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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:35:33  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
I think I've found it, the most pointless waste of time ever to rear its head on any forum ever.
Whats your favourite... Windows game!
I think mine is FreeCell, its a little more intellectual and tricky than Solitaire, and doesn't require quick wits like Minesweeper.
Actually, these are only out of the default Windows games, I found some more on Kazaa which apparently didn't make it onto Windows. The best of these, at the moment, is Golf, which is a highly addictive card game, but also recommended are Tri-Peaks, Tut's Tomb and Jezzball (which sounds ruder than it actually is).

To be honest, if any of you actually reply to this topic you're even sadder than me, so I don't expect to hear from you. Its just that I have nothing to do at work, I'm really bored and no-ones replying to the other posts cos they're safely tucked in bed. Its so unfair...

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =

2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:43:34  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
hey since you're killing time would you give me an opinion on the tribute artwork?i made up something and just wanted a neutral comment...

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:45:33  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Of course. Which thread is it in?

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:47:07  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
none yet.give me a sec and i'll post it

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:51:24  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking

Edited by - mun chien andalusia on 11/14/2003 04:09:36
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:53:46  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Thats pretty cool. I definitely like the images. What are the things in the foreground?
If I was going to make any suggestion, I'd make the 'HEY' lettering a little bigger, but its still pretty ace.

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:56:14  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
railway power cables.it's a photo i took on my way to torino for the fb gig.

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  03:58:39  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Nice. I definitely approve. I think that you wouldn't want anything to defined or specific: the songs rarely were, so this cover fits superbio. Thats Italian for superb, right?

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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mun chien andalusia
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2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  04:01:19  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
close,superbo.i chose that one 'cause it records me "the happening"(don't know why).just didn't want a photoshoped pixies photo.what do you think of the fonts?

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  04:03:08  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
I love the Pixies tribute one, and the hey one is cool also. Seeya later, I'm off for my lunch.

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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mun chien andalusia
= Quote Accumulator =

2139 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  04:03:56  Show Profile  Visit mun chien andalusia's Homepage  Click to see mun chien andalusia's MSN Messenger address
bye,thanks for the time

join the cult of errol\and you can have a beer\without having to quit smoking
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

7443 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  04:33:33  Show Profile  Visit vilainde's Homepage
Wait! My favorite Windows game is Spider Solitaire. Have you ever seen this one? It comes with Win XP. On Win2K, it's Freecell too.


"In the Cult of Frank/You don't even get backstage passes"
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Broken Face
-= Forum Pistolero =-

5157 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  05:32:06  Show Profile  Visit Broken Face's Homepage
spider solitaire is the best! so addictive


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6252 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  05:48:45  Show Profile  Click to see billgoodman's MSN Messenger address
I love quattropoli, but that's on my cellphone, is not a Windows game
So I will say: pinball
It swear there's a windows one and it's ok

"I joined the Culf of Frank/ And now I do not know what...to do"
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= Cult of Ray =

440 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  05:59:19  Show Profile
I find Command Prompt to be exciting and informative at the same time.
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~ Abstract Brain ~

4800 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  06:03:18  Show Profile  Visit apl4eris's Homepage
My favorite is "find the "ANY" key"

I still haven't won at that one. Mighty tough game, that is.

"I partied with the Cult of Frank / Bob ate all the dip"
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> Teenager of the Year <

South Sandwich Islands
4204 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  08:33:31  Show Profile
Don't be so tough on yourself. This post can't possibly be as pointless as those celebrating a milestone number of forum posts. It's just not possible for a post to be as useless as those.

Jezzball is cool-- a real time killer. I still enjoy the cheesey pinball game from time to time. But I always come back to plain old klondike solitaire and Tetris (though I'm pretty sure Tetris was just part of the MS Entertainment Pack for Win 3.1).
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* Dog in the Sand *

1764 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  09:31:49  Show Profile
freecell good. hate minesweeper. too dumb,

"I joined the Cult of Popeye / The CoF required my good eye"
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

6556 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  09:34:17  Show Profile
Originally posted by Broken Face

spider solitaire is the best! so addictive


- "I joined the Cult of Frank / And they tried to cut off my nuts and make me put on a blue jumpsuit"

It is totally the crack of solitaire.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  09:49:46  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Excellent, you are all as sad as me!

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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= Wannabe Volunteer =

15297 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  09:51:37  Show Profile
Originally posted by BLT

Don't be so tough on yourself. This post can't possibly be as pointless as those celebrating a milestone number of forum posts. It's just not possible for a post to be as useless as those.

i'd like to think that i hold the honor of having the most pointless posts. but then i'm delusional.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  09:55:48  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
I just noticed, this will be my 298th post. Do you think I should have a party when I reach 300?

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

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> Teenager of the Year <

South Sandwich Islands
4204 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  10:22:09  Show Profile
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

I just noticed, this will be my 298th post. Do you think I should have a party when I reach 300?

