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 Oct. 7th, 2006 - Memphis, TN
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7440 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2006 :  02:27:40  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Tickets requests, setlists, reviews... please post here.


= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2006 :  13:24:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I will be there front and center...and early.
I knew I was saving my 300th post for something muy importante...
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- FB Fan -

7 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2006 :  13:22:49  Show Profile  Visit aguyinarover's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi!! I am coming to the show from Illinois. Any good hotels you can recommend? Any good bars you can recommend?
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

5448 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2006 :  13:55:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Beale Street has many, many bars. There was one small place connected to a restaurant with Sierra Nevada Porter on tap, but I don't remember the name of the place. Good luck.
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2006 :  08:32:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Darwin may be talking about the Flying Saucer right off Beale. Great selection of beers. As for hotels, the legend is the Peabody. By now hopefully you've already booked something. I'm 3 hours away myself and always stay with family in Memphis, so unfortunately I can't help you too much on hotel recommendations. Put it this way, though: Admiral Benbow = bad; Embassy Suites = good.
(PS ANYBODY KNOW IF FB WILL BE DOING AN IN-STORE ANYWHERE IN MEMPHIS like in Nashvegas????? Richard (OMIACC), where you at, man???)
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

5448 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2006 :  09:09:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually I went to the Flying Saucer as well. They had a great selection (however my Anchor Steam seemed flat) and let's just say the waitresses were mighty impressive. But, the place I was talking about was on Beale Street and the only distinguishing feature it had (other than Sierra Nevada Porter on tap) was an old nude painting on an piece of wood hanging above the bar.
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2006 :  09:14:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
About a possible in-show, I don't think it's happening, unless I'm missing a record store here. I just called these seven on or near Beale and none of them are having an in-store on Saturday:
Memphis Music Records
Strange Cargo
Good Times
If anybody thinks of any more and wants to call, let us know.
See you there (my pic is in my profile).
-FranknWeezer (Ryan)
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- FB Fan -

16 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  13:29:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just checked in at the Peabody... Nashville show was great. See you all at the NDT.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1467 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  14:57:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
awight Ryan, ej, et al, it won't be long 'til Showtime.



While waiting for "Schwarma", I joined the "Cult of System of a Down", Huh...
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  15:45:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm fired up ladies and gents.
The Buddah of Rock awaits!
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* Dog in the Sand *

1467 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  15:49:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FranknWeezer

The Buddah of Rock awaits!

check out the new song, Gyaneshwar.


While waiting for "Schwarma", I joined the "Cult of System of a Down", Huh...
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* Dog in the Sand *

1467 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  15:51:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey man, you taking your girlfriend, friends, or solo tonight?


While waiting for "Schwarma", I joined the "Cult of System of a Down", Huh...
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2006 :  22:33:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm back from the Memphis show. Went solo and left the wife and baby at the in-laws' house (they live in Collierville). My wife had to be in town this weekend for a baby shower for her sister anyways, so it worked out that I got to come alone. We drove over 3 hours from our home in Jackson, MS...me on a pilgramage to see the Buddah of Rock.

Never did get any info an any in-store appearances, so I waited to head to the show a bit after doors opened at 7. The opening act, Kentucky Prophet, is an enormous sweaty guy who raps to tunes on his mp3 player. He was about as talented as you probably imagine he was. Heard him say he's got a myspace if anybody's interested. Not me...

This crowd, IMO, just wasn't there for the "Frank", if you get my drift. I got lots of blank stares at my FB&C's t-shirt. Got the feeling people just drifted in off Beale Street to see the 'old Pixies singer', which is expected to some degree.

This lineup was just Billy Block, Duane Jarvis, Eric Drew Feldman, and FB, not all the Cats that played in Nashvegas. I'll post some pictures and get my entire show review up tomorrow. Also got some miniclips on my digital camera, so you can hear some very short clips of "Do What You Want Gyaneshwar", "Dog Gone" and "Calistan". Also got a pic of the setlist and bought a cool gig poster that FB personalized for me (to Ryan from Fra Bla...though he called it "Fran Blan"). Got to talk to him and EDF for a brief moment outside his bus, but you know how those things go...the Man's got to crash when the Man's got to crash. He did say he remembered me from our long visit in Oxford, MS back in Jan. of '99, so that was cool.

