when Joey ventured to say "hi" to the crowd (that drew Frank's only real spoken comment - "look at you!").

I did think the set list was very unadventurous - just one song each from Bossanova and Trompe ("Velouria" and "U-Mass"). I was hoping they'd play some "later" material, and having seen them I think some of the more mid-tempo, involved songs on the last two albums would suit them now. I would have loved to hear "Motorway to Roswell", or "All Over the World", or even "Olympus Mons". These songs would suit a more mature Pixies, but I guess wouldn't please the casual fan.

Highlight of the show for me was "Where is my Mind". Again, the lower tempo really suits them now. But mainly it was this huge crowd singing along with Kim's "oo-ooh", at sundown in the desert. Then Frank's incredible voice singing that beautiful melody. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking back to that moment. I was actually choked up by that, so although I'm ripping on them for being older, etc., it was definitely still a powerful performance. Of course I brought a lot of nostalgia from listening to those albums I don't know how many times...

"Hey" was also excellent (again, lower tempo). Finally the half-tempo "Nimrod's Son" really works for me. Frank sounded downright evil singing "the joke has come upon me" at that slow grind tempo, and his more casual laughter is more chilling than the Surfer Rosa version.

SelfEscape Posted - 05/04/2004 : 20:31:30
EDIT: nm, saw the thread.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/04/2004 : 10:26:28
Doesn't he say, "Well, we know one" ?

I'm at work, so I can't go back and review... feel free to update my transcription if it's blatantly wrong in any way (I think it's still the only print version of the press conference).

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
Dave Noisy Posted - 05/04/2004 : 10:01:34
I'm listening to the MP3 right now, he says 'we don't have any new songs, we've learned a new song..' - which to me suggests it's a cover to me..

Join the Cult of the Flying Pigxies - I'm A Believer!
pixie punk Posted - 05/04/2004 : 09:36:04
Nice pic of Frank live at Coachella (MTV Coachella Review) at: www.mtv.com
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/04/2004 : 07:45:14
I suspect it's FB testing the waters to see what the reaction would be to new Pixies material... that said, no idea if they actually have a new song or not, but given the short time they had to get back up to speed, I can't really see FB saying, "K, guys, here's a new song I wrote, let's take some time and learn it. It's got three parts, the first... "

Well, OK, I can, but...

I don't know!

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
benji Posted - 05/04/2004 : 07:38:56
so is the "new song" comment a joke?
anyone know?
i find it hard to believe that they hung out in the practise space for weeks learning the old songs and didn't once tinker with something new.

whether we'll ever hear it if it exists is a totally different matter.

"I joined the Cult of Frank / I think that man deserves a DB!"
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 22:45:30
No problems. You had to know I'd be typing it up when he mentioned Saskatoon as "where they just came from". :)

Last time he was here he wrote the press release for Show Me Your Tears (it was posted on Cooking Vinyl's site), and I think he ended it with, "Brrr... it sure is cold here." and then signed it "Frank Black, Saskatoon, Canada" and that had me smiling ear to ear. I'm such an over-the-top fan it's ridiculous.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
The New Bolero Posted - 05/03/2004 : 20:58:34
Thanks COF!
I left the vcr on MTV for eight hours last night, hoping to fast forward to a "news" segment on the Coachella show but had no such luck. They kept playing the same two "news" stories--one about a rapper getting his teeth capped with gold and another about rappers that dress up like clowns. I'm not kidding. MTV is much shittier than I thought, and I thought it was pretty lousy to begin with.
"Music" TV scooped by AM radio! Good for Air America.
mereubu Posted - 05/03/2004 : 19:26:08
Aww, that's sweet. Thanks, Dean.

"Join the Cult of Derek/Lest you incur his Tubbycizing wrath"
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 18:53:49
Part of the press conference that I could pull out from the Air America coverage:

Journalist: Is it a good time to come back?

FB: Is it a good time to come back? I dunno, we haven't really thought about it.

Journalist: How hard was it for everybody to get together and ...

FB: Oh, real easy, you know? You know, we all met at the same place at the same time. We all stopped at Starbucks before we went there. We actually got together the first time at the Breeders' rehearsal space in an industrial section south of Los Angeles.

Journalist: How many songs have you guys learned?

FB: Have we learned?

Journalist: Yeah.

FB: I don't know, how many? Kim has the master list, I don't know.

Joey: 40, something like that?
Dave: 40, 46?

Journalist: Are you guys going to play any new songs?

FB: New songs? No. We don't know any new songs yet... well, we know one... but it's a secret. <laughter>

Journalist: Why did you guys make this [Coachella] the first festival that you were gonna play?

FB: You know... we're just kind of on-board with the general concept, we don't really pick the shows, really. We just kind of let the actual agents do all that. We just show up and work out our little setlist, that kind of thing, right?

Journalist: I understand you guys didn't always enjoy the touring bit of it, how is it being back on the road?

FB: Well, we just went to Saskatoon... and Regina... and, uh.. Boise. And, uh, like, you know, every night we watch Harry Potter. That's Kim's choice. Kind of our evening little ritual, we all put Harry Potter on and climb in our little bunks together and...

Joey: ... watch Harry Potter
FB: ... watch Harry Potter.

Journalist: Every night?

FB: Every night.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
kingphilbert Posted - 05/03/2004 : 16:07:47
So, otehr than how the Pixies look, what was the press conference actually about? Did they announce anything or was it just to get some publicity going? They haven't had as much big press as I thought or hoped they would. No TV appearances yet either.

"I mix twinkie's and ding-dong's all the time. In Europe, they call it a Dinkie!"
ProverbialCereal Posted - 05/03/2004 : 13:53:44
Cool pics!

Wonder how many megapixels that webcam is. Sheesh.