Just a new thread will be enough.
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- FB Fan -

170 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  13:01:20  Show Profile
I own the full version of golf. Found it in the trash, box and all. I've actually never even opened it though. Those games were released seperately from windows back when win95 was released, I guess to get support for 95 compatible games going.
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El Barto
= Song DB Master =

4020 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2003 :  21:17:55  Show Profile  Visit El Barto's Homepage
I've gotten over 10,000 points in Solitaire...more than once. In case you don't know, you have to be FAST. Like, 30 second game fast.

"I joined the Cult of Clops / If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open."
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1058 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2004 :  18:25:08  Show Profile
Look what i dug up from the 23rd page of threads!

Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

I just noticed, this will be my 298th post. Do you think I should have a party when I reach 300?

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

Look how far you've come Cheeseman

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"
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Zapped Profile

3575 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2004 :  18:29:14  Show Profile  Visit GypsyDeath's Homepage
Mines pinball.

I love that game.
We play it in the edit suite when we cant be bothered to edit, it rocks, plus, its like the only game i can win at, ever.

Boys go to Jupiter, Get more stupider,
Girls go to Mars, Become rock stars

Wanna fuck and fight in the basement?
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

9168 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2004 :  19:53:31  Show Profile  Visit VoVat's Homepage  Click to see VoVat's MSN Messenger address
I play Hearts the most often, probably, although I also play Solitaire and Minesweeper quite a bit. I've tried FreeCell, but it's too challenging for my little mind.

Join the Culf of Buttoms / And never let old typos be forgotten.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2004 :  01:50:58  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
Originally posted by ShakeyShake

Look what i dug up from the 23rd page of threads!

Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

I just noticed, this will be my 298th post. Do you think I should have a party when I reach 300?

"I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid"

Look how far you've come Cheeseman

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"

Under new regulations:
I start a thread specifically to waste time and say that its pointless;
We go way off topic talking about artwork;
We end up talking about posting milestones!
Under new regulations. I'd have been slapped down!

Actually, I blame Mel any way for the decline in post quality/increase in post count...

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1058 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2004 :  10:37:13  Show Profile
It's all Mels fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"
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> Teenager of the Year <

United Kingdom
2638 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2004 :  10:45:55  Show Profile  Click to see bumblebeeboy2's MSN Messenger address
Originally posted by ShakeyShake

It's all Mels fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"

burn her! burn her!

no, lock this thread! lock it!!!!!

heh, i think it's been a strange time, with new people coming in, all the pixies stuff going on, you get the feeling a lot of us have been hiding in the off-topic section, just chilling, making friends... i don't think we can place all the blame on mel, although she no doubt encouraged me... which means realistically, i'm not to blame... so yeah, she's taking my blame, you guys can find someone else to blame for your eratic posting!

I say anyone with posts per day of over 10 should be banned for a week!

to really fly against the wind (or some such saying)... i'm going to post some on-topic here... stand back kids...

listening to the fb show from the ftp, the Live at the Barfly one. First time I've heard it, just fb and his guitar, from 2000... amazing stuff! he's so funny!

at the end of nimrod's son "also got a c#m here, i've got a lot of c#m in my life. aaah i've got nimrod and where is my mind got c#m in there, and what else? does gouge away have that? no. <goes off into a bit of a mumble>"

"Join the Cult of Orange Cat / the more the better!"
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~ Abstract Brain ~

2674 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2004 :  11:07:43  Show Profile  Click to see Newo's MSN Messenger address
For my two cents, Bullet is the C#m song.

"You one of those right wing nut outfits?" inquired the diplomatic Metzger.
Fallopian twinkled. "They accuse us of being paranoids."
"They?" inquired Metzger, twinkling also.
"Us?" asked Oedipa.
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* Dog in the Sand *

United Kingdom
1058 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2004 :  06:51:59  Show Profile
Originally posted by bumblebeeboy2

Originally posted by ShakeyShake

It's all Mels fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"

burn her! burn her!

We gon' have us a good ol' fashioned witch burnin'!

"I joined the Cult of Frank / 28:06:42:12"
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* Dog in the Sand *

1973 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2004 :  08:04:32  Show Profile  Visit Adnan_le_Terrible's Homepage
Originally posted by apl4eris

My favorite is "find the "ANY" key"

I still haven't won at that one. Mighty tough game, that is.

"I partied with the Cult of Frank / Bob ate all the dip"

I give you a hint : "Any" is pronounced "reset" in japanese...

Have some wine, please, don't run away.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

9168 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2004 :  10:31:59  Show Profile  Visit VoVat's Homepage  Click to see VoVat's MSN Messenger address
But since there's no real difference between the L and R sounds in Japanese, is it actually the Leset Button?

Join the Culf of Buttoms / And never let old typos be forgotten.
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>> Denizen of the Citizens Band <<

8201 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2004 :  13:49:18  Show Profile  Visit Cheeseman1000's Homepage
C#m? You call that on-topic?

"I joined the Cult Of Boni/Get Off My Trolley!"
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