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 London Palladium, February 6
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2025 :  03:13:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi fellow FB.netters,

Anyone else attending this show? And maybe interested in a pre-show meet up / beverage? I will be arriving in London in the early hours of the day.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2475 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2025 :  22:43:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good idea! Looking forward to the show.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2025 :  09:14:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are you a local...? Any recommendations for a nearby place?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1083 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2025 :  06:57:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Near the Palladium theatre, there's the Clachan on Kingly Street and the Argyll Arms close to the Oxford Street station. But these are traditionnal pubs... I don't know if there are still warm places in this area of London in 2025... Anyway. I should be with my wife around there a couple of hours before the show. It would be fun to meet.


Edited by - Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo on 01/31/2025 06:58:10
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2025 :  08:39:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would be great to meet - drop me an email at nittinatti at yahoo dot co dot uk if you like (the email stored in the fb.net database is long defunct).

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2025 :  10:50:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Will likely be venturing solo, so I'm interested! Don't know London particularly well but those two pubs look very nice. I'm told Old Coffee House, The Glasshouse Stores and The Dog & Duck are worth a visit but they're a bit further out.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2025 :  10:52:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo
* Dog in the Sand *

1083 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2025 :  23:58:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


Edited by - Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo on 02/02/2025 23:59:30
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2475 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2025 :  00:32:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Yeah it's seated!
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2025 :  00:52:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


Yeah, we had to choose seats when we booked (stalls)

Here's a seating plan if you want check how close you'll be to your wife! - https://seatplan.com/london/london-palladium-theatre/seating-plan/
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2025 :  06:39:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo

Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

Let's meet there then! We might arrive around 5h30 - 6pm. I'll be wearing a "David Bowie is not Gay" hooded sweater with the word Gay in pink. We talked about seats too, as we have two different numbers of row with my wife... But we'll see. We really hope it won't be a seated event as we want to DANCE.


If I catch my very early flight on Thursday I will try to be in the pub around this time as well! Not sure what I will wear, but I will look out for this hoodie.
As for the seats, it would be bad if it really is seated. What speaks against it, that all rows cost the same, but on the other hand I can’t imagine they will remove the seats…

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
2475 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2025 :  00:27:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by two reelers

So around 5:30 at the Argyll Arms?

Another question for those familiar with the Palladium: my ticket reservation says “reserved seating” with a row/seat number - but I would be surprised this is a seated event? Any clues, any one?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

I'll try and swing by!
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2025 :  04:12:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone need a ticket? Have one spare.
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1051 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  06:30:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just in case, I made a booking for a table at 6:00 under the name Frank Black. Not sure if it’s necessary, though, but just to be save…

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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The Maharal
* Dog in the Sand *

1012 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  06:49:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I shall try to swing by but might be a bit later though
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> Teenager of the Year <

2806 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2025 :  08:09:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope there is a concert film of this particular show.
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