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 New (crappy) Pixies book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jordo Posted - 04/21/2005 : 21:17:04
I wasn't sure if I should put this in THIS forum or "general frank black chat"

I work at a bookstore and I found myself shelving a pixies book called "Gigantic". Is this new? I didn't see any posts about it...

I read most of it (nothing much happens at work...). It's horrible. He speeds through everything, he seems to genuinely hate Frank Black and 90% of the pixies music, and 100% of his solo work. He constantly calls franks lyrics lazy and uninspired, and has nothing but disdain for his solo work, ESPECIALLY Teenager of the Year, which he pretty much says is horrible and embarrassing. He hates Frank Black and the Catholics and goes on and on about what a horrible idea it was to record live (he says things like "the cymbals should be quieter!" etc... wow he must really know a lot about music...)

It's the coldest book I've ever read. It has no heart and is just shitting on Frank Black, and hell, music in general. It's a miserable read and no one should buy it. There's also nothing new or interesting in it. His writing style is sarcastic and trying to be "clever", except there's no point to any of it. It's literally the most smug writing I've ever read, it's pathetic.

Did I mention HALF of the book (ie just about every other chapter)is some sort of fictional (??) story called "Vicky's Story" that barely has any relation to frank black/the pixies? What the .. ??


my music! my music!
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Carl Posted - 07/06/2005 : 16:03:29
There is another book on the way, though, jimmy-a Pixies approved one, I think-possibly with contributions from the band.
jimmy Posted - 07/06/2005 : 16:00:41
There are tons of books on U2 and Madonna; the Pixies just aren't the type of band that there would be a lot of books about. And that's the sad thing about "Gigantic"- because it exists, there's less of a chance that a real writer will write a real book on the Pixies.
Carl Posted - 07/03/2005 : 16:06:44
I'm guessing it would be more fun if he wrote an autobiography about this Vicky character, and had a bit called Franky's story!
MissMaceo Posted - 06/30/2005 : 21:19:57
ok ok ok
i can accept that he would write about a band he didn't like EXCEPT that what kind of shity writer can't find a better job and turn that one down? especially if it was as 'difficult' and 'painful' as he claims??
Oh, one that actually INSERTS FICTION into the account of what is supposed to be a retelling of an ACTUAL EVENT I'm sorry.............vicky's story??? are you kidding me? you can MAYBE get away with that sort of interplay if you are an excellent writer and have a passion for your subject, but since neither of those seem to be the case, mr. mendelssohn, perhaps such an attempt should not have been made.
perhaps you should stick to writing for Blender.

MissMaceo Posted - 06/30/2005 : 14:51:22
This is all very interesting.
I've been feeling somewhat guilty for not having read it earlier.
I started on it last week and was pretty much bored/ irritated the whole time.
Glad I read all this, now I can take it back to Tower and get something worth finishing. Maybe Chuck P's new book.
Carl Posted - 06/28/2005 : 15:58:24
I'm getting the impression that you could randomly flick through the book and find an inaccuracy.
thedude Posted - 06/28/2005 : 08:23:30
I noticed this book at a Borders yesterday and gave it a quick look through. I pretty much went straight to the back part to see what was said about the Catholics.

I couldn't help cracking up after reading that they played a cover of Marvin Gaye's "Can I Get A Witness" in Clevelend shortly after the theft of their gear on the spring 2001 DITS tour.

I'm sure this guy got that information as a result of a review I did of this show and the Detroit and Columbus shows that were posted on an earlier Frank fan website (I can't remember the name of the website. It was pretty good and had some interesting facts about different tracks off of DITS and show reviews among other stuff)

The funny thing is, most Frank fans know he has a song called "Can I Get A Witness" that appears on Oddballs and its not a cover song. (How hard would it have been for the author to to figure that out?)

Well, while trying to come up with the setlists for the 3 shows, my friends ended up convincing me that this song was played in Cleveland. At this point, I'm fairly certain that they did not play the song that night and I'm wondering if it has ever been played live at all.

So, after reading that paragraph, I knew what kind of book this was and came to the Forum to see if it was getting trashed-and sure enough it is! I'm just getting a kick out of seeing my setlist mistake make it into the book.
Ziggy Posted - 06/28/2005 : 02:47:16
Nice to see it's in the bargain bin at HMV. £4.99 a copy!
floop Posted - 06/27/2005 : 20:26:22
Originally posted by Frog in the Sand

Btw, a French biography, simply titled 'The Pixies' and written by Emmanuelle Dazin, will come out on Aug. 26.

Publisher: Castor Astral
176 pages
Price 8,55 €

When will Frank find Lyle, Nick and Eric Drew again?

i can't read no French!
jimmy Posted - 06/27/2005 : 15:59:08
I read "Gigantic" this weekend (except for the Vicki's Story chapters)and I have to say that any decent person would be embarrassed to say they wrote it. It doesn't matter whether he likes the Pixies or whether he had any interest in them before he wrote it. All he had to was research his subject and present as much information as possible.

