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 Monday, Shepherds Bush
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- FB Fan -

115 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  09:02:54  Show Profile
They also played Southbound Bevy in Clermont-Ferrand... Concerning End of Miles, no idea.

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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  09:05:18  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
maybe Scarla O got mixed up with California Bound cause i'm positive that was played, but is not on the posted setlist.
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Bluish Black
- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
108 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  11:22:53  Show Profile
Yes I thought this was the best of the 3 Catholics gigs I attended, everyone seemed up for it the crowd, the band, Frank and even Serafin who sounded much better here and got a good crowd response. The sound was much better than at the Astoria and Brighton although that might have been because I decided to stand down the front this time where there was certainly plenty of action I just about managed to stop being dragged back into the mosh pit and I left the venue dripping.
I thought the gig was summed up when Frank gave the guys on the front row high fives at the end of the set.
The other thing I thought was a good omen for the future was that a lot of the fans seemed quite young. I hope Frank comes back to London soon even if it is with the Pixies.
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True Blue
- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
14 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  13:12:37  Show Profile  Visit True Blue's Homepage
For sure the best Cathoilics gig I've been to, at least twice as good as the Astoria gig this year! The sound was perfect and well worth the ringing ears!

The set was pretty much the same as the Astoria gig tho which was a bit of a shame. Loads of songs from Black Letter Days, tho don't recall End of Miles being played?! Still doing the whole Ramones 4/4 count, no break between songs. You start clapping and then the dude's already singing the next song lol!

I think they all really went for it last night, being their last gig here for some time. One thing made me laugh - Frank's unsubtle encore finish thing. When I saw him do his solo show at Camden earlier this year he did the encore and still everyone wanted more, so he put his guitar in its case and held it up like: 'the guitar's in the case, it's over - get it??!' Last night, he finished the encore by putting his coat on!!

Excellent show, come back soon!
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
3 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  13:56:17  Show Profile  Visit Paradiddler's Homepage
I found Shepherd's Bush to be the finest of the 3 gigs I attended and up there with the Dog in the Sand tour and Cult of Ray tour (there were basically more songs last night than at most of the other shows I attended or read about).

I saw the boys in Edinburgh (the opening night of the tour, which was special), Bristol (where I'm pretty sure they peformed End Of Miles, Vilainde) and then the last night. Perhaps because it was the last night the whole event seemed to have an extra kick. The delivery and sound were the best I'd heard on the tour and there were some great moments to make you smile uncontrollably. Judge for yourself below (I realise some of these antics were not unique to Shepherd's Bush but still it gives an impression if you are curious):-

1) Rich Gilbert and Davey P simultaneously playing their guitars behind the head
2) Davey P and McDave playing back to back
3) Frank's massive grinning at the end of the show
4) Scott's drumming in the middle of Bullet
5) Watching Rich (of all people) grin upwards for long spells at the peformance of a chap at the front of the left side balcony. This guy was having a whale of a time and Rich seemed to be enjoying watching this audience member's peformance.
6) Freedom Rock..no need to say any more.
7) But the big memory for me will be Davey P's solo on "I Need Peace" and his performance in general. He didn't do any of Rich's robotic dancing or teeth playing as far as I could see* but he was manic on I need peace and looked physically spent at its close.
Well done Davey P, I say.

Top, top, top night.

*Just one final thing: I am 6 foot tall but I noticed an unusually large number of really , really tall people congregated in one spot (and I am talking 6 foot 5 here). I couldn't maneouver around them, they were always in front. Was there a Tall FB&TC's Club outing or what?
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2003 :  14:53:53  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Firstly, Gracie, Richard, my apologies. I didn't see you in O'Neill's, but I got in anyway thanks to my new friends at Cooking Vinyl (thanks!).
Twas class though, although most of my people's opinions seem to be not as good as Astoria, although I'm not sure. I think the first half blew it away, but the second half was not so good.
I loved 666, though, not heard it like that before, also the boogie version of Nimrod's Son.

As for Rich and Dave with the simultaneous behind-the-head guitar heroics: that is just so cool, no other way of putting it!

Call me an evil traitor if you like, but I always like to hear Pixies songs, and we got a ton. However, I Need Peace, Headache, Freedom Rock, 666, and Hermaphroditos are pretty much as good in this setting, man those are good tunes.

I did think he played the less good tracks from SMYT, though, anyone agree?

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night, Pinky: try to take over the world!"
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  01:17:40  Show Profile  Visit fokinel's Homepage
The show was great - first time I've seen FB live, but been a Pixies fan since, umm, prerelease Come On Pilgrim (shows age ;) You are right about the tall peoples group - I'm 6'2", stood at the very back on the ledge, and there were a couple of people on the main floor almost blocking my view. But didn't stop me from getting a few pix and short vids (the sound is crap, but it's a little camera). What a great night - new tracks are good, a few Pixies tracks to get the hair up on the back of my neck. If anyone wants pix copies let me know and I'll post them somewhere.
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> Teenager of the Year <

New Zealand
3429 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  02:10:12  Show Profile  Visit benji's Homepage
yeah, i too was suprised by all the tall fellas there - i am 6'3" and i had to look round some heads which i haven't had to do for a while.
but yeah, great show.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  02:57:23  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
oh you got vids?? maybe they could be put on the ftp thing?

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  02:58:29  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
yeh also im pretty sure i heard end of miles too, i remember frank playing the intro to it.

