T O P I C R E V I E W |
Bedbug |
Posted - 04/18/2018 : 04:30:23 Until Frank finally launches Steak And Sabre we are left to fend for ourselves.
What are you eating these days? What are you cooking? What restaurants are you into?
Obviously (and maybe unfortunately) I'll start.
As a bi-vegan (meaning I'm an omnivore when I'm not adhering to a plant based diet) I find myself experimenting a lot. Maybe I'll share some recipes.
For now I'll say that this Lipton tea with a chocolate croissant from the coffee wagon by my office is starting my day off right. I quit Dunkin Donuts (and all coffee) last week (coffee will return, Dunkin may not), so I'm back into tea hard core. Green tea is my favorite, but this Lipton black is pretty much the most available beverage in the nation. |
35 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
pot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 18:44:43 Don't even bother looking into the various options that are available that don't involve smoking it or getting high from it then. Your loss, not mine. Makes sod all difference to me either way. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 14:15:48 I thought we were getting somewhere. You are doing the exact same bizarre logic as you just did before, telling me that I can't possibly have my own opinions or involuntary reactions to things.
I enjoy the smell of pine and I enjoy lemons. The smell of weed is disgusting to me. The smoke from weed made my eyes red and sting to the point I could no longer tolerate it. This happened several times at the college dorm and apartments I would hang out in. You can't possibly tell me this didn't happen. Please try to be rational here.
It's completely ridiculous to state that if I don't like one smell I must say I hate another totally different smell. You can talk about the chemical make up all you want but a smell is a smell. I wonder if you did a random poll and asked people if the smell of weed is 100% identical to a lemon, what they would say? Why are you so against me having my own personal opinions on this?
A lot of smells found naturally in nature are unpleasant. What's your point there?
You must be aware your bizarre advocacy for weed at the absence of all logic and rational thought is doing more to turn me off the stuff than any years of hanging out with high friends might. |
pot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 10:51:06 The smells comes from terpenes, such as limonene and pinine and myrcene to name but a few. These things also makes up the smell of lemons, pine trees and lavender (for instance). All the terpenes and subsequent smells associated with them are found in other places in nature. So to say you don't like the smell of weed is essentially the same as saying you don't like the smell of fruit or nature in the summer. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 10:20:42 I see what you mean. But I only emphasize again I am not basing perceptions on stereotypes. I'm basing it on anecdotes from my own life. I did not like how pot seemed to make my friends boring and distant. This was the effect it had on almost all of them over the years. It turned me off to it intensely (also the smell, which I despise, and which made my eyes get red and hurt so it got to a point I'd have to leave the room if people started smoking.)
I will say it again: not stereotyping. This is from my life. |
pot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 07:45:47 You don't know what it's like to be a giraffe though. I'm just trying to offer a helpful suggestion. Reluctancy towards something that might help you based on negative preconceptions seems a tad self-defeating. As I say, the psychoactive, stoner effect can be optional. Many parents give cannabis oil to this kids for things like severe epilepys, and the kids aren't getting stoned.
To make generalisations about it based on the behaviour of people you know is very short sighted IMO Take my mate up in Glasgow, for instance. He gets up in the morning, and most days the first thing he does is roll a joint. Then he sits in his house all day playing Left 4 Dead on his computer, rolling one joint after another and then eventually orders a pizza.
On the other hand, by stark contrast my own behaviour surrounding cannabis tends to go like this: for starters I don't smoke it with tobacco. I may or may not wake and bake if I have some. I'll get up, cook a wholeness, nutritious meal and then my favourite pastime when getting stoned is to smoke a little bit and go walking in the hills all day in the sun. Then I'll come back and throw a pair of dumbells around, do a few press up and have a bath. Then I'll eat something again and maybe put my feet up and watch some telly over a beer.