My overall impression of the show was this: can't think of a better way to spend a night than hearing FB, even if it wasn't my favorite show of his. It was heavy on FMRM, obviously, but in alot of places it needed keys (and damn I miss the pedal steel!). I dig me some FB like nobody's business, but on stage (at least tonight) the new stuff just sounded like a few guys sitting around doing a little jam session and it didn't have the tight sound of the catholics. I could tell FB is getting used to having these guys on stage with him as opposed to doing session work with them. Not that this is a bad thing...just was different. Block has got tons of energy and smiles nonstop. Communicated very well with FB leading into different songs. Thought his stiff-wristed style was interesting an something you don't often see in rock bands these days. He seems like a great personality, and I like him in the band. My brother has met him in Nashville numerous times and tells me he's well regarded as a musician and also a very nice person. The guy obviously was having a ton of fun up there. EDF was in a daze and just kind of hung out. Told me afterwards he did bring the keys along, though...just not enough 'personnel' to play them on this leg of the tour. I enjoyed also watching Duane Jarvis play the lead...he also seemed to be having a good time on stage. He played a black Gibson Les Paul and a bright red axe, the identity of which I'm unsure. I just found out that Jarvis has played with John Prine. Who could be more perfect on lead guitar for FB than a guy who knows how to play both "Sabu Visits the Twin Cities Alone" and "Calistan"??? He had what I assume was chord pro's or tabs, etc. on a music stand to his left, and he seemed to be feeling his way out on the older stuff. However, he seemed to be comfortable with and really cut up on the new stuff, for obvious reasons. I missed FB's old Takamine w/ the hole worn in it. He played both an acoustic and a Tele. We got one encore (Sing for Joy), but according to the setlist, missed out on a second which would have been Sister Isabelle. As usual, FB wasn't talkative in the least. He has definitely trimmed up and was downing water the entire time. His voice is in tiptop shape. Eyeliner was kicking. FB was FB.

All in all, it was a 6-7/10 show on a FRANK BLACK scale (which is second to none)...as for music in general, it was an 11, if that makes any sense. Glad I was able to make the trip, and I look forward to reading reviews of his other shows along the way. I'll get the good stuff posted tomorrow.


Edited by - FranknWeezer on 10/08/2006 22:46:02
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2424 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  03:40:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That sounds like a fair review. Can't wait to see the pics!
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* Dog in the Sand *

1467 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  07:01:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Ryan, thanks for the prompt, concise, and observant post.

It doesn't sound as if we saw the same band. I'm gonna briefly compare and contrast the show Frank did in Nashville with your observations of the Memphis show.

1. After his first 2 songs, solo acoustic, Frank orchestrated an impressive ensemble. He was extremely happy/proud to have David Hood and Spooner Oldham aiding in Frank's pursuit of that "Night Train To Georgia", e.g. that soulful grove which FMRM and Honeycomb require.

Notice the Nashville setlist (page 2 of Oct 4, Nashville thread http://forum.frankblack.net/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16738&whichpage=2)
Wave, AATW, and HEY were all thick slow grove songs using heavy bass and keyboards.

Please note how Frank scripted the entrance/exits of the musicians.

Frank engaged in a lot of banter with the band and the audience in Nashville. He gave Jon some shit about the shirt Jon was wearing, something about it being too bright. (Jon's guitar and backup vocals were full of energy, I really enjoyed HEADACHE.)

Beginning with 10%, it was all Frank and his FMRM touring band.

EDF was certainly not very animated on stage, however, he had his bass cranked up here. He was very attentive to his playing and sounded great.

Billy banged the hell out of those drums and worked well with Frank in finishing a song and beginning the next one.

DJ had his charts, as did Eric, however, he didn't appear to be very dependent on them, he didn't go to them much. He was given a fair amount of solo time in each song and didn't waste any of it.

And The Man looked great, very dapper. I dug the hell out of his fancy shirt. Loved the cuffs and colar.

When you get a chance, continue with your opinions and observations about the Memphis show.
[Sister Isabelle, mmm, mmm, mmm!]


While waiting for "Schwarma", I joined the "Cult of System of a Down", Huh...
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- FB Fan -

16 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  07:17:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FranknWeezer

I dig me some FB like nobody's business, but on stage (at least tonight) the new stuff just sounded like a few guys sitting around doing a little jam session and it didn't have the tight sound of the catholics.

Don't know about that, but judge for yourself:


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* Dog in the Sand *

1467 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  07:28:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey EJ, thanks for the video, got more?