There are so many Pixies arcticles and interviews from UK magazines that US fans haven't seen and vice versa. This book could've been the perfect place to present a lot of interesting quotes.

And I no nothing about song structure and chord progressions, but if I were writing a book I wouldn't describe an album the same way I would in a web post: The first song is good, the next one isn't as good... I know its just a book about a rock band but I thought that there were still journalistic standards.

With a book like "Gigantic" it's pointless to call some parts of it more worthless than others, but the whole "Vicki's Story" aspect of the book is unbelievable. There is no way the author can call that anything but a cheap device to fill pages.

It isn't surprising to read the author's comments to Dean...Anyone who would write as shitty a book as "Gigantic", would, of course, complain that the book is the way it is because other people (the band, their agent) refused to cooperate. As if the quality of all non-fiction writing depends upon the assistance of its subject.

I honestly don't mind that the author doesn't like the Pixies or Frank Black- anyone could find fault with their recordings, and there is a lot to criticize- but what the author of "Gigantic" did wasn't taking an assignment and writing a book, just taking a check and filling pages.
Frog in the Sand Posted - 06/10/2005 : 09:15:48
Btw, a French biography, simply titled 'The Pixies' and written by Emmanuelle Dazin, will come out on Aug. 26.

Publisher: Castor Astral
176 pages
Price 8,55 €

When will Frank find Lyle, Nick and Eric Drew again?
Domestiques Posted - 06/10/2005 : 06:14:24
I spend around 3 hours a day on a bus to and from work, I read all the time on my journey, I prefer non fiction, particularly biographies, recently I have read Andrew Collins two books, Maconie's cider with roadies, crappy old style entertainers biographies. I am currently 90 pages into this pixies biography and it is the worst book I have ever read, badly researched, badly written, just appalling, I would recommend that if you have an urge to buy this, fight the urge and by the dirt by motley crue or wouldnt it be nice, the brian wilson biography, not this shit.

“I want to be a star!” I cried
They said, “You’re overqualified.
Why don’t you learn to tune your damn guitar?”
VoVat Posted - 06/09/2005 : 18:03:31
I know there used to be a LiveJournal of someone pretending to be Frank. I don't think it exists anymore, though.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Kirk Posted - 06/09/2005 : 16:08:05
Does anyone know what the hell this is about?:


"Frank Black is the former lead singer of the Pixies and now he's making Cam Gordon question everything."

Is it a journal entry from some pscho-fan of Frank Black?
switchy Posted - 06/09/2005 : 10:51:28
could somebody please post the "thanks" listed in the book? i think i helped the guy too, back before his douchbaggery was common knowledge, and i'm wondering if i got a mention.
TRANSMARINE Posted - 06/08/2005 : 07:56:34
Originally posted by Angry Simon

....it's about the fans aswell as the band!!! Surely that's a plus!!!??

Then why not interview real fans?

I was alone...in my BIG BED

Angry Simon Posted - 06/08/2005 : 07:50:33
....it's about the fans aswell as the band!!! Surely that's a plus!!!??
Angry Simon Posted - 06/08/2005 : 07:49:23
The point to vicky's story is to highlight how pixies sound came to affect the lives of 'normal' people. It's an excellent addition to the book and I'd love to see more examples of this in other works. It's a great read. The fact that is not entirely 'factual' takes the monotony out of it: the kinda monotonous grey-headed drivel you find with alot of biogs. It's good to witness not only the authors personality coming to life, but also that of vicky's and alans. Top read!!!
ross dundee Posted - 05/07/2005 : 10:54:51
my brother came home with the new (crappy) book and couldnt wait to start reading it but was very pist off with the whole book and advised me not to read it.I had a flick threw it and i could not believe the crap the author was coming out with!

gouge away
Carl Posted - 05/07/2005 : 06:56:59
I hav'nt read it, but it sounds damn well awful! In fact, I might read it just so as I can start a legitimate campaign to have it immeadiately taken out of print! ;)
Daisy Girl Posted - 05/06/2005 : 22:33:37
Ok ... I think the title of this thread should be changed to New (crappy) Pixies book... not to be confused by the cool Pixies book that is coming out soon.

The reason why I bought this piece of crap is that I ordered this book and five minutes after I realized I didn't order the cool Pixies book... They wouldn't let me cancel my friggin order!

When it came in the mail... the cover looked like it was printed on a color copier... I felt I was ordering one of those books that let any one publish a book for $5000... and you can judge a book by its cover in this case... crappy book cover ='s equally crappy book.

OK so here's the deal... if you are THAT curious about this book... go to your local bookstore... grab a cofeee and skim through this book. In 2 minutes you will realize it's a piece and you'll be glad you didn't by it.

