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* Dog in the Sand *

1594 Posts

Posted - 10/26/2024 :  23:54:49  Show Profile  Visit hammerhands's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have a couple of technical questions.

1. Does the digital download come with the CD on PixiesMerch.com?

2. What is the format/resolution of the digital download on PixiesMerch.com?

I can get 24/48 .flac from ProStudioMasters, which is what they have for the last few releases.

Edited by - hammerhands on 10/27/2024 00:13:51
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- FB Fan -

239 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  00:58:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
johnny goodman is stuck in my head
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* Dog in the Sand *

1350 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  01:36:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mercy Me is stuck in my wife's and she only heard it once in the car to the supermarket.

Mine is Motoroller, the transition from verse to the link part into the chorus is just *sublime*, its giving me chills.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1350 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  01:56:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

Originally posted by tamefan
i'll take chicken over silver snail, hypnotised over blue-eyed hexa.

Wow. Blue-Eyed Hex destroys everything on this album.

I have to say, I've listened three times, and I'm really disappointed.

Very dull melodies, chords, etc throughout. Nothing remotely Pixies-like throughout the entire thing. I don't like the production, I don't like a lot of the clunky lyrics, and nothing has grabbed me.

I went in hoping very hard to like it.

I plan to listen a dozen more times. I hope something hits me. I have problems with the previous albums but there were clear favorites for me on them. This one doesn't have anything so far.

Hey Trouble, I remember you being very down on Doggerel (and I think BTE?). How do those seem to you years later. Did anything that you did not like to start off with click in end of do you still consider it bland yuk?

Edited by - Sprite on 10/27/2024 01:57:14
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  02:30:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

Originally posted by Bedbug

Well, I guess that is my point

“Sometimes I feel like a chicken” is creepy.

But I don't think that's creepy. I think that's very boring, on the nose, and being stated very plainly, with nothing left to your imagination. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Saying "sometimes" in a lyric is weak. Saying "I feel like" is boring rather than just being the thing in the song. Did Frank write "sometimes I like to watch the Three Stooges / those films are very funny / they make me laugh"? No, he did something more interesting, right? Did Frank sing "Sometimes I feel like a bird flying on Mars"? No, he wrote Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons and left us to figure that out ourselves.


I bring up the one liner songs not as a gotcha, but because to me they do so much with so little. And I think the 2.0 songs which you seem not to like as much do the same thing.

But they are doing the opposite of that. They aren't doing so much with so little. They are over-explaining everything. That is my entire point. Do you understand? I'm not complaining that these songs have too few lyrics. I'm saying they aren't poetic or evocative.


Chicken makes me think about Eraserhead - the chicken, the decapitation, the searching

But it is just a country music cliche. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I'm confused as to why Frank seems to think he's the first to write a song like this. This is a common saying. It's not very interesting. It has nothing to do with Eraserhead.


Even his line “an actor of zombie movies” - not “in” zombie movies which we would expect and which grammatically makes more sense

Listen to how Frank says the “of”

I don't care about of. I want to know why he didn't name some cool zombie movie instead of saying the incredibly clunky, unimaginative line "an actor of zombie movies." These are not good lyrics. Tell me about some obscure cool italian zombie flick, Frank. This is like some sort of first draft. It does nothing for the imagination. And as a horror movie fan myself, I'm sorry, but this is just underwhelming.


Re your “etc”? I guess I would say There Goes My Gun would be another, not trying to “gotcha”

Again, eerie and evocative. Leaves a ton to your imagination. It's not my favorite Pixies lyrics though, but I don't feel embarrassed by it the way I feel when I listen to Chicken. I still don't understand your examples here. These songs are all obviously more interesting and elegant than Chicken. I'll even say every single song Frank has ever written has better lyrics than Chicken, because I think those might be his worst lyrics. It really drags the album down for me.

What's been upsetting is nothing picks the album back up.

I kind of enjoy Oyster Beds because it has some energy, and his voice sounds cool on it, but Frank albums used to have a dozen of those, and more weird and interesting too.

I hear you Trouble, and I definitely think you are making some valid points.

What I'm hearing from you is that you don't think I am making any valid points. And that is fine of course. But I think we both realize we are having a differing discussion on a piece of art, and I'm pretty sure these sort of disagreements are as old as the hills. I'll try to respond to your responses here:

1. Trouble: But I don't think that's creepy. I think that's very boring, on the nose, and being stated very plainly, with nothing left to your imagination. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Saying "sometimes" in a lyric is weak. Saying "I feel like" is boring rather than just being the thing in the song. Did Frank write "sometimes I like to watch the Three Stooges / those films are very funny / they make me laugh"? No, he did something more interesting, right? Did Frank sing "Sometimes I feel like a bird flying on Mars"? No, he wrote Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons and left us to figure that out ourselves.