Plenty of folk do things like that, also sports. Most people don't see that behind their activity is a mellow high from taking cannabis, and as such are more likely to base their perceptions of cananbis users and cannabis use on the widely perceived negative stereotypes. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/14/2020 : 00:20:47 It's an opinion on what I've observed it does to people I know who have taken it. And it is pretty identical across all the different people too. This has nothing to do whatsoever with if I have tried it or not. You can never have a drink of alcohol in your life but still keenly observe what happens to your parent if they are an alcoholic. Your logic about what sort of opinion one is allowed to have is extremely faulty here. It's an observational opinion. I'm not a giraffe but I can observe a giraffe and have an opinion on what they act like. This is just ridiculous. |
pot |
Posted - 06/13/2020 : 19:02:08 I'm not going to take any opinion you have on cannabis unless you've tried it.
Of course people act differently when they've smoked or eating pot. That's the whole point.
I'm just trying to help you. Feel free to disregard my advice and not try it even once in your whole life. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/13/2020 : 18:17:29 I'm still confused why my observation of how my friends and significant others and various other people I have known act while high on pot is even up for debate. Were you there at these same parties and gatherings and dates? How can this even be contested? I'm honestly very confused here. Do you want specifics? Why is my own opinion on all those years with these people "stupid"? Do your friends act different when they drink alcohol, or didn't get much sleep, or feel hungry? Well mine do and they also acted different while smoking pot. And I personally did not prefer that to when they weren't smoking pot. These are basic observable things and my own opinion and I don't see why this is offensive to you. No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want to do and I am completely for pot being legal and I imagine it helps many people. But it's not my thing. |
pot |
Posted - 06/13/2020 : 17:07:51 FFS mate. Just go and buy a bag of weed off someone and smoke it.
CBD is way to expensive, and that's why I rarely buy it to vape. They are all rip off merchants here in the UK. And you pay top money for shit that's got all the cannabinoids, apart from THC which has been removed for legal reason. Fuck. Off.
Bottom line is, if you've got a medical complaint and cannabis might potentially help where modern pharmacy hasn't then it's time to get your ass down your local pot shop and ask the good people there. Maybe they can help you.
If you don't want to, or you do and it doesn't work for you then fine. Don't come on here and say stupid things like cannabis "decimates your personality" |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/13/2020 : 14:31:25 I am a bit confused by your response. I am not referring to the media. I said I have known many people who smoked pot all the time and it decimated their personalities and I hated hanging out with them when they did it. This includes loved ones and people I am very close to. This is my opinion and observation so it's strange to be told it didn't do that.
The CBD I bought was far too expensive for me to try buying more. And it didn't do anything. And it was recommended. I'd assume "better" ones are even more expensive. I am out of work now. So I'm just not interested. I'm interesting in finding a doctor who can actually help me instead of lie and put me on dangerous medications. |
pot |
Posted - 06/13/2020 : 03:31:11 Plenty of folk out there had reservations about it, negative preconceptions and tried and then asked themselves: why didn't I do this before? Young me is one of them. Don't let the negative media stereotypes be a barrier to something that might enchance your life. It can be quite a self reflective experience so it's not necessarilly a social drug on some levels, but on others it can be. It certainly doesn't decimate anyone's personality. I think it makes me a better person in social situations, and certainly a few beers and some hash is preferable to no weed and the uncontrollable binge drinking that inevitably follows.
You've really got nothing to lose by just trying it. I'd recommend at least 2 or 3 times before ultimately deciding. It absolutely will not harm you in any way (but go easy it on it especially if you're eating it).
And as I say the non-psychoactive cannabis oil has powerful medicinal benefits for lots of things (and contains more cannabinoids other than CBD which all work better together synergisitically) and you will not get stoned from it. You'll barely feel any effect from it, other than probably feeling better. And of course if you don't have to get totally baked and sit around playing zombie games on the X-Box all day. Lot's of people microdose it, like me usually because I'm trying to make my stash last as long as possible.
Man I wish I lived somewhere like Colorado! Pot shops and mountains. What else does one need? |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/12/2020 : 21:36:41 I flirted with the idea of trying pot several months ago but ultimately chickened out. This is based on both experience with people I know who would do it all the time (and how it would just decimate their personalities) and also some sort of subconscious anxiety / uptightness / disinterest in it that I have no real explanation for. It's just not something I want to do. I am open to trying it once some day as an experience but even when I watch people in movies do drugs I feel kind of sick about it, or annoyed.