So save your money for the new good book that is going to come out... for a Pixies concert ticket... a Pixies cd....anything but this!
TRANSMARINE Posted - 05/06/2005 : 13:32:06
Originally posted by Kirk

There are plenty of reviews of at amazon.com
Average Customer Review: 1 out of 5 stars

I'm speaking of media reviews...newspapers, magazines, etc.

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown

Kirk Posted - 05/06/2005 : 13:18:42
There are plenty of reviews of at amazon.com
Average Customer Review: 1 out of 5 stars

TRANSMARINE Posted - 05/06/2005 : 12:51:20
I just was on my lunch break and decided to go to my local bookstore. Sure enough, there were 2 copies of the Book In Question. I perused the thing for about 7 minutes. Like everyone has frothed, it is mesmerizingly and stupifyingly (is that a word? Maybe Mr. Mendelssohn could research it for me...oh, wait...that ain't his style!)inept. However, it was so trashy, I was HIGHLY entertained.

The pictures were kind of cool. And the captions, though inexcusable, caused a chuckle along with a simultaneous pain.

If anything, we shouldn't worry too much. If anyone reviews this book, I'm sure the general media consensus will be that Mendelssohn is more damaging to his own reputation than to those he aspires to, and never will, be.

Catchin' blue in his eyes that were brown

pixieslive.com Posted - 05/06/2005 : 04:01:29
Just got word from someone on this forum (thanks, LS) that I'm thanked/noted in the back of the book - having read the reviews here and on Amazon I'm not sure I should be happy with my fifteen seconds of fame or not.

I guess I'll pick it up this weekend, if the book is indeed the hatchet job all the reviews make it out to be I'll politely ask for the removal of my name from future(?) editions.

VoVat Posted - 04/27/2005 : 17:52:23
Thanks. To be fair, though, I WAS just making a wild guess.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
Daisy Girl Posted - 04/24/2005 : 13:21:00
Originally posted by VoVat

What I don't "get" about J M is that he would have sold a crap load more books if he would have even feigned he liked the Pixies.

Maybe he was just paid outright for the manuscript, rather than receiving royalties, which means he wouldn't really care that much how many copies it sells. Of course, in that case, you'd think the publishing company would want to have hired someone who liked the band.

Vovat, this is just another piece of evidence of your superior intelignce and reasoning You are so smart I am envious You rule!!!
I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.

Carl Posted - 04/24/2005 : 12:49:20
It's idiotic. He dos'nt have to be a slavering, obsessive fan. But it's like those articles in magazines, where the journalist has no interest in the subject. It's a bit cynical.
VoVat Posted - 04/24/2005 : 10:02:38
What I don't "get" about J M is that he would have sold a crap load more books if he would have even feigned he liked the Pixies.

Maybe he was just paid outright for the manuscript, rather than receiving royalties, which means he wouldn't really care that much how many copies it sells. Of course, in that case, you'd think the publishing company would want to have hired someone who liked the band.

I was all out of luck, like a duck that died. I was all out of juice, like a moose denied.
two reelers Posted - 04/24/2005 : 03:53:52
"This guy John wanted access to the band and we did not care to participate. You may draw your own conclusions. (FB)"

that says a lot, i mean the second sentence.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
Daisy Girl Posted - 04/23/2005 : 14:32:40
Thanks Dean. That was an interesting dialogue. What I don't "get" about J M is that he would have sold a crap load more books if he would have even feigned he liked the Pixies.

I mean what fan wants to pay money for a book where the the band gets trashed?

I accidently did thinking I was buying the other book and I would reccomend people wait for the other book that is coming out this summer.

Broken Face Posted - 04/23/2005 : 06:48:21


If you move I shoots!

fbc Posted - 04/23/2005 : 05:46:23
Word got out here, I don't know about the Pixie sites, and I haven't read any reviews anywhere in print (haven't botherd to look)

Thing is, go to a Frank Black gig in England and it will be sold out, but where are they all?
This place just seems to be for the cream of the crop (the die-hards, and i mean these terms very, very loosely), us fans who enjoy killing some of our own free time on this forum. We're not the only ones out there, just the few who log on. There are hundreds/thousands more FB fans out there never to grace this board, and probably alot more into Pixies too.

Like some of them, ha! and my mum, they may have walked past their local music/book store, saw the 'Gigantic' promotions and bought what they believed was a book on FB and the Ps.

I bet they've got some of their money back. We're not all in the know.
DruggedBunny Posted - 04/23/2005 : 03:48:00
The funny thing is, word gets out and the fans that are supposed to be the target audience for the book don't buy it. Great marketing plan, Mendelssohn! What a hack.

"Nothing to do about it..."
mosleyk Posted - 04/22/2005 : 15:55:15
Can you imagine if Kitty Kelly was commissioned to write a book on the Pixies.

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