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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 03:31:33
Yeah I know, that's not the greatest review I've ever done, but I haven't got much time today. More tomorrow.
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
- FB Fan -
1 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 07:25:37
Someone has a complete setlist ? I'm sure we had Monkeys gone to heaven, Velouria, Caribou, Where is my Mind, and California Bound, Jane the Queen of love, Farewell Bend, Black Rider, Goodbye Lorraine. |
king of karaoke
- FB Fan -
14 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 07:38:43
Set list:(plus ou moins dans l'ordre) Nadine Velvety Hermaphroditos Cactus Massif centrale Robert onion I want rock & roll How you went so far New house of the pope headache Abstract plain When will happiness find me again? freedom rock I need peace Goodbye lorraine Jane the queen of love Nimrod's son 666 Caribou California bound My favorite kiss Monkey's gone to heaven Velouria
encore: The farewell bend Where is my mind Bullet The black rider
encore: Brakish boy (a capella!)
Voila, c'est à peu près ça, bref, c'était top! Le public était nombreux, très bonne ambiance, je pense que le groupe a apprécié nous l'a bien rendu! N'hésitez pas à rectifier cette liste a+
- FB Fan -
4 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 07:59:25
FUCK IT WAS AMAZING! I was against the stage, blong black coat, right in front of the one and only Rich Gilbert. God it was really mindblowing.
A little pessimistic, but that's ok. |
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 08:13:55
C'était vraiment génial, 10 fois mieux que celui auquel j'avais assisté à Angers... Ca se voyait, FB était souriant, et plus communiquant avec le public. Que du bonheur ! Alors quand ils on joués "Monkey gone to heaven" gt aux anges !!! Et ca se voyait, une grande partie des gens au concert était la parce que c'était Frank Black et que c'était le leader des Pixies, la dessus y'a pas photo. On a regardé FB ranger son matos, lol ct mignon alalalala... bravo ! ps : Velvety tu es sur ? je ne l'ai pas reconnue...
Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 08:16:45
L'un d'entre vous a t il prit des Photos ?? ( j'en ai vu pas mal avec des ap numérique )
Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
* Dog in the Sand *
1734 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 08:41:20
Yes the audience was really cool, everybody raised their hand, even in the back. After the first encore, they put the lights and the music on. the crowd asked for more and continued to applause for ten minutes and Frank came back just to sing Brackish Boy. He had a big smile on his face, just like every fan.
Rich, you rule, even if you can't play the same guitar solo twice!
Thank you Frank!
\ / (°L°) ¤¤¤
Speedy Franky
- FB Fan -
45 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 09:34:06
The show was amazing, incredible, the most exciting gig that i've ever seen of the big Frank . Seems to be a long show, something like 1h45. Dave Philips was jumping everywhere (i've never seen him like that), rich Gilbert was completly crazy and Frank seems to enjoy a lot being here. the sound quality was excellent and the audience extremly receptive and not only for the Pixies stuff. People were jumping everywhere during the most part of the show and became crazy for headach, freedom rock or jane queen of love and of course caribou, velouria or where is my mind.
thanks Mr Black and spécial thanks to the catholics. |
- FB Fan -
19 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 10:07:39
Hellyeah!!! Great show at the Bataclan!! I loved it! Frank was terrific and the rest of the band were extraordinare as usual (from gunner Gilbert to crazy McCaffrey). The thing i loved the most was the communication between band and public (Paris' got the best FB audience i've ever seen)... pogo and crowdsurfing all the time (with Pixies and FB's songs... all the same excitation) and smiles everywhere. What i call an AWESOME CONCERT.
Excellent. And the funny ending with Brackish Boy was a bizarre outro to remember.
- FB Fan -
115 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 13:46:08
This was my 3rd Frank Black during the current tour and the best one. Compared to Lyon and Clermond-Ferrand, the audience was far more enthusiastic and active : it was a Saturday night, so everyone was maybe more relaxed or maybe people living in Paris have more stress to release than people from other cities.... FB and the band looked also more into it, not to say that sometimes they are not but this gig was very special. Paris might have some magic effect on people.... For me, the severe moshing (and crowd surfing) was rather disturbing : it was sometimes difficult to focus on the music since we were focusing on keeping our 2 feet on the ground ! I won’t talk about the people who climbed up on stage for stage diving ! There must be an average way between a sleepy audience and a moshing crowd... I believe FB found that excessive sometimes : I had the feeling they played slower songs on purpose when the moshing was becoming too strong. For example they played a slow version of Nimrod’s son that I had never heard of. Nimrod’s son is usually a speedy song which triggers “moshing instinct” among the crowd but it worked a little bit as the opposite at that gig (this is my opinion). To be noted also that, of course, the crowd enjoyed more the Pixies songs than the FB solo songs but the difference was pretty narrow compared to other gigs I have attended. As mentioned by others, FB came back after the encore to sing Brackish Boy (a cappella = voice only !!). This was a very special moment.... I think he enjoyed the audience very much. At the end, he stayed on stage for a very long time to sign paper sheets (which is quite unusual for FB).
