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 Songs with little to no live airings
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= Cult of Ray =

271 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  11:46:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was listening to Trompe on the way home from work yesterday and, as I was listening to Space (I Believe In), I started thinking about how interesting it would be to hear that as the opening song at a pixies show. If I heard that I would have no idea what to expect next....
so today I trotted off to setlist.fm to see if it has ever been played and they have no record of it.
got me thinking which other songs you'd like to hear at a show which haven't been played much or at all before. and where in the setlist should they be placed??

= Cult of Ray =

271 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  11:48:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
actaully, Space seems to be the only song from Trompe they haven't played (unless a show it was played at wasn't logged)...
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> Teenager of the Year <

3210 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  11:59:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I believe it was never played live

Benji and other forum members can probably confirm
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* Dog in the Sand *

1353 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  12:01:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The money I'd shell out if I *knew* Space (I believe in) was guaranteed to be on the setlist.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3210 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  12:19:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think there is a thread (maybe I started it?) on what is the oldest 1.0 songs played the least. I think it’s the ones from side two of SR, minus WIMM, Cactus, and Brick of course
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* Dog in the Sand *

1695 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  16:43:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Could be fun to hear them put Manta Ray in a setlist. Also from Bossonova- All Over the World as well as Dig for Fire. I think Dig for Fire was a single back in the day so I'm not sure why they've skipped over that one in recent years.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2022 :  22:35:49  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Skatealex1

Could be fun to hear them put Manta Ray in a setlist. Also from Bossonova- All Over the World as well as Dig for Fire. I think Dig for Fire was a single back in the day so I'm not sure why they've skipped over that one in recent years.

Maybe it's too hard for them to play?
Because it's clearly a beautiful song

This goes for Dig for Fire and Space

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2022 :  00:25:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
By my reckoning, during the 2.0 era I've seen them play everything (not including the tribute album stuff etc.) but these:

All Over The World
The Happening
Blown Away
Hang Wire
Stormy Weather

Trompe Le Monde
Palace Of The Brine
Letter To Memphis
Bird Dream Of The Olympos Mons
Space (I Believe In)
Lovely Day
The Navajo Know

Make Believe
I've Been Waiting For You
The Thing
Theme From Narc
Evil Hearted You

Ring The Bell
Another Toe In The Ocean
Jaime Bravo

Of those, I think Blown Away and Hang Wire have been played although quite rarely and Another Toe had an outing during the IC era.

Edited by - stuczuba on 08/13/2022 00:28:06
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2022 :  07:53:31  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Stormy Weather was played too

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2022 :  07:58:35  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Stuff like Hang Wire, Lovely Day, Palace, Memphis...how can you skip those?

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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* Dog in the Sand *

1695 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2022 :  21:38:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by billgoodman

Originally posted by Skatealex1

Could be fun to hear them put Manta Ray in a setlist. Also from Bossonova- All Over the World as well as Dig for Fire. I think Dig for Fire was a single back in the day so I'm not sure why they've skipped over that one in recent years.

Maybe it's too hard for them to play?
Because it's clearly a beautiful song

This goes for Dig for Fire and Space

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Hear that. I could see some of those being tricky to play too.
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2022 :  06:44:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They are professional musicians, there's nothing in their back catalogue that couldn't be re-arranged a little to suit their current line-up. They've pretty much stopped using Paz' foot pedals, which could fill in some of that EDF business.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2476 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2022 :  11:56:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by stuczuba

By my reckoning, during the 2.0 era I've seen them play everything (not including the tribute album stuff etc.) but these:

All Over The World
The Happening
Blown Away
Hang Wire
Stormy Weather

Trompe Le Monde
Palace Of The Brine
Letter To Memphis
Bird Dream Of The Olympos Mons
Space (I Believe In)
Lovely Day
The Navajo Know

Make Believe
I've Been Waiting For You
The Thing
Theme From Narc
Evil Hearted You

Ring The Bell
Another Toe In The Ocean
Jaime Bravo

Of those, I think Blown Away and Hang Wire have been played although quite rarely and Another Toe had an outing during the IC era.

'Blown Away' gets played now and then on most tours, going back to 2004. I don't think 'Hang Wire' has been played at all - which is mad, really!