The CBD I tried had been highly recommended and it just did absolutely nothing, in fact I'd swear I felt in a worse mood after trying it.
But anyway I doubt any of this would solve my esophagus problems. |
pot |
Posted - 06/12/2020 : 12:45:54 Maybe cannabis can help you. It's a medicinal herb. CBD is good for pain and anxiety relief mostly, but there are a lot of products out there that make false claims about CBD content. If you can't find a doctor to help you then what do you have to lose by popping in to a local cannabis shop (if you have one) and asking for advice? If you're worried about getting cancer then cannabis is well documented as having powerful anti-cancer properties, in other words can stop the development of cancer (and many other age related illnesses). Like I say, some of the medicinal cannabis oils that people take are very powerful, but you don't get high from them. They contain THC-a (as well as many other terpenes etc). Cannabis only gets you stoned when the plant is cured and the THC-a becomes THC. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/12/2020 : 11:51:58 Interesting advice but that is not really my thing. I have never done drugs in my entire life, I don't even drink. I have tried CBD oil and found it pretty useless.
Pesto and other foods don't help anything. It seems that nothing will help me. I have been to a dozen doctors. This is why I am worried. If a dozen doctors can't help me, who can? |
pot |
Posted - 06/12/2020 : 02:49:12 Sorry to hear that. Did the pesto help? I hear basil is packed with all kinds of health benefits. I don't really know what foods are acid tbh, apparently milk is acid but I drink it sometimes to settle my stomach if I've got acid reflux?
Don't know which part of America you're in, but maybe get down the local medical marijuana shop and get some cannabis oil, or CBD or something. Might help? You don't need to get high to get the medical benefits, but it can be a pleasant side effect. |
Troubles A Foot |
Posted - 06/11/2020 : 20:35:56 I also made homemade pesto last week.
As for what I am eating, I am on an incredibly serious and restrictive low acid diet due to me having esophagitis. This is from 8 months of me trying everything, medication, lifestyle, even diet. With nothing working. So somebody recommended The Acid Watcher's Diet and I am trying it.
It is pretty hellish and expensive and difficult. To be honest, if it wasn't for the quarantine and having to be home all the time, I have no idea how I'd do it.
It did help my condition in the very first week but a few days ago I got worse again.
I was optimistic but now I'm not anymore. Esophagitis could lead to cancer and has for many people so I have been worried. |
pot |
Posted - 06/05/2020 : 10:57:01 Pasta Pesto using home made pesto sauce made from home grown basil *tick*
Anyone need any tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, I'm your man. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 02/26/2019 : 06:38:43 Goat soup |
coastline |
Posted - 02/06/2019 : 13:52:46 When I go out for lunch (maybe once a week), I rotate between poke, ramen and pho. I could pretty much live on those three indefinitely.
If all you see is violins, then I make a plea in their defense. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 01/21/2019 : 04:56:53 I'm grabbing some ramen for lunch today, perfect day for it. |
Jeepster |
Posted - 01/20/2019 : 11:12:14 quote: Originally posted by Bedbug
Ramen season is one of my favorite times of the year.
Lots of ramen places popping up around here lately, I guess they're trendy. I went to one recently where you could get rolled ice cream and I thought that that was pretty great.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 01/20/2019 : 00:04:25 Ramen season is one of my favorite times of the year. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 04:07:45 That sounds good.
I had some beef rib soup yesterday, that hit the spot. |
Jeepster |
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 13:51:18 I'm building up a new TOTY fanbase, one teenager at a time! Although, I once tried getting my ex into Pixies and, to make a very long story short, he dumped me over it. Looking back, at least it's a funny story that all worked out for the best.