Complete setlist (absolute correct order)
Nadine Velvety Hermaphroditos Cactus I want Rock’n’Roll Massif Centrale I need peace How you went so far New house of the Pope Robert Onion When will happiness find me again Headache Abstract plain Freedom Rock Jane the Queen of Love (Pink Floyd-like outro) Good bye Lorraine Nimrod’s son (exclusive, slow version) My favorite kiss California bound 666 Monkey gone to heaven Caribou Velouria
The farewell bends Where is my mind ? Bullet The black rider
Brackish boy (a cappella)
Great great show !!
The pictures (and the small videos) will soon be posted on Mun Chien Andalusia’s web site.
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 14:05:44
quote: Originally posted by Etienne
This was my 3rd Frank Black during the current tour and the best one. Compared to Lyon and Clermond-Ferrand, the audience was far more enthusiastic and active : it was a Saturday night, so everyone was maybe more relaxed or maybe people living in Paris have more stress to release than people from other cities.... FB and the band looked also more into it, not to say that sometimes they are not but this gig was very special. Paris might have some magic effect on people.... For me, the severe moshing (and crowd surfing) was rather disturbing : it was sometimes difficult to focus on the music since we were focusing on keeping our 2 feet on the ground ! I won’t talk about the people who climbed up on stage for stage diving ! There must be an average way between a sleepy audience and a moshing crowd... I believe FB found that excessive sometimes : I had the feeling they played slower songs on purpose when the moshing was becoming too strong. For example they played a slow version of Nimrod’s son that I had never heard of. Nimrod’s son is usually a speedy song which triggers “moshing instinct” among the crowd but it worked a little bit as the opposite at that gig (this is my opinion). To be noted also that, of course, the crowd enjoyed more the Pixies songs than the FB solo songs but the difference was pretty narrow compared to other gigs I have attended. As mentioned by others, FB came back after the encore to sing Brackish Boy (a cappella = voice only !!). This was a very special moment.... I think he enjoyed the audience very much. At the end, he stayed on stage for a very long time to sign paper sheets (which is quite unusual for FB).
Complete setlist (absolute correct order)
Nadine Velvety Hermaphroditos Cactus I want Rock’n’Roll Massif Centrale I need peace How you went so far New house of the Pope Robert Onion When will happiness find me again Headache Abstract plain Freedom Rock Jane the Queen of Love (Pink Floyd-like outro) Good bye Lorraine Nimrod’s son (exclusive, slow version) My favorite kiss California bound 666 Monkey gone to heaven Caribou Velouria
The farewell bends Where is my mind ? Bullet The black rider
Brackish boy (a cappella)
Great great show !!
The pictures (and the small videos) will soon be posted on Mun Chien Andalusia’s web site.
Thanks for this review Etienne.
Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
- FB Fan -
4 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 15:06:53
un show énorme ! et une salle idéale pour ce type de concert : pas de barrières, Frank Black à portée de mains, un son détonant... bien sûr on ressort sourds, mais vraiment heureux ! Le show était un peu court à notre goùt mais la convivialité de l'after et les séances de dédicaces très décontractées avec les Cs ont vraiment rendu la soirée magique.
Charles, Charles et Romain |
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 22:50:45
En effet je suis ressortit avec les oreilles qui siflaient, même aujourd'hui encore... Pour Serafin j'ai trouvé que leur instruments étaient très mal réglés, soit on entendait pas la voix du chanteur, soit ct un bordel sonore pas très agréable... Sur FB ct très bien.
Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
- FB Fan -
121 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2003 : 23:43:25
Etienne your setlist is perfect. Is is sad that I left before Brackish Boy ... It was the 4th time I saw Frank this year, and the 3rd with the Catholics, and this was my favorite one. The sound level was quite high. I own ear plugs and I used them for the show. I found that the sound quality was great. That was really an awesome evening !!!
