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 28/11 Melkweg-Amsterdam Gig
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My Velouria
- FB Fan -

93 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  09:07:58  Show Profile
Well I did not see any post on this gig so in a nutshell this was a great show that took place in a quite small but totally sold out place. All the band seemed in a great mood and I had the chance to see Rich Gilbert with a girl 2 hours before the concert in a bar close to the Melkweg...I went speaking with him a few seconds and he appeared totally cool !
Well after the 1st part from Serafin that I am surprised to read so many bad reviews on the forum (ok the sound is not perfect but some songs are really neat I think), Frank Black started his show...and what a beginning !! I even was afraid for all the non-initiate spectators at the beginning where he played the strongest live of the tour list...He started with Freedom Rock, then Velvety and 6-66, I want Rock'n'Roll, The Snake...then the show became softer with How You Went so far, California Bound, New House of the Pope...the great moment of the show was the combination of Jane Queen of Love, Nadine and Massif Central in a row ! Waow !
Nothing special about the set list, I just could hear Velvety and The Snake live for the first time...anyway, as I've already read on the forum, I also would have prefered hearing Chip Away Boy, End Of Miles, San Antonio...instead of 6-66 (sorry but I can't like this song and he plays it every time !), I want Rock n Roll and even Pixies stuffs we got in 1999...
To sum up, great show, wonderful audience (better than Brussel !! What a positive reaction from the crowd!!) and we now hope he will come back before 2005 !

>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6249 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  11:20:38  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address
he better be back before 2005!
actually I expect him to play my backyard in 2004!

thanks for the review (strange that there is just your review of this one)

how was the sound? (were you at the front or the back?)

I agree that the pixies songs are getting old (not that I'm against pixies songs, Hell No!, but I would like to hear some new ones, like The Happening or Trompe Le Monde, very different ones than the songs he's playing now), I think everybody on this board would love to hear the songs you want to hear.

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know what...to do"
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= Cult of Ray =

391 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  16:03:59  Show Profile  Visit chickenwithtwoheads's Homepage  Click to see chickenwithtwoheads's MSN Messenger address
My Velouria, tell me your joking!!!!!
Freedom Rock is one of my favourite FB-songs and I missed it!
Entered the Melkweg when they played six sixty six...
But a great show it was indeed!
Can't help to be surprised about the quality of the Show-me-your-tears-songs played live.
And what a sound!
If hearitagain.net recorded this one, everyone in this forum should buy it immediately.
I managed to get to about a meter from the stage, and even there, all of the songs sonded incredibly pure. Every instrument at the right volume, etc.
Best show I've ever seen!

Can't wait till the next tour!

I'm bored with the valleys and bored by the peaks. So I bought a ticket to the freaks
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- FB Fan -

4 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2003 :  04:04:42  Show Profile
Nice to hear that I am not the only one disliking that slow version of 6-66 that they do every show. One time I heard them do an uptempo ending of the song which sounded great, but the last shows its only the slow version from start to end. In Koln (I think) Scott suggested this speedy ending to Frank by indicating a faster rhytm with his drumsticks, but Frank did not respond to it. But never mind, it is good to have a moment in the gig where you can catch some breath, relocate your earplugs etc. I was standing right in front of RG in A'dam, and he delivered a great show again. Best sound quality for me is exactly in front of the stage amp of either FB or RG so I can enjoy evry note they play. I took a picture where you can see his glasses through his see-through guitar while playing with his teeth. My plan was to have a CD signed by one of the guys, but they closed the stage curtain immediately after the show, the smart guys. Later on I passed FB on Leidseplein, somebody asked him full expectations what he was going to do now, but he just replied shortly that he was going to take a good rest. Too bad it's the end of the tour again. Now I can only hope that somebody made a good recording of one of the european gigs.
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- FB Fan -

1 Posts

Posted - 12/07/2003 :  08:23:59  Show Profile
Does anyone have a bootleg tape of this gig? (The melkweg one)
Or at least the exact songs list?
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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2004 :  01:36:19  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
dunno if anyone still cares......

1. Freedom Rock
2. Velouria
3. 666
4. Monkey Gone to Heavan
5. Hermaphroditos
6. Velvety
7. The Snake
8. I Want Rock & Roll
9. How You Went So Far
10. New House Of The Pope
11. Headache
12. Robert Onion
13. This Old Heartache
14. Nimrod's Son
15. Where Is My Mind?
16. Bullet
17. Southbound Bevy
18. Whisky In Your Shoes
19. California Bound
20. When Will Happiness Find Me Again?
21. Jane The Queen Of Love
22. Caribou
23. Massif Centrale
24. Nadine
25. The Farewell Bend
26. Abstract Plain
27. The Black Rider

and yes, there is a recordings, and it's fantastic.
It was offered on the trading forum, but as far as i understand, only 3 of us were interested.
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