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"
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- FB Fan -

5 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  08:55:27  Show Profile
Hello all, my gf and I just got back from London (we're from Brooklyn) where we witnessed the great Frank Black at Shepherds Bush. The show was a great ending to our week vacation in London. I was surprised at the number of Pixies songs he played and totally thrilled to hear the new stuff.
Did anyone try and download the show from that Hear It Again site?

All right here?

Edited by - Cheeks on 12/03/2003 08:56:10
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  09:33:24  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
were you at the front cheeks? i remember hearing american accents there.

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6249 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  10:36:50  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address
End of Miles, played or not?

It's a song everybody wants to here, it's up on the live wanted list together with San Antonio,Tx and (most of all) St.Francis Damn Disaster, and you guys aren't sure? Man!

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know what...to do"
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  12:36:18  Show Profile  Visit fokinel's Homepage
Without me actually looking, how do I upload to the 'FTP thing'? And those weren't American accents - Pure Canadian (well, maybe 1 or 2 Merkans out there ;) Next time there is a gig we should try organize pints earlier - always fun to put name to nome de guerre!
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2003 :  13:24:46  Show Profile  Visit fokinel's Homepage
The place that was advertising downloaded concerts was http://www.hearitagain.net/ although they only have these ones on their site -
Frank Black & The Catholics 3/28/03 Chicago, IL
Frank Black & The Catholics 4/19/03 San Francisco, CA
Price $11.95
Much more available in here!
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
37 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2003 :  09:53:23  Show Profile
The gig was the best I'v seen in a long time, even better than the dog in the sand tour, not sure bout the support band, think they may be a bit too fond of placebo lol
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
1 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  06:44:53  Show Profile  Click to see Daveybabe1963's MSN Messenger address
One of the Best Live shows i've been too !.....the best is still "Noddy and Big Ears" at the Chelmsford Odean in 1971 but apart from the viewing in the stalls at the Empire (which is crap) the gig was ace!
Now ive just got to get hold of a Bootleg of it ....any ideas ????
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
102 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  14:01:14  Show Profile  Click to see jbstevens's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by billgoodman

End of Miles, played or not?

It's a song everybody wants to here, it's up on the live wanted list together with San Antonio,Tx and (most of all) St.Francis Damn Disaster, and you guys aren't sure? Man!

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know what...to do"

I'm 99% certain there was no End of Miles - I'm sure I'd have been singing it to myself all the way home if there had been. As it was, I was singing Freedom Rock all the way home.

"Yellow fifty-two / He's an undertaker bee"
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- FB Fan -

United Kingdom
102 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  14:05:11  Show Profile  Click to see jbstevens's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by Paradiddler
5) Watching Rich (of all people) grin upwards for long spells at the peformance of a chap at the front of the left side balcony. This guy was having a whale of a time and Rich seemed to be enjoying watching this audience member's peformance.

This caught my eye too - top marks to the people on the balcony in general, but Rich was really focusing on this one guy. Anyone on here?

I'm only 5'8", so the Tall FB&TC's Club outing caused me a fair amount of grief - I had to find a short fat person to stand behind to clear a bit of space in front of me

"Yellow fifty-two / He's an undertaker bee"
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- FB Fan -

79 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  14:54:49  Show Profile
I didn't think the sound was very good. The only place the definition was really clear was at the bar at the back - which isn't the worst place to watch a band, I suppose. Did you notice how tiny the PA was? Only about two big cabinets each side for a big venue. At the Astoria the sound was really bad but that is an even bigger venue. In contrast the Brussels gig was very clear. In fact it was so loud by the end I had my fingers in my ears and I couldn't hear anything for two days! I think maybe financial constraints meant the band shipped round their own PA, which was fine for the smaller continental venues but not up to the larger London gigs. The house PAs at both the Lodon venues are much bigger, but the venues may have been asking a feee to use them (this is how it used to be don anyway)

I need peace. Turned up so loud.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2003 :  15:48:57  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
I thought the sound was pretty good actually, maybe thats just me!
The sound @ Astoria was crazy loud, stood by the left speaker I was glad I answer phones with my right ear!

I think Rich was looking at the guy in the red T-shirt playing air guitar, thats got to be slightly offputting....

Anyone else notice the middle-aged rat boy who kept moving round, flailing around and getting escorted out by security? There's always one, isn't there?

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night, Pinky: try to take over the world!"
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1222 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  08:03:29  Show Profile  Visit misleadtheworld's Homepage
Originally posted by fokinel

Without me actually looking, how do I upload to the 'FTP thing'? And those weren't American accents - Pure Canadian (well, maybe 1 or 2 Merkans out there ;) Next time there is a gig we should try organize pints earlier - always fun to put name to nome de guerre!

Before we all forget, someone tell Mr. Fokinel how to put the clips onto the FTP!!

"Joan my Clerk of Trompe / And You'll be chick-a-be enlightened"
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= Cult of Ray =

United Kingdom
871 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2003 :  08:35:44  Show Profile
Agree with Cheeseman. I thought the sound was spot on. I didn't need my earplugs which is always a plus.

"I have been enslaved by the Cult of Ming / He is ever so merciless...unlike that nice Mr Black."
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- FB Fan -

115 Posts

Posted - 12/24/2003 :  03:21:19  Show Profile
Did someone take pics of the show ?
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