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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2020 :  10:20:42  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I see what you mean. But I only emphasize again I am not basing perceptions on stereotypes. I'm basing it on anecdotes from my own life. I did not like how pot seemed to make my friends boring and distant. This was the effect it had on almost all of them over the years. It turned me off to it intensely (also the smell, which I despise, and which made my eyes get red and hurt so it got to a point I'd have to leave the room if people started smoking.)

I will say it again: not stereotyping. This is from my life.
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> Teenager of the Year <

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Posted - 06/14/2020 :  10:51:06  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The smells comes from terpenes, such as limonene and pinine and myrcene to name but a few. These things also makes up the smell of lemons, pine trees and lavender (for instance). All the terpenes and subsequent smells associated with them are found in other places in nature. So to say you don't like the smell of weed is essentially the same as saying you don't like the smell of fruit or nature in the summer.
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2020 :  14:15:48  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I thought we were getting somewhere. You are doing the exact same bizarre logic as you just did before, telling me that I can't possibly have my own opinions or involuntary reactions to things.

I enjoy the smell of pine and I enjoy lemons. The smell of weed is disgusting to me. The smoke from weed made my eyes red and sting to the point I could no longer tolerate it. This happened several times at the college dorm and apartments I would hang out in. You can't possibly tell me this didn't happen. Please try to be rational here.

It's completely ridiculous to state that if I don't like one smell I must say I hate another totally different smell. You can talk about the chemical make up all you want but a smell is a smell. I wonder if you did a random poll and asked people if the smell of weed is 100% identical to a lemon, what they would say? Why are you so against me having my own personal opinions on this?

A lot of smells found naturally in nature are unpleasant. What's your point there?

You must be aware your bizarre advocacy for weed at the absence of all logic and rational thought is doing more to turn me off the stuff than any years of hanging out with high friends might.

Edited by - Troubles A Foot on 06/14/2020 14:16:48
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> Teenager of the Year <

3910 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2020 :  18:44:43  Show Profile  Visit pot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Don't even bother looking into the various options that are available that don't involve smoking it or getting high from it then. Your loss, not mine. Makes sod all difference to me either way.
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