Bug: I hear you. I don't agree. If you were Charles' Creative Writing teacher you would flunk him I think, and I'd give him a passing grade. Not sure what else I can say here.

2. Trouble: But they are doing the opposite of that. They aren't doing so much with so little. They are over-explaining everything. That is my entire point. Do you understand? I'm not complaining that these songs have too few lyrics. I'm saying they aren't poetic or evocative.

Bug: You are saying that the lyrics to Chicken (for instance) is over-explaining everything, and that here is nothing being left for us to figure out, am I hearing you? If that is the case, would you say that we all have the same interpretation on Chicken? That would seem to be a conclusion we would have to draw if the lyrics are so simple, but feel free to help me out some more.

3. Trouble: But it is just a country music cliche. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I'm confused as to why Frank seems to think he's the first to write a song like this. This is a common saying. It's not very interesting. It has nothing to do with Eraserhead.

Bug: I'm not sure where Frank indicated he thinks he's the first to do this, but I agree it's a common saying. In one of his recent interviews he brought up how the quote WIMM was a cliche in the 80s too. How do you know with certainty that Chicken has nothing to do with Eraserhead? Someone could say Bagboy has nothing to do with Judas Iscariot, and someone else might say it does. Same with a song being about Kim or not being about Kim, etc.

4. Trouble: I don't care about of. I want to know why he didn't name some cool zombie movie instead of saying the incredibly clunky, unimaginative line "an actor of zombie movies." These are not good lyrics. Tell me about some obscure cool italian zombie flick, Frank. This is like some sort of first draft. It does nothing for the imagination. And as a horror movie fan myself, I'm sorry, but this is just underwhelming.

Bug: How can you not care about "of"? That's a big "of". Furthermore, this very point you're making proves that Frank subverted your expectations and surprised you, but in a way that's leaving you feeling... can I say frustrated? Is that his point? Like a master lyricist he's playing with your emotions, bringing out feelings that you may not be comfortable with.

5. Trouble: Again, eerie and evocative. Leaves a ton to your imagination. It's not my favorite Pixies lyrics though, but I don't feel embarrassed by it the way I feel when I listen to Chicken. I still don't understand your examples here. These songs are all obviously more interesting and elegant than Chicken. I'll even say every single song Frank has ever written has better lyrics than Chicken, because I think those might be his worst lyrics. It really drags the album down for me.

Bug: My only point here is the point that you are making for me. With few, simple lyrics Frank can set a mood and let your mind dream. In 1.0 it is "there goes my gun," which you call "eerie and evocative." How many people might totally disagree with you, and say what you're saying about Chicken? "There goes" is not creative enough, how lazy! And why didn't he say "glock" or give us the make and model and caliber of the gun? Why say "gun" when you can say "gun from a zombie movie"?

Edited by - Bedbug on 10/27/2024 03:03:25
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* Dog in the Sand *

1043 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  17:54:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just had my first listen (it seems the LPs haven't made their way to Ontario record stores so I had to order one off Amazon), and while it's very early, I enjoyed it. The things that jumped out at me the most was its atmosphere (apart from a few over-produced choruses, I think Tom did a good job with the production) and its personality. It doesn't quite sound like any other record in Charles' discography (BTE being the closest), but it feels the most idiosyncratically FBF of the most recent records. It has less standouts than IC and BTE (maybe even Doggerel), but coheres well as a charmingly quirky album. While there are some songs with moments I'm not quite sure of (the two Santiago collabs, but again: it's the first listen of a FBF album, so I'll take that with a grain of salt right now), but there are still lots I like in those songs.

I'm very intrigued by Primrose and Jane, but will need to listen more. My favourites right now are Motoroller, Oyster Beds, Mercy Me, and Vegas Suite (which I agree is an improvement in the studio - maybe it's Tom's moog/organ? Maybe it's faster? Whatever it is, there seems to be more punch). Speaking of Mercy Me, BF-meets-late-Leonard Cohen is quickly becoming my favourite genre of new Pixies songs. I also like his use of his lower register on Ernest Evans.

4/5 sounds about right, but I can see it going up or down a half star depending on how the songs end up gelling.

