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 Webster Hall NYC - 12/9/19
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- FB Fan -

18 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2019 :  17:03:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

This was a hell of a show. I was really truly counting on hearing Tame since they played it so much recently and I've never gotten to see this live, but I'll live.

There were a couple shitshow crowd members, especially this red haired guy who was plastered beyond redemption hassling people at the front, but boy howdy.

Highlights for me were Silver Bullet, Planet of Sound (HELL yes, what I wouldn't give for a full Trompe Le Monde album concert), Daniel Boone sounding just as good live as it does on their wonderful record, seeing them destroy Cecilia Ann live, hearing SNAKES IN PERSON (!!!!!!!!), a truly beautiful version of Havalina, a hall shaking rendition of Nimrod's Son and St Nazaire, and just overall so much Bossanova.

There was no encore as the venue was closing.

Overall it was worth the cost of flying to NYC just to get in here. They played some really great stuff and did it with gumption I just didn't see when I saw them with Weezer and Sleigh Bells back in Summer of 2018. I'm really glad they did these little shows to close the year.

The only downside for me was during Long Rider Paz's mic was turned too low and I couldn't hear her bridge of the song, and I really love that part. I'll live though. Glad I was there.

I was up front, one person back from the guard rail. Beside me was a 50+ year old man there on his own holding his suit jacker, two dudes at the rail who were easily in their forties, beside a couple of kids who maybe were 20, and a smattering of people from all other ages. All of them singing just as hard as everyone else.

Love this fuckin' band.

* Dog in the Sand *

1874 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2019 :  20:01:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nearly 40 songs ! wow

"Service Unavailable"
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2019 :  07:14:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice set, that Havalina outro is such a highlight :)

Does look like they've excavated all the deep cuts we're going to get for the moment... If their Mgt is as savvy as they're hyped up to be then I hope they're consciously building up demand for some post-Doolittle themed shows.
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- FB Fan -

18 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2020 :  21:36:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by stuczuba

Nice set, that Havalina outro is such a highlight :)

Does look like they've excavated all the deep cuts we're going to get for the moment... If their Mgt is as savvy as they're hyped up to be then I hope they're consciously building up demand for some post-Doolittle themed shows.

fuck me would I kill for a Trompe/Bossanova tour like they did with Doolittle. I know it wouldn't be as popular but...man
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peter radiator
= Cult of Ray =

663 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2020 :  08:17:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SmurfyX

fuck me would I kill for a Trompe/Bossanova tour like they did with Doolittle. I know it wouldn't be as popular but...man

Although this seems to be a common refrain among folks on these boards, I believe it's a complete fallacy.


Tons of people (even casual fans) LOVE many of the tracks from those albums. They may not REALIZE this, because they came to the band through Greatest Hits packages or live shows or watching YouTube videos of concerts stretching back decades.

But they love those songs, and would instantly fall in line for a thematic tour of that sort (which of course would inevitably wind up featuring a few fan fave tracks from the other albums tacked on at the end).

At least that's my firm belief, for whatever such a thing might be worth.



"Real music is out there and real people are making it." ~ Webb Wilder
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= Cult of Ray =

471 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2020 :  21:46:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SmurfyX

Originally posted by stuczuba

Nice set, that Havalina outro is such a highlight :)

Does look like they've excavated all the deep cuts we're going to get for the moment... If their Mgt is as savvy as they're hyped up to be then I hope they're consciously building up demand for some post-Doolittle themed shows.

fuck me would I kill for a Trompe/Bossanova tour like they did with Doolittle. I know it wouldn't be as popular but...man

It shouldn't be a big deal for them - they seem to be slotting in COP/Pilgrim shows occasionally while still playing hits and the new stuff and they're all selling out :)
It's not even that many extra songs to learn and Paz takes all the ancient Kim stuff out of the equation.
Wait til the summer festival season is out of the way and get on with it before the next album.
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- FB Fan -

239 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2020 :  23:07:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by peter radiator

Originally posted by SmurfyX

fuck me would I kill for a Trompe/Bossanova tour like they did with Doolittle. I know it wouldn't be as popular but...man

Tons of people (even casual fans) LOVE many of the tracks from those albums. They may not REALIZE this, because they came to the band through Greatest Hits packages or live shows or watching YouTube videos of concerts stretching back decades.

Adding to this, Joey said that Bossanova is his favourite and I believe Dave cited Space as his favourite Pixies song. So presumably the band would be enthusiastic about touring that material, too.
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* Dog in the Sand *

1874 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2020 :  07:11:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tamefan

Originally posted by peter radiator

Originally posted by SmurfyX

fuck me would I kill for a Trompe/Bossanova tour like they did with Doolittle. I know it wouldn't be as popular but...man

Tons of people (even casual fans) LOVE many of the tracks from those albums. They may not REALIZE this, because they came to the band through Greatest Hits packages or live shows or watching YouTube videos of concerts stretching back decades.

Adding to this, Joey said that Bossanova is his favourite and I believe Dave cited Space as his favourite Pixies song. So presumably the band would be enthusiastic about touring that material, too.

It's been 15+ years since the reunion, I've lost hope.

"Service Unavailable"
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> Teenager of the Year <

3210 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2020 :  15:49:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Setlist from when I saw them at Webster Hall back when it was the Ritz, Feb 5 1992

1. Velvety (Instrumental)
2. Brick Is Red
3. Something Against You
4. Ana
5. Cecilia Ann
6. Levitate Me
7. Stormy Weather
8. All Over the World
9. The Happening
10. The Sad Punk
11. Rock Music (aborted)
12. Cactus
13. Distance Equals Rate Times Time
14. Subbacultcha
15. Here Comes Your Man
16. Dead
17. Manta Ray
18. Head ON
19. U-Mass
20. Motorway to Roswell
21. Letter to Memphis
22. Palace of the Brine
23. Planet of Sound
24. Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons
25. Trompe Le Monde
26. Is She Weird
27. Caribou
28. Mr. Grieves
29. Weird At My School
30. Nimrod's Son
31. Debaser

Seems like that's the sort of setlist we're all asking for today, with 3-4 from the 2.0 albums
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