I don't dislike 'Another Toe in the Ocean' as much as some, but the production is horrible and the song goes on for far too long.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2022 :  12:41:23  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
"I don't dislike 'Another Toe in the Ocean' as much as some, but the production is horrible and the song goes on for far too long"

This is so true. One of the head scratchers on that record.
How on earth would you decide to go into yet another chorus.
Vocals sound afwul too.

And the song is quite good.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2022 :  13:28:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It felt like Another Toe was the rotation song at the time.

I think you're right about Hang Wire not getting played and I've confused it with Stormy Weather
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2022 :  00:49:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I reckon The Happening with Charles on the acoustic and alternating the overlapping vocals with Paz for that long outro would sound amazing.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2022 :  00:57:48  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by stuczuba

I reckon The Happening with Charles on the acoustic and alternating the overlapping vocals with Paz for that long outro would sound amazing.

This is why we need a Bossanova-tour.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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* Dog in the Sand *

1874 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2022 :  00:24:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Joey « kind of » answered this back in 2014, i think me or someone else on the forum asked the question (i reposted the interview at the end of the thread). Very short answer.

Btw many of those songs were played during the 1.0 era with a 2nd rythm guitar player (joeys brother) and often EDF on keyboards.
Dunno if theres some guitar logistics involved, but Palace and Memphis are « Drop D’s » with capos. And Charles would need an extra guitar because you can’t play Palace with a capo on 1st fert on a standard telecaster. Like he did on the 91 tour.

I remember Memphis was on the setlist of a rehearsal during the Kim Shatting Era, but it eventually wasnt played.

"Service Unavailable"

Edited by - picpic on 08/23/2022 00:25:43
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2476 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2022 :  04:05:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by picpic

Joey « kind of » answered this back in 2014, i think me or someone else on the forum asked the question (i reposted the interview at the end of the thread). Very short answer.

Btw many of those songs were played during the 1.0 era with a 2nd rythm guitar player (joeys brother) and often EDF on keyboards.
Dunno if theres some guitar logistics involved, but Palace and Memphis are « Drop D’s » with capos. And Charles would need an extra guitar because you can’t play Palace with a capo on 1st fert on a standard telecaster. Like he did on the 91 tour.

I remember Memphis was on the setlist of a rehearsal during the Kim Shatting Era, but it eventually wasnt played.

"Service Unavailable"

BF was swapping guitars like crazy in those later shows (and still has a few to choose from at the side of stage in the current run).

Listening to the live recordings from that era (and in the famous 1991 London filmed performance), while Bob's contribution is very welcome, it's often more of a doubling up of the rhythm guitar than a distinct different part. I.e playing acoustic on 'Motorway to Roswell' while Charles plays a Tele.

Letter to Memphis was played without the capo during that era (I prefer the studio version!). Rock Music was also played a semitone lower, for some reason.

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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2022 :  05:48:53  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by picpic

Joey « kind of » answered this back in 2014, i think me or someone else on the forum asked the question (i reposted the interview at the end of the thread). Very short answer.

Btw many of those songs were played during the 1.0 era with a 2nd rythm guitar player (joeys brother) and often EDF on keyboards.
Dunno if theres some guitar logistics involved, but Palace and Memphis are « Drop D’s » with capos. And Charles would need an extra guitar because you can’t play Palace with a capo on 1st fert on a standard telecaster. Like he did on the 91 tour.

I remember Memphis was on the setlist of a rehearsal during the Kim Shatting Era, but it eventually wasnt played.

"Service Unavailable"

Wow, amazing to read again. Joey was pretty hard on Kim S.
That was a weird time

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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> Teenager of the Year <

3210 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2022 :  12:26:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Couldn't open the full interview for some reason but love the quotes.

I like the Kim S. era of 2.0 (Kim 2.0 of 2.0). It seems like they were fast and loose but nervous and weirder than ever in some ways. That one show where they take forever to start playing after taking the stage and finally bust out big new prinze is terrific.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1874 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2022 :  08:24:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wonder if Charles is ashamed of some songs ? I remember him saying he regretted not having rewritten some later 1.0 Pixies songs.

"Service Unavailable"
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2022 :  09:28:33  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by picpic

I wonder if Charles is ashamed of some songs ? I remember him saying he regretted not having rewritten some later 1.0 Pixies songs.

"Service Unavailable"

Yeah, what on earth is that about? Those albums are the best of the bunch.

Only Space has some obvious "I don't know what I can write about, let's sing about this guy Jef over here"-lyrics.

And I really like them as novelty lyrics

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
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