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= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 12:10:08
Damien, I'm not really sure. Cartoony might not be the right word. Maybe it just doesn't fit in there as nicely as the flower. What if we blew up the guitar silhouette a bit more, coloured it that lighter brown you used for the flowers, and used it in a background instead of fitting it into that corner?
At the moment, I'm still leaning towards the flower, but let's see if we can come up with something. And by we I mean you. :) Thanks for your patience.
Tre, in your next mockup, can those brown folders go back to yellow as it'll be easier to see how the guitar fits coloured/photo vs solid. I remain fenced on that one.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
frank black conspiracy
~ Abstract Brain ~
1126 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 12:17:06
i'm thinking we only need one guitar on this page. most of us here know he's a musician, so just a hint of his tele somewhere i think is just right. whether it be for the log in buttons or on the banner. i'm sure you'll decide.
Sorry if this has been covered, i forget, but do we have a colour for user names within threads. The blue at the moment is perfect and on a basic graphic level, eye catching, making you wanna click on it to see the users details. I notice too, mine is slightly darker shade because i'm logged in as me, obviously. Do we want a different shade brown for the thread titles too because all the text on the page looks the same colour? Again, if you've discussed this and i've missed it, oops! apologies |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 12:37:00
I'll change the folders and I'll post the blue text, I think the blue looks odd with the rest of the scheme though which is why I've changed the font in all of the mock ups to the two shades of brown.
Do yu want the purple folders changed as well dean?
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 12:42:00
If you can. That nailpolish blue for purple and the other folders same as always. I don't imagine we'd keep the dark blue link colours, but I suppose you could try to make it stand out more from the scheme as per Mr. FBC's suggestion. Personally I was fine with the look of what you had, but hell, we're experimenting anyway...
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 13:07:21
sure sure sure, will make a wee range for comparison, here's a thought though, instead of keeping the yellow folders how about trying to tie it in with the quitar head by taking colours out of it, if you see what I mean, I tried (oh please forgive this)

with colours from

cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 17:17:27
Hi everyone!! Wow another great day of progress. I know Dean is wanting to get this stuff put online in a few days, so hopefully we can get Dean everything he wants by Friday? Does that work for everyone??
Please speak up now if for some reason you don't see us being able to meet our deadline. 
As far as the banner goes, I think the version without flowers and with the gutair is nice. As a second choice, I would go with the plain banner with no gutair or flowers. Something about not having the flowers provides a nice contrast. I think we're trying for simple and having flowers as the bacground and the corner graphic to me seems a little distracting. Just a thought.
As far as the LOGIN gutair goes, I really like the more natural toned one like Tre posted. I also like the folders she posted and to her point, they do cordinate well.
Thanks again for all your help!!!!! :) I will be popping in and out tonite... so hopefully the discussion will continue. |
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 03/30/2005 17:20:12 |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 19:18:57
I think that was active duck with the neutral ones.
Right, this is what we have in a mish mash form, tell me what you want to see added, removed.. changed.. whatever and I shall do the deed.

cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 19:38:39
Wow Tre...(some day I think I will quit saying that but you amaze me every time.
If people can use the format below when responding to the final design, that will make things easer.
Here are my thoughts: Logo: The gutair logo with no flowers (left most second image from top) Background: Keep as is Logout: Natural gutair handle (Center Option) Naviagation Bars: Keep as is in dark brown Folder Colors: Light Blue as shown for unread. The natural color of folder (top left corner--Newest option) Font Colors for links: I like what I see.... it looks like you are keeping very much with the same theme... looks like it is a dark blue for the links. Since this is so close to what we have, I reccomend keeping the fonts the way it is.
Thanks again Tre! |
Edited by - Daisy Girl on 03/30/2005 19:47:31 |
Daisy Girl
~ Abstract Brain ~
5305 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 19:49:15
Tre... I think I am going to check out for now... see you in about 20 hours or so! Thanks again to everyone-- FBC, Active Duck and Tre for helping! |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 19:51:13
no worries, I'll try and make up some with all variables to cover all factions if I don't fall asleep at the computer before hand
mmmm sleeeep
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2005 : 22:06:03
I'm not going to weigh in yet because when I do it'll be more or less the final decision, so feel free to make your opinions known.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
frank black conspiracy
~ Abstract Brain ~
1126 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 00:22:40
quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
but I suppose you could try to make it stand out more from the scheme as per Mr. FBC's suggestion. Personally I was fine with the look of what you had, but hell, we're experimenting anyway...
i liked the way it looked, just that i noticed how we use different colours for different text around here, and whether or not we remembered to look into it. it is quite a fussy suggestion and probably doesn't make much difference. and again, from what i'm seeing, whichever way you go, sure it will look sweet.
looking at this thread title, prettier it will be. |
Edited by - frank black conspiracy on 03/31/2005 00:37:57 |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 04:17:54
I kinda like Daisy's idea about making the folders the same colour as the photo "log in". If you want to keep the photo, there has to be something in that same colour somewhere on the page, otherwise it looks a bit out of place. And I'm no graphic designer, but the more I look at the guitar banner, the more I dislike it. I mean, it's a guitar that has to be awkwardly leaned over on one side to fit inside the borders of the logo and the neck still sticks out a bit... I'm sorry to whoever designed it (can't remember at the moment), but don't you think that's a bit lame? I'm not one to lecture, but seeing what you've done so far I think you can do much better than that.
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
449 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 04:35:41
Yeah. You're right that is totally lame! |
= Cult of Ray =