And back to the topic at hand: today I had an outstanding lemon shortbread cookie from Costco. I'm a little suspicious of the Costco holiday cookies because usually I make all the cookies from scratch, but damn, they're good. ----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 04:20:28 quote: Originally posted by Jeepster
It was really fun! Like the modern music fans we are, we listened to a digital copy of TOTY on my phone. she’d never heard any solo FB before and now she says TOTY is a masterpiece.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement.
That's awesome! Great to see another TOTY fan join the club.
With the 25th anniversary coming up we should be sharing TOTY as much as we can with are friends that don't know. |
pixiestu |
Posted - 12/08/2018 : 22:29:47 quote: Originally posted by Jeepster
It was really fun! Like the modern music fans we are, we listened to a digital copy of TOTY on my phone. she’d never heard any solo FB before and now she says TOTY is a masterpiece.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement.
It's great when you help someone discover music. I remember introducing a friend to the Pixies, and later, Frank Black. It's something that stuck with him for life. I feel pretty good about that.
"The arc of triumph" |
Jeepster |
Posted - 12/07/2018 : 11:02:26 It was really fun! Like the modern music fans we are, we listened to a digital copy of TOTY on my phone. she’d never heard any solo FB before and now she says TOTY is a masterpiece.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 12/06/2018 : 06:49:47 quote: Originally posted by Jeepster
Well, there's this great little place just down the road from me that's actually a food truck, it parks off the side of the road and you can pull over into the grass and get something. The Cuban sandwiches are fantastic, but sometimes I get empanadas or tamales instead. The people who own the truck are very nice and if business is slow they usually give you free ham croquetas too. If I'm tired I get a cafecito. it's a kind of Cuban coffee that's basically rocket fuel- very strong espresso with a foam made of caramelized sugar. It's so strong that the servings are about a thimbleful! I last went there a few weeks ago with my friend, we got sandwiches to eat in a park and had a picnic while listening to Teenager of the Year.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement.
Sounds like the best picnic! I can only hope you listened to TOTY on a cassette tape playing in your boom box.
Haven't had Cuban food in a while. I'm gonna have to look up some places for lunch next week. |
Jeepster |
Posted - 12/05/2018 : 12:27:59 Well, there's this great little place just down the road from me that's actually a food truck, it parks off the side of the road and you can pull over into the grass and get something. The Cuban sandwiches are fantastic, but sometimes I get empanadas or tamales instead. The people who own the truck are very nice and if business is slow they usually give you free ham croquetas too. If I'm tired I get a cafecito. it's a kind of Cuban coffee that's basically rocket fuel- very strong espresso with a foam made of caramelized sugar. It's so strong that the servings are about a thimbleful! I last went there a few weeks ago with my friend, we got sandwiches to eat in a park and had a picnic while listening to Teenager of the Year.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 12/05/2018 : 09:23:19 Sounds great Jeepster! You're making me hungry.
What do you usually order at the Cuban café? |
Jeepster |
Posted - 12/03/2018 : 10:18:25 Glad to see that we're finally discussing the really important issues here at FB.net. As someone who takes her bagels very seriously, I'm lucky to live in a place where real New York style bagels are easily available. Every strip mall you pass has either a deli/bagel shop, an authentic Cuban cafe, or both. It's awesome.
----------------------- Q: Where do Pixies keep their instruments when they're not playing? A: Debasement. |
Bedbug |
Posted - 12/03/2018 : 09:03:47 Got Whitefish on an onion bagel with tomatoes, onions and Muenster, but instead of Muenster the guy put on mustard.
I took that as a bit of providence and ate it without complaining, not bad.
That was this morning.
How is the bagel situation where you are?
Bedbug |
Posted - 05/18/2018 : 07:45:51 I'm eating a box of stale matzos.
Not the box actually, just the matzos inside.
But I'm assuming there are similarities. |
picpic |
Posted - 05/02/2018 : 03:56:23 Rice and beans. Of course.
No. But I discovered hummus after watching some BF stream when he was on his Periscope spree back in 2015. I have it every now and then.
___ "Service Unavailable" |
pot |
Posted - 04/27/2018 : 02:38:40 A monster plate of home-made sag paneer