While waiting for "Schwarma", I joined the "Cult of System of a Down", Huh...
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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  07:31:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow. I've really been digging Dead Man's Curve, from all the solo acoustic shows, but the plugged-in version truly kicks ass. I hope this is the future of FB. I liked the Nashville stuff quite a bit, but it's so nice to hear Frank rock.

I was all dressed in black / She was all dressed up in black.
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= Cult of Ray =

536 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  07:59:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Holy crap, thank you for that.
I wasn't sure about Dead man's curve and all the praise it's been getting around here, but that little film just blows me away. I hope the next album sounds a bit more like what's in that video.
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- FB Fan -

237 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  09:31:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
jesus christ this song rocks with the full band! In the same vain that solid gold rocks for example. For those of you who have heard the new song, is it rock-oriented like this one?
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2424 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  09:36:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, thanks for that video. Marvellous.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1446 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  11:17:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another big thanks for the video. I'm seeing Frank tomorrow night (for the first time in 3-1/2 years, in a non-Pixies setting) and am practically popping my top in anticipation. That video was a swell appetizer.
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-= Modulator =-

United Kingdom
4903 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  13:23:48  Show Profile  Visit fbc's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ejcampbell

Don't know about that, but judge for yourself:


This is something special. Thanks for sharing it.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7440 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  14:08:57  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Freaking amazing video. Thanks.


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Miss Thing
- FB Fan -

49 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  17:27:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just watched the You Tube snippet of Dead Man's Curve, and all I can say is that Old Man In A Coffee Can's assessment of my state of "jonesin'" is fairly accurate right now
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  19:23:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Alright, here I am back to complete my review.

I must say while I'm critical of my favorite rocker of all time, there is still none better. The show did have its high points. Ten Percenter as the opener was right on target. Loved it live so much better than I ever did on s/t. Remake/Remodel was really good...always nice to have a tasty B-Side treat. Of the slower numbers, I enjoyed Dog Gone, I Burn Today, I'll Be Blue and Sing for Joy. Of the more upbeat numbers, I most enjoyed Calistan (my favorite of the night), Johnny Barleycorn and Dead Man's Curve. JB was much better live than on the album.

I guess most of my slight disappointment came from there being too many laid back numbers that would have worked better in a smaller, less "concert-like" setting that were just tough to appreciate in a setup like the New Daisy. The set dragged for awhile, and you can see where when you check out the setlist.

Again, I'm just being brutally honest and not ripping The Man whatsoever. I just hated I couldn't have made the 6 hour trip to NashVegas to see more of his reportoire including so many more of the Cats. Then again, like many of us, I still badly miss los catolicos. Badly.

Charles was very nice to speak with, as usual, after the show. We recounted having met back while I was in college when I got the rare chance to spend a great deal of time with him after he finished loading in his own gear. That one was one for the ages, and I guess each of these shows thereafter is colored by the fact that Jan 29 1999 will likely never be topped...but so be it.

Setlist follows:
Ten Percenter (just WOW)
Living on Soul
Suffering (never liked it on FBC's s/t...still don't care for it)
My Terrible Ways (if I recall correctly he recommended the band take a bathroom break here b/c they hadn't practiced this with him prior...they did just fine, though)
Dog Gone
Beautiful Day/Horrible Day
Bullet (really missed the album sound on lead here, but Jarvis did fine)
I Burn Today
I'm Not Dead (I'm in Pittsburgh)
Do What You Want Gyaneshwar (so far I like what I hear from this one but don't have a clue what it's about)
Calistan (how can you top him dusting off this old FB solo gem?
I'll Be Blue
The Swimmer
Johnny Barleycorn (the band really got into the bg vocals on this one...loved it)
Nadine (I thought Block was excellent on drums here)
Six sixty six (revved up version, not the slow FB solo one)
Deadman's Curve (as you saw from the above clip, rocked)
-Encore- (semi-encore, really...never left the stage)
Sing for Joy

As is par for the course, I clammed up and didn't get to ask FB anything I really wanted to like if he understands SFDD is the greatest FB solo song of all time and he badly needs to pick up the liner notes to DITS and learn the lyrics so he can dust that one off live for his army... I did get to chat w/ EDF for a bit while waiting for the swarm to leave FB alone for a second (I don't really like to stick my pen and stuff in anybody's face). He said FB's eyeliner is more a creature of FB thinking it makes him look like Marlin Brando than anything else...said Miss Thing did't put him up to it, either ;-) Asked EDF if he still remembered how to play Professor's Theme on keys (used to open shows with it back in '93 or '94) and he said he honestly couldn't recall what I was talking about. He asked me what it was the theme song to, and I mistakenly said NARC, instead of One Step Beyond, which I believe was correct. Anyways, EDF was I think just surprised somebody knew who he was...nice guy by the way.