Just quit a cult / going through withdrawal
FromLookingIntoTheSun Posted - 05/03/2004 : 13:40:14
Hope this fella doesn't mind linking to his blog (oo-er!)-

floop Posted - 05/03/2004 : 13:04:33
Originally posted by Ziggy

They're all ageing quite well. Wasn't it 'establishe'd that Dave's changed his looks as a means of avoiding recognition? Seems to be working...

"Me and the chickens running in the street"

Dave doesn't strike me as wanting to not be noticed, but kind of the opposite frankly. especially when he's doing his Magic tours with Frank and the occasional Pixies cover band (yes, he opened for a Pixies cover band).

i've often seen him hanging out at the bar or whatever at shows. (including Glass House, where i saw him next door at the Mexican place with some girl)
FromLookingIntoTheSun Posted - 05/03/2004 : 12:22:41
A bit more from that press conference. Harry Potter?

Star gazing

Those lucky enough to score coveted access to the VIP/press area mingled under the shade of a large complex of Moroccan-style tents and rubbed shoulders with some of the artists and a who's who of young Hollywood, celebrities such as Giovanni Ribisi and Casey Affleck (Cameron Diaz and Kelly Osbourne are also said to be Coachella regulars), whose famous faces regularly grace the pages of the entertainment magazines and supermarket tabloids.

Over in the press tent, the newly reunited Pixies sat down for an informal chat with select members of the press. When one reporter asked the Boston indie rock legends how their current tour, the band's first since they split in 1993, has been going given past complaints from the band about the rigors of touring, frontman Frank Black, aka Black Francis, responded, "Great. I mean, it's always satisfying to be on the stage."

"And every night after the show, we watch 'Harry Potter'," added drummer Dave Lovering. "It's sort of our evening ritual."

Lovering went on to say that he expected this year's Coachella experience to be better than his first.

"Well, I couldn't even get in last year," he explained. "I came with this crazy girl who said she had tickets but we got here and it turned out she didn't have tickets. She got in somehow and I ended up waiting outside listening to music for, like, three hours."


Here's the link to the full piece:


Harry Potter? I wonder if they read that article from The Sun newspaper. Spooky.
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 12:10:43
I agree with 'ya Sean, not that it would help me at all. Dave couldn't even get a camera pass for the Vancouver show. We're sorta' like their press agents.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
madtempest Posted - 05/03/2004 : 11:54:42
It was TOUGH getting press passes this year, even with band connections... only accredited members of the press were accepted, and even then not everyone got passes.

I think Dave and I need to put some pressure on the band... with all the coverage we give them, they should allow an exclusive pixiesmusic/frankblack.net interview session! :)
anazgnos Posted - 05/03/2004 : 11:21:08
Maybe he didn't like my screaming "MISSSTERRR LOVERRRRRING!!!" outside the Glass House, then?
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 11:05:57
I had no problem recognizing him, if that's the case.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
Ziggy Posted - 05/03/2004 : 11:03:54
They're all ageing quite well. Wasn't it 'establishe'd that Dave's changed his looks as a means of avoiding recognition? Seems to be working...

"Me and the chickens running in the street"
offerw Posted - 05/03/2004 : 10:19:19
Hehe, Frank looks like one of the guys in the Name Of The Rose (the film).

rockmusic84 Posted - 05/03/2004 : 08:46:18
Originally posted by gk128

Originally posted by rockmusic84

What do you expect? Frank, Joey, and Dave are 39, Kim is 43. Plus they all work hard on their various tours/projects/etc... (Especially Frank. Looking at some of the itineraries posted on this forum, he tours like it's going out of style!).

You know what I mean. Frank doesn't look half bad nor does Joey. Kim and David however... not their best pictures. David need to shave that shit on his face.

Dave looks better now than he did in the "Gouge" documentary. Joey really hasn't changed, except now he's sans hair.

Join The Cult of U-MASS - IT'S EDUCATIONAL!!!
gk128 Posted - 05/03/2004 : 04:47:37
Originally posted by rockmusic84

What do you expect? Frank, Joey, and Dave are 39, Kim is 43. Plus they all work hard on their various tours/projects/etc... (Especially Frank. Looking at some of the itineraries posted on this forum, he tours like it's going out of style!).

You know what I mean. Frank doesn't look half bad nor does Joey. Kim and David however... not their best pictures. David need to shave that shit on his face.

My CD List:
The New Bolero Posted - 05/02/2004 : 22:41:47
Originally posted by Johnny Yen

THey all look happy in that photo. Awesome.
I still think Kim looks fine.

I agree. She's got a bit of a turkey-neck going on in that picture but she's still the coolest thing going. the dandy warhols were right. as for the picture they do look happy--and proud and confidant and relaxed. and cool. they look like they know they're the shit. I'm still looking for more details about what was said during this press conference though.
Johnny Yen Posted - 05/02/2004 : 22:27:20
THey all look happy in that photo. Awesome.
I still think Kim looks fine.
mnsteelers Posted - 05/02/2004 : 21:33:28
I didn't notice any eye liner at the Spokane show but Frank was sporting some at the 2nd Eugene show. The Eugene show was a lot better. So, I say keep the eyeliner.
porkbone1 Posted - 05/02/2004 : 19:26:04
Originally posted by rockmusic84

Originally posted by misleadtheworld

Is Charles wearing eyeliner there?

Yes, but he's not dressed in black...

Join The Cult of U-MASS - IT'S EDUCATIONAL!!!

You know, I noticed he was wearing eyeliner, but I never thought of that reference! I think it's funny he's doing that, I wonder if it's a joke.

He wasn't wearing eyeliner in Minneapolis at the Fine Line, must have been added after a couple of shows...


The joke has come upon me

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