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 Head Carrier with a 90s drum sound
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- FB Fan -

43 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2024 :  07:47:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

This is a fan made remix of Head Carrier, primarily based around a new drum mix. I used sample replacement to give the drums a thinner and more 90s-ish Pixies drum sound. I also did some work on the vocals for Baal's Back in an attempt to improve the sound of those also. Hope you enjoy!

00:00 Head Carrier
03:35 Classic Masher
06:11 Baal's Back
08:03 Might As Well Be Gone
10:48 Oona
14:22 Talent
16:30 Tenement Song
19:25 Bel Esprit
22:32 All I Think About Now
25:37 Um Chagga Lagga
28:29 Plaster of Paris
30:33 All The Saints

Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1011 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2024 :  08:52:19  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
This forum will turn into everybody remixing Head Carrier songs...
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- FB Fan -

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Posted - 12/11/2024 :  10:20:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
-shrug- i am just a fan sharing hoping to share my fan stuff with other fans
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two reelers
* Dog in the Sand *

1052 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2024 :  03:27:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your work!

But I have to say, I prefer the original version of Baal's Back. On this note, it seems I'm anyway one of the very few ones who like this song. For me its definitely my favourite of the 2.0 era so far. It works without any explanation, or withput any required album context, which I can't say for most of the other 2.0 songs. And the screaming is authentic enough for me, and it blends very well with the guitar sound.

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
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* Dog in the Sand *

1050 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2024 :  09:05:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks! I look forward to listening to this.

I like Baal's Back as a song, but do think Tom utterly failed to capture Charles's scream which was so potent on the live previews from the time.
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1011 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2024 :  10:50:16  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
After attempting a remix of Baals Back myself, I was in shock at how much "mud" Tom left in the mix. All this unnecessary boomy bass frequencies in the guitar and voice. If you put on Beneath the Eyrie (or like, anything) and then a song from Head Carrier in your car, the difference is shocking.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2024 :  13:01:08  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

After attempting a remix of Baals Back myself, I was in shock at how much "mud" Tom left in the mix. All this unnecessary boomy bass frequencies in the guitar and voice. If you put on Beneath the Eyrie (or like, anything) and then a song from Head Carrier in your car, the difference is shocking.

Interesting tidbit, thanks

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* Dog in the Sand *

1050 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2024 :  12:33:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just listened to your mix and enjoyed it. The drums gave a crisper, more punchy sound to the album (drum people: is this what Charles had in mind with his requests for a "dry" drum sound for Zombies?), and you somehow made the Baal's Back vocals much more ferocious. I'm curious, what did you do with the latter?
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1011 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2024 :  15:57:50  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I just listened to your mix and enjoyed it. The drums gave a crisper, more punchy sound to the album (drum people: is this what Charles had in mind with his requests for a "dry" drum sound for Zombies?)

No. I don't think so. Different things.
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- FB Fan -

43 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2024 :  03:11:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I just listened to your mix and enjoyed it. The drums gave a crisper, more punchy sound to the album (drum people: is this what Charles had in mind with his requests for a "dry" drum sound for Zombies?), and you somehow made the Baal's Back vocals much more ferocious. I'm curious, what did you do with the latter?

Nah this is definitely not a dry drum sound. Dry drums are when there's no reverb or anything adding 'space' to the drum sound. You're So Impatient has a really dry drum sound that you can hear in the intro :)

For Baal's Back it was some EQing on the vocal to reduce the bass frequencies, and also gating - all the 'in between' sounds like breaths are boosted like crazy in the original vocal track. So I essentially set up a gate to let the vocal through when he's actually saying words, and to reduce the volume by 9dB (if i recall correct) for the breaths and in between sounds
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