I hope that next tour Frank and the catholics will play the Bataclan again, this is far much better than the Elysee Montmartre ... It's the first time that I found the same magic in a Parisian show that we usually have when they play small venues in Province.
They tried to give me advice Down at the record shop -Frank Black |
Edited by - debaser on 11/30/2003 23:45:33 |
- FB Fan -
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 00:23:49
Great show, yeah... But sadly, my girlfriend (attending a FB show for the second time, : 1) was sick 2) was upset by some peoplesmoking really bad pot in front of us...the kind of stuff that gives you a real headache, and nothing more... hey guys, find another dealer, or quit that stuff,but don't smoke that waxy second hand shoe-shine paste :-D have you ever tried beer ? 3) expected more songs from BLD and DW...since she thinks that FB rules and Pixies suck (Pixies were alive more than ten years ago, and FB released more solo albums than the Pixies....). I partially agree with her. I love Pixies, but I don't want to spend the next 20 years listening Monkey to Heaven live... I expect more from a man who can release 15 great new songs / year .
We missed the second encore (It was time to go back home far away in the suburb and pay the baby-sitter...).
In an ideal world, I would have removed "666" and "I want rock n roll", just to hear The Snake and His Kingly cave...
about mechandising : everything was on sale, 15 Euros for a T-shirt (poor quality), and 5 euros for each single (Robert Onion, Dam disaster, Nadine)that was missing in my Cd collection...That was great !
- FB Fan -
29 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 02:42:26
buh bouh bouh bouh à cause d'une grosse pute d'angine de merde j'ai pas pu venir et refilé ma place... merci de mettre des photos en ligne!
worries have worries
- FB Fan -
54 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 04:22:49
Bon j'ai du mal à vous comprendre tous : à part cousi qui fait quelques reserves tout le monde est ravi. je pense que C'ETAIT LE CONCERT LE PLUS MERDIQUE QUE J'AI JAMAIS VU. et revenez un peu sur terre les mecs : le son était POURRI (avant le premier refrain de nadine j'avais deja les oreilles qui sifflaient, et je n'ai RIEN entendu de I want rocknroll sauf frank gueuler rocknroll et merci pour les trois guitaristes - pourquoi pas 15 ?- qui jouent à font sans qu'on puisse en distinguer une seule !), le groupe etait merdique (les deux guitaristes solo etaint tres clairement défoncés et jouait a peu pres n'importe quoi- voir les parties de "piano" qui étaient vraiment pathetiques, minables) et le son INFAME (dans la fosse, impossible de distinguer la musique - moi je dis "bouillie") et la performance assez quelqconque (frank chantant faux à plusieurs reprises, version de 666 surmerdique) Comprenez moi bien hein , j'adore frank et j'ai adoré le concert au batofar mais samedi je me suis fait entubé 25 euros pour un concert indigne, j'ai n'ai même pas attendu le rappel pour me casser. Libre à vous d'avoir adoré : je pense que si frank vous pissait dessus, vous diriez qu'il pleut. |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
6249 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 05:05:43
you paid 15 euro's for a t shirt and 5 for a single? my t shirt was 20 euro's and a single 7!
"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know do" |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 05:09:25
Looks like someone needs to get some sleep.
I stood in the back of the venue, behind the sound engineer, and the sound was great IMO. I know a lot of people dislike the Bataclan for having a terrible sound quality, and I have no idea of how it was at the front of the audience, but from where I was it was really good. I didn't use my earplugs (but that may be because I'm already half deaf). About the performance: yeah, there were a couple of mistakes, but hey, if you want to hear perfect versions, stay at home and listen to the damn CDs. About Rich and Dave being stoned, I won't even answer, you're just being ridiculous.
(PS: shouldn't we write reviews in english instead of french? I don't see the point of writing in french. Even if my english isn't good, I make an effort).
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
- FB Fan -
121 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 05:41:39
Worries have worries : Like Denis I was not far from the sound guy and I can tell you that the sound quality was great. In my opinion you are not very familiar with the Catholics, what I can say is that Rich was in a great mood, and Dave P, as usual, was doing is job, that is to say playing guitar and pedal steel guitar professionnaly, with pleasure, lighting cigarette after cigarette, nothing special ... You could tell that he was happy like a little kid with a new toy when he opened Freedom Rock ....
They tried to give me advice Down at the record shop -Frank Black |
worries have worries
- FB Fan -
54 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 05:46:55
quote: Originally posted by vilainde
Looks like someone needs to get some sleep.