385 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 05:05:48
I'm sorry Active Duck (I see now it's yours) for sounding so harsh, I was just trying te ephasize my point... Maybe I over did it. |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
449 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 05:13:38
No need to be sorry. It's good to get some more views in here. |
Active Duck
~ Abstract Brain ~

United Kingdom
449 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 05:37:05
Here is a less awkward looking guitar.
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 06:34:53
Damien, could you try it that colour but maybe enlarge the guitar and flip it so that it's mostly behind the text and with the headstock in the blank space? Probably part of the bottom of the guitar would be cut off but I think it might look less awkward. Otherwise I'm definitely leaning to the flower.
I actually liked the one with the flowers and guitar too, just to be a lone wolf here. But it's not my favourite at the moment.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-
5157 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 07:09:19
can i ask a seemingly obvious question - is dean the final word on this, will there be a vote, is dave noisy invovled? just checking...
If you move I shoots!
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 07:32:33
Dave & I both look at this, and both of us will be doing the work getting the new artwork up in place of the old since I don't have upload access to the site. There's no vote. Nowhere was it stated that there'd be a vote. The democratic process is the creation/progression that has occurred naturally, through both the artists' creations and opinions posted by those interested enough to either take part of comment passively.
Neither Dave nor myself is going to put up something we don't like as the new website look, and why would we? BUT, it's not like I'm not open to comment/criticisms on what we've got (a la my consideration/attempts to include or rework the guitar so that I _DO_ like it though it is not my personal preference) and I'm certainly persuaded by what constitutes majority opinion here (about five people expressing preferences), but at the end of the day, someone needs to call the shots.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-
5157 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 07:53:17
just curious. thanks for the clarification
If you move I shoots!
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 08:13:16
Sorry that came off defensive, bad morning.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-
5157 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 08:21:01
understood deaner - on the bus this morning some guy tried to talk to me for 25 minutes about how the guy next to him was an asshole for falling asleep on the way to work. not the best way to start off a day. plus i'm sick again. blah.
back on topic - totally stolen from daisy:
Here are my thoughts: Logo: The gutair logo with flowers Background: Keep as is Logout: 'fake' guitar Naviagation Bars: dark brown Folder Colors: i like the 'natural' color for unread posts, with a darker brown for the active ones - the blue clashes a little to my eyes Font Colors for links: as previously stated, the blue (for me) is a bit unmatched. perhaps go with more earth tones/variations on brown/tan
all being said though, even with the little gripes here and there, it is a real improvement and i thank everyone for putting so much time into this (even if i do miss apl's typewriter theme!)
If you move I shoots!
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 08:36:37
I'm hoping we can use the typewriter thing with the portals to the song/lyrics db. Cause I did like them too.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 08:58:40
righty ho, I'm in a good mood, I can run up those two for you toot sweet, any other requests while I'm cheery. It won't last.
Brian, do you mean the yellowy or the orangy folders? FBC, it might not have come accross at this size but I did use two shades for the font, the light brown and the dark brown for links both virgin and used. I do think that blue looks out of place with the theme. I also like the flowers and guitar together, I kinda dug that.
now also, due to financial woes there is a fair chance I'll be cut off this weekend so will be slower coming up with these things, if there's things you want to see how they look I'd ask quickish.
cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-
5157 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 09:08:10
i prefer the yellowy ones, but the orange looked nice too
If you move I shoots!
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 09:30:58


cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 09:53:47
Alright, let's try this combo, Tre:
Flower/guitar banner Photo guitar Orange inactive folder Blue link text (shown in first one above) Darker blue active folder (closer/more matching hyperlinks)
Flower/guitar banner Photo guitar Orange inactive folder Brown text Light blue active folder
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
> Teenager of the Year <
4698 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 09:58:41
i can't believe we're going brown.
lolzabad |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 10:06:09
combo one:

cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
> Teenager of the Year <
4698 Posts |
-= Forum Pistolera =-
United Kingdom
6370 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 10:25:43
combo two:

cats have nine lives/ which makes them ideal for experimentation |
frank black conspiracy
~ Abstract Brain ~
1126 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 11:01:03
quote: Originally posted by starmekitten
FBC, it might not have come accross at this size but I did use two shades for the font, the light brown and the dark brown for links both virgin and used. I do think that blue looks out of place with the theme.
sorry tre, i couldn't see too well. i can now.
loving all the mock ups in their own little way, and so you know, none of your effort has been taken for granted this end.
i agree that both Dean and Dave (and whoever they wish to help) should have the final say, just for the simple reason a poll or vote won't really decide much. We've had conflicting opinions within the 'design team', and recently we're being critiqued by random members, i don't think we'd ever find a solution to suit all. |
> Teenager of the Year <
4698 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 11:15:24
i think there should be a vote of some sort (one that's publicised in places other than here mind you), but the choice still made by admins/mods... hopefully they would at least take into consideration the general forumers opinion.
lolzabad |
= Black Noise Maker =
11690 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 11:25:43
We have been (see: pages 1-13). There is no vote nor will there be a vote on whether or not there's a vote. The topic is closed and has been thus a long time.
"Join the Cult of Frank / Woo-bee-boo-dee-boo-dee-doo-weeoou." |
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