Edited by - Brank_Flack on 10/27/2024 17:57:51
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1003 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2024 :  20:58:09  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sprite
Hey Trouble, I remember you being very down on Doggerel (and I think BTE?). How do those seem to you years later. Did anything that you did not like to start off with click in end of do you still consider it bland yuk?

Doggerel grew on me a lot partially as it became attached to this one week where I had this six-day job with a lot of driving, and I listened to Doggerel the entire time because it had just come out, and it went really well with driving on the highway at 2 AM (especially stuff like Thunder and Lightning), and I have a weird fondness for it and that moment in time. I should note There's A Moon On is so hated by me that it was cut out of my Spotify playlist so in my mind it's not even on that album, as I only listened to it like twice. Also, my wife got obsessed, for some reason, with Who's More Sorry Now, and it made me more into that song too.

I've said to my wife about Doggerel, like...I don't love it, but for some reason, I often feel like listening to it? I put it on A LOT. I also think Dregs of the Wine is one of the best Pixies 2.0 songs and I thought it was the direction they should have been going in: more ambitious, unpredictable, but keeping that same 1.0 spirit with a lot of sharp turns and curve balls. If Zombies was like this I'd be thrilled.

I still find Doggerel to be a bizarre Pixies record, as it is so folky and mellow, but now that I'm so disappointed in Zombies, at this point I'd love another Doggerel or BTE.

BTE in comparison also feels strong, and has some of that Frank solo magic like This Is My Fate, and Catfish Kate is just an insanely successful and catchy chorus however you slice it. A great ending with Daniel Boone (that bridge is incredible) and Death Horizon, if a tad pat. I can imagine songs like Bird of Prey being on Black Letter Day, and Silver Bullet could even be mistaken for a 1.0 song, and while I dislike Dalgety's push to give them radio singles, Graveyard Hill and Mark of Cain are fun and easy to rock out to. The main strange thing about BTE is how much more I love the demo album, and I don't count it as being part of BTE, but it shows to me Frank did have the spark of inspiration during this time, with plenty of interesting, weird, "classic" type songs coming out of him, even if I think Dalgety picked many of the wrong ones for the proper album. That demo album shows me there is still hope Pixies can make something I become absolutely in love and obsessed with.

I have listened to Zombies two more times today and I have to say the production is just terrible to me. I hate how the drums sound, I hate how Frank's voice sounds, and the guitars don't sound good either. You could say many things about Dalgety but I thought BTE and Doggerel sounded pretty solid, in a kind of boring, accessible way. But Zombies I really find unpleasant to listen to. Especially those drums.

I'll say that Motoroller is growing on me and actually got in my head today, possibly due to reading it's about Kim, which always sparks my interest in a song. If it was produced better I think it could be a new classic. Jane also has cool verses but I really can't get into the chorus (I actually hate the "JANE!" yell thing I have seen praised around here.)

All of the more mellow, reverb-heavy songs just don't work for me. Corn, dogs, prairies...I just find the melodies to be boring. It's all so PLEASANT. Should Pixies be making pleasant music!? It's funny because looking back now on BTE and Doggerel, there's a lot of crooked and weird melodies (Cain, Fate, NoMatterDay) and some of that old spirit, compared with Zombies.

I think these Pixies records would be more successful to me if they were like the early Catholics which had that mix of raw crazy rocking energy but also some wistful, sweet, earthy country stuff. I mean I know some people will say that's kind of what they're doing but it's kind of missing the mark for me. Like Pistolero has I Switched You (could have been a Pixies screamer) but also more traditional stuff too. Or Dog in the Sand has weirdo stuff like Robert Onion and Pixies stuff like Bullet and Hermaphroditos, but it also has sweet, sincere songs like If It Takes All Night, Stupid Me, etc. That balance works well for me when executed by the Catholics. Somehow it just works. But these Pixies albums, especially Zombies, feels so confused to me. Perhaps it's Dalgety's production. I don't think they've made anything as consistently pleasant as Zombies and it's not a direction I think they should go in. Pixies should always have a degree of "what the fuck" to their songs. Otherwise they're just doing songs any other band can do.

Forgive me if any of that is confusing, I'm still working it all out in my head. I think the Catholics 100% approach to earthy folky country worked because it felt so sincere and committed, but it feels like the Pixies are doing it 50% and it feels off to me. I've said it before but like forcing a square peg in a round hole. I don't think these musicians are naturally born for that kind of music the way the Catholics seemed to be.