I stood in the back of the venue, behind the sound engineer, and the sound was great IMO. I know a lot of people dislike the Bataclan for having a terrible sound quality, and I have no idea of how it was at the front of the audience, but from where I was it was really good. I didn't use my earplugs (but that may be because I'm already half deaf). About the performance: yeah, there were a couple of mistakes, but hey, if you want to hear perfect versions, stay at home and listen to the damn CDs. About Rich and Dave being stoned, I won't even answer, you're just being ridiculous.
(PS: shouldn't we write reviews in english instead of french? I don't see the point of writing in french. Even if my english isn't good, I make an effort).
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"
j'ecris en francais parce que je vois pas trop ce que des gens qui n'ont pas vu le concert peuvent avoir à faire de mes commentaires. Ensuite, je continue à penser que le concert etait mauvais et j'ai de la haine à l'interieur de moi : j'étais dans le fosse à 5 metres de la console et c'est un fait que le son etait pourri, je ne suis parvenu à reconnaitre aucune chanson avant que frank ne chante (sauf les intros à la guitare seche). La performance etait aussi pas bonne et je ne parle d'une ou deux erreurs comme tu essaies de le dire (pas tres gentiment). il y avait des pains sur chaque chanson, c'est clair. Ensuite j'ai vu le dave rater plusieurs fois ses debuts de parties solo (trop tot trop tard), le piano de rich j'en ai parlé. J'ai vu frank avec le meme rich à l'elysee en 2001 (rich en combinaison orange, a gigoter sur place pendant 2heures) et ce soir la ils ont déchiré, le son clair et puissant. Mais samedi c'etait vraiment tres mediocre. |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 05:54:24
Ben quel est l'intérêt de poster des comptes-rendus de concert uniquement pour les gens qui ont vu le concert?
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
worries have worries
- FB Fan -
54 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 06:07:29
quote: Originally posted by vilainde
Ben quel est l'intérêt de poster des comptes-rendus de concert uniquement pour les gens qui ont vu le concert?
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"
Good point clever guy. Can see you more used to the forums i am. What shall i do , translate the posts ? I still think my points stand (bad sound, bad bad performance). Of course this is for the sake of argument, the concert had its moments (probably not more than 2 though). Oh well...
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 06:34:03
Bon, worries, je voulais t'envoyer un message perso mais ton adresse n'est pas dans ton profil. Bref, je me rends compte que je suis agressif dans mes réponses, et j'aime pas m'engueuler avec les gens, alors j'arrête là. De toutes façons chacun est libre de ses opinions; je crois juste que ta réaction au concert est exagérée et les insultes quelque peu déplacées. Maintenant on oublie ça, tu écrases une larme en pensant au Batofar et moi au Bataclan, et tout le monde est copain. Youpi.
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
- FB Fan -
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 07:55:40
For Billgoodman : Every thing was on sale, end of the tour, probably. Maybe it's a compensation for us who had to wait many weeks reading shows reviews before attending one.....
For the others : I was upstair, sitting in the first row at the balcony. The view was really great, but the sound was far from perfect. I don't know if it's related with the sound system or with the location of my seat (closer from God than you, the real one, not the bald one that was on stage ;-). I think the sound was better at Elysee Montmartre..but maybe it's my "C'etait mieux avaaaaant" trend ... Ooops , i'm good to go listen André Rieux, if it goes like that...
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 09:15:50
... For me, the concert was very good, the sound was good but to hight. Worries, contrairement à toi j'entendais parfaitement FB chanter, et j'ai trouvé le son des instrus bien équilibrés par rapport à l'autre concert de FB&tc's auquel j'avais assisté, et je reconnaissais bien les débuts des chansons, enfin pas de pb de ce côté la. Bref moi j'étais ravis ( sauf Serafin qui était très moyen ce jour la ). À bientôt
( ps : je trouve le "C'ETAIT LE CONCERT LE PLUS MERDIQUE QUE J'AI JAMAIS VU" un peut osé... ) Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
Edited by - cousi on 12/01/2003 09:46:05 |
* Dog in the Sand *
1734 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 10:40:59
Worries, you're really a lucky guy, if it was The Shitiest Concert You've Ever Been To. May be you should go to see some more often , you'll understand what a shitty band is (The raveonnetes, Warlock...). Ok the Bataclan hasn't got a great sound, and the engineer pull up the volume constantly, so in the end it was really too loud. If the concert was so shitty why did the crowd asked for an extra-encore, why every people there was smiling, why my friends who're not absolute fans like me enjoyed this night so much?
