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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  18:36:23  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address

el barto (on the right with enimem - both from the same town)

zane lowe (mtv uk and radio 1)

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner

> Teenager of the Year <

4698 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  18:49:17  Show Profile
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  18:50:58  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by PixieSteve


thanks. you're only 1 off 400.

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  20:00:40  Show Profile
that's not the same guy?

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  20:18:19  Show Profile
At first I thought I had competition in the way of photoshop... but Jim really DOES hang out with Eminem. That is not something that needs to be manipulated.

Join the Cult of Triumph
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2004 :  22:23:38  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage
Simon brought this to my attention and I was astounded...shocked...it's creepy. I never found anyone who looks like me, but I saw a few pictures and man, this guy does look like me. And yeah, Eminem and I are from the same city/area. Lame facts:

1. I used to drive by the bar every day on my way to school which he pulled the gun on the bouncer (Hot Rocks).
2. I would have gone to the same high school (he'd be graduated by then) if I didn't go to a catholic school (ugh).
3. The house that he lived in for a while that was selling on eBay was 2 blocks away from this girl I used to really like, and "sorta date" in grade school.
4. You've seen the movie "8 Mile"? I grew up between 8 1/2 Mile and 8 Mile...that trailer park it was filmed at isn't too far from my house. I pass it by whenever I visit MI from PA.

Lame, huh?

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:11:35  Show Profile
I'm sure Eminem has some of these same lame facts about you.

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* Dog in the Sand *

1966 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:14:58  Show Profile
I'm about 150 miles or somethin' like that away, in Kalamazoo. No Eminem facts here.

"You're muckin' with a G here!"
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
632 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:15:07  Show Profile  Visit gary13th's Homepage  Click to see gary13th's MSN Messenger address
when zane goes on holiday, they'll have to get barton in !

They are about, dressed to deceive, architect David Vincent
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:15:36  Show Profile
Zane Lowe sort of looks like David Arquette in that picture

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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:23:36  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
am i being an idiot by asking who the fuck is Zane Lowe?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / I think that man deserves a DB!"
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:27:12  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by benji

am i being an idiot by asking who the fuck is Zane Lowe?

"I joined the Cult of Frank / I think that man deserves a DB!"

he took over from steve lamacq on radio 1's evening session... he does loads of stuff on mtv (uk), he interviewed frank black on mtv, i think it might be on the ftp... he's an annoying twit. not to be confused with el jimbo...

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:27:55  Show Profile
No, because I don't know either. All I know is he looks like Jim, and maybe he is a VJ for MTV uk.

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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  06:36:57  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by ProverbialCereal

No, because I don't know either. All I know is he looks like Jim, and maybe he is a VJ for MTV uk.

Join the Cult of Triumph

i like that, 'he looks like jim' - if i ever meet zane that's exactly what i'm going to say to him:

'you know, you look a bit like el barto! you know, jim! from fb.net! it's uncanny! i bet you get that all the time! i'm sorry'

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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* Dog in the Sand *

1966 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  07:01:58  Show Profile
In my warped, backwards world, El Barto is more famous than Zane, cuz I'd never heard of Zane till this thread.

"You're muckin' with a G here!"

Edited by - TarTar on 02/18/2004 07:02:33
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  07:24:01  Show Profile
I've never heard of Zane Lowe either. Shows how much attention I pay to Radio 1.

What happened to Lamacq then? He seemed to be just about the only DJ with any credibility (other than John Peel of course).

"The Cult of TicketWeb!! / They can make your little pixie dreams turn into nightmares."
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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  07:30:37  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
Originally posted by bedrock_barney
What happened to Lamacq then? He seemed to be just about the only DJ with any credibility (other than John Peel of course).

yeah, lamacq sessions were great...Mogwai did a couple of fantastic ones....
i've got one where he gets really excited about the fact that they play the longest session track ever recorded at 19 minutes...
but i could understand his excitedment cause it was an awesome version of Mogwai Fear Satan

"I joined the Cult of Frank / I think that man deserves a DB!"
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  07:31:46  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by bedrock_barney

I've never heard of Zane Lowe either. Shows how much attention I pay to Radio 1.

What happened to Lamacq then? He seemed to be just about the only DJ with any credibility (other than John Peel of course).

"The Cult of TicketWeb!! / They can make your little pixie dreams turn into nightmares."

i think steve lamacq still does one night on radio 1? he mostly dj's on bbc radio 6 now i believe.

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  10:25:42  Show Profile
i know who Billy Zane is...

Do you think he is Ben Affleck's brother but changed his name to save being humiliated by the worst actor in Hollywood?

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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  10:50:25  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage
I can't help but wonder if I'll be stopped on the street in London and asked for an autograph. I found my calling! I can be a body double for this guy! I gotta work on my tan and British accent....

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."
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- FB TabMaster -

2953 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  10:52:30  Show Profile
When you are doubling for Zane, Zane can be doubling for you.

You like Zane Lowe, GypsyDeath?

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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  10:52:36  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
I think its unlikely, you're more likely to get stopped on the street then mugged.
Word of advice: stay on the paths, don't go on the moors...

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  11:49:24  Show Profile
Originally posted by El Barto

I can't help but wonder if I'll be stopped on the street in London and asked for an autograph. I found my calling! I can be a body double for this guy! I gotta work on my tan and British accent....