Edited by - Troubles A Foot on 10/27/2024 21:25:24
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
444 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  03:05:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Apologies for taking it back to the basics but what are people ranking as their top 3 tracks on the album so far? Is there a consensus emerging on what the standouts are?
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- FB Fan -

239 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  04:06:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
can't identify an obvious top 3, there are 6 or 7 songs that i like about equally, but number 1 is unambiguously...

1. Motoroller. i agree with sprite: the transitions are HYPE. frankly the whole song slaps. i was trying to figure out what it is about this song. is it joey's gnarly riff? he has some sinister tones that he holds, too. the song builds a lot of tension that gets released with those huuuuge guitars on the chorus. maybe someone who's more insightful about music can explain why the change in vocal styles between the verse & chorus, combined with the change from that left-panned riff to the huge right-panned guitars, is so god damn satisfying. boy did they fuckin' nail it.

honestly, it's every part of this song, isn't it? the verse slaps, the chorus slaps, the refrain slaps. "first you run out of space, then you run out of time." even emma sounds menacing! (quite the accomplishment) i go ape for those refrains. they've gotta be my favourite part of the song. i picture a shirtless mongoloid Charles covered in body paint in the central asian steppe at dusk with his riders going raiding. that refrain is tuvan throat singer-core. tuvancore? it's some psycho central asian shit. motoroller is hands down my favourite 2.0. track since daniel boone and those two songs join plaster of paris as unambiguous modern pixies masterpieces

Edited by - tamefan on 10/28/2024 04:17:52
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  04:18:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Very hard to pick just three

Primrose and Chicken are two of my favorites but the second half of the album is my favorite half
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* Dog in the Sand *

1301 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  05:59:23  Show Profile  Visit johnnyribcage's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm loving this one. Still haven't spent enough time with it to talk in much detail about specific songs, but I love the way this one washes over me. I get those hazy slower track Bossanova vibes (like Havalina). I've been waiting for one like this. Maybe I listened to it the first time in the perfect circumstance. I was at Cedar Point over the weekend, and on Saturday we headed back to the lake cabin when the park got crazy busy in the afternoon. Kids were watching TV and I had a nice sativa edible. Sat on the deck with the sun washing everything out and shining like diamonds on the lake, breeze blowing, some boats crashing through the chilly waves, and it was the perfect soundtrack. Creepy, dreamlike... Good stuff. The water and the chill in the air with the bright sun, the arrangements have some of that surf vibe but in a cold, eerie way.

And to me nothing about it feels contrived, or trying to be something its not. Not that I have a problem with the other albums, but every now and then on them I get the sense that things got overbaked at times. I don't get that on this one. The production is lovely as well, at least it seems to be on the smaller stuff I've listened to it on. Haven't fired it up on the main rig yet. Ordered the vinyl this morning.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1043 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  06:27:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

And to me nothing about it feels contrived, or trying to be something its not. Not that I have a problem with the other albums, but every now and then on them I get the sense that things got overbaked at times. I don't get that on this one.

Yes, I agree with this. I was thinking this morning that one of the nice things about it is how unassuming it is - eerie or off-kilter ditties that play off each other to sustain a mood. Another way of putting it, is its almost throw-away character is part of its strange charm. Still only one listen though, so I'm just basing this on early impressions.
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1003 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  07:12:44  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tamefan

can't identify an obvious top 3, there are 6 or 7 songs that i like about equally, but number 1 is unambiguously...

1. Motoroller. i agree with sprite: the transitions are HYPE. frankly the whole song slaps. i was trying to figure out what it is about this song.

If I may, I think it's because this song has tension in it (musically-speaking), which is missing from most of this album, and to me is a crucial part of the Pixies sound, if not Frank's sound on some of his best albums.

Edited by - Troubles A Foot on 10/28/2024 07:13:29
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  07:42:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

I'm loving this one. Still haven't spent enough time with it to talk in much detail about specific songs, but I love the way this one washes over me. I get those hazy slower track Bossanova vibes (like Havalina). I've been waiting for one like this. Maybe I listened to it the first time in the perfect circumstance. I was at Cedar Point over the weekend, and on Saturday we headed back to the lake cabin when the park got crazy busy in the afternoon. Kids were watching TV and I had a nice sativa edible. Sat on the deck with the sun washing everything out and shining like diamonds on the lake, breeze blowing, some boats crashing through the chilly waves, and it was the perfect soundtrack. Creepy, dreamlike... Good stuff. The water and the chill in the air with the bright sun, the arrangements have some of that surf vibe but in a cold, eerie way.