\ / (°L°) ¤¤¤
- FB Fan -
35 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 12:39:40
quote: Originally posted by remig
Worries, you're really a lucky guy, if it was The Shitiest Concert You've Ever Been To. May be you should go to see some more often , you'll understand what a shitty band is (The raveonnetes, Warlock...). Ok the Bataclan hasn't got a great sound, and the engineer pull up the volume constantly, so in the end it was really too loud. If the concert was so shitty why did the crowd asked for an extra-encore, why every people there was smiling, why my friends who're not absolute fans like me enjoyed this night so much?
\ / (°L°) ¤¤¤
I totaly agree with you !
Well, I love The Pixies, I love them, I love them, I love them. |
- FB Fan -
4 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 14:25:06
le son du Bataclan n'est peut-être pas le meilleur qui soit et le volume était clairement trop fort mais sur le devant de la scène la voix de black rendait très bien même si les débuts n'étaient pas prometteurs. et le Bataclan permet quand même d'avoir un contact humain avec les artistes. je sais pas pour le Batofar mais dans les grandes salles c'est la zone. par contre pas de pitié pour la première partie : c'était merdique. et puis il fallait voir le guitariste se viander dans le piano parce qu'il croit malin de sauter un excité tout le long du concert.
I love the Pixies but Black is... much better. |
worries have worries
- FB Fan -
54 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 15:59:51
quote: Originally posted by remig
Ok the Bataclan hasn't got a great sound, and the engineer pull up the volume constantly, so in the end it was really too loud. If the concert was so shitty why did the crowd asked for an extra-encore, why every people there was smiling, why my friends who're not absolute fans like me enjoyed this night so much?
\ / (°L°) ¤¤¤
o i don't know o will i ever know. maybe you happy guy, no? you like it since you are a fan yes? what frank is gonna do with my 25 zuros ? I wonder. That's worth like five bottles of good strong fine red wine. rip off. |
- FB Fan -
64 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 17:09:18
Okej. Eftersom en massa knasar här skriver på franska så skriver väl jag mitt inlägg på svenska då, se det som en service till alla svenskar som inte kan engelska . Jag och några polare var på Bataclan lördag kväll och tog del av spektaklet, mycket bra. Måste säga att jag blev mycket imponerad av Rich Gilbert och hans grymma gitarrspel och Elvis-imitationer. Frank Black hade ingen direkt kontakt med publiken, men han sjung bra.
There you go. |
mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =
2139 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2003 : 18:36:59
quote: Originally posted by worries have worries what frank is gonna do with my 25 zuros ? I wonder. That's worth like five bottles of good strong fine red wine. rip off.
5 bottles of GOOD red wine for 25 euros?no way.maybe half a bottle if you are lucky.5 euro bottles are more vinegar than wine...if you don't have enough money get a beer instead of bad wine.
join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2003 : 02:27:47
Did anyone record the show? Please contact me, I have a couple of boots to trade.
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
worries have worries
- FB Fan -
54 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2003 : 03:49:24
quote: Originally posted by crippe
Okej. Eftersom en massa knasar här skriver på franska så skriver väl jag mitt inlägg på svenska då, se det som en service till alla svenskar som inte kan engelska . Jag och några polare var på Bataclan lördag kväll och tog del av spektaklet, mycket bra. Måste säga att jag blev mycket imponerad av Rich Gilbert och hans grymma gitarrspel och Elvis-imitationer. Frank Black hade ingen direkt kontakt med publiken, men han sjung bra.
There you go.
ok crippe is making fun of us who have written in french. Crippe !some french speak (some) swedish. Here we go for the translation : "I also was with a few guys at the Bataclan sat. evening and liked the show a lot. I have to say i was very impressed by rich g and his guitarplay and elvis imitations. Frank didn't have any contact with the public but he sang well." And that 's that. What do you think swede ?
No real need for sarcasm, yes ? |
- FB Fan -
64 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2003 : 05:46:12
worries have worries: I´m impressed. I admit I was making (a little) fun of those who write in french. By writing in french you´re excluding a lot of people from the discussion, and discussion is what this page is all about. English is the official language of the internet so use it when you can. |
>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<
7443 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2003 : 05:58:22
"English is the official language of the internet"? WTF?
"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes" |
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