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."

He has a New Zealand accent!!!

Lo! I have become death!
Stealer of pie!!!
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= Official forum monkey =

United Kingdom
17125 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  11:51:49  Show Profile
Originally posted by El Barto

Simon brought this to my attention and I was astounded...shocked...it's creepy. I never found anyone who looks like me, but I saw a few pictures and man, this guy does look like me. And yeah, Eminem and I are from the same city/area. Lame facts:

1. I used to drive by the bar every day on my way to school which he pulled the gun on the bouncer (Hot Rocks).
2. I would have gone to the same high school (he'd be graduated by then) if I didn't go to a catholic school (ugh).
3. The house that he lived in for a while that was selling on eBay was 2 blocks away from this girl I used to really like, and "sorta date" in grade school.
4. You've seen the movie "8 Mile"? I grew up between 8 1/2 Mile and 8 Mile...that trailer park it was filmed at isn't too far from my house. I pass it by whenever I visit MI from PA.

Lame, huh?

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."

Erm I went to school with Paul Scholes, and Steve Coogan was there before us. I guess only Brits will appreciate that. Actually I guess nobody will really, it's not THAT impressive.

Lo! I have become death!
Stealer of pie!!!
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  12:40:38  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
Hey Homer, what's that quote from in your sig?
I can only imagine Oppenheimer in the form of Homer Simpson, surveying the destruction he has wrought after crashing his car into the local bakery and making off with all the fresh-baked goodies. He could have many arms-full of piping-hot fruit pies.
That would be funny.

666 Dunkin' Donuts, a 20-inch veggie pizza from Gumby's, extra jalapenos on the side. And a case of Asahi Dry -

Edited by - apl4eris on 02/18/2004 12:42:23
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  14:37:49  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

I think its unlikely, you're more likely to get stopped on the street then mugged.
Word of advice: stay on the paths, don't go on the moors...

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"

Oh no! I don't even know what the moors are! How do I know if I'm on them or not if I don't even know what that means!

"Join the Cult of Brit / And let your oral hygiene go out the window."
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:08:35  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
You just need to steer clear of pubs called The Slaughtered Lamb, or things like that.
Also stay away from the Slug & Lettuce, but thats different. Its Ikea hell.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:13:36  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
Hahahah the Slug and Lettuce? I went there on a bit of a pub crawl holy crap! TEN years ago. I thought it seemed full of low-rent high-nosed day traders and marketing wenches. But I was really wasted, so I figured I was just in a Shane MacGowan funk and in the mood to hate.

666 Dunkin' Donuts, a 20-inch veggie pizza from Gumby's, extra jalapenos on the side. And a case of Asahi Dry -
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:16:30  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by apl4eris

Hahahah the Slug and Lettuce? I went there on a bit of a pub crawl holy crap! TEN years ago. I thought it seemed full of low-rent high-nosed day traders and marketing wenches. But I was really wasted, so I figured I was just in a Shane MacGowan funk and in the mood to hate.

666 Dunkin' Donuts, a 20-inch veggie pizza from Gumby's, extra jalapenos on the side. And a case of Asahi Dry -

heh, there's one round these parts, always looked quite nice (at least from the outside!) never been inside though, might check it out, sounds like my kind of place...

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:17:17  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Its an easy place to hate, and well deserving.
There are very few pubs in London I'd actually recommend to anyone, and any chain pub is automatically disqulified by virtue of being completely evil.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:24:13  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

Its an easy place to hate, and well deserving.
There are very few pubs in London I'd actually recommend to anyone, and any chain pub is automatically disqulified by virtue of being completely evil.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"

heh, where *do* you go to drink? ol' bob hookin's tavern, est. 1756?

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner

Edited by - bumblebeeboy2 on 02/18/2004 15:37:26
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:34:23  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Not stripped-pine evil, thats for sure.
There's a good pub in North London called Shillibeers, in Islington...
Or there's one on New Oxford Street, can't remember the name, sells Starapraman beer.

[edited for continuity purposes..]

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"

Edited by - Cheeseman1000 on 02/18/2004 15:39:52
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:41:53  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

Not stripped-pine evil, thats for sure.
There's a good pub in North London called Shillibeers, in Islington...
Or there's one on New Oxford Street, can't remember the name, sells Starapraman beer.

[edited for continuity purposes..]

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"

hehe! damn you for editing!

i can't remember, when are you seeing pixies at brixton? i need a guide!

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:44:58  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
On the Thursday. You?
We're going to have get some big old meet-up sorted nearer the time, for sure.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  15:53:37  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

On the Thursday. You?
We're going to have get some big old meet-up sorted nearer the time, for sure.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"

oh you all suck! no, i didn't get tickets the first time around, so i'm going on the saturday... which is better for me, as i'm probably working around then... guess i'll just have to walk the streets of london on my own! you don't think the Queen is free do you? Could you do me a favour and ask her next time you see her?

"Love stops no war, stops no cancer, it stops my heart" - Hefner
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2004 :  16:03:13  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Will do, next time I'm round there for tea.
Oh no, I revealed my secret identity... Tony Blair!
Or maybe Tony Benn, that would be better.

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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