And to me nothing about it feels contrived, or trying to be something its not. Not that I have a problem with the other albums, but every now and then on them I get the sense that things got overbaked at times. I don't get that on this one. The production is lovely as well, at least it seems to be on the smaller stuff I've listened to it on. Haven't fired it up on the main rig yet. Ordered the vinyl this morning.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.

Agree with you that nothing on TNTZC sounds contrived. It sounds like a very natural musical expression to me.

I’m noticing lots of unexpected surprises as the listens stack up.

And yeah, Motoroller - didn’t love it at first but man it’s grown to be one of my top ten for sure
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* Dog in the Sand *

1043 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  09:50:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Listened to it again on a lunch walk around the neighbourhood. I'm quite fond of most of it, but still a bit unsure about Hypnotized, Johnny Goodman, and I Hear You Mary (mostly because of the over-produced chorus), which takes up most of the middle-section of the record. It's still early, so how I warm up or don't to those songs will be important to whether the album ends up as 3.5/5 or 4/5 for me.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  10:09:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered somewhere in the last 2 dozen pages:

Do we know about B-sides for this album? Any infotel anywhere?
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- FB Fan -

67 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  10:21:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I love Johnny Goodman and I Hear You Mary!

Especially that change in Johnny Goodman nearing the end.

Originally posted by Brank_Flack

Listened to it again on a lunch walk around the neighbourhood. I'm quite fond of most of it, but still a bit unsure about Hypnotized, Johnny Goodman, and I Hear You Mary (mostly because of the over-produced chorus), which takes up most of the middle-section of the record. It's still early, so how I warm up or don't to those songs will be important to whether the album ends up as 3.5/5 or 4/5 for me.

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= Cult of Ray =

635 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  10:33:32  Show Profile  Visit yarbles's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bedbug

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered somewhere in the last 2 dozen pages:

Do we know about B-sides for this album? Any infotel anywhere?

I have no info.... but i'm just guessing that with having to urgently recruit Emma to help finish the album, I'm thinking they didn't do anything extra... Perhaps there were extra bits with Paz? But I imagine Dalgety was all, these are the 13 songs for the album, Emma could you please help us out and add parts to these 13 tracks? Oh, and Que Sera Sera, that's 14 songs.

I am super curious about what the album was sounding like when Paz recorded it with them last October...
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* Dog in the Sand *

1043 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  10:44:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by QuaBear

I love Johnny Goodman and I Hear You Mary!

Especially that change in Johnny Goodman nearing the end.

Originally posted by Brank_Flack

Listened to it again on a lunch walk around the neighbourhood. I'm quite fond of most of it, but still a bit unsure about Hypnotized, Johnny Goodman, and I Hear You Mary (mostly because of the over-produced chorus), which takes up most of the middle-section of the record. It's still early, so how I warm up or don't to those songs will be important to whether the album ends up as 3.5/5 or 4/5 for me.

Yes, I do like the end of Johnny Goodman! The earlier sections haven't really stuck with me, but that could change.

There's also much I like about I Hear You Mary - particularly the verses. It could just be a production issue on the choruses, though I'm not sure about the ending which loses the minor-key complexity of the chord progression for Who-esque major chords.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  10:46:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by yarbles

Originally posted by Bedbug

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered somewhere in the last 2 dozen pages:

Do we know about B-sides for this album? Any infotel anywhere?

I am super curious about what the album was sounding like when Paz recorded it with them last October...

It was probably the perfect blend of Surfer Rosa meets Doolittle, but now we’ll never know
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- FB Fan -

67 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  13:40:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Spinning this as I drive and run errands. Such a great flow from song to song. Each song just feels like it contributes to this whole album….again, no songs overstay their welcome. I love this thing.

Edited by - QuaBear on 10/28/2024 14:02:12
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1003 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  16:53:43  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brank_Flack
There's also much I like about I Hear You Mary - particularly the verses. It could just be a production issue on the choruses, though I'm not sure about the ending which loses the minor-key complexity of the chord progression for Who-esque major chords.

The Dalgety thing seems to be interesting verses, boring choruses. Pixies, and Frank's solo work for that matter, never had this problem. I think the Zombies album may be the worst offender so far. I just tune out mentally every time one of these songs' choruses happen.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  16:55:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by QuaBear

Spinning this as I drive and run errands. Such a great flow from song to song. Each song just feels like it contributes to this whole album….again, no songs overstay their welcome. I love this thing.