Forgot to tell OMIACC that prior to my haste to get to the concert, I'd planned to print out a couple of his pics from Grimey's and get them signed to send back to him. Of course, and I shouldn't even be mentioning this, I waited so long to get around to it that I couldn't get the printer to print on anything but regular paper (it was my mother in law's machine and I had no help with it at the time), so I printed out the big pic of him w/ guitar in one hand and PBR bottle in the other and took it to get signed. After the show, I ended up buying a gig poster that he signed for me, so I just gave him the printed pic since he remarked on the Grimey's thread that he liked it. So sorry Richard, but at least he has your work in hand.

I'll close by saying that there are few things in life I value as much as the music of Frank Black, and it's a tough ticket for him to live up to the way I play out in my head how "I" would most like his shows to be. I've seen him now live 5 times since '94, which is no small feat for a guy who lives in Jackson, Mississippi (not exactly Guitar Town). In my book, even though the show was not how I would have scripted it, I had a blast, and FB can just about do no wrong.


p.s. YouTube clips and pics are in my posts below- FnW

Edited by - FranknWeezer on 10/08/2006 22:36:37
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  19:54:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are the YouTube clips (sorry they're maddeningly short...blame my crap camera, but at least they're something to whet your appetite for FB!):
1. Dog Gone (part 1)
2. Dog Gone (part 2)
3. (Do What You Want) Gyaneshwar
4. Calistan
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= Cult of Ray =

356 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  20:21:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And here are my pictures (feel free to imbed these on this page if you know how...I couldn't make it work):



Edited by - FranknWeezer on 10/08/2006 22:32:44
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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  20:31:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i didn't know Gandalf played drums

at least that's what your mom said
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= Cult of Ray =

411 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  21:11:17  Show Profile  Visit Apesy's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Jesus Christ, does "Gyaneshwar" ever sound awesome.

The 24th can't come soon enough.

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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  21:28:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think "Gyaneshwar" sounds like a Pixies song. The lady of the house said the same.

I was all dressed in black / She was all dressed up in black.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3111 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  21:34:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh, and by the way, thanks a million, FnW, for the fantastic review and the video clips. Very much appreciated.

I was all dressed in black / She was all dressed up in black.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1834 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  23:16:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FranknWeezer
I'll close by saying that there are few things in life I value as much as the music of Frank Black, and it's a tough ticket for him to live up to the way I play out in my head how "I" would most like his shows to be. I've seen him now live 5 times since '94, which is no small feat for a guy who lives in Jackson, Mississippi (not exactly Guitar Town). In my book, even though the show was not how I would have scripted it, I had a blast, and FB can just about do no wrong.


Great post guy, just great! I’m also somebody who has to trek a bit to get there. As I’ve posted elsewhere, I’ve just now heard a boot of the new band, albeit as mere opener, and want to hear more and hopefully will. Love the Ferry cover, the Raiderman, the Dead Man’s Curve, the starker Nadine. Feldman deserves to know how he’s regarded, good on you. And, by an ancient way, I passed through Jackson, at 2 a.m. on an anonymous night on a grunt-invested bus from South Carolina to Dallas, about 22 years ago. Smoked a cig in the dark at your lonely bus station. Enjoyed it. Frank was about eighteen then, still dreaming I suppose. Thank you.

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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2543 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2006 :  23:57:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FranknWeezer

And here are my pictures (feel free to imbed these on this page if you know how...I couldn't make it work):



FranknWeezer, could you upload those pics to the FB.net photogallery please, then I can process them. Thanks.

There's a sticky near the top of this forum that gives info on how to and stuff.

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Edited by - Llamadance on 10/08/2006 23:58:33
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2424 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2006 :  00:57:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, 'Gyaneshwar' seems like an excellent song.
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- FB Fan -

7 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2006 :  07:30:26  Show Profile  Visit aguyinarover's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The Bathroom break comment actually came right before Gyaneshwar.

Does anyone have the lyrics to this?
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