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 shepheards bush show avail at hear it again
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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2003 :  02:41:15  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
i see the show is now available.

can anyone tell whether the set list is complete, or have they edited it?


edit: can tell already that it doesn't include massif centrale....

Edited by - benji on 12/12/2003 02:44:14

>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7443 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2003 :  03:17:29  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage
Ain't that strange? The complete show, minus the best song of the evening? Well I imagine they must have had some problem with the beginning of the recording. Anyway the show sounds great from the samples given, but it's still mp3-only, so I don't know if I'm gonna buy it.


"I joined the Cult of Frank/Turns out he's the stupidest person on Earth"
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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2003 :  03:23:56  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
yeah, i would definitely buy it if it was on cd having being there....

my main reasons being, however, that i can't download mp3's yet.
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2003 :  06:14:01  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
just been listening to the samples, think i'll probably get it, sounds great. shame massif centrale isn't on there, my current fave. but their version of cactus sounds fantastic from what i've heard.

heck, it might make up for me not being able to get the iTunes...

I'm flat out, you're so beautiful to look at when you cry. Freeze, don't move, you've been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequal to your life. Shady Lane, everybody wants one, Shady Lane, everybody needs one.
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Bluish Black
- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
108 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2003 :  10:12:16  Show Profile
I have just bought this and the sound is very good through headphones (the PC speakers don't do it justice). I am getting an mp3 player for christmas and one of those illegal radio transmitter things so I should be able to play the show through the hi fi once I have those.
I will be investigating if I can convert the files to ones which will play on standard cd players as well but up to now I have not really been into downloading MP3 files so I am not to sure what software is available. I think I will wait to see what software comes with my Creative Zen player.
It is just great to have a record of 3 great concerts I went to see by Frank and the boys this year, although it is a pity I don't have anything from the Camden Solo show.
The download took well over an hour though, even though I have broadband at my end so I don't think I can be arsed to do to much mp3 downloading over the net I think I will keep on buying my music from the discount record shops around Oxford Street while they still exist.
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- FB Fan -

33 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2003 :  16:44:28  Show Profile
I recommend all of the HearItAgain recordings. Yeah, they are kinda expensive (but probably less than a new FB CD), but there are a lot of songs, the sound is good, and the performances are great. As anyone who has seen Frank Live can attest, these are in no way simply reproductions of the songs on the albums. All the Catholics tend to rock out. In fact, every live version of Bullet and Hermaphroditos that I have heard is better, in my opinion, than the album versions.
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= Cult of Ray =

383 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2003 :  11:06:30  Show Profile
I don't want to sound over hyperbolic but this show is fucking awesome. Definitely the best sound of any of the hearitagain shows so far, amazing energy, and Frank is in incredible voice all night. I mean seriously incredible voice. Cactus fades in at the end of the first verse, so I'm assuming that Massif was first and that recording problems prevented the inclusion of the beginning of the show. I'm starting to think that the price is a bit high for what they're offering (mp3s only with no artwork) but for now as long as they keep putting 'em out, I'll keep buying 'em.
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- FB Fan -

118 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  05:21:00  Show Profile
I downloaded this show a few nights back. Quality is excellent but I too was disappointed Massif Centrale wasn't there. However, Caribou, Cactus, Nimrod's Son, Where is My Mind and Monkey Gone.. more make up for it. Still plenty of classics and it sounds like a great performance.
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- FB Fan -

57 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2003 :  07:29:43  Show Profile  Visit cnotes's Homepage
>> I will be investigating if I can convert the files to ones which will play on standard cd players as well but up to now I have not really been into downloading MP3 files so I am not to sure what software is available.

If you have iTunes, you can burn the tracks to standard CD format.

Once again, guys, I want to thank you for your great feedback. Even though this is a great show on its own I'm looking into a special treat for you because of the missing Massif track.

Mike Corso
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2003 :  01:36:13  Show Profile
I downloaded it last night. Had a slow connection so it took a couple of hours. No problems though.

Quality seems pretty good although I've not let rip on my stereo yet, just PC speakers. Some artwork would be great to give it a more 'professional appeal'.

I think $12 is a fair price but then again sterling is very strong at the moment so the perceived cost is probably less than it would have been a year ago.

I think the whole concept is a fantastic idea. Thanks for picking the Shepherds Bush gig!

"Join the Cult of the Theremin / It's Velouriatastic!!"
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My Velouria
- FB Fan -

93 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2003 :  08:25:17  Show Profile
I downloaded the gig a couple of days ago and it sounds really good ! ANd I think the price is really correct for such cds...I even would be ready to pay more for getting live stuffs of FB...Anyway, nothing is perfect and if I could tell a negative point, I would say the set list is not really different from previous shows we could download on hearitagain.net...except "When will happiness...", "I need peace" and "Caribou" I think I already had all the others...that's why I hope they will publish an additional one, even with a not so perfect sound...and Amsterdam gig would be, I think, a great complement because we need live versions of Massif Cebtral, Velouria, The Snake at least...well good download but not enough surprises to me.
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= Cult of Ray =

383 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2004 :  01:05:47  Show Profile
Originally posted by cnotes

Once again, guys, I want to thank you for your great feedback. Even though this is a great show on its own I'm looking into a special treat for you because of the missing Massif track.

Mike Corso

and nothing ever came of it

"join the Cult of the Triforium / If we form a circle round it / in our white robes / God will surely play for us / the authentic Celestial Music / at last"
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- FB Fan -

57 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2004 :  12:12:34  Show Profile  Visit cnotes's Homepage
Originally posted by anazgnos

Originally posted by cnotes

Once again, guys, I want to thank you for your great feedback. Even though this is a great show on its own I'm looking into a special treat for you because of the missing Massif track.

Mike Corso

and nothing ever came of it

Sadly, we will not be releasing either of the Holland shows so enjoy the London show.

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