Agree, I love it.

Every song is 100% perfectly Pixies 2.0 album

Edited by - Bedbug on 10/28/2024 17:05:18
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* Dog in the Sand *

1301 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  19:24:31  Show Profile  Visit johnnyribcage's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Best 2.0 album.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
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- FB Fan -

7 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  19:35:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Active Duck

Apologies for taking it back to the basics but what are people ranking as their top 3 tracks on the album so far? Is there a consensus emerging on what the standouts are?

I really love this album so this isn't easy!

My top 3 tracks at this moment in time:

1 Jane (The Night the Zombies Came.)
2 Mercy Me
3 Chicken

I'm feeling fine in the modern age.
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2024 :  19:46:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

Best 2.0 album.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.


Each 2.0 album is better than the one before

What a great time to be a Frank fan

On Primrose, which is an absolutely perfect song, I love how “repose” melts into Joey’s solo.. so many fun twists on that song
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- FB Fan -

239 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2024 :  02:56:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
yeah i'm having a blast with almost every song on this record

blessed days
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> Teenager of the Year <

3202 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2024 :  07:57:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Emma’s voice is wonderful

She kills it on Mercy Me
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* Dog in the Sand *

1594 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2024 :  00:43:32  Show Profile  Visit hammerhands's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hammerhands

I have a couple of technical questions.

1. Does the digital download come with the CD on PixiesMerch.com?

2. What is the format/resolution of the digital download on PixiesMerch.com?

I can get 24/48 .flac from ProStudioMasters, which is what they have for the last few releases.

I asked the website and they have replied:

1. No the CD does not come with a digital download.

2. The format of the download is 24/48 .wav

Edited by - hammerhands on 10/30/2024 00:44:00
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- FB Fan -

43 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2024 :  02:08:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
the more i listen, little doubts kinda melt away and the melodies become seriously satisfying to hear each time.
this is a really consistent album and i love it. there's a lot of clever and addictive off kilterness to the chord progressions and melodies.
some The Catholics flavour on here too that i know not everyone loves but i'm all for it. very pleased. and i also like that they brought back the centre label 'window' in the vinyl sleeve and incorporated it into the artwork, especially for a full length LP like this. don't see that too often these days and when you do it's generally a single.
some tunes on here really feel like classics already, like Vegas Suite.

Edited by - auxfnx on 10/30/2024 02:10:31
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1003 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2024 :  23:25:15  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I listened like two more times. The album is slowly growing on me. Instead of not liking the whole thing, I think I like maybe a good third of it. I'm still figuring it out.
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
444 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2024 :  00:57:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

I listened like two more times. The album is slowly growing on me. Instead of not liking the whole thing, I think I like maybe a good third of it. I'm still figuring it out.

I'm on a similar journey. This album is starting to pull me in. Is there a song that has been the key?

Weirdly, as it doesn't seem to be the most loved, Hypnotised has been the one that has opened things up for me. At first it felt like several songs badly stitched together but being irritated by it made me pay more attention and suddenly the mood of the album started to make sense to me.
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- FB Fan -

102 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2024 :  03:07:27  Show Profile  Visit kotvana's Homepage  Click to see kotvana's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
2 first listen thought it was a horrible album, unless the closer.

After third listen, I think think the 2 previous albums were MUCH MUCH better, especially BTE, and for the first time in his career there is a decline in FB ARTISTIC POWER, both lyrically and musically, but.. MERCY ME is also quite good...

frank blak/saved my life
visit me! http://kotvana.googlepages.com
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Troubles A Foot
* Dog in the Sand *

1003 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2024 :  11:51:30  Show Profile  Visit Troubles A Foot's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Active Duck

I'm on a similar journey. This album is starting to pull me in. Is there a song that has been the key?

Weirdly, as it doesn't seem to be the most loved, Hypnotised has been the one that has opened things up for me. At first it felt like several songs badly stitched together but being irritated by it made me pay more attention and suddenly the mood of the album started to make sense to me.

I find Hypnotized to be very bad.

Motoroller pulled me in, and last night I found myself enjoying Mercy Me and King of the Prairies more.
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Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
444 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2024 :  00:42:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

I find Hypnotized to be very bad.

Motoroller pulled me in, and last night I found myself enjoying Mercy Me and King of the Prairies more.

Ha! Yeah, I'm not totally convinced that it's not bad. There's something about the vocals around the 1:25 mark (The clouds in my eyes, they're not leaving) that got my attention.
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